CF Lecture 11 - Smart Devices Forensics
CF Lecture 11 - Smart Devices Forensics
CF Lecture 11 - Smart Devices Forensics
Zunera Jalil
Email: [email protected]
Understanding Mobile Devices 2
Dealing with diverse range devices constitutes a challenge for the digital
forensics examiner, as he needs to know the specialties of each device to
successfully extract as much data from it as possible.
When the examiner become familiar with a platform and how to extract and
analyze it, manufacturers of operating systems make changes in their
security concept and the vicious circle starts again.
• The first step in the investigational process is the identification of the
Not easy…hundreds of device manufacturers.
• Mobile phones can sometimes be identified by removing the device´s
battery, but that also indicates the risk of forcing a user lock or losing
data of volatile memory
Understanding Mobile Devices 4
Operating Systems:
Market shares of mobile OS manufacturers can change extremely fast. Every year new mobile
devices are released, which can easily change the constellation of the OS market shares.
Operating systems offer mostly the same functions but differ extremely in terms of data storage,
security concepts and other characteristics.
Android is used by different manufacturers, and it’s often customized.
Smartphone OS receive frequent major updates nearly every month.
New security policies, new features, or changes in data storage of the OS constitute immense
challenges for mobile forensics experts.
Android OS 8
Understanding Mobile Device 9
• Apps often store most information in SQLite databases, so those databases will contain a
major part of the case data. Mobile forensics toolkits decode databases automatically and
display them in a structured way
• Depending on the toolkit, only a few hundred different apps are supported, which is a
comparatively small number, as there were about 4 million apps available
Understanding Mobile Device 10
Cloud Data
• An increasing amount of data containing information very valuable to forensic
investigations, is never saved on mobile devices in the first place but in cloud storage
instead – be it by the devices OS or third- party apps data.
• Cloud backups also offer the chance to recover data deleted by the user or the
data of locked, broken or wiped devices.
• However, acquiring this data is not only difficult because of legal constraints,
depending on the country the investigation takes place in, but also because of
security mechanisms like separate passwords and 2-factor authentication methods.
• Specialized software is required to acquire cloud data in a forensically way
Mobile Device Forensics 11
• Lack of Resources
Market diversity is leading to a bigger set of accessories that
need to be maintained by forensic examiners
Cables, batteries, chargers etc.
• Generic state of the device
Even if a device appears to be in an off state, background
processes may still run
• Anti-forensic techniques
Data hiding, data obfuscation, data forgery, and secure
wiping, make investigations on digital media more difficult
Why Mobile Device Forensic is Challenging? 3/3 14
If device is off
• attempt a physical static acquisition and turn the device on
Mobile Device Isolation Techniques 29
• Jamming
The jammers are devices, also known as radio jammers, used to block the use
of mobile phones sending radio waves with the same frequency used by
mobile phones. This causes an interference, which inhibits the communication
between mobiles and BTS, paralyzing every phone activity in its range of
• Airplane mode
The airplane mode is one of the options that can be used to protect the
mobile collected into the crime scene to avoid in and out radio transmission.
It is a risky option because it is necessary to interact with the mobile phone,
and possible only if the phone is not protected with Passcode.
Mobile Device Isolation Techniques 30
1. Manual extraction
2. Logical extraction
3. Physical Acquisition
4. Hex dumping and Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) extraction
5. Chip-off
6. Micro read
Manual Extraction Method
• Viewing the data content stored on a mobile device via LCD screen
requires the manual manipulation of the buttons, keyboard or
touchscreen to view the contents of the mobile device
• The UICC’s file system resides in persistent memory and stores data
e.g. phonebook entries, messages
UICC operating system controls access to elements of the file system
Mobile Forensic Tools OSForensics 54
Mobile Forensic Tools 55
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References 58