Lm6000 Engine Operation
Lm6000 Engine Operation
Lm6000 Engine Operation
Engine Operation
8-1 Purpose and Scope • The outside surfaces of the engine are not
insulated. Adequate precautions should be
This chapter covers general operating taken to prevent personnel from inadvert-
procedures for the LM6000 PA. The ently coming in contact with hot surfaces.
procedures discussed are typical of any
LM6000 PA-powered package but should not • The engine is a source of considerable
be considered totally comprehensive for any noise. It will be necessary for personnel
specific installation. Configuration and system working on it, or in its vicinity, to wear
procedures may vary from package to package proper ear protection equipment when the
and with the packager-supplied control engine is operating.
system. Prior to operation of the engine, the
site operators should be thoroughly schooled • The LM6000 PA is a high-speed machine.
in both normal and abnormal (emergency) In the remote case of parts failure, the cas-
operation and the control system action/ ing may not contain major compressor or
reaction to these conditions. turbine disk failures. Personnel should not
be permanently stationed in, or near, the
8-2 General plane of the rotating parts.
The following procedures are intended to pro- • Rotating parts of the starter operate at a
vide operating personnel with the information very high speed. In the remote case of a
required to operate the engine safely and reli- parts failure, personnel should not be sta-
ably. Some of the information contained in tioned near the starter during start, motor-
this chapter is also provided, in whole or part, ing, or purge cycles.
in other chapters. Redundancy is used to pro-
vide as much specific detail as required. It is • The low pressure (LP), high-velocity
also possible that the information may not pro- airflow created by the compressor in the
vide for every variation in installation, equip- LM6000 PA can draw objects and
ment, or contingency to be found in personnel into the engine. The use of an
conjunction with engine operation. Additional inlet screen or other protective measure is
information can be provided by the packager mandatory.
or by GE.
• In the event that the fire extinguishing sys-
tem is activated, care must be taken to
8-3 Safety ensure that all personnel are clear of the
General safety precautions are defined in enclosure prior to activation. Due to lack
Chapter 1. The following safety consider- of oxygen, failure to comply may result in
ations should be observed by operators and injury or death to personnel remaining
support personnel working on the engine: inside the enclosure.
Change 5 8-1
• Suitable fire protection equipment should • The enclosure door should be kept open.
be provided for the installation. Carbon If the gas turbine is operating, an
dioxide, halides, fog, water, or chemical observer should be stationed at the
fire extinguishing systems may be used. enclosure door and confined space entry
Discharge of fine chemical or water mists procedures shall be followed.
directly on engine casings is permissible.
The use of chemical fire extinguishing • Allow gas turbine to cool down. Avoid
media will require the disassembly of the contact with hot parts, and wear ther-
engine for cleaning. mally insulated gloves as necessary.
• Ear protection shall be worn if gas tur-
• Suitable explosive mixture sensing devices bine is operating.
should be provided to sense any leakage of
fuel (both into the enclosure and into the • Do not remain in the enclosure or in the
fuel manifold) and to shut down the engine plane of rotation of the starter when
if leakage is present. starting or motoring the gas turbine.
• Personnel entry into the engine enclosure • When performing maintenance on elec-
during operation at engine speeds above trical components, avoid shocks and
core idle should be prohibited. This prohi- burns by turning off electrical power to
bition should include operation at synchro- those components, except when power is
nous idle. Signs or placards should be required to take voltage measurements.
posted at the enclosure access doors and
• Lock out all controls and switches, if
should clearly state the hazardous condi-
possible; otherwise, tag electrical
tions that exist in the enclosure during
switches out of service to prevent
operating above core idle.
inadvertent activation. Tag the engine
8-3.1 Gas Turbine Maintenance/ operating controls do not operate to
Inspection Precautions prevent starting during a desired
shutdown condition.
WARNING When entering the gas turbine • The Component Life/Repair Intervals
enclosure, the following requirements shall
section of this chapter provides mainte-
be met:
nance guidelines for certain compo-
• The gas turbine shall be shut down or nents, based on total equivalent base
limited to idle power. load and peak load hours. For contin-
ued safe operation, it is essential that
• The fire extinguishing system shall be these guidelines be followed.
made inactive according to the cus- • Do not use engine piping, cables, instru-
tomer's procedures. mentation leads, or other external hard-
ware as hand or footholds when
• Secondary air to the enclosure shall be
performing maintenance activity on the
shut off, since high secondary airflow
engine. These hardware items are not
may prevent opening or closing the
designed to support loads other than
enclosure door.
those associated with engine operation.
8-2 Change 5
• On models with steam injection systems, • When maintenance activity dictates that
the steam piping runs and flanged joints this connection be broken.
are potential sources of hot surfaces and
steam leakage. Personnel entering the • When maintenance activity is performed
enclosure should be aware of these in the bleed air ducting. In this case, the
conditions. cover should be installed and left in place
until the ductwork has been blown down
8-4 Equipment Protection or otherwise cleaned of all debris.
Change 5 8-3
In other portions of this manual, specifically b. Minimum allowable temperature for oper-
Chapters 5, 6, and 7, information is included ation at synchronous idle or above is 90°F
on safety, equipment, protection, records, (32.2°C).
inlet/enclosure inspections, pre-start checks,
and operations. These topics are all directed at c. Mixing of MIL-L-23699 oils from differ-
ensuring that the operating, maintenance, and ent supply sources should be done by top-
support personnel have a source of technical ping off the lube tank rather than complete
information associated with the engine and its replacement. Reference the lube oil sup-
operation as installed in an enclosure. It pro- plier for additional recommendations.
vides the operator with specific requirements Refer to Chapter 5 for additional informa-
concerning the air, oil, and fuel used during tion.
normal operation. The guidelines are designed d. Flushing of the off-engine lube oil system
to ensure that the engine is operating in the should be performed prior to connecting
environment, and under conditions, for which the off-engine lubrication system to the
it was designed. LM6000 PA of any time that particulate
8-5.1 Lubricating Oil contamination is suspected (including lube
system maintenance). The flush system
Lubricating oil is used to lubricate bearings, uses an off-engine flush pump and filter to
sumps, and gearboxes. flows at a rate of 10 to clean particulate contaminates from the oil
18 gpm. The oil must be temperature-con- system prior to connecting it to an engine.
trolled and kept clean per the following The flush system should consist of a pump
requirements in order to adequately perform which can produce approximately 30 gal/
its function. min flow (113.5 l/min). Flow should be fil-
tered using a 3 micron cleanup filter.
a. Minimum temperature at start is 20°F
(-6.7°C) for type II (MIL-L-23699) oil. (1) Inspect the inside of supply oil tank
Figure 8-1 shows typical gas turbine lube for contamination. Wipe all tank sur-
oil supply pressure. Note that typical lube faces clean and then install tank cover.
oil pressure is affected by lube oil supply
temperature. Figure 8-1 shows pressures (2) Connect a flush cart to the lube sys-
for typical supply temperatures. At the full tem supply and return interface con-
power settings, typical maximum oil sup- nections. Each supply and return may
ply pressures are shown in table 8-1 or be flushed separately or a manifold
8-2, for an oil supply temperature as low arrangement can be used to flush all
as 100°F (37.7°C). Oil supply pressures circuits simultaneously (include stator
outside the bounds of table 8-1 or 8-2 may and hydraulic pump circuits if appli-
indicate a problem. Refer to Chapter 10, cable).
Troubleshooting, for corrective action.
(3) Start flush pump and monitor system
8-1 cleanliness. Oil should be sampled.
8-4 Change 5
Change 5 8-5
8-6 Change 5
Reference Appendix A3 for additional NOx 8-6 Records and Running Log
suppression requirements.
A log should be kept of all engine operation
8-5.5 Steam and/or running time. It is recommended that,
as a suggested minimum, site operators should
Steam used for NOx suppression shall contain record the following:
no particles larger than 250 micrometers. Total
solids allowable depends on the steam-to-fuel • Time of all starts and shutdowns
ratio on which the engine operates. This will
vary from site to site. Additionally, its total • Total time for engine and site
conductivity at 77°F (24.9°C), between 0.5
and 1.0 for 95 percent or more of the operating • Reading of all engine instrument record-
time and is limited to a maximum of 2.0 for 5 ings, taken twice daily at the set-load point
percent or less of the operating time.
• All changes of engine speed and load
• Brief statement of action taken in response
• All steam system piping, valves, purge to alarms or emergencies
lines, drains, and blowoff lines must be
blown down and cleaned before final con- • Any system modifications, adjustments, or
nection to the engine is made. parts removal/replacement
Change 5 8-7
• Water-wash solenoid (if applicable) deen- Any dry motoring check should be made with
ergized the ignition system deenergized.
• All switches and interlocks set for proper CAUTION Be certain that checklists have
sequence to allow motoring been established for packager-furnished
equipment. Consult the packager's manual
• Fuel valve at start position for mandatory prestart procedures and make
certain that the packager-furnished lube sup-
• High pressure compressor (HPC) rotor ply subsystem is activated and operational
speed (XN25) and low pressure turbine prior to any motoring or start sequence.
(LPT) rotor speed (XNSD) governor refer-
ences at lowest point a. Check all switches and interlocks for
proper motoring settings.
8-8 Change 5
b. With the fuel shutoff valves closed, acti- off valves. Observe and record the
vate the motoring or start sequence and following:
allow the engine to motor to maximum
motoring speed for 30 seconds. Observe • Engine high pressure rotor speed
and record the following:
• Starter air or hydraulic inlet pressure
• Engine high pressure rotor speed
• Inlet air temperature
• Starter air or hydraulic inlet pressure
• Lube supply pressure
• Inlet air temperature
• Fuel manifold pressure
• Lube supply pressure
c. Close fuel shutoff and continue motoring
c. After 30 seconds, deenergize the starter. for 5 minutes to purge the enclosure/
engine fuel system of fuel. If an engine
8-9.2 Wet Motoring (Liquid Fuel Only) start is to be made, wait a minimum of 2
minutes before initiating the start cycle.
Any wet-motoring check should be made with
the igniter system deenergized. d. Deenergize the starter.
a. Check all switches and interlocks for • The engine will begin to rotate for a
proper motoring settings. predetermined period to purge the
exhaust system.
b. With the fuel shutoff valves closed, acti-
vate the motoring or start sequence and • The ignition will be energized at
allow the engine to motor to maximum approximately 1,200 rpm for liquid
motoring speed for 30 seconds. At maxi- fuel and 1,700 rpm for gas fuel.
mum motoring speed, open the fuel shut-
• The fuel shutoff valves will open.
Change 5 8-9
• After a brief pause of no more than 1 b. Starts indicating a T48 value in excess of
minute at core idle, during which rota- 1,300°F (704.4°C) are considered to be hot
tion of the LP system must be indi- starts. Normal starts are 1,000° to 1,200°F
cated, the engine will continue to (537.7° to 648.8°C).
accelerate to synchronous idle. Power
generation applications only. c. If a hot start occurs, the startup procedure
should not be repeated without investigat-
• Finish 5 minute warmup prior to load- ing the cause of the hot start. For trouble-
ing (5 minutes total time at core and shooting procedures, refer to Chapter 10.
synchronous idle speed). 8-2
8-10.2 Special Operating
• Maintain a constant rate of load Requirements
increase during acceleration (8 mW/
minute). Stepped accel rate should be The information in the following paragraphs is
avoided. If the packager-supplied con- presented as generic information only. Refer
trol requires a stepped accel rate, the to the packager's manual for specific control
rate shall not exceed specified limits. system sequencing modes and site operation
NOTE Stepped accel rate values will be pro-
vided in a later issue of this manual. 8-10.2.1 Dual-Fuel Requirements
c. Record the levels for inlet temperature • Dual-fuel system startups must be made
(T2), the compressor rear frame (CRF) and on one fuel only (liquid or gas fuel only).
turbine rear frame (TRF) accelerometers, Single-fuel operation is also required for
and the operating parameters designated all engine speeds below no-load synchro-
by a double asterisk (**) in table 8-1 or nous speed.
8-2. If all parameters are normal, engine
operation to load may continue. If engine CAUTION Failure to provide necessary
parameters are outside the normal operat- purge of fuel system components could result
ing limits shown in tables 8-1 or 8-2, and in fuel system hardware failure from back-
8-3, troubleshoot and correct the problem flow of combustion products.
per Chapter 10 before continuing.
• When operating a dual-fuel system on gas
d. A typical power generation start-to-load fuel, the liquid manifolds must be purged.
sequence is shown in figure 8-2. Upon The use of gas fuel from the metered gas
reaching the desired load condition, record supply to the engine is recommended.
the data indicated in paragraph 8-14.
8-10 Change 5
Maximum Base Operating
Parameter Core Idle Synchronous Idle Power Limit
Power MW 0 0 41.5-43.3 N/A
WF, (Fuel Flow), 1,350-1,450 4,000-4,200 17,000-19,000 21,800
lb/hr (kg/hr) (612-657) (1,814-1,905) (7,711-8,618) (9,888)
T2 (Inlet Temperature), 59 59 59
F (C) (15) (15) (15) N/A
P0 (Ambient Inlet Pressure), psia 14.6 14.4 14.4
(kPa) (101) (99) (99) N/A
T25 (HPC Inlet Temperature), 80-100 180-200 210-230
F (C) (27-38) (82-93) (99-110) N/A
XN25 (HPC rpm) 6,400-6,700 8,400-8,700 10,300-10,500 10,700
XN2 (LPC rpm) 1,650-1,800 3,600 3,600 3,780
XNSD (LPT rpm) 1,650-1,800 3,600 3,600 3,780
PS3 (HPC Discharge Pressure), 50-57 130-143 390-440 442
psia (kPa)** (345-393) (896-986) (2,689-3,034) (3,047)
T3 (HPC Discharge Temp), 360-400 650-750 990-1,008 1,008
F (C) ** (182-204) (343-399) (532-542) (542)
P48 (LPT Inlet Pressure), psia 19-23 38-43 95-105
(kPa) (131-159) (262-296) (655-724) N/A
T48 (LPT Inlet Temp) 725-825 950-1,050 1,540-1,610 1,610
F (C) ** (385-441) (510-566) (838-877) (866)
PTB (Thrust Balance Pressure), 16-20 34-38 95-105
psia (kPa) ** (110-138) (234-262) (655-724) See figure 8-3
Lube System Oil Supply 28-40 45-58 63-75 15 (103)
Pressure, psig (kPa) (193-276) (310-400) (434-517) Min
Lube System Oil Supply 140 to 160 140 to 160 140 to 160 170
Temp, F (C) (60 to 71) (60 to 71) (60 to 71) (77)
Lube Scavenge Pressure, 17-21 18-22 18-23 100
psig (kPa) (117-145) (124-152) (124-159) (689)
Lube Scavenge Temp 150-190 165-205 175-205 340
(A/TGB-Scav), F (C) (66-88) (74-96) (79-96) (171)
Lube Scavenge Temp 160-210 210-235 240-280 340
(B/Scav), F (C) (71-99) (99-113) (116-138) (171)
Change 5 8-11
Maximum Base Operating
Parameter Core Idle Synchronous Idle Power Limit
Lube Scavenge Temp 190-225 220-255 265-300 340
(C-Scav), F (C) (88-107) (104-124) (129-149) (171)
Lube Scavenge Temp 150-200 160-220 190-225 340
(D-Scav), F (C) (66-93) (71-104) (88-107) (171)
Lube Scavenge Temp 150-210 160-230 190-240 340
(E-Scav), F (C) (66-99) (71-110) (88-116) (171)
Lube Scavenge Temp 160-210 200-240 220-260 340
(AGB-Scav), F (C) (71-99) (93-116) (104-127) (171)
VIGV Position (percent of stroke) 27-29 27-29 80-93 102
VSV Position (percent of stroke) 23-25 40-42 80-90 102
VBV Position (percent of stroke) 98-102 83-85 0-3 102
** Record all sensors.
Maximum Base Operating
Parameter Core Idle Synchronous Idle Power Limit
MW 0 0 41.5-43.3 N/A
WF, (Fuel Flow), 1,350-1,450 4,000-4,200 17,000-20,000 21,800
lb/hr (kg/hr) (612-657) (1,814-1,905) (7,711-9,072) (9,888)
T2 (Inlet Temperature), 59 59 59
F (C) (15) (15) (15) N/A
P0 (Ambient Inlet Pressure), psia 14.6 14.4 14.6
(kPa) (101) (99) (100.7) N/A
T25 (HPC Inlet Temperature), 80 to 100 180 to 200 210 to 230
F (C) (27 to 38) (82 to 93) (99 to 110) N/A
XN25 (HPC rpm) 6,400-6,700 8,400-8,700 10,300-10,500 10,700
XN2 (LPC rpm) 1,650-1,800 3,600 3,600 3,780
XNSD (LPT rpm) 1,650-1,800 3,600 3,600 3,780
PS3 (HPC Discharge Pressure), 50-57 130-143 390-485 485
psia (kPa)** (345-393) (896-986) (2,689-3,344) (3,344)
8-12 Change 5
Maximum Base Operating
Parameter Core Idle Synchronous Idle Power Limit
T3 (HPC Discharge Temp), 360 to 400 650 to 750 990 to 1,008 1,008
F (C) ** (182 to 204) (343 to 399) (532 to 542) (542)
P48 (LPT Inlet Pressure), psia 22-26 37-41 95-112
(kPa) (152-179) (255-283) (655-772) N/A
T48 (LPT Inlet Temp) 725 to 825 950 to 1,050 1,540 to 1,610 1,610
F (C) ** (385 to 440) (510 to 566) (838 to 877) (866)
PTB (Thrust Balance Pressure), 16-20 34-38 95-112
psia (kPa) ** (110-138) (234-262) (655-772) See figure 8-3
Lube System Oil Supply 28-40 45-58 63-75 15 (103)
Pressure, psig (kPa) (193-276) (310-400) (434-517) Min
Lube System Oil Supply 140 to 160 140 to 160 140 to 160 170
Temp, F (C) (60 to 71) (60 to 71) (60 to 71) (77)
Lube Scavenge Pressure, 17-21 18-22 18-23 100
psig (kPa) (117-145) (124-152) (124-159) (689)
Lube Scavenge Temp 150 to 190 165 to 205 240 to270 310
(A/TGB-Scav), F (C) (66 to 88) (74 to 96) (115 to 132) (154)
Lube Scavenge Temp 160 to 210 210 to 235 250 to 290 330
(B/Scav), F (C) (71 to 99) (99 to 113) (121 to 143) (165)
Lube Scavenge Temp 190 to 225 220 to 255 290 to 320 340
(C-Scav), F (C) (88 to 107) (104 to 124) (143 to 160) (171)
Lube Scavenge Temp 150 to 200 160 to 220 230 to 290 315
(D-Scav), F (C) (66 to 93) (71 to 104) (110 to 143) (157)
Lube Scavenge Temp 150 to 210 160 to 230 230 to 290 315
(E-Scav), F (C) (66 to 99) (71 to 110) (110 to 143) (157)
Lube Scavenge Temp 160 to 210 200 to 240 220 to 260 340
(TBG-Scav), F (C) (71 to 99) (93 to 116) (104 to 127) (171)
VIGV Position (percent of stroke) 27-29 27-29 80-93 102
VSV Position (percent of stroke) 23-25 40-42 80-93 102
VBV Position (percent of stroke) 98-102 83-85 0-3 102
** Record all sensors.
Change 5 8-13
• When operating a dual-fuel system on liq- containing hot air. If a heat exchanger is
uid fuel, the gas manifold must be purged present in the line to maintain the purge
to prevent coke deposits in the gas nozzles line air temperature below 750°F
and feeder tubes. The use of compressor (398.8°C) at high power steady state con-
discharge pressure (CDP) bleed air is ditions, transfers may be made at any
recommended. power.
• For startups, fuel transfer from gas to liq- 8-10.2.2 Fuel/Water Injection
uid or liquid to gas should be made only Requirements
after XN25 has reached synchronous idle
or 8,400 rpm. • Liquid fuel operation will normally
require a higher water flow and water pres-
• When transferring from gas to liquid at sure than gas fuel operation in order to
normal operating power, the LM6000 SAC meet NOx suppression requirements.
should be powered down to reduce T3 to
750°F (398.8°C) or less. This reduces the • For gas fueled systems configured for
possibility of autoignition in the gas sys- water injection for NOx suppression,
tem. When transferring from liquid fuel including dual fuel systems, there is no
back to gas fuel, the LM6000 PA should requirement to initiate water at a particular
be powered down to reduce the air temper- power level. The gas turbine can be oper-
ature to less than 750°F (398.8°C) before ated to base load without water injection.
introducing natural gas into the manifold
8-14 Change 5
• Gas turbines equipped with dual-fuel sys- steady-state condition first be achieved.
tems are designed to operate on 100 per- Water should not be introduced below core
cent natural gas with water injection, 100 idle speed.
percent liquid fuel with water injection, or
on combinations of the two fuels with 8-10.2.3 High Pressure Steam Injection
water injection with no limit on natural Requirements
gas-to-liquid fuel ratios, except as specifi-
cally noted. a. Special sequencing is provided for initia-
tion and termination of steam injection on
• Prior to fuel transfer after starting, the models with steam injection for NOx sup-
water injection flow is adjusted to a mini- pression. The sequencing ensures that
mum setting. Following transfer, the water steam is superheated before being intro-
flow rate is gradually increased to meet the duced into the engine, that any condensate
schedule for the particular fuel being used. is removed from the lines prior to steam
For shutdown, water is shut off prior to injection, and that appropriate drains are
fuel transfer. opened during shutdown conditions. For
additional information, refer to the pack-
• Prior to water flow initiation, it is recom- ager's manual.
mended that operation at a stabilized,
Change 5 8-15
8-16 Change 5
(5) If the engine is operating with fuel Other: annunciated fault or other indication
nozzle steam injection, the fuel nozzle of problem which operator interprets as a rea-
injection preheat valve is closed when son for taking the engine off line.
steam temperature sensors and pres-
8-11.1 Normal Shutdown
sure sensors indicate that minimum
power level has been reached and that Under normal operating conditions, the
a minimum of 50°F (10°C) superheat LM6000 PA is shut down in the sequence
has been achieved upstream of the described below.
fuel nozzle steam metering valve and
at the manifold inlet. The fuel nozzle Power is retarded to minimum load (synchro-
steam metering valve is then opened nous idle) or the control sequencer is activated
within 30 seconds at a rate not to to accomplish the shutdown. The following
exceed 250 lb/hr per second and should occur:
increased to the control regime (8,000
lb/hr [3628.8 kg/hr] steam flow mini- • High pressure rotor speed decreases to
mum). The fuel nozzle manifold drain approximately 8,400 rpm over a 2-3
bleed valve is opened to drain accu- minute period.
mulated water. The CDP/fuel nozzle
preheat pressurization line check • T48 decreases.
valve will close due to reversed DP.
• Water for NOx suppression will be turned
Change 5 8-17
8-18 Change 5
Change 5 8-19
If the fault causing the emergency shutdown is 8-12.1.2 Restart More Than 10 Minutes
fully understood, resolved, and cleared, and it After Shutdown
has been verified that no damage to the engine
has occurred, a restart or motoring sequence CAUTION Bypassing this logic and crank-
can be initiated if the five-minute limit has not ing the HP rotor may result in severe HP
been exceeded. compressor rubs and may damage the com-
pressor blades and vanes.
8-12.1.1 Restart Within 10 Minutes
After Shutdown If it is not possible, or desirable, to initiate the
restart purge cycle or a cool-down motoring
If circumstances permit the shutdown problem cycle within 10 minutes after the HP rotor has
to be cleared within 10 minutes or less and the coasted to below 300 rpm, the control system
high pressure (HP) rotor speed is less than 300 will then lock out any further attempts to
rpm, the restart procedure is as follows: restart or motor the engine for a period of 4
a. Start the restart timer and initiate a manual
restart purge. Reset all other timers as After 4 hours, a normal start sequence may be
required. initiated.
8-20 Change 5
Change 5 8-21
Other considerations for best accuracy: Equivalent hours are calculated from the
parameters located in table 8-5, using the fol-
• Instrumentation should be recently cali- lowing equation and weighting factors:
Equivalent Hours =
(T3PH × 8.5) + T3BH + (T3CH × 0.5)
• VG systems should be rig checked and cal-
ibrated Life/repair intervals are not expected to be
impacted by start/stop cycles when the aver-
• Crank soak washing should be performed age run time per start exceeds 4 hours.
prior to test
Table 8-5 Operating Data Parameters
• Fuel sample should be collected and
Parameter Description
analyzed for lower heating value (LHV)
and specific gravity (SG) to assist in expe- TH Total hours, all operation
dited analysis of performance data. Liquid TFS Total fired starts
fuel is to be analyzed for contaminants and TT Total trips (emergency shutdowns and
compliance with fuel specification step decels to idle)
T3 Measured HP compressor discharge
• High power data readings should be taken temperature
with VBV closed T3PH Total hours for which
T3B<T3<T3P (peak region)
The same data should be used for periodic
T3BH Total hours for which
trending of engine performance. (T3B-30°F)<T3<T3B (base region)
8-22 Change 5
Change 5 8-23
8-24 Change 5
Change 5 8-25
8-26 Change 5