Noncontemporaneous Lawmaking: Can The 110Th Senate Enact A Bill Passed by The 109Th House?
Noncontemporaneous Lawmaking: Can The 110Th Senate Enact A Bill Passed by The 109Th House?
Noncontemporaneous Lawmaking: Can The 110Th Senate Enact A Bill Passed by The 109Th House?
Parliament of Australia,
November 4, 2004
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cle I of the Constitution. The fact that this statute creates duties for congressional staffers does
not imply that a bill, otherwise meeting the requirements of Article I, is rendered invalid or
ineffective because the technical requirements of engrossment or enrollment were lacking.
Furthermore, the fact that the requirements of this statute can be waived by a concurrent reso-
lution—a resolution which is not presented to the President—indicates that this statute only
controls an internal or organizational matter of the two houses, and it does not control the legal
relations of the Congress vis-à-vis non-members or the other branches of government. See,
e.g., United States v. Estate of Romani, 523 U.S. 517 (1998):
The Constitution sets forth the only manner in which the Members of Congress have
the power to impose their will upon the country: by a bill that passes both Houses
and is either signed by the President or repassed by a supermajority after his veto.
Art. I, § 7. Everything else the Members of Congress do is either prelude [to acting
on a bill] or internal organization [of the Congress].
Id. at 535–36 (Scalia, J., concurring in part and concurring in the judgment) (emphasis added).
3 See 1 U.S.C. § 106 (2002).
4 Id.
5 Id.
6 Id.; see also JOHNSON, supra note 1 (describing enrollment); Dove, supra note 1 (dis-
cussing preparation of enrolled copy).
7 See 1 U.S.C. § 106; see also Field v. Clark, 143 U.S. 649 (1892):
The signing by the speaker of the house of representatives, and by the president of
the senate, in open session, of an enrolled bill, is an official attestation by the two
houses of such bill as one that has passed congress. It is a declaration by the two
houses, through their presiding officers, to the president, that a bill, thus attested, has
received, in due form, the sanction of the legislative branch of the government, and
that it is delivered to him in obedience to the constitutional requirement that all bills
which pass congress shall be presented to him. And when a bill, thus attested, re-
ceives his approval, and is deposited in the public archives, its authentication as a
bill that has passed congress should be deemed complete and unimpeachable. . . .
The respect due to coequal and independent departments requires the judicial depart-
ment to act upon that assurance, and to accept, as having passed congress, all bills
authenticated in the manner stated; leaving the courts to determine, when the ques-
tion properly arises, whether the act so authenticated, is in conformity with the
Id. at 672 (Harlan, J.). But see Vikram David Amar, Why the “Political Question Doctrine”
Shouldn’t Necessarily Prevent Courts from Asking Whether a Spending Bill Actually Passed
Congress, (April 13, 2006) (opining that United
States v. Munoz-Flores “effectively” overruled Field). In United States v. Munoz-Flores, 495
U.S. 385, 391 n.4 (1990), the Court noted that although a challenge to the content of a bill-
enacted-into-a-law cannot be based upon Congress’ journals, per Field, a justiciable challenge
is presented where “a constitutional provision is implicated.” Even accepting Professor
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Amar’s position as to the current purportedly limited reach of the Field holding, those ob-
jecting to noncontemporaneous House-Senate action can point to no “constitutional provision”
mandating contemporaneity.
In any event, a federal district court has rejected Professor Amar’s reading of Munoz-Flores
and Field. See Public Citizen v. Clerk, United States District Court for the District of Colum-
bia, 451 F. Supp. 2d 109 (D.D.C. Aug. 11, 2006) (Bates, J.) (applying Field notwithstanding
8 The signatures of the presiding officers of the two Houses are required, but apparently,
they do not have to sign the enrolled copy during an open session of Congress. Compare
Field, 143 U.S. at 672 (“The signing by the speaker of the house of representatives, and by the
president of the senate, in open session, of an enrolled bill, is an official attestation by the two
houses of such bill as one that has passed congress.”) (emphasis added), with 1 U.S.C. § 106
(“When such bill, or joint resolution shall have passed both Houses, it shall be printed and
shall then be called the enrolled bill, or joint resolution, as the case may be, and shall be signed
by the presiding officers of both Houses and sent to the President of the United States.”); cf.
Munoz-Flores, 495 U.S. at 392 n.4 (noting that “courts accept as passed all bills authenticated
in the manner provided by Congress”).
9 See, e.g., Michael Stokes Paulsen, A General Theory of Article V: The Constitutional
Lessons of the Twenty-Seventh Amendment, 103 YALE L.J. 677, 689 (1993) (“Individual Con-
gresses expire every two years. Bills passed by only one house have no legal significance. To
become laws, they must be passed by both houses and not vetoed by the President within the
same term of Congress.”) (emphasis added); id. (grounding demand for concurrent House,
Senate and presidential action in passing statutes in unspecified “constitutional rules”); id. at
730 (“Proposals of the Senate or House expire if not acted on by the other within that term of
the Congress. . . . In each case, a proposal has limited life by virtue of the term of the propos-
ing body.”) (emphasis added); Michael Stokes Paulsen, I’m Even Smarter than Bruce Acker-
man: Why the President Can Veto His Own Impeachment, 16 CONST. COMM. 1, 3 (1999) (“The
same-Congress position, even as applied to ordinary bills, was always merely an inference
from the Constitution’s text and structure.”) (emphasis added). Professor Paulsen fails to cite
any “constitutional rules,” a term of unknown origin and meaning, and he likewise fails to
explain the basis of any inference from text and so-called structure, as opposed to a pure
intuition on his part. But see infra note 12 (collecting case law, domestic and foreign, taking a
position similar to, but different from, Professor Paulsen’s). See, e.g., CHARLES TIEFER, CON-
27 (1989) (“[A]s a formal matter, all bills either receive enactment in a Congress, or lapse at
the Congress’ end.”); id. at 31 (“[T]he pace [of the second session of a Congress] . . . is truly
forced, for all the work of the Congress must be completed or die.”); id. at 32 (“When the
[two-year] session ends, all bills not enacted into law die.”) (footnote omitted). Professor
Tiefer offers no authority or support for any of the positions he takes. See, e.g., Catherine Fisk
& Erwin Chemerinsky, The Filibuster, 49 STAN. L. REV. 181, 184 n.19 (1997) (“The filibuster
is effective in paralyzing legislation because a bill must pass both the House and Senate in
identical form and be signed by the President during a single two-year Congress to become a
law.”) (emphasis added) (citing Article I, Section 7, Clause 2; TIEFER, supra, at 27–32).
Professors Fisk and Chemerinsky fail to tie the constitutional text cited to the proposition it
purportedly supports. Their reliance on Tiefer’s treatise is equally misplaced. See, e.g., Bruce
Ackerman, Impeachment Inquiry: William Jefferson Clinton, President of the United States/
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Presentation on Behalf of the President before the House Committee on the Judiciary, 105th
Cong., 2d Sess., H.R. No. 68, at 37 (Dec. 8–9, 1998) (emphasis added):
As a constitutional matter, the House of Representatives is not a continuing body.
When the 105th House dies on January 3rd, all its unfinished business dies with it.
To begin with the most obvious example, a bill passed by the 105th House that is still
pending in the 105th Senate on January 3rd cannot be enacted into law unless it once
again is approved by the 106th House of Representatives. This is as it should be.
See also, e.g., Bruce Ackerman, Editorial, Lame-Duck Impeachment? Not So Fast, Op-Ed,
N.Y. TIMES, Dec. 8, 1998, at A28 (taking the same position as in his impeachment inquiry
testimony). Professor Ackerman offers no on-point authority to support his position. But see
Edwards v. United States, 286 U.S. 482 (1932):
The Constitution is silent as to the time of [the President’s] signing, except that his
approval of a bill duly presented to him—if the bill is to become a law merely by
virture [sic] of such approval—must be manifested by his signature within ten days,
Sundays excepted, after the bill has been presented to him.
Id. at 491-92 (Hughes, C.J.) (emphasis added). Edwards is not an outlier. The Edwards posi-
tion is the prevailing view world-wide across colonial and former-colonial English speaking
jurisdictions. See, e.g., Attorney General for Western Australia v. Laurence Bernhard Mar-
quet, Clerk of the Parliament of Western Australia, [2003] HCA 67, 202 ALR 233, 2003 WL
22664249, ¶ 85 (High Court of Australia 2003) (per Gleeson, C.J., for the majority) (noting
that in Australia, royal assent can follow prorogation because bills were no longer pending
before either house—prorogation having only the effect of terminating business pending
before either or both houses of Parliament); Purushothaman v. State of Kerala, [1962] A.I.R.
(Sup. Ct. India) 694, 701, at [13] (per Gajendragadkar, J., for the majority) (“[A] Bill pending
assent of the Governor or President . . . cannot be said to lapse on the dissolution of the
Assembly.”); Simpson v. Attorney General, [1955] N.Z.L.R. 271, 282–84 (Sup. Ct. N.Z. 1954)
(per Hutchison, J., for the majority) (holding that Parliament need not be sitting when Gover-
nor-General gives assent to bill); see also, e.g., SIR JOHN GEORGE BOURINOT, PARLIAMENTARY
PARLIAMENTARY INSTITUTIONS n.(g) (Thomas Barnard Flint ed., 3d ed. 1903) (noting that pro-
rogation does not terminate legislative business pending before Governor-General in Canada,
but—of course—these procedures lost force with the end of the empire) (citing JOHN HAT-
(explaining that in the United Kingdom, all proceedings are quashed by prorogation); Royal
Assent Act, Statutes of Canada, 2002, c.15 (mandating that royal assent is only given during
session of Parliament); cf. 13 REGISTER OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS 417 (Wash. 1837) (record-
ing John C. Calhoun’s January 14, 1837 Senate floor statement: “Talk of precedents [with
regard to a disputed point of congressional procedure]? and precedents drawn from a foreign
country? They don’t apply.”).
Note the shift in meaning of the term “pending.” In the United Kingdom, prorogation and
dissolution quash all “pending” business, all intermediate stages of a bill before final enact-
ment—i.e., anything prior to final action of the Queen in Parliament. But compare infra note
28 (explaining traditional position of the United Kingdom Parliament), with UK Parliament
Home Page, Major Parliamentary Occasions, available at
occasion.cfm (“Prorogation brings to an end nearly all parliamentary business. Following a
recommendation of the House Modernisation Committee it was agreed that in certain circum-
stances, Public Bills should be able to be carried over from one session to the next . . . .”) (last
visited Oct. 29, 2006). In other Commonwealth jurisdictions, prorogation only quashes items
“pending” on a legislative house’s agenda paper—i.e., the government’s agenda. Finalized
items, no longer on the agenda, and in possession of a sister institution, i.e., another house or
the Governor-General, may or may not be quashed, depending on local law.
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10 Cf. Fisk & Chemerinsky, supra note 9, at 246 (“The challenge to Rule XXII based on
entrenchment reads into Article I, Section 5, the additional words, ‘each [two-year] session of
each house.’ But that is not what the constitutional provision says.”). The professors stated
position is true beyond peradventure.
11 There are passages in the Constitution which, if stretched, might support contempora-
neous action as an implicit requirement of bicameral action. See, e.g., U.S. CONST. art. I, § 1
(“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States,
which shall consist of a Senate and [a] House of Representatives.”) (emphasis added). But see
Atkins v. United States, 556 F.2d 1028 (Ct. Cl. 1977):
The purpose of the clause [Article I, Section 1] is to locate the central source of
legislative authority in Congress, rather than the Executive or the Judiciary. But the
clause does not itself, as a textual matter, mechanically direct the manner in which
Congress must exercise the legislative power . . . . Article I, [S]ection 1, does indeed
call upon Congress to confine itself to legislative matters, but the clause allows some
measure of leeway for the manner in which Congress fulfills the legislative function.
Id. at 1062–63 (per curiam) (emphasis added), disapproved of on other grounds by, INS v.
Chadha, 462 U.S. 919, 958 & n.23 (1983) (Burger, C.J.). But see Seth Barrett Tillman, A
Textualist Defense of Article I, Section 7, Clause 3: Why Hollingsworth v. Virginia Was
Rightly Decided, and Why INS v. Chadha Was Wrongly Reasoned, 83 TEX. L. REV. 1265
passim (2005) (arguing that the bicameralism aspect of Chadha’s constitutional holding was
not supported by the original public meaning of the Constitution).
12 But see United States v. Alice Weil, 29 Ct Cl. 523, 548 (Ct. Cl. 1894) (Richardson, J.,
concurring) (“[T]he President for the time being is part of the legislative power of each sepa-
rate Congress, like the Senate, which is a continuing body, and that when a Congress expires
by limitation his authority to approve bills of that Congress is gone.”); but cf. Nationsbank of
Texas, N.A. v. United States, 269 F.3d 1332, 1335 (Fed. Cir. 2001) (noting, in dicta, “Article I,
Section 7, Clause 2 of the Constitution prohibits enactment of a bill not presented in time”);
Simpson v. Attorney General, [1955] N.Z.L.R. 271, 286 (Sup. Ct. N.Z. 1954) (per McGre-
gor, J., concurring):
It seems to me that, in exercising a legislative power as part of the General Assem-
bly, it is a matter of grave doubt as to whether such legislative power can be exer-
cised by any component part at a time other than when there is in existence a
General Assembly consisting of the three component parts.
Apparently, the United States Supreme Court and other persuasive authority believe otherwise.
See supra note 9 (quoting Edwards v. U.S.); see also infra notes 19–22.
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Office 1993) (1801), (“Congress separate in two ways only, to wit, by adjournment [upon joint
vote], or dissolution by the efflux of their time [followed by seating of a new Congress] . . . .”)
(emphasis in the original), with id. (noting that any meeting per presidential proclamation or
per constitutional requirement to meet once in every year “must begin a new session”) (empha-
UNITED STATES § 892 (photo. reprint Fred B. Rothman Publications, 2d printing 1999) (1833)
(reporting erroneously that all Senators are sworn in at the beginning of each two year Con-
gress—as if Senators were members of the House of Lords, all of whose members are sworn in
at the beginning of each new Parliament), with THOMAS ERSKINE MAY, A TREATISE UPON THE
on the day a new Parliament meets “the lords who are present take the oaths required by law”).
A legal academic’s first responsibility is to know and to report what has gone before. It may
be that Professor Ackerman has adopted the “continuing body” refrain because it has been
used, on occasion, by the federal courts. My own view is that constitutional law as a discipline
would gain enormously if its participants would eschew terms of art, like “continuing body”—
a term that lacks any serious intellectual content, in favor of plain words. Cf. Email from
Harry Evans, Clerk of the Senate, Parliament of Australia, to Seth Barrett Tillman (Nov. 4,
I have always thought that, as your Constitution has no prorogation or dissolution,
and as both of your Houses are continuing bodies (notwithstanding that all of the
House seats turn over at the same time), it makes little sense to speak of different
congresses, sessions or terms, and the convention of bills dying at the end of a
“term” also has no basis.
It is true that our courts have adopted this neologism, but, perhaps, they ought to be put right?
Cf. Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl, If the Judicial Confirmation Process is Broken, Can a Statute Fix
It?, 85 NEB. L. REV. __ n.95 (forthcoming 2007), posted on SSRN (“This notion of the Senate
as a continuing body is frequently stated but has not received much scrutiny and may provide a
fruitful avenue for further research.”); id. at 34 (noting “the somewhat mysterious notion that
the Senate is a continuing body”).
16 Even if the originating house unanimously demands the return of an engrossed copy
sent to the other house, the other or receiving-house may refuse to comply. This is established
by the practice of both Houses. See LEWIS DESCHLER & WM. HOLMES BROWN, PROCEDURE IN
TICES OF THE HOUSE § 9.5, at 378 (4th ed. 1982) (“By unanimous consent, the House consid-
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ered a resolution requesting the Senate to return a[n] [engrossed] bill to the House . . . .”);
Sess., S. Doc. No. 101–28 § Enrolled Bills and Joint Resolutions, at 830 & n.40 (rev. ed.
1992) (The Senate requested that an “engrossed [Senate] bill be returned to the Senate, but the
House did not comply with the request.”); cf. United States v. Smith, 286 U.S. 6, 38 (1932)
(Brandeis, J.) (“[I]t became the practice for the President, upon [Senate] request [if received
prior to the President’s finalizing the appointment], to return [Senate] resolutions of rejection
or confirmation [of presidential nominees], as a matter of comity . . . .”) (emphasis added). But
see Paulsen, A General Theory of Article V, supra note 9, at 730 (“[T]he appropriate legal
analogy [to the amendment process] might be the transmission of a bill passed by one house of
Congress to the other, or the transmission by Congress of an enrolled bill to the President.
These acts are not regarded as rescindable.”) (emphasis added). Here too Professor Paulsen
cites no supporting authority. Paulsen’s position clearly does not conform to current practice.
RULES, PRECEDENTS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE HOUSE ch. 44 § 7—Correcting Errors in En-
grossment, at 761 (2003) (“After a [House] bill has been messaged to the Senate [in error], the
House must request that the Senate return the bill for correction.”); id. § 12—Corrections in
Enrollment, at 763 (“The [concurrent] resolution [authorizing corrections after enrollment]
may not only rescind the action of the Speaker and President of the Senate in signing the bill
but also may direct the Clerk to reenroll the bill . . . .”); id. at 764 (“Corrections or changes in
enrolled bills that have been delivered to the White House but not signed into law traditionally
have been effected by a concurrent resolution . . . that requests the return of the bill and
vacates the signatures of the Speaker and the President of the Senate.”) (emphasis added).
Both here and abroad, since time out of mind, best parliamentary practice has been governed
by considerations relating to possession and comity, except where otherwise directed by ex-
press and mandatory constitutional provisions. Cf. Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch)
137 (1803):
Some point of time must be taken when the power of the executive over an of-
ficer . . . must cease. That point of time must be when the constitutional power of
appointment has been exercised. And this power has been exercised when the last
act, required from the person possessing the power, has been performed.
Id. at 157 (Marshall, C.J.) (emphasis added).
17 See INS v. Chadha, 462 U.S. 919, 955–56 & nn.20–21 (1982) (noting the existence of
exactly six constitutionally enumerated exceptions to the bicameral passage requirement:
House impeachment, Senate conviction, Senate action on treaties, Senate action on appoint-
ments, specified internal matters, and contingency elections for the President and Vice Presi-
dent); see also United States v. Estate of Romani, 523 U.S. 517, 535–36 (1998). But see
Tillman, supra note 11, at 1322 (arguing that the purpose of the Orders, Resolutions, and
Votes Clause was to permit a prior statute to authorize a legally enforceable subsequent single-
house order subject to presidential veto and possible veto override by Congress).
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18 See U.S. CONST. amend. XXVII (proposed by the First Congress in 1789, with state
ratification process concluding in 1992); see also Lawrence Tribe, The Twenty-Seventh
Amendment Joins the Constitution, WALL ST. J., May 13, 1992, at A15 (“[N]o speedy ratifica-
tion rule may be extracted from Article V’s text, structure, or history.”). But see Dillon v.
Gloss, 256 U.S. 368, 375 (1921) (noting in dicta that “the fair inference or implication from
[A]rticle 5 is that the ratification [of a constitutional amendment] must be within some reason-
able time after the proposal”).
19 See, e.g., 1958 United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of
Foreign Arbitral Awards, 21 U.S.T. 2517, TIAS 6997, 330 UNTS 38 (1970). Senate advice
and consent was granted in the 90th Congress, but presidential ratification occurred during the
THE ROLE OF THE U.S. SENATE, S. PRINT 106-71, at 152 & n.35 (Comm. Print 2001) (noting
the Senate granted advice and consent in 1968, and presidential ratification followed in Sep-
tember 1970); (listing dates of the constitutional
term of the 1st through 108th Congresses).
20 See, e.g., Edwards v. United States, 286 U.S. 482, 487–88 (1932) (“President Lincoln,
on March 12, 1863, approved a bill after the Congress had adjourned sine die on March 4,
1863, the bill having been passed on March 3, 1863.”); id. at 489–90 (“Upon the opinion of
Attorney General Palmer that the action was constitutional . . . President Wilson singed [sic]
several bills after the adjournment sine die of the Second Session of the Sixty-Sixth
21 Lincoln’s March 12, 1863 signing would have followed the legal termination—noon
March 4, 1863—of the prior Congress. Id. at 487-88;
resources/pdf/sessions.pdf (38th Senate convened on March 4, 1863); CHARLES W. JOHNSON,
103–342, at 52 (1995) (“President Truman signed several bills passed in the 81st Congress
after the convening of the 82d Congress but within ten days . . . . President Reagan approved
bills passed in the 97th Congress which were presented after the convening of the 98th Con-
gress . . . .”) (emphasis added). No constitutional provision expressly precludes an enacting
Congress from delaying presentment, thereby bypassing the President then in office, in favor
of some next-in-time successor in office. (Indeed, were presentment made in the last ten days
of an outgoing administration, both the outgoing and incoming President would be left with
less than ten days to make a veto decision—because the two Presidents would have a total of
ten days between them—thus congressional delay in these circumstances is not manipulative,
but is, instead, best legislative practice). Contemporary legal scholars have taken a contrary
position: requiring presidential signatures and vetoes of bills to be contemporaneous with con-
gressional action, without citing any supporting authority and offering little, if any, policy
justification. Compare supra note 9 (citing Professors Michael Stokes Paulsen, Catherine
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vetoed22) bills that originated in a prior Congress after the new Congress
Fisk, Erwin Chemerinsky, and Bruce Ackerman—taking positions directly contrary to Ed-
wards, a Supreme Court opinion), with supra note 12 (collecting lower court authority gener-
ally supporting the academics). Why have commentators gone so far off the beaten path? I
can only hypothesize here. First, their default position for any non-individual rights focused
issue is governed by separation of powers doctrine, even where that doctrine has little policy
relevance. Second, the professoriate harbors a deep suspicion, if not an outright antipathy,
towards the full expression of congressional powers—this attitude having its historical origin
in Madison’s influential “vortex” metaphor. THE FEDERALIST NO. 48, at 257 (James Madison)
(George W. Carey & James McClellan eds., 2001). Lastly, although legal academics have a
great many contacts with Executive Branch officers and attorneys, e.g., attorneys-general, so-
licitors-general, Department of Justice attorneys, etc., they generally have few social contacts
with Legislative Branch attorneys, legislative officers, parliamentarians, legislative secretaries
and clerks. Ultimately, these attitudes color even their views of American history. Compare,
e.g., Steven G. Calabresi, Response, The Political Question of Presidential Succession, 48
STANFORD L. REV. 155, 162 (1995) (“No constitutional oath is required of legislative officers,
like the Clerk of the House of Representatives or the Secretary of the Senate, presumably
because those officers were not thought to be very important.”) (emphasis added), with Act of
1789, ch. 1, § 1, 1 Stat. 23, (June 1, 1789) (expressly subjecting the Clerk and Secretary to an
Article VI oath), and id. § 5 (expressly subjecting Clerk and Secretary to a second oath). The
Act of 1789 was the first act passed by the First Congress, and it was passed after extensive
floor debate. The Clerk and Secretary were the only officers subjected to two oaths. See also
The Constitution as Reported by the Committee of Detail art. IX, § 2 (Aug. 6, 1787) (expressly
assigning duties to the “Clerk of the Senate” in a preliminary draft of the Constitution), availa-
ble at I am not suggesting that the First Con-
gress was correct in subjecting these officers to Article VI oaths, a matter of legitimate doubt,
but only to illustrate that their importance was widely understood circa 1787–1789, even if
today their successors in office are invisible to academia.
22 See JOHNSON, supra note 21, at 52 (“President Truman . . . pocket vetoed several bills
passed by the 81st Congress and also, after the convening of the 82d Congress, pocket vetoed
one bill passed in the 81st Congress.”). My research indicates that there are no antebellum
examples of a President pocket vetoing a bill by inaction during the term of a successor Con-
gress where the bill was passed by the prior Congress. The first such example appears to have
occurred during the Grant administration. See Walter J. Stewart & Gregory Harness, Presi-
dential Vetoes, 1789–1988, S. Pub. 102–12, at 39–41 (1992) (listing ten Grant pocket vetoes,
where the bill was presented on March 1 or March 3, 1871, notwithstanding the meeting of the
42d Congress on March 4, 1871).
It appears that where the President is presented with a bill passed in a prior Congress, his
inaction results in a pocket veto. The basis of this view seems to be that the bill cannot be
returned to the enacting Congress (or, at least the enacting House), notwithstanding that the
successor Congress is in session. My own view is that, in these circumstances, presidential
inaction constitutes valid passage if Congress is in session on the tenth day following present-
ment. Why? Because that is what the Constitution says. Although allowing for these pocket
vetoes lends some counter-authority to the position argued for in the text of this memorandum,
I see no good reason to believe that the postbellum Congress of 1871 was any better situated
than we are today to understand the meaning of Article I, Section 7. Furthermore, were
originalists to argue that noncontemporaneous bicameral action was beyond the scope of the
1787 legal and parliamentary imagination, with the implication that such processes were be-
yond the realm of possible original public meaning, they might not be on very firm ground.
Compare NEW YORK CONSTITUTION OF 1777 art. III (mandating that if adjournment frustrates
return of vetoed bill, then it “shall be returned on the first day of the meeting of the legislature
after the expiration of the said ten days”), with SYDNEY GEORGE FISHER, THE EVOLUTION OF
THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 161–67 (Philadelphia 1897) (arguing that the origin
of Article I, Section 7 is to be found in the New York Constitution of 1777 and the Massachu-
setts Constitution of 1780). For what it is worth, the Supreme Court of India, has held:
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[I]t would be correct to say that the Bill is being reconsidered because in fact it had
been considered once . . . . [N]othing . . . inconsistent with the basic concept of
democratic Government in asking a successor House to reconsider the Bill with the
amendments suggested by the President . . . .
Purushothaman, supra note 9, at 703, at [17] (emphasis added).
23 See Edwards, 286 U.S. at 491–92; cf. supra note 9 (citing Marquet and Simpson). But
see supra note 12 (collecting contrary authority).
24 See Field v. Clark, 143 U.S. 649, 672 (1892).
25 Once you practice noncontemporaneous lawmaking, then an outgoing Democratic ma-
jority, in either house (or at the state level), could try it too. But until the Democrats take back
the Oval Office, this gambit will present them with little opportunity for genuine success.
Congressional “passage” will be followed (one hopes) with a firm presidential veto.
26 See, e.g., The Pocket Veto Case, 279 U.S. 655, 689 (1929) (taking the position that
“[l]ong settled and established practice is a consideration of great weight in a proper interpreta-
tion of constitutional provisions of this character”).
27 Noncontemporaneous lawmaking powers, if asserted by Congress, could be defended
as a matter of principle and distinguished from the interpretive principles put forward by the
Supreme Court in The Pocket Veto Case. See supra note 26. Here, the attempt is to revivify
(actually just to “vivify”) an unused, but never contested, constitutional power. Many never
used but undoubted constitutional powers exist including, for example, the right of the States
to call a constitutional convention under Article V. Moreover, in the face of ambiguous con-
stitutional text, Executive and Judicial Branch claims to power or usurpation of authority
should only influence future adjudications if followed by legislative acquiescence in response
to the other branch’s actions:
[A] practice of at least twenty years duration, on the part of the executive depart-
ment, acquiesced in by the legislative department, while not absolutely binding on
the judicial department, is entitled to great regard in determining the true construc-
tion of a constitutional provision the phraseology of which is in any respect of doubt-
ful meaning.
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John Smith, Esq.
Senior House Legal Counsel
The Pocket Veto Case, 279 U.S. at 690 (quoting state court authority); cf. William Ty Mayton,
Recess Appointments and an Independent Judiciary, 20 CONST. COMM. 515, 551 (2004) (“The
weight of history is debatable [with regard to presidential recess appointments], though, be-
cause it doesn’t clearly include the essential ingredient of ratification by the other branches of
government.”) (emphasis added).
28 See Attorney General for Western Australia v. Laurence Bernhard Marquet, Clerk of
the Parliament of Western Australia, [2003] HCA 67, 202 ALR 233, 2003 WL 22664249
¶ 297 & nn.279, 280 (High Court of Australia 2003) (per Callinan, J., concurring in part,
dissenting in part) (“The position in the United Kingdom is that prorogation quashes all pro-
ceedings pending at the time of prorogation. The Royal Assent is, in general, given to any
Bills that have passed both Houses before prorogation.”) (emphasis added) (footnotes omitted)
(citing ERSKINE MAY, PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE 233–34 (22d ed. 1997)).
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ally extended, a process fraught with inconvenience for the members and
substantial costs for ratepayers paying representatives per diem or even a
salary.29 The colonial assemblies avoided this result by positive law—
29 In the early years of the Republic, Western States and territories frequently had a
single Article III judge or magistrate. If this federal judicial officer became incapacitated or
died, then a quick replacement was essential in order to meet defendants’ speedy trial rights.
Cf. U.S. CONST. amend. VI (providing speedy trial rights and ratified in 1791, after the Consti-
tution of 1787 was proposed, ratified, and put into force in 1789). Absent Executive Branch
judicial recess appointments, the only way to fill these offices would have been to convene the
Senate. And if the Senators from well-settled States knew their presence was demanded only
to fill a single unexpectedly vacant judicial position in some remote territory (or distant State),
is it reasonable to believe that reaching a quorum was a foregone conclusion? Members’
convenience and ratepayers’ salary obligations were no idle concern. Cf., e.g., U.S. CONST.
art. II, § 2, cl. 3 (Recess Appointments Clause); THE FEDERALIST NO. 56, at 293 (James
Madison) (George W. Carey & James McClellan eds., 2001) (noting that “[t]he [congres-
sional] representatives of each state . . . will probably in all cases have been members, and may
even at the very time be members, of the[ir] state legislature”); AKHIL REED AMAR,
AMERICA’S CONSTITUTION: A BIOGRAPHY 72 (2005) (arguing that the pre-1787 American tra-
dition of members serving in the legislature for no pay was a “subtle[ ] form of bribery,” in
which would-be members bribed their constituents). But see Evans v. Stephens, 387 F.3d
1220, 1224 & n.5 (11th Cir. 2004) (Edmondson, C.J.) (en banc) (taking the position that the
“intent of the Framers [with regard to the Recess Appointments Clause was] to keep important
offices filled and government functioning”—a purpose that could have equally been kept by
keeping the Senate in session throughout the annual session) (citing THE FEDERALIST NO. 67
(Alexander Hamilton)).
Many articles on the subject of recess appointments object to the President’s (purported)
power to make appointments during (relatively) short intra-session breaks. These breaks are
properly denominated adjournments, but are frequently denominated recesses, leading to sub-
stantial confusion. The fundamental source of the confusion is that both domestic judicial
opinions and scholarly literature assume that the distinction, between recess and adjournment,
is rooted in the amount of time involved—rather than the functional quality of the different
type of break takes with regard to sessional business.
The chief objection to intra-session appointments is rooted in the belief that such appoint-
ments, even absent Senate consent, must last nearly as long as two years—the remainder of the
current annual session (following the adjournment), plus the entirety of the next annual ses-
sion. This view is profoundly mistaken. Any such two-year appointment carries implicit Sen-
ate confirmation. If the majority actually opposes the appointment, upon reconvening
following adjournment, the Senate could declare by single-house resolution the start of a new
session and order the Secretary of the Senate to enter an appropriate entry on its journal—with
concomitant notification by message to the President and the House. See U.S. CONST. art. I,
§ 5, cl. 3 (“Each House shall keep a Journal . . . .”). The Senate’s declaration of the start of a
new session would effect all presidential recess appointments made during the prior intra-
session adjournment: the term of every such appointment would end with the expiration of the
remainder of the current (annual) session. And were the Senate to immediately terminate (by
order) that (newly announced) session, all recess appointees’ term of service would end. If
any presidential recess appointment lasts more than a year (or even a year), it is by the grace
of the United States Senate. I do not opine on the constitutional propriety of intra-session
appointments per se. My comments are put forward only to illustrate the invalidity of the two-
year objection frequently propounded in the scholarly literature. The Senate has substantial
powers and prerogatives from which it may actively defend its role in the appointments pro-
cess, if it chooses to avail itself of those defenses. That said, there is absolutely no compelling
reason for the federal courts to (once again) play the constitutional cavalry coming to the
(oppressed) Senate’s rescue, unless and until the Senate makes use of the full set of powers at
its undoubted disposal.
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When the Senate is in session it takes a majority of Senators to confirm the President’s nomi-
nation, on the other hand, when the Senate returns from recess the Senate can decommission
any or all recess appointments by majority action. Cf. THE FEDERALIST NO. 77, at 396 (Alex-
ander Hamilton) (“The consent of [the Senate] would be necessary to displace [federal of-
ficers] as well as to appoint[,]” but not specifically referring to recess appointments) (editors’
footnote omitted). In the former case, with an evenly split Senate the confirmation fails (ab-
sent vice presidential intervention), but in the latter case, if the Senate is evenly divided (ab-
sent vice presidential intervention), the officer continues in office. In either case, at least half
the Senate is willing to support the President’s appointment or appointments, publicly in the
former case, implicitly in the latter.
30 Cf. JOHN HART ELY, DEMOCRACY AND DISTRUST 94 (1980) (“[A] [constitutional] pro-
vision cannot responsibly be restricted to less than its language indicates simply because a
particular purpose received more attention than others . . . .”) (emphasis added).
31 The general interpretive position put forward here with regard to contemporaneity in
the federal statutory lawmaking context applies with greater force to congressionally proposed
constitutional amendments. See U.S. CONST. art. V (“The Congress, whenever two thirds of
both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution . . . .”)
(emphasis added). The text does not expressly demand joint action by a concurrent House and
Senate. Indeed, the text’s use of “whenever” seems to indicate precisely the opposite. But see
Paulsen, A General Theory of Article V, supra note 9, at 722 (“[T]he actions taken by Con-
gress and by state legislatures in voting for any particular amendment language must be under-
stood as ordinary legislative enactments of those bodies (with supermajority requirements for
Congress), made in accordance with each body’s usual processes and subject to the usual
understanding of how legislation is made.”) (emphasis added) (footnote omitted). Professor
Paulsen’s confusion arises from the fact that he misidentifies legislatures (the actors mandated
by Article V to propose and ratify amendments) with legislation (the work product of legisla-
tures). Historically, another work product of legislatures includes resolutions expressing the
opinion of one or two houses. The preliminary and intermediate steps of the amendment
process are more akin to these resolutions than to formal statutes. It is because Article V
commits the amendment process to (federal and state) legislative houses, but not to statutory
lawmaking processes per se, that the President and state governors have been traditionally left
out of this process—although admittedly, on some rare occasions, States have acted by bill
when ratifying amendments. See Seth Barrett Tillman, Betwixt Principle and Practice: Tara
Ross’s Defense of the Electoral College, 1 N.Y.U. J. OF LAW & LIBERTY 921, 924–25 & n.9
(2005) (explaining that New York enacted the Bill of Rights by statute with Governor Clin-
ton’s participation, although “[l]ongstanding practice has ‘ratified’ the non-New York view
with regard to the meaning of Article V”); see also CLYDE E. JACOBS, THE ELEVENTH AMEND-
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tive practice arises from the fortuity of the rules passed by the First
Congress. Each house of the First Congress passed a rule requiring au-
thentication of bills by its presiding officer, Speaker and the Vice Presi-
dent,32 following joint passage.33 Authentication was a joint activity
(following bicameral passage), not a sequential one (following passage in
the first house, but prior to passage in the sister-house). So if only one
house fully enacted a bill before the termination of a two-year Congress,
there was no evidence34 of final single-house action to be taken up by the
MENT AND SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY 180 n.96 (1972) (indicating that some governors participated
in the Eleventh Amendment’s ratification).
32 The chief legislative officers, Clerk of the House and Secretary of the Senate, have not
been used to authenticate actual enrolled bills, bills in final form awaiting presentment, al-
though they have been used to authenticate bills in less than final form en route to the sister-
house. Occasionally, the chief legislative officers attested to the signatures of the presiding
officers. See, e.g., 5 BERNARD SCHWARTZ, THE ROOTS OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS 1165 (1980)
(illustrating that authenticated copy of Bill of Rights is signed by Speaker and Vice President,
Clerk of the House and Secretary of the Senate—with the latter two signatures attesting to the
prior signatures); id. 1154 & caption 135 (1980) (reproducing image of enrolled parchment
including signatures).
§ 3430, at 312 & n.3 (Government Printing Office 1907) (noting that the rule was passed on
July 27, 1789).
34 Arguably, every time a bill passes one house by a majority, there is some evidence of
final single-house action. The evidence is the journal entry noting final passage. This is weak
evidence of passage. The understanding that a final vote of a house is coextensive with Arti-
cle I, Section 7, Clause 2’s bill passage requirements is rooted in the widespread misunder-
standing that authentication by a presiding officer is a ministerial action. No judicially
cognizable constitutional provision or statute obligates a presiding officer of either house of
Congress to authenticate following majority action on third reading, although this is the major-
ity’s expectation. Cf. MINN. CONST. art. IV, § 20 (“Any presiding officer refusing to sign a bill
passed by both houses shall thereafter be disqualified from any office of honor or profit in the
state.”). Were a presiding officer to refuse to authenticate, the majority’s recourse is not the
courts, but to appoint a new presiding officer, with notification of their new selection to the
other house and to the President. A house that dissolves prior to authentication risks strategic
action by an out-going presiding officer. It is for that reason that well-organized legislative
majorities demand authentication during the session—where the majority could still enforce its
will against a recalcitrant (or insane) presiding officer. Post-adjournment and post-dissolution
authentication comes with other attendant, but less noticed, risks: death, (constructive or ac-
tual) resignation, and arrest of the presiding officer. All these scenarios could frustrate the
majority’s will. Cf. MINN. CONST. art. IV, § 20 (“Each house by rule shall provide the manner
in which a bill shall be certified for presentation to the governor in case of [a presiding of-
ficer’s] refusal [to authenticate].”). Compare Field v. Clark, 143 U.S. 649, 672 (1892) (au-
thentication “in open session”), with United States v. Munoz-Flores, 495 U.S. 385, 392 n.4
(1990) (holding that “courts accept as passed all bills authenticated in the manner provided by
Congress”). The better view is that final single-house action prior to authentication is likened
to an offer to the sister-house, with the offer contingent on joint passage during that two-year
Congress. Furthermore, although an offer has been made, implicit in such an offer is the right
to rescind prior to actual authentication by the presiding officer. Consider this scenario: the
House passes a bill, the Senate passes the same bill and notifies the House, the House changes
its minds and directs its Speaker not to authenticate the bill. Could the courts intervene on
behalf of the disappointed Senate majority? What provision of the Constitution would support
such an intervention? And were the courts to attempt to rely on the Journal, the House would
simply expunge the Journal of the controverted entry. See IV HINDS, HINDS’ PRECEDENTS,
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supra note 33, § 2730 n.1, at 4 (recording that Senator “Benton’s resolution to expunge from
the Senate Journal the resolution censuring President Jackson was agreed to January 16,
1837”—with debate discussing English, colonial, and post-independence American parliamen-
H.R. Doc. No. 107–284 § 71, at 32 (“In rare instances the House and Senate have rescinded or
expunged entries in Journals of preceding Congresses.”). Furthermore, were the Speaker will-
ing to rely on the now stale first-in-time passage and attempt to authenticate the bill absent
continuing majority support, the majority would have no choice but to remove the Speaker,
with notification of their deed to the Senate and to the President. Their failure to effectuate
removal is a political problem, not a legal one. See, e.g., MARK TUSHNET, TAKING THE CON-
STITUTION AWAY FROM THE COURTS 95–128 (1999) (describing an incentive-compatible
35 See U.S. CONST. art. I, § 5, cl. 2 (Rules of Proceedings Clause).
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