MMW 101 Module 1
MMW 101 Module 1
MMW 101 Module 1
This course deals with the nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical,
intellectual, and aesthetic dimensions, and application of Mathematical tools in daily life.
The course begins with an introduction to the nature of mathematics as an
exploration of patterns (in nature and in the environment). By exploring these topics,
students are encouraged to go beyond the typical understanding of mathematics as
merely a set of formulas but as a source of aesthetics in patterns of nature, for example,
and a rich language in itself (and of science) governed by logic and reasoning.
The course then proceeds to survey ways in which mathematics provides a tool
for understanding and dealing with various aspects of present-day living, and
appreciating geometric designs. These aspects will provide opportunities for actually
doing mathematics in a broad range of exercises that bring out the various dimensions
of mathematics as a way of knowing, and test the students’ understanding and capacity.
(CMO No. 20, series of 2013)
University Vision
Bulacan State University is a progressive knowledge-generating institution,
globally-recognized for excellent instruction, pioneering research, and responsive
community engagements.
University Mission
Bulacan State University exists to produce highly competent, ethical and service-
oriented professionals that contribute to the sustainable socio-economic growth and
development of the nation.
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The BulSU Ideal Graduates Attributes (BIG A) reflect the graduate’s capacity as:
a. highly and globally competent;
b. ethical and service-oriented citizen;
c. analytical and critical thinker; and
d. reflective life-long learner.
LEARNING EPISODES:W1OnlineMW2OnlineMW3NoOnlineMW4OnlineMW5NoOnline
Topic Hours Learning Activities Assessment
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contingency or a
● Determine
whether Module 9:
statements are ● Read and study
logically Statements about Statements
Related to
equivalent Related to
3 Conditional
● State the Conditional
Statements and
converse, Statements and Logical
inverse, and Logical Equivalence
contrapositive of Equivalence ● Answer Activity 6
conditional via google form (15
statements points)
● Identify Polya's
4- Step Process
in problem- ● Read and study
Module 10: about Problem
3 Solving
● Apply the
Problem Solving ● Watch the
different suggested videos
Strategies in ● Answer Activity 7
Solving via google form (10
Problems points) ● Summative
Assessment 4
(Modules 10-
Module 11: ● Read and study 11) 30 points
● Apply using a Solving Worded about Solving
variable strategy Worded Problems
Problems 3 ● Watch the
in solving worded (Using a
problems. suggested videos
Variable ● Answer
Strategy) Collaborative Work
4 (5 worded
● Differentiate the
types of data and
the methods of ● Read and study the
collecting data. lesson on collection
Module 12: of data ● Summative
● Determine the
sample size 3 ● Watch the Assessment 5
Collection of
suggested video (Modules 12-
● Identify the Data
● Answer Activity 8 13) 40 points
appropriate via google form (20
sampling points)
technique to be
used in gathering
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● Read and study the
lesson on
organizing data
● Organize raw ● Watch the
suggested video
data using array, Module 13: ● Answer Activity 9
stem-leaf plot 3 via google form (20
and frequency Organizing Data
distribution table. ● Answer Worksheet
Part 1 - Construct a
distribution table
(collaborative work)
● Read and study the
lesson on
organizing data
● Compute the ● Watch the
measures of suggested videos
central tendency Module 14: ● Answer Activity 10
via google form (20
both for Measures of 3 points)
ungrouped and Central ● Answer Worksheet
grouped dataand Tendency Part 2 - Calculate
interpret the the measures of
results. central tendencies
from the
activity in module
● Read and study the
lesson on other
measures of
location ● Summative
● Watch the Assessment 6
● Calculate the suggested videos
(Modules 14-
other measures Module 15: ● Answer Activity 11
via google form (20 16) 40 points
of location and 3
Other Measures points)
interpret the
of Location ● Answer Worksheet
Part 3 - Calculate
the other measures
of locations from
the collaborative
activity in module
● Read and study the
lesson on
measures of
● Solve the Module 16: variability
measures of ● Watch the
Measures of suggested videos
variability and
Variability ● Answer Activity 12
interpret the via google form (20
results. points)
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● Watch the video
presentation on
Module 17: simple interest
3 ● Watch the
Solve problems Simple
suggested videos
involving simple Interest
● Answer Activity 13
via google form (20
Final Examination
Term Examinations. There will be two Term Examinations for the course – Midterm
and Final Examinations. These examinations will be posted in the Google Classroom
platform on the day of the exam. Students are expected to answer the exam
independently and honestly. There will be a time limit in answering the exam and
answers must be submitted within the given time frame.
Summative Assessments (Quizzes). There will be six (6) Summative Assessments for
the whole course. These are intended to help students integrate and apply what they
have learned. Answers for each must be submitted promptly. Students are expected to
work independently. Submissions must reach the instructor-in-charge on or before the
due date. Refer to the class policies and agreements with the student sections for
further rules about quizzes.
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0 1 2 3 4
The student The student The student The student The student
did not make attempted to attempted to manifested an was able to
any attempt solve the solve the understanding show complete
to solve the problem but problem but of the problem understanding
problem. showed poor exhibited enabling him to of the problem
understanding minimal choose the right and was able to
and used understanding. strategy but with use effective
inappropriate Appropriate minor errors. strategy/ies in
strategy with strategy was solving the
incomplete used but ended problem which
solution. with an incorrect led to the
answer. correct answer.
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Rubrics for Collage
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Needs Rating
Design and 10-12 7-9 points 4-6 points 1-3 points
Creativity points There is a Very little No creativity
12 points Balance certain creativity was was shown in
was degree of shown in the the collage
considered creativity collage. Some and it was
in the shown in the pictures were poorly
layout of collage. Most placed designed.
the pictures of the pictures inappropriately
showing a are placed creating more
good level appropriately. spaces in
of between
creativity. images/pictures.
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The student’s Final Grade (FG) is rated using the following grading system:
Range Grade
97-100 1.00
94 – 96 1.25
91 – 93 1.50
88 – 90 1.75
85 – 87 2.00
82 – 84 2.25
79 – 81 2.50
76 – 78 2.75
75 (Passed) 3.00
Failed 5.00
Incomplete INC
Officially Dropped D
Unofficially Dropped UD
Crisostomo, E., et. al. (2020). MMW 101 Mathematics in the Modern World.
Bulacan: Bulacan State University
1. Akiyama, J., & Ruiz, M.-J. P. (2008). A day's Adventure in Math Wonderland.
New Jersey: World Scientific.
2. Du Sautoy, Marcus. (2011) The Number Mysteries: A Mathematical Odyssey
through Everyday Life. New York: St. Martin's Press.
3. Haigh, J. (2019). Mathematics in Everyday Life. Springer International Publishing
4. Van Dyke, J., Rogers, J., Adams. H. (2007) Fundamentals of Mathematics (9th
ed). California: Thomson Higher Education.
1. Agcaoli, Z. et al. (2009). Statistics For Filipino Students (third edition). National
Book Store, Mandaluyong City, ISBN 971-08-7064-5.
2. Alejan, Ronnie O., Veloria, Elisa V., et al. (2018) Mathematics in the Modern
World. Mutya Publishing House, Inc.
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3. Baltazar, E., Ragasa, C., & Evangelista, J. (2018). Mathematics in the Modern
World. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.
4. Cha, Jhon Harley Niño, Miro, Eden, and Quiming, Romel (2016). General
Mathematics. Vibal Group: Quezon City.
5. Earnheart, Richard and Adina, Edgar (2018). Math in the Modern World. C&E
Publishing, Inc.: Quezon City.
6. Goodman, Michael, K.J. (2016) An introduction of the Early Development of
Mathematics. Wiley: Hoboken.
7. Malang, Paulino, Malang, B.,& Tiongson, I. (2011). Discrete Structure. HFM
Publishing: San Rafael
8. Mangaran, A. J.(2004) et al.ElementaryStatistics.Guinhawa, City of Malolos,
Bulacan: Bulacan State University.
9. Nocon, R. & Nocon, E.(2018). Essential Mathematics for the Modern Word. C &
E Publishing, Inc.
10. Polya, G. (1973). How to Solve It: a new aspect of mathematical method. New
Jersey: Princeton University Press.
11. Sirug, W.S. (2018). Mathematics in the Modern World. Intamuros, Manila:
Mindshapes Co., Inc.
12. Zeitz, Paul. (1999). The Art and Craft of Problem Solving. John Wiley & Sons,
Inc.: New Jersey.
13. Zorilla, Roland, (2013) Basic Concepts and Applications. MUTYA
Publishing House. Malabon City, Philippines House, Inc.
1. Always check your email and regularly visit the google classroom for the course.
2. Be guided by the study schedule.
3. Be prepared and willing to find resources, learning materials and other means on
how you can learn effectively. Your learning is always your responsibility.
4. If you have unsettling question/s, follow what is agreed upon by the class and the
5. Evaluations, exams and other submissions may be typewritten or handwritten
provided it is written legibly and neatly.
6. Students who missed a quiz/exam may take the examination/s within one week
from the time that the quiz/exam was given. Students may take the missed
examinations provided that the reason is valid and an excuse letter signed by
their parent/guardian is presented.
7. Students who will be found guilty of cheating by copying, sending and/or sharing
answers during examination will be given a final grade of 5.00.
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The Role of Parents
Let us be one in continuous learning in this “new normal” as the University partner in
the educational endeavor of your son/daughter as our students.
For the implementation of Small Private Online Course (SPOC) under the
Asynchronous Online Learning (AOL) modality, the students are expected to:
1. Enroll in the new LMS to access the learning materials and announcements.
2. Attend live online sessions, at least, twice a month. However, there is a weekly
scheduled online session for the instructor to check/assess progress and for
students to ask questions or clarifications.
3. Adhere to the online session schedule and ensure availability. Internal scheduling
arrangements can be made to accommodate each other's needs.
4. Log in to Google Classroom to view the learning objectives, comprehend the
instructor's directions, ask questions, and complete other assignments.
5. Choose a quiet place away from distractions such as the TV, Video games, and
mobile phones. Make sure you end the session as soon as the instructor tells you
to do so.
6. Abide by all policies covering the appropriate use of virtual learning platforms and
Agreements for Asynchronous Online Learning/Class Policy.
1. I will make sure that my Google Classroom account for the course is secured and
can only be accessed by me.
2. I will be wary of the posts and announcements in Google Classroom.
3. I will diligently access and use my learning materials online
4. I will read the learning materials in advance.
5. I will keep time management to ensure my pace of self-learning.
6. I will be responsible for my actions to help myself and my instructor in this mode
of learning.
7. I will not make learning materials or resources available to the public, whether
documents or pre-recorded videos.
8. I will list questions ahead of time to seek clarification from my instructor during
the online meeting.
9. I will log in for my lessons on time as per my schedule.
10. I will perform class work to the best of my ability in the given period of time
posted in the Google Classroom.
11. I will make sure that my work is legible and any image are of good quality.
12. I will not procrastinate on my tasks.
13. I will notify my subject instructor of any valid reason for not attending the online
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14. In case of unavoidable circumstances that I failed to accomplish the class work
on time, I will make a written explanation on the matter with the signature of my
guardian/ parent. If the reason is considered valid, the instructor may reopen the
class work for a certain period of time for my access.
15. I will consider my records/scores to be highly confidential. Any discussion about
my scores should be done in one-on-one session with my subject instructor if
there is a need for discussion during consultation hours.
Approved: _____________________________
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Student’s Copy
--------------------------------------------------CUT HERE--------------------------------------------------
and in participating in this course, I agree to the above rules. I have a clear
understanding of the policies and my responsibilities, and I have discussed everything
unclear to me with the instructor.
I will adhere to the academic integrity and policy and I will treat my fellow
students and my teacher with due respect.
I understand that this syllabus can be modified or overruled by announcements of
the instructor in class or on any social media site at any time
Instructor’s Copy
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