Fundamentals of Nursing
Fundamentals of Nursing
Fundamentals of Nursing
4 Cornerstone of Nursing:
1. Health Promotion
2. Illness Prevention
3 Levels of Prevention:
a. Primary – healthy patient; (-) disease
Main goal: Health teaching or health education
b. Secondary – unhealthy patient; (+) disease
Main goal: screening, early detection, prompt treatment
c. Tertiary – rehabilitation and recovery
3. Curative stage
4. Care for death and dying
1. Assessment – systematic gathering of data
- Main purpose: “gather data” / database – information about the client
- systematic (COVR) of data
a. collection of data
b. organization of data
c. validation of data
d. recording of data
Types of Data
1. Subjective – sabi ng patient
- systematic
- covert data
Sources of Data:
1. Primary – directly in patient na gather ang data
2. Secondary
- a, patient chart
- b. significant others
- c. other health teams
1. Inspection – sense of sight; color, shape, size and symmetrical
2. Palpation – sense of touch
2 Types of Palpation
a. Light – dominant hand, 3 middle fingers, e.g. breast self examination
b. deep/ bimanual – dominant (palpate) and non-dominant hand (hold or support)
Reminders in Palpation:
1. Light palpation first – deep palpation; rationale: pwede kang magkaroon ng
dull senses
2. Deep palpation – use of cautious or skillful hand
3. Wilhm’s Tumor – dissemination of cancer cells
3. Percusion – striking or tapping of body surface to produce sound
2 Types:
a. Direct – use of dominant hand
b. Indirect – use of pleximeter (non dominant hand) and flexor (dominant hand)
5 Percussion sounds:
1. dull sound – dense tissue area; e.g. heart, liver, spleen
2. flat sound – very dense tissue area; e.g. muscles and bones
3. resonance – normal lungs
4. hyperresonance – abnormal lungs; e.g. emphysematous lungs
5. tympanic – air-filled stomach; e.g. empty stomach
4. Auscultation
a. direct – use of unaided ear; e.g. bronchial asthma in acute exacerbation; no
need to use stethoscope; (+) respiratory wheezing without using stethoscope
b. indirect – use of stethoscope