Lesson Plan: SUBJECT: English Language. Teacher: Date: FORM: 2. Lesson: 1. THEME: How Many?

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SUBJECT: English language.

FORM: 2.
THEME: How many?


1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in O1: counts from 13 to 20; Counting to 20 1. I count from 1 to 13 correct;
simple sentences. O2: answers the question How 2. I count from 13 to 20
3.1. Recognizing letters, groups of letters, many? correct;
syllables in isolation and in words in printed O3: makes plural form of nouns; 3. I name numbers correct;
and handwritten texts. O4: reads the dialogue; 4. I read numbers correct and
4.1. Reproducing/ copying letters (capital and O5: learns the rhyme. expressive.
lowercase forms) in isolation and in words.
4.2. Reproducing symbols of phonetic

MATERIALS: “Magic English” pupil’s book 2 form I.Ignatiuc, Presentations.

O Evalua
№ Stages Methods Content
A tion
1 WARMING UP Greeting - Hello everybody.
- How are you?

2 EVOCATION Introducing the THEME: How many?

new theme and AIMS: O1: counts from 13 to 20;
aims O2: answers the question How
O3: makes plural form of
O4: reads the dialogue;
O5: learns the rhyme.

STUDY Counting to 20
CRITERIA I count from 1 to 13 correct;
I count from 13 to 20 correct;
I name numbers correct;
I read numbers correct and expressive.

3 PRESENTATION Introducing P.42 #1

and learning Look, listen, and repeat. pictures
the new
- How Many people do you see?
items - Let’s count from 1 to 12.
How many grandmas? One!
How many girls? Two!
How many boys? Three!
How many cats? Four!
How many trees? Five!
How many grandmas? One! One!
How many grandmas? One grandma!

How many girls?

Two! Two!
How many girls?
Two girls!

How many boys? Three! Three!

How many boys? Three boys!
How many cats? Four! Four!
How many cats? Four cats!

How many trees? Five! Five!

How many trees? Five trees!

Grammar one girl - two girls

one boy - three boys
one cat- five cats

P.42 #2
Look at the pictures and say how many.
How many umbrellas? How many trees?
One umbrella. Five trees.

P.42 #3
Tim: Do you have a pencil?
Dan: Yes, I do. It’s in my pencil box. Tim: Oh! You have two pencils
in it. Give me one, please.
Dan: Here you are.
Tim: Thank you.

New words 13- 20

Many sixteen
thirteen eighteen
fourteen nineteen
fifteen twenty

4 MEANING P.43 #4
REALIZATION - Let’s count.

P.43 #5
Read and learn rhyme
One banana, two bananas, Eleven, twelve, thirteen.
one, two, three. Thirteen bananas in the tree!
Three bananas in the tree! Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen.
Four bananas, five bananas, Sixteen bananas in the tree!
four, five, six. Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen,
Six bananas in the tree! twenty!
Seven, eight, nine, ten! Twenty bananas in the tree!
Ten bananas in the tree!
P.43 #6
- Count the things in your classroom.
P.43 #7
Say how many.
I have one pencil.
Vicky has one. two. three, four, five pencils.
P.43 #8
Let's talk.
My brother is sixteen.
Do you have a brother? How old is he?

5 EXTENSION - What were we talking at this lesson about? 3 colours

-What was easy /difficult for you? of SMILES
- Appreciate yourselves.
Home work
P. 42, #2
Read and learn the rhyme.
-Time to stop. Goodbye

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