(PDF) A Reflection On The Legacies of Charles Darwin. (N.D.) - Retrieved October 23, 2021, From

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The emergence of various Christian groups that interprets the Genesis creation account

differently are not in fierce conflict with each other as it was in the early 1860s. Thorough
research on the theory of evolution have contributed to making many conservative Christians to
accept the theory. For example, Asa Gray, a conservative evangelical Christian, at first saw no
compatibility between theistic evolution and the evangelical Christian faith. But in 1873 after a
thorough study of Darwin’s theory of evolution, he became Darwin’s disciple evolution is not so
bad since an evangelical Christian like Asa Gray could be an evolutionist” (Davidheiser 1969:
76-77, originally from B. Ramm 1955:264-265). Mixter said “Roman Catholic Protestant
scholars, found it necessary to accept more of evolutionary theory than the facts seem to demand.
Thus, with theistic presuppositions postulated, their position is most accurately described as
theistic evolution” (Mixter 1960:188- 189). Furthermore, the seeming conflicts which exist or
existed between Christian evolutionists and Christian anti-evolutionists have been regarded by
many scholars as a conflict of worldview or perspective and not the conflict of science and faith.
Chittick admonished Christians that the subject: “is not a matter of science verses religion; one
may be religious and hold either worldview. It is a matter of one belief system in conflict with
another because they come from different starting assumptions” (Chittick 1987:267-268)
The debate on creation and evolution became volatile in 1859 due to Darwin’s publication On
Origins of Species. The book has also made some Christians to think that Darwin advocated or
denounced God by making them to debate and rethink the creation account Indeed at the later
part of his life, he became an agnostic. Notwithstanding, Darwin ought to be regarded as a hero
not because he was a Christian but because he generated a debate that brought Christians and
scientists together into academic reason. His theory of evolution since 1859 has brought the
Church into critical thinking to the point that, a better understanding of the Genesis account of
creation is now observed. Darwin did not divide the Church rather his theory of evolution has
enlightened the Church and have contributed to defining using biological science the mutuality
that exist between science and faith.
Charles Darwin theories is very important in development of scientific and humanist idea first
made people responsive to their place within the evolutionary process when the
foremost powerful and intelligent sort of life discovered how humanity had evolved. the
speculation of evolution by action was first advocate by Darwin in On the Origin of Species,
published in 1859, and his theory continues to be generally accepted because the best available
explanation of the way life on this planet developed.

(PDF) a reflection on the legacies of Charles Darwin. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2021, from

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