Module 5. Activities

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Module 5.

Curriculum Evaluation and the Teacher

Lesson 1. What, Why and How to Evaluate a Curriculum


Activity No. 1. Making a Simple Rapid Curriculum Evaluation (20pts)

Let Us Try! Be a Curriculum Material Evaluator

1. You are asked by your principal to review a book for a decision.
2. Get a textbook in elementary or high school. This book is a curriculum product.
3. Use a Consumer-Oriented Evaluation Approach by Scriven and adapted from the original work of
Marvin Patterson shown below.
4. Make a matrix similar with that of Marvin Patterson.
5. Review the whole textbook from cover to cover and reflect your answer on the matrix itself.
6. What are your major comments?
7. What decision would you like to recommend to your principal?

Fill up the matrix.

Preliminary Information Recommendation

Title: __________________________________ ____ Retain for further
Author/s: _______________________________ review
Publisher: _____________________________ ____ Reject
Copyright Date: ________________________
Material Evaluator: _______________________

Use the following codes to rate the material

+ means yes or good quality – means no or poor quality
0 means all right but not good quality NA means not applicable

Criteria + 0 − NA
Yes or All right No or Not
good but not poor applicable
1. Content covers a significant portion of the course
2. Contents are up-to-date.
3. Reading level is appropriate for most students who will
use the material.
4. Intended learning outcomes, competencies are stated.
5. Formative and summative assessments are included.
6. Activities are varied to meet the needs of students.
7. Teacher’s guide is included with management
8. Material are presented in logical order.
9. Learning outcomes, competencies and/or tasks
10. Degree of match between learning activities and
intended learning outcomes
11. Quality of test items and degree of match with intended
learning outcomes
12. Quality of direction on how students will process through
the materials
13. Quality of drawings, photographs, and/or other materials
14. Overall design of the learning activities for individual
15. Quality of management procedures for teachers (TGs)
16. Optional (List course map competencies covered by the
instructional material)

Lesson 2. Curriculum Evaluation through Learning Assessment


Activity No. 1. Giving an Example (15 pts)

1. Give two test items that are appropriate for each level of learning outcomes. You can choose the type of test.
A. Knowledge
B. Process
C. Understanding

LESSON 3. Planning, Implementing and Evaluating: Understanding the Connections


Activity No. 1. SELF-REFLECT (10 PTS)

Reflect on this: “Is the teacher’s life a series of planning, implementing and evaluating?
Will this improve teaching? Why?”

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