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Chip Formation When Machining Inconel 718 Under Minimum Quantity Lubrication

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Graphical abstract Abstract

The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of MQL on chip
formation when cutting Inconel 718 under high-speed machining. In this
experimental work, Inconel 718 is finish-turning with CNC lathe using PVD
coated TiAlN tungsten carbide tools. The cutting speeds are 90, 120 and 150
m/min, the feeds are 0.10 and 0.15 mm/rev whilst the cutting depth are 0.30
and 0.50 mm. The MQL flow rates are set between 50 and 100 mL/h. The
chips of Inconel 718 under dry and MQL machining were collected,
differentiated, and analyzed. The chip morphology studies suggest that MQL
manages to lower the cutting temperature when machining Inconel 718 at
90 and 120 m/min. At 150 m/min, thicker chip thicknesses and lower shear
angles were obtained, very similar to result reported in wet machining, thus
diminished machinability performance.

Keywords: Chip formation, chip morphology, inconel 718, lathe, MQL

Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menilai keberkesanan MQL terhadap
pembentukan serpihan pada pemotongan Inconel 718 di bawah
pemesinan laju tinggi. Dalam eksperimen pelarikan penyudah Inconel 718
GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT SHOULD ini, mesin larik (CNC) digunakan bersama mata alat bersalut tungsten
karbida TiAlN PVD. Laju pemotongan adalah 90, 120 dan 150 m/min dengan
REPRESENT THE CONTENT OF THE kadar suapan pada 0.10 dan 0.15 mm/pusingan dan dalam pemotongan
ARTICLE pada 0.30 dan 0.50 mm. Kadar MQL pula adalah pada 50 dan 100 mL/j.
Serpihan Inconel 718 hasil daripada pemotongan kering dan MQL telah
dikumpul, diasing dan dianalisis. Kajian terhadap morpologi serpihan
ABSTRACT mencadangkan bahawa MQL mampu menurunkan suhu pemotongan
Compulsory both English and Inconel 718 pada laju pemotongan 90 dan 120 m/min. Pada 150 m/min,
serpihan yang tebal dan sudut ricih yang kecil telah diperolehi di mana
Bahasa Melayu for authors with keputusannya hampir serupa dengan hasil yang dilaporkan dari pemesinan
Malaysian affiliations. banjir, sekaligus menjejaskan prestasi kebolehmesinan.

Kata kunci: Pembentukan serpihan, morfologi serpihan, Inconel 718, larik,

© 2020 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved

85:1 (2020) 1–5 | www.jurnalteknologi.utm.my | eISSN 2180–3722 |

2 Azizul, Elmi & Muhammad Zaim / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 85:1 (2020) 1–5

1.0 INTRODUCTION equipped alongside maximum power of 11kW and

spindle at 6000 rpm. The dimension of elected work
Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) is an piece of Inconel 718 was 157 and 103 mm
environmentally friendly technique in which small representing length and diameter, respectively. The
amounts of vegetable oil or biodegradable synthetic cutting tool employed is PVD coated TiAlN on
ester are dispersed near the cutting zone assisted by tungsten carbide tools. The thickness of the work
compressed air. When employed, the usage of the piece is 3 mm was skimmed off to eliminate any
dangerous cutting fluid may be eliminated, thus surface defects that could adversely compromise
haphazard against mankind and the environment the machining result. The experiments were
could be avoided. Currently, application of MQL is developed using mixed level full factorial design of
still limited to low cutting speed when machining experiment (DOE) as exhibited in Table 1.
Inconel 718 and other aerospace materials. Sample of chips were collected at the end of each
In the metal cutting industries, dry cutting has cutting cycle. All the samples from each cutting
received much attention because of the high cost of cycle were sorted and gathered for each
cutting fluids at about 17% of the total manufacturing experimental condition and averaged by making
cost [1]. Treatment of cutting fluid waste is required careful observation with naked eyes and using
before disposal as it is machine operators may be MITUTOYO Tool Maker microscope.
exposed to dangerous risks such as skin cancer and
difficulty breathing [2]. Thus, dry cutting is desirable Table 1 Multi-Level Design of Experiments
because not only it reduces manufacturing cost, but
Factor Level
also minimizes all the adverse effects associated with
-1 0 +1
the application of the cutting fluid.
Cutting speed (v), m/min 90 120 150
Typically, the application of cutting fluids offers
some crucial purposes, particularly to enhance Feed rate (f), mm/rev 0.10 - 0.15
productivity and cutting performance, such as Depth of cut (d), mm 0.30 - 0.50
improved surface quality of the machined work
piece and dimensional stability. This is feasible due to
the cutting fluids allow cutting processes to be
executed at much higher speed, higher feed rates, 3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
and greater cutting depth [3]. Cutting fluids not only
extend tool life, generate an improved surface Careful observation on the collected chips from
roughness and dimensional accuracy, but also each of the experimental runs shows that the types of
reduces power consumption [4]. Apart from that, chip morphology, that is the size, curl radius and
cutting fluids assists flush away excessive heat and shape, depends on the machining parameters. Dry
chips during the cutting processes [5]. High speed machining seems to produce larger curl radius than
machining to machine Inconel 718 has long been MQL machining. There is no clear distinction on
researched to increase cutting productivity [6]. the different cutting speed, however at a lower feed rate
other hand, Xinyu and Jun [8] found helical-like chip of 0.10 mm/rev, snarled helical chips were collected.
when Inconel 718 was machined with ceramic In this study, we also found short tubular chips but in
cutting tool SNGN 120408 at 178 and 281 m/min, 0.30 very small quantities. Figure 1 shows collected chips
mm/rev and 0.10 mm. In their experiments, slightly at various cutting conditions.
larger helical chips were formed at lower cutting The collected chips from various experimental runs
speed. also show significant color changes. The color of the
Su et al. [7] conducted turning experiment of chip changed from gold to dark gold color gives
Inconel 718 in a dry condition with TiAlN SNMG indication that the temperature at the cutting zone
120408 coated carbide tool at 76 m/min, 0.10 may be difference. Bright silvery color chips indicate
mm/rev and 0.50 mm, and found continuous tubular- lower temperatures as suggested by Kramar et al. [9].
like chips. On In our observation, during dry machining, the gold
This paper reports the influence of MQL on chip color changed to dark gold color when at higher
formation when finish turning Inconel 718 using single cutting speed, which suggests that the cutting
layer PVD coated TiAIN carbide tool at high cutting temperature has increased as well. With MQL, the
speed. In this experiment, the effect of lubricating color changed from silver to gold and then dark gold
method, cutting speeds, cutting depth and feed rate color, which also suggests that the temperature
on chip formation were also observed, investigated increased as the cutting speed increases. The trend
and analyzed. in color changes insinuates that the temperature at
the cutting zone under MQL machining is lower than
dry machining. Bandyopadhyay and Endapally [10]
found similar results in their turning experiment. Fig. 2
2.0 METHODOLOGY shows a few samples of colored chips collected in
the MQL and dry machining. Based on this
The experimental processes were performed on observation, it is possible that MQL machining is
FANUC Colchester T4 CNC lathe machine that is
3 Azizul, Elmi & Muhammad Zaim / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 85:1 (2020) 1–5

Figure 1 Helical and snarled helical chips at various conditions

Figure 2 Chip color at end of tool life a) Silver b) Dark Silver c) Dark burnt Blue

capable to reduce the temperature at the cutting of machining conditions such as cutting speeds and
zone when turning Inconel 718. Chips collected from machining methods were only visible when details
MQL machining were also shinier than dry machining. observation was made on the crack initiation angle
This condition may suggest that MQL machining and saw-tooth angle. Figure 3 compares saw-tooth
manage to reduce the friction at the rake face when chip collected from dry and MQL 100 mL/h
the chip sliding out from the cutting zone, and machining. There is a significant different between
potentially reduces the build-up edge formation. these two chips in term of both crack initiation angle
Dark burnt-like blue chips were only found in dry and saw-tooth angle. Chips from MQL 100 mL/h
machining at 150 m/min, with feed rate of 0.10 machining methods seem to be sharp pointy with
mm/rev and depth of cut of 0.30 mm. Machining small saw-tooth angle. Distances between saw-tooth
with these parameters produced thinner chip segments are also much closer than that of dry
because of small cutting volume. Heat localization method.
may have occurred, causing high shear at higher Figure 4 compares the effects of MQL flow rate,
temperature, thus resulting in dark burnt-blue chips. that is between 50 and 100 mL/h. Saw-tooth chips
However, this condition did not occur during MQL collected from these two machining methods were
machining with similar machining parameters. analysed under microscope and found to be almost
Localization of heat did not take place during MQL identical with small different in term of crack initiation
machining because the MQL fluids may have angle and saw-tooth angle. However, saw-tooth
efficiently reduced the cutting temperature at the chip from MQL 100 mL/h has slightly sharper saw-
cutting zone. tooth angle than MQL 50 mL/h. Sharp saw-tooth
The preliminary observations made on the angle with large crack initiation angle gives
collected chips from the experimental runs using indication of severe cutting condition in term of
high-power microscope found cyclic type saw-tooth thermal effect and mechanical stress at the cutting
chips regardless of machining conditions. The effects zone.
4 Azizul, Elmi & Muhammad Zaim / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 85:1 (2020) 1–5

Figure 3 Effect of machining method on chip formation at cutting speed of 150 m/min, feed rate 0.15 mm/rev and depth of
cut 0.50 mm at end of tool life a) DRY b) MQL 100 mL/h

Figure 4 Effect of machining method on chip formation at end of tool life a) MQL 50 mL/h (150 m/min, 0.10 mm/rev, 0.30 mm)
b) MQL 100 mL/h (150 m/min, 0.10 mm/rev, 0.50 mm)

Figure 3b shows a long strip of white layer beneath color chips were found at higher cutting speed. With
the saw-tooth chip that is not found on Figure 4b, MQL machining, the color of the chips gives
when both are coming from MQL 100 mL/h indication that the temperature was much lower
condition. Chips from Figure 3b are slightly thicker than dry machining. The performance of MQL 100
than Figure 4b due to higher feed rate. As a result, mL/h deteriorated at 150 m/min, suspected due to
these chips were slower when they sliding out, and rapid quenching. At 150 m/min, thicker chip thickness
thus spent more time in the cutting zone. This white and lower shear angle were obtained, very similar to
layer is an indication of hardened layers that was result reported in wet machining, thus diminished
formed as a result of severe thermal and mechanical machinability performance.
stresses as they were passing through the cutting
zone. Furthermore, at MQL 100 mL/h condition, the Acknowledgement
amount of MQL lubricant doubles than MQL 50 mL/h.
With the presence of more lubricant and larger The authors would like to thank Universiti Kuala
temperature gradient, it is suspected that the severe Lumpur Short-Term Research Grant (STR 15051) for the
effects on the chips were supplemented by rapid funding to carry out this research work.

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