Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement For The Attainment of Sarjana Pendidikan Degree at English Education Study Program

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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Attainment of Sarjana
Pendidikan Degree at English Education Study Program

2015 36 096



Skripsi atas nama Muhammad Urwa Hulihulis, NIM: 2015-36-096. Dengan judul
“The Implementation of the 2013 Scientific Approach Curriculum at SMA
Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah” telah disetujui dan ditanda tangani oleh Pembimbing
utama, Pembimbing pendamping, Ketua Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,
serta Ketua Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, dan di ajukan untuk memenuhi
ujian sarjanaProgram Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu
Pendidikan, Universitas Pattimura Ambon.

Disetujui Oleh

Pembimbing Utama Tanda Tangan Tanggal

Drs. R. Manuputty, MA ……………….. …………

NIP: 195807281984031002

Pembimbing Pendamping Tanda Tangan Tanggal

Jeny Lekatompessy. S.Pd. M. TESOL ………………. ………...

NIP: 197506282005012001

Mengesahkan, Mengetahui,
Ketua Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Ketua Program Studi Pedidikan Bahasa
Inggris Inggris

Dr. K. Anaktototty, MA. Stella, R. Que, S.S. MA

NIP: 196505071995011001 NIP: 197108242003122002

“If you don’t want to feel the fatigue of studying,
Then you will taste the bitterness of stupidity”

(Imam Syafi’i)


First of all, the researcher would like to thank Allah SWT for the blessing and

merciful in life. This skripsi would never have been finished without the assistance

from many people which the researcher has encountered when study in English

Education Study Program, Pattimura University. Therefore, the reseacher’s

indebtedness goes to those who have been involved in the accomplishment of this


1. Prof. DR. Izaak H. Wenno, M.Pd as the Dean of Teachers’ Training and

Educational Science Faculty, Pattimura University, Ambon.

2. Dr. K. Anaktototy, MA as the Head of Language and Art Department.

3. Stella. R. Que, S.S., MA for the contribution and support as the Head of

English Study Program.

4. Dr. Richard Manuputy, M. Ed and J. Lekatompessy S.Pd, M. TESOL, who

have assisted the researcher during the process of reporting the research. Their

patience in guidance has definitely shaped the researcher’s intellect and has

broadened the researcher’s capacity in the academic field.

5. All lecturers and staffs in English Education Study Program who had given

their valuable advice and cooperation.

6. Farudin Namakule S.Pd as the Head of SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah, for

the permission to conduct the research and also to the English teacher of SMA

Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah, for the patience, contribution, support and help

during the research.

7. The researcher should mention the family of SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah.

All teachers and students for the cooperation and contribution in this research.

8. The researcher’s deeply grateful goes to beloved family, Dad and Mom (Bpk.

Hayatudin Hulihulis and Ibu.Nuraini Peisama) for their prayer and their

unending affection. These words are never enough to express the writer’s


9. The writer deeply grateful also goes to big family, Syamsudin Hulihulis, Nur

Haji Peisama, Nurdin Hulihulis, Hasrun Hulihulis, Ismail Hulihulis, Maya

Hulihulis, Nurhayati Huihulis, Mutiya Hulihulis, Hana Peisama, and Acim


10. Last but not least, the researcher would like to express endless grateful to all

friends from English Department 2015, Yanto S.Pd, Sumardi S.Pd, Ifan

Sialana SH. MH, Heru S.Pd, Dandy Kamsurya, Hujair Hehanusa, Wahyu, and

for everyone who cannot be mentioned that have inspired and always gave

new spirit during the process of skripsi making, and it would have not been

finished without their presence.

Ambon, 13 Maret2021

The Researcher


This Graduating Paper Dedicated to:

Almighty God
(Allah SWT)

The writer’s beloved parents

Hayatudin Hulihulis
Nuraini Peisama


Hulihulis, Muhammad Urwa. 2021. “The Implementation of the 2013 Scientific

Approach Curriculum at SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah”. Pattimura
University. Ambon. Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Science.
Language and Art Department. English Education Study Program. Advisors:
(1)Dr. Richard Manuputy, M.Ed. (2) J. Lekatompessy S.Pd, M. TESOL
The objectives of this research are: (1) to know the implementation of
scientific approach in teaching English at SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah, (2) to
know the teachers’ perception toward scientific approach in teaching English at SMA
Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah, (3) to know the teachers’ challenges in implementing
scientific approach. In this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative
research method. There were 2 English teachers selected as the participants of this
research. The instruments of collecting the data in this research were classroom
observation checklist, and semi structured interview. In analyzing the data, the
researcher classified the result in form of table, and describes the conclusion into
words description.
The result of this research shows that (1) The implementation of scientific
approach are: two teachers already implemented three steps well, the steps namely
questioning, associating, and experimenting, while two teachers have the problem in
observing stage where they were mostly difficult in providing opportunity for
students to observe the object, and the teachers were trouble in implementing
communicating step of scientific approach, (2) The teachers perception are: The
teachers were mostly agreed that scientific approach is an effective approach in
curriculum 2013 that help teacher in conducting English learning activity and helping
students to be more active in classroom, the scientific approach is very good for
students’ academic progress especially in increasing students’ cognitive skill, the
students become more independent learner and participating actively during in the
classroom activity even though they still use mix language or even Indonesian
language only. However the classroom seems to be more interactive and interesting
because of scientific approach, (3) The teachers’ challenges are: lack of media such
as projector InFocus and speaker, so make the teachers imperfect in implementing
observing step, and the teacher also lack of time management so make the teachers
imperfect to implement communication step of scientific approach.

Keyword: Curriculum 2013, Implementation, Scientific Approach, Teaching English


LEMBAR PENGESAHAN......................................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................................viii
LIST OF TABLE.....................................................................................................................x
LIST OF APPENDIX..............................................................................................................xi
CHAPTER I.............................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of Study.............................................................................................1
1.2. Research questions.................................................................................................5
1.3. The objectives of the study....................................................................................6
1.4. Significance of the study........................................................................................6
1.5. Scope and limitation..............................................................................................7
1.6. Definition of Key the terms...................................................................................7
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................................8
REVIEW OF LITERATURE...................................................................................................8
2.1. Curriculum.............................................................................................................8
2.2. Curriculum in Indonesian.....................................................................................8
2.3. The Curriculum 2013.............................................................................................9
2.4. The difference of curriculum 2013 and previous curriculum.............................9
2.5. Definition of Scientific Approach........................................................................10
2.6. The Purpose of Scientific Approach...................................................................11
2.7. Principle of Scientific Approach.........................................................................11
2.8. Scientific Approach in Curriculum 2013............................................................12
2.9. Procedures in Implementing Scientific Approach in classroom.......................12
1) Observing.................................................................................................................13

2) Questioning..............................................................................................................13
3) Experimenting.........................................................................................................14
4) Associating...............................................................................................................15
5) Communicating.......................................................................................................15
2.10. The Application Scientific Approach to English Learning...............................16
CHAPTER III........................................................................................................................18
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................18
3.1. Research Design...................................................................................................18
3.2 Subject of Study...................................................................................................18
3.3 Research Procedure.............................................................................................19
3.4 Technique of Collecting Data..............................................................................20
1. Classroom Observation Checklist..........................................................................20
2. Semi-Structured Interviews....................................................................................22
3.5 Technique of Data Analysis.................................................................................22
BAB IV..................................................................................................................................24
FINDING AND DISCUSSION.............................................................................................24
4.1. Teacher Profile.....................................................................................................24
4.2. Finding..................................................................................................................25
1. The Result of Teachers’ implementation of Scientific Approach........................25
2. Data Semi Structured Interview............................................................................36
4.3. Discussion.............................................................................................................51
1. The Implementation of Scientific Approach.........................................................51
2. Teachers’ Perception on Scientific Approach.......................................................55
3. Teachers’ Challenges in Implementing Scientific Approach...............................56
CHAPTER V.........................................................................................................................59
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION...................................................................................59


Table 1. Checklist of Scientific Approach Implementation........................................21

Table 2. Table Result of Scientific Approach Implementation in Teacher 1..............26

Table 3. Table Result of Scientific Approach Implementation in Teacher 2..............31


Appendix 1. Classroom Observation Checklist...........................................................65

Appendix 2. Semi-Structured Interviews....................................................................68

Appendix 3. Classroom Observation Documentation.................................................70

Appendix 4. Documentation of Interview...................................................................71

Appendix 5. Students Work Sheet...............................................................................72



1.1. Background of Study

The development of education sector cannot be separated from the curriculum

as the main core in education field. Curriculum is a tool for the success of education,

that is aim to develop educational system that contains of teaching material as

guidelines for the teachers in teaching and learning process and it is a path to acquire

and transfer in that process at schools. Curriculum plays an important role since it

becomes and contains guidelines for educators/teachers to implement and transfer

their knowledge for the students.

In Indonesian educational system, there has been changing of curriculum.

Kardena (2015) stated in the last 10 years curriculum in Indonesia has been changed

for three times. Kurikulum berbasis kompetensi (KBK) kurikulum Tingkat Satuan

Pendidikan (KTSP), and kurikulum 2013. The changes of these curriculums include

many aspects such as the aim and the goals of education, learning materials, teaching

and approach evaluation. He also mentioned that, the reason why the government

needed to change the curriculum in order to a continuity of learners’ education

program into a better result.

Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia has demanded schools to

employ the new 2013 curriculum. The education curriculum of Indonesia has

changed from KTSP to 2013 curriculum. The new Ministry of Education and Culture

of Indonesia in 2015 has mandated some schools which have employed 2013

curriculum for more than two semesters to keep using 2013 curriculum. The chosen

schools run as models to prepare for the widespread implementation of 2013

curriculum in all schools.

Abidin, (2014) in Ratnaningsih S, (2017) the 2013 curriculum is implemented

as one of government ‘efforts to answer the challenges of the advancing technology

and rapid globalization. It is related to the 21th century characteristics where the

individual asks to have the multi literacy skills. The 21th century characteristics cover

the ability of the highest understanding, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and

communication. 21th century skills include: (1) life and career skills, (2) learning and

innovation skills and (3) information, media, and technology skills. They underline

that learning and innovation skills which connect to creative thinking, problem

solving, communication, collaboration, creativity and innovation are the main skill to

be improved. Majid and Rochman (2015) in Luin E (2019) clarify that the orientation

of learning in 2013 curriculum is purposed to produce Indonesians who are

productive, creative, innovative, and effective by reinforcing attitudes (know why),

skills (know how), and knowledge (know what). Indonesians are working toward the

betterment of its education’s quality, following the competitive challenges of

globalization. The teaching and learning process of 2013 curriculum emphasizes the

students on their character development.

Thus, in achieving the goal of 2013 curriculum, it requires the suitable

approach to be implemented. Kemdikbud (2013) in Ratnaningsih (2017) statedthat

the 2013curriculum can be implemented successfully by using scientific approach.

Scientific Approach (SA) is a new approach in Indonesian ELT and it sounds so

familiar to particular subject such as science.Majid and Rochman (2015) in Luin E

(2019) explained that scientific approach is the process in learning to have a new

knowledge through scientific steps which are able to make the students have deep

thought about something. Scientific approach not only viewed in the term of the

result of students learning, but also the process of learning.

In 2013 curriculum, scientific approachaims at improving the quality of

teaching and learning. The learning process of scientific approach fulfills objective,

factual, systematic method, accurate, logic, actual, and verified due to implementing

of science stages. Teaching and learning process in 2013 curriculum by using

scientific approach enable students to become the particular subject of the learning

process and the teachers play roles as a facilitator (Permendikbud 81A, 2013 in Luin

E 2019). In the process of learning, the learners are facilitated to be actively involved

in developing their potential to be learning competencies. The scientific approach in

2013 curriculum provides some basic stages in learning procedure that encourage

students to be capable in classroom activity. The stages are observing, questioning,

experimenting, associating, and networking. Those are the steps thatwill direct the

students to develop and to integrate their attitudes, skills and knowledge.

Based on preliminary study conducted in SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah, the

researcher found out this school has been implemented Curriculum 2013 and

scientific approach in teaching English. However, the preliminary study indicated,

there were several basic problems found such as first, in implementing scientific

approach in English classroom, the teacher did not implement it fully, because the

limited of the media of learning. The researcher identified this is a problem due to

one significant steps in scientific approach is observing where the teachers supposed

to use media, in fact the teacher at the school did not use the media dealing with

technology, and lack of teacher’s handbook. Another problem is the teachers are

unwell organized the scientific approach implementation or simply they did not apply

it perfectly caused by their background. Therefore, the researcher is interested to

investigate how the Scientific Approach is implemented in SMA Negeri 25 Maluku

Tengah on real context.

Furthermore, there are some previous studies that researcher found related to

scientific approach. Firstly, a research conducted by Ratnaningsi (2017). She is the

student of English department of Indonesian University of Education. The title of her

research is scientific approach of 2013 curriculum: Teachers’ implementation in

English language teaching in one state junior high school in Bandung regency. On

the research she definitely focused on how scientific approach is being implemented

where the methodology used to measure it is case study qualitative research. There

were three instruments she used to collect the data consisted of classroom

observation, and document analysis. Thus, the conclusion of her study clearly showed

that the teacher implemented scientific approach properly and all stages are involved

on the application. Second is by Solikah (2015), the student of Muhammadiyah

University of Surakarta with the title is the implementation of scientific approach in

teaching English at SMP Muhammadiah 4 Surakarta. Her research just focused on

the teacher’s implementation and the problems that faced by the teacher in

implementing scientific approach in teaching English at SMP Muhammadiyah 4

Surakarta. The aims of her study are to investigate the student’s development of three

aspects namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor using scientific approach

implementation where the instruments she used to collect the data were field notes,

lesson plan analysis, syllabus analysis, assessment form, and interview notes. She

conducted test to assess cognitive aspect, observation and self-assessment to assess

students affective, and practice and portfolio to assess psychomotor. Thus, the result

of her study inferred that scientific approach is fully implemented to investigate

students’ progress.

Meanwhile, in this research the researcher focuses on the three points consist

of teacher’s implementation, perception and the teacher challenges in implementing

scientific approach in teaching English in SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah. The

research design researcher used in this research is basically different from those

previous study above where methodology use is descriptive qualitative and

instruments used are semi structure interview, and classroom observation checklist,

while in previous studies first researcher used case study qualitative, and different

instrument to collect data and second researcher used qualitative research while the

focus is more refer to investigation process of knowing students’ progress through

scientific approach.

1.2. Research questions

1. How the scientific approach in 2013 curriculumis implemented in teaching

English at SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah?

2. What are the teachers’ perceptions about scientific approach in curriculum

2013in teaching English at SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah?

3. What are the challenges faced by the teachers in implementing scientific

approach in curriculum 2013 of teaching English at SMA Negeri 25 Maluku


1.3. The objectives of the study

The objectives of this study are:

1. To see how the scientific approach is implemented in the process of teaching

English at SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah

2. To know teachers perception about scientific approach in curriculum 2013

3. To know the challenges faced by the teachers in implementing scientific


1.4. Significance of the study

The result of this research is hoped to give benefits for teachers, students and the


1. For teachers:

The researcher hopes that, the result of this research can benefit for the

teachers to add their comprehension in implementing Scientific Approach in

teaching English.

2. Students:

The researcher hopes that the result of this research can motivate the students

to be more active and creative in the learning process.

3. Researcher:

Through this research, the researcher will be able to increase and improve his

knowledge in implementing Scientific Approach.

1.5. Scope and limitation

This research conducted in SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah located in Haya

Village. There are two teachers that have been observed. In this research, the

researcher focuses at the teacher’s perception, challenge and the implementation

of scientific approach of 2013 curriculum in teaching English. For the

implementation researcher prefer in the steps of scientific approach namely:

observing, questioning, associating, experimenting and communicating.

1.6. Definition of Key the terms

1. Curriculum is a tool that regulate about the walk of educational system

because curriculum provides many things such as: technique that will be

used in teaching and teaching material as guidelines for the teachers in

teaching and learning process

2. Curriculum 2013 is the development of the 2006 Curriculum or well

known as Curriculum-based Competence. That purpose to make the

students more active and creative in the learning process

3. Scientific approach is an approach in 2013 curriculum that consists of five

steps they are observing, questioning, associating, experimenting and

communicating, where the teachers should implement it in learning

process, because this is an approach to give a good expectation in teaching

English in the school.



2.1. Curriculum

According to Wahyuni (2016) Mention that Curriculum is a set of

plans and systems about the contents and materials to be taught as well as

methods used to carry out teaching and learning activities at school becomes

guidance to achieve the education goals. While, Taba (1962), & Ruhimat

(2009) in Ratnaningsi (2017). Mention that Curriculum is a plan for learning

containing many kinds of learning instructions and outcomes.

Thus, based on the explanation above the researcher can conclude that

Curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements concerning the purpose, content

and learning materials and how to use as a guide for learning activities to

achieve specific educational goals. And without curriculum the process of

education not runs well, because curriculum contains guidelines for the

teachers to implement and transfer their knowledge for the students.

2.2. Curriculum in Indonesian

Curriculum in Indonesia, Indonesia has several times in held

curriculum change and improvement to adapting the curriculum with

improvement and progress of time in order to achieve the maximum result.

Curriculum change based on awareness that development and change that

occur in society in Indonesia, global challenge, development of science and

technology. Thus, there are some curriculums that already implemented in

Indonesia which have different purpose some of they are: Curriculum1947,

1952, 1975, 1984, 2004,Meaning-Based Curriculum (MBC): The Curriculum

1994, School-Based Curriculum (KTSP, The curriculum 2006) and

Curriculum 2013)

2.3. The Curriculum 2013

According to Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture the purpose

of the 2013 Curriculum, No. 68/1/2013, is to prepare Indonesia people to have

life skill competence as an individual and citizen who are faithful, productive,

creative, and able to contribute to society and nation, as cited in Nugraha and

Suherdi (2017).The Curriculum 2013 is the development of the 2006

Curriculum or well known as Curriculum-based Competence. In curriculum

2013 already provide scientific approach that purpose to more active, creative

and innovative in the learning process. The procedures in the implementation

of scientific in the learning process are observation, questioning,

experimenting, associating, and communicating. According to Sani (2014) in

Dewi (2017) said, Curriculum 2013 emphasized on the importance of

students’ character building in school, especially since in the primary level”.

2.4. The difference of curriculum 2013 and previous curriculum

There are so many differences between curriculum 2013 and previous

curriculum. In first curriculum, started from 1947-1952whichmore focusing

developing the students’ morality, mentality and faithfully that appropriate

about the points of Pancasila. In second curriculum in 1975-2004 focused on

developing student’s communicative competence and skills like reading,

writing, listening and so on. While in third curriculum in 2005-2012 that

called as KTSP is more focus on providing structured and carried out eight

national education standards: like content standard, process standard graduate

competence standard, educational personnel standard, facilities and

infrastructure standard, management standard, financial standard and

educational assessment standard. (Wahyuni 2016)

Furthermore, curriculum 2013 is fundamentally different from those

previous curriculums due to this curriculum uses scientific approach as basic

approach in conducting teaching and learning process that more focus on

making students more productive and creative. However, it is totally different

with previous curriculum.

2.5. Definition of Scientific Approach

This approach also emphasizes on process of searching knowledge and

students as subject of learning through applying science principles. According

to Longman (2014) in Zaim (2017) scientific approach is defined as the

process of finding out information in science, which involves testing the ideas

by performing experiments and making decisions based on the result of

analysis. While according to Tyasti G. C. (2017) scientific approach is a

learning approach to solve problems through the systematic procedural

sequence. The procedures of scientific approach are observing, questioning,

experimenting, associating, and communicating.

According to Ridwan (2015) in Barawati (2018), he said that scientific

approach used method of scientific is generally related observation needed for

hypothesis formulation or collecting scientific method. It is generally based on

the exposure of that data observation or experiment, and 22 experimental

activities can be replaced with activities to obtain information from the

various sources.

2.6. The Purpose of Scientific Approach

The purpose of learning the scientific approach is:

1. To improve the ability of intellect, especially high-level thinking skills of


2. To establish the ability of the student in solving a problem in a systematic


3. Obtaining results of high learning.

4. To train students in the communication of ideas, especially in writing a

scientific article.

5. To develop the character of students.

2.7. Principle of Scientific Approach

Scientific Approach basically has the characteristic as the limitation

that differentiate it with another approach. Furthermore, According to Lazim

(2014:2) the principles of a scientific approach in learning activities are as


1. Student learning centered.

2. Learning of the students' self-concept.

3. Learning to improvement of the students' thinking ability.

4. Provide opportunity for the students to practice in communication

In the learning activity in scientific approach the students is center learning.

The teacher gave the motivation student’s to improvement their skills. And then

the students practice the skills.

2.8. Scientific Approach in Curriculum 2013

Scientific approach is one of the learning approaches promoted by the

2013 Curriculum. According to Regulation of Ministry of National Education

No. 65, in Ratnaningsi (2017) Scientific Approach in 2013 curriculum trains

the students in some aspects

1. To be the center of learning.

2. Involve the cognitive processes which is potential in stimulating
intellectual development, specifically the high level of student;
thinking skill,
3. giving opportunities to the student to assimilate and accommodate
4. promote acculturation and empowerment of students as lifelong

The purpose in implementation scientific approach in 2013 curriculum

of the learning process is to develop the student’s creativity, innovative and
make them more active. Moreover scientific approach is very helpfulin
achieving the goals of curriculum 2013.

2.9. Procedures in Implementing Scientific Approach in classroom

Kemdikbud (2013), Hosnan (2014) as cited in Zaim (2017). Mention

that there are the main five steps of applying scientific approach in teaching

learning process, they are observing, questioning, experimenting, associating,

and communicating.

1) Observing

The activity of observing has the priority in togetherness of the

learning process (meaning full learning). This method has superiority such us

using real objects, creating the students’ to be fun and challenged. So, the

learning process is very useful to cultivate the curiosity. Using observational

methods learners find the fact that there is a relationship between the object

and the material.

In addition, there are two main activities that should be done to lead to

the observing steps. First, the teachers give students a wide opportunity to do

observation. The observation can be done through reading, listening, or seeing

the object. Second, the teachers facilitate the students to do observation and

train the students to observe the important things from the object.

2) Questioning

Questioning functions to encourage and inspire learners to actively

learn and develop questions of and for itself; to raise skills of students in

talking, asking questions, and the other can answer logically, systematically

using proper and correct grammar; to encourage students’ participation in

discussing, arguing, developing the ability to think and draw conclusions; and

to build an attitude of openness to give and receive opinions or ideas, enrich

vocabulary, as well as developing social tolerance in gregarious.

In other word, in the activity of questioning teachers should be able to

make students to ask the questions. The expected competencies in questioning

is to develop creativity, curiosity, ability of formulate questions to form the

critical mind needs in intelligent live and lifelong learning.

According to Minister of Education and Culture Decree No 81A/2013

on the curriculum implementation, questioning is done by raising any

questions related to the information found in observation to gain additional

information (cited in Nikmah U, 2017). In accordance to this statement,

Priyana (2014) in Nikmah U, (2017) states there are three activities carried out

in this step. First, teacher provides opportunity to students to conduct a

question-answer. Second, teacher asks students to formulate questions based

on their knowledge. Third, teacher encourages students to propose temporary

answer based on their knowledge.

3) Experimenting

Based on McLelland (2006) in Nikmah U (2017), an experiment is

designed to prove or disprove the hypothesis that has been established by

researcher. Meanwhile, an experiment in the Curriculum 2013 is conducted by

the students to gain an authentic learning result. As stated in the Minister of

Education and Culture Decree No 81A/2013 on the curriculum

implementation, the aims of experimenting step are to develop the students'

skill in implementing their knowledge, gaining information, building learning

habit, and understanding long life learning. In this step, the role of teacher is

providing worksheet and learning resource for the students.

Furthermore, there are five activities that can be done in

experimenting, (1) Grouping students into several groups, (2) asking students

to discuss, (3) recording the finding, (4) supervising the learning process to

ensure that all learners are actively involved in the discussion, and (5)

directing the group that need help.

4) Associating

Associating is the ability to analyze and associate the information

occurred within the group. Associating is the process of analyzing the

information to find the relationship between one and other information and to

find the patterns of interrelationship of the information so that one can make

conclusion from the patterns found.

Associating is known as one of the processes in the learning of a

scientific approach. This activity serves to enable teachers and students to be

active in learning. The meaning of associating is thinking logically and

systematically over the observable empirical facts to conclude the knowledge.

This activity also is carried out to find the link age of the learning

approach information’s model with other information, find patterns of linkage

information. The expected competence is to develop honesty, careful,

discipline, obedience rules, hard work, and the ability to apply procedures and

think inductive as well as in deductive of concluding.

5) Communicating

Communicating is the ability to conclude the facts that have been

observed and experimented. There are four activities that can be conducted in

communicating steps:

1. Asking the students to read their work to the class,

2. Asking each group to listen well and provide additional input with

regard to the work of each group,

3. Giving explanation after the group discussion ended, and

4. Structuring tasks and providing opportunities to the students to

demonstrate attitude, skills, and understanding of the substance of

learning given.

Based on description above, the implementation of scientific approach

has some procedures that should be implemented by the teacher in teaching

English. And based on the explanation from the experts above there are five

procedures in implementing scientific approach are observation, questioning,

experimenting, and communicating. And from the five stages actually is very

important for all the students in the class. Furthermore, the students will be

more active in developing their potential

2.10. The Application Scientific Approach to English Learning

Scientific Approach is commonly covered three basic activities in learning

process as the general structure of conducting classroom activity which set the

activity from the beginning of the class until the end of the class. Thus,

learning activities include three main activities, namely the preliminary

activities, while activities, and post activities.

1. Preliminary Activity

Preliminary event aims to create an atmosphere of effective early

learning that enables students can follow the learning process well. For

example, when the start of learning, the teacher greets the children excited and

happy tone (say hello), check the presence of the student and ask the student's

absence if one is not present.

2. While Activity

While activity is the main activity in the learning process or in the

process of applying the main five stages of scientific Approach. It also

categorized as the main activity of learning to enrich students understanding

about the material.

3. Post Activity

It is the last activity of learning process which well known as the

evaluation process. The activity is frequently signed by giving back the short

explanation about the material or last question to evaluate how far students

understanding about the materiall



3.1. Research Design

The research design of this research is a descriptive qualitative

research which aims to obtain deeply about description of the implementation

of scientific approach in SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah. This method is

categorized as qualitative method under interpretive research paradigm where

the research employs the constructivist view of reality and the essence of

phenomenon into clear description.

This research design is not too representing the mathematic description

while more focus on word describing. Creswell (2012) in Sofyan (2016)

mention that in qualitative research, statistics are not used to analyze the data,

instead, the inquirer analyzes words.

3.2 Subject of Study

The subject of this research is the English teacher of SMA Negeri 25

Maluku Tengah. This research focused only on two English teachers that

registered officially as English teacher in that school. The first teacher is from

X grade and second teacher is from XI grade. Thus, the simple profil of those

two teachers is described below.

1. The teacher from X grade has been uncertified but frequently

needed in more than one school. Then, this teacher has been taught

for fifteen years. He is uncertified officially but has been following

some teacher trainings about education.

2. Meanwhile, the other one from XI grade is certified and has been

taught for 7 years.He has become official employment to be a


The researcher will observe how scientific approach is implemented

by the Teachers and doing interview to know their perception and challenges

in implementing scientific approach.

3.3 Research Procedure

1. The beginning of this research, the researcher asked the agreement first to the

teacher in SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah then, the researcher saw the

English teacher’s lesson plan.

2. The researcher starts to observe the teacher teaching and learning process

about how the teacher implements scientific approach in teaching English. At

the same time the researcher will take the documentation as a support to

gather the information.

3. The researcher takes the appropriate time to interview teachers based on their

comprehension and the problem that they faced in implementing scientific

approach under curriculum 2013.

4. After the data is collected by the researcher through conducting interview and

direct classroom observation, the all data will be analyzed by using data

classification in form of table then, describe the conclusion into words


5. The last procedure is reporting the result. After analyzing the data, the

researcher will report the all result by using word description to describe the

researcher’s findings.

3.4 Technique of Collecting Data

In this research, the writer used qualitative data where the research

conducts classroom observation checklist and semi structured interview as the

instrument. The data consist of the result of learning process activity through

classroom observation checklist and interview. The questions interviews are

about the English teachers’ perceptions and challenges of implementing

scientific approach. The researcher identified the implementation of scientific

approach particularly in teaching learning process from observation and semi

structured interview is a verbal interchange between interviewer and teachers

aim to elicit information by asking questions.

Here are the instruments:

1. Classroom Observation Checklist

Observation checklist is a technique that used for collecting data. It is

used to measure how far the effectiveness of teachers’ implementing

scientific approach in teaching English.

The checklist below consists of the element of scientific approach and

to measure whether the teacher implement the scientific approach or not

will described as fellow:

a. Yes is given a tick (√) as symbol that teacher implementation

suitable with scientific approach and

b. No is given a tick (√) too as symbol that teacher implementation is

not suitable with scientific approach

Table 1. Checklist of Scientific Approach Implementation

No Procedures Frequenc Comments


Yes No
1. Pre Activity
a. Teacher greetings to students and
students praying together

b. Teacher checking students’

c. Teacher asking news before going
to the lesson
2. While Activity
a. The teachers give students a wide
opportunity to observe the
material by showing the objects
such as pictures, text, video, and
listening audio.
b. The teacher ask students to take
note what they are observed

a. Teacher giving some questions to
the students’ opinion about the

a. Grouping students into several
b. Ask the students to discuss their
ideas about the lesson in their
a. Ask the students to analyze
information that have discussed
a. Ask the students to explain what
they have discussed in front of
b. Give feedback to students

3. Post Activity

a. Teacher evaluate the students

about the material
b. Teacher guides students to do
praying together
(Adopted fromHosnan2014 as cited in Zaim2017)

2. Semi-Structured Interviews

Interview is needed because the researcher wants to gather information

from the teacher deeply about the teacher understanding about the concept

of scientific approach and the challenges that the teacher face during the


The semi structured interview conducts ten questions related to

teachers’ perception and challenges. The six questions constructed to

assess and answer teachers’ perceptions where the questions started from

number 1 to 6. Then, the other five questions intended to answer teachers’

challenges where the questions started from number seven to ten. The

following questions can be seen on appendix 2.

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis

Technique of analyzing data of this research is descriptive qualitative

analysis. Brink (1993) in Mohajan. K. H (2018) stated that qualitative analysis

is to describe and interpret issues or phenomena systematically from the point

of view of the population being studied. It is not including statistical analysis

and empirical calculation.

However, below are the following ways to analyze the data collected

by using descriptive qualitative approach.

The ways are firstly, after gathering the data collected from interview

and classroom observation checklist, the researcher classified each

characteristic of the teachers in implementing scientific approach. The

researcher divided each data of the teachers into different section then explain

deeply about the information and the result of how the teachers’

implementation on scientific approach, perceptions and challenges.

Moreover, after analyzing data by classifying the data of each teacher,

the next activity that researcher do is reporting the result by using word

descriptions in each data of teachers. The data reporting of classroom

observation checklist is constructed based on five stages proposed by

scientific approach, while reporting of perception and challenges information

through interview is divided based on different teachers.



In this chapter, the researcher presents the research findings and discussion

from two instruments as data collection namely semi structure interview, and

classroom observation checklist. In this chapter, the researcher also provides the two

teachers’ profiles as the participants.

4.1. Teacher Profile

In this part, it covers the identity, educational background, and experiences of

English teacher in teaching English. There were two teachers that have different

educational backgrounds.

1. Teacher 1

The teacher 1 is a Man. His complete name is Bunyamin Namakule SE. His

nick name is Mr. Bule. He is 45 years old. He graduated from Darussalam

University of Ambon. He was not graduated from English educational degree

but due to he has ability in English, he was chosen by the Head Master of the

School to be the English teacher. Now he is an English teacher at the school,

and he has been teaching for 10 years. He was the teacher of second grade.

2. Teacher 2

The teacher 2 is a woman. Her full name is Salma Namakule S.Pd. Her called

name is Ibu Salma. She is around 38 years old. She was graduated from English

study program degree atUniversity of Muhammadiyah Malang. She is an

English teacher of SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah. She is the English teacher

of first grade. She has been teaching for 8 years old.

4.2. Finding

1. The Result of Teachers’ implementation of Scientific Approach

Based on the researcher observations, the teachers always taught with the

procedures of teaching according to the 2013 curriculum and the teachers are

mostly used scientific approach in teaching.

However, this section is the explanation of observation checklist result in

classroom. The explanation is divided into two terms, first term for teacher 1,

and second term for teacher 2.

a. The Implementation of scientific approach of Teacher 1

Here is the explanation of the process in implementing scientific

approach at SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah based on the observation of

the Teacher 1 teaching process at second grade.

The observation has been conducted on Wednesday, January 13th

2021, in second grade at 09:00-10.30 am. 15 of 25 students were in the

classrom. The topic of the learning and teaching activity at the time was

“Personal Letter”. This class was handled by Mr. Bunyamin Namakule


Based on the observation, the implementation of scientific approach in

teaching English can be seen in the following table.

Table 2. Table Result of Scientific Approach Implementation in Teacher 1

Procedures Frequency

Yes No
Pre Activity
a. Teacher greetings the students, then √
praying together
b. Teacher checking students’ attendance √
c. Teacher asking news before going to the √
While Activity
a. The teacher give students a wide √
opportunity to observe the material by
showing the objects such as pictures, text,
video, and listening audio.
b. The teacher ask students to take note what √
they are observed
a. Teacher giving some questions to the √
students’ opinion about the lesson

a. Grouping students into several groups √
b. Ask the students to discuss their ideas √
about the lesson in their group

a. Ask the students to analyze information √

that have discussed
b. Ask the students to explain what they have √
discussed in front of class
c. Give feedback to students √

Post Activity

a. Teacher evaluate the students about the √

b. Teacher guides students to do praying √

1) Pre Activity/Opening

From the table above, it can be inferred that there were three steps in

opening activity that must be implemented, while in fact the data showed

that the teacher was only implemented one step which is greeting students

and pray together. On this step, the teacher said “Assalamualaikum wr.wb

and good morning” then the students responded him by answering

“Waalaikumsalam wr.wb, and good morning. Meanwhile, there were two

steps that were not be implemented by the teacher. The steps were checking

students’ attendance, and asking students’ condition. The teacher after

greeting and doing prayer, he was directly moved to the observing activity.

2) Observing

The table result above informed that there were two points that should

be applied in observing activity. The data analysis demonstrated that the

teacher was not implemented observing clearly. It is because the teacher

doesn’t provide wide opportunity for students to observe first the object of

the material that day before move to the other steps. The teacher also does

not give students a chance to take note what they observe.

After greeting, and checking student’s attendance then, teacher 1 tells

the tittle of the topic and she directly moved to the other step which is

questioning. “….okey..hari ini kita akan belajar mengenai Personal


3) Questioning

In this stage the teacher should ask students some questions dealing

with the topic. However, the data of the table above showed that, the teacher

has been implemented the questioning stage perfectly. It is due to the

teacher gave questions for students related to the topic of personal letter.

Here are the examples of the questions. “apakah perbedaan antara surat

pribadi dan surat resmi? Biasanya surat resmi ditujukan kepada siapa

saja?” then, the students responded his questions. Therefore, this indicated

that the teacher already applied the questioning stage as good as well.

4) Experimenting

In experimenting stage of scientific approach, it has two activities

consist of grouping students in group and asking the students to work and

discuss in group. The data analysis assumed that the teacher implemented

the experimenting stage well since he applied the all two activities. At the

time, the teacher divided the students into three big groups then, the teacher

asked students to accomplish an exercise of personal letter.

”…. Di tahapan ini, saya akan bagikan kalian dalam tiga kelompok.

Setiap kelompok terdiri dari 5 orang. Masing-masing kelompok akan

diberikan soal latihan tentang personal letter..”

5) Associating

In the step of associating, the teacher distributes papers about the

material that will be discussed to each group and gives a few minutes to

discuss the text of personal letter. The students asked to complete the blank

space of the text given by the teacher through putting the suitable words

provided. The teacher also guides the students to ask if there was a difficult

word and help the students.

”…Saya akan bagikan sebuah teks surat pribadi. Teks ini belum

lengkap dan terdapat kekosongan dibeberapa bagian. Olehnya itu tugas

kalian adalah untuk melengkapi kekosongan itu dengan cara memilih kata-

kata yanag cocok pada kata kunci yang tersedia diatas teks…”

6) Communicating

In communicating step, there are two activities that should be applied

by the teacher. In fact, the data proved that the teacher just applied one

activity namely “asking students to present their work result in front of

class”. On this activity, the teacher asked the students if they already

accomplished the exercise, the leader of each group must present their work

by reading the text that they have been completed it. The teacher said “Bagi

kelompok yang sudah selesai silahkan bacakan hasil kerja kalian. Coba

kelompok satu maju ke depan dan bacakan hasil kalian dan yang lain

mohon perhatikan dan merespon hasil mereka setelah mereka bacsa.”

Thus, the other activity that was not implemented by the teacher was

“giving feedback activity”. The teacher after students presented their work

result, he was directly ended the lesson by saying, “tepuk tagan untuk

semuanya. Baik anak-anak pelajaran kita tentang personal letter cukup

disini saja.Ketua kelompok pimpin doa kita istirahat”. He ended the

classwithout giving them feedback about their presentation.

7) Closing

There were two activities in closing step of scientific approach. And

the data clearly showed that the teacher implemented this step clearly. In

fact, at the end of the class, the teacher asked about the material that they

have learnt which is about the text of personal letter. The teacher closed the

meeting by saying “Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullohi Wabarokatuh”,

the students answered “Wa’alaikumsalam Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh”.

b. The Implementation of scientific approach of Teacher 2

This is the explanation of the process in implementing scientific

approach of teacher 2 at first grade of SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah.

The observation on teacher 2 has been conducted on Thursday, January

14th2021, in first grade at 09:00-10.30 am. There were 20 students from 30

students were attended the class. The topic of the learning and teaching

activity at the time is “expression of giving opinion”. This class was

handled by Salma Namakule S.Pd.

However, based on the observation, the implementation of scientific

approach in teaching English can be seen in the following table.

Table 3. Table Result of Scientific Approach Implementation in Teacher 2

Procedures Frequency

Yes No
Pre Activity
a. Teacher greetings the students, then √
praying together
b. Teacher checking students’ attendance √
c. Teacher asking news before going to the √

While Activity
a. The teachers give students a wide √
opportunity to observe the material by
showing the objects such as pictures, text,
video, and listening audio.
b. The teacher ask students to take note what √
they are observed
a. Teacher giving some questions to the √
students’ opinion about the lesson

a. Grouping students into several groups √

b. Ask the students to discuss their ideas √
about the lesson in their group

a. Ask the students to analyze information √
that have discussed
a. Ask the students to explain what they have √
discussed in front of class
b. Give feedback to students √

Post Activity

a. Teacher evaluate the students about the √

b. Teacher guides students to do praying √

The table result above is clearly described as fellow:

1) Opening

The table above showed that the teacher was only implemented two

activities of three activities in opening steps which is greeting students,

checking students attendance. The observation indicated that, in greeting

activity, the teacher greets students by saying “Assalamualaikum wr.wb and

good morning” then the students responded him by answering

“Waalaikumsalam wr.wb, and good morning. After greeting students, then

the teacher read the name of the students one by one to check their


Meanwhile, it was found that there was an activity in opening stage that

was not being applied by the teacher. The activity is asking students’

condition. The teacher after greeting and checking student’s attendance, she

directly moved to the observing activity without asking the news of students

or saying how are you and etc.

2) Observing

From the table analysis above, it was found that the teacher miss in

observing activity.

She does not give the opportunity for students to observe by showing an

object in form of pictures or text, and other media that aims to stimulate

students’ background knowledge. In teaching activity at the time, the

teacher taught the topic about “expression of giving opinion”, and she did

not show an example in form of short dialogue about that expression to be

observed, or show a video to make students easy to guess what they learnt

that day.

In fact, after greeting, and checking student’s attendance then, she tells

the tittle of the topic and she directly moved to the other step which is

questioning.“….anak anak hari ini kita akan belajar tentang expression of

giving opinion…..”

3) Questioning

The data of the table result inferred that, the teacher has been

implemented the questioning stage well. The teacher gave questions for

students related to the topic of “Expression of Giving Opinion”. The teacher

at the time asked a student about an example of expression of giving

opinion. She asks that.“Nur..jika teman mu mempunyai tas baru dan tasnya

bagus, kira-kira apa yang kamu katakana pada temanmu ?” then, the

students responded her questions. “emmm….. sayaakan bilang.. tasmu

bagus sekali, beli dimana?..”

Therefore, this is indicated that the teacher already applied the

questioning stage.

4) Experimenting

The analysis proved that the teacher already implemented the

experimenting stage perfectly. She divided the students into four groups.

Each group consists of 5 students. The students were formed into group in

order to discuss about a topic. During the teacher informing the students to

work in group, she was also guided the students to sit in group without

complain. She also combined the boys and girl in group, and also unable

students and good students in one group to discuss.

”…. Please sit in group consist of five members.Tolong duduk dalam

bentuk kelompok, masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 5 orang. Laki laki

yang sebelah sana gabung sama perempuan disini, sebagian perempuan

gabung dengan kelompok laki laki yang sana. Sebentar masing masing

kelompok akan diberikan tugas untuk didiskusikan…”

5) Associating

In this step, the teacher asked the students to discuss a topic as the group

assignment. The teacher provided different topic for each group to be

discussed. After the topic given by the teacher, the each group is asked to

create their own short conversation of expression of giving opinion based on

the topic they have. The group 1 has to make conversation about “the new

shoe”. The group two has the topic about “Lionel Messi”. The group three

should write their short conversation about “new mobile phone”, while the

last group’s topic is about “Delicious Fried Rice”

”…masing masing kelompok perhatikan, mam akan kasih kalian topic

berbeda beda dan tugas kalian setelah dapat topic adalah kalian harus buat

percakapan pendek tentang expression of giving opinion berdasarkan topic

yang kalian dapat. Buatkan seperti contoh yang mam buat…”

6) Communicating

In this step, the teacher must instruct students to present their group

work then the teacher should give feedback or ordered them to do a peer

feedback. In fact, the data analysis clearly showed that teacher did not give

the chance for students to present or sharing their result to other friends.

Based on the observation, the teacher asked the group that already

accomplished their work to submit it. “….bagi kelompok yang sudah selesai

tulis nama-nama kelompok di lembaran tugasnya dan kumpul..”

This indicated that, she was no implemented the communicating stage of

scientific approach since she skip the important activity in involving student

to share and communicate their result to others.

7) Closing

In this stage the teacher evaluates the students about the material by

asking students some questions of expression of giving opinion. “.. apa

yang kalian pahami dari expression of giving opinion?, apa saja kata-kata

kunci expression of giving opinon?.”, then, the teacher closed the meeting

by saying “Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullohi Wabarokatuh”, the

students answered “Wa’alaikumsalam Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh”.

This indicated that, the teacher only evaluate students and directly close

the meeting without do a praying first.

2. Data Semi Structured Interview

In this part, the data result of interview is presented. The data of

interview divided into two parts consist of teachers’ perception and

challenges. For each teacher, the researchers gave six questions to see how far

their understanding toward scientific approach and five questions to know

what challenges they faced when implementing scientific approach

a. Result of teachers’ perceptions about scientific approach in

curriculum 2013in teaching English

The other technique of collecting data used by the researcher here was

interview. Thus, in this part, the researcher asked the questions to the

participants to investigate how far the English teachers understand

scientific approach in 2013 curriculum. After interviewing them, the

researcher found that there were different perspectives among them

about scientific approach.

Furthermore, the perceptions of the two teachers as participants are

explained below:

1) Teacher 1 (Mr. Bunyamin)

The interview got from Mr Bunyamin as teacher 1 on 13 th January

2021.In interview, the first questions that researcher gave for

teacher 1 is about teacher’s opinion toward curriculum 2013.

This is the question. “In your opinion, what is Curriculum 2013?.

Then, the teacher answered that

“…… dalam merangsang kecerdasan peserta didik, kurikulum

2013 justru lebih efektif karena lebih menyentuh kepada rana

kognitif yang bukan hanya mengacu pada C1 atau C2, tapi juga dia

membagikan kognitif-kognitif tersebut dalam tiga kecakapan yaitu

low order thinking skill, medium order thinking skill dan high order

thinking skill itu, sehingga tidak serta merta yang disebut dengan

C1 itu soal mudah kualifikasinya…….”

From the question given, he reported that curriculum 2013 is an

effective curriculum that increases students’ cognitive skill. He also

told that curriculum 2013 is more focused on developing students’

cognitive ability by following the proper guidance started from low

order thinking skill, medium order thinking skill, and high order

thinking skill. Moreover, from the answers the researcher concluded

that he argued that curriculum 2013 enables him to set the material

and the test for students based on the right level proposed by the

theories. It also made him easier in measuring student’s capacity

starting from low order thinking skill, medium order thinking skill,

and high order thinking skill.

The second question is about the teacher’s opinion toward

scientific approach. Here is the question. What do you know

about scientific approach?. Then, he said that

“…….Iya, Scientific approach salah satupendekatan yang sangat

efektif sekali dalam merangsang semangat siswa.Siswa terlihat ceria

dan leluasa mengungkapkan pendapat karena pendekatan ini

memungkinkan mereka. Pendekatan ini juga memuat langkah-

langkah yang menurut saya mudah untuk mengajar dan menilai

siswa saya….”

From that question, he clearly reported that scientific approach is

an effective approach that enables his students to speak bravely. This

was happened according to him, due to this approach provides the

steps that enable them easier to teach and assess students.

The third question given is “Do you agree with the

implementation of Scientific Approach in teaching English?”. He

replied that.

“…… iya,,, tentu saya sangat sepakat dengan iplementasi

pendekatan scientific approach ini di dalam pembelajaran bahasa

inggris. Hal ini karena belajar bahasa inggris harus sambil bermain

dan membuat kelas itu menyenangkan. Dan saya melihat

pendekatan ini memungkinkan kami para guru untuk

mengekspresikan aktifitas-aktifitas yang kemudian bisa membuat

kelas interaktif dan menyenangkan….”

From the teacher’s answer above, the teacher reported that he do

agreed with scientific approach implementation because it proves

wide opportunity for him and other teachers to make classroom

environment become more fun and interactive.

The next question researcher asked is “Are there any

advantages of implementing Scientific Approach under

Curriculum 2013, especially for teaching English?”. Then, the

teacher respons that.

“……iya saya rasa pendekatan ini sangat bermanfaat. Salah satu

manfaatnya itu kami para guru dan saya sendiripun merasa

mengajar lebih teratur mulai dari awal higga akhir…..”

However, researcher concluded from participant’s answer that, he

felt scientific approach is too beneficial for teachers and himself, it is

due to he conducted teaching and learning activity structurally from

beginning until the end when using scientific approach.

The fifth question asked for teacher is “Do you think, scientific

Approach is good for students’ academic progress?”, then,

teacher answered that.

“…..berdasarkanpengalaman saya, siswa cukup mengalami

peningkatan saat saya menggunakan pendekatan ini, mengapa?

Karena seperti yang saya katakan diawal bahwa stepnya membuat

siswa terangsang untuk aktif.Contohnya di observasi anak-anak

disuru melihat dan menebak kemudian disuruh bertanya, diskusi,

dan seterusnya. Menurt saya jika terus demikian maka siswa bisa


Furthermore, from statement above, it can be concluded that his

students are on good progress since the steps of scientific approach

makes students more active during in classroom activity. He also

mentioned that when students asked to observe, giving question,

and, discuss, then if it is still continue, the students will still


The last question to know teacher’s perception on first teacher

is “Does scientific approach makes students more active in

learning activity? Why?”. The teacher answer to respond this

question is:

“…. Iya saat saya mengajar dan sampai di tahapan diskusi

kemudian presentasi, saya melihat mereka cukup aktif…..”

Based on teacher’s response, it can be concluded that steps on

scientific approach makes students more active especially in

experimenting and associating steps. Teacher assumed that in

discussion activity of associating step, the students more interactive

to share their idea to others.

2) Teacher 2 (Ibu Salma)

The interview got from Ibu Salma as teacher 2 on 14th January

2021.The interview is held on classroom where, the first questions

that researcher asked for teacher 2 is about teacher’s opinion toward

curriculum 2013. This is the question. “In your opinion, what is

Curriculum 2013?. Then, the teacher explained:

“…kurikulum 2013 sangat baik karena dengan penerapan

kurikulum 2013 ini siswa lebih mandiri dan aktif…”

Form the answer above, the teacher argues that the 2013

curriculum is really good for learning and teaching activity due to

through this curriculum, the learners are being more independent and

active in classroom.

The second question researcher submitted for the teacher 2 as

the participant is about scientific approach. The question is “What

do you know about scientific approach?

“…yang saya tau scientific approach itu pendekatan yang

sangat membantu katong para guru dalam mengajar dan siswa

dalam proses belajar. Karena kami bisa mengajar terarur dan siswa

juga berani berekspresi di kelas. Disurh Tanya mereka Tanya dan


The answer indicated that, the teacher understood the scientific

approach as approach that help the teachers in teaching and learning

even the students in classroom. She told that scientific approach

enables teachers to teach structurally neither student to be brave in

expressing their thought in classroom.

The third question of the interview is “Do you agree with the

implementation of Scientific Approach in teaching English?”.

The teacher response is:

“….iya bermanfaat sekali apalagi dalam pembelajaran bahsa

ingris. Kondisi kelas bahasa inggris itu harus terasa menarik dan

tidak bsan agar siswa nyaman dan berani berbicara. Pendekatn

scientific ini membuat pembelajaran bahasa inggris


The teacher implied that, scientific approach is suitable to use

in classroom activity. She explained that English classroom

environment should be more enjoyable and interactive for students

in order to make them feel comfortable and not bored. In addition

she told that scientific approach is making English classroom more


The fourth question is “Are there any advantages of

implementing Scientific Approach under Curriculum 2013,

especially for teaching English?

The teacher’s answer is; “…..ya semua pendekan pasti ada

manfaatnyakan teruma pendekatan scientific sala satu manfaatnya

tu bukan hanya sebagai panduan tapi membantu guru bahkan siswa

dalam proses belajar bahasa inggristeruma dalam melati speaking


From the teacher statement above, it can be known that the

teacher agrees that all approach in teaching is beneficial for students,

then this case, scientific approach is too advantages in teaching

English especially to train and enhancing students’ speaking ability.

The next question is “Do you think, scientific Approach is

good for students’ academic progress?”

The teacher answer is “….. ya sebab dengann adanya

pendekatan ini siswa yang tadi tadinya diam mereka suda mulai

bisa berbicara dan bertanya……”

The answer above, the teacher explained that scientific

approach enable uncommunicative students to speak up during the

English class begun.

The last question is “Does scientific approach makes

students more active in English learning activity? Why?”.

The teacher answers: “…..saat saya pake pendekatan ini anak-

anak aktif saat berdiskusi dan sperti saya bilang sebelumnya kalo

mereka juga berani berbicara meskipun masi terbata bata…”

The answer above, the teacher presumed that using scientific

approach in English classroom, students more active in discussion

activity, they are active in sharing ideas to other friends.

b. Result of teachers’ challenges in implementing scientific approach

in curriculum 2013in teaching English

In this section, the research asked 5 questions the participants to know

the challenges they faced during teaching and learning process under

scientific approach. Thus, the teachers’ challenges explained as fellow:

1) Teacher 1 (Mr. Bunyamin)

The interview got from Mr Bunyamin as teacher 1 on 13 th January

2021.The first question asked for teacher 1 Mr Bunyamin is“Do you

think, does scientific Approach is hard to be implemented in

teaching English?The teacher responses are:

“……Kalau kesulitannya ada pasti, plus minusnya tetap ada.

Kalau kesulitan/ kekurangannya itu adalah daya dukung

fasilitasnya, ataupun juga gurunya sendiri karena materinya sangat

kompleks, akantetapi daya dukungnya tidak ada, itu kan suatu

permasalahan dalam mengajar…”

Basically, the aim of the question above is to make sure whether

the teacher has the difficulties or not in applying scientific approach

especially in teaching English. Thus, from the answer researcher got

above, it can be concluded that, the difficulties the teacher faced of

scientific approach is on the facilities, also in the teacher himself,

where the material very complex but no complete facilities.

The second question, “Do you think, in which part of five stages

in Scientific Approach that hard to be applied? Why?”. The

teacher said that:

“…..kalau tahapan yang sulit adalah tahapan observasi dan

eksperimen. Kalau di tahapan observasi biasanya saya kesulitan di

masalah media karena di tahapan siswa harus melihat objek apa

yang akan dipelajari. Sementara media pendukung masi kurang

misalnya infokus untuk menunjuk gambar atau hal lainnya seperti

bahan ajar yang memuat gambar dengan jelas, kalau untuk

eksperimen kesulitannya saat membagikan siswa dalam kelompok,

kadang mereka berisik, sebagian tidak terima satu kelompok dengan

si A, yang lain pun demikian akhirnya kelasnya jadi sangat ribut.

Hal lain juga ketika disuruh disksusi mereka bicarakan hal lain

diluar tugas yang diberikan….”

From the response above, it can be inferred that there were two

steps in scientific approach that difficult to be applied. The first is

observing steps. The teacher said that this step is difficult due to it

needs a lot of requirements such a media based on the topic. The

media here refers to an object to be observed by students in order to

make them know what they will learn. In experimenting step, he

reported that the difficulty was when asking the students to work in a

group, the students have chance to make many noises when they

discuss with their group. Sometimes the students prefer to talk about

something outside the topic with their friend.

The next question of the interview is“does the limitation of

media make you hard to encourage students to observe the

material?”The teacher replied that:

“… memang dalam observation saya selalu merasa sulit di

masalah media, tapi bagi saya belajar itu harus jadikan alam

berbicara, dinding, rumput, pohon, batu semua berbicara. Saya tu

begitu, jika belajar selalu jadikan alam untuk objek belajar agar

tidak terlalu bergantung pada media teknologi…”

Based on the answer above, it can be concluded that the teacher is

basically has limited media but that is not serious problem for him

due to he can utilize the things of earth as the media of learning. The

real stone, sky, plant, wall, and so on as the objects of observing


The fourth question is“In questioning steps of Scientific

Approach enable students to ask a question. Do you think

students will ask question by using English?”.Then, the teacher

response the question as fellow:

“…..pada dansarnya vocab memang masalah utama yang

membuat susah berbicara. Tapi bagi saya tidak terlalu masalah

yang penting berani dulu meskipun terbata bata…”

From the response above, it can be inferred that each students has

the problem dealing with vocabulary. His students also have the lack

of vocabulary and so hard to speak or ask in English, but that is not a

problem. The important thing to him is the effort to try even though

doing the mistake. It means that the teacher always asks students to

speak up in spite of still using Indonesian language. This indicates

that the teacher dares his students to speak up in classroom no matter

the mistakes they do.

The last question is “In implementing scientific approach, the

students supposed to be more active in classroom, how the

teacher deals with that? ”The teacher response for this question is:

“…..iya dengan pendekatan ini siswa memang lebih dituntut untuk

aktif, akan tetapi guru jauh lebih di tuntut untuk lebih aktif dalam

memfasilitasi kebutuhan siswa agar kondisi kelas terlihat hidup dan

siswa tidak bosan….”

From the answer above, the teacher argued that the implementation

of scientific approach in English classroom, the students should be

more creative, not only the students but the teacher too. The teacher

should be more creative to avoid students bored during the teaching

and learning process.

2) Teacher 2

The interview got from Ibu Salma as teacher 2 on 14th January

2021. Furthermore, the first question asked for teacher 2 is “does

scientific Approach is hard to be implemented in teaching

English?The teacher responded:

“Pendekatan saintific itu bagus, bisa diterapkan, akan tetapi

tidak semua tahapan bisa diterapkan dalam satu kali mata

pelajaran, misalnya jamnya hanya satu/dua jam begitu ya mungkin

hanya tiga atau empat tahapan yang bisa diterapkan, gak harus


The teacher answered that the approach has five phases, this

approach is good and can be applied, but the teacher could not apply

all the phase in one meeting. Sometimes, in one meeting the teacher

only can apply three or four phases.

The second question is about the difficult step in scientific

approach. The question is “Do you think, in which part of five

stages in Scientific Approach that hard to be applied? Why? The

teacher said that:

“yang sangat menantang dalam scientific approach itu adalah

di tahapan observing dan questioning itu. Kami masi banyak

kekurang alat belajar dan media sementara diobserving itu kami

harus menyiapkan media yang lengkap kepada siswa jadi kami

kesulitan. Selain itu, eee…. Siswa kami juga masi kurang kosa kata

jadi untuk bertanya masih sulit, kalopun bisa itu..pake bahasa


The question above asked to know deeply in which stage of

scientific approach that the teacher challenged to apply. Apparently,

the teacher explained that she is too challenged in implementing two

stages namely observing and questioning. In observing, it hard to be

applied since it requires a complete media as the object of learning

while she personally still lack in preparing the tools and the school

has no enough media to support. She added that questioning step is

also difficult to be implemented due to the students have no enough

vocabulary to use in asking questions or speaking.

The third question is about the impact of limited media in

implementing scientific approach. The question given is “does the

limitation of media make you hard to encourage students to

observe the material? ”the teacher responded that:

“Sudah pasti kesulitan karena dengan media kita bisa dengan

mudah mengarahkan siswa untuk memahami materi”

The teacher clearly said that media become a primary tool to

encourage students observe an object related to the material. If there

is no media, she is too hard to implemented observing step perfectly.

The next question is about her challenges in questioning step of

scientific approach. Thus, the question meant is “In questioning

steps of Scientific Approach enable students to ask a question.

Do you think students will ask question by using English?” the

teacher said that”

“seperti yang sudah ibu bilang tadi bahwa.. eee. Dibagian ini

juga ibu kesulitan karena anak-anak masi kurang kosakata untuk

berbicara dengan bahasa inggris jadi ibu belum bisa menjalankan

nya dengan baik”

Related to the question, the teacher described that the students

are not able to speak using English since they have no supported

vocabulary. This is a thing that makes her imperfect in applying

questioning step of scientific approach.

The last question is about how the teacher directs students to

be more active in English classroom under scientific approach. The

question is “In implementing scientific approach, the students

supposed to be more active in classroom, how the teacher deals

with that? ”teacher said that:

“ya.. kalau saya bisanya berusaha sebisa mungkin dengan

segala keterbatasan yang ada meskipun aplikasinya tidak

sempurnah asalkan ilmunya bisa tersampaikan dan anak-anak


The question above made teacher responded that she will do

her best as good as possible to transfers the knowledge with the

limitation she has. The most important thing to her is the students

can gain the content of the material.

4.3. Discussion

This part presented the discussion of the research findings. The discussion

focused on the finding of three proposed research questions. The first discussion

was about the implementation of scientific approach in teaching English. The

second discussion focused on the teacher’s perception of scientific approach. The

third discussion focused on teacher’s challenges in implementing scientific


1. The Implementation of Scientific Approach

Related to the research findings above, the data were focused on the

result of the observation during teaching learning English process. Based on

the observation, there are three steps in conducting teaching and learning

process in classroom, there are: opening, main activity and closing.

Opening is the first session of teaching learning process in the

classroom. It aimed at creating an atmosphere of effective early learning that

enables students to follow the learning process well. For example, when the

start of the lesson, the teacher greets the learner excited and happy tone, check

for the presence of the learners, the learning objectives and deliver learning

activities to be carried out. Main activity is the second session, where the five

stages of scientific approach take place. Closing is third session, where the

teachers closed the meeting by reviewing lesson and motivate the students

before leaving classroom.

The data finding showed that the two teachers already implemented

2013 scientific approach curriculum in teaching English at SMA Negeri 25

Maluku Tengah. The findings above concluded that, when implementing

scientific approach, the two teachers have the similar result. They both have

the similar problem in implementing “Observing stage and Communicating

stage” of scientific approach. According to Kemendikbud (2013) in

Nursangadah S, (2014) the procedures of teaching in implementing Observing

stage in scientific approach are 1) Students read/watch/listen to the examples

of text that is being studied from some sources, direct and/or recording, by

looking at the social function, the structure of the text, linguistic elements, as

well as the delivery format or writing. 2) The teacher asks students to take

note what they are observed, and teacher explained a litle bit about the topic to

the student.

It was found that, in implementing scientific approach the two teachers

still has the problem in observing stage. They were mostly difficult in

providing opportunity for students to observe the object such as reading,

watching, and even listening to the example of text. Based on the observation

the reason they got difficulty that makes them imperfect in implementing

observing due to they have many lacks of preparation especially media. They

are basically have limited of media like the there is no speaker for playing a

recording, there is no suitable text book, computer, and slide show device that

used in teaching. Besides asking students to observe an object, there were two

other activities in observing stage namely talk a little bit about the topic and

guide students to give question related to the topic. Due to those limitations,

the teachers taught the students as possible they can with the manual tools

they have.

Moreover, the other step that was not implemented by the teachersin

teaching and learning process is communicating step. Daryanto (2014) in Luin

E (2019) Communicating is the activity to convey the conceptualization in

form of spoken or written through demonstrating, writing, explaining, editing

friend’s work, publish the work in the wall magazine, learning journal, and

giving suitable advises or feedback. The findings indicated that the teacher 1

(Mr Bunyamin) in communicating steps, he just applied an activity in this

stage; it is giving opportunity for students to share their work result to others.

The data proved that teacher 1 gives the chance for students in group at

learning process to present their result of discussion. At the time, the teacher

formed the students into three groups while in fact, he just allowed the first

group to demonstrate their work result and he does not ask the other two

groups to do it. From this data, it can be concluded thathe give groups chance

to present in front of class,but he was not maximal in applying it since he does

not give a chance to all groups. In addition, the finding showed that he does

not give the feedback for each group that already finished their discussion

about the topic. He does not assess or give some advices dealing with the

performance of their discussion or the first group’s performance in delivering

their result. Therefore, from the data explanations above related to

communicating step, the teacher 1 was imperfect in applying it or still has

problem on it.

Meanwhile, the finding showed that teacher 2 in communicating steps,

she does not implement it in learning process. The fact, he does not give

chance to students to present their work result about Expression of giving

opinion. She ordered students work in group then after finished it, she asked

them directly to submit it at the time too, and then the class was ended. In fact,

during the students do an exercise into group, suddenly the bell school was

rang and the teacher ended the class without giving chance for students to

demonstrate their groups work. It can be known that the teacher 2 (Ibu Salma)

does not give the chance for students to do that due to the time is not enough

that day. However, the researcher concludes that the teacher 2 does not set the

time well or the learning time is unwell organized.

Based on the data findings, the three stages of scientific approach were

well implemented by the teachers at SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah since the

activities they did in learning process were related to the theory’s instruction.

In questioning step, the teacher 1 and teacher 2 stimulate learners by giving

key instruction to learners in asking questions related to the topic. This

indicated that, in this step the two teachers already applied it well.

Kemendikbud, (2013) in Nursangadah S, (2014) in associating the learners

guided into group work where students study the text to be able to mention a

social function, expression and structure of the text, linguistic elements, and

the format of the writing of the text type being studied. Moreover, in

associating stage, the data showed that the teacher 1 and teacher 2 have been

applied it well by giving opportunity for students to work in group and discuss

the topic. The other stage in scientific approach is experimenting. According

to Majid & Rochman (2014) in Barawaty (2018) Teacher should formulate

the object of the experiment to be implemented by the students by providing

worksheet for instructional activities of pupils. The findings demonstrated that

the teacher 1 and teacher 2 involve students to discuss about the topic of

expression and giving opinion and personal letter. The teachers were mostly

spread the worksheet for learners in group to work together. This proved that

the teacher 1 and teacher 2 implemented the step goodly.

2. Teachers’ Perception on Scientific Approach

Based on the interview, the teachers already understood scientific

approach and in applying this 2013 curriculum the teacher use scientific

approach, namely: observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and

communicating in the teaching learning process.

Daryanto (2014) in Luin E (2019), The learning objectives of

scientific approach are to improve the ability of intellect, especially high level

thinking skills of students, to establish the ability of students to solve a

problem systematically, the creation of the conditions of learning in which

students feel that learning is a necessity, obtaining a high learning result, to

train students in communicating ideas, especially in writing a scientific article,

and to develop students character. Thus, the data interview showed that the

teachers have similar perception toward scientific approach. The teachers

were mostly agreed that scientific approach is an effective approach in

curriculum 2013 that help teacher in conducting English learning activity and

helping students to be more active in classroom. The scientific approach is

very good for students’ academic progress especially in increasing students’

cognitive skill. In fact, the interview indicated that the students of teacher 1

and teacher 2 are become independent learner and actively participating

during in classroom activity even though they still use mix language and even

Indonesian language only. It also directs teachers to teach properly started

from the beginning until the end. The classroom also seems to be more

interactive and interesting. The reasons are because scientific approach

provides the easy step in learning activity. They explained the each steps of

scientific approach make them know how to organize the structure of learning


3. Teachers’ Challenges in Implementing Scientific Approach

The data interview clearly assumed that in implementing scientific

approach, there were some challenges faced by the teachers. The teacher 1

and teacher 2 are predominantly challenged in observing step of scientific

approach. Observing activity supposes teacher to provide learning

requirements completely. The teacher need to prepare an object in form of

video, picture, text of writing related to the topic that must be showed for

students that aim to connect students’ background knowledge. The fact

indicated, the teachers have no complete media to support their English

learning activity. Media become their fundamental problem in applying

Observing step of scientific approach. It is due to their school has no suitable

tools such as slide show device, the recording tool such a speaker. It is similar

with the fact the researcher found during observing in their classroom activity.

The researcher found the learning media to support their classroom activity is

too lack. The media is a matter that causes them imperfect in applying

scientific approach specifically observing step.

The other challenges faced by the teachers are time allocation,

questioning step and experimenting step. The data interview presumed that the

teacher 1 is too challenged in experimenting step. The teacher 1 (Bunyamin

Namakule) clearly explained he is difficult in managing students to work in

group due to the students mostly got noisy during working in group. The

students also sometimes when they ordered to discuss about a topic or

assignment, they are talking about things outside the topic. This challenged

the teacher 1 since when students getting noisy, his concentration will be


Meanwhile, the other challenges faced by the teacher 2 (Ibu Salma)

are time allocation and questioning step of scientific approach. The data

interview found that in implementing scientific approach, teacher 2 is difficult

enough to adjust time management and the application of scientific approach.

The problem is the teacher usually has no chance to apply the all steps of

scientific approach in one meeting due to the time is not enough. She told that

scientific approach is a complex approach with its steps, it need a lot of time

to apply it perfectly. She is not perfect on this step because the time is not

enough to her. Another challenge that she got is when implementing

questioning step. Questioning step enable students to give their opinion or

question related to the topic in English. Meanwhile, the fact found based on

the interview that the students of Ibu Salma’s class are mostly lack of

vocabularies that caused them difficult in communicating using English

language. She also told that the vocab problem is a problem that makes her

sometimes imperfect in implementing questioning steps.



In this chapter, the researcher presents the conclusion and the suggestions that

related to what the researcher analyzed and discussed.

A. Conclusion

According to the findings of the research that the researcher gathered

in SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah, there were the conclusions of the research

findings; first is about the teachers’ implementation of scientific approach in

teaching English in SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah, second is the teachers’

perception toward scientific approach, third is about the teachers’ challenges

in implementing scientific approach at SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah.

1. The implementation of scientific approach in teaching English

The researcher found that the teacher used three main steps in

teaching learning process, namely; opening, main activity

(implementation), and closing. In the main activity (implementation)

the teacher used the steps of scientific approach, namely; observing,

questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating. The data

concluded that:(1) the two teachers already implemented three steps

goodly, the steps namely questioning, associating, and experimenting

(2) the two teachers have the problem in observing stage. They were

mostly difficult in providing opportunity for students to observe the

object such as reading, watching, and even listening to the example of

text, (3) the two teachers were imperfectly in implementing

communicating step of scientific approach, the teacher 1 allowed

student to present their work bout personal letter but he did not allow

the all groups to present their work. While teacher 2, she did not allow

students in group to share their group work in front of the class, so it

can be concluded that the teacher 1 and teacher 2 still have problem in

experimenting steps.

2. Teachers’ perception toward scientific approach

The data found are; (1) The teachers were mostly agreed that

scientific approach is an effective approach in curriculum 2013 that

help teacher in conducting English learning activity and helping

students to be more active in classroom (2) The scientific approach is

very good for students’ academic progress especially in increasing

students’ cognitive skill (3) the students become independent learner

and actively participating during in classroom activity even though

they still use mix language and even Indonesian language only (4)

directs teachers to teach properly started from the beginning until the

end.(5) The classroom seems to be more interactive and interesting

because of scientific approach.

3. The teachers’ challenges in implementing scientific approach.

The finding showed that there were three big challenges that

faced by the teachers: (1) lack of media such as slide show, computer,

speaker, cause teachers imperfect in implementing observing step of

scientific approach, (2) the steps of scientific approach are too

complex and the time is not enough to implement the all steps

simultaneously in a meeting, (3) the students are too noisy when

working into group of experimenting step, (4) students have no

enough vocabularies to speak that make teacher difficult in

implementing questioning step.

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the research findings, the researcher would like to give

some suggestion for the following people:

1. English teacher

It would be better if the teacher used variety of method in order

to avoid the students felt bored and make noisy. It is better if the

teacher combined the media to teach the material by using simple

media that suitable with students need.

2. SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah

SMA Negeri 25 Maluku Tengah has implemented scientific

approach since 2013 curriculum was launched. Its school has enough

good way to implement scientific approach in English lesson. So, the

school should provide complete media to support learning activity and

should keep scientific approach as the main approach to teach all

programmers there.

3. The other researcher

The result of this research, it would be helped the next

researcher as the source to conduct the next research with the similar

problem in implementing scientific approach.


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Appendix 1.Classroom Observation Checklist

Appendix 2.Semi-Structured Interviews

No The Interview Questions Teachers’ Responses

1. In your opinion, what is

Curriculum 2013?
2. What do you know about scientific
3. Do you agree with the
implementation of Scientific
Approach in teaching English?
4. Are there any advantages of
implementing Scientific Approach
underCurriculum 2013, especially
for teaching English?
5. Do you think, scientific Approach
is good for students’ academic
6. Does scientific approach make
students more active in learning
activity? Why?
7. Do you think, does scientific
Approach is hard to be
implemented in teaching English?
8. Do you think that,in which part of
five stages of Scientific
Approachthat hard to be applied?

9. Does limitation of media makes
you hard to encourage students to
observe the material?
10. In questioning steps of Scientific
Approach enable students to ask a
question. Do you think students
will ask question by using
11. In implementing scientific
approach, the students supposed to
be more active in classroom, how
the teacher deals with that?
Appendix 3. Classroom Observation Documentation
1. Teacher 1

2. Teacher 2

Appendix 4. Documentation of Interview
1. Teacher 1

2. Teacher 2

Appendix 5. Students Work Sheet

1. Teacher 1

2. Teacher 2


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