CWSB Archetypes Prestige Classes
CWSB Archetypes Prestige Classes
CWSB Archetypes Prestige Classes
Archetypes and Prestige Classes
Clone Commander
The clones of the Grand Army of the Republic were created by
the cloners of Kamino for the use of the Republic against the
droid armies of the Separatists. Part of the Kaminoans training
program was the inclusion of leadership skills and tactical
knowledge. Those who excelled in these areas were promoted
to positions of authority within the clone army ranks. Clone
Commanders range from squad sergeants to colonels who
command entire legions on behalf of the Republic and the Jedi.
Roleplaying Notes
Clone Commanders are best suited for players who wish to
command the battle on a micro-management scale but still
participate in the conflict themselves. Clone Commanders are
found on every front during the Clone Wars at almost every
link of the chain of command. They take their orders from their
superiors who could be higher level Clone Commanders or the
Jedi themselves. A simple squad sergeant might be a level 4
Clone Commander, a Lieutenant may fall near level 8, a Captain
at approximately level 12, and a full-blown Colonel could be level
16 or above.
Variant Abilities
Players of Clone Commander characters may select from among
the following variant class abilities, with the GM’s permission.
Jedi Commander
Although the Jedi strive to be a peaceful order, there
occasionally comes a time when the Jedi must fight against the
forces of evil. Over the millennia, the Jedi have accepted the
mantle of wartime commanders either leading scores of troops
such as the Clone Wars, or leading armies of Jedi as was the
Sith Wars. The Jedi’s ability to wield the Force as well as martial
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Roleplaying Notes
A Jedi Commander is the perfect choice for a player wanting
to lead troops into explosive battles of the Clone Wars. The
character serves as a Commander in the Grand Army of the
Republic heading a Regiment of troops under his Jedi Master
until he is level 8. At that point, the character becomes a Jedi
General and has control over an entire Battle Group or Legion
and may continue to lead his troops into battle as well as
plan the battle strategies. At level 16, the character becomes
a Jedi High General, taking orders directly from the Supreme
Chancellor himself, assigning fellow Jedi to battlefronts and
planning the battles in addition to commanding armies of his
Prestige Classes
own. This archetype can also easily be used in other eras than
that of the Clone Wars, such as the Sith Wars, Great Sith War,
clone commander cody Mandalorian Wars, Hyperspace Conflict, or any number of other
galactic conflicts.
Variant 3: Tactical Advance (Level 12)
Advanced tactics are taught to Clone Commanders starting at Variant Abilities
a very early age. Starting at 12th level instead of gaining the Players of Jedi Commander characters may select from among
Requisition Supplies ability, the Clone Commander may elect to the following variant class abilities, with the GM’s permission.
take the Tactical Advance ability. When the Clone Commander
leads a charge, the -5 Defense penalty incurred from the Variant 1: Lead by Example (Level 2)
Charge maneuver is reduced by an amount equal to the Clone Instead of the Bonus feat gained at level 2, the Jedi Commander
Commander’s Intelligence modifier to a minimum of -1. can alternatively choose Lead by Example. With this ability
Prestige Classes
Jedi Instructor - Alternate Special Qualities
[Affect Mind +6] [Telepathy +7]
The following is an alternate set of special qualities for the Jedi to understand their Padawans better than most. Because of
Instructor prestige class (see page 22 of Star Wars Roleplaying this, the Force Bond bonus between master and Padawan
Game Power of the Jedi Sourcebook). Please consult your GM receives a +1 bonus. The bonus increases to +2 at level four.
before using these alternate abilities.
Training (Level 3): Each Jedi Instructor has their own way
Resist the Dark Side (Level 1): The Jedi Instructor is able of teaching a student about the Force. They also each favor a
to help his students fight off the influence of the dark side. different skill set than the temple at large might think is the
Whenever a Padawan or former Padawan of the instructor best. Because of this, once per Padawan, the Jedi Instructor
makes a Will save related to the dark side or dark side points, can declare a normally cross-class skill to be a class skill for
the Force Bond bonus between the Jedi Instructor and the that Padawan permanently. The Master must have purchased at
student or former student applies to the Will save. This save least 5 ranks in a skill before he can make it a class skill for his
only applies if the Master is visible to the student, including live Padawan.
transmissions from viewscreens or through holos.
Transfer Force (Level 5): This ability works the same as the
Improved Force Bond (Level 2 & Level 4): The Jedi Instructor current level 5 ability for Jedi Instructor.
learns to form closer bonds with his students that allow them
during an encounter, when the Jedi inflicts wound damage Variant 2: Lead from the Front (Level 8 or 10)
on an opponent, all of his allies within visual range receive a At 8th level for the Jedi Guardian Commander, or level 10 for
damage bonus equal to the Jedi’s charisma modifier for the the Jedi Consular Commander, the Commander can choose the
remainder of the encounter. Lead from the Front ability instead of their bonus feat or Healing
abilities respectively. When the Jedi is commanding a group
of allies from the front lines on the battlefield and initiates a
charge, all allies within visual range of the Jedi receive bonuses
to their charge that allows them to move three times their speed
and provides an additional charge bonus to their attack at the
Prestige Classes
the Jedi can choose to take the Lead with Confidence ability.
When the Jedi is leading a group of allies in battle, he is able
to command them to focus their fire on a single target to a
much more effective degree. The maximum synergy bonus for
combining fire is increased to +10. Additionally, the Jedi may
add his Charisma modifier to the synergy bonus on top of the
maximum allowed bonus.
echuu shen-jon was a jedi commander
Prestige Classes
Republic Officer
In the years leading up to the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic
maintained no standing army. The Republic Navy was upheld
simply for ceremonial purposes and its ranks were filled with
little more than armchair soldiers and the family members of
noblemen. However, when the Republic was thrust into the
Clone Wars many of these military personnel were forced to
implement their training, and their numbers were bolstered by
the likes of highly-trained clone soldiers, Jedi, and Senators.
Overnight the Republic navy became a war machine like the
galaxy had never seen.
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Roleplaying Notes
Republic Officers were plentiful throughout the Clone Wars at
every echelon of the Grand Army. A character playing a Republic
Officer could be an aging nobleman from the Republic’s more
peaceful years, a sharp-minded Senator inducted into the Navy
during the war’s opening, a fresh new recruit, or even a clone
from Kamino assigned to the fleet. Typically, prior to level ten,
the character is a non-commissioned officer leading one or
more groups of men on board a vessel. The upper levels of this
archetype are most commonly command crew or even tacticians republic officer
working away from the battlefield.
Variant 2: Improved Requisition Supplies (Level
Variant Abilities 10)
Players of Republic Officer characters may select from among Typically, commissioned officers in the Republic navy have
the following variant class abilities, with the GM’s permission. some ties to various upper crust contacts. When the Republic
Officer gains the Requisition Supplies ability, he may multiply
Variant 1: Battle Coordination (Level 4) the resulting amount by a number equal to his reputation score
Because Republic Officers are trained to use their diplomatic (rounded down).
skills in a combat situation, beginning at level 4 the Republic
Officer may use his Coordinate ability during combat. Variant 3: Improved Morale (Level 16)
The Republic Officer has learned to use his cunning and
negotiating prowess to muster the spirits of those under his
command. Beginning at level 16, if the Republic Officer has
Prestige Classes
When sides were chosen by cultures all over the galaxy, various
exotic, specialized, and unique groups joined in on the fighting.
The assassins of Anzati, Mandalorian commandos, and Morgukai
warriors were among hundreds of sects that helped shaped
the outcome of the Clone Wars. Other, more common types
were also placed in the limelight from despicable slavers seizing
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the opportunities brought about by the war, to the ingenious
scientists forever creating new and more devastating ways to
win the war for their cause. Below are prestige classes that were
introduced or heavily utilized during the Clone Wars.
Anzati Assassin
These Anzati killers are Force-trained to kill from the shadows
with a variety of melee weaponry. Few in the galaxy can match
their prowess, and their Force Tradition mimics the Jedi in many
ways. Since all Anzati are Force-Sensitive, the Anzati Assassins anzati assassin
have learned as many secrets to camouflage themselves within
the Force as on the physical plane. When Anzati Assassins hire Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex),
out to kill non-force sensitive beings, it almost isn’t even fair to Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge* (Int), Listen (Wis), Move
the non-force user, as they have literally no chance to detect the Silently (Dex), Read/Write Language (none), Speak Language
assassin before it is too late. A master Anzati Assassin typically (none), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Tumble (Dex).
*This skill actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills.
trains only one student at a time, and obeys a strict code of Each time this skill is learned, a specific category must also be chosen.
honor, similar to the Jedi. They are not allowed to divulge any Examples include Craft (droids), Knowledge (Jedi Lore), and Profession
details of any contract they engage in, and only fellow Anzati (galactic history).
are supposed to be trained in the Anzati Assassin arts. Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
as follows (see Chapter Four of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Anzati assassin must meet the prerequisites for the bonus feat
Revised Core Rulebook for skill descriptions): and the bonus feat must be selected from the following list:
Prestige Classes
Acrobatic, Alertness, Improved Critical, Martial Arts, Bribe
Improved Martial Arts, Advanced Martial Arts, Nimble, Skill A black marketeer knows what to say when he gets in a pinch
Emphasis*, Stealthy, Track, Weapon Finesse*, Weapon Focus*. with local authorities. Beginning at 1st level, the black marketeer
A character can select feats marked with an asterisk (*) gains a +2 competency bonus to Diplomacy skill checks to
more than once, but it must be for a different skill or a different negotiate their way out of hot water, provided the pay an
weapon each time. amount of money befitting of their crime. This bonus increases
to +4 at level 4, and +6 at level 8.
Invisible Killer
Trained to fight from the shadows, at level 3 Anzati Assassins Class 5 Infraction: 1d6 x 100 credits
gain +5 to any attack or grapple check made during a surprise Class 4 Infraction: 1d8 x 100 credits
round on an unaware opponent. Also, Anzati Assassins can take Class 3 Infraction: 2d6 x 500 credits
a two-meter adjustment in addition to their attack during a Class 2 Infraction: 2d8 x 1000 credits
surprise round. Class 1 Infraction: 3d6 x 2000 credits
To qualify to become a black marketeer, a character must fulfill
the following criteria:
Skills: Appraise 8 ranks, Bluff 6 ranks, Diplomacy 6 ranks,
Forgery 4 ranks, Gather Information 4 ranks, Sense Motive 4
Feats: Shady Merchant.
Class Skills
The black marketeer’s class skills, and key ability for each skill,
are as follows (see Chapter Four of the Star Wars Roleplaying
Game Revised Core Rulebook for skill descriptions):
Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Diplomacy
(Cha), Forgery (Int), Gamble (Wis), Gather Information (Cha), Hide
(Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge* (Int), Move Silently (Dex),
Profession* (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Sense Motive
(Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (none).
*This skill actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills.
Each time this skill is learned, a specific category must also be chosen.
Examples include Craft (droids), Knowledge (Jedi Lore), and Profession
(galactic history).
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Class Features
The following are class features of the black marketer prestige
the following list. (the character must meet the prerequisites of Contact
the feat in order to select it): A black marketeer must know who to trust, and deals with
Cautious, Contact, Extra Lucky, Frightful Presence, numerous individuals during their life of crime. As such, the
Headstrong, Infamy, Influence, Low Profile, Persuasive, Skeptical, black marketeer gains the Contact feat as a bonus feat at 4th,
Trick. 7th, and 10th level.
+2 and +3.
Chalactan mantra, “As Without, So Within”, is a reminder that
Spice Dealer: Grants a +1 bonus to any Sense Motive and
the universe is connected, and that the stars and other celestial
Sleight of Hand checks when attempting to complete a spice
bodies control the life of enlightened beings.
transaction. Additional selections of this specialty can improve
the bonus to +2 and +3.
To qualify to become a Chalactan priest, a character must fulfill
the following criteria:
Beginning at 3rd level, a black marketeer can add his black
Base Will Save: +2.
marketeer level to any Reputation checks made to attract
Feats: Meditation.
Special: The character must be a follower of the
Chalactan faith.
Prestige Classes
Class Features
The following are class features of the Chalactan priest prestige
Improved Meditation
At the 1st level, the Chalactan priest gains the Improved
Meditation feat as a bonus feat. The Chalactan priest can
attempt the feat a number of times equal to their Wisdom
modifier plus their Chalactan priest level.
Spiritual Strength
The Chalactan priest develops their strength of will and at 1st
level gain a +1 bonus to all Will Saves. This bonus increases by
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one every other level thereafter (+2 at 3rd level, +3 at 5th level).
Mark of Illumination
The Chalactan believe in the power of prayer and draw great
strength from it. Starting at 2nd level, prior to using a Force
point the priest can spend one round in prayer and when the
Force point is used they receive a +1d6 bonus to the Force dice.
This bonus increases to +2d6 at 4th level.
Bonus Feat
Priests of the Chalactan faith are extremely devoted to their
practices and at 3rd level gain a bonus feat from the following
list (the character must meet the prerequisites of the feat in
order to select it):
Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning
Reflexes, Resist Poison, Self-sufficient, Skill Emphasis (Empathy).
depa billaba was a devout chalactan
Advanced Meditation
Game Rule Information At the 5th level, the Chalactan priest gains the Advanced
Vitality: Chalactan priests gain 1d6 vitality points per Meditation feat as a bonus feat. The Chalactan priest can
level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies. attempt the feat a number of times equal to their Wisdom
modifier plus their Chalactan priest level. The Chalactan priest
Class Skills may take 10 using this feat, but cannot take 20. Additionally,
The Chalactan priest’s class skills, and key ability for each skill, when the Chalactan priest takes wound damage, he may make a
are as follows (see Chapter Four of the Star Wars Roleplaying Will Save (DC 30) to retain the bonuses gained from this feat.
Game Revised Core Rulebook for skill descriptions):
Balance (Dex), Computer Use (Int), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str),
Knowledge* (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Read/Write
The demolitionist is one who has devoted a great deal of time
Language (None), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak
toward the study of explosives and their role in the galaxy; both
Language (None), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Treat Injury (Wis),
on the battlefield and in the private sector. The demolitionist
Tumble (Dex).
*This skill actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills. is well trained in the art of constructing explosives, disabling
Each time this skill is learned, a specific category must also be chosen. explosives set by others, and of course using explosives to
Examples include Craft (droids), Knowledge (Jedi Lore), and Profession damage and destroy both property and living beings.
(galactic history). Demolitionists can be integrated into many different corners
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier. of the galaxy. He may be a member of the bomb squad for a
policing force, such as the Sector Rangers or CorSec. Such men
and women devote their lives to saving others by disabling
Skill Emphasis (Disable Device) Rutgar-4: increase weight, increase damage 1D6,
Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons) increase blast radius 25%, increase cost 25%, and increase
construction DC +5.
Expert Explosive Disarm Thermex: Decrease damage 2D6, increase blast radius
At 1st level, the demolitionist gains the Expert Explosive Disarm by 25%, anything caught in blast radius catches on fire which
ability. Normally when disarming an explosive device with the does 1D6 damage per round until put out (reflex save DC 12 to
Disable Device skill, a failure will result in the device exploding put out fire in two rounds).
immediately. With the Expert Explosive Disarm ability, however, Thorium: Multiply cost by 50, increase construction DC
the demolitionist can re-roll his Disable Device check upon a +10, reduces blast radius 50%, +2D6 damage, does damage for
failure one time. If the second roll also fails, the device will four rounds.
explode in a number of rounds equal to the character’s level in
the demolitionist prestige class.
Prestige Classes
Baradium: Multiply cost by 100, increase construction Disguised Explosive: Allows user to use their disguise
DC +15, reduce blast radius 50%, increase damage by double, skill to attempt to make the explosive look like a different object.
does damage for three rounds. Disguise roll is separate, but doing this adds +5 to construction
Ytterbium Diluted Baradium: Reduce construction DC DC.
by –5, damage for six rounds, reduce blast radius 75%, reduce Simple Disarm Trap: Add 50 credits to cost. Adds +5
damage –1D6. to disable device attempts made against the device. Adds +2 to
Baradium + Collapsium: Change damage type to sonic, construction DC of explosive.
increase damage +1D6, increase cost 75%. Intermediate Disarm Trap: Add 150 credits to cost.
Adds +10 to disable device attempts made against the device.
Other Customizations Adds +5 to construction DC of explosive.
Magnetic Attachment: Add 25 credits to cost. Allows Complex Disarm Trap: Add 250 credits to cost. Adds
explosive to be attached to metal objects. +15 to disable device attempts made against the device. Adds
Adhesive Attachment: Add 10 credits to cost. Allows +10 to construction DC of explosive.
explosive to be attached to most objects. Advanced Disarm Trap: Add 500 credits to cost. Adds
Simple Timer (less than an hour): Add 25 credits to +20 to disable device attempts made against the device. Adds
cost. Allows timer to be set for any time limit under a standard +15 to construction DC of explosive.
Advanced Timer (1 hour or more): Add 50 credits Housing Types
to cost. Allows timer to be set for any time limit up to eight
standard days. Timer can be remote activated. Grenade Housing
IR Sensor: Add 150 credits to cost. Allows a stationary Weapon Type: Explosive
explosive to detonate when a specific heat signature is in the kill Proficiency Group: Simple Cost: 200 (raw materials)
zone. Add +5 to construction DC. Damage: 4d6+1 Critical: 20
Pressure Sensor: Add 200 credits to cost. Allows a Range Increment: 4 m Weight: 0.5 kg
stationary explosive to detonate when a specific weight range Fort DC: -- Type: Slashing
steps on the pressure plate. Add +5 to construction DC. Multifire/Autofire: -- Size: Tiny
Motion Sensor: Add 100 credits to cost. Allows a Hardness: 2 WP: 2 Break DC: 10
stationary explosive to detonate when an infrared beam is Availability: Prevalent, military Era:
crossed. Add +5 to construction DC. Special: Targets within the blast radius may make reflex save
Repulsor Sensor: Add 300 credits to cost. Allows a (DC 15) for half damage.
stationary explosive to detonate when a repulsor engine is
detected in use in the kill zone. Add +5 to construction DC. The grenade is a thrown form of delivering an explosive to a
Wire Detonator: Add 10 credits to cost. Allows a general area. These devices are relatively aerodynamic and
stationary explosive to detonate when a wire is tripped. Add +5 can either be thrown or used in some grenade launchers for
to construction DC. additional range. Base construction DC for a grenade is DC 10.
Dead-Hutt Switch: Add 100 credits to cost. Allows a Blast radius for a grenade is 20m in all directions.
stationary explosive to detonate when a wire switch is released.
Add +5 to construction DC. Micro Charge Housing
Remote Detonator: Add 300 credits to cost. Allows Weapon Type: Explosive
a stationary explosive to detonate when remote detonator is Proficiency Group: Simple Cost: 150 (raw materials)
activated. Add +10 to construction DC. Damage: 1d4+2 Critical: --
Range Increment: -- Weight: 0.1 kg
Fort DC: -- Type: Energy
Multifire/Autofire: -- Size: Diminutive
Hardness: 2 WP: 1 Break DC: 15
Availability: Illegal Era:
against the opposed demolitions roll made by the person who determined by size (see table 1-3) and is modified by both
placed the mine. The person placing the mine gets a +2 synergy structure construction and additional options. Success on this
bonus if they have +5 ranks or more in disguise. If spotted, roll allows you to continue the process. A failure means you
a reflex check can be made to avoid the mine. DC 30 for no must roll once on the explosive engineering mishap table (see
damage, DC 18 for half damage. table 1-4).
Now that the bomb is constructed and the point it should
Mines are typically used as a defensive measure, and are laid be placed in has been determined, someone must actually go
underground awaiting someone to pass over them. Mines can and place the bomb. Setting the bomb requires the character to
be designed to be set off either by motion, infrared, a specific have access to both the bomb and the point it is to be placed
pressure (weight) range, or something as simple as tripping a in, and requires at least one minute to set up, and a Demolitions
line, or something as complex as detecting a repulsor engine. check (DC 15). A different character can place the bomb, but it
Mines then explode upward, destroying whatever set it off. Base increases the DC for placement by 5.
Prestige Classes
Table X-8: Structure Construction Table X-9: Determining Weak Point Mishaps
Table X-10: Weak Point & Bomb Construction DC Table X-11: Explosive Engineering Mishaps
If all of the rolls are successful, then when the bomb Game Rule Information
goes off, it completely destroys the structure or ship without Vitality: Doctors gain 1d4 vitality points per level. The
requiring a roll for damage at all. Anyone near an airlock (with character’s Constitution modifier applies.
space-walk capability or escape pod), door or window can make
a reflex save DC 35 to escape the explosion at the last moment. Class Skills
The doctor’s class skills, and the key ability for each skill, are as
follows (see Chapter Four of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game
Doctor Revised Core Rulebook for skill descriptions):
Doctors are those who have dedicated their lives to the
Appraise (Int), Computer Use (Int), Craft* (Int), Diplomacy,
pursuit of treating and healing other beings through the use
Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge* (Int), Listen (Wis),
of medicine. Characters in the role of a doctor could be found
Profession* (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Search (Int),
working in hospital emergency rooms, bacta facilities, cybernetic
Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (none), Spot (Wis), Treat
treatment centers, or even on board medical vessels during
Injury (Wis).
times of war. With various equipment and medicines a doctor is
*This skill actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills.
sometimes able to make miracles happen and is normally seen Each time this skill is learned, a specific category must also be chosen.
by the galactic community with the deepest respect. Doctors Examples include Craft (droids), Knowledge (Jedi Lore), and Profession
can specialize in many fields and often retain a wealth of (galactic history).
knowledge on the biology of a myriad of species throughout the Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Class Features
Requirements The following are class features of the doctor prestige class.
To qualify to become a doctor, a character must fulfill the
following criteria: Diagnosis
Skills: Knowledge (alien species) +4, Knowledge (biology) The doctor has a keen understanding of medicine. Starting at 1st
+6, Knowledge (medicine) +6, Treat Injury +8. level, he gets to add his doctor level to any Listen, Knowledge,
Feats: Cybernetic Surgery, Surgery. Search or Spot check whenever he examines a patient or
searches through databases and other sources when seeking
medical information.
Medical Specialty
At 2nd level, and again at 4th, 6th, and 8th level, the doctor
is able to specialize in a certain field of medicine. It can be a
different specialization each time, or the doctor can choose the
same specialty as many as four times over the course of the four
selections. These specialties are cumulative to any specialties
chosen from the Tech Specialist class.
Bacta Specialist: Improves the number of wound or vitality
points you can restore per day using the Treat Injury skill and a
bacta tank by +1. Additional selections of this medical specialty
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can improve the number of wounds or vitality points restored to
+2, +3 and +4.
Cybernetic Specialist: Grants a +1 bonus to any Treat
Injury checks to install cybernetic prosthetics on a living being.
Additional selections of this medical specialty can improve the
bonus to +2, +3 and +4.
Medical Technician: Grants a +1 bonus to any Computer Use,
Listen or Spot check when examining a patient using medical
equipment. Additional selections of this medical specialty can
improve the bonus to +2, +3 and +4. polis massan medical droid
Pathological Specialist: Grants a +1 bonus to any Treat
Injury checks when attempting to cure a disease or neutralize Medical Practice
toxins. Additional selections of this medical specialty can Doctors often set up their own practice or their services are
improve the bonus to +2, +3, and +4. retained by various medical facilities. As the Doctor’s skill
Pharmaceutical Specialist: Grants a +1 bonus to Craft increases, he gains notoriety and is thus able to charge more
(pharmaceuticals) and Knowledge (medicine). Additional for his services. Beginning at 4th level, the doctor is able to use
selections of this medical specialty can improve the bonus to +2, the reputation score as a multiplier for the money he gains with
+3 and +4. the Profession (doctor) skill. The player makes their Profession
Psychiatric Specialist: Grants a +1 bonus to Sense Motive (doctor) skill check, resolves the total, and then multiplies that
when determining a patient’s mental state and +1 to Treat amount by the doctor’s reputation.
Injury when attempting to rehabilitate a patient who has
endured psychiatric trauma. Additional selections of this medical Bonus Feat
specialty can improve the bonus to +2, +3 and +4. At level 5 and again at level 8, the doctor gains a bonus
Surgical Specialist: Improves the number of wound points feat from the following list (the character must meet the
you can restore using the Treat Injury skill and the Surgery prerequisites of the feat in order to select it):
Alertness, Cosmopolitan, Fame, Infamy, Influence, Iron Will,
16 feat by +1. Additional selections of this medical specialty can
Psychiatry, Sharp-eyed, Skeptical, Skill Emphasis*, Trustworthy.
improve the number of wounds restored to +2, +3 and +4.
A character can select feats marked with an asterisk (*) more
Expert Physician than once, but it must be for a different skill each time.
Beginning at 3rd level the doctor becomes intimately familiar
with the physiology of various beings and of ways to treat them. Medical Mastery
The doctor receives a +1 bonus to Knowledge (alien species) and At the 5th level the gains the Medical Mastery ability. When
Knowledge (medicine). This bonus increases to +2 at 7th level, making a skill check with Treat Injury, the doctor may take 10
and +3 at 10th level.
Prestige Classes
even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from Expert Healer
doing so. At 2nd level and higher, the field medic’s ability to restore
wound points with a medpac or medical kit and a successful
Medical Pioneer use of the Treat Injury skill improves. In addition to the normal
As the doctor gains experience in his field of medicine, he is able wound point recovery rate (1d2 for a medpac), the field medic
to create and learn new methods and techniques for performing restores 1 wound point for every two levels he or she has in field
his work. At 9th level, the doctor is recognized amongst his medic prestige class.
colleges as a pioneer in his field of medicine, and adds his
reputation score to any Diplomacy skill check when dealing with Bonus Feat
other doctors or officials associated with the medical industry. At 3rd and again at 9th level, the field medic gains a bonus feat.
The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the
field medic must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select
Field Medic it:
The field medic is a being who belongs to a military organization Alertness, Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency
and has been trained in medical practice on the battle field. (medium), Cautious, Defensive Martial Arts, Dodge, Improved
They can often be found on the front lines administering Initiative, Medical Expert, Starship Dodge*, Starship Operation*,
medical treatment to wounded soldiers, or emergency medical Weapon Group Proficiency*.
facilities performing triage at the military’s base of operations. A character can select feats marked with an asterisk (*)
Field medics are accustomed to putting their own safety in more than once, but it must be for a different aspect of starship
jeopardy to save allies in need, and are able to perform even the dodge, starship operation, or a different weapon each time.
most involved medical procedures in the heat of battle. Field
medics are looked upon with admiration and respect by their Medical Mastery
comrades for their bravery and dedication in the line of duty. When making a Treat Injury skill check, a field medic of 4th level
or higher may take 10 even if stress and distractions would
Requirements normally prevent him or her from doing so.
To qualify to become a field medic, a character must fulfill the
following criteria: Rescue Maneuvers
Base Attack Bonus: +2. At 6th level, a field medic is able to perform acts of great skill
Skills: Spot +6, Treat Injury +6. when it comes to rescuing a downed soldier on the battlefield.
Feats: Surgery. When attempting to carry a fallen ally back to safety, the field
Special: Must belong to an organization with a military medic receives a +5 Strength bonus for the purpose of carrying
or paramilitary division. Examples include Trade Federation, the capacity, and can move at a maximum speed as if they were
Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Galactic Republic, the carrying one load capacity lighter than what they are carrying.
Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance, or the New Republic.
Game Rule Information At 7th level or higher, a field medic can save a character reduced
Vitality: Field medics gain 1d6 vitality points per level. The to –10 hit points or lower. If the field medic is able to administer
character’s Constitution modifier applies. aid within 3 rounds of the character’s death with a medical kit,
he or she can make a Treat Injury check. The DC for this check
Class Skills is 30, and the field medic can’t take 10 or take 20. If the check
The field medic’s class skills, and the key ability for each skill, are succeeds, the dead character can make a Fortitude save (DC 15)
as follows (see Chapter Four of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game to stabilize and be restored to 0 hit points. If the field medic fails
Revised Core Rulebook for skill descriptions):
Computer Use (Int), Craft* (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),
Knowledge* (Int), Listen (Wis), Pilot (Dex), Profession* (Wis),
Read/Write Language (none), Speak Language (none), Spot (Wis),
Treat Injury (Wis).
*This skill actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills.
Each time this skill is learned, a specific category must also be chosen.
Examples include Craft (droids), Knowledge (Jedi Lore), and Profession
(galactic history).
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Features
The following are class features of the field medic prestige class.
©lucasfilm LTD.
Medical Specialist
The field medic receives a competence bonus on Treat Injury
checks. At 1st level, the bonus is +1. It increases to +2 at 5th
level and to +3 at 8th level.
the skill check or the patient fails the save, the dead character Intelligence agents are tasked with infiltrating and spying on
can’t be saved. enemy organizations, typically for the purpose of information
gathering. However, they also frequently engage in other
Revive missions such as supplying the enemy with false information as
At 10th level, a field medic can revive a character reduced to a double agent, data-theft, or sabotaging critical systems just
–10 hit points or lower. If the field medic is able to administer prior to attacks. On occasion they are also called upon to kidnap,
aid within 3 minutes of the character’s death with a medical kit, assassinate, or extract targets from deep behind enemy lines,
he or she can make a Treat Injury check. The DC for this check where only they can get.
is 40, and the field medic can’t take 10 or take 20. If the check The intelligence agent is much more than just an undercover
succeeds, the dead character can make a Fortitude save (DC 20) spy, however. They are expected to be able to interpret and
to stabilize and be restored to 1d4 wound points. If the field analyze the information they have gathered. Without the
medic fails the skill check or the patient fails the Fortitude save, proper context, an agent would never know which pieces of
the dead character can’t be restored. information would be vital or useless to the war effort. Such
agents are vital to any government or military force, and were
employed heavily by the Old Republic and Separatists.
Intelligence Agent
Militaries the galaxy over have all realized the importance
on having better information than your enemy does prior to
To qualify to become an intelligence agent, a character must
a battle, and most, if not all, have cultivated an intelligence
fulfill the following criteria:
agency to actively seek out information and details on the
Skills: Bluff 5 ranks, Computer Use 5 ranks, Gather
enemy. Knowledge is power, as they say, and no one personifies
Information 5 ranks.
this more than the intelligence agent.
Feats: Low Profile.
Game Rule Information
Vitality: intelligence agents gain 1d4 vitality points per
level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.
Class Skills
The intelligence agent’s class skills, and key ability for each skill,
are as follows (see Chapter Four of the Star Wars Roleplaying
Game Revised Core Rulebook for skill descriptions):
Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Diplomacy
(Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex),
Prestige Classes
Prestige Classes
Class features allies, DC 15. The cost, trade or favor value of the information is
The following are class features of the intelligence agent determined by the GM.
prestige class.
Intelligence Briefing
Jedi Watchman
For almost as long as the Jedi Order has existed so too have the
At 1st level, the intelligence agent can brief allies on enemy
Jedi watchmen. Hundreds of thousands of worlds were members
forces before a battle. Assembling an intelligence briefing
of the Galactic Republic and even more were allies of the
requires a Gather Information or Computer Use check DC 15
Republic. In order to maintain contact and stability with all of
to research an enemy that the allies are preparing to assault
these worlds, a Jedi watchman was assigned to help keep peace
or defend against. Once assembled, the briefing can be given
and order over a planetary star system or even entire sectors
to allies. The DC to successfully give a briefing is 10, and +1 is
of space. Jedi Watchman acted in an advisory capacity to the
added to the DC for every ally present. A successful briefing
heads of local governments and also functioned as mediators
allows the intelligence agent to bestow a bonus to either attack
and negotiators to help settle disputes between local groups and
or defense equal to 1/2 his intelligence agent levels, rounded up.
organizations. Finally as a last resort the Jedi watchmen were
charged with assisting in bringing any confrontations to a just
Bonus Feat
and swift closing.
At level 2 and again at level 4, the intelligence agent gains a
bonus feat from the following list (the character must meet the
prerequisites of the feat in order to select it): Requirements
Alertness, Cautious, Contact, Cosmopolitan, Dodge, Exotic To qualify to become a Jedi watchman, a character must fulfill
Weapon Proficiency*, Impersonator, Mimic, Perfect Memory, the following criteria:
Persuasive, Self-Sufficient, Shadow, Skeptical, Skill Emphasis*, Jedi Level: 7th.
Sharp-Eyed, Stealthy, Track, Trick, Trustworthy, Weapon Group Skills: Diplomacy 6 ranks, Gather Information 6 ranks,
Proficiency*, Worldwise. Knowledge (politics) 6 ranks, Knowledge (world lore*) 6 ranks,
A character can select feats marked with an asterisk (*) See Force 4 ranks, Sense Motive 2 ranks.
more than once, but it must be for a different skill or a different Feats: Alter, Control, Force-sensitive, Sense.
weapon each time. Special: Jedi watchman is a force-user prestige class
available only to characters with Jedi levels.
Deep Cover
At 3rd level, the intelligence agent is adept at going deep Game Rule Information
undercover into enemy territory to gather intelligence and Vitality: Jedi watchman gain 1d8 vitality points per level.
spy on enemy forces. You gain the False Identity faction feat The character’s Constitution modifier applies.
(though you do not need to retain any specific faction points, as
well as a +2 bonus to all Disguise and Bluff checks). Class Skills
The Jedi watchman’s class skills, and key ability for each skill, are
Spy Network as follows (see Chapter Four of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game
At 5th level, the intelligence agent has become intimately Revised Core Rulebook for skill descriptions):
familiar with underground networks of infochants and other Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Craft (Int)*, Diplomacy (Cha),
intelligence organizations. Instead of making more generalized Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int)*,
gather information checks, the intelligence agent can make an Profession (Wis)*, Read/Write Language (none), Sense Motive
informed choice about who would possess the information he (Wis), Speak Language (none), and Spot (Wis). All Force skills for
seeks. An Intelligence check at DC 5 for a planet the agent has which the Jedi watchman meets the prerequisites are considered
been on for a year or more, DC 10 for a planet the intelligence class skills.
agent has been on for 3-12 months, DC 15 for a planet the *This skill actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills.
intelligence agent has been on for 1 week to 3 months, DC 20 Each time this skill is learned, a specific category must also be chosen.
Examples include Craft (droids), Knowledge (Jedi Lore), and Profession
for a planet the intelligence agent has researched or has lore
(galactic history).
ranks in, and DC 25 for a planet the intelligence agent has never
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
heard of or previously visited. A successful check reveals the
person to speak to, usually a notable Infochant, crime lord, or
crooked member of the government or military. This person will
Class Features
The following are class features of the Jedi watchman prestige
sell or trade for the information the intelligence agent wants if
a successful Diplomacy check is made by the agent or one of his
Prestige Classes
will create a Force-bond with the local Akk dogs, the Lor Pelek
can bond with his Akk Guard. This bond is just as strong, if
not stronger, than the Jedi Master-Padawan bond. With their
impressive spiked shields and Akk Dogs, the Lor Pelek and his
Korunnai adepts are a force to be reckoned with. The only
question is if it is good or evil that they will stand against.
To qualify to become a Korunnai adept, a character must fulfill
the following criteria:
Base Attack Bonus: +4.
Skills: Battlemind 3 ranks, Handle Animal 3 ranks, See
Force 5 ranks, Survival 8 ranks.
Feats: Alter, Control, Force-sensitive, Sense.
©lucasfilm LTD.
Class Skills
The Korunnai adept’s class skills, and key ability for each skill, are
as follows (see Chapter Four of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game
Revised Core Rulebook for skill descriptions):
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft* (Int), Escape
Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide
(Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge* (Int), Listen (Wis),
Move Silently (Dex), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Tumble (Dex).
*This skill actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills.
Each time this skill is learned, a specific category must also be chosen.
Examples include Craft (droids), Knowledge (Jedi Lore), and Profession
(galactic history).
ki-adi mundi - watchman of cerea
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
making the original attack determines the damage dealt by a
redirected attack). Class Features
The following are class features of the Korunnai adept prestige
Sphere of Influence class.
At 5th level, the Jedi watchman’s reputation score is doubled
when making reputation checks while within the area of the Starting Feat
galaxy he is assigned to provide council. At level 1, Korunnai adepts receive the following feat:
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Korunnai shield)
Shysha and later Boba Fett well into the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.
To qualify to become a Mandalorian warrior, a character must
fulfill the following criteria:
Base Attack Bonus: +6.
Skills: Computer Use 5 ranks, Demolitions 2 ranks, Disable
Device 2 ranks, Knowledge (Mandalorian culture) 5 ranks, Treat
Injury 2 ranks.
Feats: Armor Proficiency (medium), Weapon Proficiency
(blaster rifles).
The Mandalorian warriors have undergone several incarnations At 1st level, Mandalorian warriors gain the following feats:
over the millennia, and the Clone Wars were no different. From Armor Proficiency (heavy)
Prestige Classes
Armor Familiarity
At 1st level, the Mandalorian warrior gains the Armor Familiarity
feat for his Mandalorian armor.
Bonus Feat
At 2nd and 4th level, the Mandalorian Warrior gains a bonus feat
from the following list, provided they meet the requirements:
Ambidexterity, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
Mobility, Martial Arts, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot,
Rapid Shot, Multishot, Shot on the Run, Track, Weapon Focus*,
Weapon Group Proficiency*, Zero-G Combat.
A character can select feats marked with an asterisk (*)
more than once, but it must be for a different skill or a different
weapon each time.
Mandalorian Reputation
Mandalorians have an extremely fierce reputation throughout
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the galaxy, which they often use to help achieve their ends.
At 2nd level the Mandalorian get a +4 bonus to all Gather
Information and intimidate checks.
Mandalorian Armor
At 4th level, the Mandalorian warrior becomes accustomed to
modifying armor. They are able to modify armor well beyond
the norm by adding additional equipment or weapons to your
Mandalorian armor that do not count toward your armor
modification limits.
Mandalorian Rage
In the heat of battle, a Mandalorian gains +2 to all attack
rolls, but takes a -2 penalty to defense. While raging, the
Mandalorian warrior can’t use any skills, feats or abilities that
require concentration. Rage lasts a number of rounds equal to
5 + Constitution mod. When the Rage ends, the Mandalorian is
the mandalorian warrior montross considered fatigued (-2 to Str and Dex and cant run or charge)
for a number of rounds equal to the rage.
Armor Proficiency (powered)
Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols) Military Advisor
Weapon Group Proficiency (heavy weapons) Military leaders rarely make decisions at the spur of the
Weapon Group Proficiency (vibro weapons) moment. They are trained to absorb all prudent intelligence and
Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons) to consider several points of view prior to selecting what they
Weapon Group Proficiency (slugthrowers) feel is the best course of action. The military advisor serves to
provide that alternate point of view, as well as act as protégé,
bodyguard, and personal assistant. Military advisors are also
often assigned to politicians, to keep them informed of the
Prestige Classes
Table X-20: Morgukai Warrior
Base Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation
Level Attack Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
1st +1 +1 +1 +1 Bonus feat, increase staff +1 +0
damage +1d8
2nd +2 +2 +1 +2 Morgukai battle prowess +2 +0
3rd +3 +3 +2 +2 Bonus feat, increase staff +2 +1
damage +1d8
4th +4 +4 +3 +3 Armor familiarity, Morgukai will +3 +1
5th +5 +4 +3 +4 Bonus feat, increase staff +3 +2
damage +1d8
time initiative is rolled, the Morgukai warrior can add half their
levels of Morgukai Warrior (round up) to defense or attack rolls
in any combination they wish. Any effect which causes a loss
of Dex to defense also causes a loss of the Morgukai Battle
Prowess Bonus.
Morgukai Will
The Morgukai train in specific mental disciplines that give them
great resistance to Jedi mental powers. At 2nd level, when
making a will save against any Force power, the Morgukai gains
+5 to his save.
morgukai warrior
Armor Familiarity Alertness, Influence, Low Profile, Mimic, Persuasive, Sharp-
At 4th level the Morgukai warrior gains the Armor Familiarity Eyed, Stealthy, Trick, Trustworthy.
feat for their Morgukai armor.
Political Patron
At 1st level, the political advisor is hired by or assigned to a
Political Advisor politician. This politician can be a fellow character or NPC. The
Politicians play a complex game where subtle manipulations
patron can be a governor, senator, chancellor, corporate CEO,
can yield tremendous results. Because of the complex nature
Emperor, Chief of State, military ambassador, high ranking
of politics, politicians often have several aides that act as an
officer or other diplomatic representative officially recognized
additional pair of eyes and sounding board to the politician.
by a government or corporation. As the patron’s representative,
Someone to help write speeches and discuss policy with, as well
once per day, the political advisor can add their patron’s
as act as a personal assistant. Political advisors also do some
reputation bonus to any Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense
of the more shady things that the politician herself can not risk
Motive check so long as they mention their patron.
being seen doing. Most politicians would be wholly unable to
function without their advisors.
Political Savvy
At 2nd level, the political advisor can advise his patron on
Requirements political meetings, giving him detailed background information
To qualify to become a political advisor, a character must fulfill
on the other politicians and advisors focal to the meeting. The
the following criteria:
advisor can pick one individual. The political patron gains a +2
Skills: Knowledge (bureaucracy) 4 ranks, Knowledge
advisor bonus to all bluff, diplomacy, or sense motive checks
(politics) 6 ranks, Sense Motive 3 ranks.
against any of those five individuals for the duration of the
Special: Must belong to some governmental organization
meeting. At 4th level this bonus increases to +4, and can be
and be assigned to a leader in the organization to advise.
used on two individuals.
from the following list. The political advisor must meet the
is able to hold elections (See election rules table). Assuming the
requirements for the feat in order to select it:
character wins his run for office, he is then able to trade in up
Prestige Classes
Election Rules
[Bluff +10] [Diplomacy +14]
Declaration to Run
In this initial phase the candidate announces their intention to run for political office. The announcement is usually made public
via a popular holonet news program. In this phase, the character’s Political Campaign Bonus is established and the first of a series
of checks are made. Each political candidate rolls a d20 and adds their Political Campaign Bonus to the total. The results are tallied,
recorded (these carry over into subsequent phases) and used as rankings in the initial political poll.
Political Campaign Bonus: Intelligence Modifier + Wisdom Modifier + Charisma Modifier + Reputation Score + Special
Modifiers* + Favor Ability Modifier / 3 (rounded)
*Special Modifiers
+1 for every level in the Noble class.
+1 for every level in the Political Aide or Senator Prestige classes.
+1 for every 5 ranks in the Diplomacy, Entertain (oration), or Knowledge (politics) skills.
+3 if the character is considered a political or war hero.
-3 if the character possesses the Infamy feat.
-5 if the character has previously been convicted of a crime.
-10 if the character has previously been convicted of war crimes.
Campaign Fundraising
The next stage of the campaign process is the amassing of funds from contributors in order to run the candidates’ campaigns. To
determine how much money the candidate will accumulate for their campaign, consult the table below.
Note that in addition to the Political Campaign Bonus, candidates can also add the result of any special ability used to gather funds
or goods to their fundraising total (such as the Resource Access ability). These monies are resolved as separate rolls and the result
is added to the final fundraising result amount. Additionally, the candidate may also devote personal funds to their own campaign
fund in an amount no higher than the base monetary modifier for the level of office which they are running (10,000 for mayor,
100,000 for regional representative, 1,000,000 for planetary representative, etc.) assuming they have the credits to do so. The
campaign fund is used for all expenses related to running for office. If at any time the campaign funds are depleted, the character
must withdraw from the election. The fundraising totals are tallied and recorded. The candidate possessing the largest political
campaign fund then adds 5 to their political poll number.
Political Debates
The third phase of the election process entails two or more candidates in a forum discussion where they establish their differences
in their ideas for governance. Any candidates involved in the debates roll d20 and add their Political Campaign Bonus, Charisma
modifier, and a bonus equal to the number of ranks the candidate possesses in any two of the following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy,
Entertain (oration), Gather Information, Knowledge (bureaucracy), Knowledge (politics), or Sense Motive. Alternatively, if the
candidate does not possess ranks in at least two of the above mentioned skills they may substitute one or both with their
Intelligence modifier, Wisdom Modifier or Reputation score (-3 if character possesses the Infamy feat). The results are added onto
the running political poll numbers for each candidate.
This phase of the election process focuses on marketing and making appearances to the candidates’ potential constituents.
Typically, this involves heavy travel and speech-giving. All candidates running for office roll d20, add their Political Campaign
Bonus, a bonus equal to their ranks in the Diplomacy skill, and bonuses equal to their ranks in any two of the following skills: Bluff,
Entertain (oration), Intimidate, Knowledge (politics), Knowledge (world lore) (only if the specified planet is relevant to the campaign
appearance. Instead, the candidate may add +1 for each Knowledge (world lore) skill they possess ranks in). If the candidate does
Election Rules (continued)
[Bluff +10] [Diplomacy +14]
not possess ranks in at least two of the above skills, they may substitute the bonus with their Charisma modifier and Reputation
score (-3 if the character possesses the infamy feat).
Election Day
The final step in the election process is election day. All candidates running for office roll d20 and their Political Campaign
Bonus and add it to their political poll total. The candidate with the highest political poll total is declared the winner.
to three levels of political advisor for levels of Senator, assuming allowing the squad to engage in missions ranging from
he meets the necessary requirements for the Senator prestige sabotaging systems, data-raids, electronic eavesdropping
class. Note that this is a one-time opportunity, and once taken, and more. Spec-2’s are small-arms experts and given further
is irreversible. If the bid for election fails, the character can try weapons training than his squad-mates. They are often the best
again on the next election/appointment cycle. marksmen on the team and frequently act as snipers. Finally,
Spec-3’s are demolitions experts, able to destroy anything from
hatches to buildings given the right amount of explosive.
Republic Commando The Republic Commando program was considered a
Created in response to a gap perceived by Jango Fett in the
smashing success, and while the Jedi and Grand Army of the
Clone Army between troops and ARC troopers, the Republic
Republic were unsure of how to best utilize their unique skill
commandos were trained predominantly by Mandalorians who
sets in the first month of the war, the commandos soon found
survived the war between the Mandalorian Super commandos
themselves on missions they were better suited. Republic
and the Mandalorian Death Watch commandos. The clones
commandos were frequently sent in ahead of standard forces to
trained with their Mandalorian training sergeants for a decade,
28 prepare the battlefield and soften the enemy. They acted as able
inheriting much of the Mandalorian culture that their sergeants
spotters for turbolaser orbital bombardments and undertook
felt was their birthright.
long-odds missions. Many of the training sergeants were even
The training for Republic commandos is specialized, and
activated to Republic service, and given the chance to serve with
each commando provides a unique skill to his squad, though
the men they trained.
all four commandos are exceptional combatants. Spec-0 is
the Squad Leader, who is trained in liaison with the chain of
command as well as advanced tactics. Spec-1’s are technical
To qualify to become a Republic commando, a character must
experts trained exclusively in slicing all manners of devices
fulfill the following criteria:
Prestige Classes
Base Attack Bonus: +7.
Skills: Listen 5 ranks, Survival 8 ranks, Spot 5 ranks.
Feats: Endurance.
Special: Must belong to the Republic military intelligence
Class Skills
The Republic commando’s class skills, and key ability for
each skill, are as follows (see Chapter Four of the Star Wars
Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook for skill descriptions):
Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Computer Use (Int), Craft* (Int),
Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump
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(Str), Knowledge* (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Read/
Write Language, Search (Int), Speak Language, Spot (Wis),
Survival (Wis), Treat Injury (Wis).
*This skill actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills.
Each time this skill is learned, a specific category must also be chosen.
Examples include Craft (droids), Knowledge (Jedi Lore), and Profession
(galactic history).
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Class Features
The following are features of the Republic commando prestige
republic commandos of omega squad
Starting Feats
The Republic commando gains the following feats: Spec-1 (technical expert): The tech expert commando gains
Armor Proficiency (powered) Disable Device (Int) and Repair (Int) as class skills. At 2nd, 4th,
Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols) 6th, 8th and 9th level, the Republic commando technical expert
Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster rifles) gains a bonus feat. This feat must be selected from the following
Weapon Group Proficiency (heavy weapons) list, and the Republic commando must meet any prerequisites:
Weapon Group Proficiency (vibro weapons) Alertness, Athletic, Cautious, Combat Expertise, Combat
Martial Arts Reflexes, Combat Veteran, Dodge, Gearhead, Great Fortitude,
Improved Critical*, Improved Initiative, Kit-Bashing, Martial Arts,
Specialization Defensive Martial Arts, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot,
At 1st level the Republic commando gains a specialty. This Rapid Shot, Run, Skill Emphasis*, Sharp-Eyed, Stamina, Technical
specialty remains with the commando through his entire Wizard, Toughness**.
training, and determines what pool they can draw bonus feats A character can select feats marked with an asterisk (*)
from among other unique abilities available to that specialty. more than once, but it must be for a different skill or a different
Spec-0 (squad leader): The squad leader gains Sense Motive weapon each time.
(Wis) as a class skill, and adds a +1 bonus per level of Republic A character can select feats marked with a double asterisk
commando to the total cooperation bonus when ordering his (**) more than once.
squad-mates to work together. At 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th Spec-2 (small arms expert): The small arms expert
level, the Republic commando squad leader gains a bonus feat. commando gains two weapon proficiency or exotic weapon
This feat must be selected from the following list, and the proficiencies of his choice. At 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th level,
Republic commando must meet any prerequisites: the Republic commando small arms specialist gains a bonus
Alertness, Athletic, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, feat. This feat must be selected from the following list, and the
Dodge, Dual Strike, Mobility, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical*, Republic commando must meet any prerequisites:
Improved Initiative, Martial Arts, Defensive Martial Arts, Alertness, Athletic, Blasterslinger, Combat Expertise, Combat
Improved Martial Arts, Advanced Martial Arts, Point Blank Shot, Reflexes, Dodge, Dual Strike, Exotic Weapon Proficiency*,
Far Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Multishot, Shot on the Run, Mobility, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical*, Improved Initiative,
Run, Skill Emphasis*, Sharp-Eyed, Stamina, Stealthy, Toughness**, Martial Arts, Defensive Martial Arts, Point Blank Shot, Far
Track. Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot, Multishot, Shot on
A character can select feats marked with an asterisk (*) the Run, Run, Skill Emphasis*, Sharp-Eyed, Stamina, Stealthy,
more than once, but it must be for a different skill or a different Toughness**, Track, Weapon Proficiency*.
weapon each time. A character can select feats marked with an asterisk (*)
A character can select feats marked with a double asterisk more than once, but it must be for a different skill or a different
(**) more than once. weapon each time.
A character can select feats marked with a double asterisk Skills: 20 Ranks in at least 3 of the following Knowledge
(**) more than once. skills (alien species, archaeology, biology, chemistry, engineering,
Spec-3 (explosives expert): The explosives expert commando genetics, physics, technology), Computer Use 6 ranks.
gains Demolitions (Int) as a class skill. At 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and
9th level, the Republic commando explosives specialist gains a Game Rule Information
bonus feat. This feat must be selected from the following list, Vitality: Scientists gain 1d6 vitality points per level. The
and the Republic commando must meet any prerequisites: character’s Constitution modifier applies.
Alertness, Athletic, Cautious, Combat Expertise, Combat
Reflexes, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical*, Improved Class Skills
Initiative, Kit-Bashing, Martial Arts, Defensive Martial Arts, The scientist’s class skills, and key ability for each skill, are as
Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Run, Skill follows (see Chapter Four of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game
Emphasis*, Sharp-Eyed, Stamina, Stealthy, Toughness**. Revised Core Rulebook for skill descriptions):
A character can select feats marked with an asterisk (*) Appraise (Int), Astrogate (Int), Computer Use (Int), Craft
more than once, but it must be for a different skill or a different (Int), Demolitions (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge
weapon each time. (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (None),
A character can select feats marked with a double asterisk Search (Int), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis).
(**) more than once. *This skill actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills.
Each time this skill is learned, a specific category must also be chosen.
Armor Familiarity Examples include Craft (droids), Knowledge (Jedi Lore), and Profession
At 3rd level, the Republic commando is so used to living in his (galactic history).
armor; it no longer hinders him as it once did. The Republic Skill Points at Each Level: 8 + Int modifier.
commando gains Armor Familiarity as a bonus feat. This feat
applies to Republic Commando Armor only. Class Features
The following are class features of the scientist prestige class.
Weapon Focus
At 5th level, the Republic commando gains the Weapon Focus Bonus Feat
feat for the BlasTech Corporation DC-17m Rifle as a bonus feat. At 1st and 4th level the scientist gains a bonus feat from the
If the trooper has already selected the Weapon Focus feat for following list. The scientist must first meet the requirements for
this weapon, they gain the Weapon Specialization feat instead. the feat in order to select it:
Alertness, Fame, Infamy, Inventor, Perfect Memory, Skill
Improved Flank Emphasis (Knowledge (any)), Technical Wizard.
At 7th level, the Republic commando is so used to working
with his squad, that they are able to flank opponents more Area of Expertise
effectively. You gain an additional +1 flanking bonus that can At 1st, 3rd and 5th level, the scientist gains one Area of
stack with the standard flanking bonus and/or the Dual Strike Expertise. Each time, the scientist selects an area of expertise
feat. from among those described below. It can be a different area
each time, or the scientist can choose the same specialty both
Advanced Feint times. To select an Area of Expertise, you must have at least 5
30 At 10th level, the Republic commando is able to coordinate with ranks in the base skills for that area.
his squad to create more convincing and effective feints. You Archaeologist (Knowledge (archeology), Knowledge (history),
gain an additional +1 feinting bonus that can stack with the Knowledge (specific culture)): The archaeologist can choose an
standard feinting bonus and/or the Improved Feint feat. extinct or ancient culture. The archaeologist is considered an
expert on this culture, and gains +5 to all Knowledge checks
associated with that culture specifically, and can provide a
Scientist +5 synergy bonus to themselves or to allies within visual and
The Clone Wars were one of technology. Both sides constantly audio range (including via vidscreen) when operating devices
upgraded their armaments and defenses to keep pace with or machinery of that culture or identifying the remains of
the breakneck speed with which technology grew during this structures or objects. If selected again, this bonus increases to
tumultuous period of history. The Separatists had legions of +10. Note that the archaeologist can change his specialization
engineers and scientific researchers designing biological and in a particular culture after five months of study on the new
Prestige Classes
Prestige Classes
such as a weaponized virus or bacteria. Use the following Table X-26: Biological Adaptability
tables to establish the DC of the biological weapon based on
its properties. With a lab and 2d4 months, a biologist can Mutation Craft DC Modifier
create a sample of a virus. In another 1d4 weeks after creating Never mutates +10
the biological weapon, they can create a cure or a vaccine. An Mutates rarely (new cure/vaccine +5
antidote requires a separate skill check at a DC ten below the DC every 5 years)
required to craft the toxin while a vaccine requires a separatist Mutates often (new cure/vaccine +0
every year)
Mutates rapidly (new cure/vaccine +5
Table X-23: Biological Weapon Delivery Methods
every week)
Prestige Classes
Table X-30: Scientist
Base Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation
Level Attack Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
1st +0 +0 +0 +1 Bonus feat, area of expertise +1 +1
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Research scientist +2 +2
3rd +2 +1 +1 +2 Area of expertise +2 +2
4th +2 +2 +2 +2 Bonus feat, scientific aide +3 +3
5th +3 +2 +2 +3 Area of expertise, scientific +3 +4
possess the specific knowledge skill, then this SQ provides a +2 Game Rule Information
bonus to all checks made for that skill. Vitality: Senators gain 1d4 vitality points per level. The
character’s Constitution modifier applies.
Scientific Aide
At 4th level, the scientist’s work and research papers are widely Class Skills
known enough that he attracts a scientific aide. The aide’s total The senator’s class skills, and key ability for each skill, are as
levels cannot exceed the scientist’s reputation score, and must follows (see Chapter Four of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game
have at least half his levels in tech specialist (round up). The Revised Core Rulebook for skill descriptions):
scientific aide is able to perform grunt work and confirm tests. Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise
(Cha), Entertain (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),
Scientific Breakthrough Knowledge (Int), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (None),
Upon attaining 5th level, a scientist receives credit for a Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None).
scientific breakthrough in her Area of Expertise that earns her *This skill actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills.
the recognition of her peers. When dealing with others with Each time this skill is learned, a specific category must also be chosen.
at least 1 rank in the base Knowledge skill for that Area of Examples include Craft (droids), Knowledge (Jedi Lore), and Profession
Expertise, the scientist gains a +2 bonus on Reputation checks. (galactic history).
Also, the breakthrough provides the scientist with a degree of Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
wealth due to a patent on their breakthrough. This provides
1D20 x 1,000 credits at the start of each adventure. Class Features
The following are class features of the senator prestige class.
©lucasfilm LTD.
been known to go after other species as well.
Despite the Republic’s enlightened view on slavery, there are
many places in the galaxy outside Republic space that employ
slave labor regularly, such as Hutt Space and the lawless Outer
Rim territories. The Confederacy was not above using slave
labor, and neither was the Galactic Empire that came after the
Old Republic. It is a sad truth to know that a talented slaver will
always be able to find work in the galaxy.
senator padmé amidala of naboo
To qualify to become a Slaver, a character must fulfill the
Diplomacy, or Gather Information checks when the target knows following criteria:
the character is a Senatorial Aide. Skills: Intimidate 6 ranks, Knowledge (alien species) 6
ranks, Profession (slaver) 6 ranks, Survival 6 ranks.
File an Appeal Feats: Track.
At 4th level, the senator may once a day file an appeal against
a law or governmental decision or “injustice” perpetrated by Game Rule Information
an established government in the known galaxy. This ability Vitality: Slavers gain 1d8 vitality points per level. The
allows the senator to communicate with the leader or political character’s Constitution modifier applies.
body that made the law or decision, or committed the injustice
in an effort to overturn or delay the ruling. When the senator Class Skills
is speaking to the leader or political body, they must make a The slaver’s class skills, and key ability for each skill, are as
Diplomacy check DC 10 plus the modifiers listed in the table follows (see Chapter Four of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game
entitled Senatorial Appeals. Note the senator’s favor bonus (if Revised Core Rulebook for skill descriptions):
any) can be added to their Diplomacy check. Gamble (Wis), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),
Knowledge* (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Pilot (Dex),
Table X-31: Senatorial Appeals
Profession* (Int), Read/Write Language (none), Repair (Int),
Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (none), Spot
(Wis), Survival (Wis).
Circumstance DC Modifier
*This skill actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills.
Pardon from a class 5 infraction +5 Each time this skill is learned, a specific category must also be chosen.
34 Pardon from a class 4 infraction +10 Examples include Craft (droids), Knowledge (Jedi Lore), and Profession
Pardon from a class 3 infraction +15 (galactic history).
Pardon from a class 2 infraction +20 Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Pardon from a class 1 infraction +25
Release from a class 5 infraction +5 Class Features
Release from a class 4 infraction +7 The following are class features of the slaver prestige class.
Release from a class 3 infraction +10
Release from a class 2 infraction +15 Slave Target Bonus
Release from a class 1 infraction +20 Slavers usually target a specific species. A slaver gets a +1 target
Overturn passing of a class 5 infraction +10 bonus against members of that species, as well as the same
Overturn passing of a class 4 infraction +15 bonus to listen, search, sense motive, and spot checks against
Prestige Classes
Overturn passing of a class 3 infraction +20 that species. The species the target bonus applies to can only be
Overturn passing of a class 2 infraction +25 changed upon two weeks of intense study. This bonus increases
Overturn passing of a class 1 infraction +30 to +2 at level 3, and +3 and level 5.
Defendant comitted crime to leader of government +5
Have local level politician removed from office +10 Bonus Feat
Have global level politician removed from office +15 The slaver receives a bonus feat at 2nd and 4th level from the
Have regional level politician removed from office +25 following list. The slaver must meet the requirements in order to
Have galactic level politician removed from office +35 choose the feat:
Have member of the galactic empire removed +10 Alertness, Improved Critical*, Improved Initiative, Infamy,
Attempting skill via holonet +5
Martial Arts, Improved Martial Arts, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot,
Precise Shot, Skill Emphasis (Survival), Sharp-Eyed, Shady
Attempting skill via viewscreen +10
Attempting skill via comlink +15
Prestige Classes
Table X-33: Slaver
Base Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation
Level Attack Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
1st +1 +1 +1 +1 Slave target bonus +1 +1 +1
2nd +1 +2 +2 +1 Bonus feat, disabling attack +2 +2
3rd +2 +2 +2 +2 Slave target bonus +2 +2 +2
4th +2 +3 +3 +2 Bonus feat, ruthless slaver +3 +3
5th +3 +3 +3 +3 Slave target bonus +3 +3 +3
A character can select feats marked with an asterisk (*) more Feats: Toughness, Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster
than once, but it must be for a different weapon each time. pistols), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster rifles).
Special: Must belong to an organization with a military
Disabling Attack or paramilitary division. Examples include Trade Federation, the
Slavers are experts at taking captives alive, and as such, when Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Galactic Republic, the
a slaver makes an attempt to stun or knock an opponent out, Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance, or the New Republic.
the fort save is increased by +2 for every level of slaver the
character has. Game Rule Information
Vitality: Training sergeants gain 1d10 vitality points per
Ruthless Slaver level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.
Slavers have a reputation for ruthlessness, giving them the
ability to scare their prey into submission. As a full round action, Class Skills
you may taunt anyone within 15 meters of your location, forcing The training sergeant’s class skills, and key ability for each skill,
them to make a will save (DC reputation score + your slaver are as follows (see Chapter Four of the Star Wars Roleplaying
level + your cha mod). An opponent who fails the save is too Game Revised Core Rulebook for skill descriptions):
scared to fight back for a number of rounds equal to your cha Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Computer Use (Int),
modifier (minimum of 1 round) and can only take a regular Demolitions (Int), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex),
move action (no full move actions). A successful save means the Gamble (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge* (Int),
opponent is immune to your ruthless reputation for the rest of Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Repair (Int), Search (Int), Sense
the encounter. Motive (Wis), Speak Language (none), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis),
Treat Injury (Wis).
Training Sergeant *This skill actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills.
Each time this skill is learned, a specific category must also be chosen.
During times of war, or even peace, there are always those Examples include Craft (droids), Knowledge (Jedi Lore), and Profession
grizzled veterans that make it their life’s work to pass on what (galactic history).
they have learned to the next generation of warriors whose Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
responsibility it will be to carry on the good fight, or keep the
watch. These brave men and women have usually survived Class Features
intense combat, and are particularly adept at breaking in new The following are class features of the training sergeant prestige
recruits and forging them into combat ready troops. In some class.
military organizations, training sergeants will walk their class
through boot camp and then follow them out to the front lines, Inspire Confidence
acting as a the unit sergeant, typically at the platoon level for Once per day, the training sergeant is able to give a small
rank and file troops. speech to anyone he trained to help motivate them to fight.
The Republic’s clone army employed one-hundred training The training sergeant must speak for at least one round, and
sergeants hand-picked by Jango Fett himself specifically to train all those to be affected must hear him speak. A successful
the Republic Commandos. However, the Kaminoans quickly saw intimidate check DC 10 + 1 for every person affected gives all
the benefits of the live instruction, and soon had the training those affected a +1 bonus to all attack rolls, skill checks and will
sergeants supplement the flash-helmet training program they saves.
had instituted. Three quarters of the training sergeants were of
Mandalorian heritage, and felt a kin-ship with their commando Bonus Feat
units. Many of these sergeants elected to stay on with the At 2nd level and again at 4th level, the training sergeant gains a
Republic and work with their commando units as a handler or in bonus feat from the following list. The character must meet the
the field. requirements in order to choose that feat.
Alertness, Armor Familiarity*, Athletic, Blasterslinger,
Requirements Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Combat Veteran, Dodge,
To qualify to become a training sergeant, a character must fulfill Dual Strike, Improved Critical, Improved Feint, Persuasive, Point
the following criteria: Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Multishot, Weapon Focus*,
Base Attack Bonus: +8. Weapon Group Proficiency*, Weapon Specialization*, Worldwise.
Skills: Intimidate 8 ranks, Spot 5 ranks, Survival 4 ranks.
Table X-34: Training Sergeant
Base Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation
Level Attack Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
1st +1 +1 +1 +1 Inspire confidence +1 +1
2nd +2 +2 +2 +1 Bonus feat +2 +1
3rd +3 +2 +2 +2 Bunker buster +2 +2
4th +4 +3 +3 +2 Bonus feat +3 +2
5th +5 +3 +4 +3 Maximize attack +3 +3
Bunker Buster
Any time a training sergeant targets a square with a grenade to
affect enemies behind cover; his attack penalty is only -1 per
range increment instead of -2. Also, a successful enemy reflex
save to take half damage means they are moved four meters
away from the center of the blast (and usually out from behind
cover). This four meters is subtracted from their maximum
possible movement on their next action.
Maximize Attack
The training sergeant is able to set up others in the field to
do the maximum amount of damage. If a training sergeant
is flanking an opponent with an ally, and then declares he
will coordinate fire with the same ally against the flanked
opponent, should the ally make a successful attack, the attack
automatically does maximum damage for that weapon.
Keith Kappel is a freelance writer and developer from
Addison, IL. He is the creator of Fandom Comics as well
as the writer for the fan series "Cracken's Crew: The
Invisible War" and "Tales of the Chu'Unthor".
Ryan Brooks is a freelance graphic artist, web designer and
36 writer from Augusta, GA. He is the co-creator of Fandom
Comics in addition to the writer of the upcoming fan series "A
Slicer's Tale".
Prestige Classes