Chip Formation When Machining Inconel 718 Under Minimum Quantity Lubrication
Chip Formation When Machining Inconel 718 Under Minimum Quantity Lubrication
Chip Formation When Machining Inconel 718 Under Minimum Quantity Lubrication
Full Paper
Article history
Received in revised form
Authora, The Corresponding Authorb*, Co Authora XA Month 201Y
XB Month 201Y
of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus, UXM, Published Online
14320, Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia XC Month 201Z
bSchool of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus, UYM,
Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menilai keberkesanan MQL terhadap
pembentukan serpihan pada pemotongan Inconel 718 di bawah
pemesinan laju tinggi. Dalam eksperimen pelarikan penyudah Inconel 718
GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT SHOULD ini, mesin larik (CNC) digunakan bersama mata alat bersalut tungsten
karbida TiAlN PVD. Laju pemotongan adalah 90, 120 dan 150 m/min dengan
REPRESENT THE CONTENT OF THE kadar suapan pada 0.10 dan 0.15 mm/pusingan dan dalam pemotongan
ARTICLE pada 0.30 dan 0.50 mm. Kadar MQL pula adalah pada 50 dan 100 mL/j.
Serpihan Inconel 718 hasil daripada pemotongan kering dan MQL telah
dikumpul, diasing dan dianalisis. Kajian terhadap morpologi serpihan
ABSTRACT mencadangkan bahawa MQL mampu menurunkan suhu pemotongan
Compulsory both English and Inconel 718 pada laju pemotongan 90 dan 120 m/min. Pada 150 m/min,
serpihan yang tebal dan sudut ricih yang kecil telah diperolehi di mana
Bahasa Melayu for authors with keputusannya hampir serupa dengan hasil yang dilaporkan dari pemesinan
Malaysian affiliations. banjir, sekaligus menjejaskan prestasi kebolehmesinan.
Figure 2 Chip color at end of tool life a) Silver b) Dark Silver c) Dark burnt Blue
capable to reduce the temperature at the cutting of machining conditions such as cutting speeds and
zone when turning Inconel 718. Chips collected from machining methods were only visible when details
MQL machining were also shinier than dry machining. observation was made on the crack initiation angle
This condition may suggest that MQL machining and saw-tooth angle. Figure 3 compares saw-tooth
manage to reduce the friction at the rake face when chip collected from dry and MQL 100 mL/h
the chip sliding out from the cutting zone, and machining. There is a significant different between
potentially reduces the build-up edge formation. these two chips in term of both crack initiation angle
Dark burnt-like blue chips were only found in dry and saw-tooth angle. Chips from MQL 100 mL/h
machining at 150 m/min, with feed rate of 0.10 machining methods seem to be sharp pointy with
mm/rev and depth of cut of 0.30 mm. Machining small saw-tooth angle. Distances between saw-tooth
with these parameters produced thinner chip segments are also much closer than that of dry
because of small cutting volume. Heat localization method.
may have occurred, causing high shear at higher Figure 4 compares the effects of MQL flow rate,
temperature, thus resulting in dark burnt-blue chips. that is between 50 and 100 mL/h. Saw-tooth chips
However, this condition did not occur during MQL collected from these two machining methods were
machining with similar machining parameters. analysed under microscope and found to be almost
Localization of heat did not take place during MQL identical with small different in term of crack initiation
machining because the MQL fluids may have angle and saw-tooth angle. However, saw-tooth
efficiently reduced the cutting temperature at the chip from MQL 100 mL/h has slightly sharper saw-
cutting zone. tooth angle than MQL 50 mL/h. Sharp saw-tooth
The preliminary observations made on the angle with large crack initiation angle gives
collected chips from the experimental runs using indication of severe cutting condition in term of
high-power microscope found cyclic type saw-tooth thermal effect and mechanical stress at the cutting
chips regardless of machining conditions. The effects zone.
4 Azizul, Elmi & Muhammad Zaim / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 85:1 (2020) 1–5
Figure 3 Effect of machining method on chip formation at cutting speed of 150 m/min, feed rate 0.15 mm/rev and depth of
cut 0.50 mm at end of tool life a) DRY b) MQL 100 mL/h
Figure 4 Effect of machining method on chip formation at end of tool life a) MQL 50 mL/h (150 m/min, 0.10 mm/rev, 0.30 mm)
b) MQL 100 mL/h (150 m/min, 0.10 mm/rev, 0.50 mm)
Figure 3b shows a long strip of white layer beneath color chips were found at higher cutting speed. With
the saw-tooth chip that is not found on Figure 4b, MQL machining, the color of the chips gives
when both are coming from MQL 100 mL/h indication that the temperature was much lower
condition. Chips from Figure 3b are slightly thicker than dry machining. The performance of MQL 100
than Figure 4b due to higher feed rate. As a result, mL/h deteriorated at 150 m/min, suspected due to
these chips were slower when they sliding out, and rapid quenching. At 150 m/min, thicker chip thickness
thus spent more time in the cutting zone. This white and lower shear angle were obtained, very similar to
layer is an indication of hardened layers that was result reported in wet machining, thus diminished
formed as a result of severe thermal and mechanical machinability performance.
stresses as they were passing through the cutting
zone. Furthermore, at MQL 100 mL/h condition, the Acknowledgement
amount of MQL lubricant doubles than MQL 50 mL/h.
With the presence of more lubricant and larger The authors would like to thank Universiti Kuala
temperature gradient, it is suspected that the severe Lumpur Short-Term Research Grant (STR 15051) for the
effects on the chips were supplemented by rapid funding to carry out this research work.
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5 Azizul, Elmi & Muhammad Zaim / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 85:1 (2020) 1–5