Concepts and Forms of Greenwashing: A Systematic Review
Concepts and Forms of Greenwashing: A Systematic Review
Concepts and Forms of Greenwashing: A Systematic Review
Background: The aggravation of environmental problems has led companies to seek the development and com-
mercialization of green products. Some companies mislead their stakeholders through a phenomenon called
Results: This paper aims to explore the phenomenon of greenwashing through a systematic literature review in
search of its main concepts and typologies in the past 10 years. This research has followed the proceedings of a
systematic review of the literature, based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
(PRISMA). We identified a major classification of greenwashing: firm-level executional, firm-level claim, product-level
executional, and product-level claim.
Conclusion: It was possible to highlight and catalog the types of the phenomenon. A structure based on such type
has been observed in the literature.
Keywords: Green marketing, Greenwashing, Systematic review
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companies integrate social and environmental concerns reality behind corporate environmentalism can be disap-
in their business operations and in their interaction with pointing, TerraChoice [48] reported that 95% of products
their stakeholders on a voluntary basis” [13]. claiming to be green in Canada and the USA committed
To reach the integration of social and environmental at least one of the “sins of greenwashing”, from the sin of
concerns in business operations companies must be sus- the hidden trade-off to the sin of worshiping false labels.
tainable and socially responsible [1], not only economi- Greenwashing was first accused in 1986 by activist Jay
cally. They have to aim the three bottom lines: economic, Westerveld, when hotels begin asking guests to reuse
environmental and social performance or people, planet towels, claiming that it was a company water conserva-
and profit [12]. tion strategy, although, did not have any environmen-
Sustainable development is defined by “development tal actions with more significant environmental impact
that meets the needs of the present without compromis- issues [38].
ing the ability of future generations to meet their own According to advertising firm Ogilvy and Mather,
needs” [51]. The growing demand “drives firms to develop greenwashing practices are growing in the last decades
green marketing strategies to show consumers their good to epidemic proportions [24]. With the increase of green
corporate image and social responsibility” ([53], p. 740). markets, followed by greenwashing, a trust problem has
Since reported by Delmas and Burbano [11], the green emerged since customers have difficulties in identifying a
market is proliferating. Consumer, capital markets, prod- true green claim [34].
ucts, services, and firms have been expanding. As there Green skepticism has grown with greenwashing, and
is an increase in green markets, it is followed by the it would obstruct green marketing [8]. Real green claims
phenomenon of greenwashing [28]. The phenomenon is would suffer from greater skepticism since it is hard for
defined as “the intersection of two firm behaviours: poor customers to differentiate the reliability of green market-
environmental performance and positive communication ing initiatives. TerraChoice [48] has released a study to
about environmental performance” ([11], p. 65). help customers identify greenwashing practices by com-
There are many different definitions of greenwashing, panies with the seven sins of greenwashing.
in various perspectives. This review attends to search the In developed countries that have more significant envi-
recent literature to identify the different definitions of ronmental awareness, the regulation from the authorities
greenwashing and its forms. The primary purpose of this is in a higher level of development compared to devel-
article is to analyze the different typologies and charac- oping countries, in the US regulation of greenwashing
teristics of greenwashing. In order to achieve the objec- is extremely limited with uncertain regulation enforce-
tive, we sought to systematically review the last 10 years ment [11]. In response to such non-binding regulatory
in the literature. A systematic literature review has been guidelines, scholars, activists and environmentalists have
conducted in search of the phenomenon definitions and argued that it inadequately protects consumers from the
related concepts; and its characteristics and typologies. harmful effects of the phenomenon of greenwashing [15].
Stakeholders and society in general, demands transpar- There are none or poor green regulation in developing
ency in disclosing information about the environmental countries governments even though the mass population
impact of companies activities, this communication must does have any or poor concerns about environmental
be dynamic, through different channels and with the care. The practice of recycling by waste sorting and col-
purpose of educating awareness [1]. The Federal Trade lection that seems to be a regular thing to do by the mil-
Commission ([14], p. 62122) instructs to “use clear and lennials in developed countries [35], on the other side in
prominent qualifying language to convey that a general emerging countries, it is a privilege to have it.
environmental claim refers only to a specific and limited This paper is structured as follows, in Methods we
environmental benefit(s)”. describe the methodological procedures, research ques-
The advent of Web 2.0 brings new social media tools, tions, and search strategy. The next topic was presented
and stakeholders can exercise new forms of interacting the results followed by the discussion. The last topic is
and sharing information through the Internet. Online the conclusions.
corporate pages or blogs, wiki and petitions websites,
and particularly social networks like Twitter and Face- Methods
book are redefining the interactions and communications This research has followed the proceedings of a sys-
between companies and their stakeholders [17]. tematic review of the literature, based on the Preferred
Some companies invest in green marketing commu- Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
nications, to be perceived as eco-friendly and socially Analyses (PRISMA). PRISMA is not a quality assess-
engaged. They advertise and CSR to achieve better pur- ment mechanism, although it may be useful for critical
chase intentions and brand attitudes [34]. However, the appraisal by reviewers and editors. Its objective is to help
authors to improve the reporting of systematic reviews Table 1 Databases and search filters
and meta-analyses [40]. Database Search filters
A protocol has been developed to specify the carefully
planning proceedings and eligibility criteria, to select Scopus * Search in: Article Title,
Abstract, Keywords
and identify the data of documents. According to Sham-
* Document type: Article
seer et al. [44], a protocol is an essential component of a
* Source type: Journal
systematic review, in the protocol are specified the pre-
* Data range: 2009 to 2018
defined eligibility criteria and methodological approach,
* Language: All
which ensures the consistency by the review team,
Web of Science (WoS) * Search in: Topic
accountability, research integrity and transparency.
* Document type: Article
* Data range: 2009 to 2018
Research questions
* Language: All
There is a majority of Business and Management jour- increasing interest for the phenomenon of greenwashing
nals related to Environment and Sustainability issues in in the literature.
the selected papers. Others journals brought the green- Due to the objective of this paper, documents included
washing phenomenon in the fields of Advertising and in the review have been examined with precise atten-
Communications, Economics, Sociology and Ethics, Pro- tion to two main topics: definitions of greenwashing and
duction Engineering, Marketing, Accounting, Tourism, related concepts; and the phenomenon characteristics
Education and others. These results show the multidisci- and typology. 67 documents provided insights on defi-
plinary characteristic of the phenomenon. nitions of greenwashing and related concepts. From the
The selection included only papers in the period of 67 selected documents, 17 also provided insights on the
2009–2018, but no documents from 2009 and 2010 phenomenon characteristics and typology.
were included in this research. Observing Fig. 2 there is
a relevant increase in the number of studies over time,
with a peak in 2017. This trend suggests that there is an
3. The sin of vagueness: a claim that is poorly defined 9. The sin of fearmongering: claims that fabricate
or too broad, a claim lacking in specifics that its real insecurity related to not “buying in” on an organi-
meaning is inclined to be misunderstood by the con- zation practice, like OGI hydraulic fracking [42].
sumer. ‘All-natural’ is an example of this sin. Arse- Scanlan ([42], p. 16) explains that “shifting the scale
nic, uranium, mercury, and formaldehyde are all of fear and seizing opportunities from instability
naturally occurring, and poisonous. ‘All natural’ isn’t and uncertainty borne out of wars in Afghanistan
necessarily ‘green’ [48]. Other examples are “Non- and Iraq, the global war on terror, and volatile fuel
toxic” because everything is toxic in certain dosages; costs, alter the public perception of risk”.
“Green”, “Environmentally friendly”, “Eco-friendly”, 10. The sin of broken promises: claims promising that
and “Eco-conscious” are also vague because without fracking will lift up poor, rural communities with
elaboration they are meaningless [2]. riches from mineral rights and economic devel-
4. The sin of worshipping false labels: a product that, opment, but when evidence shows the contrary,
through a false suggestion or certification-like image, communities are left with irreversible impacts
mislead consumers into thinking that it has been ([46] apud [42]). Scanlan [42] describes that green-
through a legitimate green certification process. washing obscures who loses regarding the negative
An example is a paper towel whose packaging has a impacts of fracking and OGI profits from exploit-
certification-like image that makes a claim that the ing the hopes and trust of the citizenry.
product “fights global warming” [48]. Other exam- 11. The sin of injustice: according to Scanlan [42] the
ples include green jargon such as “eco-safe” and “eco- environmental communication examined in his
preferred” [2]. research does not speak directly to communities
5. The sin of irrelevance: an environmental claim that most affected by fracking, it focuses on a segment
may be truthful but is unimportant or unhelpful for of the population that benefits from fracking but do
consumers seeking environmentally preferable prod- not suffer its consequences.
ucts. ‘CFC-free’ is a common example, since it is a 12. The sin of hazardous consequences: greenwashing
frequent claim despite the fact that CFCs are banned hides the reality of inequality and distracts the pub-
by law [48]. lic from the dangers of risk other experience, Scan-
6. The sin of lesser of two evils: a claim that may be true lan [42] includes another sin in reference to harm
within the product category, but that risks distract- done from hazardous consequences.
ing the consumer from the greater environmental 13. The sin of profits over people and the environment:
impacts of the category as a whole. Organic ciga- to profit over people and the environment is what
rettes could be an example of this Sin, as might the Scanlan [42] describes as potentially the greatest
fuel-efficient sport-utility vehicle [48]. greenwashing sin of all.
7. The sin of fibbing: environmental claims that are sim-
ply false. The most common examples were products “The delivery of false hopes and resulting broken prom-
falsely claiming to be Energy Star certified or regis- ises, fearmongering that reorients public understand-
tered [48]. ing of risk and the hazardous consequences of fracking,
environmental injustice, and the pursuit of profits over
Scanlan [42] conducted a research in the oil gas indus- people and the environment have serious impacts on the
try (OGI) communication on hydraulic fracking and planet” ([42], p. 20).
proposed new sins related to the conceptualization of Contreras-Pacheco and Claasen [10] brought five firm-
greenwashing. The OGI masks harm done and other risks level greenwashing: (1) dirty business; (2) ad bluster; (3)
with greenwashing in the form of new sins he elaborated political spin; (4) it is the law, stupid! [4]. Fifth firm-level
build on TerraChoice [48]: (8) false hopes; (9) fearmon- greenwashing form: (5) fuzzy reporting [3].
gering; (10) broken promises; (11) injustice; (12) hazard-
ous consequences; and (13) profits over people and the • Dirty business: belonging to an inherently unsustain-
environment [42]. able business, but promoting sustainable practices
or products that are not representative either for the
8. The sin of false hopes: a claim that reinforces a false business or the society.
hope. The OGI hydraulic fracking method has an • Ad bluster: diverting attention from sustainable
enormous negative impact on the environment, issues, through the use of advertising. It is used to
critics argue that ecological modernization is not exaggerate achievements or present alternative pro-
possible and believing otherwise is harmful to the grams that are not related to the main sustainability
environment [42]. concern.
• Political spin: influencing regulations or governments researchers from several areas such as Business, Commu-
in order to obtain benefits that affect sustainability. nication, Economy, Production Engineering, Social Sci-
It is common to notice that these spins are “justi- ences, Environmental Management and Law.
fied” due to companies character of large taxpayers or Some scholars consider only environmental issues
employers. when talking about greenwashing, distinguishing it with
• It’s the law, stupid!: proclaiming sustainability accom- the term bluewashing, which stands for social issues.
plishments or commitments that are already required Others researchers do not distinguish and consider
by existing laws or regulations. greenwashing a social and environmental phenomenon.
• Fuzzy reporting: taking advantage of sustainability We can see that greenwashing can be perceived and
reports and their nature of one-way communication accused by the observer in several different ways. From
channel, in order to twist the truth or project a posi- product-level claims with environmental labeling to firm-
tive image in terms of CSR corporate practices. level nature-evoked executional elements in sustain-
ability reports, the phenomenon may be classified in a
complex variety of options.
Executional greenwashing This multifaceted amount of forms in which green-
Parguel et al. [37] described a new form of greenwash- washing has been observed offers difficulty for consum-
ing that the authors called ‘Executional Greenwashing’. ers to identify the phenomenon manifestations. Even
This strategy of greenwashing does not use any type of among consumers considered expert consumers, well
claim that was described before, but it suggests nature- informed about greenwashing and the market in ques-
evoking elements such as images using colors (e.g., green, tion, it is a challenge to identify greenwashing. In con-
blue) or sounds (e.g., sea, birds). Backgrounds represent- sumers considered regular, who do not know or have
ing natural landscapes (e.g., mountains, forests, oceans) limited information about the phenomenon, the accusa-
or pictures of endangered animal species (e.g., pandas, tion process is even more complicated.
dolphins) or renewable sources of energy (e.g., wind, The main definitions of greenwashing were explored
waterfalls) are examples of executional nature-evoking in the literature. Most researchers are based on the def-
elements [37]. The research addressed to this gap in the initions of the Oxford English Dictionary [36] and Ter-
literature by documenting the executional greenwashing raChoice [48]. In these definitions, the phenomenon is
effect based on advertising execution knowledge. seen as a deliberate corporate action with the presence
These nature-evoking elements, intentionally or not, of misleading elements, focused on the deception of
may induce false perceptions of the brand’s greenness. stakeholders.
According to Hartmann and Apaolaza-Ibáñez ([23], apud As greenwashing was first accused in 1986 by Jay Wes-
Parguel et al. [37], p. 2) these elements can “trigger eco- terveld [38], an activist who noticed an organizational
logical inferences subtly by activating implicit references communication with a misleading trait, the element of
to nature through nature imagery”. accusation is key in the process. Seele and Gatti [43] were
Parguel et al. [37] conducted a research that presented the only researchers who observed the phenomenon by
empirical evidence of the misleading effect of these adding the accusation as a key element in the process, a
nature-evoking elements named ‘executional greenwash- charge or claim from a third party that someone has done
ing effect’ and moderator factors that may reduce its something illegal or wrong. Without the accusation ele-
impact. The research consisted of a web survey consid- ment, the definition of the phenomenon is incomplete.
ering two types of consumers: (a) non-expert consumers Aiming to reach the first objective, this review
and (b) expert consumers. exposed the main definitions of greenwashing present
The empirical results showed that the presence of in the literature. These definitions were presented in
advertising executional elements evoking-nature only different conceptual perspectives, due to the multidis-
generates higher perceptions of the brand’s greenness ciplinary characteristic of the object of study. A limi-
among non-expert consumers, expert consumers were tation of the work found in its development was the
not significantly affected. keywords used in the search strings. Terms like ‘CSR-
Wash’, ‘Decoupling’ and ‘Selective Disclosure’ may
contribute to the number of articles selected in the sys-
tematic review.
In this paper, we have discussed the main concepts of
To achieve the second objective, a categorization of
greenwashing and its main types that we found present
the phenomenon was developed. This classification of
in the literature. Due to its multidisciplinary character-
greenwashing is the main academic contribution of
istic, no general definition of greenwashing is accepted
to recent day. The phenomenon has been discussed by
the study, which can provide a theoretical basis for the 6. Chang C, Chen Y (2013) Managing green brand equity: the perspec-
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