Roselyn Bondoc - Professional Persona
Roselyn Bondoc - Professional Persona
Roselyn Bondoc - Professional Persona
According to a self-assessment that I took in August 2021,
I was identified as an Analytical (also shown as the red
star in the figure below). The Analytical people style
tends to be less assertive and less responsive. They are
also known for being reserved, cautious, and logical
which makes sense since I see myself as someone who
attends to detail.
My persuasion score had opened my eyes since the
difference between my self-view and my peers'
view was large. Since I scored myself low on
persuasion, it meant that I preferred to establish a
theoretical basis first. The large score by my peers'
meant that I prefer to offer tangible examples first
before I persuade others. These results made me
question whether I follow my own principles
when I try to persuade others.