A Thesis Presented To The Faculty of Senior High School La Paz National High School La Paz, Tarlac
A Thesis Presented To The Faculty of Senior High School La Paz National High School La Paz, Tarlac
A Thesis Presented To The Faculty of Senior High School La Paz National High School La Paz, Tarlac
A Thesis Presented to
The Faculty of Senior High School
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Tarlac
In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Academic Track
Poverty is an economic issue that has long been a problem in different nation,
especially among developing countries. The issue of poverty alleviated became the focus
of many political and socioeconomic reforms that have been undertaken in the quest to
mitigate poverty. However, many of the reforms did not yet gain results. This is mainly
because poverty is a complex phenomenon where the linking economic, social, political
conditional cash transfer program of the Philippine government under The Department of
This program aims to abolish extreme poverty in the Philippines by investing money to
health and education of Filipinos particularly children ages 0-18 years old, in which
The 4Ps is anchored on the concept of Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs
which have been widely adopted as a new approach in providing social assistance to the
poor. The goal of CCT implementation is to balance the goals of current and future
investments in human capital in either or both on health and education (Das, et al., 2005).
The main strategy is to link cash to behavior by providing money to poor families’
contingent upon certain verifiable actions, generally minimum investments in children’s
The 4Ps has dual objectives as the flagship poverty alleviation program of the
breaking the intergenerational poverty cycle by investing in the health and education of
poor children through programs such as health check-ups for pregnant women and
children aged 0-5 years old, deworming of school children aged 6-14, enrollment of
children in day care, elementary, and secondary schools and family development
The 4Ps has two types of cash grants that are given out to household-
beneficiaries. Health grant which P500 per household every month, or a total of P6,000
every year. Education grant which P300 per child every month for 10 months or a total of
P3,000 every year (a household may register a maximum of three children for the
For a household with three children, a household may receive P1, 400 every
month, or a total of P15, 000 every year of five years, from the two types of cash grants
given to them.
These cash grants are distributed to the household-beneficiaries through the Land
Bank of the Philippines or, if not feasible, through alternate payment schemes such as
The respondents of the study are the students of La Paz National High School
(LNHS) which is located at the town proper of La Paz, province of Tarlac. La Paz
National High School was founded in January 29, 1999. Its mission is to produce quality
graduates in the Arts and Trades prepared to meet the technological demands of the
community and for higher learning. While the vision, La Paz National School of Arts and
Trades, committed to respond to the needs of the community and the industry (School
Mission and Vision, La Paz National High School). Currently, LNHS is the biggest
public high school in La Paz. It consists of 2,345 students, overall. Meanwhile, it has 72
teachers, 54from Junior High School, 18 in Senior High School and it is headed by Mr.
This study aimed to describe students of La Paz National High School who were
the beneficiaries of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program as to how this factor affects to
2 How did the general average of grade 10 4Ps beneficiaries describe their academic
3 What is the relationship of the Body Mass Index and Academic Performance of the
4Ps beneficiaries?
School administrators may use the results of the study as a data or reference for
beneficiaries on where they lack and what can they do as an action. With this data, school
administrators would directly look for the 4Ps student beneficiaries and they can assist or
The students would gain information about the 4Ps benefits for them. They will
be more inspired and motivated in pursuing their study. Also, they are able to know the
factors that can affect their school achievements and how to cope with it.
The parents will gain additional information from this conducted research
regarding the factor that affects the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program to the student’s
achievement in school and thereby guide them to value and prioritized the education of
their children.
4Ps beneficiaries’ academic performance and nutritional status. They will learn some
beneficiaries based on their general average. It focuses on identifying the body mass
research. The BMI and Academic Performance based on their final grade will be
This study involves 110 4Ps recipients as the respondents with existing data and
records. The respondents were the beneficiaries of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
specifically, the Grade 10 students of La Paz National High School in the school year
Definition of Terms
For purpose of facilitating understanding and clarity, the terms are defined as the
Body Mass Index. In this study, BMI is defined as the proportioned height and weight of
the students.
Cash Grants. In this study, it is defined as the money given by the government.
Nutritional Status. In this study, it is defined as the health status of the selected 4Ps
student beneficiaries.
cash transfer program of the Philippine government to mitigate extreme poverty in the
Poverty. In this study, poverty is defined as an economic issue that has long been a
Retention Rate. In this study, it refers to the magnitude of pupils who repeat a grade
Social Assistance. In this study, it is defined as giving financial support to poor families
Social Development. In this study, it is defined as fighting the poverty cycle by investing
This chapter presents related literature and studies which served as outline of
reference for this study. It comprehensively presents and reviews the status of poverty all
over the world and the features and designs of Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT)
Programs or Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) in the Philippines. Both foreign
and local studies about various academic performance and body mass index or nutritional
Related Literature
Increased production has reduced the cost of goods, making them more readily available
to provide adequate food production for the world. 95% of global poverty has been
concentrated in East Asia, South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa since the mid-1990s.The
United Nations and the World Bank are major advocates in reducing the world’s poverty.
The World Bank estimates that approximately 702 million people were living in extreme
poverty in 2015, this compares to 1.75 billion people in 1990. As of 2016, it is estimated
that less than 10% of the world’s population live in extreme poverty.
Poverty is one of the biggest problems in the Philippines and remains a big
Jose Ramon G. Albert, the poverty incidence among population was estimated at 27.9
percent during the first semester of 2012, (NSCB 2012). Comparing this with the 2006 and
2009 first semester figures estimated at 28.8 percent and 28.6 percent, respectively, poverty
remained unchanged as the computed differences are not statistically significant. These
CCTs promotes human development in terms of different services such as in the field of
education, health, nutrition and livelihood that serves as the vehicle in alleviating poverty
that combine actions aimed at addressing both the underlying and the immediate
determinants of childhood under nutrition. These programmes, which were first designed
and implemented by the Mexican government in the late 1990s, provide monetary
programme requirements. Beneficiaries are usually required to use maternal and child
preventive health, nutrition, and care services and to enroll and maintain school-age
vulnerability in the short term and break the intergenerational transmission of poverty by
The Mexican example was soon followed by a number of countries both in the region and
other countries are studying their feasibility or planning to implement them (Adato and
Hoddinott forthcoming-a).
The 4Ps program started last 2008 under the previous administration and
government spending staggering amount of money per year, 44 billion by 2013 and 62
billion in 2014 to sustain the program; which eventually added to fiscal national debt. In
order to implement the program Philippine Government has granted the amount of $800
million from World Bank and Asian Development Bank; therefore we can conclude that
the funding of the program came from loan and eventually paid by tax payers. One of the
targets of the CCT program is to decrease the drop-out rate among the poorest high
school it only mean that teachers must be aware on the program. The first thing we have
to understand is the monetary subsidence of the program; 4Ps recipient is receiving the
amount of 300 pesos for educational assistance per qualified household and additional
500 pesos for health and nutrition per household monthly. Subsequently, 4Ps recipient is
brigadaeskwela and family day session. Furthermore, students or pupils under 4Ps
program must attend and complete the 85% of monthly attendance. Conversely, they
should have an average grade of 75. 4ps recipient must coordinate and cooperate to any
school related activities since there is educational assistance given to them. In addition
4ps recipient who is no longer in school should be removed from the program. Lastly,
students or pupils who are 4ps recipient with more than a week absent without prior
notice must not receive their monthly educational assistance. Hence only DSWD can add
or remove any person under the 4ps program. CCT Program is strategically designed to
invest in human capital by providing quality and accessible education for everyone;
therefore it is mandate that we need a clear understanding on the provision entails in the
program. 4ps is a poverty reduction strategy that provides grants to extremely poor
households to improve their health, nutrition and education particularly of children aged
cash grants to the poorest of the poor in the Philippines. The program aims to break the
cycle of poverty by keeping children aged 0-18 healthy and in school, so they can have a
better future. Households receive cash grants if children stay in school and get regular
health check-ups, have their growth monitored, and receive vaccines. Pregnant women
must get pre-natal care, with their births attended to by professional health workers.
Development Sessions to learn about positive child discipline, disaster preparedness, and
physical structure of their houses, the number of rooms and occupants, their access to
running water, and other factors affecting their living conditions. The program has one of
the most comprehensive poverty targeting databases in the world today, covering 75% of
the country’s population. It has been used extensively to identify poor and near-poor
beneficiaries for national and local government programs. Started in 2007, the
Filipinos belonging to 4.4 million households. The program benefits about 20% of the
population, the majority of the nation’s poor. Nine million children are currently
benefiting from the program, 1.9 million of which are in high school. The program has
also achieved almost universal enrollment for elementary age children of 4Ps households.
Social protection programs, Pantawid included, have cushioned the poor from the adverse
impacts of various shocks the country experienced over the past six years.
A study estimates that the program has led to a poverty reduction of 1.4 percentage points
per year or 1.5 million less poor Filipinos. The 4Ps is currently the world’s fourth-largest
development priorities such as generating jobs and creating livelihood opportunities for
the poor.
According to the World Bank, the Philippine social protection notes series aims to
summarize the good practices and key findings from the Philippines on the topics related
Transfers (CCT) and targeting, broadening the social protection policy dialogue, analysis
program, which is called the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. CCT program
provides cash to poorest households as long as the beneficiary households comply with
the conditions of the program. Health grants are provided for beneficiary households with
children 0-14 years old and/or with pregnant women with the conditions that all children
0-5 years old and the pregnant women visit health centers and receive services according
to Department of Health (DOH) protocol, all children 6-14 years old undergo de-
worming protocol at schools, and the household grantees (mainly women) attend family
development sessions at least once a month. Education grants are provided for
beneficiary households with children 6-14 years old with the conditions that the children
are enrolled in primary or secondary school and maintain a class attendance rate of 85
(321,000) households. Six thousand (6,000) pilot households from the municipalities of
Sibagat and Esperanza in Agusan del Sur, Lopez-Jaena and Bonifacio in Misamis
Occidental and Pasay and Caloocan cities in the NCR have received cash assistance since
January 2008.
beneficiaries based on the selection system developed for the program. The Local Chief
Executives or barangay officials are not participants in the selection process. However,
concerned LGUs assist DSWD staff in the conduct of community assemblies which are
part of the program process and procedure to validate potential and final beneficiaries.
Pantawid Pamilya provides cash grants to the beneficiaries such as: P6,000 a year
or P 500 per month per household for health and nutritional expenses; and, P3,000 for
one school year or 10 months or P300 per month per child for educational expenses. A
maximum of three children per household is allowed. A household with three qualified
children shall have a subsidy of P1, 400 per month or P15, 000 annually as long as they
The monthly cash grants shall be received by the most responsible person in the
household, usually the mother, through a Land Bank cash card. Each household
beneficiary will receive the cash grants for at most, five years.
Local Government (DILG), National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) and the Local
Government Units (LGU) representatives at the national, regional and municipal levels
will verify compliance every two months using monitoring tools developed for the
purpose. Non-compliance to the conditions will result in the suspension of cash grants or
For 2008, P2.1 Billion has been allotted for the 321,000 household-beneficiaries.
From 2009 to 2013, P5 Billion per year is needed for the same 321,000 household-
Related Studies
A. Foreign Studies
Dr. Bhattacharya, et. al (2016) stated in their study ‘Academic Performance and
a major problem in both developed and developing countries and deficiencies in some
nutrients have been reported to cause diseases which could lead to impaired cognitive
However, most of these studies have excluded young adults in the tertiary institution.
Undernourished children have been shown to have decreased attendance, attention, and
nourished children. More recently, studies have examined the impact of breakfast on
However, gaps exist in the literature examining the long-term effects of breakfast on
academic performance and how the observed effects of breakfast on cognition are
modified by age, sex, and nutritional status. The single study not restricted to breakfast
demonstrated a positive association between the consumption of regular meals and
academic performance.
the USA, with fewer studies from the UK or elsewhere. The potential for health to
improve cognitive function, learning and academic achievement in children has received
attention by researchers and policy makers. It is widely accepted that health and well-
being are essential elements for effective learning. Vice versa, education is a strong
predictor of lifelong health and quality of life in different populations, settings, and time.
However, the pathways through which education leads to better health and longer life
expectancy are still not clearly understood. It is widely held, however, that education,
Several studies have documented the relationship between poor health, nutrition
height and head circumference) have been frequently associated with poor school
outcomes. In fact, in several of the studies, the relationship remained significant, even
and helminthic infections have also been reported to affect school performance. Eating
disorders create a variety of medical conditions that occur more frequently in the college-
age population. For college students these conditions are key factors that may have a
lasting impact not only on their academic achievements while in school, but also on their
nutrition and poor development in children are not well understood, although children
who were moderately to severely malnourished during their early childhood show
delayed development.
has focused on the role of individual nutrients or foods. However; individuals do not
multidimensional nature of diet, studies of the interrelations of nutrition and health have
examined the effects of overall diet quality using summary measures of food and nutrient
The study of Dr. Bhattacharya, et. al (2016) is related to the present study since
both aimed to discover on how the nutritional status of a student affects his/her academic
performance. Also, to find the connection of health and education to one another.
The present study aims to discover the relationship between the nutritional status
According to the study of London & Castrechini (2011), that while body mass is
not as reliable an indicator as physical fitness levels are, body mass can still be used to
predict academic achievement to some extent. London and Castrechini (2011) studied
California students in grades four through nine. Their findings indicated a negative
correlation between body mass and academic achievement that ranged from -0.131 to
-0.45. However, this correlation fluctuated highly from student to student. Thus, they
found that the average body mass index of the entire class and/or school could be used to
efficiently predict the average grade point average of the entire class and/or school, rather
The study of London & Castrechini (2011), is related to the present study since
both aimed to know the relationship between the body mass of a person to his academic
Dusen, et. al (2011) examined the associations of physical fitness and academic
physical activity programs. They categorized fitness results in quintiles by age and
gender and used mixed effects regression models to compare the academic performance
of the top and bottom fitness groups for each test. All fitness variables except body mass
index (BMI) showed significant, positive associations with academic performance after
sizes ranging from .07 to .34. Analysis of BMI demonstrated limited, nonlinear
association with academic performance after socio demographic and fitness adjustments.
other socio-demographic and fitness variables. The association appears to peak in late
The study mentioned above aims to identify the associations of physical fitness
and academic performance among students which is related to the present study’s
Granziano, et. al (2011) investigated the relationships between body mass index
Specifically, BMI and scores on the President’s Challenge Physical Activity and Fitness
Awards Program, a physical fitness test, were compared to reading and mathematics
referenced academic achievement measure. Participants included 132 4th and 5th grade
students from a K-12 school located in North Central Florida. Results revealed that BMI
and physical fitness were correlated with academic performance for 5th grade females. In
addition, there was a significant and negative association found between BMI and
The study of Granziano, et. al (2011) is related to the present study as it also
shows the effect of BMI in the academic performances of the students and how it is
B. Local Studies
Pilipino Program (4Ps) Beneficiaries in Public Secondary Schools in Laguna’ cited that
initial study on the pilot areas of the program showed promising results. Moreover,
children covered by 4Ps have higher attendance compared to the general population of
children in school. There has been a remarkable increase in the use of health services by
pregnant women and children compared to 2007 and there has also been a significant
children. Several studies backed up these initial findings. Results of recent evaluation
studies on 4Ps revealed that it has no significant negative impact on work effort of
household heads, leads to increased school participation of children, and results in
The study of Valeña (2015) and the present study shows how well the 4Ps
program goes for the beneficiaries as well as the performance and the attendance of the
4Ps student-beneficiaries.
Orbeta (2011), stated that due to the implementation of the program, parents now
work to compensate for loss of income from children who attend school. Since
beneficiaries are obliged to attend Family Development Sessions, they now publicly
recognize the importance of education, and are convinced to keep their children in
The study above is related to the present study as it shows the willingness of the
parent-beneficiaries to send their children to school and how the parents react to this
Chaudhury and Okamura (2012) documented the causal effect of the 4Ps program
on school participation. There was positive impact on school enrollment among children
in the younger cohort aged 9-12 as of 2011. These are the children who received
This study is somehow connected to the present study as it shows the impact of
4Ps in terms of school enrollment and those who received educational grants.
Tutor (2014) stated in his study that households increased their consumption of
education-related goods, which are goods required for continued program participation.
Despite of these positive results, critiques of the program argued that it is still a question
whether school attendance will translate into academic achievement, completion of
Pupils at Inopacan District, Leyte SY 2013-2014’, the drop-out rate among the poorest
elementary and high school were decreased. The pupils who are 4P’s recipients attended
This study was conducted to serve as a rapid assessment of the Pantawid Pamilya
focused on school enrollment, while waiting for the comprehensive impact evaluation.
The comprehensive impact evaluation will evaluate not only school enrollment and
health center attendance but also an extensive range of outcomes including household
consumption, child labor, educational attainment, and child nutrition status, applying
This study is related to the present study as it tells the critiques of the 4Ps program
and the requirements in this program, the educational needs of the 4Ps student-
In the study of Dela Torre (2016) “Financing Education through the Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)”, they look into some significant information about the
4Ps beneficiaries of Balamban Elementary School for the school year 2014-2015. This
determines the degree of pupils in a particular school year who continued to be in the
same grade level in the next school year. The school’s retention rate decreased into 0
after the implementation of the 4Ps program in 2015. This shows that the Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is instrumental in sending all pupils to the next higher
level of education. According to the teachers, this can be attributed to the attendance
The pupils’ nutritional status increased after the implementation of the program.
As anticipated, 4Ps increased the health services consumption among the poor
households as they have additional income to pay for the health-related costs; and
improve the children’s nutritional status through increased household income, provision
of free and periodic check-ups, various counselling and other monitoring components of
4Ps (Reyes &Tabuga, 2012). This is due to the availability of food allowance because of
their membership in the program making food and rice easier to purchase. Also,
Links to plant and own a vegetable plot in their homes to make sure that they eat
nutritious foods.
This study is similar to the present study as it shows the help of the 4Ps program
to their family, how it helps them to easily get money for their needs and the health of the
This study aimed to describe the body mass index and academic performance
based on the general average of the student-beneficiaries who are the recipient of
between the BMI and academic performance, as well as the implication of the study.
This chapter presents the method of research and sources of data used in this
study. The subjects of the study, the methods of gathering data, the research instruments
Research Design
drawing out for analysis. It is a fact-finding study with adequate and accurate
Since the present study aimed to describe the students of La Paz National High
School before and after they became recipients of 4Ps and how such program contributed
to their nutritional status and academic achievement, the descriptive method of research
was used.
significant relationship between the nutritional statuses specifically the Body Mass Index
(BMI), to the academic performances of the selected grade 10 students who benefits from
The respondents of the study were the 110 Grade 10 beneficiary students from La
Paz National High School who were the recipients of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Documentary Analysis
academic records and body mass index records. The information based on the records
The researcher will be having permission of the principal of La Paz National High
School which located in La Paz, Tarlac to conduct the present study and to gather the
information needed from the respondents of the study which are the Grade 10 students.
Statistical Treatment
Data gathered will be treated using statistical tools. After doing so, results will be
The Pearson Correlation Coefficient Formula will be used to measure the strength
N ∑ xy−( ∑ x )( ∑ y )
√¿ ¿ ¿
∑x = sum of x scores
∑y = sum of y scores