Abdulrahim Sittie Aisah Assignment 3

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Sittie Aisah H.

Prof. Angco, Rogelio
BSA 2-2

Assignment # 3


- Is a national martial art and sport of the Philippines, an innovative form of self-
defense or martial art derived from ancient technique be it bear-handed or
using bladed weapons such as kali for self-defense or combat.

1. Arnisador  Stick fighter or someone who is a practitioner of Arnis.

2. Patama  Strike; a sudden attack

3. Hawak  Hold; grasp, carry, or support with one's hands

4. Sugod  Attack; an aggressive and violent action against a person

or place

5. Sinawali  Sinawali is the double-cane method of fighting of arnis,

escrima and kali.

6. Banda y Banda  “Banda y banda” denotes a side-to-side motion practiced

in many Filipino Martial Arts especially arnis

7. Corto  "corto" means short; short range distance

8. Abanico  The term 'Arnis De Abanico' means 'Fan Style of Arnis

9. Crossada  A crossing of arms, weapons designed to force the
release of a weapon

10. Baston  A stick used in combat

11. Daga  A combat knife

12. Datu  The highest-ranking belt in an Arnis organization

associated with IMAF (International Modern Arnis
Federation) - means chieftain or leader.

13. Escrima  The subset of Arnis that uses the single stick.

14. Rompida  Striking straight up and down with consideration for the
edge of the weapon (blade edge down on downstroke,
and blade edge up on upward stroke to prevent stress
fractures in weapon.

 The art of fighting with the fists - open handed Arnis.

15. Panantukan

16. Hunda  In Arnis sparring, the question in Tagalog for "Ready”.

17. Hinto  In Arnis sparring, the command in Tagalog to "Stop".

18. Hiwalay  In Arnis sparring, the command in Tagalog to "Start"

19. Florette  A flourish used as part of various anyo or forms. Multiple

circling strikes (in the same plane) designed to force the
opponent back or away.

20. Arko  Series of circular strikes, also referred as sirkulo.

21. Bolo  A type of machete (usually with a leaf shaped blade) used
throughout the Phillipines..

22. Pangagaw  Referring to disarming techniques.

23. Pangamot  Is a complete bare-handed defense system. The Cebuano term

which was derived from the word “kamot”, meaning hand.

24. Olisi y baraw  Is another term for espada y daga or punta y daga.

25. Largo  Long distance

26.Kurbada  Curving strikes such as pronating or supinating strikes.

27. Espada y Daga  Sword (espada) and dagger (daga) used together.
Sometimes also connotes the use of baton and knife in

28. Dulo- Dulo  Palm stick (dulo), spoken twice to indicate style of
fighting with said weapon

29.Corto Kurbada  Close range sparring applying kurbada strikes & counter

30.Pakawalan  allow (something) to move, act, or flow freely

31. Hirada  in the direction that one is facing or traveling; toward the

32. Solo Baston  single stick

33. Punyo  butt of stick or any weapon

34.Bahi  heavy and durable, the bahi is also a powerful wood that
makes the arnis stick a weapon of destruction.

35. Mano-Mano  Mano Mano is the empty-hand component of Filipino

martial arts, particularly Arnis.
36. Atras  retreat or backward

37. Bagsak  to drop; overhead strike with down weighing

38. Bakbakan  a rumble or free-for-all fight

39. Bara-bara  wild or formless technique

40.Bigay-bal  lock release technique

41.Depensa  defense; person taking defensive role in training

42. Dos Manos  two hands with long stick


43. Hakbang-  full side step/step to avoid strike


44.Hawak-Gitna  holding the stick in the middle

45.Hawak-Pakal  reverse or ice-pick grip

46.Hawak-Punyo  regular hold on weapon with punyo

47.Hawak-Sagad  regular grip with no punyo

48.Hawak-Saksak  regular or hammer grip

49.Hawak-Sandata  methods of holding a weapon

50.Hawak-Susi  reverse grip; holding at tip of stick

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