Matt Stranton Professional Persona Narrative

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Matthew Stranton

Professional Persona Executive Summary

The purpose of this professional persona is to reflect on my professional and personal growth this semester, based on self-
assessments and external feedback. I have discovered that I assert my opinions and thoughts in a constructive work environment
while appreciating my interaction with others. This summary contains a breakdown for my PeopleStyle, review of my core values,
evaluate my culture map, and examine peer feedback that will better clarify my professional persona.

Professional Personality

When evaluating my peer feedback and reviewing my

PeopleStyle’s self-assessment, the responses indicate that
the most common style that I identified with is expressive.
Despite considering myself more of a driver, according to
my peers I conduct myself more as an expressive. Both
PeopleStyles are high in responsiveness, expressive
personalities are more assertive than drivers due to their
relationship-based approach. Drivers use more of a factual-
base approach.Figure 1 provides the data from my peer
review along with the star signifying my self-assessment
result. The respondent’s scores support my self-assessment
placement due to the levels of assertiveness and
responsiveness that I display in the workplace.

I consider myself a natural people person, always absorbing

joy by interacting and meeting new people. I feel this way
because of the experiences at the University of Arizona.
When initially moving to college, I was able to quickly
adapt and foster new relationships. Meshing with my Eller From this feedback, I learned that I am more assertive than I initially recognized. I used to
struggle with taking initiative, this semester I have naturally grown as an individual by
group was effortless due to being able to communicate with
manifesting the balance between the need to be professionalism and social. My expressive style
everyone despite the variety of different personalities.
personality has enhanced my experience this semester by allowing personal reflection in the

areas I need to improve on and positively reinforcing what I excel at.

How I am perceived by others

The core values that I conduct myself everyday align with the
values my peers recorded in the OLCE. Authenticity, loyalty, and
respectful were the highest mentioned responses, these are three
of my strongest core values. One response stood out, “Work hard
play hard”, this shows my everyday work ethic along with
valuing the time spent with my peers. Making the most out of
every situation and brining an enjoyable environment. It’s
reassuring to hear this feedback from my peers because I take
pride in displaying my core values to be the best possible version
of myself.

Figure 2
Leadership in the workplace
When I took my self-assessment, I did not rank my leading as
high compared to my peers. I wasn’t confident in myself, but
now I am able to take initiative as a leader in situations By
doing this survey, it allowed me to realize that I can have a
positive impact on others. Developing these leadership
qualities will pay dividends for my career as it will prepare me
to organize and coordinate a team to its fullest potential. The
section that I found the most surprising was evaluating, as my
peers ranked it as my strongest element. They observed that I
consider the recipient’s feelings when delivering negative
feedback. This correlates with being an effective leader, as it's
important to retain team camaraderie and provide constructive
criticism. This has allowed me to manifest my time
management because I’ve grown from a preferred time
structure to being flexible to my teammate’s schedules. All Figure 3
these skills will help my professional development and achieve
my personal brand goals.
Constructive Feedback
“Always treating people with respect, always My OLCE survey has allowed me to receive
checking in on how people are doing” written feedback on areas I can improve on while
maintaining my strengths. From the responses, a

majority were mentioning how I align with my core

“Your confidence during meetings without being
values and demonstrate a great deal of passion in
afraid to speak is beneficial during the meetings and
my work. An area I can work on is maintain
can help you take a leadership position” boundaries with people I recently met. In my 360-
degree feedback, my teammate criticized that I
would get off topic and engage in small
conversation which takes the groups attention away
Key Takeaways from the group. This feedback is helpful because it
allows me to realize that I can get too comfortable
and lose track of time. Knowing that my peers
Implementing the feedback from my peers to
perceive me as a passionate leader but aren’t afraid
progressively grow in my time management and attention
to give constructive criticism will enable me to
to detail to succeed as a professional.
progress my professional development.

Take initiative as a leader and trusting my core values to

effectively complete task in a timely manner.

My OLCE survey allowed me to gain insight on how I present

myself in a professional setting and reaffirmed that constructively
using my PeopleStyle will help further me as an individual.


After reflecting on the self-assessment and external feedback from my peers, everything that I have
learned in this professional persona will provide guidance to improve on my weakness and sharpen my
strengths. The feedback from my peers allows to me to be humble and efficiently focus on projects.
Properly aligning my core values and using my PeopleStyle as an advantage will facilitate my
professional persona to the best version possible.

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