ورقة عمل نشاط-تحويلات هندسية
ورقة عمل نشاط-تحويلات هندسية
ورقة عمل نشاط-تحويلات هندسية
Worksheet 2
NAME:___________________NO.: __________CLASS:_____________DATE:________________
Translation is the process through which an object moves in a ____________ and/or _____________
direction. It changes the ____________ of an object. The _________, the _________ and the
_____________ remain unchanged.
1. Describe the translation of the figures above.
(a) The triangle moves ________ units to the __________.
(b) The rectangle moves __________ units ____________.
2. Translate the figure according to the instruction below.
Move the figure 4 units to the right and then 3 units
A mouse needs to find its way through a maze to eat a piece of cheese. You and your partner each have
a part of the maze. Follow the steps below.
1. Look at the part of the maze you have.
2. Help the mouse to move in both horizontal and vertical directions to reach the Gate.
3. Tell Student B the way to move the mouse to the Gate.
For example: Move 2 units to the right and then 2 units downwards.
4. Now, listen to Student B’s instructions to help the mouse to reach the cheese. Move the mouse in
the grid map according to Student B’s instructions until the mouse reaches the cheese.
5. Start again at the Gate if the mouse meets a cat.
The first step is done for you.
1. Move 2 units to the right and then 2 units downwards.
A mouse needs to find its way through a maze to eat a piece of cheese. You and your partner each
have a part of the maze. Follow the steps below.
1. Look at the part of the maze you have.
2. Suppose the mouse is now at the Gate, help the mouse to move in both horizontal and vertical
directions to reach the cheese.
3. Listen to Student A’s instructions to help the mouse to reach the Gate. Move the mouse in the grid
map according to Student A’s instructions until the mouse reaches the Gate.
4. Start again at the Starting Point if the mouse meets a cat.
5. Now, tell Student A the way to move the mouse to the cheese.
For example: Move 2 units to the right and then 2 units downwards.
The first step is done for you.
1. Move 2 units to the right and then 2 units downwards.