Educ 111

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1. on Pro-life anti-abortion video at You tube and High-Tech Photographs of Fetal


2. Then, read the article “Life Before Birth” and answer the following questions:
a. What are your feelings and reactions about what you read?

For, me what I feel about reading the article is that, every baby deserves to live
and experience how beautiful the world is. From the creation itself and they are being
formed in a mother’s womb, it’s a blessing coming from God. Not all woman has a
chance to carry a baby, so abortion is really a bad idea if you have a personal or family

b. Do you agree that which is developing in the womb is a mere “blob of tissue”
or “uterine contents” as abortionists claim? Share your explanation.

The BABY is NOT a blob of tissue! Each person is fearfully and wonderfully made
in the image of God. Psalm 139:13–14 (NIV) says “For you created my inmost being, you
knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully

The four criteria of life:

1. All life forms contain DNA.

Most humans have 23 DNA pairs. 23 chromosomes from the egg and 23
chromosomes from the sperm.

2. All life forms have a method by which they extract energy from the
surroundings and convert it into energy that sustains them.

The baby gets food through the umbilical cord after the food is filtered
through the placenta. God created the placenta to filter the food you eat so that it
can sustain your baby.

3. All life forms can sense changes in their surroundings and respond to those

Babies can sense their surroundings, the beating of their mother’s heart, her
voice, the swishing of her blood, and the food she eats. When a mother has gestational
diabetes and her blood sugar is high the baby will get extra blood glucose and his/her
pancreas is used to adjust the amount of insulin their bodies make and a lot of the time
the baby will be fat from the extra energy. The Bible says in Luke 1:41 “When Elizabeth
heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the
Holy Spirit.”

4. All life forms reproduce.

Reproduction doesn’t necessarily mean having children, though when the baby is
fully matured it will have the ability to have children. Mitosis happens every day even in
babies, mitosis is when cells reproduce. Human cells die every day therefore cells must
reproduce all the time for humans to stay alive.

In conclusion, Babies Are Living Humans from Conception!!!

3. Write your own understanding. a. Why are pregnant mothers advised not to smoke,
not to drink alcoholic drinks, not to take in any medication without doctor’s advice?

In my own understanding, pregnant mothers are not advised to smoke and drink
alcohols because it can really affect the physical or mental health of the baby during
carriage. As you observe, most of the mothers who have their vices during their carriage
usually end up having problems with their babies when they are done in labor. And it is
not good for the baby who did nothing inside of the womb but then face the
consequence of what mother did to her health.


Here are questions for further discussion.

1. It is more reasonable to believe that which is developing in the mother’s womb is a

human being?
Yes, of course, I believe that life starts developing in fertilization. Human
development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells
during a process known as fertilization (conception).
Fertilization is a sequence of events that begins with the contact of
a sperm (spermatozoon) with a secondary oocyte (ovum) and ends with the
fusion of their pronuclei (the haploid nuclei of the sperm and ovum) and the
mingling of their chromosomes to form a new cell. This fertilized ovum, known
as a zygote, is a large diploid cell that is the beginning, or primordium, of a
human being.
2. What are proofs that which is developing in the mother’s womb is a living human
As simple as this, the proofs we can have that the developing in the mother’s
womb is a living being is that during the ultrasound, we can monitor and check
the babies heart beat as well as its gender, aside from that, we can prove it
because a baby produces movements even it is still inside at mother’s womb.
3. Has any realization from today’s discussion changed your stand on abortion? Explain
your answer.
Definitely Yes, even before this topic, I don’t really agree abortion because it is
a sin from God and at the first place, it is your decision together with your
partner to do it, expect to those people who is being harassed and accidentally
have it. Well, they need to accept it because for me, the baby is innocent and
nothing to do with the situation.
4. What are the effects of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine on the developing
Use of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine during pregnancy can have serious
consequences for the fetus, such as low birth weight, congenital anomalies, or
even death.


1. A short report You are going to write a short information on normal and healthy
development of the embryo and the fetus by means of a viewing again the
PowerPoint presentation in You Tube

A normal pregnancy lasts nine months. Each three-month period of pregnancy is

called a trimester. During each trimester, the fetus grows and develops. Regular medical
checkups and prenatal tests are very important. They can
 Help keep you and your baby healthy
 Spot problems with your baby (if there are any). In some cases, health care
professionals can treat the problem before your baby is born. But even when they
cannot, it can still be helpful to know about the problem early on. That gives you
time to learn about your baby's condition and prepare for any challenges you may
face after the baby is born.
 Prevent problems during delivery. For example, if your baby is breech (bottom
first or feet first, instead of head first), you may need to have a Cesarean
section to avoid complications.
Besides getting medical care, there are other things you can do to keep your baby as
healthy as possible. It's important not to drink or smoke. Try to eat a healthy diet and
make sure to take care of any health problems you have during pregnancy.

2. Pretend you are “Junior,” 4 months old in the womb. Your mother is concentrating on
doing abortion. Write her a letter convincing her that you are a human being
developing contrary to what she and other pro-abortionists are thinking. Describe to
her the development that has already taken place in 4 months. Reflect what you
learned on pre-natal development in this lesson. Give your letter this title “A Letter
from Junior” (or you may want to write your name).

A letter from Junior

Dear mom,

I know what you think today. Maybe you’re frightened. Maybe you feel as if
your world has been turned upside-down. Maybe you think no one
understands. Maybe you’re worried about money or becoming a mother
to me. Mom, I am growing in your womb, I am already taken place in
4months. I have already arm and legs and I know you feel it when I move in
your tummy. And please I’m begging you mom, do not abort me because I’m
your child, I am your blessings from God.
Mom, abortion isn't an easy decision, in some point of your life you will
somehow regret. I am not just a toy that when you don't want it you'll just
simply throw it away, I am human just like you. If having a child stresses you
out well then think of other decisions, like give birth to me and if you still don't
change your mind just let someone adopt me. Although adoption is also a
hard decision. But I will be the most happiest child ever if you change your
mind and just see how having a child makes you a happy parent ever living..

3. Give some hazards of pre-natal development. Use the given graphic organizer.

certain maternal

chronic maternal toxin exposures




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