Fisika Gelombang
Fisika Gelombang
Fisika Gelombang
Problem 7.1
The figure shows the mesh representation of a transmission line of inductance L0 per unit length
and capacitance C 0 per unit length. Use equations of the form
d d
I r−1−I r= q r=C 0 dx V r
dt dt
L0 d x I =V r−V r+1
dt r
together with the method of the final section of Chapter 4 to show that the voltage and current
wave equations are
∂2 V ∂2 V
=L0 C 0 2
∂ x2 ∂t
∂2 I ∂2 I
=L C
0 0
∂ x2 ∂t 2
Answer :
The equation
d d
I r−1−I r= q r=C 0 dx V r
dt dt
at the limit of dx → 0 becomes :
dl dV
dx dt
The equation
L0 dx I r=V r −V r +1
at the limit of dx → 0 becomes :
∂V ∂I
∂x ∂t
The derivative of equation (7.1.1) on t gives :
∂2 I ∂2V
=C 0 2
∂x∂t ∂t
The derivative of equation (7.1.2) on x gives :
∂2 V ∂2 I
=L 0
∂ x2 ∂x ∂t
Equation (7.1.3) and (7.1.4) give :
∂2 V ∂2 V
=L0 C 0 2
∂ x2 ∂t
The derivative of equation (7.1.1) on x gives :
∂2 I ∂2 V
=C 0
∂ x2 ∂ x∂t
The derivative of equation (7.1.2) on t gives :
∂2 V ∂2 I
=L0 2
∂x∂t ∂t
Equation (7.1.5) and (7.1.6) give :
∂2 I ∂2 I
=L 0 C 0
∂ x2 ∂t 2
Problem 7.2
Show that the characteristic impedance for a pair of Lecher wires of radius r and separation d in a
medium of permeability µ and permittivity ɛ is given by
1 μ d
Z 0=
π ℇ
Answer :
log e
A pair of parallel wires of circular cross section and radius a are separated at a distance 2d
between their centres.
To find the inductance per unit length we close the circuit by joining the sides of a section of
length l .
The self inductance of this circuit is the magnetic flux through the circuit when a current of 1
amp flows around it.
If the current is 1 amp the field outside the wire at a distance r from the centre is μ0 I /2 πr ,
where μ0 is the permeability of free space. For a clockwise current in the circuit (Fig Q.7.2.1)
both wires contribute to the magnetic flux B which points downwards into the page and the total
flux through the circuit is given by :
2 d −2 a
μ Idr μ 0 lI 2d
2l ∫ 0
a 2 πr
= ( ) π
for d≫a
image charge. Symmetry requires that the potential at the surface of the other conductor is
−ϕ (a) and the potential difference between the conductors is :
λ d+ p
2 πε 0
ln( d− p )
Gauss’s theorem applied to one of the equipotentials surrounding each conductor proves that the
surface charge on each conductor is equal to the image charge. The capacitance per unit length is
now given by :
λ 2 πε 0 2 πε 0
C= = ≈ for d ≫ a
V d+ p 2d
ln (
d− p ) ( ) ln
1 /2
μ0 2d
( )
( )
ln 1/ 2
L π a μ 2d
z 0 for the∥wires=
2 πε 0
ln ( 2 d /a )
( ) a)
≈ 20
π ε0( ln
Problem 7.3
In a short-circuited lossless transmission line integrate the magnetic (inductive) energy L0 I 2
and the electric (potential) energy C0 V 2 over the last quarter wavelength (0¿− λ/4 ) to show
that they are equal.
Answer :
The integral of magnetic energy over the last quarter wavelength is given by :
0 0
∫ 12 L0 I 2 dx= ∫ 12 L0 ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
− λ/4 −λ/ 4
The integral of electric energy over the last quarter wavelength is given by :
0 0
1 1
∫ C 0 V 2 dx = ∫ C 0 ¿ ¿ ¿¿
− λ/4 2 −λ /4 2
Problem 7.4
Show, in Problem 7.3, that the sum of the instantaneous values of the two energies over the last
quarter wavelength is equal to the maximum value of either.
Answer :
The maximum of the magnetic energy is given by :
( E m )max = 2 L0 I
=¿ ¿
The instantaneous value of the two energies over the last quarter wavelength is given by :
( E m + E e )i = 2 L 0 ¿ ¿
¿ 2 C0 V 0+¿ 2
cos2 kx +2 C 0 V 0+ ¿ sin kx ¿ ¿
2 2
¿ 2 C0 V 0+¿ ¿ 2
So we have :
( E m )max =( Ee )max =( Em + E e ) i=2C 0 V 0+¿ ¿ 2