UPM Viva Process
UPM Viva Process
UPM Viva Process
• Research project
• Supervisor/co-supervisors
• External and/or internal examiners
What is a viva?
• Have satisfied the examiners on academic knowledge and competency
• Accepted with distinction – when all or most of research findings have
either been published or accepted for publication in citation-indexed
journal and requires minimal improvement in spelling, grammar and
• Accepted with minor modifications – any of the following: reformatting of
chapters, revision of literature, improvement in declaring research
objectives or statements, insertion of missing references, amendments of
inaccurately cited references, improvements in spelling, grammar and
syntax (given 60 days after date of viva to submit the thesis to SGS)
• Accepted with major modications – extensive revision of entire thesis to
improve quality such as description of methodology, statistical analysis of
data, removal of research chapters(s) , rediscussion of results and
improvements of spelling, grammar and syntax (60 days with a provision
for an extension to 60 days or more)
Oral re-examination
• Examination committee are not satisfied with
thesis defence or competency in the field of
• Oral re-examination should be held within 60
dyas after the date of first viva
Re-submission of thesis
• When thesis does not meet the scope of the degree
• Objectives of research were not met
• Obvious flaws in experimental design and/or
• Additional experimental work or data collection is
• Resubmission within the period of not more than two
semester or one year
• Student must continue to be registered student
• Student must comply to submission procedure
• Resubmission is permitted once only
Resubmission of a PhD thesis as a
Masters thesis
• If thesis does not meet the scope of a doctoral
thesis but is adequate for a Masters thesis
• Amendments recommended by thesis
examination committee must be made and
resubmitted within 60 days of viva
• A student is considered to have failed the
examination if the thesis fails to meet the
requirements of PhD or Masters academic
level or found to have plagiarised
Dealing with corrections
• Work with your supervisor
• Plan a work agenda
• Make sure that corrections are made in a
timely manner
• Agree on a work agenda and timing
Life after the viva and final
submission of thesis
• Celebrate
• Find employment