Terrestrial and Coastal Navigation 1: Instructor/Date Assessor/Date Program Head/Date
Terrestrial and Coastal Navigation 1: Instructor/Date Assessor/Date Program Head/Date
Terrestrial and Coastal Navigation 1: Instructor/Date Assessor/Date Program Head/Date
S Marine Transportation
Year &Term: 1st Year / 3rd Trimester
Practical Exercise no.: 002
Course Title: Terrestrial and Coastal Navigation 1
Course Code: NAV2
Prepared by: Validated by: Approved by:
MMMA-ACADFM-017 rev.01
Practical Exercise Student’s Copy
Year & Term: 2nd year / 2nd term
Course Title: Terrestrial & Coastal Navigation 1
Practical Exercise no.: 002
Course Code: NAV2
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Condition/Implementatio Students must install the latest Admiralty Digital Catalogue found in the link
n https://www.admiralty.co.uk/digital-services/catalogues/admiralty-digital-
catalogue in their designated laptop/computer.
Scenario Description A voyage from port A to port B will be assigned by the instructor. Use the
Admiralty Digital Catalogue to determine the required charts.
Ship’s Particulars None
Initial Conditions Student will be given instructions during briefing thru MS Teams. All instructions
will be given online while the exercise is on progress.
Briefing Brief the student/s of the activity, exercise outcomes, student’s recommended
actions, performance criteria, scoring, duration of assessment, re-sits, appeals &
objections and failure state. Refer to the debriefing checklist for guidance.
Student’s 1. Students will proceed to class room
Recommended 2. assigned to their respective computer/laptop;
Action 3. assigned with their respective voyages individually;
4. follow the instructions on the student’s copy of practical activity and virtual
instructions from the instructor.
5. submit final output in a whole sheet of paper with the list of Charts
number and title after the allotted time duration.
Debriefing The instructor’s must:
1. State the purpose of debriefing
2. Inform the students of the activity results
3. State the performance standards achieved
4. State the criteria neglected in the activity.
5. Point out good points done by the student and also mistake with
corresponding correct action.
Exercise Monitoring Monitoring thru MS Teams Faculty – Academic Room
MMMA-ACADFM-017 rev.01
Practical Exercise Student’s Copy
Year & Term: 2nd year / 2nd term
Course Title: Terrestrial & Coastal Navigation 1
Practical Exercise no.: 002
Course Code: NAV2
Page No. : 3 of 3
MMMA-ACADFM-017 rev.01