Roselyn Bondoc - Professional Persona

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For success in the workplace, I need to have a thorough CULTURE MAP

understanding of my communication style and my
overall professional persona. This document will Shown in the figure below, my individual cultural
summarize my findings, reflect on my previous map results and the average of the respondents'
experiences, and articulate my goals. I found that my results were merged together in a simple bar
current actions of attending to detail and taking action graph. The categories that contrasted the most
towards projects are effective and are noticeable to my between myself and my peers were persuading
peers. There are references below that highlight my and deciding. The category that was most alike
people styles, culture map, peer review, core values, was leading which meant that I lean toward either
and key insights. hierarchical or flat structures depending on the

According to a self-assessment that I took in August 2021,
I was identified as an Analytical (also shown as the red
star in the figure below). The Analytical people style
tends to be less assertive and less responsive. They are
also known for being reserved, cautious, and logical
which makes sense since I see myself as someone who
attends to detail.

My persuasion score had opened my eyes since the
difference between my self-view and my peers'
view was large. Since I scored myself low on
persuasion, it meant that I preferred to establish a
theoretical basis first. The large score by my peers'
meant that I prefer to offer tangible examples first
before I persuade others. These results made me
question whether I follow my own principles
when I try to persuade others.

Based on the ten anonymous respondents who also took Deciding

an evaluation on me, most of them actually viewed me as The deciding category also had a similar trend to
a Driver, while the other people's styles were spread out the Persuading category. A low score meant that I
evenly. Looking at these results made me want to view preferred group consensus-based decision making,
myself from a different perspective. After looking at my while a high score meant I preferred allowing
own results, I would only be a few spaces away from leaders to make the decisions. My results stated
being identified as a Driver. The Driver people style that my preferences change on the situation, but
tends to be more assertive and less responsive, they like my peers' results state that I prefer consensus-
to take initiative, focus on the task on hand, and generate based decision making. I reflect that I do want to
new approaches and solutions. I can use this information understand my peers' decisions towards making
as well as the culture map to strengthen my newfound decisions to build better ideas which make me
traits. hope that it is a strong asset to have.
My peers had concluded that my core values is loyalty 360 Evaluation
and honesty. The core values that I have concluded for Each evaluation in BCOM contained 3 metrics:
myself are organization and balance. While these core Quality of Work, Amount of Effort, and
values are very true, my peers and I had concluded Contribution to a Positive Team Environment. My
similar core values of hard work and trust. I believe teammates have rated me on how well I have met
those two words really describe me as an individual. those expectations. These results show on a scale
of 0-100 of all my teammates scored averaged.
Most of my team rated me that highly meets
expectations which I am proud of.

Quality of Work: 92.5

Amount of Effort: 95.3
Contribution to Positive Team Environment: 95.8
When my peers were asked how I have demonstrated
or communicated my core values, they responded by
saying that I am very professional when it is time to do KEY INSIGHTS
the work, and I never let my emotions get the better of
me. Here are some notable quotes from them. Flexibility
I have discovered that I have to work making
"You are very direct and efficient. You get things done
more time for my team, focus on listening to
on time and in a clear and concise manner."
others' opinions, and try to be less of a
"You are easy to depend upon to get things done or help perfectionist from what I have gathered through
out if asked to. You always have people's back in my findings. I have a tendency to push my ideas
supporting them and trying to make them or yourself forward when I am fully confident in them and
better." will try to invest in my peers' ideas more often.

"You make thoughtful comments and always prepare a

perspective from the other side. You think things
through and are very sensible." Overall, my peers have agreed that I am a
hardworking individual that they trust to move
them towards the right path. Looking over the
WORDS THAT DESCRIBE ME data, I now believe that I have a people style
towards the Driver while also believing that I
When my peers were asked which words that best
could be a bit Analytical also. From the Culture
described me, they responded with words that are in the
Map results, I need to re-evaluate these categories
figure below. The most frequent traits are direct and
and understand what my preferences are.
hardworking. These words make me better understand
why I am more of a Driver than an Analytical.
In order to be successful in the workplace, I have
shown that I fully understand what my
professional persona is and what I can improve
upon. This document analyzed my people styles,
culture map, peer perception, core values, and
key insights. I found that I like to support others
and pushing them in the right direction as well as
being a hard worker to a team. As I continue my
path with my professional image, I will continue
to refine it and know that this document will be
valuable to reflect upon in the future.

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