Task 7

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Task 7: PHQA No.

3 – Validity

1. Define validity and cite one classroom illustration / example showing validity. Follow the matrix

Meaning of Validity Classroom Example / Illustration

Validity is the quality of data gathering imagine a researcher who decides to measure
instrument which enables to measure what it is the intelligence of a sample of students. Some
supposed to measure. Validity refers to the measures, like physical strength, possess no
degree to which the test actually measures natural connection to intelligence. Thus, a test
what it claims to measure. Validity is also the of physical strength, like how many push-ups a
extent to which inferences, conclusions and student could do, would be an invalid test of
decisions made on the basis of test scores are intelligence.
appropriate and meaningful. Validity also refers
to whether or not a test measures what it
intends to measure

2. Accomplish the following matrices.

A. Factors Affecting Validity

Factors affecting Validity How does each factor affect validity?

Factors in the test itself Each test consists of number of items with close
scrutiny. Tests the subject matter content only.
Some factors lower the validity. The unclear
direction, complicated vocabulary,inappropriate
level of difficulty, poorly constructed test
items,misinterpretation, test is too short and
improper arrangement of items.
Factors in test administration and scoring The test administration and scoring procedures
may affect the interpretation of the results.
Teacher made test or standardized test are
conducted during the adverse physical and
psychological conditions, it may affect the

Factors in pupil response The economically disturbed students, lack of

student‘s motivation and student‘s fear of test
situation may ultimately affect the validity.

Nature of group Validity is always specific to a particular group to

be measured. The nature of criterion
used is age, sex, ability level, educational and
cultural background influences the validity.
B. Types of Validity

Types of Validity Definition Classroom Example / Illustration

Content Validity Content validity refers to the if a test is designed to survey
connections between the test arithmetic skills at a third-grade
items and the subject-related level, content validity indicates
tasks. It is judged by the degree how well it represents the range
of relationship between of arithmetic operations
diagnostics techniques and possible at that level.
achievements in curriculum
Construct validity Construct validity is the you might try to find out if an
relationship between the educational program increases
results of a technique of emotional maturity in
measurement and other elementary school age children.
indicators of the characteristics Construct validity would
that are measured. measure if your research is
actually measuring emotional
Criterion-related validity It referred to as instrumental a school could administer a
validity; it is used to students personality test to its
demonstrate the accuracy of a them to see if there is an
measure or procedure by overall correlation between
comparing it with another their test scores and a measure
process or method which has of their productivity.
been demonstrated to be valid
Predictive validity Predictive validity refers to the A conspicuous example is the
usefulness of a test in predicting degree to which college
some future admissions test scores predict
performance. Predictive validity college grade point average
is measured by the degree of (GPA).
relationship between a
measured and subsequent
criteria measure of judgments.
Face validity Face validity is the a mathematical test consisting
characteristics which appear to of problems in which the test
measure those which are taker has to add and subtract
actually sought to be measured. numbers may be considered to
It determined by a review of the have strong face validity.
items and not through the use
of statistical analyses.
Concurrent validity Concurrent validity refers to the a group of education students
usefulness of a test in closely take two final exams to assess
relating to measures or scores their knowledge. One exam is a
on another test of known practical test and the second
validity. exam is a paper test. If the
students who score well on the
practical test also score well on
the paper test, then concurrent
validity has occurred

C. Read examples of problems in computing the concurrent validity of the test. Then, provide
similar data. Lastly, compute the concurrent validity. Do not forget to analyze and interpret the

D. Read examples of problems in computing the concurrent validity of the test. Then, provide
similar data. Lastly, compute the predictive validity. Do not forget to analyze and interpret the

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