International Students: Quick Guide

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quick guide

the first
UiTM at a glance 13 autonomous
state campuses

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) is a public university, with

its main campus in Shah Alam, the state capital of Selangor,
21 satellite

just 28 kilometres west of the country’s capital, Kuala Lumpur.
Established in 1956, UiTM today has expanded to become a academic and
university of international repute. The largest higher education non-academic staff
institution in Malaysia, UiTM offers extensive physical infrastructure,
qualified academic and non-academic staff support and massive
student population. With one main campus, 13 autonomous
state campuses and 21 satellite campuses supported by 17,000
academic and non-academic staff, UiTM offers 500 quality
500 quality

programmes ranging from foundation to postgraduate levels.

Home to about 150,000 students, both local and international,
UiTM stands out as one of the most popular higher education
190,000 students

destinations in Malaysia.


A premier teaching university with a
comprehensive range of disciplines

Excellent facilities and strategically
located close to Kuala Lumpur

Experienced academics and
unparalleled teaching facilities

M e n a ra

Affordable tuition fees ranging from

USD 3,000 – USD 13,000 for the
whole duration of study
(subject to periodic review)

QS World University Ranking
by Faculty Area, UiTM
(based on 2018 result)

198 239
Art & Humanities

Science and
Engineering &

For 2018 QS World University Ranking assessment,
UiTM achieved a score of 77% and is among the top
2.8% universities in the world.

In terms of QS Ranking by Faculty Area, UiTM is

ranked in the Top 239 for Arts & Humanities, Top 180
for Engineering & Technology and Top 198 for Social
Science and Management. Specifically, 13 subjects
have been ranked under QS World University Ranking by
Subjects, namely :

Architecture / Built Environment, Art and Design,

Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Computer Science &
Information Systems, Agriculture and Forestry,
Medicine, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Chemistry,
Accounting & Finance, Education and Business
Management & Administration.

> All courses are accredited by Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA)

Application Procedure for Processing Fees:
International Students Foreign applicants: USD50
Fees for foreign applicants should be paid using
*Bank Transfer/Internet Banking or Telegraph Transfer
Application for research programmes is open throughout the made payable to:
year. The advertisement for coursework and mixed mode
programmes for Semester 1 (March) intake is in September
and for Semester 2 (September) intake is in March. Bank

City / State of Bank

Application Guidelines
(just three easy steps) SWIFT Code

Account No.
Online Application Amount
(For International applicants RESIDING in MALAYSIA)
Email Document (For international applicants NOT RESIDING in MALAYSIA)

Receiving Bank
Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad

Evaluate Process (credit card or cash payments are not acceptable)*

Scan the swift code receipt/slip with the applicant’s full name,
passport number, type of programme (research or coursework)
Result and e-mail to:

(Note: All applicants MUST fulfil the above criteria to facilitate easy processing
and speedy response)

Science & Technology
Duration Program
Field Area of study Fees (Total) MUET IELTS TOEFL
(Semester) code
Geographical Information Science (Master by Coursework) 2 RM14,660 AP720
Property Investment (Master by Coursework) 3 RM17,630 AP725
Urban Development And Management (Master by Coursework) 2 RM14,660 AP771
Architecture (Master by Coursework) 4 RM23,600 AP773
Integrated Construction Project Management (Master by Coursework) 3 RM17,330 AP776 IBT: 35-45
BAND 3 BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
ARCHITECTURE, Heritage And Conservation Management (Master by Coursework) 3 RM15,830 AP777 Paper Based: 417-450
Master of Science Urban Space Design (Master by Coursework) 3 RM15,830 AP778
Facilities Management (Master by Coursework) 3 RM15,830 AP779
Built Environment (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 AP781
Science in Green Architecture (Master by Mixed Mode) 3 RM18,700 AP763
Built Environment (PhD) 6 RM39,570 AP991 IBT: 46-59
BAND 4 CBT: 133-169
Design and Built Environment (PhD by Mixed Mode) 6 RM39,500 AP992 5.5
Paper Based: 453-496
Textiles (Master by Mixed Mode) 3 RM15,830 AS720
Applied Microbiology (Master by Mixed Mode) 3 RM15,830 AS724
Environmental Technology (Master by Coursework) 3 RM16,430 AS728
Food Science And Technology (Master by Coursework) 3 RM15,830 AS746
Environmental Science And Technology (Master by Research) 3 RM17,430 AS758
Applied Biology (Master by Coursework) 3 RM15,700 AS730
Applied Biology (Master by Research) 3 RM17,430 AS751
Biology (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 AS750
Food Science And Technology (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 AS752
Molecular Biology (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 AS753 IBT: 35-45
Wood Science And Technology (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 AS754 Paper Based: 417-450
Bio Resources Technology (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 AS755
Chemistry (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 AS756
Applied Chemistry (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 AS757
Physics (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 AS759
Applied Physics (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 AS760
Polymer Science And Technology (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 AS761
Material Science And Technology (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 AS762
Textile Science And Technology (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 AS763
Science (PhD) 6 RM39,570 AS950
Note: Fees are subject to change without prior notice.
Duration Program
Field Area of study Fees (Total) MUET IELTS TOEFL
(Semester) code
Agronomy (Master, Mixed Mode) 2 RM14,570 AT732
Agribusiness (Master, Mixed Mode) 2 RM14,570 AT733
Crop Protection (Master, Mixed Mode) 2 RM14,570 AT734
PLANTATION & Plantation Industry Management (Master, Mixed Mode) 2 RM14,570 AT735 IBT: 35-45
AGRO BAND 3 BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
TECHNOLOGY Plant Biotechnology (Master, Mixed Mode) 2 RM14,570 AT736 Paper Based: 417-450
Science (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 AT750
Plantation Industry Management (Master by Coursework) 3 RM16,420 AT770
Science (PhD) 6 RM39,570 AT950
Applied Statistics (Master by Coursework) 3 RM16,430 CS702
Computer Science (Master by Coursework) 3 RM15,830 CS707
Computer Science In Language Computing Technology (Master, Mixed Mode) 3 RM15,830 CS717
Computer Science (Web Technology) (Master by Coursework) 3 RM16,130 CS727
Information System (Intelligent Systems) (Master by Coursework) 3 RM16,430 CS733
Strategic Information Systems with Business Management (Master by Coursework) 3 RM16,430 CS737
Computer Science (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 CS750
Computer Networking (Master by Coursework) 3 RM16,430 CS708
Information Technology (Master by Coursework) 3 RM16,130 CS770
Information Technology (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 CS751
Quantitative Sciences (Master by Coursework) 3 RM16,430 CS771
MATHEMATICAL Applied Mathematics (Master by Coursework) 2 RM14,660 CS773 BAND 3 BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
SCIENCES Paper Based: 417-450
Mathematics (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 CS752
Statistics (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 CS753
Decision Science (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 CS754
Actuarial Science (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 CS755
Data Science (Master by Coursework) 3 RM32,030 CS779
Computer Science (PhD) 6 RM39,570 CS950
Information Technology (PhD) 6 RM39,570 CS951
Mathematic (PhD) 6 RM39,570 CS952
Statistics (PhD) 6 RM39,570 CS953
Decision Science (PhD) 6 RM39,570 CS954
Actuarial Science (PhD) 6 RM39,570 CS955
Dental Science (MDSC) (Master by Research) 3 RM27,560 DS750
Orthodontics (PhD) 8 RM193,780 DS931
IBT: 60-78
DENTISTRY Periodontology (PhD) 8 RM193,780 DS932 BAND 4 BAND 6 CBT: 171-211
Paper Based: 498-546
Prosthodontics (PhD) 8 RM193,780 DS933
Dentistry (PhD) 8 RM54,540 DS950
Note: Fees are subject to change without prior notice.

Duration Program
Field Area of study Fees (Total) MUET IELTS TOEFL
(Semester) code
Telecommunication And Information Engineering (Master by Coursework) 3 RM17,330 EE700
IBT: 35-45
Electrical Engineering (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 EE750 BAND 3 BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
Paper Based: 417-450
Electrical Engineering (PhD) 6 RM39,570 EE950

Chemical Engineering (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 EH750 IBT: 35-45

BAND 3 BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
ENGINEERING Chemical Engineering (PhD) 6 RM39,570 EH950 Paper Based: 417-450
Mechanical Engineering (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 EM750
Mechanical Engineering (Master by Mixed Mode) 3 RM21,900 EM703 IBT: 35-45
BAND 3 BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
ENGINEERING Master in Engineering Management (Master by Coursework) 3 RM25,123 EM704 Paper Based: 417-450
Mechanical Engineering (PhD) 6 RM39,570 EM950
Structural Engineering (Master by Coursework) 3 RM15,830 EC701
Geotechnical Engineering (Master by Coursework) 3 RM15,830 EC702
Water Resources Engineering (Master by Coursework) 3 RM15,830 EC703
Environmental Engineering (Master by Coursework) 3 RM15,830 EC704 IBT: 35-45
BAND 3 BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
ENGINEERING Construction Engineering (Master by Coursework) 3 RM15,830 EC705 Paper Based: 417-450
Highway Engineering (Master by Coursework) 3 RM15,830 EC706
Civil Engineering (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 EC750
Civil Engineering (PhD) 6 RM39,570 EC950
Nursing Critical Care (Master by Coursework) 4 RM17,600 HS700
Nursing Women's Health (Master by Coursework) 4 RM17,600 HS701
Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal) (Master by Coursework) 3 RM16,430 HS703
Occupational Therapy (Developmental Disability) (Master by Coursework) 3 RM16,430 HS704
Environmental Health And Safety (Master by Coursework) 3 RM17,330 HS705
Physiology (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 HS750
Health Education And Promotion (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 HS752
Medical Imaging (Master by Coursework) 3 RM17,330 HS772
Medical Imaging (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 HS761 IBT: 35-45
BAND 3 BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
SCIENCES Medical Laboratory Technology (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 HS762
Paper Based: 417-450
Physiotherapy (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 HS763
Environmental Health And Safety (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 HS764

Occupational Therapy (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 HS765

Dietetics (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 HS767
Optometry (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 HS768
Nursing (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 HS769

Medical Imaging (PhD) 6 RM39,570 HS950

Medical Laboratory Technology (PhD) 6 RM39,570 HS951

Note: Fees are subject to change without prior notice.
Duration Program
Field Area of study Fees (Total) MUET IELTS TOEFL
(Semester) code
Optometry (Master by Research 3 RM17,560 HS768
Nursing (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 HS769
Medical Imaging (PhD) 6 RM39,570 HS950
Medical Laboratory Technology (PhD) 6 RM39,570 HS951
Physiotherapy (PhD) 6 RM39,570 HS952
Environmental Health & Safety (PhD) 6 RM39,570 HS953 IBT: 35-45
BAND 3 BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
SCIENCES Occupational Therapy (PhD) 6 RM39,570 HS954 Paper Based: 417- 450
Optometry (PhD) 6 RM39,570 HS956
Dietetics (PhD) 6 RM39,570 HS957
Nursing (PhD) 6 RM39,570 HS958
Physiology (PhD) 6 RM39,570 HS959
Health Education And Promotion (PhD) 6 RM39,570 HS961
Internal Medicine (Masters by Coursework) 8 RM300,000 MD771
Psychiatry (Master by Coursework) 8 RM300,000 MD772
Family Medicine (Master by Coursework) 8 RM300,000 MD773
Pathology (Master by Coursework) 8 RM300,000 MD774 IBT: 60-78
Medical Ethics And Medical Jurisprudence (Master by Coursework) 8 RM24,320 MD775 Paper Based: 498 - 546
Master of Public Health (Master by Coursework) 2 RM14,923 MD776
Medicine (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 MD780
Medicine (PhD) 6 RM39,570 MD990
Pharmaceutics (Masters by Research) 3 RM17,560 PH764
Pharmacology (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 PH766
Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 PH769
Clinical Pharmacy (Masters by Research) 3 RM17,560 PH770
Clinical Pharmacy (Masters by Coursework) 2 RM15,260 PH771
Pharmacy Practice (Master by Coursework) 2 RM15,560 PH772 IBT : 46-59
Science (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 PH780 5.5
Paper Based: 453-496
Pharmaceutics (PhD) 6 RM39,570 PH964
Pharmacology (PhD) 6 RM39,570 PH966
Pharmaceutical Chemistry (PhD) 6 RM39,570 PH969
Clinical Pharmacy (PhD) 6 RM39,570 PH970
Pharmacy (PhD) 6 RM39,570 PH990
Sport Science And Recreation (Master by Research) 3 RM17,560 SR750
SPORT BAND 3 IBT : 46-59
SCIENCES & Sports Science (Master by Coursework) 3 RM15,830 SR770 CBT: 133-169
RECREATION Paper Based: 453-496
Sport Science And Recreation (PhD) 6 RM39,570 SR950 BAND 4
Note: Fees are subject to change without prior notice.

Social Science & Humanities
Duration Fees Program
Field Area of study MUET IELTS TOEFL
(Semester) (Total) code
History Of Arts And Cultural Management (Master by Coursework) 3 RM12,830 AD701

Fine Arts And Technology (Master by Coursework) 3 RM12,830 AD702

Visual Communication And New Media (Master by Coursework) 3 RM12,830 AD703 IBT: 35-45
Design Technology (Master by Coursework) 3 RM12,830 AD704 Paper Based: 417- 450
Arts And Design (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 AD750
Arts And Design (PhD) 6 RM27,570 AD950

International Relation & Diplomacy (Master by Coursework) 3 RM24,330 AM701

SCIENCE Administrative Science (Executive Master by Coursework) 3 RM24,330 AM770 IBT: 35-45
POLICY STUDIES Administrative Science (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 AM780 Paper Based: 417- 450
Administrative Science (PhD) 6 RM27,570 AM990
Visual Arts Education (Master by Coursework) 3 RM13,280 ED702
Educational Management And Leadership (Master by Coursework) 3 RM13,280 ED705
IBT: 35-45
Master of Science In Mathematics Education (Master by Coursework) 3 RM13,280 ED706 BAND 3 BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
Paper Based: 417- 450
EDUCATION Education (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 ED750

Education (PhD) 6 RM27,320 ED950

IBT: 46-59
Teaching English As A Second Language (Master by Coursework) 3 RM13,280 ED770 BAND 4 BAND 5.5 CBT: 133-169
Paper based: 453-496
Artistic And Creative Technology (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 FF750 IBT: 35-45
BAND 3 BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
ANIMATION Philosophy (Artistic And Creative Technology) (PhD) 6 RM27,570 FF950 Paper Based: 417- 450
Contemporary Islamic Studies (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 IC780 MUET Band 3

ACADEMY OF Contemporary Islamic Studies (PhD) 6 RM27,570 IC990 Students from Brunei,
Thailand or Malay IBT: 35-45
ethnic or student write BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
thesis in Malay will be Paper Based: 417- 450
exempted from thes
English requirement

Law (Master by Coursework) 2 RM11,660 LW700

Enforcement Law (Master by Coursework) 3 RM12,830 LW707 IBT: 60-78

LAW BAND 4 BAND 6 CBT: 171-211
Law (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 LW751 Paper Based: 498 - 546
Law (PhD) 6 RM27,570 LW951
Note: Fees are subject to change without prior notice.
Duration Fees Program
Field Area of study MUET IELTS TOEFL
(Semester) (Total) code
Applied Language Studies (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 LG750 MUET Band 3
International students
Master of Professional Communication (Master by Coursework) 3 RM13,055 LG701 who are majoring in
another language are IBT: 35-45
Master of Language Studies (Master by Coursework) 3 RM13,055 LG702 required to achieve a CBT: 107-131
minimum score of IELTS BAND 5 Paper Based: 417-450
Philosophy (Applied Language Studies) (PhD) 6 RM27,570 LG950 5.0 OR MUET Band 3
OR its equivalent.
MUET Band 4
International students BAND 6 IBT : 60-78
majoring in English are CBT : 171 – 211
required to achieve a Paper based : 498 - 546
minimum score of IELTS
6.0 OR MUET Band 4
OR its equivalent.
Arts In Media And Information Warfare Studies (Master by Coursework) 2 RM12,830 MC701
Master of Journalism (Master by Mixed-Mode) 3 RM12,830 MC702
MASS Mass Communication (Master by Coursework) 3 RM13,280 MC770 IBT : 46-59
& MEDIA STUDIES Arts Communication And Media Studies (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 MC750 Paper Based: 453-496
Communication And Media Studies (PhD) 6 RM27,570 MC950
Media And Information Warfare Studies (PhD) 6 RM27,570 MC991
Music Education (Master by Coursework) 3 RM12,830 MU770 IBT : 21-27
BAND 2 BAND 3 CBT : 67-85
Music (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 MU750
Paper Based : 353-383
Philosophy (Music) (PhD) 6 RM27,570 MU950 IBT: 35-45
BAND 3 BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
Paper Based: 417-450

Business & Management

Duration Fees Program
Field Area of study MUET IELTS TOEFL
(Semester) (Total) code
Accountancy (Master by Coursework) 3 RM13,280 AC700
Forensic Accounting & Financial Criminology (Master by Coursework) 3 RM13,280 AC703
IBT : 46-59
ACCOUNTANCY Strategic Management Accounting (Master by Coursework) 3 RM16,730 AC704 BAND 4 BAND 5.5 CBT: 133-169
Paper Based: 453-496
Accountancy (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 AC750
Accountancy (PhD) 6 RM27,570 AC950
Islamic Finance & MUAMALAT (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 AR751
Financial Criminology (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 AR752
ACCOUNTING Islamic Finance & MUAMALAT (PhD) 6 RM27,570 IBT : 46-59
RESEARCH AR951 BAND 4 BAND 5.5 CBT: 133-169
INSTITUTE (ARI) Islamic Finance & MUAMALAT (PhD) (with GOT Modules) 6 RM42,000 Paper Based: 453-496
Financial Criminology (PhD) 6 RM27,570
Financial Criminology (PhD) (with GOT Modules) 6 RM42,000
Note: Fees are subject to change without prior notice.

Duration Fees Program
Field Area of study MUET IELTS TOEFL
(Semester) (Total) code
Business Administration (MBA) (Master by Coursework) 3 RM40,000 AA700
ARSHAD AYUB Islamic Banking & Finance (Master by Coursework) For Non-Prepatory Class 3 RM32,000
AA706 IBT : 46-59
Islamic Banking & Finance (Master by Coursework) Prepatory Class 4 RM42,000 BAND 4 BAND 5.5 CBT: 133-169
Paper Based: 453-496
(AAGBS) Business Administration (DBA) (PhD) 6 RM46,000 AA901
Business Management (PhD Mixed-Mode 6 RM43,000 AA995
Customer Service Management (Master by Coursework) 3 RM12,830 BA734
Business Management (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 BA750
Business Economics (Master by Coursework) 3 RM17,330 BA774
IBT: 35-45
Office Systems Management (Master by Coursework) 3 RM12,830 BA775 BAND 3 BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
Paper Based: 417-450
Human Resource Management (Master by Mixed Mode) 3 RM27,830 BA707
Business Management (PhD) 6 RM27,570 BA950
Office Systems Management (PhD) 6 RM27,740 BA992
Gastronomy (Master by Coursework) 3 RM13,055 HM705
Hotel Management (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 HM750
Tourism Management (Master by Coursework) 3 RM12,830 HM771
Tourism Management (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 HM751 IBT: 35-45
BAND 3 BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
MANAGEMENT Foodservice Management (Master by Coursework) 3 RM12,830 HM772 Paper Based: 417-450
Foodservice Management (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 HM752
Hospitality Management (Master by Coursework) 3 RM12,830 HM770
Hotel And Tourism Management (PhD) 6 RM27,570 HM950
Knowledge Management (Master by Coursework) 3 RM12,830 IM701
Information Management (Master by Coursework) 3 RM12,830 IM770
Information Management (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 IM750
IBT: 35-45
Library Science (Master by Coursework) 3 RM12,830 IM772 BAND 3 BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
Paper Based: 417-450
Science In Records And Documents Management (Master by Coursework) 3 RM12,830 IM773
Information System Management (Master by Research) 3 RM12,830 IM775
Information Management (PhD) 6 RM27,570 IM950
Note: Fees are subject to change without prior notice.

Centre of Excellence (Coe)

Duration Fees Program
Field Area of study MUET IELTS TOEFL
(Semester) (Total) code
Transport And Logistics (Master by Research) 3 RM13,060 LT780 IBT: 35-45
BAND 3 BAND 5 CBT: 107-131
TRANSPORT (MITRANS) Transport And Logistics (PhD) 6 RM27,570 LT990
Paper Based: 417-450
Note: Fees are subject to change without prior notice.

* Coursework: Overall Programme Fee includes registration fee & convocation fee
** Research: Overall Programme Fee includes registration fee, convocation fee, thesis fee
Academic Entry
Qualifications for
Intake International Students
Schedule for
International Master’s • Applicant must have a Bachelor’s Degree with
Honours in a relevant field of study from a
Students University that is recognized by the University
Senate and the Malaysian government.
• English Requirement: Refer course information for
Study Mode Intake IELTS or TOEFL requirement. English Bridging
Course provided if English requirement not met)
Coursework March September • Required Documents: Passport, Academic
Transcript and Certificate (Certified True Copy)
Research Rolling (throughout the year)
• Referee Reports: Two Persons. Form can be
downloaded from IPSis website
• Research Proposal: Compulsory for Research
program only. Guideline for Writing Research

Accommodation For
Proposal can be printed from IPSis website

PhD • Applicant must have a Master’s Degree with

International Students Honours in a relevant field of study from a
University that is recognized by the University
Senate and the Malaysian government. (Certain
Feel at home in Shah Alam programmes may have other requirements
stipulated by the Faculty)
To help you settle down in Shah Alam, we have Student • English Requirement: Refer course information for
Wellbeing Advisors on campus to provide you with support IELTS or TOEFL requirement. English Bridging
and advice on housing. We also have fully furnished student Course provided if English requirement not met)
apartments with the following monthly rates: • Required Documents: Passport, Academic
Transcript and Certificate (Certified True Copy)
• Referee Reports: Two Persons. Form can be
Type of Unit Fees Per Head downloaded from IPSis website
• Research Proposal: Compulsory for Research
Rental (monthly) Single Unit USD80 – USD160 program only. Guideline for Writing Research
Proposal can be printed from IPSis website
Apartment Unit USD300 – USD410

Multi-sharing bedroom/private bedroom within apartment shares

on UiTM Campus
Living expenses
Living expenses depend on needs and lifestyle. An estimated
monthly cost per head for food, books, clothes, entertainment,
local travel and other incidentals is approximately:
USD 250 to USD 350.


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