WrittenInKnots Catalog 11x14
WrittenInKnots Catalog 11x14
WrittenInKnots Catalog 11x14
2019 Dumbarton Oaks Director LECTURE
Dr. Jan Ziolkowski
May 18, 2019 at 2pm
Co-curators Shades of Meaning: The nexus of color, knots,
Lic. Juan Antonio Murro and fiber in the Dumbarton Oaks khipus.
Dr. Jeffrey C. Splitstoser
Jeffrey C. Splitstoser
Researcher/Consultant An overview of the khipus in the Dumbarton Oaks collections
Dr. Gary Urton and what we know today about the systems of information
they contain.
Consultant Dr. Jeffrey C. Splitstoser is the leading authority on Wari khipus,
Dr. Sabine Hyland having studied all known examples in collections throughout
the world. Splitstoser is part of the Castillo de Huarmey
Exhibition Design archaeological project, directed by Dr. Milosz Giersz, which
produced the largest number of scientifically excavated Wari
Ellen Richardson
khipus to date. Splitstoser is also the textile specialist for the
Huaca Prieta Archaeological Project, directed by Dr. Tom Dillehay,
Curatorial Fellow where he discovered information encoded in warp patterning
Samuel Shapiro in 6,200-year-old cotton textiles that were dyed with the
world’s earliest known use of indigo blue. He is the cocurator
Registrar with Juan Antonio Murro of the exhibition, Written in Knots:
Joni Joseph Undeciphered Records of Andean Life.
For information about school visits to Written in Knots:
Undeciphered Accounts of Andean Life, please contact
India Patel at pateli01@doaks.org
Dumbarton Oaks
Research Library and Collection
Catalog design by Christine Lefebvre Design.
The Andean region of west-central South America was recordkeeping. These included staffs wrapped with
home to a succession of cultures and civilizations brightly dyed threads linked to weaving and recording
whose roots go back millennia before the Christian technologies of various pre-Inka peoples, to the initial
era. Within this region lay the rugged territory that knotted cord administrative records of the Wari, who
would eventually become home to the largest empire lived some five-hundred years to a millennium before
of the Pre-Columbian Americas, Tawantinsuyu—“the the time of the Inkas, to the elaborately knotted and
four parts intimately bound together,” the name by colorful cord records used by Inka administrators in
which the Inkas knew their empire. From the earliest Tawantinsuyu (ca. 1450–1534 CE), and down to the local
appearance of humans in this territory, beginning some cord-keeping technologies of the Colonial era following
13,000 years ago, people began experimenting with a the Spanish conquest of the Andes, beginning in 1532.
variety of plant and animal fibers to produce twisted
On display in the Textile Gallery, next to the exhibit,
and knotted cord constructions that were critical to
is an ensemble of textiles produced by Wari and Inka
making a living in this challenging environment—from
weavers. It is appropriate to view khipus in relation to
lines for fishing in the cold waters off the Pacific coast to
textiles, as the two share much in common, especially
slings and traps for binding the legs of wild camelids—
in terms of their materials (cotton and camelid fibers),
vicuña and guanaco—in the highlands. Indeed, one
as well as many of their techniques of production
could say that from the time of the earliest cultures
(spinning, plying, knotting and dyeing of threads).
occupying the central Andean region until the rise of
These similarities notwithstanding, it is clear from
the Inkas, in the mid-15th century CE, cord-making was
the archaeological record, as well as from testimony
at the heart of subsistence technologies of peoples in
recorded in the Spanish chronicles and documents, and
this region.
from close study of Wari, Inka and Colonial khipus by
The display of khipus (or quipus, Quechua: “knot”) scholars today that khipus served different ends from
recently donated to Dumbarton Oaks by Barbara and the textiles. For, in whatever period they were produced,
William J Conklin featured in the exhibit Written in khipus provided the means for recording local and
Knots: Undeciphered Accounts of Andean Life, contains state administrative information (e.g., censuses, tribute
examples of what represented the height of Andean records, etc.), as well as notations for the production of
cord-making technologies. For included within what narratives, or stories of the past, recounted by Wari, Inka,
are referred to generically as khipus is a range of and Colonial cordkeepers of the ancient Andes.
devices that were developed over time primarily for
Andean landscape.
Types of cord-color patterns.
Wrapping detail of
Photo by Joseph Mills.
Inka base-10 positional
knot system.
Hyland and Hyland forthcoming.
Personal correspondence with Gary Urton
dated 6 April 2017, based on MALI khipu 28709.
Community leaders
wearing Inka-style khipus
Salomon 2002.
at Tupicocha, Peru. 4
Hyland 2016; Medrano and Urton 2018;
Photo by Frank Salomon. Hyland 2015.
Hyland, Sabine
2015 How Quipus Indicate Moiety ("Hanan/Urin"):
A Study in the Three-Dimensionality of Corded Texts.
Willka Nina 3.
2016 How Khipus Indicated Labour Contributions in an
Andean Village: An Explanation of Colour Banding,
Seriation, and Ethnocategories. Journal of Material
Culture, online August.
Salomon, Frank
2002 Patrimonial Khipu in a Modern Peruvian Village: An
Introduction to the "Quipocamayos" of Tupicocha,
Huarochirí. In Narrative Threads: Accounting and
Recounting in Andean Khipu, edited by Jeffrey Quilter
and Gary Urton, pp. 293-319. Joe R. and Teresa Lozano
Long Series in Latin American and Latino Art and
Culture. University of Texas Press, Austin.
Wrapped-main-cord khipu
with color seriation
Wari, 600–1000 CE
Cotton and camelid fiber
Pendant khipu with color seriation
Wari, 779–981 CE
Detail of braided main This is the largest Wari khipu known in museum structure, in which the structure associated with one
cord and color seriation. collections around the world and the only with a braided shade of blue is different from the structure of another
Photo by Joseph Mills. main cord. In 2003, William Conklin had this khipu strongly suggesting that the cords were made by
carbon-dated, producing an approximate age range of different people and dyed in different vats over time.
779–981 CE, placing it at the end of the Middle Horizon.
Khipu in its rolled-up state. All the knots on cords in Groups 1–10 have an S twist,
It is made entirely of cotton. The khipu is color seriated
while all the other knots have a Z twist, although their
with monochrome wrapping, meaning that each
significance is elusive. When acquired by the Conklins,
pendant is wrapped with a single color that repeats. It
the khipu was rolled-up and an unidentified, red, earthy
has 101 wrapped pendant cords placed in 20 groups of
substance adhered to the braided main cord and
five each with an extra pendant in Group 4 (Pendant 21),
lower ends of its pendant and subsidiary cords, making
whose colors and wrapping are different from the rest.
them brittle. JCS
The khipu has four “blank” pendant-like cords without
wrapping and shorter and thinner than other pendant
cords. Perhaps they supported the khipu when it was
being made or displayed.
Most pendant cords have nine or ten subsidiary cords,
each with a different color, whose sequences repeat
on every pendant cord. Most subsidiary cords have no
additional subsidiaries; however, the pendant cords
in Groups 3 and 4 often have an extra subsidiary with
subsidiaries up to five levels deep. Many subsidiary
cords in the last four groups are missing, and the last
group has none at all, indicating an unfinished state. Still
the khipu originally had 1000 cords, all with a Z twist,
although several black-and-white cords, are missing,
because the black dye weakened the cotton fibers.
These black cords are better preserved in some groups.
Color shades are inconsistent across the khipu. For
example, the blue in Group 1 and 2’s subsidiary cords is
different from the blue in Groups 3 and 4. These color
differences are accompanied by differences in yarn
Wrapped-main-cord khipu
with color seriation
Wari, 600–1000 CE
Cotton and camelid fiber
When khipus were moved from a place of recording, for
instance, to an accounting center, the khipu would be
rolled up for transport in a spiral, as seen in this large and
beautifully colored example. Rolling was accomplished
with a section of the primary cord—seen here in the
spiral at the top of the bundle—called the dangle end,
or tail. Rolling in this fashion allowed for easy carrying
of the khipu, as well as for storing multiple khipus in
archives. Since it is thought that the color patterning of
primary cords may have indicated the subject matter of
what was recorded on khipus, one could see at a glance
the topics of khipus rolled and stored in an archive.
The khipu seen here has never been opened; therefore,
researchers cannot know the cord color patterning,
nor the values knotted into the strings. Nevertheless,
from what may be observed, it appears that this khipu
is organized by color seriation. This is a patterning of
cords into a repeating color series, such as: dark brown,
medium brown, light brown, white cords. Seriated khipus
generally carry higher quantitative values, as when
records from multiple lower-level accounting units (e.g.,
the Andean clans, or ayllus) were aggregated into
collective accounts. Therefore, this khipu may have been
an accounting record of a regional-level organization
within the Inka empire.
An interesting feature of this khipu is the presence of
RIGHT: multiple tufts of unspun fibers attached or pressed into
PC.WBC.2016.070 the khipu cords at various points. These may have come
into contact with, and been pressed into, the bundle of
Spiraled main cord at the
khipu cords in storage.
top of the bundle. Un-rolled khipus offer a conundrum to museums and
Photo by Joseph Mills. researchers alike. For while it is ideal to maintain samples
LEFT, BOTTTOM: in the pristine condition in which they are discovered,
Provincial administrator only by un-rolling a sample and spreading it out can
carrying rolled-up khipu. researchers study the cord, color, and knotting patterns
Adapted from Murra et. al., 1980. and, thereby, attempt to interpret the meaning and
significance of the khipu. Since the discovery of un-rolled
samples is unusual, it has been decided not to un-roll
this khipu. GU
Color banded khipu
Inka, 1450–1534 CE
This exceptionally large and complex khipu contains an
arrangement of cords and knot values that suggests this
was an accounting record of some good or resource
whose quantities and organization were in line with
the decimal accounting principle that governed Inka
administration. The organization of cords is brought
about by spacing between groups of cords, as well as
(in some cases) by differences in cord colors.
The khipu is composed of a total of 438 cords. The most
pronounced decimal feature of the khipu is the repetitive
organization of groups of 10 + 1 = 11 cords. Two of the cord
groupings are made up of only five cords. Each of what
is therefore a total of 39 cord groupings contains 11 cords,
in which one cord of the group is a “summary cord.” The
summary cords are those in the arrangement as displayed
here that leave the horizontal primary cord straight up.
The 10-cord groups hang down from the primary cord.
The summary cord sometimes leaves the primary cord
from the middle of the 10-cord group, sometime from
one end or the other. There are also numerous subsidiary
cords attached to pendant or summary cords; these are
displayed here at oblique angles.
The general principle of the 11-cord arrangement is that
the values recorded on each group of 10 cords (and any
subsidiaries) is repeated on the associated summary cord
(and any subsidiaries). Some cords in several of the cord
groupings are broken; therefore, there are several cases
in which the sums of values on the 10-cord groups do not
equal that on the summary cord.
Although the sample appears to be a single khipu, it is, in
fact, composed to two khipus spliced together. The splice
is located between the 9th and 10th 11-cord groupings, as
counted from the left. The 10 + 1 = 11 arrangement of cords
is identical between the two khipus, although there is a
greater concentration of subsidiaries on the smaller khipu,
to the left.
Unfortunately, we do not have archaeological information
from which to determine what items were being
accounted for by means of this extraordinary khipu. GU
Canuto-type khipu with color banding
Colonial, 1534–1821 CE
Maguey (?), camelid fiber, and cotton