Less Invasive Surfactant Administration: Best Practices and Unanswered Questions
Less Invasive Surfactant Administration: Best Practices and Unanswered Questions
Less Invasive Surfactant Administration: Best Practices and Unanswered Questions
OPINION Less invasive surfactant administration: best
practices and unanswered questions
Egbert Herting, Christoph Härtel, and Wolfgang Göpel
Purpose of review
The purpose of this review is to describe current concepts in the field of Less Invasive Surfactant
Administration (LISA). The use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) has become standard for the
treatment of premature infants with respiratory problems throughout the world. However, if CPAP fails,
technologies like LISA are needed that can combine surfactant delivery and spontaneous breathing with the
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Neonatology and perinatology
baby to adapt to extrauterine life (so called: minimal In Germany, mainly thin (3.5–5.0 French) and
handling approach or ‘soft landing’). soft catheters (e.g. gastric tubes, suction catheters,
If respiratory distress becomes evident shortly umbilical arterial or bladder catheters) are used for
after birth, as indicated by increasing oxygen demand LISA and are mostly introduced into the larynx with
and/or tachypnoea, grunting and/or retractions, sur- the help of a laryngoscope and a Magill forceps (see
factant deficiency is likely and surfactant may be also Fig. 1). Video laryngoscopy [22] holds some
delivered by LISA already in the delivery room. The promise for well tolerated placement of the cathe-
more stable, often also more mature, infants are ters in the trachea and also for teaching (see also
transferred to the NICU under CPAP therapy and Fig. 2). However, most neonatologists will tend to
often receive surfactant only when certain thresholds remove the laryngoscope for comfort reasons as
in oxygen demand are reached (often a fraction of soon as possible securing the adequate catheter
inspiratory oxygen (FiO2) greater than 0.30 or greater position with the fingers on the lips/the nose of
than 0.40 is used as indication limit, also considering the babies. In the tiniest infants, the catheter is
the gestational age (see e.g. [18]). introduced only 1–2 cm beyond the vocal cords.
For the most immature infants (e.g. <25 weeks Some gastric catheters have the disadvantage of side
of gestational age) some centers follow a (quasi-) holes that are rather distant from the tip. Side holes/
prophylactic LISA approach and use LISA as early as not inserting the catheter deep enough carries the
at 20 min of life with the argument that in these risk of increased surfactant reflux, whereas too deep
infants with very delicate lung structures, surfactant insertion of the catheter may result in unilateral
treatment should be given as early as possible and surfactant deposition. The surfactant instillation is
most infants in this age group would receive surfac- done in small boluses and only slowed down when
tant anyhow in the hours to come. Clearly, RCTs are bradycardia, apnoea or increased surfactant reflux is
needed addressing the question of the superiority observed. Some air is often placed in the syringe
of such a ‘prophylactic’ approach compared with ‘behind/on top of the surfactant’ to allow removal of
waitful watching and ‘rescue’ LISA treatment, the surfactant from the dead space in the syringe
if indicated. and the catheter. As silicone oil may bind to the
FIGURE 1. Devices for surfactant instillation by the standard and the less invasive surfactant administration method. From left
to right: endotracheal tube size 2.5 (outer diameter 4.1 mm, see also Fig. 2a), soft suction catheter 5 French (outer diameter:
1.7 mm see also Fig. 2b), stiffer straight catheter (Lisacath) (outer diameter 1.7 mm) and special device (Neofact) with 3.5
French (outer diameter: 1.2 mm) catheter that is sliding out from the tip. Lisacath and Neofact have special ‘softer’ tips to
avoid injury.
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Neonatology and perinatology
Table 1. Published methods to combine continuous positive airway pressure, spontaneous breathing and surfactant
Name Device type Procedure/instruments Reference
Cologne method Flexible suction catheter Laryngoscope þ Magill forceps Kribs et al. [6]
SONSURE Flexible nasogastric tube Laryngoscope þ Magill forceps Aguar et al. [26]
Take Care method Flexible nasogastric tube Laryngoscope, no forceps Kanmaz et al. [15]
Hobart method Semi-rigid vascular catheter Laryngoscope, no forceps Dargaville et al. [27]
Device name: for example, Lisacath
QuickSF Soft catheter Laryngoscope þ intrapharyngeal Maiwald et al. [28]
Device name: Neofact guidance device
INSURE Endotracheal tube Laryngoscope Verder et al. [3]
Laryngeal Mask method Special device placed in hypopharynx No Laryngoscope, no forceps Roberts et al. [29 ]
catheter introduction without a forceps has been (Fig. 2b). A 5-French tube occludes a cross sectional
described as the so-called Take Care procedure [15]. area of approximately 1.8 mm2. A standard endotra-
Not all neonatologists are familiar with nasal intu- cheal size 2.5 tube has a total cross sectional area of
bation and the use of a Magill forceps. Oral intuba- 13.2 mm2. It must be emphasized that only 4.9 mm2
tion is much more common in other parts of the of this area is are available for respiration. The rest
world, so that direct laryngoscopy and the use of a (8.3 mm2) is occluded by the wall of the endotra-
stiff vascular catheter was described by Peter Darga- cheal tube [34].
ville as the so called Hobart method (MIST, minimal Videos demonstrate that such small catheters
invasive surfactant therapy) in 2011 [27]. allow movements of the vocal cords (e.g. Lancet TV:
By now, companies have developed straight [33 ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?-
(Lisacath) or catheters with an angulated tip (Surf- v=IYf92NN1kV0).
cath) that are easy to use via the oral route. These Recently, the use of a 2.0 endotracheal tube (the
catheters are relatively stiff, so that no extra devices smallest available size) has been described for LISA
are needed to introduce the tip through the vocal [35] but still this corresponds to an outer diameter of
cords. Special introducers [28] (Neocath) allowing to 8 French (2.7 mm).
slide out a soft thin catheter from the tip after the
device has been placed in front of the larynx and
devices to guide the catheter during video laryngos- UNANSWERED QUESTIONS
copy have recently reached the market. In addition to the technical issues, the dose question
and the matter of exact indications/treatment
thresholds for different groups of patients, there is
WHAT MAKES LESS INVASIVE an ongoing debate whether analgesia and sedation
SURFACTANT ADMINISTRATION during the LISA procedure is necessary, or may
DIFFERENT? actually endanger the success of the method.
LISA is different from other modes of surfactant
delivery as it allows the infant to keep on breathing
and to use the physiological function of the larynx Analgesia and sedation during the less
without (nearly complete) obstruction by a larger invasive surfactant administration procedure
diameter endotracheal tube. Figure 2a demonstrates It has to be stated clearly that the use of LISA does
how the glottis is nearly completely obstructed by a not exclude analgesia and/or sedation per se. Stress
size 2.5 endotracheal tube (inner diameter 2.5 mm, and pain in the neonatal period may have long-term
outer diameter 4.1 mm) in a mannequin airway negative effects and should be avoided whenever
simulating a 1000 g baby, whereas a small diameter possible. Currently, in Germany, in infants less than
catheter (e.g. 5 French, external diameter: 1.7 mm) 26 weeks, most centres will do the first LISA attempt
leaves most of the airway open allowing flow of gas without analgesia [25]. If the infant struggles, anal-
through the vocal cords with the catheter in place gesia and sedation is used for the second attempt.
Nonpharmacological methods of analgesia like posi- on LISA infants suggested favourable neurocogni-
tioning, holding, (’facilitated tucking’) and/or tive outcome compared with historical controls
sucrose solutions are often used. In more mature [40–43]. Unpublished data from the 5-year follow-
and vigorous infants, it seems wise to use analgesia up of LISA infants in the GNN cohort suggest better
and sedation right away. So far, there is no ideal lung function (FEV1) and better neuro-outcome/
combination of drugs that would allow analgesia intellectual properties (WPPSI score) in infants
and sedation with a rapid onset, a short duration, no who received surfactant via LISA compared with
suppression of spontaneous breathing and a favour- infants who received surfactant via the standard
able overall short and long-term safety profile. This route. Follow-up results from the randomized stud-
is reflected by the fact that a variety of drugs have ies will soon become available.
been studied for the purpose of analgesia/sedation
during INSURE or LISA; fentanyl, ketamine and
propofol were the most frequently used medica- CONCLUSION
tions. First studies indicate that these drugs may LISA is part of the strategy of a minimal handling
help to reduce pain scores, but on the other hand, approach supporting the concept of spontaneous
interfere with spontaneous breathing and increase breathing. LISA reduces the need for mechanical
the number of infants that need respiratory support/ ventilation, and is therefore, in increasing use in
mechanical ventilation during LISA [36 ]. Thus, &
NICUs around the world [44–50,51 ]. Short-term
practice patterns of using these drugs vary widely (ICH and BPD) and first long-term follow-up data
between countries and NICUs [37]. on neurocognitive and pulmonary function are
encouraging. The search for better strategies allow-
ing to deliver surfactant in an even gentler way goes
Short-term side effects
on. In this context, especially surfactant nebuliza-
Under the condition that LISA is performed by neo- tion may become one of the options on the horizon.
natologists experienced in airway management, there
are few acute side effects. Failure to insert the catheter
through the vocal cords at first attempt, significant
surfactant reflux, acute desaturations, bradycardia We are grateful to Philipp Jung, MD for help with the
and/or need for positive pressure ventilation during video laryngoscopy (Fig. 2).
LISA were observed in less than 10% [8] to more than
30% [13] of LISA/MIST manipulations. Short apnoea, Financial support and sponsorship
hypoxia and bradycardia can often be handled by Most of the clinical data on LISA in Germany were
slowing down the injection speed/interrupting the obtained with the help of the German Neonatal Network
surfactant administration or, if needed, by a couple of (GNN; www.vlbw.de) that is sponsored by the German
manual breaths via a CPAP device that in our experi- Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF-grant-No:
ence should stay in place during the LISA procedure. 01ER0805 and 01ER1501). This manuscript is in part
Studies with continuous monitoring of saturation based on the results of an international meeting on Less
and regional (e.g. also cerebral) saturation by near- Invasive Surfactant Application (LISA) that took part in
infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) seem to indicate that the Lu€beck, Germany, on 31 May 2018. This workshop was
laryngoscopy is more often the source of side effects sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG):
than the surfactant instillation itself [38]. The only Grant: DFG-He 2072-3.
potential adverse effect observed so far was a slight Patient consent/Ethics: Written consent from the
increase in the rate of focal intestinal perforation (FIP) parents for the participation in the German Neonatal
in a subset of infants born at 23 and 24 weeks of Network was obtained prior to enrollment. Approval by
gestation receiving LISA [39]. This finding may be the local institutional review board for research in human
related to the distension of the fragile intestinal wall subjects of the University of Lu€beck (file number 08-022)
in consequence the positive end-expiratory pressure and by the local ethic committees of all participating centres
applied during noninvasive ventilation, but clearly has been given. We are grateful for the support of the
this has to be followed in more detail. families and of the colleagues contributing to this network.
Conflicts of interest
Long-term outcome E.H., C.H. and W.G. have received study support, hono-
In individual studies [8,9] and metaanalyses [19,21] raria for presentations and travel support from Chiesi
LISA reduces the incidence of ICH and BPD, and Farmaceutici, a surfactant producer. E.H. and C.H.
thus, bears the potential to improve also the long- served as advisors for Draeger Medical, a company
term outcome. Small retrospective follow-up studies producing incubators, monitors and ventilators.
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