How To Use Microscope

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St Mutmainnah Burhanuddin 2021th

Faculty of Math and Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar

Living things consist of various kinds and there are living things that need a microscope. The microscope
is a tool invented by one of the scientists in the 16th century to magnify objects that cannot be seen
directly by the eye. In the microscope there are two lenses, namely the objective lens and the eyepiece
lens. Both lenses magnify the object being observed. Updating the monocular light microscope with three
objective lenses, namely 4 times, 10 times, AND 40 times with two types of eyepieces 10 times and 16
times There are several types of microscopes, namely light microscopes, electron microscopes, stereo
microscopes, digital microscopes, and others. Each type of microscope has its own advantages and uses.
The purpose of doing this microscope introduction practicum is so that students know how to use a
microscope and what are the components and functions of a microscope. Microscopes are very important
to study because they will often be encountered in biological observations.

Keyword: Microscope, Objective lens, monocular lens

1. Introduction
Observation is one of the learning activities for students to apply the theories that have been present
by the lecturer. Besides that, when doing observation we need scientific instruments because observation
involves the perception and recording of data.(Louk et al., 2017)
Biology is a science that learns about living things and the interaction inside them. Living things is
made up of many organisms which enable a human being to see with the eye and which can't be seen with
the naked eye. Science of biologies like microbiology and anatomy learned via a small object of
observation. A microscopic observation like cells and bacteria can't see with a naked eye. Because of this,
we need an instrument to see a macroscopic object like a microscope.
Microscope came from Greece language is micro that means 'small' and skopein that means 'to see'.
Can be concluded that a microscope means is an instrument used to see a small object and can’t be seen
by direct eye.
At first the microscope came from a magnifying glass called flea glasses or flea glasses which were
used to study small insects. These glasses have the ability to magnify about 6 times-10 times. Then in the
1590s, the concept of the microscope was first discovered by Zacharias Jansen. With the invention of this
microscope, small objects look bigger. Science is increasing along with the development of the invention
of the microscope. For example, the many discoveries in the field of Health that were discovered by
experts through a microscope. A doctor named Robert Koch discovered the bacteria that cause
tuberculosis (TB) and cholera.(Kurniawati, 2019)
There are several types of microscopes including the electro microscope, stereo microscope, light
microscope, ultraviolet microscope, dark field microscope, fluorescence microscope, and phase-contrast
microscope. Currently, the simplest microscope is the light microscope. Light microscopes can magnify
up to 1000 times and have good enough separation to see bacteria.(Kurniawati, 2019)
Biological microscopes generally have an eyepiece and an objective lens with the following
magnification powers.
1. 4x objective with 10x eyepiece, 40x pembesaran magnification
2. 10x objective with 10x eyepiece, 100x magnification
3. 40x objective with 10x eyepiece, 400x . magnification
4. 100x objective with 10x eyepiece, 1000x magnification. Some of the students didn’t understand how to
use a microscope until this was the purpose of the practicum.
One of the purposes of the activities is so that students understand a part of the microscope with the
function.Besides that, the purpose is students know how to use a microscope properly and safely.
2. Literature Review
The first person to make observations and describe cells was Robert Hooker. Hooke used a light
microscope to view thin slices of cork obtained from the plant. It appear under the microscope that the
cork is made up of several small squares which are eventually named "cells". In 1665, Hooke published
his findings in his book Mycrographia. Hooke always saw dead plant cells on cork slices (Sumitro, 2017).
Antony van Leuwenhoek (1632-1723), a Dutch natural science student who was also a microscope
maker. As the person who first invented the microscope he has made more than 250 pieces. The
Leuwenhoek microscope has a magnification of up to 300 times. He mentions "animalcules" an alien
living creature from water seen with his homemade microscope. Then Leuwenhoek's findings were
presented to the "Royal Society" in England between the years (1674-1638). He reported the things he
observed to the agency. Robert Hooke as a member of the institution stated that Leuwenhoek's inventions
in his microscope were protozoa, fungi, spores, and plant cells (Lestari, 2017).
Antonie van Leuwnhoek, a German lens maker, was the first to observe that and describe a living cell. In
1674, Anthony van Leuwenhoek observed microscopic unicellular organisms in a drop of lake water.
These organisms cannot be observed without using a microscope (Sumitro, 2017).
The development of the microscope has now reached the digital microscope which makes it easier for
microscope observers to see objects simply by observing the resulting image of the object on the monitor
screen. Digital microscopes have many benefits when viewed from the size of the object being observed
starting from the scientific and educational aspects, analysis of the object being observed, the need for
medical and biomedical analysis, analysis of a thin layer and Control of Quality (QC) (Ari Bawono et al,
No.4 , Vol.17).
In general, cells are small, so to know their size, a microscope is needed to observe them. There are
various microscopes that are often used to observe cell size. According to (Lestari, 2017), based on the
illumination source used, there are two main groups of microscopes, namely, light microscopes (bright-
field microscopes) and electron microscopes.
The first example is the Bright-Field Microscope. A bright-field microscope is also called a
compound microscope because there are two separate lens systems, namely the objective lens closest to
the specimen and the eyepiece lens located at the top end of the microscope. Most laboratory microscopes
are equipped with three objective lenses with a weak magnification (10x), a strong magnification (40x),
and an oil immersion objective (100x). In modern microscopes, the illumination device is mounted on the
base of the microscope, whereas in microscopes without its own light source, there is a flat-concave
mirror under the condenser. The mirror is useful for directing light from an external light source into the
condenser. Matters related to the microscope, namely, microscope lens, condenser lens, separation power.
The second is the electron microscope. Electron microscopes have a better magnification than light
microscopes. The electron beam used in electron microscopy has a wavelength that ranges from 0.005 to
0.0003 nm.
According to (Setianingsih, 2017), the similarities between the electron microscope and the light
microscope include: Both lighting systems consist of a source and a condenser lens that transmits electron
radiation towards the object. The condenser lens is in charge of focusing the radiation beam from the
radiation source on the object. The object is equally located between the light source and the imaging
system. Both use the objective lens and the projector lens in the imaging system. The objective lens is
used to focus the beam after passing through the object. The projector lens is used to enlarge the image,
the image recording system is equally tasked with converting radiation into a permanent image that can
be seen.
There are two types of optical microscopes, namely, biological microscopes and stereo microscopes.
Biological microscopes are used to observe thin transparent objects. Illumination is given from below
with natural light or lamps. This biological microscope generally has an eyepiece and an objective lens
with the following magnification powers:
1.Objective 4x with eyepiece 10x, magnification 40x
2.Objective 10x with eyepiece 10x, magnification 100x
3. 40x objective with 10x eyepiece, 400x magnification
4. 100x objective with 10x eyepiece, 1000x magnification
The most powerful objective on a 1000x optical microscope is called the immersion objective, because it
must be used with immersion oil and the method of use is special. Stereo microscopes are used for
observing objects that are not too large, transparent or not. Illumination can be adjusted from above or
from below with natural light or lights. It has two objective lenses and two eyes. The size of the
enlargement is as follows; 1x or 2x objective with 10x or 15x eyepiece.

3. Work Methode
A. Time and Place
Day: Wednesday
Date: October,6 2021
Place: Botani laboratory 3rd floor, Makassar State University
B. Tools and Materials
a. Tools
o Microscope
o Object glass
o Flannelette
o Book and pencil
o Petri dish
o Tweezers
o Hand dropper
o Cover glass
b. Materials
o Red onion (Allium cepa)
o Water
o Cotton
o Filter paper
C. Work step

Putting the
microscope on the

Cleaning the
microscope body
with flannelette

Regulating light that

goes into the tube

Putting the preparation on

the stage then clip

Adjusted the revolver

untill downhill on stage
by student

Adjusted lens space with

preparation by student

Make observations by turning the

micrometer or macrometer until a
shadow appears
4. Result and Discussion
a. Result
- Picture of microscope
Table 3.1
Picture Description

1. Base
2. Handle
3. Object Stage
4. Stage clips
5. Mirror
6. Condenser
7. Diaphragm
8. Tube
9. Revolver
10. Objective lens
11. Oculars lens
12. Coarse focus
13. Fine focus

- Picture of Preparate
Table 3.1
Name of Material Picture Description

Red Onion Red onion cell

(Allium Cepa)

b. Discussion
A microscope is a tool used to see objects that are invisible to the naked eye. Here is an explanation of the
sections of the microscope and their respective functions:
First is Base, Base has an important role as a buffer.To keeping the microscop upright.
Then, Handle have function to handle microscope when need to bring or moved. Beside that, have a
function as the frame or frame of a microscope. (Kelly, 2020)

There is Tube, it’s the eyepiece holder. It carries the eyepiece just above the objective lens. In some
microscopes such as the binoculars, the eyepiece tube is flexible and can be rotated for maximum
visualization, for variance in distance. For monocular microscopes, they are none flexible. Next,Revolver.
Revolver have a fuction to set the desired objective lens magnification. This is the part that holds two or
more objective lenses and can be rotated to easily change power.

Then, Eyepiece lens. A lens that is located close to the object (sample) to be observed.This objective lens
forms a real image of an object, the location of the objective lens is usually mounted on a revolver with a
total of three or four pieces, depending on the type of microscope (Suprapti, 2020)(Kelly, 2020). Its found
at the top of the microscope. Its standard magnification is 10x with an optional eyepiece having
magnifications from 5X – 30X. Used tp entarge the image produced by the objective lens. Next,Objective
lens have function to form light shadow into the aperture of the diaphragm. They have a magnification
power of 40x-100X. Stage clips have function to clip and putting the preparation.
Stage,This is the section on which the specimen is placed for viewing Have a function to put the
preparation that will be observation
Condenser, these are lenses that are used to collect and focus light from the illuminator into the specimen.
They are found under the stage next to the diaphragm of the microscope. To capture and focus the light
up through the stage
Diaphragm,It’s also known as the iris. Diaphragm have a function to adjust the amount of light. For high-
quality microscopes, the diaphragm comes attached with an Abbe condenser, and combined they are able
to control the light focus and light intensity that reaches the specimen. Mirror,this is the microscopes light
source, located at the base. To reflect light into the diaphragm.Coarse focus
have a function to move the tube up and down with a rough shift
Last, Fine focus have function to move the tube up and down with a smopth shift.
There are several type of microscope. Based on the light source, microscopes are divided into
two, namely, light microscopes and electron microscopes. Light microscopes are further divided into two
types, namely based on the observation activities and the complexity of the observation activities carried
Based on the observation activities, light microscopes are divided into dissection microscopes to
observe the surface and monocular and binocular microscopes to observe the inside of cells. A monocular
microscope is a microscope which only has one eyepiece and one binocular lens. Based on the complexity
of the observation activities carried out, the microscope is divided into 2 parts, namely simple
microscopes and research microscopes such as dark-field, fluorescent, and phase contrast microscopes.
(Ramadhani, 2020)

D. Concluded
The microscope is a very important tool in conducting research on a particular object especially
science or biology. Because not all organisms can be seen with the naked eye. Humans need tools to see
the shape of a very small object. Each component of the microscope has an important role and function
of each.
It is necessary for students to understand the microscope, especially the parts and how it works to
make it easier to do the next practicum. In addition, it is also necessary to understand the types of
microscopes, namely light and electron microscopes. Because the microscope will always be used in
Biology. The things that need to be considered in this practicum are to understand how to use a
microscope and its components.

E. Refrences

Kelly, T. P. M. F. (2020). Mikroskop. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 6(11), 951–952., 1–13.
Kurniawati, D. (2019). Menggunakan Mikroskop Di Laboratorium. PT Aksara Sinergi Media.
Louk, A. C., Sutaji, H. I., & Suparta, G. B. (2017). Pemutakhiran Mikroskop Cahaya Monokuler Menjadi
Mikroskop Digital
Untuk Pembelajaran Siswa Sma / Sederajat. Jurnal Fisika Sains Dan
Aplikasinya, 2(2), 101–104.
Ramadhani, S. P. (2020). Pengelolaan Laboratorium (Panduan Para Pengajar dan Inovator Pendidikan).
Bawono, Ari. Kusworo adi. Rahmat Gernowo. 2014. Identifikasi Fokus Mikroskop Digital Menggunakan
Metode OTSU. Berkala Fisika. Vol. 17, No. 4.
Lestari, Purwaning Budi. Triasih Wahyu Hartati. 2017. Mikrobiologi Berbasis Inkuiry. Malang: Penerbit
Gunung Samudra.
Setianingsih, Tutik. 2017. Mikroskop Elektron Transmisi. Malang: UB Press.
1.Write the name of the optical part of the microscope
2. Write the name of the mechanical part of the microscope
3. If the image in the field of view is shifted to the front left, in which direction should the object/seida
glass be shifted? Why is that?
4. Write down the negative effect on the microscope if the lens is rubbed with cloth or plain/rough paper
1. The optical part of a microscope is the lens. The lens is the most important part of the microscope to
enlarge the image of objects. There are 2 types of lenses in a microscope, namely the ocular lens and the
objective lens
2. Microscope mechanical parts
- Lens tube (eyepiece tube)
- Revolver (nosepiece microscope)
- Table (stage)
- Macrometer (coarse focus knob)
- Micrometer (fine focus knob)
- Microscope feet
4. The negative effect of the microscope when rubbed with a rough cloth or plain paper is that the image
observed in the microscope will not be seen clearly, as a result the lens will be scratched.

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