SRS and Methods
SRS and Methods
SRS and Methods
This paper will be the final creation of a Software Requirements Specification (SRS),
with the reasoning behind building a SRS. This document will dictate what is needed in detail all
of the aspects the software needs in order to be built. This is necessary to do prior to the
beginning of the projects creation, the assignment will include a brief appendix detailing what
agile methods are and how it effected the creation of this document.
Software Requirements
Wayne Bank
1.1 Project Scope.................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
10. Licensing...................................................................................................................................6
For this SRS project the team will be designing an online banking service for the Wayne
bank company to better serve their community. With the digital age introducing banking on the
go which has diminished the need for brick and mortar transactions, The need to provide the
customers easier access by of the internet to account information has become a vital part of the
everyday banking environment. For this reason The Company is in need of a software
application designed so Wayne bank customers can login, make the same transaction as with
physical banks and also access numerous other services for their everyday needs.
The project should speak for itself and the customer should know what they want. This
point of time is the best opportunity to establish a sense of common goal and to understand the
each other’s wants from the project. Here is the process of solving what the software must do to
add value for its stakeholders, there needs to be functional requirements define for the
capabilities of the software product. There needs to be defined the characteristics, properties and
qualities that the software product must possess, and a clear understanding of how well the
If the software requirements are not right, the company that is asking for the software to
be created will end up with software that does not qualify for their needs. Having the
stakeholders involved in the process is essential, eliciting, analyzing, specifying and validating
the software requirements is the key to a correct beginning. The main point of the kick off
meeting is to meet the people requesting the work, the people that will use the software, what
will be the rewards with the active software and if there is another source the company can use to
complete what they need. So to perform a correct kick off meeting there is three key areas to
The first set of questions focuses on the customers and the stakeholders, what goals they
have for the software application and what kind of rewards they want. The next set of questions
should focus on getting a better understanding of the problems they are having, and the
perception the customer has about the application. Following that would be a final set of
questions that focus on getting a clear communication action between all parties involved, a form
a Meta questions that help to break the ice. A questions and answer section at the end will help to
track any last minute concerns form all parties involved in the project,.
Requirements Management is the process of identifying key practices within the project
that elicit documents, organizes and tracks any changes required, with the purpose of
communicating all the data across the entire team. There are many different techniques that can
be used to elicit requirements, these include interviewing stakeholders, using focus groups,
workshops that key requirements, monitoring current work habits and using questionnaires with
surveys. Documentation is another path to follow that involves the study of the industry
standards revolving around laws and regulations, product literature, work instructions help desk
reports and past projects the company had and where within them lessons have been learned.
This establishes and maintains an agreement with the customer and the users of the
requirements while keeping control of the baseline requirements, process proposed changes to
the requirements to best fit the customers’ needs. You also must keep requirements consistent
with the plans and work project created, when negotiating new changes or revisions make sure to
it is based on the impact of approval. Planning for different actions that can accrue is an
important quality, since software can increase in size and complexity during the development.
Requirements are added as knowledge is obtained; also know the organization and the area of
So for a developer to have the right skills to perform this action he or she needs to
understand what correct questions are needed. Keep control of the interviews; make sure all the
topics and the questions to be asked make sense to the environment the project is involved with.
Also the use of user scenarios to figure out the Who, What, Why, When and How will bring to
light the pieces of data information that will show a better understanding the interfaces
2. References:
[IEEE] The applicable IEEE standards are published in “IEEE Standards Collection,”
2001 edition.
3. Overall Description:
The on line banking service software encompasses numerous functions for the customer
to use from transferring money, to making payments for due bills. The design of the system will
be completely web-based, linking to the Banks remote web server from a standard web browser.
An internet connection is necessary to access the system. The Bank web site will be operated
from the server department location, when a customer connects to the bank web server, the bank
web server will allow the customer to access their account and provide the functions offered.
4. Specific Requirements/Functionality:
4.1 The on line banking will offer key functionality some of them will be:
Apply for personnel loans, credit cards, and mortgage or car loans.
Description: The Customer navigates to the company’s website login security section
2. The login ID and password must be applied correctly to be allowed access into the
3. The customers’ computer needs to have the correct system requirements to launch
Post conditions: At this point the system itself must be at a condition level so as to allow
the customer to achieve their goal within the means of the system.
2. The account of the customer has been updated with current financial information.
Normal Flow: Here is the description of the customers’ actions and systems response if
2. The customer types in their login ID and password, hits the return button and
3. If the customer types in the correct information in the correct format the system
Alternative Flows: If there are any alternate issues that arise outside the normal flow,
mistake, if there is three attempts done and all three fail in sync then the system will disable the
This use case is the first step in the interaction with the system by any customer, this use
case cannot be bypassed for any reason if the steps in the normal flow are done correctly,
Description: The Customer has opposition to move money around within the customer’s
Trigger: The Customer starts the process of viewing the account information and/or
Preconditions: Here there needs to be certain conditions that must be true before the
1. The customer must have enough currency to cover all transactions he or she applies for.
2. All actions applied for by the customer must meet the banks rules and regulations
the customer to achieve their goal within the means of the system.
1. The system is up to date with account balance information and payment policies.
3. System has a valued e-mail address to send the customers receipt of actions.
Normal Flow: Here is the description of the customers’ actions and systems response if
3. Once completed the customer receives a receipt at the predestinated e-mail address.
4. The system logs all account actions and proceeds to archive it and update account
Alternative Flows: If there are any alternate issues that arise outside the normal flow,
1. If the customer applies for an account transaction but the funds cannot support it, the
customer will receive a notification on the website that they cannot process the request
This use case is the final step in the interaction with the system by any customer, this use
case is designed to cover all the customer’s needs they may have with their accounts that
Actors: Employee (The person with the responsibility to track activates of all the
Description: The employee needs to access the system logs to download them to check if
Trigger: The employee logs into the system with bank employee certified credentials.
Preconditions: Here there needs to be certain conditions that must be true before the
1. The employee logged into the system with active ID and password.
2. The employee puts in the correct codes to open the daily logs of the system for download.
3. The employee knows the process of getting the data any other actions they may need to
Post conditions: At this point the system itself must be at a condition level so as to allow
1. The system was able to process all transaction correctly and log them with no issues.
3. Once download is complete the system activates itself for a new log sequence.
4. Employee logs out after verifying the account updates for the day.
Alternative Flows: If there are any alternate issues that arise outside the normal flow,
1. If employee fails to login correctly notification will be sent to higher authority and the
2. If the employee finds that logs are not correct with account updates a report to higher
authority will be sent and the system will stop processing online transactions.
This use case is the use case for employees to use for system verifications and report
5. Usability:
There are some key requirements that must be in place in order for there is usability of
the software.
The customer must have internet access and a computer with Browser functions.
The bank needs to have servers that qualify with the required hardware standards.
The visibility of the screen to the customer should be orientated to the customer’s
account; it only shows the customer what it is able to use to prevent confusion.
6. Reliability:
The quality level of the system and hardware that is provided must be kept at a stingily
high level due to the customers need to access the accounts on a 24/7 level.
With customers money being kept with Wayne bank there can no errors when
Government regulations that are in place to protect the customer’s interests and
affect the banks business actions are to be followed 100% within the systems
7. Performance:
The speed at which the customer travels through the web site should be kept at the
average transfer rate of about six to eight seconds with emphases on the six second mark. Having
to keep the customer waiting on travel within the site will cause customer discomfort.
8. Supportability:
A good quality support of the system is from both the customers and the employees, the
system will offer the customer the ability to fill out a survey that lets them point out the good and
bad points they have found, and also the ability to express any wants they wish for the system.
Also for the company side a good level of support team needs to be implemented, the team must
make up the responsibilities of responding to customer issues, server support and maintaining
company policies.
9. Design Constraints:
There is points of interest concerning key elements that must be used in order for the
The use of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 with visual basic manager, this will be
All Dell Server hardware due to the high level quality and high ranking support.
Since the system is a web based application there is some elements that cannot be
10. Licensing:
All Licensing applications or processes concerning federal and state laws will be
managed by the legal department appointed by the bank management representatives. All
software licensing and leases will be managed by the I.T. department concerning the system
It is important to keep in mind the level of testing that will be done during the
development stages and once the system is completed. There are some key points for the testing
of this type of software application, stress levels of account information transferring back and
forth to server databases during the high peak time of use. Also account accuracy of numbers,
requests and database time cost for actions taken by the requests. Once they core testing’s of the
system is done and is at an acceptable level there will so be testing done on the customers side,
all possible combinations of requests and transactions must be tested to assure that there will be
no bugs are found with any combination the customer can make.
12. Appendix A:
It is critical to objectively evaluate the impact of a software application for the company
when considering adopting tools for the development of the stockholders requests. It is important
to consider the benefits, costs and risks with the implementation of the work done in order to
fulfill what the software application must do. The agile methodology is an important step
towards adopting tools. Agile Software Development is an evolution of the group of software
develop through collaboration of teams that are proficient at self organizing and cross
functioning. The agile manifesto is the values of individuals and interactions with the processes
and tools, working software with comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration and
principle points are customer satisfaction with quick completion of a software application that
covers their needs. Except changes at anytime during the development of the software, deliver
working software frequently, the working software is the key measure of the progress. Keep a
remember, with attention to details to achieve an excellent level concerning the design. Included
with the principles is the idea of keeping it simple, organized and allow adaptation when
With the development of the SRS the key structure for it was imbedded in the
Requirement Engineering which gives a platform to understood what the customer wants, here
the six distinct tasks Inception, Elicitation, Elaboration, Negotiation, Specification, and
Validation. With the kickoff meeting is the beginning of understanding what the stockholder
wants and what the software application can do. With that a clear user case structure helps to put
in simple terms what the software application needs to do and what it can do, this helps
developers to write the structure of the software script. Following these steps is the specific
requirements which are the identification in detail what the software application needs to do in
order to satisfy the outcome, this is shown in section 4 with bullets and user cases. At this point
the structure that we talked about earlier pertaining to agile methodology is showing the structure
within the SRS, the steps that need to be taken is shown by the outline of the SRS as it follows
the mantra of the requirement engineering tasks. Another point of discussion is the usability and
reliability that governs the needs the software has outside itself and the points of interests where
failure is not an opposition. They too are part of the SRS for this assignment covering the points
correctly pertaining to Wayne’s banks needs. What the software needs in order to function
correctly for the stockholders is part of the supportability section, and the reliability is centered
on the security of customers money and any information they may place into the account. Design
constraints and verification is the aspect of what software and hardware will be needed in order
for the software application being created needs to function on the back end. Verifying that the
software meets the requirements allocated, in other words it means checking the software with
approval to the design specks. Validation is the process of authenticate that the software meets
the stockholders requirements; this involves inspecting the software with the customers’
expectations in mind. With the scenario that is designated for the operation of the system, and the
input data as the test case, the walkthrough is a manual execution of the software with test data to