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Shipsure V2.0 FAQ

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Ship Sure 2.

0 - FAQ

User Maintainance .................................................................................................................................. 2
Login Failure: ....................................................................................................................................... 2
How to set/Check time as per shipsure server ................................................................................... 3
Resetting the Password ...................................................................................................................... 4
Work and Rest ......................................................................................................................................... 4
New Crew joining on board ................................................................................................................ 4
Crew cannot fill Hours......................................................................................................................... 6
Warning appear next to the name – Sign off date lapsed .................................................................. 6
Error When sign on: ............................................................................................................................ 7
Error When Sign off............................................................................................................................. 8

Unsynced Crew ....................................................................................................... 9

Sign Off error – Not Approved ............................................................................................................ 9
Planned Maintenance ........................................................................................................................... 10
Not able to report some jobs – Work basket.................................................................................... 10
How to Create Unscheduled maintenance: ...................................................................................... 10
Job Safety Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 11
Work flow.......................................................................................................................................... 11
When master creates the JSA ....................................................................................................... 11
When Chief engineer creates the JSA .......................................................................................... 11
When Chief officer Creates JSA..................................................................................................... 12
When any other role creates a JSA ............................................................................................... 12
Cannot submit to office for Approval ............................................................................................... 13
Risk Assessment .................................................................................................................................... 13
Risk assessment from Ship Sure 1.0.................................................................................................. 13
Review of Risk assessment................................................................................................................ 13
Ship Sure 2.0 - FAQ
User Maintenance
Login Failure:
Error appears as below

Check the following

1. Check the time on the PC where the login fails with the time of Ship Sure Server else follow
the procedure for changing the time.
2. Login in successful if not go to next step
3. Try logging in on another PC where the Ship sure is installed if not successful go to next step,
4. Ask captain /CE to reset the password
5. Try logging in, if still you get the error
6. Report the issue to Vessel Support [email protected]
7. When reporting Attach the following file from the below path in the PC where the login is
failing C:\Programfiles\V Group\Shipsure 2.0\logs\currenterror.txt
Ship Sure 2.0 - FAQ
How to set/Check time as per shipsure server
Go to server machine and follow the below procedure

• Right Click on the Date and time which you see at the right end bottom corner of the System

Click on Adjust date/Time

• Check for the time zone and time

Come to Client machine Do the above procedure, it should be same as the Server.
Ship Sure 2.0 - FAQ
Resetting the Password
Login in to the Ship sure Application in Master or CE login

Go to System maintenance in the menu

Choose Security has sub-menu

Choose Manage user

Click on the Search button

Choose the crew whose password is not working and hightlight that row

Click on the reset password

The crew can login with PCN number and Shipsure as password, after login they can set their own

Work and Rest

New Crew joining on board

Login as Master/CE

In Work and rest module go to Head of department

Ship Sure 2.0 - FAQ

Click on Sign on button

This should give you a list of all the crew who joined on board, if you cannot see any one check with
crewing department if the crew is signed on in crewing application

If the crew is in management role, who is leaving ship and need to create a login for new incoming
staff, then Click on create new in the above screen

If the crew was already on board once before he should be available in the historical details, so use
search function search for the crew and you can add the other details

Else use ADD crew

Ship Sure 2.0 - FAQ

Once you have added the new crew here then they can login with The PCN number and Password
has shipsure

Crew cannot fill Hours

You could have a situation that crew is in the list he cannot fill any records or save any records, this
will be because of the sign off Date as crossed. Kindly follow the below procedure for the same

Sign off Lapsed

Warning appear next to the name – Sign off date lapsed

In normal circumstance there should be no icons next to the name in the head of the department

Alternatively if you see the below icons

Sign off Lapsed

If you see the sign next to the name then the sign off date is lapsed

Go to head of department view

Click the name of the person who as the sign of date lapsed

Click on Edit crew

Ship Sure 2.0 - FAQ

Kindly change the sign off Date, also make sure the Status is Active

Once the sign off date is changed the crew can enter the Work and rest records without any issue

Error When sign on:

If you get error when signing on crew.

• Go to System maintenance
• Click on Manage user and click on search
• The crew name is already there, they were not signed off last time when they were on
• First sign them off from sign off menu in the work and rest and then sign on again.
Ship Sure 2.0 - FAQ

Error When Sign off

• Go to System maintenance
• Click on Manage user and click on search
• Click on the user name

• Click on map role rights

Make sure only one rank is mapped, if not remove all multiple roles and keep only one role.

Try to sign off, you will not get error.

Ship Sure 2.0 - FAQ
Unsynced Crew

• Click on the crew name where you see this symbol

• Click on the combine button

• The crew name will appear in from office or currently on board, select from any one and
click combine.
• If an error occurs when combine

• Follow it as Error When sign off

Sign Off error – Not Approved

Go to head of department view, click on the crew name and approve all the hours

All hours which are in CM stage can be approved. IF it is in PL stage also the crew to commit or you
can click on crew name and commit on his behalf if the crew as left already
Ship Sure 2.0 - FAQ
Planned Maintenance
Not able to report some jobs – Work basket

All Work orders in the work basket has been classified as below

1. WO : work order which can be closed by the responsible engineer

2. RP: The job reported by the engineer/officer but needs approval by HOD
3. CP : The jobs reported and approved by HOD but technical Superintendent needs to close
the job
4. RO : Reopen job, if the HOD or the technical superintendent feels the job reported is not as
per the standard they can reopen for the responsible engineer to fill it again
a. You can change the Remarks and findings
b. You can report the spares
c. You can modify the forms
5. RS: Rescheduled jobs: when HOD ask for reschedule the office needs to report or reject the
same else the ship staff cannot report it
6. DWO : All defects reported in the defect manager module appears in work basket as DWO
7. SWO : All unscheduled maintenance are recorded as ship work order

If the Report work done is not available then the job should be in RS status, the office needs to
accept or reject the same

How to Create Unscheduled maintenance:

Click on Ships Work order to create the unscheduled task. Fill the mandatory fields and save. The
ships work order can be scheduled for a time three months only
Ship Sure 2.0 - FAQ
Job Safety Analysis

Work flow
The job safety analysis works on a work flow. It all depends on who creates the JSA and the approval
is based on it and the closure is based on the approval

Below is the work flow for the same

When master creates the JSA

When Chief engineer creates the JSA

Ship Sure 2.0 - FAQ
When Chief officer Creates JSA

When any other role creates a JSA

Ship Sure 2.0 - FAQ

Cannot submit to office for Approval

1. If the Risk assessment attached is not less than 3 ( residual risk <3) then the ship staff
cannot submit the JSA for approval

Risk Assessment
Risk assessment from Ship Sure 1.0

The risk assessment from the ShipSure 1.0 cannot be used; it is over seeded by JSA. But you can view
and print if necessary. The Module is only for reference

Review of Risk assessment

We do not need to review the risk assessment, at present office as created some standard Risk
assessment. The vessel will use only those for creating the JSA so the review of those will be done by
office and the vessel does not need to review the

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