College Essay RD
College Essay RD
College Essay RD
Sayge Bruno
Mrs. Cramer
College Comp Pd. 1
1 October 2021
Since I was young, I’ve always had big dreams and goals set for myself. For the longest
time, I wanted to pursue early education working a 9-5 job. When high school approached, it was
a lawyer or a dental hygienist. I’ve always had a futuristic scheme, whether it was for academics
or personal relationships in my life. I have invariably been certain of what I wanted to do after I
graduated. So, when a point came where my decision wasn’t absolute, it made me come unglued.
I didn’t have a plan, which meant I wasn’t in control of my future. It meant I wasn’t going to
become successful like my young self-had hoped. It meant life after high school was going to be
in disarray, but I was incorrect. In an unforeseen way, I found what I wanted to pursue in life.
It’s something I would become passionate of, and something that I would research and talk to
I have always known that real estate and business has been a passion of mine. When I
started becoming interested in real estate on reality television, realization occurred. This is when
the thought of myself going in this direction started. Though I know that not everything shown
on a screen shows a topic’s true colors, it sparked an interest I have always had but quite frankly,
forgotten about. Since then, my mind hasn’t been taken off the thought of pursuing my own
brokerage and becoming successful in real estate. In this type of business, the paycheck you
receive is determined on how well of an employee you are and how well you can do your job. To
Bruno 2
some, this could be to a disadvantage or create a reason to not want to go into this field. For me
on the other hand, it makes me want to conquer it more. I will have control over what numbers
are on the paycheck at the end of the week. With my dedication and self-drive I won’t have to
worry about money, and I’ll be capable of navigating any path I cross. Real estate gives me a
sense of hope that I will be able to become successful over time and build a platform for myself
and easily provide for a family. After the realization that this is what I wanted to with my life, I
have become eagerly passionate about it. I’ve considered colleges and family members who were
also in this field and found ways to become prepared before I step foot out of high school.
There is an infinite list of why real estate and business has taken over much of my mind.
Not only do I have such an interest in it, but to know that when I become successful, I will be
comfortable with money and be able to provide for my kids. As a child, I loved to sell things at
garage sales and embellish rooms to make them look nice. Immature and childish actions like
this have me believing that this is what I’m meant to do as a career. I have contacted my aunts
and uncles who are successful real estate agents living in South Carolina, like I hope to do as
well. I read continuously on the internet to find the best schools for me and guide me to make
the best decisions. When I think about my future, this is what I imagine myself doing. I lose
track of time when I think about pursuing my dreams. When I go into this field, one that I’m
genuinely ardent about, I believe that my younger self will be proud of person I’ll become.