What Is Sri Vidya
What Is Sri Vidya
What Is Sri Vidya
There are many paths of sadhana within Srividya. Some are suitable for some
and some are suitable for others. Which is right for a given aspirant depends
not only on one's level of spiritual development, but also upon one's
circumstances. Not everyone can cope with the rigorous rituals required by
full-blown Srividyopasana, whether due to unfamiliarity with details, or lack
of time and/or facilities. Not everyone can undertake daily austerities
running into hours. The main practice of Srividya - worship of Sri Yantra - can
take anywhere from 30 minutes to a full day, depending on how you do it.
You have to go by your gut feeling to decide what's right for you.
The full pooja takes hours, because at each point we pause and do smaller,
detailed poojas. (What is pooja but an attempt at meditating on the form of
Devi?) Hence the sages of yore created a recitation known as the Khadgamala
Stotram. The Devi herself must have inspired the great Upasakas to create a
capsule that contains everything so that for this time and clime it is THE
upasana. All of the sadhana of Srividya can be achieved by the recitation of
the Khadgamala. Hours of long ritual compressed to less than half an hour of
intense meditation that will give you a ticket on the same plane as the great
Srividya Upasakas. Says one experienced Srividya Upasaka, "Whatever your
developmental stage, this is IT!" Even those who have not been initiated into
Srividya can benefit from the Khadgamala.