FORM 20-Transfer Promotion Questionnaire
FORM 20-Transfer Promotion Questionnaire
FORM 20-Transfer Promotion Questionnaire
This document must be accompanied by the EMPLOYMENT INITIAL INQUIRY QUESTIONNAIRE
You are alleging that you have been unlawfully discriminated against by an employer/union with
regard to being denied a transfer or promotion. Please answer the following questions carefully,
because accurate information is essential to the proper drafting and investigation of a complaint
of employment discrimination.
3. Number of times you were promoted between your date of hire and the date you applied
for the transfer/promotion that you have been denied: ____________________________
5. What was your job title at the time you sought the transfer/promotion? _______________
Unit and/or department: ____________________________________________________
Duties and responsibilities of the job you occupied at the time you sought the
transfer/promotion: _______________________________________________________
Pay rate: ________________________________________________________________
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Revised 9/6/01
6. What was the title of the job to which you sought transfer/promotion? _______________
Unit and/or department: ____________________________________________________
Duties of job sought: ______________________________________________________
Pay rate: ________________________________________________________________
7. Explain the relationship between the job for which you applied and the job you held at
the time you applied. ______________________________________________________
8. How did you learn about the job? Was it through a job announcement, fellow employee,
your supervisor, etc? ______________________________________________________
If you have a copy of the job announcement, please return it with this questionnaire.
9. How did you apply for the job? Was it in writing, by letter, by asking your supervisor,
etc? ____________________________________________________________________
If you applied in writing and have a copy of the application, please return it with this questionnaire.
10. When did you apply for the transfer/promotion? (date) ___________________________
11. How many openings existed in the job for which you sought? ______________________
12. Were you interviewed for the job? Yes ______ No ______ If yes, please give the
following information about the person(s) who interviewed you:
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________________________________
Race, sex, national origin, age or religion: _____________________________________
13. What did this person say to you about the job? __________________________________
14. What questions were asked of you during the interview? __________________________
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15. Were you given a trial period on the job for which you sought? Yes ______ No _______
If yes, describe the trial period (length of time, kind of training, kind of supervisor, etc.):
16. Were other employees given trial periods? Yes ______ No ______
17. What qualifications were necessary for the transfer/promotion to the job you sought?
a. Length of service in a particular job? Yes ______ No ______ If yes, please explain:
b. Length of service in a particular unit/department? Yes ______ No ______ If yes,
please explain: _________________________________________________________
c. Length of service with the company? Yes ______ No ______ If yes, please explain:
d. Do you have, as required, the necessary length of service in the job, unit/department,
company, etc? Yes ______ No ______ If yes, please explain: ___________________
e. Specific educational requirements for the position? Describe: ____________________
f. What is your educational background? ______________________________________
g. Do you have the special training that qualified you for the transfer/promotion? ______
h. Does the employer offer informal or formal training for the position for which you
sought? _______________________________________________________________
i. Have you taken this training? Yes ______ No ______ If yes, please explain:
18. Was your supervisor’s recommendation a factor in your getting the transfer/promotion?
Yes ______ No ______ If yes, what was your supervisor’s recommendation?
19. Were you tested for the transfer/promotion? Yes ______ No ______ If yes, please
describe the test(s), if you took them, and how you did on them (if you were told):
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20. How and on what date were you notified that you had not been selected for the position
you sought: ______________________________________________________________
If you received a written notice and have a copy of that notice, please return it with this questionnaire.
21. What reasons were given to your for not being selected? __________________________
22. What is your reply to the reasons given for your not being selected for the
transfer/promotion? (If what was said was inaccurate, explain how. If the reasons were
not a misstatement of fact, explain what leads you to believe that it was not the real
reason.) _________________________________________________________________
23. Do you know who made the initial decision not to transfer/promote you? Yes ______
No ______ If yes, please indicate:
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Job title: ________________________________________________________________
Unit and/or department: ____________________________________________________
Race, sex, national origin, age or religion: _____________________________________
24. Do you know who made the final decision not to transfer/promote you? Yes ______
No ______ If yes, please indicate:
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Job title: ________________________________________________________________
Unit and/or department: ____________________________________________________
Race, sex, national origin, age or religion: _____________________________________
25. If the person(s) named in question 22 supervised a number of people, please indicate how
many: ________ Are the people supervised mostly of the same race, sex, national origin,
age or religion? Yes ______ No ______ If yes, please describe the job classifications
under the supervisor’s supervision, the number of people in each type of job and, as
appropriate to your charge, the race, sex, national origin, age or religion of those persons.
(For example, if your charge alleges discrimination based on sex, you would list the job
classifications and the number of men and women employed in each classification.)
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Job Classification Number of persons by race, sex, national origin, age, etc.
26. Who got the job or jobs for which you were denied transfer/promotion? If you do not
know the person’s full name, tell us whatever you can about the person that would help
identify him or her. In your response, please list the person’s name, job title and
unit/department before the transfer and his or her race, sex national origin, age or
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________
27. To the best of your knowledge, do you know whether the person(s) selected for the job(s)
were not qualified or were less qualified than you? Yes ______ No ______ If yes,
please explain:
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________
28. Do you know of any other employees who applied for the same job and who, like you,
were not selected? If so, please list below. In your response, please indicate the person’s
name, job title, unit/department and race, sex, national origin, age, or religion.
29. Please describe the people who currently hold the job for which you were denied
transfer/promotion in terms of their race, sex, national origin, age or religion, whichever
is applicable to your charge.
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30. How often were you evaluated by your employer? _______________________________
Who evaluated you the last time?
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Job title: ________________________________________________________________
Unit and/or department: ____________________________________________________
Race, sex, national origin, age or religion: _____________________________________
31. What term or word (such as fair, good, outstanding, proficient) was used to describe your
performance? ____________________________________________________________
32. Have you ever received warnings about violations of company policies or rules?
Yes ______ No ______ If yes, please describe the warnings. Include who gave them to
you, when they were given, whether they were given, whether they were in writing and
what they were for.
33. Are there persons who have specific information about your being denied the
transfer/promotion? Yes ______ No ______ If yes, please given us their names, job
titles, units/departments, home and work telephone numbers, and race, religion, sex,
national origin or age, as applicable.
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________________
34. Please indicate for each person listed in question 32 what information they can provide
the Commission.
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________________
35. Do you still wish the transfer/promotion you were denied? Yes ______ No ______
36. Please use the space below or any additional sheets to add information that will help the
Commission better understand your charge.
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Revised 9/6/01