Rhyme Rhythm Lesson Plan
Rhyme Rhythm Lesson Plan
Rhyme Rhythm Lesson Plan
- Youtube audio of Rope Rhyme
- Youtube video of double dutch to add
to schema for the students who don’t
know about the sport (will help with
understanding the poem)
Other Resources:
Managing Student
Behavior Can’t teach
❏ When and how will
you establish rules for
Behavior Expectations for the Lesson:
them if you can’t reach learning and - Before showing any youtube videos
them! behavior during the
lesson? set the expectation to hold comments
in to not disrupt the purpose of
❏ What will it look and
sound like if students watching them
are engaged vs.
compliant in the
- While copying down the anchor chart
lesson? students should be focused and quiet
❏ How will you allow for since they will have time to work with
movement, transitions a partner eventually
or brain breaks to
capitalize on - When working in partners students
engagement and
will only talk to their partner for the
moment about the activity and
nothing else
- Students will respect their classmates
when others are sharing. Students
will remain quiet until called on during
whole group discussion
‘I Do’/Content Input
(Direct Instruction –
I Do/Content Input (modeling):
During this part of the lesson, the
I Do:
describe activity): teacher will model the strategy or - I will explain to students how poets
skill that students will learn.
Estimated time to complete What content knowledge are you use tools to make their poems
‘I Do’’:_______ teaching students based on your interesting and engaging
Structure (whole class, own understanding? You are
collaborative, individual, literally thinking aloud. Should - I will tell students that poets use
etc): _______ include both Tier 1 (examples)
and Tier 2 (think aloud)
rhythm to create a beat or flow in their
- I will read Rope Rhyme by Eloise
Greenfield aloud to the class in a
Differentiation: monotone rhythm-less way to
For Differentiation during
the “I Do” or the “Modeling” emphasize that it is necessary to use
portion,consider if you have voice when reading poetry to
any accommodations/
modifications/ supports understand the intention of the poet
that need to be addressed in
the lesson based on student
and to envision what they want you
need. If not, put NA to.
(Enrichment and - I will then play the Rope Rhythm
remediation): Tailoring audio for the class.
instruction to meet
individual needs; - I will stop and wonder “What is the
differentiating the content,
process, and/or product.
difference between how I read the
Consider cultural poem versus how it was read in the
diversity, gifted, etc.
Accommodation(s)- (A - “I think without the rhythm it
change that helps a student
overcome or work around seems so lifeless. But when
the disability): the video used rhythm it
Modification(s)- (A change helped me imagine the actual
in what is being taught or
what is expected from the
action of jump roping. It
student): reminded me of the fun
Remember, an energy from doing double
accommodation is not dutch that I didn’t get from the
lowering expectations or
teaching below grade level poem when I read it.”
content/objectives. - I will reread Rope Rhythm with
ESL Strategies Document rhythm and voice.
ESL Strategies Matrix
- I will stop and notice that the endings
of the 1st and 2nd line are “in” and
- “What can i already notice just
within these first two lines?
Well there’s a rhythm to be
kept like we heard in the
youtube video. There is also a
rhyme within these two lines!”
- “Since these two words are at
the end of the line I can look
back at my notes and tell that
this would be an end rhyme
rather than an internal rhyme.
- I will stop and fill in my graphic
organizer. I will lay out the type of
device (rhyme) and the example from
the poem (“in” and “spin)
Differentiation for ‘I do”:
❏ Grouping of students:
Grouping of students, if applicable:
What opportunities do
students have to work
independently or
together? How are Differentiation: Enrichment and Remediation:
these groups designed
to increase mastery of
objective? NOTE: You
may or may not have
groups during the I Do Accommodations and Modifications:
part of the Lesson)
- writing my initial example in my own
graphic organizer so students can
❏ Differentiation -
Enrichment and understand the expectation for when
Remediation: What
opportunities do
they do their own.
students need to
strengthen their
understanding of the
strategy or skill
❏ Accommodations and
Modifications: What
accommodations and
modifications do you
have to make for ELL,
SPED, 504, and
struggling students?
How will these
accommodations and
modifications support
mastery of the
Remember, an ❏ Differentiation -
accommodation is not Enrichment and
lowering expectations or Remediation: What
teaching below grade level opportunities do
content/objectives. students need to
strengthen their
ESL Strategies Document understanding of the
strategy or skill
ESL Strategies Matrix presented?
❏ Accommodations and
Modifications: What
accommodations and
modifications do you
have to make for ELL,
SPED, 504, and
struggling students?
How will these
accommodations and
modifications support
mastery of the
Closing - Check for Write your Closure using the Launch Frame:
Understanding (Describe Planning a Discussion - We have been learning how to identify rhyme and
the activity): How will the Framework: rhythm in poetry and describing the effects it has on
lesson end and bridge to our understanding of the poem. What is one thing that
learning for the future? Launch Frame stuck out to you in today’s lesson?
What do you want to ❏ Opening statement
reiterate to students? Based
and question to get Eliciting, Orienting Questions:
on the pacing of the lesson
and feedback from the discussion - What is one way rhyme and rhythm affects the overall
students, did they master started (Example, understanding of a poem?
the objective? Make sure to “We have been - What are the two types of rhymes we can find in
revisit objectives. learning how to add poetry? What’s the difference between the two?
fractions in this - How can you find the beat of a poem? Could we just
activity. What was make one up as long as it helps with the flow?
an important key in
adding the fractions Conclusion Frame:
that helped you? - We did an awesome job identifying rhymes and
What have we been rhythms in poetry today. Tomorrow we will look at
learning about more sound devices that help us understand the
today?”) meaning of poetry.
Eliciting, Orienting
Questions to ask During the
❏ What eliciting,
probing, and
questions will you
ask during the
Conclusion Frame
❏ Closing statement
about what they
learned in the
lesson and what
they will be
working on next.
(Example - “We
have been adding
fractions in this
activity - In our
next activity, we
are going to
continue this
work…. or
Tomorrow, we
will begin