Let The Galaxy Burn
Let The Galaxy Burn
Let The Galaxy Burn
Salvation or Damnation?
The Imperium is a vast place, and anything so massive and bloated has cracks and crevices for
dark things to hide within. Its infrastructure is fractured and failing; its ideologies hypocritical
and oppressive to any who would question them. The accusation of Heresy is laid freely upon
all those who desire something more than a fruitless existence, to work one's entire life and die
for no reward other than being allowed to live long enough to see your betters’ situation
Most are born into this life and lack the force of will to reject their situation, simply saying “this
is how things are”. However, some can see beyond. Some are chosen. Some gain the
knowledge that beyond what they know is a vast galaxy, and that beyond even that are beings
above mortal comprehension that look upon the Imperium’s nature and feel disgust.
They are there, and if you but desire it, they offer the freedom you desire. Your chains can be
broken. You can become your own master, free not only from the oppression of the Imperium,
but the limitations of your human form. The change may be frightening at first, but you will
come to know it for the blessing it is.
For in the eyes of those freed by Chaos, their gifts are not horrid mutations of the flesh, but
signs of favor, honors granted by the Gods, in hopes that you will finally achieve the perfection
they know you are capable of. Some fall upon the way, crashing to the ground and becoming
pitiful abominations of corrupt flesh, but you know you are worthy of more. You are capable of
greatness, to become one of the champions of the gods, or perhaps more.
Take my hand, and I will reveal to you the truth the Imperium does not want you to know. Not
because they have your best interests in mind, but because they fear that their slaves will break
their own chains and overthrow their masters.
The patience of the Gods may be infinite, but mine is not, and a slave that chooses his own
chains over the freedom I offer is nothing but a coward worthy of death.
Black Legion
Apostate 1 Unholy priests that preach the word of Chaos and perform dark rituals to the Powers
Cultist 1 Devotees that serve Chaos and attempt to bring down the Imperium from within
Renegade 1 Experienced warriors who fight with scavenged equipment and brutal tactics
Heretek 2 One who performs dark experiments and creates unholy machines to destroy his foes
Rogue Psyker 2 A person gifted with the power to control the Warp with their will and use dark powers
Pirate 2 A raider who sails the stars in search of gold, glory, and his own freedom from the law
Heretic Astartes
Legionnaire 3 Veterans of the Long War who fight against the hated Imperium for various reasons
Havoc 3 Specialists in heavy weapons who enjoy wanton slaughter and destruction
Raptor 3 A jump-capable marine with a focus on quick strikes and maneuverability in combat
Warpsmith 3 An artificer that forges Daemons into various machines to create horrible monstrosities
Sorcerer 3 A marine gifted with the power of the warp, devastating foes with psychic might
Noise Marine 3 A devotee of Slaanesh who fights using sound and disorientation as his weapons
Plague Marine 3 Vectors of disease pledged to Nurgle who spread disease, decay, and death
Khorne Berzerker 3 Offensive melee fighters who constantly yearn to spill blood in the name of Khorne
Dark Apostle 4 Demagogues who incite others to fight for Chaos, whipping them into violent frenzies
“Don’t worry about those fools in the Keywords: Chaos, Heretic, Heretic Astartes,
Arbites. We have a man on the inside who <Mark of Chaos>, <Any>
keeps them off our back. Now, swear your Influence Bonus: +2
loyalty, and you will know true purpose.”
Corruption: +1
--Varro, Cultist of Tzeentch
From Within: Cultists gain +Rank to
Deception tests, including Interaction
Few appreciate the iron heel of the attacks, against targets with the Imperium
Imperium above them, and the citizenry of keyword.
the Imperium feel it most brutally. Trapped
in jobs with little reward beyond being
allowed to live another day, sometimes not
Wargear: Lasgun OR autogun, knife, symbol Attribute: None
of authority (unholy icon), guard issue mess
Skill: Ballistic Skill (2)
kit, tattered blanket.
Keywords: Chaos, Heretic, Astra Militarum,
Renegade <Any>
Influence Bonus: 0
“Tear his limbs off, but strip him first. That
Corruption: +1
carapace armor is mine!”
Battlefield Scavenger: The battlefield is a
--A Khornate renegade leader to his men
prime place to loot wargear from fallen
enemies or even allies, and the servants of
Chaos cannot afford to be picky. Add +Rank
The Imperial Guard is not a life many would
to all Influence tests to acquire wargear, so
choose, given other opportunities. Many
long as the item is Rare or more available
are led to enlist with sugared lies of glory
and shares a faction keyword with an
and honor and of enemies so weak that a
enemy recently fought in battle.
lasgun can scorch them to the bone with a
single shot. When a newly trained Wargear: Flak Armor, lasgun or autogun,
guardsman finds that his weapon barely knife, guard issue mess kit, blanket,
singes the hide of an Ork, when he sees his grooming kit, 3 ration packs.
squadmates fall and die beside him, when
his superiors order him to charge and die so
that his riddled corpse can clog the enemy’s
advance a moment longer, he may accept
his fate, or he may curse it. Sometimes only The Cult Mechanicus is as authoritarian an
a single guardsman rebels, sometimes organization as the Imperium itself, and
entire regiments. However, a fighting man declares many forms of scientific research
with Imperial training under his belt is a off limits, mostly due to ideological reasons.
valuable ally to Chaos, and any army This chafes many tech priests, who wish to
dedicated to the powers will accept him be free to perform whatever experiments
with open arms. they wish. Tensions broke into schism
during the Heresy, when the Fabricator
Build Point Cost: 0
General of Mars sided with Horus Lupercal,
Prerequisites taking a good half of the Mechanicum with
Tier: 1 him into the Eye of Terror when the Traitor
Legions were defeated. Now, dark
Species: Human
Hellforges craft war machines and weapons
for the servants of Chaos, and the Hereteks
oversee it all, indulging their need to The psyker has the closest link to the Warp
perform forbidden experiments, often of any servant of the Powers. Their minds
resulting in truly horrific weapons and direct its ebb and flow, their souls are open
creations. to it at all times, and their will is strong
enough to control it, else they would have
Build Point Cost: 60
been burnt to ash by their own hubris. Fear
Prerequisites of the psyker causes those that cannot hide
Tier: 2 their power to seek refuge or be captured
by the Black Ships, either pressed into
Species: Human service as Astropaths or drained of their life
Attribute: Intellect 3 energy to sustain the Corpse Emperor a few
moments longer. Those who can run often
Skill: Tech (3), Scholar (1) find Chaos through their connection to the
Warp, and obtain the knowledge that was
always their birthright.
Keywords: Chaos, Heretic, Adeptus
Mechanicus, Dark Mechanicus Build Point Cost: 50
Influence Bonus: 0
Pirate Benefits
Keywords: Chaos, Heretic, <Any>
“Cap’n says the first one to bring him the Influence Bonus: +2
head of the Admiral gets that wench he’s
Corruption: +2
been keepin’ in the brig!”
Raider: A Pirate is an expert at attacking
--Crewman of the Glorious Phantasm, under
other ships, and taking their cargo and crew
Pirate Prince Nikarov
for himself. He gains +Rank to Intimidate
and Leadership tests during boarding
In the dark space between worlds, vast
bounties are carried by ships the size of
small cities. When a ship goes unprotected, Wargear: Choice of flak coat, carapace
it must be wary of those who wish to take armor, or light power armor. Choice of one
those riches for themselves. Some pirates ranged weapon and one melee weapon up
are ex-Rogue Traders, those who fell into to Value Tier+4 (Rare), Imperial Frigate or
depravity and now must acquire continual equivalent Chaos vessel.
supplies of their favored vices. Some are
Naval captains who rebelled against the
Imperium in the same way as an Astartes or Heretic Astartes Archetypes
a Guard regiment. Some are the leaders of
mutinies, who slaughtered the true masters
of the vessel and took it for their own, now Legionnaire
searching shipping lanes for more blood to
spill. Regardless, a Pirate is a hard individual
with little interest in things that will not “I chose my own path, Loyalist. None have
increase his wealth or power, and who decided it for me, and I am master of my
fights in his own self interest or not at all. own fate.”
--Garekh the Forsaken, Chosen of Tzeentch
Build Point Cost: 40
Tier: 2 By the conclusion of the Horus Heresy, most
Astartes in the service of Chaos had
Species: Human changed massively from their original battle
roles. Strict specializations were abandoned
for more individual choices in combat style, and may reroll (or discard and redraw) any
and strict discipline was often abandoned critical hit effects they inflict on such
for looting and wanton destruction. targets.
However, the name of Legionnaire is still
Wargear: Legion power armor, boltgun,
held proudly by many heretics, who use it
bolt pistol, Legion combat knife, 3 frag and
to distinguish themselves from Loyalist
krak grenades.
Astartes. Most Legionnaires are relics of the
ancient days, as time moves differently in
the Warp, and there exist many who Havoc
experienced the Siege of Terra only years or
months ago, from their own perspectives.
Those who throw off their chains and join “Yes! Unleash the fury of the Dark Gods,
the Ruinous Powers also often take up the and let vengeance rain down upon them!
mantle of Legionnaire, finding the title Burn them to a cinder!”
fitting for the unity they now find in the --Molkar Bloodthorn, Word Bearers Havoc
service of the Ruinous Powers.
Corruption: +3 Prerequisites
Tier: 3
Hellsmith: A Warpsmith is most at home Species: Adeptus Astartes
when tinkering with Daemonically infused Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4, Toughness
devices. He receives +Rank bonus dice to all 4, Willpower 5
tests related to Daemon Engines, Skill: Ballistic Skill (3), Weapon Skill (3),
Daemonforged Armor, or Daemon Psychic Mastery (4), Scholar (4)
Weapons. Special: May not be taken by a character
Wargear: Legion power armor, bolt pistol or with the Mark of Khorne.
boltgun, power axe, 3 frag and krak
grenades, augmetic Mechatendril Hive Benefits
Keywords: Heretic, Chaos, Psyker, <Mark of
Chaos>, Heretic Astartes, <Legion>
Influence Bonus: +2
Corruption: +3 Build Point Cost: 55
Corruption: +3 Prerequisites
Tier: 4
Blood for the Blood God!: A Berserker may
make two melee attacks as part of the same Species: Adeptus Astartes
melee attack action. Treat this like the Dual
Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4, Toughness
Wielder talent, except both attacks are with
4, Willpower 4, Fellowship 5
the same one-handed melee weapon. If the
Berzerker also has the Dual Wielder talent, Skill: Ballistic Skill (4), Weapon Skill (4),
they can make up to two attacks with one Intimidate (4), Persuasion (5)
weapon and one attack with the other, so
long as both weapons are one-handed Benefits
melee weapons. Simply add the damage Keywords: Chaos, Heretic, <Mark of
from all three attacks together and Chaos>, Heretic Astartes, <Legion>
compare it to three times the target’s
resilience/AV. Influence Bonus: +3
Wargear: Legion power armor, bolt pistol, Demagogue: A Dark Apostle’s abilities of
chainaxe, 3 frag and krak grenades persuasion and manipulation are legendary,
and they can whip mobs into a frenzy
through their impassioned rhetoric. A Dark
Dark Apostle Apostle gains +Rank bonus dice to
Interaction tests and Interaction Attacks
made to influence large groups. Allied NPCs
“You now serve your true purpose. Rise up
in the same combat as a Dark Apostle gain a
and take your blade. Face your true enemy,
-Rank DN bonus to Resolve and Conviction
and see them dead by your own hand.”
--Telesh the Epistle to a newly converted
Wargear: Legion power armor, bolt pistol,
Accursed Crozius, 3 frag and krak grenades,
Sigil of Corruption
Few are as fanatically devoted to Chaos as
the Dark Apostles. Master orators and
zealous fighters, each Dark Apostle is priest
every time--some characters have much to
TALENTS offer.
Ancient Warrior
Cost: 20
Cost: 40
Prerequisite: Fellowship 3+, Willpower 3+,
Prerequisite: Fellowship 5+, Persuasion 3+,
must be taken at Character Creation
The character is either a veteran of the Long
The character is a master of seduction and
War or has served with those that have
manipulation, and has ways of securing
fought in its many wars down the centuries.
power over those who succumb to his
Though the character does not need to be a
wiles. The character may attempt to seduce
Chaos Space Marine to take this talent, it is
an NPC into his service, and ensure
rare for those outside their ranks to possess
continued service by making the NPC
it. The character can command special
dependent on something only the character
respect from other veterans of the Long
can offer. First, the character must defeat
War and gains a +1d to all interaction and
the chosen NPC in an interaction attack
social Tests based on when dealing with
using a social skill, and shift at least 3 icons
such NPCs. Long War weaponry is also
from the successful test. Should the
easier for him to obtain and all weapons
character succeed, he can take advantage
with the Heretic Astartes or Adeptus
of his victim’s demoralised state and
Astartes keyword count as one rarity lower
introduce him to whatever addicting
than normal (i.e. Rare becomes Uncommon,
substance the character offers. The NPC
Uncommon becomes Common, etc.).
becomes a servant of the character, and will
Finally, veterans of the Long War are
follow him so long as the provided addiction
despised by the Imperium and the Adeptus
is satisfied. This Talent is not effective on
Astartes especially, and should the
NPCs with a higher Rank than the character,
character’s past become known by these
or NPCs categorised as Adversaries. Other
powers it is likely to end in blood...
NPCs may also be unaffected at the GM’s
discretion, such as those who are inorganic
Assassin Strike
or daemonic. The character may only have a
Cost: 40
single seduced servant in his service, but
Prerequisite: Agility 4+, Athletics 2+
may discard him at any time by cutting off
The character’s natural agility and graceful
his supply--although the NPC may cause
martial forms turn him into a dervish of
problems for the character once he has
death on the battlefield. After making a
recovered his senses! The GM and player
melee attack, the character may make a DN
should work together to determine the
4 Athletics check. If he succeeds, he may
servant’s addiction, though it does not
move ½ his Speed as a free action, even if
necessarily need to be the same substance
he has already moved. The character’s
opponent cannot react to this move. The power and all those who wield the power of
character may only make this move once the warp. This talent may be used at any
per round. time by a character as long as he has at
least an hour to perform his ritual of
Blasphemous Incantation contempt (a player may say his character
Cost: 40 has already performed the ritual before
Prerequisite: Chaos, Psyker, Cannot have play begins if the GM agrees). The character
Corpus Conversion or Sacrifice must also spend one Wrath Point. During
As a realm of coherent thought and tangible the game session whenever the character is
emotion, the warp is influenced by the the subject of the effects of a psychic
minds of mortals. Using complex formulae power, daemonic ability or other warp
and ritualistic incantations to focus and based power, he may make a Willpower
direct thoughts, a mortal mind can exert test, with the DN being ½ the dice pool used
influence over the Immaterium more easily. to cast the power (make this test before
However, the tiniest slip in focus and any tests he would normally be permitted
concentration, the slightest to resist the effects of the power). If the
mispronunciation in the incantation, can Willpower test is passed the character is
result in the warp being unleashed in a unaffected by the psychic power. If the test
dangerous and destructive manner. Using a is failed then the psychic power affects him
power with an incantation increases the as normal and he becomes Frenzied in
casting time by 1 step (1 simple action addition to any other effects. The effects of
becomes 2, 2 simple actions becomes this talent only apply to powers that directly
action, action becomes full action, full affect the character (such as targeted
action completes casting at the beginning of powers or powers which catch him in their
the psyker’s next turn), as the psyker area of effect) and not powers which may
requires a few moments to speak the harm him indirectly (such as attacks from
required words. Using a power with an summoned daemons or falling or flying
invocation grants the psyker a -1DN bonus debris from a telekinetic). In
to cast the power. However, the psyker addition,powers used by friendly psykers
must add +2 to the roll if he triggers Perils must also be resisted (and also cause Frenzy
of the Warp. should he fail to resist them). A power that
is resisted by a character using this talent is
Blood God’s Contempt not nullified and others are affected by it as
Cost: 40 normal.
Prerequisite: Khorne, Willpower 4+
The character spends the time before battle Corpus Conversion
armoring himself against the power of the Cost: 30
warp by cursing the names of sorcerers and
showing his fearlessness before his feeble
Prerequisite: Psyker, Human or Nurgle, Tzeentch keyword, counting as having the
cannot have Blasphemous Incantation or <Mark of Chaos> keyword for that god, for
Sacrifice the purposes of later purchasing the Mark
To the truly dedicated Sorcerer, the flesh is of Chaos talent.
a fleeting inconvenience, a transitory shell
to contain his glory until he ascends to Into the Jaws of Hell
something greater. Such a character, Cost: 40
whether truly blessed by the Dark Gods or Prerequisite: Fellowship 5+
merely insane, is willing to burn his flesh in The character’s leadership is so stern and
exchange for power, gathering the terrifying that his followers would rather die
corrosive power of the Warp and holding it at the hands of a Grey Knight Terminator
within muscle, bone, sinew and hair until than disobey him. His allies become
the time comes to unleash it. A psyker with immune to the effects of Fear and Pinning
the Corpus Conversion Talent gains access as long as he is physically there to lead
to this Path to Power, and may elect to use them and they can see him leading by
it before he attempts a Psychic Mastery example. Player Characters cannot benefit
test. The psyker may gain a number of from Into the Jaws of Hell.
bonus icons no greater than his Toughness
on his Psychic Mastery test. However, for Servant of Chaos
every icon gained in this way, the psyker Cost: 30
suffers 1 Mortal Wound and must make a Prerequisite: Leadership 4+, Tier 3+
DN 4 Corruption test as the energies of the Though various means the character has
warp poison his body from within. Heretic acquired a dedicated, loyal Servant. Such a
Astartes characters may not normally Servant is less powerful than the character,
benefit from Corpus Conversion; the though tougher than most and come in a
taint-resistant metabolism of the Astartes variety of forms such as a disturbing wyrd
makes them incapable of burning away sorcerer, a well-trained traitor guardsman,
flesh to fuel warp-based powers. However, or a bloodthirsty alien mercenary. The
those who pay homage to Nurgle have such character may take one NPC that would be
corrupted flesh that they may do so. considered a Troop at his Tier as a servant,
adding ½ the character’s Rank to all the
Dedicated NPC’s base attributes. This talent may be
Point Cost: 10 taken more than once, each time adding
Prerequisite: Chaos, Must not have the another Servant to the character’s Retinue,
<Mark of Chaos> keyword or the keyword up to a maximum of Tier-1 (min. 1).
of a god
The character has found his calling, and has Sacrifice
chosen to commit himself to the Dark Gods. Cost: 30
He gains the Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, or
Prerequisite: Chaos, Psyker, Cannot have
Blasphemous Incantation or Corpus
The Chaos Gods are said to demand blood
and sacrifice from their followers, and those
on the path to glory are always eager to
offer such things in exchange for greater
power. For sorcerers in particular, the
offering of blood and life allow more
ambitious use of their powers. A psyker
with the Sacrifice Talent may ritually
prepare and slay a sacrificial victim (which
must be a human or intelligent xenos). It
takes a DN 4 Scholar test, taking 2d6
minutes to prepare and anoint a bound and
helpless sacrificial victim. Once prepared, it
takes a full action to slay the victim. In the
subsequent turn, the psyker gains +1d to
any Psychic Mastery tests for every 2 icons
shifted from the Scholar test. In addition,
should any Perils of the Warp occur, the
effects are focused through the dying
victim. Any effects that would normally
affect the psyker instead cause the body to
burn to ash in a blaze of iridescent
warp-flame, causing all within a 6m radius
to be struck as if by a weapon with the
following profile: 10+1ED; AP 0; Warp
Weapon. Increase the radius by 6m for
every +1 that was added to the Perils of the
Warp roll.
Paths to Power
The Chaos Gods rarely directly intercede in member of a soul-possessing race that the
the everyday lives of their followers. Most Chaos Gods have found worthy to offer
of the time, the closest a servant of the Daemonhood. Their soul is removed, kept
Powers gets to speaking to one is through by the Chaos God forever, and replaced
their creations: the Daemons. There are with an amalgam of warp energy that
several tiers of Daemons, though the corrupts their flesh and turns them wholly
distinction can become blurred. into a being of the Warp. A Daemon Prince
serves its master, whether that be a specific
Lesser Daemons are the foot soldiers of the
god or Chaos Undivided, but how that
Chaos Gods, though they are more than a
service manifests is entirely up to them.
match for the average man. Most cults that
Treachery is impossible, as the Chaos Gods
succeed in summoning Daemons will only
can at a whim revoke what they granted in
ever summon a few Lesser Daemons. By far,
the first place. Any illusion of rebellion is
these are the most numerous.
merely the whimsy of the Dark Gods,
Daemonic Beasts are wild and ferocious, enjoying the self-delusion required to think
containing little reason beyond that of that one can defeat the Ruinous Powers in a
mortal animals. However, their wild rage battle of wits.
and massive forms make them deadly
While it is the dream of most, if not all
combatants. Examples are the Juggernauts
servants of the Powers to achieve
and Fiends of Slaanesh.
Apotheosis and become a Daemon Prince,
The Greater Daemons are the true powers there are ways to obtain power that are
on any battlefield. Bloodthirsters can rend available to those of...lesser means.
the mightiest engines of war apart in a
single mighty stroke, Lords of Change
unleash torrents of psychic might that can
reduce entire armies to ash and mewling
spawn. Regardless of their alignment, very Power is always available for a price, and
few mortals can stand against one alone, what serves as the price for a Dark
and any who defeats one is truly a Patronage can vary. Any entity capable of
champion amongst their kind. serving as a Dark Patron is far beyond the
Heroes, usually a Daemon Prince or a
Daemon Princes are perhaps not the most
Greater Daemon, or some warp entity far
powerful, but they are certainly the most
more ancient and dangerous. Regardless,
influential. Each Daemon Prince is a former
seeking out such a being is difficult, and
showing the Heroes’ worth to it is even also become the Heroes’ enemies, attacking
more so. It should be the focus of an entire them when they have the opportunity.
arc of the story to gain Dark Patronage, and
the task(s) assigned should be something
that no lesser being could accomplish.
Daemon Characteristics
26 The Daemon has consumed the host entirely. See Final Destiny.
Manifestations, he would gain +2 Strength,
DAEMONIC MANIFESTATIONS but once he gained a third manifestation, it
would increase to +3 Strength.
Daemonic Guile
Chaos Aura
The Daemon speaks honeyed words for the
An aura of Warp energy ripples around the
Possessed to repeat, allowing him to gain
Possessed, deflecting blows and
trust and project charisma more easily. He
disintegrating bullets. The character gains
gains +X Fellowship.
AV equal to the possessing Daemon’s
Willpower attribute with the Force Shield Daemonic Venom
trait, but roll 2d6 whenever the character The Possessed’s beweaponed limbs drip
takes no damage from an attack. On with noxious, Warpspawned venom. The
doubles, he gains 1 CP. character’s natural weapons gain the Toxic
(X) trait.
Daemonic Essence
The Daemon within sustains the possessed Daemonic Visage
character’s form despite horrendous The Possessed’s appearance projects an
injuries that would kill a mortal several aura of unnatural horror. The character
times over. The character gains +X Wounds. gains a -X DN bonus to all Intimidate tests.
Daemonic Fire Rending Talons
Warp-fire spills from the Possessed’s eyes, The Possessed’s weapon-limbs are serrated
mouth, and claws. The character’s natural or barbed. His natural weapons gain the
weapons gain the Blaze trait. Further, he Brutal and Agonizing traits.
counts as being equipped with a ranged
weapon with the following profile: (10+XED, Unholy Resilience
AP -X, 12m, Salvo --, Blaze, Spread). The Possessed character’s unholy form is all
but proof against mortal weapons. He gains
Daemonic Speed +X Toughness.
The Possessed chases down prey with feral
swiftness and evades blows no mortal Vorpal Claws
could. He gains +X Agility and Speed. The Possessed’s claws are supernaturally
sharp, shearing through bone as easily as
Daemonic Strength ceramite. His natural weapons gain the
The Possessed shows an unholy strength, Penetrating (X) and Warp Weapon traits.
his mutated muscles fortified with the
power of the Daemon dwelling within. He
gains +X Strength. Invoking the Daemon
Daemonic Knowledge
The Daemon whispers secrets that man was Sometimes, it may be beneficial to allow
the Daemon within a bit more free rein, at
least enough that it can grant the host may attempt to wrest control from the
power. A Possessed character can Invoke character in order to do things its own way.
the Daemon a number of times per session
The GM decides when a Daemon attempts
as determined by The Possession Track,
to seize control, based on the Daemon’s
and each time, the character chooses one
personality and the current events in the
or more of the Daemon’s attributes to
campaign. Some possible reasons include:
substitute for his own, increasing his base
attribute(s) to that of the Daemon’s. He ● The character acts against the
may also choose to gain any Abilities, Skills, Daemon’s interests or the tenets of
weapons, or other aspects of the Daemon its god.
(GM’s decision). The effects last until the ● The character Invokes the Daemon.
end of the current Scene, but when the ● The character attempts to wield a
character returns to normal, he loses one Daemon Weapon or wear
shock per attribute, ability, etc. he invoked. Daemonforged Armor.
If this causes him to reach 0 Shock, he must ● The character moves up a step on
make a test as per The Struggle for Control, The Possession Track or gains a new
below, as the Daemon seizes its Malignancy.
The Art of the Ritual
Over the millennia, scholars have result of an adventure into ancient and
discovered that certain symbols, auspicious forgotten libraries of censored lore. Either
circumstances, and mystic words can way, the ability to summon something as
channel the power of the Warp without the powerful as a Lord of Change should not be
use of psychic powers. While requiring a simple matter, and could be the focus of a
incredibly delicate preparations and segment of a campaign.
intricate knowledge of the occult, a ritual, if
Performing the Ritual
performed correctly, may grant the Ritualist
a boon of the Chaos Gods, sometimes To start, each ritual has a few basic
power, sometimes knowledge, sometimes a components.
more concrete result, such as the
temporary service of a Daemon. While Requirements: This includes the test
many Ritualists are Sorcerers, and the terms required to perform the ritual.
are often used interchangeably, one need Alignment: Which god the ritual is aligned
not be a psyker to perform a ritual, and to. If the ritual has the <Mark of Chaos>
certain rituals, especially those dedicated to alignment, the alignment becomes the God
Khorne, will fail if a psyker attempts them. the Ritualist is aligned to, or remains
Each ritual is unique to the power that is unaligned if the Ritualist is not aligned.
being called upon, and discovering how to Unaligned is not an alignment, and
perform that ritual is usually either the fruit therefore no bonuses are gained for being
of long and intensive research or the direct aligned to the correct god if the Ritualist is
revelation of a powerful Daemon. Rituals unaligned, but no penalties are suffered for
are also highly risky, as the margins of error the reverse, either.
are small and the consequences of failure Effects: The results if the ritual is successful.
are dire, as many cults have discovered to
their despair. Duration: How long the ritual’s effects last.
d66 Effect
11-36 The Ritualist’s actions are beneath notice by the Dark Gods. He has failed, but emerged unscathed.
41-46 Daemons press against the veil to mock the Ritualist for his failure, using his darkest secrets and
failures as fuel for ridicule. He gains 1d3 Corruption points.
51-56 The energy meant for the ritual is uncontrollably released. He takes 10 damage with the Warp
Weapon trait, and gains 1d6 Corruption points.
61-66 The failure has offended some warp entity, and a lesser Daemon (GM’s choice) is dispatched to deal
with the Ritualist. If the ritual was to summon a Daemon, the Daemon is indeed summoned, but no
mastery test is possible and it is uncontrolled. In either case, it appears in the middle of the ritual
and attacks the Ritualist to the exclusion of other combatants.
71-86 The presumption to play so casually with the Warp rebounds on the Ritualist, and a Daemon
attempts to overthrow his mind. A lesser Daemon (GM’s choice) attempts to possess the Ritualist. If
the ritual was to summon a Daemon, that Daemon is summoned, but is not subject to a mastery test
and attempts to possess the Ritualist instead.
91+ The Ritualist has offended the Chaos Gods for the last time. His body is destroyed, turned to ash or
melted into a pool of sludge. His soul is torn into the depths of the warp. He is dead, and is
considered to have been Annihilated.
Daemonic Mastery Tests summoner, tearing its soul out and dragging
it back into the depths of the Warp.
Bringing a Daemon into the Materium is a
far cry from binding it to your will, and A Mastery Test is an opposed Willpower
Daemons inherently look down upon test performed after a successful Ritual is
mortals, seeing themselves as the supreme performed that involves a Daemon,
beings in the Galaxy. An uncontrolled between the summoner and the Daemon.
Daemon will usually seek to slay its Exalted Icons may be shifted from the Ritual
test in order to add +1d to the Ritualist’s If the failure of the test results in
test for each shift. possession, the character makes an
opposed Willpower test with the Daemon,
While being a Psyker grants only a small
no ritual modifiers involved. If the test is
inherent bonus to summoning a Daemon, it
failed, the Daemon controls the character
is another matter when attempting to bind
for its Willpower in minutes or until the end
one to your will, as the ability to impose
of the current scene, whichever comes first,
your will upon the Warp is quite similar to
acting as it pleases. At the end of this time,
imposing your will upon one of its denizens.
the Daemon departs back to the warp and
If the summoner has the Psyker keyword,
the character gains 1d3 Corruption points.
they may choose to make a Psychic Mastery
test instead of a Willpower test. The
summoner’s test may also be modified by
the conditions on the Ritual Modifiers
Ritual Modifiers
+1d ● The ritual site is constructed using symbols or items related to the correct god
● A suitable sacrifice has been provided for the Daemon upon arrival
● The Ritualist has an Æthéme Blade or Ritual Kit.
● The Ritualist has the Psyker keyword and the Psychic Mastery skill at level 3-5
● The veil between reality and the warp has been slightly weakened
● The Ritualist has an artifact related to the Daemon or ritual
● The Ritualist knows part of the Daemon’s True Name
Each Chaos God has a specific number that Nurgle: 7 and multiples of 7.
is associated with it, and using them is a
Khorne: 8 and multiples of 8.
simple way to increase the chances of a
ritual succeeding. Correctly using Sacred Tzeentch: 9 and multiples of 9.
Numbers in a rite or ritual grants a +2d (or
-2d if incorrectly used) to relevant tests
(already listed on the table). Unaligned
rituals cannot gain Sacred Number bonuses
or penalties.
Name Description
Blasphemous Offering Sacrifice the soul of a recently-killed enemy in exchange for a small boon of power
Rite of Dark Summoning Call a Lesser Daemon, Daemonic Beast, or Herald to the material plane to serve you
Rite of Terror Untold Bring a Greater Daemon or Daemon Prince into reality to accomplish a task equal to
their power
Ritual of Possession Call a Daemon to enter the body of a host in order to create a Possessed, or to harden
the soul by exorcising one.
Rite of the Hellsmith Forge a Daemon into a weapon to create a Daemon Weapon
Rite of Tempered Fury Bind a Daemon to a suit of armor in order to create Daemonforged Armor
Ritual of Bonding Fuse two souls together as master and servant, forcing absolute servitude and the
ability to share senses
Ritual of Binding Force a Daemon to fuse with a war machine in order to create a Daemon Engine
Ritual of Breaking Force a Daemonic Beast to submit to your will and allow you to ride it
Rite of Many Eyes Partially summon a Daemon in order to ask it for information
Rite of Sundering Tear open the veil between reality and the Warp, allowing Daemons to exist in the
materium and making certain rituals easier
Rite of Punishment Ward an area against the pitiful cowardice of the psyker
Ritual of Slaughter Beseech Khorne for a boon on the field of combat in exchange for a price
Ritual of Futures Foretold Delve the currents of fate for a vision of what will befall an area in the future
Rite of the Plague Gift Ask for a virulent cutting from Nurgle’s garden to be granted to you
Dark Mirror The pain the target inflicts on others rebounds upon him, causing him injury.
Endless Terror All things are terrifying to the cursed individual, who lives in constant fear.
Words of Power Several closely connected curses that each possess great power.
Requirements: DN 3 Scholar test, modified Cost: Must have just incapacitated or killed
by Ritual Modifiers. an Elite or Adversary-tier enemy in combat
in the same turn. The ritual takes two If in an area where the Warp’s presence is
Simple Actions. strong, such as a Daemon world or in the
middle of a large battle involving the forces
The Price of Failure: A being that finds the
of Chaos, the Daemon may remain
Ritualist presumptuous decides to send him
indefinitely, at the GM’s discretion.
a bane rather than a boon. He rolls on the
Perils of the Warp table. Cost: The summoning takes at least the
Daemon’s Willpower in hours, and causes
Rite of Dark Summoning
an immediate roll on the Perils of the Warp
The Ritualist reaches into the Warp and table once the Ritual concludes.
calls for the aid of one of the Ruinous Additionally, the following effects result
Powers’ servants, either for war or for some based on the summoned Daemon’s patron
more sinister purpose. god.
Requirements: Scholar test, DN equal to Slaanesh: All those participating in the ritual
the Willpower of the summoned Daemon, must make a DN 3 Willpower test or be
modified by Ritual Modifiers. stunned until the beginning of their next
turn, unable to act due to the joy and agony
Alignment: Daemon’s patron god coursing through their body. This may
Effects: A Lesser Daemon, Daemonic Beast, prevent the Mastery test from being
or Herald (chosen before the ritual begins) attempted.
appears in the middle of the ritual site. The Nurgle: All those participating in the ritual
Ritualist must make a Daemonic Mastery must make a DN 3 Toughness test or suffer
test to command the Daemon, otherwise it d3 Mortal Wounds from the toxic gases and
attempts to attack the summoner. It follows poisons.
to the letter any commands given by the
summoner, verbally or telepathically (if the Khorne: All those participating in the ritual
summoner is a psyker), but it may take must make a DN 3 Willpower test or enter a
liberties with unclear wording. Daemonic blood frenzy, attacking the nearest
Beasts may lack the intellect to understand available target for one turn. Similarly, this
more than basic commands, the GM may prevent the Mastery test from being
determines whether a command is too attempted.
complex for such a being.
Tzeentch: Add +1d3 to the Perils of the
Duration: The Daemon remains in the Warp roll.
material realm for 1 minute. For each
Potency: [2] The ritual summons an
sacrifice provided to the Daemon in the
additional Daemon with an identical profile
summoning ritual, or each mortal the
(An identical mastery test must be made for
Daemon slays while manifested, the
each Daemon).
Daemon remains for an additional minute.
The Price of Failure: Roll on the Contempt power (GM’s decision), it may not bother
of the Warp table, adding +1 for each die coming at all. Either way, a single individual
result of 1 on the Scholar test. must be designated as the Host, whose
flesh will become the Daemon’s core. This
Rite of Terror Untold
character need not be Human, but it must
There are few things as horrifying, as truly be a soul-bearing being. If the Host is a
unspeakable as a Greater Daemon or willing participant, the DN of the Scholar
Daemon Prince. They bring the power of test drops to 8.
the Warp with them, embodying the very
Alignment: Daemon’s patron god
highest ideals of their god, incarnated in a
form that can best execute their master’s Effects: A Greater Daemon or Daemon
interests. Such a powerful being does not Prince (chosen before the ritual begins)
gladly suffer a mortal summoner and will appears in the middle of the ritual site,
only accept summoning if it wishes it. If killing the host by Annihilation. Due to the
forcibly called and bound, it will strain at its mightiness of such a task, all Heroes
bonds until it is released, either back into involved gain 1d6 Corruption and 1d6+3 BP.
the Warp or when its summoner loses The Ritualist may make a Daemonic
control and the Daemon is finally free to Mastery test, with a penalty of +6 DN to
tear its would-be master asunder. command the Daemon; if successful, it
follows all orders given to the letter, vocally
Requirements: Scholar test, DN 10,
or telepathically, but may take liberties with
modified by Ritual Modifiers. In addition,
unclear wording. If failed, it strikes down all
suitable sacrifices must be provided before
present for their arrogance. Alternatively,
the Daemon will even consider arriving. For
the Heroes may attempt to bargain with the
example, the blood of 800 warriors killed in
Daemon, supplicating themselves and
ritual combat may tempt a Bloodthirster, or
offering even greater spoils should the
700 pure innocents infected with 7 of
Daemon serve them. While a Daemon
Nurgle’s most virulent diseases may be
successfully supplicated in such a way will
enough to sate a Great Unclean One. The
follow orders, it is not bound to, and may
sacrifices need not be simple slaughter; 99
ignore tasks it deems below it.
tomes of lost arcane knowledge sacrificed
on a pyre of warpflame might be enough to Duration: As a specific task should be
entice a Lord of Change, and 6 weeks of determined before summoning the
torture on 66 captives would potentially be Daemon, it may remain in the Materium as
enough for a Keeper of Secrets. More long as needed, so long as it can complete
importantly, a Greater Daemon or Daemon its task in a reasonable time frame. If it is
Prince should not be called to win a single tasked with a task that needs a duration,
skirmish, or take a castle on a feudal world. then the Daemon remains in the material
If the task is not equal to the Daemon’s realm for 1d6+10 hours. For every 100
sacrifices provided to the Daemon in [2]: The Daemon remains for an additional
addition to the amount required to hour.
summon it (certain sacrifices may be worth
The Price of Failure: A Greater Daemon’s
more than others), or every 100 enemies
summoning is not something that should be
the Daemon kills while manifested (GM’s
undertaken lightly, and failing it is almost
estimate), the Daemon remains for an
certainly the last thing a Ritualist will do. If
additional hour. If in an area where the
the Rite is unsuccessful, the Ritualist must
Warp’s presence is strong, such as a
roll on the Contempt of the Warp table,
Daemon world or in the middle of a large
adding +2 for each die result of 1 on his
battle involving the forces of Chaos, the
unsuccessful test. Every other character
Daemon may remain indefinitely, at the
present must also roll for Contempt of the
GM’s discretion.
Warp at a +1. Failing such an important
Cost: A Greater Daemon or Daemon ritual will not go unnoticed, and the
Prince’s entrance into reality is an action characters are treated as 1 Rank lower until
that tears the fabric of reality asunder. The they would gain enough BP to gain a Rank.
summoning takes at least the Daemon’s Finally, if the GM is feeling cruel, the chosen
Willpower in days, and causes two Daemon manifests, but is under no form of
immediate rolls on the Perils of the Warp control, and will do its best to utterly
table once the Ritual concludes. annihilate those fools who dared to try to
Additionally, each character within 100m bind it.
(or larger, in particularly unstable areas,
Ritual of Possession
GM’s discretion) must make four DN 6
tests. First, Toughness, to avoid being Daemons regularly attempt to possess
blinded for 2d6 minutes by the creature’s unwary humans, especially psykers,
unnatural glory. Second, an Agility test to puppeting their bodies and making
avoid being hurled away by a shockwave mockeries of them. However, certain
that causes a d6 Mortal Wounds if the devotees of Chaos willingly invite Daemons
character fails. Third, fa Willpower test, to into their bodies, either as a sign of
avoid taking d6 Willpower damage that devotion or as a path to quick power.
lasts a week from the Daemon’s unholy Alternatively, allowing a Daemon to pass
aura. Fourth, a Strength test to avoid taking through your body tempers the soul and
1d6 Shock and being stunned for d6 rounds slows the process of physical corruption.
as the Daemon’s presence roils the air.
Requirements: Scholar test, DN equal to
Potency: *[3]: The Daemon is willing to the Willpower of the Daemon + 2, modified
serve without additional payment, and by Ritual Modifiers.
follows orders as if it had been paid, but is
not bound as per a Daemonic Mastery test.
Alignment: That of the Daemon chosen to Contempt of the Warp, adding the
enter the host difference between the result of the Scholar
test and the target of the test. If the ritual
Effects: A Daemon (Chosen before the ritual
fails, the intended host must make a
begins) Possesses the host. If the subject of
Willpower or Toughness (GM’s choice for
the ritual is an NPC, see Duration and Cost.
NPCs, Player’s for PCs) test (DN 4) or be
Duration: NPC hosts rarely survive long. If immediately killed as his soul is dragged
the Daemon’s Willpower attribute is less down into the warp by the Daemon he
than the host’s, the possession lasts as sought to bring into his own body.
many hours equal ½ the host’s Willpower. If
the Daemon’s Willpower attribute is higher
Rituals of Daemonforging
than the host’s, then the possession lasts
the host’s Willpower in hours. When the
time limit runs out, the Daemon either Binding Daemons into wargear and vehicles
bursts from the host’s body, killing the host is a long and time-honored practice. Adding
before vanishing, or leaves the host and the strength of a Daemon to your own in
retreats back to the Warp (leaving the host such a way proves both the creator’s skill
scarred mentally as well as physically). and the wielder’s mental strength, for
controlling a Daemon is a difficult task in
Cost: The Ritual of Possession takes at least
and of itself.
twice as long as summoning the Daemon
(see the Dark Summoning ritual). Once the The following three rituals (Rite of the
host is exorcised or the Daemon leaves, he Hellsmith, Rite of Tempered Fury, Ritual of
permanently reduces his fellowship by 2d3 Binding) have many things in common, and
(min 1), his wounds by 1d3, and he gains the concepts of Legacy of Slaughter and
2d3 Corruption points. He gains immunity Wargear Wrought for Purpose are
to Fear, adds +2d to all tests to resist explained in detail in the chapter The
Psychic Powers, and may no longer gain Hellforge, later in this document. However,
malignancies (though Corruption still to make things easy, these ritual modifiers
accrues). are treated as being on the list of normal
Ritual Modifiers when a Daemon-infused
Potency: [1]: Increase or decrease the
object is being crafted.
length of the possession by 1 hour.
Daemonforging Modifiers
-2d ● Wargear Wrought for Purpose: The wargear’s creation or features reflect a god different
than the Daemon’s
● Daemon is a Herald
-3d ● Legacy of Slaughter: History is sympathetic with a god opposed to the Daemon
● Legacy of Slaughter: Weapon has never drawn blood
● Daemon is a Greater Daemon or Daemon Prince
Rite of the Hellsmith has little control over. Therefore, the test to
do so is a DN 8 Scholar test.
The difficulty of binding a Daemon into a
weapon is only surpassed by that of Alignment: That of the Daemon chosen to
wielding it. However, such tools of Chaos be bound to the weapon
are highly prized for their superior qualities
Effects: The Daemon enters the weapon. It
and supernatural abilities, and many
is now a Daemon Weapon (See The
heretics will go through anything to acquire
Hellforge for details on Daemon Weapons)
Duration: Permanent, unless the Daemon
Requirements: Before performing the Rite
Weapon is destroyed.
of the Hellsmith, the Ritualist must choose a
weapon. The Rite of the Hellsmith should Cost: The Rite of the Hellsmith is most often
be built into an existing summoning ritual, incorporated into the summoning ritual,
and replaces the Daemonic Mastery Test and so takes no more time than the ritual to
for that ritual. A Daemon is loath to give up summon the Daemon itself. However, it is
its freedom and enter a small object that it spiritually taxing to all involved, and every
participant in the ritual suffers a -2d penalty
to all actions until they have time to Hellforge for details on Daemonforged
properly rest. Each participant makes an Armor)
immediate roll on Perils of the Warp.
Duration: Permanent, unless the Armor is
Potency: [2]: The penalty to all actions for destroyed somehow.
performing the ritual is reduced by -1d.
Cost: The Rite of Tempered Fury is most
The Price of Failure: The binding fails, and often incorporated into the summoning
the Daemon breaks loose, attacking the ritual, and so takes no more time than the
ritual participants. The Ritualist makes an ritual to summon the Daemon itself.
immediate roll on Contempt of the Warp, However, it is spiritually taxing to all
adding +1 for each die result of 1 on the involved, and every participant in the ritual
Scholar test. suffers a -2d penalty to all actions until they
have time to properly rest. Each participant
Rite of Tempered Fury
makes an immediate roll on Perils of the
Forging a Daemon into a suit of armor is a Warp.
tricky and risky proposition. A Daemon so
Potency: [2]: The penalty to all actions for
bound must be forced or tricked into such a
performing the ritual is reduced by -1d.
position, as they know that they have no
chance to spill blood. However, when The Price of Failure: The binding fails, and
Daemonforged Armor is successfully the Daemon breaks loose, attacking the
created, it provides peerless, otherworldly ritual participants. The Ritualist makes an
protection. immediate roll on Contempt of the Warp,
adding +1 for each die result of 1 on the
Requirements: To create Daemonforged
Scholar test.
Armor, one must start with a suit of armor.
This may be any armor, so long as it Ritual of Binding
provides at least 2 AV. The ritual must be
One of the more potent ways for Daemons
combined with another summoning ritual,
to fight alongside mortals without worrying
and replaces the Daemonic Mastery Test.
about a constant flow of Warp energy is for
As the Daemon knows it will not be able to
them to be bound to a physical vehicle.
slaughter or kill while bound to armor, the
Filling the empty spaces within with
test is extremely difficult; two DN 9 Scholar
Daemon flesh and enhancing or creating
tests must both be passed.
weapons, a Daemon Engine is as highly
Alignment: That of the Daemon chosen to destructive as it is hard to control.
be forged into the armor
Requirements: DN 8 Scholar test, modified
Effects: The Daemon fuses with the armor. by Ritual Modifiers; a specially prepared
It is now Daemonforged Armor (See The Shell must be present, created before the
Ritual starts. The ritual must be enacted as
soon as a Daemon is summoned via other rider’s skill at domination, and many have
methods and replaces the Daemonic lost their lives--and souls--at the chance to
Mastery test that would be used to control obtain such a mount.
Requirements: The Ritual of Breaking
Alignment: That of the Daemon chosen to should be built into an existing summoning
be bound into the Engine. ritual, usually the Rite of Dark Summoning.
This ritual replaces the normal Daemonic
Effects: The Daemon is bound to the Shell
Mastery test made after summoning the
and fuses to it. It is now a Daemon Engine
beast. Few Daemons can be formed into a
(See The Hellforge for details on Daemon
mount, and are usually restricted to
particularly large specimens. While the
Duration: Permanent, at least until the most common examples are Juggernauts of
Daemon breaks free or the Engine itself is Khorne, Steeds of Slaanesh, Screamers of
destroyed. Tzeentch (Transformed into Discs), and
particularly large Plague Drones of Nurgle,
Cost: The Ritual of Binding is most often there also exist many other Daemons that
incorporated into the summoning ritual, could potentially serve as a mount.
and so takes no more time than the ritual to Assuming the Daemon is summoned
summon the Daemon itself. However, it is correctly, the Ritual of Breaking requires a
spiritually taxing to all involved, and every DN 6 Scholar test, modified by Ritual
participant in the ritual suffers a -3d penalty Modifiers, followed by an opposed
to all actions until they have time to Willpower test with the Daemon.
properly rest. Each participant makes an
immediate roll on Perils of the Warp. Alignment: That of the Daemon chosen to
be broken into a steed
Potency: [2]: The penalty to all actions for
performing the ritual is reduced by -1d. Effects: The Daemon is now broken to the
will of the Ritualist, and follows its orders
The Price of Failure: The binding fails, and and allows the Ritualist (but none other,
the Daemon breaks loose, attacking the unless riding with the Ritualist) to ride it.
ritual participants. The Ritualist makes an Additionally, gaining the service of a
immediate roll on Contempt of the Warp, Daemonic Steed is a noteworthy deed, and
adding +1 for each die result of 1 on the the Ritualist gains 2d3 BP.
Scholar test.
Duration: So long as the Daemon remains
Ritual of Breaking corporeal. The Daemon must be fed
It is a symbol of great prestige to ride into regularly with warp energy, exposed to new
battle on the back of a Daemonic Beast. To sensations, bathed in the blood of the
be borne by such a beast is proof of the recently slaughtered, or whatever actions
would venerate the Daemon’s patron deity. drawn out of the Warp. Instead the rite
Should the Daemon be banished back to the attempts to give the Daemon sufficient
warp, either by death or being deprived of power to partially bleed through the veil,
sustenance, the binding is broken and must enough that it might communicate directly
be re-performed. with the Heretics. The Heretics may enact
this rite if they wish to learn something that
Cost: The act of taming a Daemonic Beast is
cannot be learnt via normal means. If the
neither quick nor easy. It takes 10d6 hours,
knowledge could be obtained through
and the Ritualist loses d3 shock per 10
normal research, investigation, or
hours. Exalted Icons may be shifted from
interrogation, the Daemon will likely
the Opposed Willpower test to reduce this
consider the request beneath him. They
by 1 hour per Icon. The GM should feel free
could perhaps ask about immediate dangers
to have the character suffer some injuries; a
they may soon face, the location of a rare
broken bone is about the best one can
artifact that could bring them greater
expect when breaking a Juggernaut.
power, or where a hidden location lies.
The Price of Failure: The Beast breaks loose However, one must first have knowledge of
and attacks the Ritualist before returning to an entity that could aid them. This requires
the warp. Treat this as an Ambush. a certain amount of research, represented
by a DN 6 Scholar test made over the
Rite of Many Eyes course of a few weeks, depending on how
Daemons do not see time and space in the powerful the entity they need is. If they
same way mortals do. Their viewpoints are already know of a Daemon that could help,
as varied as the forms they take, and there they may choose to question that one. The
are Daemons that have walked the paths of Rite must be performed in an area where
the Warp for endless aeons. Ancient and the warp is relatively strong, and in a
terrible, these twisted beings have seen secluded area where none can overhear
many things in their long existence, and are them. Once the ritual begins, the Ritualist
quite willing to give up their secrets for the makes a DN 6 Scholar test, modified by
right price. The Rite of Many Eyes—itself a Ritual Modifiers, with the difficulty
ritual with many different names—allows increased or decreased based on how
those seeking knowledge to reach out to an obscure or expansive the request is. The
ancient Daemon without summoning it GM should be careful not to allow too much
directly in the hope that it might share what leeway in the questions, and the Daemon
it knows. may refuse if it does not know or does not
wish to reveal the information.
Requirements: The Rite of Many Eyes is
similar to other rituals where the goal is to Alignment: That of the Daemon being
summon a Daemon; the main difference, petitioned for answers
however, is that the Daemon is not being
Effects: A ghostly apparition of a Daemon confront the daemon and explain their
appears before the Ritualist and speaks to failure, resulting in a roll on the Contempt
him. The Daemon will demand a purpose of the Warp table, modified by how
for the partial summoning, and if the extreme the failure was (failing to retrieve
Daemon accepts the answer, the an artifact might only be a +1 on the table,
questioning may begin. The Daemon will while losing the item to the Daemon’s
demand a price for his aid, in addition to sworn enemy could result in +3). Should
any sacrifices made for the ritual itself. By they simply not contact the Daemon, they
making a DN 8 Daemonic Mastery Test the run the risk of gaining the Daemon’s eternal
Ritualist may make the Daemon more enmity. The GM can represent this by
receptive to his requests, but if failed, the random attacks, bad luck, or any other
Daemon will mock the character and Warp-based phenomenon that hinders
demand an even greater price. The Daemon their progress. In either case, the Daemon
should give the characters the answers they will never help the characters again, and
seek, but can be as vague or cryptic as they they should pray they never cross paths in
like, or offer only part of the answer until the Materium.
the price is paid.
Rite of Sundering
Duration: The ritual itself takes much less
While it is true that those cursed (or gifted)
time than calling forth an actual Daemon,
with the ability to manipulate the warp and
only about an hour, and lasts until the
draw forth its energies can use it to
Daemon has answered the questions,
cause destruction on a tremendous level,
though if the characters take too long, it
the reality is that even the most formidable
may leave on its own.
sorcerer can only use but a fraction of the
Cost: There is no direct cost, apart from the might the warp holds. In an effort to
price that must be paid for the information. enhance the potency of their abilities, some
Once the characters have done as they sorcerers have learnt of a ritual that can
were asked, they must perform the ritual break the veil between reality and the
again, reporting their success or failure. immaterium. Known as the Rites of
Sundering, this series of risky and
The Price of Failure: Failing the initial
potentially devastating rituals can cause
research or the ritual test simply means
raw energy to bleed through into reality,
that the characters are unable to find the
allowing the psyker greater access to the
information, or have found the wrong
warp. The effects of the rite tend to
information. If they wish to attempt the
escalate quickly, and once started the
Rite again, they must start from scratch. If
sorcerer has virtually no control over the
the characters fail to honor their bargain
scale or magnitude of what they have
with the Daemon, however, the
consequences are much greater. They can
Requirements: Only a character with the Scholar test (before making any shifts) and
Psyker keyword and the Psyniscience reduce the time by an hour for each 1
Psychic Power can perform this rite. The rolled. Every other hour, the GM should
Rite of Sundering should ideally be also randomly alter the radius and point of
performed in an area that is undergoing an origin by 1d3 hundred metres.
upheaval of some sort, such as the midst of
Cost: Although the Rite of Sundering is
a battle, within a million-strong horde of
often used to gain an advantage, the sheer
cultists chanting before a demagogue, or
uncontrollable nature of its effects means
even during another ritual that involves
that eventually everything within the area
summoning large groups of Daemons. Once
begins to suffer. Everyone, aside from those
the correct conditions have been found, the
with the Daemon keyword, must make a DN
psyker must pass a DN 5 Scholar test,
4 Willpower test for every half hour they
modified by Ritual Modifiers.
spend within the area of effect. If this Test
Alignment: Unaligned is failed, they suffer 1 shock and suffer 1d6
Mortal Wounds (reduced by Willpower, min
Effects: A radius equal to the value of the
0). Anyone who rolls a Complication also
psyker’s Psychic Mastery skill in kilometres
gains a random Malignancy.
(measured from the psyker) becomes
infused with the energy of the warp. All Potency: [2]: The duration is extended by 1
psykers receive +3d on all Psychic Mastery hour.
tests, any Rites and Rituals that involve [3]: The bonus to Psychic Mastery tests
either summoning Daemons or directly increases by +1d.
accessing the warp gain a -2 DN bonus, and
The Price of Failure: If the Rite of Sundering
any and all forms of psychic resistance
is unsuccessful, the Ritualist makes an
become half as effective. Every round this
immediate roll on Contempt of the Warp.
rite remains in effect the GM should roll
Additionally, the GM rolls once on Perils of
once on the Perils of the Warp table. Each
the Warp for each die result of 1 on the
character gains 1 Corruption Point for every
Scholar test.
full hour spent within the area of effect.
Characters with the Daemon keyword do Rite of Punishment
not gain Corruption Points, but do not
dematerialize so long as they remain within Those who fight in Khorne’s name are
the area. In effect, their time limit in reality forbidden the use of psychic abilities,
is paused unless they leave or the ritual’s sorcery, and other Warp-based powers, as
effects end. to the Blood God these represent feeble
cowardice and the unwillingness to show
Duration: 2d3 x Psychic Mastery value. To one’s true ability in combat. Some
represent the wild nature of the power, add dedicated warriors even use Khorne’s
an extra hour for every 6 rolled for the power to dominate and destroy those that
use such craven methods through a ritual that have the Khorne keyword ignore the
known as the Rite of Punishment. effects.
Requirements: Unlike many other types of Duration: One hour. At the start of their
rituals, the Rite of Punishment relies on the turn, any Psyker within the area can make
absence rather than the presence of the an opposed Willpower test with the
Warp, and so it must be enacted within an Ritualist, with the psyker suffering a -3d
area where the Warp is at a minimum, or an penalty. If successful, that Psyker breaks the
area where the power of Khorne warding and can act normally, though any
dominates. The characters must carefully Shock the Psyker has lost remains lost. The
prepare the area they wish to protect, ritual’s effects remain in effect for all
usually by lining the area with fresh blood, others.
or spacing skulls and other bones every
Cost: Whilst the power of Khorne is given to
eight metres, and so on. Properly preparing
any who seek slaughter in his name, those
the area takes 1 hour. This can be as small
that seek his shelter from sorcerous
as a single room or corridor, or as large as a
cowards are unworthy in his eyes to reap
warehouse or hangar bay, but should be
the glory of any victories they might gain.
generally self-contained with clearly
Any Corruption or BP the characters would
defined entrances and exits. Characters
have gained from encounters or events
with the Psyker keyword can involve
within the warded area is halved.
themselves in the preparation for this ritual,
but suffer the same effects should they stay Potency: [1]: The protection lasts another
within this space. Once the area has been hour.
chosen and it is free from anything that
might disrupt the rite (usually active psychic The Price of Failure: If the test is simply
powers), the Ritualist must take a DN 6 failed, then nothing happens beyond the
Scholar test, modified by Ritual Modifiers. wasted time of all involved. If the failure
involved a Complication, then the
Alignment: Khorne characters receive Khorne’s disdain rather
than his protection. The strength is sapped
Effects: The prepared area is filled with the
from their bodies as the Lord of Slaughter
hatred Khorne holds for those that hide
punishes those too weak to face his
behind Warp tricks and sorcerous
enemies themselves. Each character
ceremony. Any character with the Psyker
involved in the Rite of Punishment halves
keyword within the area suffers 1 Shock for
their Strength for 8 hours. After this time,
every 2 rounds he spends inside, halves his
their Strength returns, but they must wait
dice pool for Psychic Mastery tests, and
at least 8 days before they can re-attempt
cannot cast powers above the Bound level.
the ritual.
If a character causes a roll on the Perils of
the Warp table, all those within the area
Ritual of Bonding blind character). Psychic wards such as
Gellar Fields interfere with the connection,
Loyalty is an admirable trait, desired in
and activating the link requires a DN 5
friends and servants alike. However, there
Willpower test in this circumstance. In case
are some situations where loyalty cannot be
of ambushes, neither can be surprised
left up to chance, or where a closer bond
unless both are. The servant is also now
than the standard master-servant one may
completely subservient to the master, and
be demanded. This ritual creates a
cannot disobey his orders. If the servant is
permanent psionic bond between two
killed, the master must make a DN 7
individuals, marking one as the master and
Willpower test or reduce his Willpower by
one as the servant, giving greater control as
1d3 permanently.
well as greater situational awareness.
Duration: Bonding is permanent, severed
Requirements: The master must have a
only by the death of the master or the
servant that is loyal to him, though he need
not be entirely willing. The Ritualist must
have the Psyker keyword, but does not have Cost: Bonding two minds together is a
to be the master (though he may be). The stressful experience, and can leave all
ritual must also be performed in a quiet, involved exhausted for days. Regardless of
isolated place, as too much psychic noise the success of the test, all participants fall
can interfere with the mind-melding. The unconscious for 1d6 hours and lose shock
Ritualist must pass a DN 7 Scholar test, equal to their Toughness. This shock takes
modified by Ritual Modifiers. Increase this four times as long as normal to regenerate
to DN 9 if the area is not quiet or isolated. If naturally.
the Scholar test is successful, the master
Potency: [1]: The master gains +1d on the
must pass an opposed Willpower test with
opposed Willpower test.
the servant, the master’s check suffering a
-3d penalty. The Price of Failure: If the Ritual of Bonding
is unsuccessful, the Ritualist must make a
Alignment: <Mark of Chaos>
DN 8 Willpower test or be unable to make
Effects: The servant is now bound to the Psychic Mastery tests for 1d6 days. The
master. The master may now see through master must make a DN 6 Toughness test or
the eyes of the servant and vice-versa, and be unconscious for 1d6 hours, blind for 1d6
may see the world as the other sees it days, and suffer 1d6 Mortal Wounds. If the
(using any talents, skills, wargear, etc.). The Ritualist was also the master, then he must
range is limited to 10 km, but physical take both tests. The servant that was to be
barriers cannot stop the effect, and it works bonded must pass a DN 4 Willpower test,
even if one of the two is blinded (though +1DN for each die result of 1 on the
neither can see through the eyes of the
unsuccessful Scholar test. If the servant fails should follow Khorne’s domains of blood,
this test, he dies. honor, slaughter, martial prowess, etc. The
Heroes should also make a pledge of what
Ritual of Slaughter
to offer in return, such as a promise to slay
It is quite common for those that fight in a certain amount of their enemies, or to
the name of Khorne to call upon the God of sunder an Imperial shrine, and similar such
Blood. Most of this pleading goes guarantees—and the GM should ensure
unanswered, as the majority of those who that the Heroes are given a chance to fulfil
march to war under the bloodsoaked this promise, or add the condition that the
banners of Khorne are but chattel to be effects of the ritual only take effect once
butchered in an endless cycle of death and they have done what they promised. The
destruction. There are some more formal ritual should be personal and secluded, with
rituals, though, that can be used to draw few other than the Heroes present, and
power from the Warp and bestow the should include a sacrifice, such as a pile of
blessing—such as it is—of Khorne or skulls or a brass cauldron of blood. A DN 6
perhaps one of his Greater Daemons. Scholar test, modified by Ritual Modifiers,
Asking such a malevolent and wild entity for is then required.
his support is a dangerous game, however,
Alignment: Khorne
and Khorne’s Favor can turn to rage should
the supplicants be found unworthy. Effects: The Heroes receive the benefits
they asked for and the GM agreed to.
Requirements: This Ritual is done before
the Heroes expect to enter battle, and must Duration: Until the task the Heroes swore
be relatively specific. The blessing should to complete is finished, or as otherwise
take the form of a small combat bonus, determined when creating the terms of the
dependant on what the Heroes request. deal.
They might beseech Khorne so that their
Cost: Gaining Khorne’s favor causes a gain
weapons grow sharper (gaining the
of 1d3 Corruption Points, but otherwise
Penetrating trait) or their reflexes quicker (a
there is no cost...should the deal be
bonus to Agility) in their next battle. They
could ask for Khorne’s protection (a small
bonus to Defense), or for Khorne’s strength The Price of Failure: The only consequence
in the face of the insidious nature of the for failing the Scholar test is cold
Corpse-God’s followers (the ability to ignore indifference as Khorne does not deem the
Sanctified weapons, or resistance to psychic Heroes worthy of any such boon. However,
powers those loyal to the Imperium cast on should the Heroes fail to enact their end of
them). The request should not be too the bargain, then Khorne is angered. Treat
broad, such as immunity to damage or the the Rank of all Heroes as 1 lower, until they
ability to kill any enemy in one hit, but either gain enough BP to advance a rank or
perform a great and terrible act for Khorne, Effects: An area of up to a 20m radius
for no benefit other than to regain his favor. around the Ritualist is shown as it may exist
Each character must also roll for Contempt in the future. The visions are unclear, and a
of the Warp. DN 7 Awareness test is needed to hear
intelligible speech. The visions are
Ritual of Futures Foretold
immaterial and cannot be interacted with.
Many psykers harness the Ruinous Powers The vision shows events up to 1 day in the
in order to gain a glimpse into the future, future (the exact time is decided before the
hoping that even a few moments of such ritual starts). Such visions are only the most
visions will grant them dominion over their likely outcome as current events progress;
adversaries. Many fools have lost their new developments or massive upheavals
minds attempting to divine what is to come, can change the displayed fate.
and even those with the proper training and
Duration: The visions remain for a number
discipline can risk madness from even the
of minutes equal to ½ the Ritualist’s
briefest glance into the strands of possible
Cost: The Ritualist and any psyker who
Requirements: The Ritualist must have the
helped him loses 1d6 shock. All those who
Psyker keyword, as well as the Psyniscience
saw the visions must make a DN 3
Psychic Power. This ritual must be
Willpower test or reduce their Willpower by
performed in an area where the Ritualists
1d3 for 2d6 days.
wish to look directly into the future and find
what is about to happen in that exact Potency: [1]: The visions can be of up to 1
location. They may be looking for the day further ahead in the future.
identity of someone who is pursuing them, [1]: The visions last for an additional
or looking to see if something they have minute.
built will still be standing in a few days time;
The Price of Failure: Roll on the Perils of
they could be looking for themselves to
the Warp table once for each die result of 1
ensure they survive whatever dark deed
on the unsuccessful Scholar test. The ritual
they are about to undertake, or anything
cannot be re-performed in the location for
that involves looking directly into the
2d6 hours.
future. The Ritualist must pass a DN 7
Scholar test, modified by Ritual Modifiers. Rite of the Plague Gift
Any other psykers that can cast Psyniscience
can also help, adding +1d to the Ritualist’s While the galaxy is filled with countless
test for each present (no test is required). diseases and maladies, there is one place
where every single one can be found: the
Alignment: Tzeentch Garden of Nurgle. Tended by his Daemons,
pruned and cared for with utmost love,
Nurgle catalogues and experiments with Cost: The ritual itself takes at least 7 hours
variations on his plagues, giving only the to complete, and upon completion, all
most well-crafted his approval. For servants participants must make a DN 5 Toughness
of the Lord of Decay, a sample of such a test or take 1d6 Mortal Wounds from lesser
disease is all that is required, for from a diseases of Nurgle.
single point of infection, death can spread
Potency: [2]: All participants gain a -1DN
across an entire world.
bonus to the Toughness test.
Requirements: The Ritualist must choose a
The Price of Failure: Nurgle is a rather
healthy sacrifice not currently infected with
generous God, and even if his followers fail
disease. This individual may be willing or
to properly ask, he grants their wishes
unwilling. The Ritualist must pass a DN 7
anyway. All participants become infected
Scholar test, modified by Ritual Modifiers.
with the disease that the ritualists
If the sacrifice is willing, the test becomes
requested or that Nurgle chose.
DN 5.
Alignment: Nurgle
Effects: The sacrifice becomes infected with
a disease requested by the Ritualists. If they
A Curse is a special type of Ritual, designed
do not specify one, Nurgle sends one of his
to call upon the Warp to punish a targeted
choosing, but it should be one that can help
enemy for some offense, real or imagined.
or be effective in the plans of the Ritualist.
They are quite risky, and can backfire
For example, on a densely populated hive
massively if done incorrectly. Curses are
world, it could be one that spreads by
powerful and must be learned, like any
physical contact, or on a feral world with
ritual, before they can be enacted. Unlike
isolated settlements, it could be spread by
many Rituals, a Curse lasts until broken, so
insects or birds who carry the plague but
they do not have a Duration.
are not affected by it, preventing the
disease from ever truly leaving. Note that Calling a Curse
the ritual offers no inherent protection Before a character can call upon a Curse, he
from the gift Nurgle sends, so preparations must have a specific target in mind. The
should be made to ensure the disease does character must have a good reason for
not spread prematurely. calling down the curse, at least equal in his
mind to the suffering he wishes to inflict. It
Duration: The disease infects the sacrifice
should not be a battlefield tactic so much as
immediately, but few diseases can exist
an expression of pure hatred. The GM
outside of a living host for long. It must be
should determine if the character’s reasons
cultured to keep it alive until it is used for
are good enough. As they are acts of
its purpose.
personal hatred, the familiarity between
the character and the target affects the the Ritual for a number of weeks equal to
difficulty of the test. the Ritualist’s Willpower, plus a number of
days equal to the number of die results of 1
● The Ritualist has never met or seen
on the unsuccessful test. Ritualists that fail
his target (+6 DN).
to enact a Curse cannot attempt that Curse
● The Ritualist has seen and/or been
again (even to try to remove it) until they
in the presence of his target (+5 DN).
gain at least 1 BP.
● The Ritualist has spoken with his
target at least once (+4 DN).
● The Ritualist has had a number of
Choking Darkness (Curse)
minor dealings with his target (+3
DN). The Ritualist calls upon the Gods of Chaos
● The Ritualist and his target know to manifest their victim’s inner darkness as
one another (+2 DN). an impenetrable shroud of gloom. Once
● The Ritualist and his target have had afflicted, the cursed victim wanders, nearly
numerous dealings over several blind, as his own unspeakable acts cause
years (+1 DN). him to lose sight of everything he ever
● The Ritualist and his target have strived to achieve.
known one another for many years
(+0 DN). Requirements: This Curse only affects those
that have Corruption Points; those who are
A single individual may not be under the pure or sanctified are not affected. The
effects of two curses at once. The first curse Curse requires a DN 4 Scholar test, modified
must be broken before a new curse can be by Ritual Modifiers and Calling a Curse.
Alignment: Unaligned
Curing a Curse
Curses are not like some rituals; they Effects: The target of the Curse is Blinded
remain in place until removed. In order to and Deafened, unable to see or hear. He
remove a curse that has been laid upon an may attempt a DN 5 Willpower test in order
individual, the target must know that they to temporarily lift the curse. If successful,
have been cursed, and discover the ritual he can see and hear normally for a number
used to curse them. Then, the ritual must of rounds equal to his Corruption Level.
be performed again, but with the cursed While the curse is relatively simple and easy
individual as the target. Failure means the to enact, it is not as lasting as other curses.
Curse continues. Choking Darkness dissipates by itself in a
number of days equal to the target’s
Reap What You Have Sown Corruption Level.
If a Curse fails, it rebounds. The effects of
the Curse are laid upon the participants of Dark Mirror (Curse)
The Ritualist calls upon Slaanesh to punish one fails, then the Ritualist is subject to the
his enemies by turning their own deeds Reap What You Have Sown rule as normal.
back on them. As the afflicted wounds his
Endless Terror (Curse)
foes, so too does his own flesh tear. As the
afflicted burns the masses, so too does his The Ritualist calls upon the Gods of Chaos
own skin erupt into flames. The more pain to unsettle the mind of his enemy, to visit
he brings, the more he receives. terrors upon him, and to leave him cold and
cowering before the might of the Warp. A
Requirements: The Ritualist must conduct a
foe whose mind is cursed sees every
small secluded ritual in which something
moment of every day as an endless
belonging to their target is destroyed in full
nightmare, and when rest finally arrives
view of a representation of the target. This
borne of paranoid exhaustion, sleep is light
representation might be a holopict of the
and disturbed, as the dark visions reach into
target, a wax effigy, or a painting done in
his very dreams.
his blood. After destroying the object, the
Ritualist sets the representation of the Requirements: The Ritualist must learn
target on fire and consumes the ashes. The something of their target’s fears. This could
ritual must be conducted alone, and be anything from a figure or entity that
requires a requires a DN 7 Scholar test, genuinely terrifies the target, someone
modified by Ritual Modifiers and Calling a from their past, something they fear losing,
Curse. or even an irrational phobia. Once known,
the Ritualist conducting the Curse must
Alignment: Slaanesh
pass a DN 6 Scholar test, modified by Ritual
Effects: If successful, whenever the Curse’s Modifiers and Calling a Curse.
target causes any Damage, he must pass a
Alignment: Unaligned
DN 4 Willpower test or immediately suffer
1d3 Mortal Wounds. If the target’s attack Effects: If successful, the Curse’s target
killed his victim, the Test is DN 6. treats all living things as if they had the Fear
(3) ability (or increases their Fear value by 2
Bloodline Curse: The Ritualist may attempt
if they already caused Fear). Due to the
to Curse his enemy’s entire bloodline so
target’s disrupted sleep patterns,
that all who follow suffer the same torture.
recovering Shock takes four times as long as
To do this, the object the Ritualist destroys
it normally would. Fearless adversaries
must be something highly significant to his
remain unaffected by Fear, but still suffer
target—his Favorite weapon, most trusted
the penalties associated with Fatigue.
servant, a trinket that he annihilated 10,000
souls to obtain—or something similar, and Bloodline Curse: The Ritualist may attempt
the Ritualist must make the Scholar test to Curse his enemy’s entire bloodline so
twice. Both Tests must pass, and if either that all who follow suffer the same endless
horrors. To do this, the Ritualist must take Effects: If successful, the Curse’s target
the Scholar test twice, and both Tests must suffers an effect determined by the Word of
pass. If either one fails, then the Ritualist is Power the Ritualist chose. Below is a
subject to the Reap What You Have Sown selection of words, though GMs and players
rule as normal, but the Curse’s effects cover are encouraged to create new ones as well.
not only himself, but all the Heroes.
● Bane: Each time the victim takes
Words of Power (Curse) Damage, roll a d6. On a 1, the attack
gains the Agonizing trait.
Throughout the Immaterium, there are
● Banish: The victim takes d3 Mortal
many words known to hold tremendous
Wounds at the end of each round in
and unholy power. Used in complex and
which he took damage but did not
intricate rituals, these mighty words bring
deal any damage. If he dies due to
forth all manner of maladies and afflictions
this, he is pulled into the warp.
upon their unfortunate victims. Ritualists
● Benumb (Slaanesh): The victim
must take considerable care to prepare
halves their Agility and Passive
themselves mentally, as while learning a
Word of Power is easy, learning the word’s
● Bewilder: When attempting or
own ritual is extremely taxing and time
defending against Interaction
consuming. The ritual must be memorised,
Attacks, the victim suffers an
as writing any of it down would rob it of its
additional -2d penalty.
potency, but the results are always worth
● Bind: If the victim has the Psyker
the effort.
keyword, he suffers a +X DN penalty
Requirements: Before a Ritualist uses the to all Psychic Mastery tests, where X
Word of Power, he must learn both the is his Willpower.
Word of Power he wishes to use as well as ● Blaze (Tzeentch): Each time the
the specific Curse associated with it. The victim takes Damage, roll a d6. On a
former is often trivial, but the latter 1, the attack gains the Blaze trait. If
requires extensive efforts such as a dark the attack already had the Blaze
deal or through Scholar tests. Once the trait, the Agility test to put out the
Ritualist has selected the Word of Power he fire becomes DN 5.
wishes to use and learned the complete ● Bleed (Khorne): Each time the victim
ritual, he must recite the entire Curse from takes Damage, roll a d6. On a 1, the
memory. This requires two successful DN 7 attack causes the Bleeding
Scholar tests modified by Ritual Modifiers condition.
and Calling a Curse. ● Blight (Nurgle): Each time the victim
takes Damage, roll a d6. On a 1, the
Alignment: Unaligned (Unless stated in attack gains the Toxic (7) trait. If the
attack has the Toxic trait, add +7 to
the value.
Armory of the Long War
It is an unfortunate fact that the vast OFF-HAND
majority of the weapons usable by the Weapons with this trait are designed for
modern Adeptus Astartes cannot be wielding in pairs or alongside other
normally produced by the forges of Chaos. weapons. If wielding an Off-Hand weapon,
Such marvels as the Assault Cannon were add +1d to the attack dice pool when
developed after the Traitors had fled into making melee Dual Wielder attacks. If
the Eye of Terror, and so the only way to wielding two Off-Hand weapons, add +2d to
procure one is to capture it from an enemy the pool instead.
on the field of battle. In fact, most wargear
is either a relic of the Great Crusade and
Weapons with this trait are blessed with the
Horus Heresy, or stolen during combat from
gifts of Nurgle, bathed in septic fluids, bile,
the enemy. To serve Chaos is to forsake the
pus, and other sources of rot and decay.
massive supply chains that makes the
Against organic targets, reroll all damage
Imperium’s defenders able to hold out for
die results of 1.
long against so many threats. However,
many servants have discovered the ability SONIC
to craft weapons that somewhat make up Weapons with this trait fire not bolts or
for this, embodying the nature of their plasma, but concentrated shockwaves of
favored gods. sound, rupturing eardrums and pulping
organs. Ignore any bonuses to the enemy’s
The following Traits are common to
Defense from cover when firing this
multiple weapons, and so are listed here.
Used by the warriors of the Thousand Sons
These weapons are filled with Chaos
and often found in the hands of Rubric
energies, and respond to the wielder’s
Marines and their handlers, these weapons
internal darkness. Increase a Tainted
are enchanted to charge their ammunition
weapon’s ED by the wielder’s Corruption
with powerful fire that burns through even
ceramite with relative ease. All Inferno
weapons are considered to have the Blaze
trait. However, if not wielded by a Rubric
Marine or a Psyker, treat their AP as 0 and
they do not gain the Blaze trait.
Ranged Weapons
Legion Sniper Rifle 10+1ED 0 150m 0 Sniper (2) 6 Uncommon Projectile, Chaos, Heretic
Reaper Autocannon 16+1ED -1 96m 6 Heavy 6 Very Rare Projectile, Imperium, Adeptus
Astartes, Heretic Astartes,
Sonic Weapons
Blastmaster (Single 16+2ED -2 96m 1 Heavy, Blast (Medium), 6 Very Rare Sonic, Chaos, Heretic, Slaanesh
Frequency) Sonic
Doom Siren 12+1ED -2 16m 1 Assault, Blast (Large), 6 Rare Sonic, Chaos, Heretic, Slaanesh
Sonic Blaster 10+1ED 0 48m 3 Assault, Sonic 4 Rare Sonic, Chaos, Heretic, Slaanesh
Plague Weapons
Blight Launcher 14+2ED -2 48m 2 Assault, Plague 6 Rare Plague, Chaos, Heretic, Nurgle
Plague Belcher 10+1ED 0 18m 1 Assault, Spread, Blast 5 Rare Plague, Chaos, Heretic, Nurgle
(Medium), Plague
Plague Spewer 12+1ED -1 18m 1 Heavy, Spread, Blast 6 Rare Plague, Chaos, Heretic, Nurgle
(Large), Plague
Inferno Weapons
Inferno Bolt Pistol 10+1ED -2 20m 1 Pistol, Brutal, Inferno 4 Very Rare Bolt, Inferno, Chaos, Heretic,
Inferno Boltgun 10+1ED -2 40m 1 Rapid Fire (2), Brutal, 4 Very Rare Bolt, Inferno, Chaos, Heretic,
Inferno Tzeentch
Soulreaper Cannon 12+1ED -3 48m 4 Heavy, Brutal, Inferno 6 Very Rare Bolt, Inferno, Chaos, Heretic,
Warpflame Pistol 7+1ED -2 12m 1 Pistol, Blast (Small), 5 Very Rare Fire, Inferno, Chaos, Heretic,
Spread, Inferno Tzeentch
Warpflamer 10+1ED -2 16m 1 Assault, Blast (Medium), 5 Very Rare Fire, Inferno, Chaos, Heretic,
Spread, Inferno Tzeentch
Rad Missile 10+2ED 0 -- -- Blast (Large), Rad (2) 6 Very Rare Explosive, Imperium, Chaos,
Adeptus Mechanicus
Blight Grenade 8+1ED 0 Sx4m -- Plague, Toxic (5), Blast 4 Uncommon Explosive, Chaos, Heretic,
(Medium) Nurgle
Rad Grenade 9+2ED 0 Sx4m -- Blast (Medium), Rad (2) 5 Very Rare Explosive, Imperium, Chaos,
Adeptus Mechanicus
Melee Weapons
Chain Weapons
Power Weapons
Power Scythe 5+2ED -2 2m Brutal, Unwieldy (1) 6 Rare Power Field, Chaos,
Accursed Crozius 6+1ED -1 Brutal, Tainted 6 Very Rare Power Field, Chaos,
Heretic, Heretic Astartes
Force Weapons
Force Scythe 5+2ED -2 2m Brutal, Unwieldy (1), Force 6 Very Rare Force, Chaos,
Plague Weapons
Bubotic Axe 5+2ED -2 Plague, Toxic (5), Penetrating 7 Rare Plague, Chaos, Heretic,
(1) Nurgle
Flail of Corruption 6+2ED -2 2m Plague, Toxic (6) 8 Rare Plague, Chaos, Heretic,
Great Plague Cleaver 7+3ED -3 2m Plague, Toxic (7), Unwieldy (2) 9 Very Rare Plague, Chaos, Heretic,
Nurgle, Two-Handed
Mace of Contagion 6+3ED -1 Plague, Toxic (5), Unwieldy (1) 8 Rare Plague, Chaos, Heretic,
Plague Knife 4+1ED 0 Plague, Toxic (5) 5 Rare Plague, Chaos, Heretic,
Plaguesword 5+1ED 0 Plague, Toxic (6), Parry 6 Rare Plague, Chaos, Heretic,
* The weapon grants the wielder a +1d bonus to Psychic Mastery tests while wielded
Name AV Traits Value Keywords
Basic Armors
Obsidian Plate 4 Bulk (1), Cumbersome 7 Very Rare Heavy, Chaos, Heretic
Legion Armors
Force Fields
Shimmering Robes
Force Fields
Beautiful to behold, these finely woven
robes are quite common among sorcerers,
Sigil of Corruption especially those that call Tzeentch their
Taking the form of a dark amulet that patron. Colours dance across their surface
seems to twist and morph before one’s as they flutter on unseen winds and,
eyes, a Sigil of Corruption feeds on the dark despite their fragile appearance, they can
soul of the wearer to guard his physical stop the most powerful of blasts or turn
form. Borne by great preachers of Chaos, a aside the heaviest of blows. Should the
Sigil of Corruption also counts as a Symbol favour of Tzeentch turn against a user
of Authority. grown too arrogant in his powers, however,
they can just as easily become no more
Infernal Star than useless fabric. A set of Shimmering
A twisted parody of the Adeptus Astartes Robes has AV equal to the wearer’s Psychic
Mastery value (if a character had Psychic Psyker keyword, although they are very
Mastery at level 5, he would have AV *5 ). If attractive and other characters might desire
the wearer of a set of Shimmering Robes them purely for their aesthetic appeal.
suffers Perils of the Warp, the Shimmering
Robes cease to be more than normal
clothing until the character engages in
devout meditation for an hour to
reinvigorate their powers. If this is not done
within a day, the robes fade to a dull grey
and crumble to dust. Shimmering Robes
provide no protection to those without the
Weapon Upgrades
Armor Upgrades
Soul Sight
Pain Vents The strange and unnatural materials that
Only the most skilled Warp Smiths know the make up the various worlds of the Warp
secrets of Pain Vent construction. They mean that most traditional scanning
superficially appear as nothing more than methods are useless. Warpsmiths, though
endless metallic tubes entwined throughout have created ætheric sights that detect
a weapon like mad serpents. When the souls as bright burning objects in even the
weapon fires, the vents wail and scream, blackest nights, making a mockery of
their otherworldly sound rippling across the concealment. A character making an aim
air in a crescendo of agony. When fired, the action when using a soul sight can fire at
weapon’s user gains the Fear (3) ability, ensouled targets he cannot see without
Fear (4) if the weapon has the Heavy trait. incurring the usual penalty, though he
However, if the weapon ever jams, the cannot tell which creature a soul belongs to.
wielder is Staggered for 1d3 rounds. Upgrades: Any ranged weapon
Upgrades: Any ranged weapon
Venom Drip
Rune Weapon Used by both Slaaneshi assassins and
Though the creation process of a Daemon Nurglesque plaguemeisters, a venom drip
Weapon is intricate and painstaking, allows the wielder to coat his weapon with
undoing one is often less so. Whether vile toxins and diseases with little risk to
through improper binding or an intentional himself. A Venom Drip, at the touch of a
exorcism, the Daemon within has been button on the weapon’s handle, will
released, and miraculously, the weapon has dispense whatever liquid the wielder loads
survived mostly intact. Technological it with along the edge of the blade. If no
weapons rarely, if ever survive this process, special substances are used, the baseline
so practically all Rune Weapons are one grants the weapon the Toxic (3) trait,
primitive blades, axes, and the like. A Rune but any disease or poison can be used.
Upgrades: Blade This armour has been modified with cooling
regulators and fluid dispersal tubes under
the plates, to allow for greater survivability
Armor Upgrades in adverse environments. Characters with
this upgrade do not need to take Toughness
tests due to hot temperatures or
environments (within reason, as this will
Ablative plating is constructed from thin
not protect against the extreme heat of
layers of material designed to burn or break
being struck by a flamer, for example).
off when struck as it absorbs the impact or
Upgrades: Any armor
energy of the attack. Ablative materials
provide +3 AV to the armour upgraded. Khornate Crest
However, every wounding hit against the A Khornate Crest most often takes the form
armour’s wearer reduces the AV by one, of stylised “horns” that rise from the
until the armour is reduced to its standard wearer’s helmet. They often mimic the
AV. The upgrade must be reacquired to upper regions of Khorne’s symbol, but the
reset the AV. possible variations and embellishments are
Upgrades: Any Heavy, Flak or Powered endless. It provides +1 AV against Called
armor Shots to the Head and a +1d bonus to all
social and leadership tests made with the
followers of Khorne. Only characters with
This popular heat-resistant coating offers
the Khorne keyword benefit from wearing a
excellent resistance to heat-based weapons
Khornate Crest.
such as flamers or melta weapons. Ceramite
Upgrades: Any Powered armor
coatings adds 2 points of AV against any
such thermal weapons or heat-based Refractory
attacks. Refractory armour coatings can redirect and
Upgrades: Any Heavy, Flak or Powered dissipate laser bolts through layers of
armor microscopic crystals embedded in its
surface. Highly expensive and hard to
Devotional Iconography
maintain (as simple mud can render it
Taking as many forms as there are followers
useless), it is also decorative and easily
of Chaos, these can be as basic as symbols
disguised as an ornamental affectation.
carved into flak armor or as lavish as
Armour upgraded in this manner counts as
jeweled runes of power that proclaim the
having 1 extra AV against attacks from Las
wearer’s loyalty. Regardless, a specific god
must be chosen when adding Devotional
Upgrades: Any Heavy or Powered armor
Iconography, and when dealing with those
that have the keyword of that god, the Robes of Torment
wearer gains a +1d to all social and Robes of Torment consist of long lengths of
leadership tests. However, he suffers a -1d leather or chain mail studded with serrated
to all such tests when dealing with anyone hooks and barbs. Woven through armour,
who has another god’s keyword. both inside and out, the strands inflict
Upgrades: Any armor delightful jolts of pain with each hit. What
would be torturous agony to others only
acts to focus a true follower of the Dark
Prince towards greater deeds. The first time These extra layers of cloth or
a character with the Slaanesh keyword electrically-powered heaters fitted under
takes damage each Round, he loses 1 regular armour allow the user to better
additional wound, but gains +2d to the next survive in arctic locations. Characters with
test he makes. The user can intentionally the thermal upgrade to their armor do not
injure themselves as a Free Action, taking a need to take Toughness tests due to cold
Mortal Wound to gain the benefit. This temperatures or environments (within
bonus is lost if not used by the end of the reason, as this will not protect against the
Heretic’s next Turn. extreme cold of a liquid nitrogen sea, for
Sonic Shrieker Upgrades: Any armor
An ancient armour modification to standard
power armour that stretches back to the Trophy Rack
early days of the Imperium, it is rumoured Many champions of Chaos proudly carry the
that the sonic shrieker draws its origins marks of their victories on elaborate racks
from xenos technology. A Character can mounted to their armour or backpacks,
activate a Sonic Shrieker after combat such as banners representing their Legion
begins but before the first Round. Everyone, or the powers they worship or to which
friend or foe (excluding the wearer) must they owe their allegiance. These often
pass a DN 6 Willpower test or treat the first include the skulls or helmets of their
Round of Combat as if they had been vanquished foes, readily visible for all to see
Ambushed. Equipment that protects against the might of the true powers and weakness
sound-based attacks functions as normal. of the False Emperor. The wearer gains +1d
Sonic Shriekers must be fitted to an existing to Intimidate, gaining an additional +1d if an
power armour helmet; they draw power enemy whose remains are on the trophy
from the suit’s power cells and require an rack shares a keyword with the intimidation
hour to recharge after each use. target.
Upgrades: Any Powered armor Upgrades: Any armor
Spikes Vac-Sealed
These wicked talons of metal or bone are This armour has been modified with seals
often affixed to armour, both for around joints and has a helmet rebreather
ornamentation and to inflict vicious strikes and self-contained air supply. Characters
against any foe that would dare get too with the Vac-Sealed upgrade to their
near the wearer. Anyone that rolls a armour can survive in vacuum (or other
Complication when attacking the wearer in environments with a hostile atmosphere)
melee suffers a Mortal Wound, and the for 6 hours without suffering adverse
wearer is always considered to be equipped effects. After that time, they begin to run
with a Knife. out of oxygen and suffocate.
Upgrades: Any armor Upgrades: Any non-Powered armor
Scrap Code Generator 6 Very Rare Chaos, Heretic, Adeptus Mechanicus, Dark
Khorne Wargear
Slaanesh Wargear
Nurgle Wargear
Tzeentch Wargear
Nurgle’s tallymen spend hours upon hours Generally, once infected, the character
seeking out and cultivating the most dire must make a DN 4 Toughness test (the GM
diseases that can be found, and many rolls this test in secret), to determine if the
servants of the Plague God desire to acquire disease is able to cause symptoms. If
samples of his most virulent and disgusting successful, the disease was defeated by the
maladies. Diseases are acquired in sealed character’s immune system and he is now
capsules that contain 5 doses of the unable to be reinfected until the disease
disease, 1 dose being enough to infect a has mutated enough. Whether he resists
single person. the disease or the disease runs its course,
he receives +2d to resist the disease in the
How one contracts a disease is based on its future.
Vector. Examples include:
The disease’s Onset is how long after
Airborne: The air around those infected is infection it takes for symptoms to manifest.
filled with pathogens, spread as they A character is infectious starting 1 hour
breathe. Anyone within the designated from the moment he is infected, but he may
range of an infected person is at risk for be invisibly spreading the disease even
infection, but environmentally sealed armor before he knows he is infected. This is part
offers full protection so long as the armor is of what makes a disease so much more
intact. insidious than a mere toxin.
Bloodborne: The disease is spread through The Treatment of a disease describes what
the bloodstream or other bodily fluids. efforts can be made to mitigate the effects
Contact with the target’s blood, spit, feces, of a disease, and how long it lasts if
etc. can cause infection. A wounding hit untreated.
from a weapon that is covered with a
Bloodborne disease causes infection. Dried Altering a disease takes time and effort, but
fluids cease to be infectious. can be done. It requires a DN 7 Medicae
test, over the course of at least 1 week, and
Waterborne: This disease lives in stagnant only one dose may be altered at a time.
water and other locales. Entering water Success means that the disease has been
infected with this disease without altered. This can mean that it now has a
environmentally-sealed power armor or slightly different effect, can use a different
drinking from the water source without Vector, or characters previously immune
are now no longer immune. All alterations
are at the GM’s discretion and should be keyword can be infected by this Disease,
approved ahead of time. Failing to alter a but can still recover shock naturally as
dose means one of three things. If the normal while infected.
failure did not involve a complication or a 6 Treatment: Curing Death’s Grasp requires
on the wrath die, nothing happens, the constant rest for at least a week, at the end
character has simply wasted his time. If the of which the character may make a DN 3
failure involved a Complication, roll a d6. Toughness test; if he succeeds, he recovers,
On a 2-6, the disease was killed by the but if he fails, he remains infected and loses
character’s experimentation, and the dose 1 Shock.
he used is lost. On a 1, he accidentally
infects himself with the disease. If the Enfeeble
failure involved a 6 on the Wrath Die, he Enfeeble is a brutal malady that slowly
has failed to add the alteration he desired, corrodes the victim’s bones. Many of
but he has instead altered the disease in an Nurgle’s most dedicated devotees inject
unexpected way. The GM changes one themselves with the virulent plague, seeing
aspect of the disease. death as the ultimate expression of
Growing more of a disease is much easier Vector: Bloodborne
than changing it. By using at least 1 dose of Onset: 1d3 days
the disease, one can incubate it in small Effects: A character infected by Enfeeble
containers of broth or other mediums, has his Agility reduced by 1 each time he
maintaining its favored conditions in order takes a full action or a move and combat
to encourage it to multiply. A character action during one of his turns during
must make a DN 4 Medicae test in order to combat, or whenever he takes strenuous
incubate a disease over the course of the action outside of combat. Characters with
week. At the end of the week, if successful, the Nurgle keyword suffer the effects of this
the disease’s quantity doubles; 1 dose Disease as normal, though they rarely view
becomes 2, 4 becomes 8, and so on. You it as “suffering,” instead revelling in the
culture 1 additional dose of the disease for wracking affliction.
every Exalted icon you shift for that Treatment: To be cured of Enfeeble, a
purpose. character must allow his Agility to recover
naturally (he regains 1 each day the
character takes no actions but to rest). A
DN 4 Medicae test made by another
Death’s Grasp
doubles this rate of recovery.
Victims unfortunate to contract Death’s
Grasp live a pathetic life at the very edge of Festering Shroud
death. Sapped of all energy, any task they Festering Shroud is an insidious blight first
perform might be their last. encountered by voidship crews.
Vector: Airborne (3m) Exceptionally contagious, those that
Onset: 1d6 hours contract the disease find their bodies
Effects: A character infected with this converted into chimneys of pestilence,
Disease cannot recover shock naturally. If a spreading a vile miasma wherever they go.
character becomes Exhausted due to being Vector: Airborne (7m)
at 0 Shock while infected with this Disease, Onset: 1d3 hours
he perishes. Characters with the Nurgle Effects: A character infected by Festering
Shroud constantly emits an unnatural green Onset: 1d3 hours
fog that spreads around him in a 7-metre Effects: A character infected by Nurgle’s
diameter cloud. At the end of each 24-hour Breath gains a new attack with the
period for which he has the disease, a following profile: 10+1ED; AP 0; 10m; Pistol,
character must make a DN 4 Toughness Spread, Toxic (5). This attack never runs out
test; if he fails, his flesh putrefies, collapsing of ammunition, but if the character ever
in on itself in a vile torrent. Whenever rolls a Weapon Jam complication, he
another character enters the cloud without immediately explodes in a disgusting
environmentally sealed armor, he becomes shower of pus and slimy gore. Obviously, he
infected. Characters with the Nurgle dies, and each character within 28 metres
keyword can carry this Disease but subtract suffers an immediate hit from the weapon.
2 from the roll on the Critical Hit table. Any character who fails a Toughness test to
Treatment: Curing Festering Shroud resist the Toxic trait from Nurgle’s Breath
requires constant rest for at least a week contracts the Disease. Characters with the
and a successful DN 4 Medicae test on the Nurgle keyword suffer the effects of this
part of the character or a healer. Disease as normal, though they rarely view
it as “suffering.”
Nurgle’s Breath Treatment: Curing Nurgle’s Breath requires
Sometimes seen as a boon, Nurgle’s Breath constant rest for at least two weeks and a
is popular among many Plague Cults for its successful DN 6 Medicae test on the part of
ability to propagate quickly. However, those the character or a healer.
who understand the infection know that
death lurks around the corner each time the
afflicted use this most contagious “gift.”
Vector: Bloodborne
The Hellforge
Of the many tools available to the servants favor the Daemon’s form, then the step to
of the Ruinous Powers, few are as powerful acquire materials can be skipped.
or dangerous as those that involve
After acquiring the materials or the item,
Daemons. While Daemon Weapons and
make a Tech test, DN being the base value
Daemonforged Armor provide
of the item, duration being based on the
extraordinary protection and grant other
item’s rarity, as listed below. At the end of
abilities, and a Daemon Engine is an ally any
the designated time frame, if the test is
would be happy to have, one should
successful, then the item has been
remember that Daemons actively despise
successfully created. Record the number of
being controlled by humans. Therefore,
Exalted Icons available to shift, as each one
crafting such a piece of wargear and being
shifted grants a +1d bonus to the ritual used
able to use it are two separate things.
to forge the Daemon into the weapon.
Icons shifted to reduce the time taken are
Wrought With Purpose not available to shift for the Wrought With
Purpose modifier.
While any item can be infused with the Rarity Time Needed
essence of a Daemon, the Daemon prefers
a shape pleasing to it, a form that includes Common 1 day
symbols of its patron god, or perhaps
Uncommon 1 week
designed to make its abilities more
effective. Rare 1 month
Piercing Wounding
The Daemon within this weapon seeks flesh Dark splinters mar the edge of this weapon,
eagerly, desiring only to rend and tear at or form from its ammunition, or otherwise
skin and muscle, and to shatter bone. Its find their way into the wounds this weapon
vile urges lead it to drag itself deep into the inflicts, working their way deep into the
bodies of those it wounds, injuring them flesh of the enemy, driven by the bound
greatly. Daemon’s spite. These slivers of hate do
Effects: Whenever a weapon with this little alone, but can cause agonising pain if
attribute inflicts a Critical Hit, add ½ the the victim moves too swiftly.
Daemon’s Willpower to the tens die when Effects: Any that take a wounding hit from a
rolling for critical effects. weapon with this attribute suffer a Mortal
Wound if they move more than their speed
in a turn. This lasts for the Daemon’s
This weapon is twisted, barbed, and
Willpower in rounds.
serrated in ways that make it seem
particularly savage. Powered melee UNALIGNED ARMOR ATTRIBUTES
weapons growl or hiss with an animalistic
Eternal Embrace
malice, while guns snarl and bark as they
Like a hard outer carapace, the armor has
fire. Weapons so altered cause vicious
woven itself into a protective singular unit
wounds, faintly and impossibly reminiscent
as to keep the physical world at bay. This
of those caused by a wild animal.
just happens to have positive benefits for
Effects: A weapon with this attribute gains
the bearer.
the Brutal trait. If it already has the Brutal
Effects: The armor is environmentally trait if it does not have it already, or
sealed, and so long as the Daemon is increases the value of that trait by +2 if it
providing even one bonus point of armor, does. The character’s unarmed strikes gain
the Daemon can sustain (food, water, air) AP -2.
the character indefinitely. In addition, if the
Bound in Blasphemy
wearer takes a Critical Hit, reduce the tens
Defiance is always the nature of
die result by 1 when rolling for critical
Daemonkind. They chafe at all restraint and
seek not to be curtailed. So bound in one of
Hellflesh the most confining of hosts, the Daemon
The armor moves and bends as if made of expresses its indignant rage in rebellion
flesh and bone. The Daemon has made the against the material universe and its laws.
armor familiar to itself and sheathed it in a The armor blazes with heretical sigils and
simulacra of physical meat. arcane blasphemies.
Effects: While wearing the armor, increase Effect: The character increases his
the character’s base Resilience by 1, and he Fellowship (and therefore Influence) by 1
may soak Mortal Wounds. He is also when dealing with Daemons and servants of
immune to the Staggered combat effect. Chaos. In addition, the character gains the
Fear (3) ability or increases its value by +2 if
he already had it.
The laws and rules of the real universe
mean nothing to a Daemon, and so that Impervious
unreality has been bestowed upon the Pain, suffering, and even death are minor
armor, and by extension, the bearer. The inconveniences to Daemons, and so they
armor is breathlessly silent and cool to the are not worried about those things which
touch. would end a mortal life. The Daemon within
Effect: Add +1d to all Stealth tests. The the armor casts away anything that would
character cannot be detected by dare harm themselves or their host.
technological means (such as an auspex or Effects: Armor with this attribute grants the
preysense) and is invisible to those with the wielder the benefits of a Force Field with AV
Dark Sight ability. equal to ½ the Daemon’s Willpower with
the Force Shield trait. Roll 2d6 each time
the wearer is hit; on doubles, roll on the
The energy of the Immaterium is vast and
Perils of the Warp table.
Daemons are beings of unrelenting fury.
Combining these factors into one tight Unreality
housing, the armor glows and crackles with The warp breaks boundaries and acts on
an orange-yellow light and it is forever rules that make little sense to the mind of a
powered by the impossible. sane mortal. As such this armor breaks
Effect: The armor gains the Powered (2) down its own laws and abilities by sheer
fact that it is both real and not. 71-76 Skulltaker Stream of Hate
Effect: Once per round as a free action, the
81+ Fueled by Fueled by
character may increase the AV covering a
Slaughter Slaughter
specific body part (limbs, head, torso) by
reducing it in another part of the body. You
cannot have more than double the armor’s KHORNE WEAPON ATTRIBUTES
original AV on a single body part. The
transfer is permanent until the armor’s Bloodlust
wearer transfers them back. Only the This weapon craves battle, and constantly
armor’s original AV can be transferred in seeks to drive its wielder into combat.
this manner. Additionally, the armor is Nothing but endless conflict will sate this
immune to the Warp Weapon trait. weapon’s desires, and it will do everything
it can to achieve that goal.
Soul Trap Effects: A weapon with this attribute forces
Only the most potent of the warpspawn can the wielder to make a DN 3 Willpower Test
drink in so deeply the souls of the dead that or become affected by the Frenzied combat
their faces wail against the surface of the effect when drawing the weapon. The
armor, forever yearning to be free from the wielder may attempt, as a Full Action at any
clutches of the Daemon within. later point, a DN 4 Willpower Test to
Effect: Whenever the character reduces a sheathe the weapon and end the Frenzied
being to 0 wounds, it must subtract 1 from state.
the die result for its Defiance tests. If the
character ever dies while wearing the Blood Tracker
armor, they may permanently lose this Khorne’s hounds can track any foe, any
ability, freeing the trapped souls, to return prey, over any distance, across space and
to life with d6 wounds remaining. time. No creature can elude Khorne’s
hunting dogs forever, and weapons bound
with these Daemons are renowned for their
ability to find foes anywhere.
Khorne Daemonic Attributes
Effects: A weapon with this attribute grants
d66 Weapon Armor the wielder +½ the Daemon’s Willpower to
all Awareness tests and all tests made to
11-16 Bloodlust Cruel
track a target.
21-26 Thirsting War Fiend
Fuelled By Slaughter
31-36 Blood Tracker Blood Tracker This blade contains the roaring, bellowing
41-46 Null Null essence of one of Khorne’s most powerful
Daemons, driven by bloodshed and
51-56 Rampage Brass Juggernaut
slaughter. Its essence suffuses the weapon,
61-66 Spiteful Reckless Abandon drawing upon the death and carnage it
inflicts to strengthen the wielder. target and any other creatures, friend or
Effects: Whenever a weapon with this foe, within 2m of the original target, are
attribute is used to slay a living creature considered to be hit and take full damage if
(the GM determines what a “living” the attack test exceeds their Defense.
creature is; creatures with the Daemon or Furious Impact may only be used once
Necron keywords are not living), the every other round.
wielder immediately regains 1d6 wounds,
up to his normal maximum.
The weapon desires nothing but to rend the
Null flesh and take the skulls of mortals, and it
Khorne’s loathing of wizards and witchcraft guides its wielder to that grisly end.
knows no limits, and many of the Blood Effects: A weapon with this attribute
God’s Favored creatures share that hatred. reduces the penalty to perform a Called
When bound into a weapon, that hatred Shot attack by 2 so long as it is targeted
manifests as a disbelief in the power of against the enemy’s head.
sorcery that defines that power rendering
witches and wyrds powerless against the
These weapons contain the bound and
weapon’s wielder.
furious spirit of an unwilling Daemon,
Effects: Any psychic power which includes
imprisoned for the sole purpose of inflicting
the wielder of this weapon as a target
terrible injuries as these spirits lash out at
suffers a +2 DN penalty to the Psychic
any and all within reach. Such weapons are
Mastery test.
vicious, spiteful things, railing against their
Rampage imprisonment.
Many of Khorne’s servant creatures are Effects: A weapon with this attribute treats
monstrosities of brass and bone and blood, the target’s base resilience as 2 lower than
creatures for whom slaughter is not the it actually is.
murder of one creature at a time, but
rather a bloodbath of gouged and trampled
Khorne cares not from whence the blood
bodies, a maelstrom of carnage. When
flows, and neither does the Daemon within
bound into a weapon, these creatures leave
this weapon. The desire to spill blood is this
nothing but destruction in their wake.
weapon’s only instinct, and the weapon
Effects: When making a Charge using a
struggles against all restraint to slake that
weapon with this attribute, the weapon’s
singular desire. With every wound it inflicts,
wielder may instead make a Furious Impact.
the weapon drinks deeply of the victim’s
When using Furious Impact, the wielder
blood, leaving them drained and lethargic.
moves its normal charge distance in a
Effects: A weapon with this attribute drains
straight line towards a single target. If the
1 Shock with every wounding hit.
weapon’s wielder engages the target, make
a single attack test with the weapon. That
KHORNE ARMOR ATTRIBUTES ability to find foes anywhere.
Effects: Armor with this attribute grants the
wielder +½ the Daemon’s Willpower to all
Khorne knows his warriors must be girded
Awareness tests and all tests made to track
for battle and so, why not make that which
a target.
protects into something that also sheds
blood? The Daemon, in a fit of rage, forces Null
the armor to produce large, jagged brass Khorne’s loathing of wizards and witchcraft
spikes from the outer surface of the armor. knows no limits, and many of the Blood
Effects: The armor gains the Spikes upgrade God’s Favored creatures share that hatred.
and if the character spends a Glory, they When bound into armor, that hatred
can make the spikes explode in a radius manifests as a disbelief in the power of
equal to the Daemon’s Willpower times sorcery that defines that power rendering
2m. This deals 10 damage with ED and AP witches and wyrds powerless against the
equal to ½ the Daemon’s Willpower to all weapon’s wielder.
enemies within the affected area. Treat this Effects: Any psychic power which includes
damage as having the Spread and Brutal the wearer of this armor as a target suffers
traits. a +2 DN penalty to the Psychic Mastery test.
At the most basic level, a Daemon Engine is The speed of the Daemon Engine is equal to
in principle no different than a Daemon ½ the Cruising Speed of the Shell. The
Weapon or Daemonforged Armor; a Engine’s physic attributes are based on the
physical vessel is bound with the essence of size of the Shell; with a base Strength and
a Daemon, creating a monstrosity with the Toughness of 8 for Huge Shells (Rhino,
advantages of both. While certain Chimera, Predator, Stormraven) or 10 for
mass-produced engines are created, from Gargantuan Shells (Land Raider, Baneblade,
the Defiler to the Brass Scorpion, practically Thunderhawk). All other attributes and
any vehicle can become a Daemon Engine. skills are the same as the Daemon bound
However, preparing the Shell for a Daemon inside the Engine. A Daemon Engine gains ½
Engine is on an entirely different scale than the Resilience of the Shell as its new AV. Its
reshaping a single piece of wargear for a Defense becomes the Shell’s. Its wounds
Daemon Weapon. Purchasing a ready-made
are the Vehicle’s wounds + the Daemon’s Powers and similar abilities that affect the
Willpower. mind. It also increases its Toughness and
Strength by ½ the bound daemon’s
If the Shell was made from an existing
Willpower. However, it is considered a
vehicle, its weapons may be modified by
vehicle for the purposes of abilities such as
the Daemon for its personal use, otherwise,
the Arc trait. Its weapons never jam or run
they are either destroyed by the shifting
out of ammunition, and it generates ½ its
form of the engine or the new weapons the
Strength in Reloads at the beginning of each
Engine grows. Success on the Ritual of
session. It also does not heal damage
Binding ensures that one weapon mounted
normally, and must be repaired as if it were
on the Shell will become an attack usable by
a vehicle.
the Daemon Engine, plus an additional
weapon for every 2 Exalted Icons shifted to A Daemon Engine may retain any abilities
that result. the Daemon within had, so long as the GM
rules them appropriate.
Shells created for the purpose of being
infused with a Daemon, such as Defilers or A Daemon Engine also generates a number
Forgefiends, automatically gain all the of abilities based on the power of the
Shell’s weapons as attacks. Daemon within, from the table Daemon
Engine Traits below. A salvaged engine,
Much like a Daemon Weapon, a Daemon
created from an existing vehicle, can be
Engine must have a chosen Binding
modified by the Daemon, and so generates
Strength. This value is subtracted from the
1 more ability than custom-forged Engines.
Daemon’s Willpower, reducing the power
of the engine slightly, but making it easier A Daemon Engine containing a Lesser
to control. The Binding Strength must be at Daemon or Daemonic Beast generates 2
least 1, but can be any number, so long as Abilities, one containing a Herald generates
the Daemon has at least 1 Willpower left. 3, and if somehow a Greater Daemon or
Daemon Prince is trapped within a Daemon
Engine, it generates 4.
All Daemon Engines gain the following
These traits can be rolled from either the
Unaligned table or the table of the
Daemon Engine: This creature’s body is a Daemon’s patron god (Unaligned daemons
mechanical Shell infused with the power of roll exclusively on the Unaligned table), but
a Daemon. It has the Daemon keyword and if the Daemon is aligned, it must roll its first
the Keyword of its patron god (if it has one). ability from its patron’s table. Regardless of
It is immune to abilities that do not affect alignment, add ½ the daemon’ Willpower to
organic targets, such as the Toxic trait, the first roll it makes.
disease, poisons, etc, as well as Psychic
Melee weapons gained through these traits
do not have the Engine’s strength already
applied, so be sure to apply it.
11-26 Helcaster Blood-Soaked Fury Beguiling Mists Hideous Visage Warpflame Vents
31-36 Helram Butcher Scythes Devourer Lash Eternal Decay Warp Shroud
41-56 Helmaw Mark of Contempt Allure of Darkness Pestilent Fog Third Eye
51-66 Slaughterer Limb Ash Cloud Sensory Overload Cloud of Flies Empyrean Touch
64-76 Dire Harpoon Harvester Nightmare Mines Flesh Cage Warp Accelerator
81-93 Star of Chaos Black Fire Whispers of Pit of Despair Time Sphere
Promised Ecstacy
94+ Daemonic Corridor Bellow of the Battle Serpentine Ray of Silver Tower
Lord Decomposition
Silver Tower
The Daemon Engine’s back reshapes to
form a short conical tower of shining silver.
Within, bonded Thralls chant praises to
Tzeentch as arcs of lightning fly in every
direction. The Daemon Engine gains the
Psyker keyword and the Psychic Mastery
skill at a rating equal to its Willpower. The
character creating the Daemon Engine
chooses two Psychic Powers from any of
the following disciplines: Tzeentch,
Telepathy, or Divination. See the Third Eye
trait for what happens if both traits are
generated on the same engine.
Rewards of the Dark Gods
While many who serve the Dark Gods do so the new Corruption Level as the DN. If they
with little to show for their efforts, content succeed, they may roll on the appropriate
to lick up the scraps their betters provide table below. Otherwise, they generate a
them, the Ruinous Powers do look down malignancy as normal. Glory may not be
with favor at those who do their duty well spent to increase the dice pool for this test,
and achieve great things. Such individuals but one Wrath may be spent to add +1 to
are often granted a measure of their dark the result of each die. If a character already
power, gifted occasionally a powerful boon has a Reward, they reroll until they receive
rather than a mere corruption of the flesh. one they do not already have.
Eventually, those truly worthy may A character that changes their alignment
accomplish the ultimate goal, and be loses the effects of any Rewards they may
recognized as Champions of their respective have, but they may gain new ones from
gods, perhaps even offered Apotheosis, the their new patron, if there is one. The
chance to become an immortal Daemon exception is if a character was Unaligned
Prince and serve as a general of their god’s and then became Aligned; they may retain
Daemon hordes until the end of time. any Rewards they obtained while
Unaligned, but they gain any further
When a character would reach a new
rewards from their new master.
Corruption Level, they may make a test. Use
the character’s Rank as the dice pool and
Rewards of Chaos
1 Daemonic Name Daemonic Name Daemonic Name Daemonic Name Daemonic Name
2 Daemon Weapon Daemon Weapon Daemon Weapon Daemon Weapon Daemon Weapon
4 Collar of Khorne Beguiling Mask Nurgle’s Rot Massive Intellect Infernal Will
5 Purity of Aggression 1,001 Senses Nurgling Infestation Ecstatic Duplication Daemonic Aspect
6 Mark of Khorne Mark of Slaanesh Mark of Nurgle Mark of Tzeentch Mark of Chaos
fusing it with the champion’s own body.
Rewards of Khorne One of the character’s primary weapons
fuses with one of the character’s arms. This
weapon may not be removed, but it counts
Daemonic Name
as having the Master-Crafted upgrade if it
The Blood God turns his vast consciousness
did not previously, never requires
towards the character for but the briefest
maintenance, cannot be destroyed, and
instant, and recognises the mortal as one of
gains the Tainted trait. If the weapon is
his own. He bestows, or reveals, the
ranged, it cannot jam and never runs out of
character’s true name, as he is known to
ammunition, even if out of Reloads. If the
the denizens of the Realm of Chaos. He
weapon chosen was a Daemon Weapon,
gains 1d6 BP and +1d to all Interaction and
the daemon is harmlessly removed before
Leadership tests made with servants of
the weapon is fused.
Khorne. However, when fighting someone
who knows one of the character’s True Collar of Khorne
Names, the GM gains 1 Ruin. Truly powerful A brass collar, cruelly spiked and engraved
servants of Chaos have many names, and as with the sigils of the Blood God,
such this Reward can be obtained multiple materialises around the character’s neck.
times. Forged in Khorne’s weapons-foundries, it
may never be removed, but its blessings will
Daemon Weapon
protect the recipient from enemy sorcerers.
The character is gifted with one of the most
The character gains +3d to resist Psychic
cherished blessings a servant of the Ruinous
Powers, and once per combat, they may
Powers can ever receive—a Daemon
negate a single psychic power that includes
Weapon, imbued with the essence of a
them in its effect, treating it as if it were
daemon of Chaos. The character may
never cast.
generate a Daemon Weapon, bound with
the essence of a Bloodletter. The weapon Purity of Aggression
may be one the character already The character is blessed with the utter
possesses, or he may receive one of his clarity of Khorne’s will, all emotions other
choice with a value no greater than 4+Tier, than those that fuel bloodshed driven from
and a maximum rarity of Rare. He may his mind. No foe is beyond his hatred, and
choose the Binding Strength of the weapon. the feeling is mutual. The character gains
the Hatred (Everyone) Talent.
Flesh-Fused Weapon
The Blood God answers the champion’s Mark of Khorne
prayers by instilling one of his favored The fell skull-rune of Khorne is branded on
weapons with a portion of his power and the character’s flesh, claiming his soul for
the Blood God for all time and marking him female, and neither, for mere mortal
as one of Khorne’s Chosen, a warrior perception cannot begin to quantify its true
beyond compare, capable of bringing nature and such terms are but pale
armies to ruin and spilling oceans of blood. shadows of the terrible truth. The
He gains the Mark of Chaos talent. character’s body is changed to reflect
something of this state, assuming the
characteristic single breast so common
Rewards of Slaanesh
amongst the servants of the Dark Prince of
Chaos, as well as features that are
Daemonic Name disturbingly attractive yet ultimately
The character is granted a secret name, sexless. The character becomes an object of
derived from the impossible vowels and adoration to all around him, whether male
consonants voiced in the sibilant, lilting or female, and finds his own identity
tongue of the servants of Slaanesh. He assuming an amorphous, genderless quality
gains 1d6 BP and +1d to all Interaction and where such petty mortal qualities as
Leadership tests made with servants of masculinity and femininity become
Slaanesh. However, when fighting someone meaningless. Whenever the character
who knows one of the character’s True attempts any Interaction test, add +1 to the
Names, the GM gains 1 Ruin. Truly powerful result of each die.
servants of Chaos have many names, and as
Beguiling Mask
such this Reward can be obtained multiple
Slaanesh grants the character a solidified
shard of his own duplicitous nature, in the
Daemon Weapon form of a mask that hides his true nature
The character is gifted with one of the most and intentions. When worn, it melds with
cherished blessings a servant of the Ruinous his own features, and allows him to appear
Powers can ever receive—a Daemon in any way he desires, from a lowly worker
Weapon, imbued with the essence of a to a pompous noble, changing his voice,
daemon of Chaos. The character may face, even hiding his mutations and
generate a Daemon Weapon, bound with corrupted soul. He gains a +3d bonus to any
the essence of a Daemonette. The weapon tests made to maintain the false character,
may be one the character already and he may prevent anyone from
possesses, or he may receive one of his determining his Corruption Level without
choice with a value no greater than 4+Tier, passing a DN 6 Willpower test first.
and a maximum rarity of Rare. He may
1,001 Senses
choose the Binding Strength of the weapon.
Those most touched by the power of the
Hermaphrodite Dark Prince are driven to ever-greater
Slaanesh is said to be both male and extremes of experience, the sensations of
the material universe growing duller by the
year. Most find themselves prisoners of Nurgle’s bountiful Garden of Decay. He
their own senses and unable to experience gains 1d6 BP and +1d to all Interaction and
sensations beyond those perceptible to the Leadership tests made with servants of
mortal body they were born into. The Nurgle. However, when fighting someone
character has been gifted with an entirely who knows one of the character’s True
new and previously unheard of array of Names, the GM gains 1 Ruin. Truly powerful
sensory perceptions, the merest of which servants of Chaos have many names, and as
makes those he was born with pale into such this Reward can be obtained multiple
insignificance. Armed with his new times.
perceptions, he sets out into the universe
Daemon Weapon
once more, determined to experience each
The character is gifted with one of the most
to the fullest extent possible. Whenever the
cherished blessings a servant of the Ruinous
character attempts an Awareness test, add
Powers can ever receive—a Daemon
+1 to the result of each die.
Weapon, imbued with the essence of a
Mark of Slaanesh daemon of Chaos. The character may
So driven is the character, so darkly does his generate a Daemon Weapon, bound with
soul shine in the stygian depths of the Sea the essence of a Plaguebearer. The weapon
of Souls, that he attracts the fleeting notice may be one the character already
of the Dark Prince of Chaos. Slaanesh possesses, or he may receive one of his
touches the character, bestowing upon him choice with a value no greater than 4+Tier,
his mark and claiming his soul for all and a maximum rarity of Rare. He may
eternity. Having been touched in such a choose the Binding Strength of the weapon.
manner, the character is driven to such
Corpulent Immensity
extremes of ambition and desire that entire
The character’s frame swells and distorts
worlds will tremble to hear his name, and
until he comes to resemble the massive
no experience is forbidden to his dark
form of Papa Nurgle himself. His innards
desire. He gains the Mark of Chaos talent.
bloat and swell, his skin sloughs off, and pus
weeps from open sores, yet he is blessed
Rewards of Nurgle with a vigour and strength entirely at odds
with his appearance. The character gains an
additional +3 Wounds, but may not make a
Daemonic Name
Run Action. His size category increases by
Nurgle’s tallymen know the name of every
one step (Average becomes Large).
disease ever to beset the mortal realm and
they know the true name of the character Nurgle’s Rot
too. The name is revealed to the recipient Nurgle’s Rot is the most virulent and
and bestowed upon him, granting him pleasing of all of Nurgle’s countless plagues,
equal status to the denizens of Father and the character is blessed to be its host.
While the character himself does not fall
victim to the rot, his very touch can bestow Rewards of Tzeentch
it upon another, consuming and destroying
it. The character may spend a Full Action to
Daemonic Name
make a test using his Corruption Level as
The character calls upon Tzeentch and
both the dice pool and the DN. If he
Tzeentch recognises one of his own,
succeeds, everyone within a number of
revealing to the recipient the name by
metres equal to twice his Corruption Level
which he is known in the Realm of Chaos.
is considered to have been hit by a weapon
He gains 1d6 BP and +1d to all Interaction
with the following profile: 10+1ED; AP 0;
and Leadership tests made with servants of
Tainted, Toxic (7). This damage ignores
Tzeentch. However, when fighting someone
Armor unless it is environmentally sealed.
who knows one of the character’s True
Those with the Nurgle keyword are
Names, the GM gains 1 Ruin. Truly powerful
unaffected by this disease.
servants of Chaos have many names, and as
Nurgling Infestation such this Reward can be obtained multiple
The character’s skin stretches and writhes times.
as loathsome shapes gestate beneath its
Daemon Weapon
surface. Soon after, the shapes become
The character is gifted with one of the most
boils and then seeping pustules from which
cherished blessings a servant of the Ruinous
tiny Nurglings are hatched. These tiny
Powers can ever receive—a Daemon
creatures live in the recesses of the
Weapon, imbued with the essence of a
character’s body, finding warmth and
daemon of Chaos. The character may
sustenance in the most unlikely of places.
generate a Daemon Weapon, bound with
They are fiercely loyal to their host and fight
the essence of a Pink Horror. The weapon
viscously to defend their home from attack.
may be one the character already
Once per combat the character may spill its
possesses, or he may receive one of his
distended guts and, in so doing, instantly
choice with a value no greater than 4+Tier,
summon a Mob of Nurglings, equal in
and a maximum rarity of Rare. He may
number to its Toughness.
choose the Binding Strength of the weapon.
Mark of Nurgle
Flaming Arm
The character is branded as a servant of
One of the character’s arms is replaced with
Grandfather Nurgle, a great corruptor of
the arm of a Flamer of Tzeentch, and he is
flesh and souls, and a place in the eternal
able to project from its blunt tip a stream of
cavalcade through the Gardens of the
mutating flame. One randomly determined
Plaguefather is reserved for him. He gains
arm is replaced by that of a Flamer of
the Mark of Chaos talent.
Tzeentch, a twisting limb capped with a
hand that can become a gaping,
tooth-ringed mouth that belches flame. The cinder. The character is marked forever, the
character may use it to make ranged attacks arcane rune of Tzeentch burned into his
as if it was a weapon with the following flesh and his soul claimed by the God of
profile: 10+(½ Intellect) ED; AP 0; 18m; Change. He gains the Mark of Chaos talent.
Pistol, Spread, Blaze, Tainted, Warp
Rewards of Chaos Undivided
Massive Intellect
Exposure to the will of Tzeentch gifts the
Daemonic Name
character with a vastly swollen intellect,
The Dark Gods turn their gaze upon the
enabling him to perceive something of the
character and grant him a name, a fusion of
God of Change’s great scheme and align his
the tongues of the Ruinous Powers, marking
own thoughts and deeds with it. Whenever
him as no individual god’s possession. He
the character attempts a Scholar test, add
gains 1d6 BP and +1d to all Interaction and
+1 to the result of each die.
Leadership tests made with servants of
Ecstatic Duplication Chaos. However, when fighting someone
The character is granted a most bizarre who knows one of the character’s True
reward—one that truly reflects Tzeentch’s Names, the GM gains 1 Ruin. Truly powerful
inscrutable ways. Upon reaching 0 wounds, servants of Chaos have many names, and as
the character’s body dissolves and melts, such this Reward can be obtained multiple
running in greater shimmering rivulets until times.
its mass reforms into two Pink Horrors, the
Daemon Weapon
lesser daemons of Tzeentch, which the
The character is gifted with one of the most
player may control for the remainder of the
cherished blessings a servant of the Ruinous
Encounter. Don’t forget that these two
Powers can ever receive—a Daemon
lesser daemons each become two Blue
Weapon, imbued with the essence of a
Horrors should they be slain, and Brimstone
daemon of Chaos. The character may
Horrors after that. If any of these Daemons,
generate a Daemon Weapon, bound with
even a single Brimstone Horror, remain
the essence of a minor warp entity (treat it
alive at the end of combat, then he returns
as an Undivided Daemon with Willpower 4).
fully intact, congealing out of the remains of
The weapon may be one the character
the daemons he became. If they are all
already possesses, or he may receive one of
killed, then he is also killed by Annihilation.
his choice with a value no greater than
Mark of Tzeentch 4+Tier, and a maximum rarity of Rare. He
Tzeentch shares with the character but a may choose the Binding Strength of the
minute portion of his grand scheme for the weapon.
universe, just enough to empower the
recipient without blasting his soul to a
Blasphemous Icon Daemons. However, should he be damaged
The character embodies all that is in a round where he deals no damage, he
blasphemous to those who blindly worship suffers a Mortal Wound at the end of the
the False Emperor of Mankind. His round as his daemonic essence ebbs.
blasphemies take many forms, from
Mark of Chaos Undivided
iconoclastic scripts tattooed upon his skin
Perhaps one of the greatest achievements
to a mocking resemblance to a figure such
available to a servant of the Powers, the
as an Imperial Saint. Some are capable of
character has managed to embody the
channelling their very essence into their
nature of Chaos without dedicating himself
blasphemies, and these are truly a scourge
to any individual god, and as such has
on the weakling Imperium of Man. Once per
earned the positive attention of all four
session, he may unleash the force of his
gods. He gains the Mark of Chaos talent.
Blasphemy. For a number of rounds equal
to his Corruption Level, he gains the Fear
ability, with a rating equal to 4 + his APOTHEOSIS
Corruption Level.
Daemon Princes of Chaos Undivided Due to their size, Daemon Princes have
increase one attribute of their choice by +1. significant restrictions in their use of
In addition, they choose one of the weapons, armor, and other gear. This is
following abilities: ultimately at the discretion of the GM, but
as a guideline, Daemon Princes cannot use
● Champion Undivided: The character weapons or armor manufactured for
may gain up to Tier+3 Daemonic human-sized creatures or even for Chaos
Servants. These may be any
combination of Lesser Daemons or
Space Marines, with the exceptions noted fuses with the existing bionics. In either
below. case, the benefits of bionic limbs are
subsumed in the advantages of becoming a
Due to the whims of the Warp and the
Daemon Prince.
nature of the transformation a character
undergoes when he becomes a Daemon
Apotheosis and Mutations
Prince, some weapons and armor in his
possession at the time of his Apotheosis
remain usable in his new form. Depending Although it may resemble its previous form
on the item in question, this might mean in many ways, a Daemon Prince is no longer
that the item actually transforms along with a creature of flesh and blood. The
the Daemon Prince, increasing in size, form, mutations that afflicted the mortal frame,
or even melding with his daemonic flesh. All for good or ill, vanish, though they might be
Daemon Weapons remain usable, echoed in the new form.
regardless of their size or type.
Upon his ascension, a Daemon Prince may
In addition, at the player’s choice, any choose to remove any number of his
armor worn by the character at the time of Malignancies of his choice; the effects of
his Apotheosis melds with the Daemon the chosen Malignancies, positive and
Prince, becoming a part of his new form. negative, are removed from the character.
The Daemon Prince retains the Armor For each Malignancy he removes in this
Points and any other benefits provided by way, the Daemon Prince gains 5 Favor,
the armor (subject to the GM’s discretion), which he can immediately use to purchase
but no longer has the option of removing it. Daemonic Gifts.
If the player chooses not to retain the
armor this way, the character’s expanding Daemonic Servants
form shatters the armor, destroying it.
Bionics and cybernetics remain a part of the Upon joining the infernal legions, a Daemon
character, although they inevitably fuse Prince leaves behind many trappings of his
with his Daemonic flesh in unnatural and former existence, from equipment to allies
disturbing ways, making the division and contacts, and perhaps even his most
between machine and flesh far from clear. loyal followers. It is perhaps ironic that a
In game terms, a Daemon Prince retains the character who has spent his life acquiring
benefits of implants, unless the GM rules followers and building a warband for the
that a particular benefit is not appropriate goal of becoming a Daemon Prince might
for a Daemon. However, a Daemon Prince find himself abandoning those very mortal
does not retain any benefits of bionic followers to lead dread legions of Daemons.
replacement limbs. In effect, the character’s
new Warp-flesh restores his lost limbs or
Many servants that might accompany fixed at 26. Instead, Daemon Princes gain
mortals are less appropriate for a Daemon Favor, representing their position in the
Prince. This might be because the Daemon eyes of their god, which translates into
Prince now traverses environments that are increased power over the Warp and
lethal to mortals, because it finds itself in mastery of their own Daemonic abilities.
need of more potent followers, or simply
Unlike Corruption, which can be gained as a
because those who it once considered its
reward or as a punishment for a failing,
loyal followers now find themselves
Favor is always a positive thing. However, a
beneath its notice, for Daemon Princes do
Daemon Prince who fails his patron can lose
not view the universe as does a mortal. In
Favor, as his god takes back a measure of
lieu of mercenaries, beasts, servitors, and
the power and authority over the Warp
other mortal followers, Daemon Princes
previously granted to the Daemon Prince.
often amass retinues of subservient
Daemons to follow them. As befits their new status, the expectations
on Daemon Princes, both in the eyes of
These Daemons might represent soldiers
mortals and the gods, are higher.
placed at their command by their patron
Consequently, Daemon Princes must
god, rivals defeated and forced into
generally accomplish suitably more
obedience, or for the most potent of
impressive feats than a mortal in order to
Daemon Princes, lesser entities formed
gain BP or Favor.
from the Warp through sheer force of will.
As a foremost leader in the Daemonic
A Daemon Prince with the Devotees talent
legions, a Daemon Prince has the eye of his
may take Lesser Daemons of his god (any
god far more than he ever did as a mortal.
Lesser Daemon for Unaligned princes) as
This is both a boon and a hindrance, for just
Devotees, using their full profile rather than
as the Chaos Gods reward and punish their
using a dice pool based on his rank. The
mortal followers, so do they their Daemonic
number of Devotees remains the same.
servants. A Daemon Prince gains Favor by
advancing his god’s cause, whether by
Advancing as a Daemon Prince slaying the servants of the Corpse-God,
leading his legions in battle against the
Daemons of rival gods, or corrupting
Daemon Princes continue to gain and spend
mortals. Likewise, a Daemon Prince loses
BP just like any other character. As
Favor when he fails his god or acts contrary
Daemons, Daemon Princes are creatures of
to his god’s path. Daemon Princes gain
the Warp—walking embodiments of
Favor by advancing the cause of Chaos, and
Corruption. Consequently, Daemon Princes
of their god in particular. The possibilities
no longer gain Corruption, nor can they
for obtaining the Favor of the Ruinous
decrease it; their Corruption is permanently
Powers are endless, but some examples are Chaos God. And whereas service to Chaos
shown below. can be worthy of Favor, Daemon Princes
primarily win the rewards of their patron
Slaying a powerful champion of the 1–2 deity by advancing its interests. This can
Imperium, such as a Space Marine Chapter Favor
Master or Ordo Malleus Inquisitor. bring the Daemon Prince into opposition
with the servants and Daemons of rival
Leading an army of mortal servants of Chaos 3–5
to victory in battle over the forces of the Favor gods just as readily as it can the forces of
Imperium; defeating a rival Daemon Prince
in battle; overtaking a cult of a rival god.
the Imperium. A Daemon Prince is a player
in the Great Game between the Chaos
Leading a Daemonic legion to victory 6–7
against the forces of a rival Chaos God; Favor Gods, and conflict with the servants, both
corrupting a defender of the Imperium, such mortal and Daemonic, of the other Ruinous
as a Space Marine Captain or Inquisitor.
Powers is inevitable.
Converting a world to the worship of 8–9
the Daemon Prince’s god; orchestrating a Favor
major daemonic incursion into reality.
Daemon Princes and Other Characters
Conquering a sector capitol in the name 10+
of Chaos; launching a Black Crusade; Favor
engineering the fall of a loyalist Space
Marine Chapter to Chaos. Daemon Princes pose certain challenges for
players and the GM as part of a group of
These are examples and guidelines, and it is characters. Daemon Princes are mighty
always the GM’s decision as to whether or entities and, even in the Screaming Vortex,
not a particular action is worthy of Favor, likely to inspire terror or worship (or both)
and how much. In some cases, the GM wherever their dreadful footsteps fall.
might determine that a random amount is There are times when a Daemon Prince
appropriate, representing the fickle nature might simply not be able to go where other
of the Chaos Gods. In these cases, 1d6 is characters can, or to do so might
usually sufficient, possibly modified by +1 or undermine the group’s very intentions.
-1 based on the deed. When subtlety is called for, a Daemon
Prince is problematic. Daemon Princes
As a prominent leader amongst the might not always be able to accompany the
Daemonic legions of his god, a Daemon other characters. This could be for reasons
Prince faces higher expectations than nearly of discretion as described above. When this
any mortal follower of Chaos. Actions that happens, the GM should try to keep the
would win considerable Corruption for an Daemon Prince involved through telepathic
aspiring champion of Chaos are simply communication or some other method.
expected for a Daemon Prince, but might However, players might have to accept that
nonetheless be worth 1 or 2 Favor. While such instances are just the price to pay for
mortal servants of the Ruinous Powers having such a powerful and extraordinary
often pay homage to all of the gods, a character. These cases also serve as a
Daemon Prince is a sworn vassal of one reminder that the “ordinary” characters still
have a purpose and certain advantages over When a Daemon Prince fails three Defiance
the Daemon Prince. It can be easy for the checks, takes damage equal to double his
other players to feel that the Daemon maximum wounds, or is otherwise “killed,”
Prince overshadows their characters, due to he does not die but is banished back to the
its prestige and numerous abilities. Making Warp. A Daemon Prince can sacrifice Favor
the Daemon Prince’s limitations and to avoid this fate.
drawbacks a part of the ongoing narrative is
When a Daemon Prince is “killed,” the
one way the GM can ensure the other
player can choose to pay 2d6+5 Favor. If he
characters have a chance to shine.
does, the Daemon Prince is banished, but
only for a short time. The Daemon Prince is
The Great Game effectively powerless for the remainder of
the session, while it gathers its strength,
and can take no further part in combat
Daemon Princes must constantly be aware
encounters or similar scenes. At the GM’s
of their status in the eyes of their patron.
discretion, the Daemon Prince might be
This is reflected mechanically in the Favor
able to communicate with the other
rules, but should also be incorporated in
characters and with NPCs, appearing to
roleplaying. A Daemon Prince is a leader of
them in dreams or visions, speaking
his god’s Daemonic forces, and has a high
through a medium or Daemonic emissary,
visibility. As well as the advantages that
or through other, even more esoteric,
come with greater power, this has the
means. The Daemon Prince cannot be
disadvantage of his god being more likely to
banished again or otherwise harmed for the
notice and respond to any failings on the
remainder of the session. After the session
character’s part. The GM and player should
(or at the beginning of the next session,
keep this in mind, using it both to drive
depending on the needs of the campaign),
roleplaying and create plot hooks.
the Daemon Prince claws its way back into
It is up to the players and GM to determine
how this comes about, but it should be a
As beings of the Warp, Daemon Princes suitably remarkable event—possessing a
cannot be truly killed like flesh-and-blood rogue psyker, having its servants or allies
mortals. However, like any Daemon, a orchestrate a great ritual to summon it, or
Daemon Prince can be banished, cast back some other appropriate event.
into the depths of the Warp until such time
Alternatively, the player can choose to pay
as it gathers enough power to again
2d6 Favor. With this option, the Daemon
manifest in the material universe.
Prince remains in reality and is restored to
1d6 Wounds. It can continue to take part in
combat encounters and other scenes, but and may purchase Aligned gifts, but at +5 to
this also means it can be “killed” again, their cost. Each Daemonic Gift can only be
requiring a further sacrifice of Favor. selected once unless noted, and cost the
Regardless of which option he chooses, If listed amount of Favor to purchase.
this reduces his Favor to 0 (or if it is already
0), the Daemon Prince also loses one Daemonic Gifts
Ecstatic Devotion 6
Slaanesh’s Favor 12
this rank have been given the Dark Gods’ Noxious Touch 7
ultimate gift, and the rewards for such
Nurgle’s Favor 14
service are great. This section covers
Daemonic Gifts, powerful new abilities Unbreakable 20
Daemonic Flight
Unaligned Daemonic Gifts Two massive wings burst from the Daemon
Armor of Chaos Prince’s back. They take forms dependant
upon the Prince’s patron, such as feathered
The Daemon Prince’s armor glows with wings for Tzeentch, or the wings of a fly for
unholy power, contorting to take a form no Nurgle, but are all functionally identical. His
mortal could ever hope to wear. The base Speed is doubled and he gains the
Daemon Prince’s AV increases to 6. The ability to Fly (this does not stack with items
armor gains additional properties based on such as jump packs).
the Prince’s alignment:
Khorne: Vicious spikes grow from the Daemonic Rune
armor. Anyone that suffers a combat The Daemon Prince bears an unholy rune of
Complication when attacking the wearer in immense power that acts as a tether and
melee suffers a Mortal Wound in addition sustains his form in the mortal realm.
to any other effects. Once per session, the Daemon Prince may
Slaanesh: The armor gleams and reflects spend a Wrath completely negate an attack
incoming light. The armor gains +1 AV that would hit him. He may do this after
against Las weapons and any light-based damage is rolled, but must do it before the
attack. attacker’s turn ends.
Nurgle: Dishevelled and cracked, the armor Daemon Weapon
falls away when damaged only to scab over The Gods of Chaos grant the Daemon Prince
and heal itself after festering for a time. The a rare prize: a mighty Daemon Weapon!
armor gains an additional 3 AV, which is The Daemon Prince generates a Daemon
reduced by 1 each time the wearer is struck Weapon. The chosen type of Daemon must
(after damage is resolved), until this be either Unaligned or Aligned with the
additional AV is gone. This additional AV same Chaos God as the Daemon Prince, and
regenerates at the beginning of each can be any Daemon other than another
session. Daemon Prince, even a Greater Daemon,
Tzeentch: The armor changes of its own but it cannot be one with a higher
accord to better protect the wearer. The Willpower than the Prince. The weapon
armor negates any weapon trait that adds may be one the character already possesses
to the die result of damage dice, such as (even an existing Daemon Weapon,
Brutal, Rad, or Melta. replacing its current inhabitant), or he may
Daemonic Aura receive one of his choice with a value no
A crackling glow surrounds the Daemon greater than 5+Tier, and a maximum rarity
of Very Rare. He may choose the Binding adornment fit for a pet, not a loyal vassal
Strength of the weapon. who has proven his ferocity time and time
again in blood. Entrusted only to the most
dedicated Daemon Princes, the Obsidian
Khornate Daemonic Gifts Star protects its wearer against the
cowardice of psykers far more than any
Adorned in Brass slave’s collar. Psykers within 64 metres of
Khorne grants his favoured servant a suit of the Daemon Prince subtract 2 from each die
gleaming brass armour etched with symbols when making Psychic Mastery test and
of power. His armor’s AV increases to 8, he Force Weapons lose the Force trait.
gains +1d to tests to resist Psychic Powers, Additionally, any character with the Khorne
and any enemy he charges must make an keyword within 64 metres of the Daemon
opposed Strength test with him or be Prince (including the Daemon Prince
knocked Prone. himself) gains a +4d bonus to tests to resist
Hellfire Gaze Psychic Powers.
The Daemon Prince channels his rage and
hatred into a searing lance of crimson Slaaneshi Daemonic Gifts
Warpfire that leaps from his eyes. He is
always considered to be armed with a Ecstatic Devotion
weapon with the following profile: 16+3ED; The Daemon Prince’s mere presence fills his
AP-4; 20m; Salvo -; Heavy, Blaze, Melta. followers with waves of delight. They hang
Hellfire Gaze never jams or runs out of on his every word, willing to do his bidding
ammunition, requires no hands to use, and with no concern for life or limb. The
cannot be destroyed. However, reloads Daemon Prince doubles the number of
cannot be spent on it. Devotees (if he has the talent) he can have.
Additionally, he may take servants aligned
Khorne’s Favor to another Chaos God, although these
The Daemon Prince receives a lesser boon minions suffer a +1DN penalty to
of Khorne that, whilst still powerful, acts as Leadership tests involving them.
a reminder that neither mortal nor Daemon
stands above the Blood God himself. The Siren’s Call
Daemon Prince selects a single Reward of The Daemon Prince’s voice takes on such a
Khorne of his choice. He can select this Gift soothing tone that even the most vengeful
multiple times, but may not select a Reward adversaries stand utterly incapable of
he already has. attacking such a majestic creature. The
Daemon Prince gains a +4d bonus to
Obsidian Star Persuasion tests. As a Full Action, he may
Many Khornate Champions bear the Collar call to a single enemy in line of sight. If the
of Khorne, but it is a symbol of servitude; an target fails an Opposed Persuasion vs.
Conviction Test, it loses the ability to target cannot be Disarmed or destroyed and does
the Daemon Prince with any attacks for a not prevent the hand from performing
number of Rounds equal to 1 plus 1 for other tasks. The Daemon Prince chooses
every Exalted Icon the Prince shifts. The which hand gains this Gift.
target can apply any bonuses to this
Noxious Touch
Opposed test that would apply to resisting a
Riddled with nauseating diseases, touching
psychic power against it.
the Daemon Prince’s skin causes instant
Slaanesh’s Favor infections. Anyone who touches the
The Daemon Prince receives a lesser boon Daemon Prince must test as if damaged by
of Slaanesh that, whilst stimulating, a weapon with the Toxic (7) Trait. His
provides only a hint of the true delicacies unarmed attacks gain the Penetrating (2),
the Pleasure God provides. The Daemon Toxic (7), and Rad (2) Traits.
Prince selects a single Reward of Slaanesh
Nurgle’s Favor
of his choice. He can select this Gift multiple
The Daemon Prince receives a lesser boon
times, but may not select a Reward he
of Nurgle that, whilst putrid, provides only a
already has.
hint of the joyous putrefaction the Plague
Soul Shrive God provides. The Daemon Prince selects a
To a Daemon, nothing tastes as sweet as single Reward of Nurgle of his choice. He
the soul of a mortal, and the power to can select this Gift multiple times, but may
simply pluck the living essence from an not select a Reward he already has.
unwitting victim is one of Slaanesh’s
greatest gifts. He is always considered to be
Swelling to massive proportions, the
armed with a weapon with the following
Daemon Prince transforms into a mountain
profile: 12+3ED; AP 0; Heavy, Agonizing,
of rotting flesh. The Daemon Prince
Brutal, Warp Weapon. Soul Shrive never
increases his Size by one step, gains AV 7
jams or runs out of ammunition, requires
(replacing existing armour), heals 7 Wounds
no hands to use, and cannot be destroyed.
at the start of his turn, and ignores
However, reloads cannot be spent on it.
penalties to movement due to rough
terrain. He reduces his Agility by 4 (to a
minimum of 1). A Daemon Prince with this
Nurglesque Daemonic Gifts
Gift cannot use or benefit from Daemonic
Death’s Hand Flight.
One of the Daemon Prince’s hands swells
and drips with all manner of fetid liquids,
Tzeentchian Daemonic Gifts
gases, and slimes. The Daemon Prince gains
a weapon with the following profile: 7+2ED; Arcane Wisdom
AP -2; Plague, Toxic (7). Death’s Hand The unlimited knowledge of Chaos floods
the Daemon Prince’s mind, granting him energy, capable of bypassing nearly any
knowledge beyond his ken and beyond his armor. Once per round as a free action, the
control. The Daemon Prince gains +3d to all Daemon Prince may summon a weapon
Scholar tests. Once per session, he may with the following profile: 9+2ED; AP -5;
expend a Wrath point to add 9 icons to a Force, Parry. He may only have one Spectral
Scholar test he makes. However, if he rolls a Blade manifested at once.
Complication on a Scholar test, he is unable
Tzeentch’s Favor
to track down the information he seeks
The Daemon Prince receives a lesser boon
within his labyrinthine intellect, and fails
of Tzeentch that provides the smallest hint
the test automatically.
of the Architect of Fate’s grand plan. The
Lord of Lies Daemon Prince selects a single Reward of
By focusing his energy, the Daemon Prince Tzeentch of his choice. He can select this
forcibly alters his appearance to that of a Gift multiple times, but may not select a
normal human. The effects are fleeting, but Reward he already has.
such subterfuge opens up many paths to
Warpfire Nimbus
deception. Once per session, the Daemon
A shining vortex of multicoloured fire whips
Prince can take the form of a regular human
around the Daemon Prince, protecting him
(age, gender, and physical attributes chosen
from harm. The Daemon Prince gains a
by the player). The effect lasts a number of
Force Field with *1 AV with the Force Shield
hours equal to his Intellect, or until he uses
trait for every 5 points of Favor the Daemon
any of his Rewards or Daemonic Gifts, or if
Prince has, rounding down. The AV changes
any character detects the Daemon Prince
as his Favor changes. Daemon Prince’s
through the Psyniscience power, though
unarmed attacks gain the Blaze trait, but he
any attempts to do so suffer a +4DN
automatically fails all Stealth tests.
Spectral Blade
Tzeentch gifts the Daemon Prince with the
ability to conjure a blade of pure psychic
The Path of the Sorcerer
Infernal Gaze 15 Target’s Action Instant 40m Yes Heretic Astartes, Chaotic energies damage
Defense Chaos, Psychic those the psyker casts his
eyes over
Death Hex 15 8 Action 1 Round 24m No Heretic Astartes, A dark curse strips away
Chaos Psychic arcane and technological
Gift of Chaos 15 6 Full Action Instant 12m No Heretic Astartes, The power of Chaos forces
Chaos, Psychic mutation and reshapes the
Prescience 15 7 Action Sustained 40m Yes Heretic Astartes, The ability to glimpse a few
Chaos, Psychic seconds into the future offers
enemies no escape from
Diabolic Strength 15 6 Action Sustained 24m Yes Heretic Astartes, The energies of Chaos grant
Chaos, Psychic the targets the strength of
Warptime 15 6 Action Instant 6m Yes Heretic Astartes, Reality disjuncts from the
Chaos, Psychic flow of time allowing the
targets to reposition freely
Weaver of Fates 15 6 Action Sustained 40m Yes Heretic Astartes, The targets gain a
Chaos, Tzeentch, precognitive ability to dodge
Psychic as fate itself favors them
Discipline of Slaanesh
Cacophonic Choir 15 6 Action Instant 40m No Daemon, Chaos, The psyker emits harrowing
Slaanesh, Psychic screams that tear apart the
targets’ psyche
Symphony of Pain 15 6 Action 1 Round 40m Yes Daemon, Chaos, The targets are wracked with
Slaanesh, Psychic pain that makes them less
effective in battle
Hysterical Frenzy 15 8 Action 1 Round 40m Yes Daemon, Chaos, The psyker’s allies enter a
Slaanesh, Psychic frenzy that drives them to
inflict pain and agony
Delightful Agonies 15 6 Action Sustained 40m Yes Daemon, Chaos, The targets are tortured with
Slaanesh, Psychic pain that obscures any
physical damage taken
Pavane of Slaanesh 15 6 Action Instant 40m No Daemon, Chaos, A small group of enemies tear
Slaanesh, Psychic themselves apart in a brutal
Phantasmagoria 15 6 Action Sustained 24m No Daemon, Chaos, All nearby the psyker suffer
Slaanesh, Psychic visions that weaken their wills
Discipline of Nurgle
Stream of 15 Target’s Action Instant 14m No Daemon, Chaos, The psyker spews forth a
Corruption Defense Nurgle, Psychic stream of disease on his
Fleshy Abundance 15 5 Action Instant 40m No Daemon, Chaos, Fleshy growths cover and heal
Nurgle, Psychic the target’s injuries
Nurgle’s Rot 15 7 Action Instant 14m No Daemon, Chaos, All nearby are struck by one
Nurgle, Psychic of Nurgle’s worst plagues
Shriveling Pox 15 6 Action Instant 40m Yes Daemon, Chaos, The targets find their bodies
Nurgle, Psychic wasting and their resilience
Virulent Blessing 15 7 Action Sustained 40m Yes Daemon, Chaos, Coat the targets’ weapons
Nurgle, Psychic with horrible diseases
Miasma of 15 6 Action Sustained 40m Yes Daemon, Chaos, A choking fog of flies obscures
Pestilence Nurgle, Psychic the targets’ outlines, causing
attacks against them to miss
more easily
Discipline of Tzeentch
Boon of Change 15 7 Action 1 Round 40m Yes Daemon, Chaos, The target gains a random,
Tzeentch, temporary mutation that give
Psychic him power.
Bolt of Change 15 3 + Target’s Action Instant 40m No Daemon, Chaos, The target is struck with a
Defense Tzeentch, blast of raw energy that
Psychic damages and corrupts
Gaze of Fate 15 6 2 Simple Instant Self No Daemon, Chaos, The psyker gains a vision that
Actions Tzeentch, lets him avoid a potential
Psychic misstep
Treason of 15 Target’s Full Action 1 Round 40m No Daemon, Chaos, The target is controlled into
Tzeentch Willpower Tzeentch, serving the psyker
(Opposed) Psychic temporarily
Flickering Flames 15 5 Action 1 Round 40m Yes Daemon, Chaos, Flames surround the weapons
Tzeentch, of the psyker’s allies, granting
Psychic them unholy power
Infernal Gateway 15 8 Action Instant 24m No Daemon, Chaos, The psyker rips a hole in
Tzeentch, reality and exposes his enemy
Psychic to the Warp’s power
Point Cost: 15
DN: 6
Activation: Action
The following disciplines were created by those Duration: 1 Round
Daemons that serve gods that make use of Range: 40m
Psychic Powers. Despite their origins, mortal Multi-target: Yes
sorcerers are sometimes able to make some of Keywords: Daemon, Chaos, Slaanesh, Psychic
these powers their own. A Daemonic Discipline Effect: The psyker’s chants unleash destructive
may be taken by a mortal psyker only if he has Chaos energy. If successful, the targets are
the keyword of the appropriate god. wracked by unbearable pain and suffers a -2d
penalty to all attack tests.
Potency: [2] The targets’ penalty increases by
Hysterical Frenzy themselves to death. Roll a d6 for the target
and up to 1d6 enemies nearby. For each result
Point Cost: 15 of 6, the targets suffer a Mortal Wound.
DN: 8 Potency: *[3] The targets suffer a mortal wound
Activation: Action for each die result of 5 or 6 instead.
Duration: 1 Round
Range: 40m As the psyker sings, its spasming victims’ flesh
Multi-target: Yes tears and bones snap as they dance themselves
Keywords: Daemon, Chaos, Slaanesh, Psychic to death.
Effect: The psyker sends out a psychic lash that
goads its allies. The targets become Frenzied Phantamagoria
and add +1 ED to all melee attacks.
Point Cost: 15
Potency: [2] Add an additional +1 ED to all
DN: 6
targets’ melee attacks.
Activation: Action
Delightful Agonies Duration: Sustained
Range: 24m
Point Cost: 15 Multi-target: No
DN: 5 Keywords: Daemon, Chaos, Slaanesh, Psychic
Activation: Action Effect: The psyker summons illusions to terrify
Duration: Sustained and entice their foes. Reduce the Willpower of
Range: 40m all enemies within range by 1 as long as they
Multi-target: Yes remain within range.
Keywords: Daemon, Chaos, Slaanesh, Psychic Potency: [3] The Willpower of all affected is
Effect: Those whose minds are touched by the reduced by an additional 1.
psyker’s caress are wracked by waves of
exquisite pain, over which physical trauma has
no hold. If successful, each time the targets take Discipline of Nurgle
damage, roll a d6 for each wound lost. On a die
result of 5 or 6, the wound is not lost.
Those who serve the God of Decay use a set of
Potency: *[3] The wounds are not lost on a die
unique powers that reflect their gods’ nature
result of 4, 5, or 6 instead.
well, grinding down their enemies while
Pavane of Slaanesh bolstering their own resilience.
Flickering Flames
Point Cost: 15
DN: 5
Activation: Action
Duration: 1 Round
Range: 40m
Multi-target: Yes
Keywords: Daemon, Chaos, Tzeentch, Psychic
Effect: Cackling madly, the psyker’s allies are
wreathed in pink and blue flames that leap
forth to consume their foes. If successful, add
+1ED to all ranged attacks made by the targets.
Potency: [2] Increase the bonus ED by 1.
*[3]: The weapons also increase their AP to -2.
Infernal Gateway
Point Cost: 15
DN: 8
Activation: Action
Duration: Instant
Range: 24m
Multi-target: No
Keywords: Daemon, Chaos, Tzeentch, Psychic
Effect: The psyker opens a portal to the warp, a
tear in the fabric of the mortal plane that sucks
foes into certain oblivion. If successful, the
target and all within 6m (friend or foe) suffer d3
Mortal Wounds and must make a DN 4
Corruption test.
Potency: *[3] The power deals d6 Mortal
Wounds instead.
Bestiary and Vehicles
field of battle, hordes of cultists can be goaded
MORTAL SERVANTS into battle before a Chaos Space Marine.
A cult needs a leader, a force of personality and Harbinger of Ruin: A Cult Leader generates 1
a charismatic anchoring point that inspires and point of Ruin per round for every 6 cultists
motivates his followers. Often present at the start of each turn.
promising the galaxy to his followers, he seeks (Ruin) Kneel Before the Dark Gods!: As an
his own glory and power above all else, or action, the Cult Leader may make an Interaction
simply legitimately wants to do the work of the Attack against all targets who do not possess
Dark Gods. In any case, a group of cultists led by the Chaos keyword within 15 metres. Any
their idol are driven to greater and greater acts character affected by the Interaction Attack is
of depravity. considered prone in addition to the normal
Threat Classification: Adversaries for Tier 1, effects.
Elites for Tier 2-3 (Ruin) Kill them All!: As a free action, the Cult
Leader may spend a point of ruin to let a mob of
Strength 4 Intellect 4 Cultists within 3 metres take one combat
Agility 3 Willpower 4
Rogue Psyker
Within the Imperium, few opportunities exist
Laspistol: Damage 7+1ED; AP 0; Range 24m;
for those with the psychic gift. Those too weak
Salvo 1; Pistol, Steadfast
to be pressed into service as interstellar vox
units are fed to the Corpse Emperor, to sustain Special Abilities
what dregs remain of his power. The Black Ships
deny these individuals any freedom; to be a Psyker: The Psyker knows S mite and two other
psyker is to be issued either a death sentence or powers from either a Universal discipline,
be pressed into slavery. Maleficarum, or (if aligned to a god) the
appropriate Daemonic Discipline.
Those who manage to awaken to their power
and evade the Inquisition often find themselves Warp Touched: Normally, the Rogue Psyker
offered deals by Daemons, offered a place rolls a number of bonus Wrath dice equal to the
amongst the forces of Chaos. Most are game’s Tier when making a Psychic Mastery
consumed by such energies or become vessels Test. At the GM’s discretion, he may also use his
for possession, but some achieve true power powers at the Bound or Unbound levels.
and become champions of the gods they
(Ruin) Champion: This threat may take Ruin
Threat Classification: Adversaries for Tier 1–3,
(Ruin) Psychic Storm: As a Ruin Action, the
and Elites for Tier 4+.
Rogue Psyker may activate a psychic power.
A Bloodthirster may choose one of the following Fear (8): This threat causes fear. Enemies are
packages. If the package comes with multiple required to pass a Fear test (DN 8) to act
weapons, it may attack with one or both, at the normally.
same target or different ones. If attacking the
same target with both weapons, resolve it as if (Wrath) Blood for the Blood God: If a
the Bloodthirster had the Dual Wielder (Melee) Bloodthirster rolls a 6 on the Wrath dice when
talent. attacking with its weapons, any character that
loses a wound from the attack also gains the
Insensate Rage Bleeding condition.
● Great Axe of Khorne: When attacking Greater Daemon: All those with the Khorne
with this weapon, choose one of the keyword within 12 metres of a Bloodthirster
following damage profiles:
(including itself) automatically pass Resolve or
Keywords Chaos, Daemon, Slaanesh,
Fear tests. Psyker
(Ruin) Deathbringer: A Bloodthirster may spend
a Ruin to activate this ability until the end of its Attacks
turn. All exalted icons shifted to damage
A Keeper of Secrets has both of the following
produce 2 ED each, rather than 1.
weapons. It may attack with one or both, at the
same target or different ones. If attacking the
same target with both weapons, resolve it as if
SLAANESH the Keeper of Secrets had the Dual Wielder
(Melee) talent.
Value: 10 (Uncommon)
Chaos Predator
Keywords: Chaos, Heretic, Heretic Astartes,
Brutal and rugged in construction, the
Predator’s common usage by the accursed
loyalists means that quite a few are scavenged
from the battlefield and put into the service of
Chaos Land Raider the Heretic Astartes.
A brutal vehicle with a deadly arsenal and the Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
lightest ground vehicle capable of carrying
squads of Terminators. Each Chaos Land Raider Cruising Speed 24m; D efence 3; Wounds 17;
carries a corrupted machine spirit that strains to Resilience 15; Crash-Webbing, Sealed, Tracked
slaughter more and more, guiding its weapons
towards its foes.
One of the following:
Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Pilot
Passengers: 12 ● Predator autocannon (16+3ED; AP -1;
Range 96m; Salvo 8; Heavy [8])
Cruising Speed 20m; Defence 3; Wounds 25;
● Twin lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range
Resilience 19; Sealed, Tracked
150m; Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Steadfast)
Weapons: Twin heavy bolter (12+2ED; AP -1;
A predator may take one pair of sponsons:
Range 60m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy [6])
● 2x Sponson heavy bolters (12+2ED; AP
2x Sponson twin lascannons (18+3ED; AP -3;
-1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal, Heavy
Range 150m; Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Steadfast)
[6]) (Value +1)
Daemonic Machine Spirit: Those operating a ● 2x Sponson lascannons (18+3ED; AP -3;
Land Raider’s weapons suffer no penalties to hit Range 150m; Salvo 1; Heavy [8],
due to moving faster than the vehicle’s cruising Steadfast) (Value +2)
Upgrade Options: Combi-weapon, Havoc
Value: 12 (Uncommon) become one, the power gained is tremendous.
Suspended in a device known as a sarcophagus,
Keywords: Chaos, Heretic, Heretic Astartes, the Dreadnought moves as if it were the
<Legion> traitor’s own arms and legs.
Becoming a Dreadnought
Chaos Vindicator Not all Chaos Space Marines become
Dreadnoughts when they fall. Most are simply
Favored by legions and warbands such as the
not worthy to possess the power, to take up
Iron Warriors, little can stand before the power
one of the valuable Sarcophagi that are
of the mighty Demolisher cannon, and even the
required to pilot a Dreadnought.
Fortress Worlds of the Imperium must bow to
extended bombardment. To become a Dreadnought, a character should
have the Adeptus Astartes keyword and be at
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
least Rank 3. They must also have the resources
Cruising Speed 20m; Defence 3; Wounds 17; to acquire a Dreadnought shell, or one may be
Resilience 17; Crash-Webbing, Sealed, Tracked salvaged from a loyalist marine.
Weapons: Demolisher cannon (20+3ED, AP-3, If a Heretic Astartes that meets these conditions
Range 48m, Salvo 1; Heavy [8], Spread, Blast would die (from something other than
(Large) annihilation), he may instead choose to remain
barely alive. He loses all Wrath points and no
Upgrade Options: Combi-weapon, Havoc longer starts sessions with Wrath points
launcher (though he may earn them over the course of a
session). So long as he is brought to a sufficient
Value: 13 (Uncommon)
medical facility within his Toughness in hours,
Keywords: Chaos, Heretic, Heretic Astartes, he can be stabilized, placed into a Dreadnought
<Legion> sarcophagus. Surviving the transition is a
Toughness test, with DN 4.
Value: 12 (Rare)
Chaos Dreadnought
Keywords: Chaos, Heretic Astartes, <Legion>
While considered the most basic chassis, only a
fool would underestimate it. Able to be
equipped with a variety of weapons, most who
are reborn as a Dreadnought start with this as Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought
their new body.
Ancient and rare, a Contemptor Dreadnought is
Crew: 1 Pilot an elite walker that carries some of the
strangest, most powerful, and most esoteric
Cruising Speed 12m; Defence 4; Wounds 14; weapons available.
Resilience 15; Sealed, Walker, Gyro-Stabilized
Crew: 1 Pilot
Weapons: Left Arm Options:
Cruising Speed 18m; D efence 4; Wounds 15;
Dreadnought close combat weapon (22+3ED, Resilience 16; Sealed, Walker, Gyro-Stabilized
AP-3) with
Underslung Storm bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range Weapons: Dreadnought close combat weapon
40m; Salvo 4; Brutal, Rapid Fire [2]) or (24+3ED, AP-3) with
Underslung heavy flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range Internal combi-bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range
16m; Salvo 2; Blast [Large], Blaze, Heavy [6], 40m; Salvo 4; Brutal, Rapid Fire [2])
Right Arm:
● Dreadnought missile launcher (Choose
● Kheres-pattern assault cannon (16+2ED;
one mode per attack)
AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo 6; Heavy [8])
○ Frag missile (10+2ED;
● Multi-melta (16+3ED; AP-4; 48m; Salvo
AP 0; Range 150m;
1; Heavy, Melta)
Salvo –; Blast [Large])
● Dreadnought close combat weapon
○ Krak missile (16+3ED;
(24+3ED, AP-3) with
AP -2; Range 150m;
Internal combi-bolter (10+1ED; AP 0;
Salvo –; Blast [Small])
Range 40m; Salvo 4; Brutal, Rapid Fire
Right Arm Options: [2])
Atomantic Shielding: This vehicle may attempt ● Twin heavy bolter (12+2ED; AP -1;
to soak Mortal Wounds. Range 60m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy [6])
● Twin heavy flamer (12+2ED; AP -1;
Unstoppable Fury: If this vehicle is equipped Range 16m; Salvo 4; Blast [Large], Blaze,
with two Dreadnought close combat weapons, Heavy [6], Spread)
the pilot may re-roll unmodified dice results of
1 when rolling to hit in melee. Shoulders:
Cruising Speed 14m; Defence 4; Wounds 19; Hellfire Reactor: This vehicle may attempt to
Resilience 15; Sealed, Walker, Gyro-Stabilized soak Mortal Wounds. It receives a +2d bonus
when attempting to soak wounds from melee
Weapons: Choose one from each slot: attacks.
Cruising Speed 16m; Defence 5; Wounds 19; Keywords: Chaos, Heretic, Heretic Astartes,
Resilience 18; Sealed, Walker, Gyro-Stabilized <Legion>
Value: 50 (Unique)
Upgrade Options