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Optimized Single-Axis Schedule Solar Tracker in Different Weather Conditions

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Optimized Single-Axis Schedule Solar Tracker in Different Weather


Article  in  Energies · October 2020

DOI: 10.3390/en13195226


8 619

4 authors:

Ahmet Saymbetov Nurzhigit Kuttybay

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Gulbakhar Dosymbetova Saad Mekhilef

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University University of Malaya


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Optimized Single-Axis Schedule Solar Tracker
in Different Weather Conditions
Nurzhigit Kuttybay 1 , Ahmet Saymbetov 1, *, Saad Mekhilef 2,3,4 , Madiyar Nurgaliyev 1 ,
Didar Tukymbekov 1 , Gulbakhar Dosymbetova 1 , Aibolat Meiirkhanov 1 and Yeldos Svanbayev 1
1 Faculty of Physics and Technology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 71 al-Farabi Ave.,
Almaty 050040, Kazakhstan; [email protected] (N.K.); [email protected] (M.N.);
[email protected] (D.T.); [email protected] (G.D.);
[email protected] (A.M.); [email protected] (Y.S.)
2 Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Research Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia; [email protected]
3 School of Software and Electrical Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology,
Melbourne, VIC 3122, Australia
4 Center of Research Excellence in Renewable Energy and Power Systems, King Abdulaziz University,
Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Received: 22 September 2020; Accepted: 5 October 2020; Published: 7 October 2020 

Abstract: Improving the efficiency of solar panels is the main task of solar energy generation. One of
the methods is a solar tracking system. One of the most important parameters of tracking systems is
a precise orientation to the Sun. In this paper, the performance of single-axis solar trackers based
on schedule and light dependent resistor (LDR) photosensors, as well as a stationary photovoltaic
installation in various weather conditions, were compared. A comparative analysis of the operation of
a manufactured schedule solar tracker and an LDR solar tracker in different weather conditions was
performed; in addition, a simple method for determining the rotation angle of a solar tracker based on
the encoder was proposed. Finally, the performance of the manufactured solar trackers was calculated,
taking into account various weather conditions for one year. The proposed single-axis solar tracker
based on schedule showed better results in cloudy and rainy weather conditions. The obtained results
can be used for designing solar trackers in areas with a variable climate.

Keywords: single-axis solar tracker; exact orientation to the Sun; schedule- and LDR-based solar
trackers; efficiency of solar panels; encoder; electronic control unit

1. Introduction
The development of solar energy conversion methods inevitably lead to the development of
autonomous systems based on photovoltaic panels, such as portable and low-power solar power
plants, street lighting systems, transport, Smart Grid systems, etc. However, when developing and
designing any autonomous systems, there is a question of a compromise between the reliability, ease of
implementation, cost, and efficiency of photovoltaic systems [1–4]. Today, there are various methods
and technologies that increase the efficiency of photovoltaic systems. One of these methods is a solar
tracking system (solar tracker). Currently, solar trackers are divided into two main groups depending
on their rotation mechanism: single-axis trackers and two-axis trackers. Both groups increase the
efficiency of solar cells [5–8].
For large solar power plants, it is cost-effective to use two-axis tracking systems [9–11]; because the
larger the area of the solar panels, the more energy is generated, thus the energy of the rotating motors
can be neglected [12–16].

Energies 2020, 13, 5226; doi:10.3390/en13195226 www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

Energies 2020, 13, 5226 2 of 18

A number of other researchers compared the characteristics of single-axis and two-axis trackers
and showed an increase in the energy of two-axis trackers compared to single-axis trackers by 3–5% [17].
In articles [18–20], single-axis trackers consisting of several solar panels are considered. The authors
conducted the experiment for a year, and as a result, the data obtained from the single-axis tracker
were compared with the data from the two-axis tracker. It was concluded that the efficiency difference
between them was 4%.
In the article [21], taking into account regional climatic conditions, a comparative study of
photovoltaic installations was conducted. As a result, comparing the total energy for the entire year,
the authors concluded that a single-axis solar tracker generates 32.2% more energy, and a two-axis
tracker 36.8%, more than a stationary photovoltaic installation. The authors also showed that the
difference between the energy generated by two-axis and single-axis trackers is 3.96%, and taking into
account the influence of clouds, 3.44%. This shows that the two-axis and single-axis tracking systems
do not make a significant difference in power generation. However, a two-axis tracking system will be
much more expensive to install and operate.
Considering the above, in low-power photovoltaic systems consisting of a single solar panel, it is
more efficient to use trackers with a single axis of rotation [17,22–24].
Depending on the latitude of a particular area and the influence of climatic conditions, trackers with
one axis of rotation are installed with the optimal annual angle of inclination to the Sun [19,23,25,26].
In the article [27], a single-axis tracker with a vertical axis of rotation was considered. As a result,
the authors came to the conclusion that in more areas of Chinese territory, such a tracker is the most
optimal. The authors of the article [28,29] also developed a highly efficient single-axis tracker with a
vertical rotation axis.
In the article [30], the authors developed a single-axis solar tracker with an East–West rotation
axis and compared it with a stationary solar panel. The tracker’s efficiency was 12–20% more than
fixed solar panel.
Most solar tracking systems use a method based on photosensors or a method based on
astronomical calculations of the Sun’s position during the day [6,7].
For the first method, photoresistors (LDR), photodiodes, or light intensity sensors can be used.
In articles [27,31–35], the authors used photoresistors as a light sensor. In the same way, the authors of
the article [36] used catadioptric cameras as an optical sensor for detecting solar radiation.
However, such control systems are not always effective in using solar trackers. Optical sensors
can be affected by reflected or scattered light coming from surrounding obstacles [37]. In the event
of adverse weather conditions, such systems consume more energy due to the strong scattering of
sunlight when passing through clouds. Tracking systems based on optical sensors allow tracking of
the Sun only in clear skies and good weather conditions [38].
The second control type of solar tracking systems is based on various algorithms and mathematical
calculations [9,23,39–44] of the motion equations of the Earth around the Sun to determine its exact
position in space. In articles [45–47], the solar tracking system was controlled by a microcontroller unit
(MCU) with auxiliary devices that included an encoder and a global positioning system (GPS) that
helped determine the trajectory of the Sun.
In the article [48], a solar tracker with a hybrid algorithm was developed. The control unit
is equipped with photoresistors as well as a magnetometer HMC5883L as a digital compass for
determining the azimuth of the tracker. The authors showed that the system will work smoothly in all
weather conditions. Additionally, in the articles [45,49], the authors developed a solar tracker with
controls based on global positioning sensors (GPS) and digital compasses.
However, various random factors (for example, atmospheric interference, electromagnetic interference,
weather changes, solar activity) [50,51] can sometimes lead to loss of GPS signal. This may affect the quality
of measurements [48]. In addition, random deviations of the electronic compass from the horizontal plane
can lead to errors in determining the azimuth coordinate [52,53]. Moreover, the main problem of compass
navigation is the deviation caused by external magnetic interference and metal reflectors. The magnitude
Energies 2020, 13, 5226 3 of 18

of magnetic interference, as well as interference caused by metal reflectors, is unpredictable and cannot be
modeled numerically or compensated by calibration. Such external magnetic interference can significantly
increase the error of the compass [54–56]. Installing a digital compass and global positioning system (GPS)
in a solar tracker is economically unprofitable compared to a tracker based on photosensors. Table 1 shows
the comparative characteristics of a fixed solar panel and developed trackers with different methods for
determining the position of the Sun.

Table 1. The comparative results of experimental studies.

Parameters Fixed Developed LDR Solar Tracker Developed Schedule Solar Tracker
Installation Easy Moderate Moderate
Mechanism No mechanism Simple Simple
Cost Cheap Moderate Moderate
Design Simple Moderate Moderate
Maintenance Less Moderate Moderate
Efficiency at Reference
57.4% > Fixed system 57.4% > Fixed system
sunny weather efficiency
Efficiency at Reference >37.7% than Fixed system
>32.2% Fixed system
cloudy/rainy weather efficiency >4.2% than LDR ST

In the existing literature, various mechanisms and methods for optimizing and improving the
efficiency of solar panels are shown, and single-axis solar tracking systems with various mechanisms
and methods for accurate orientation to the Sun are considered. However, a more detailed study of the
performance and comparative analysis of solar trackers based on LDR and schedule in adverse weather
conditions have not been performed. In this work, a comparison is made for two single-axis trackers
with a vertical axis of rotation, based on the readings of LDR photo sensors and based on astronomical
calculations of the Sun’s position in the sky. An encoder was used to determine the azimuth angle of
the solar tracker rotation. This design solution is a trade-off between price and accuracy of orientation
to the Sun, and is also well suited for use in low-power stations.
In order to simulate the average annual generated energy, both solar trackers conducted
observations of solar radiation power in the summer period in Almaty.
The first part describes the design of the developed single-axis solar tracker and the electronic
control unit for the solar tracking system. The second part shows the algorithms of the solar trackers.
The comparative results of experimental studies are presented below (Table 1).

2. The Structure and Design Features of the Developed Single-Axis Solar Tracking Systems
The design of the considered single-axis trackers is identical. The difference between them lies
in the methods of finding the optimal orientation to the Sun, based on photosensors and based on
astronomical calculations of the Sun’s position in the sky.
Figure 1 shows the azimuth of sunrise and sunset for Almaty city in the middle of each month. This
angle can be found using the arithmetic mean. For this, the solstice days of 22 June and 22 December
are chosen. The azimuth of sunrise and sunset, respectively, will be equal to γsr = 57◦ , γss = 303◦ and
γsr = 123◦ , γss = 237◦ . Then, using the formula below (1), the optimal azimuth angle can be found:

γss − γsr
γo = + γsr (1)
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Figure 1. Azimuthal
Figure Azimuthal angles
angles of
of the
the Sun’s
Sun’s movement
movement during
during each
each month.

For aa stationary
stationary photovoltaic
photovoltaic module,
module, thethe optimal
optimal azimuthal
azimuthal orientation angle was
orientation angle was chosen
chosen as as
𝛾o =
= 180180◦.. Figure
Figure 22 shows
shows the
the design
design ofof aa single-axis
single-axis solar
solar tracker
tracker with
with aa vertical
vertical axisaxis of of rotation,
where (1)(1) is
is aa place
place to
to mount
mount solar
solar panels SAKOPOLY-60W with
panels SAKOPOLY-60W with output
output power
power 60 60 W;W; (2)
(2) is
is aa linear
actuator for
for changing
changing the
angle of inclination
of inclinationof the
of panel
the towards
panel the
towards Sun
the β
Sun0 ; (3)
0 ;is a
(3) mechanical
is a mechanicalpart,
part, responsible for the rotation of the solar tracker in the horizontal plane, and the angle γ by
for the rotation of the solar tracker in the horizontal plane, and the angle γ is rotated is
360 ◦ ; (4) is a bearing holding base (tube) of solar panels; (5) is an encoder with a variable resistor to
rotated by 360 °; (4) is a bearing holding base (tube) of solar panels; (5) is an encoder with a variable
resistor to the azimuththe
determine of azimuth
the solar oftracker rotation
the solar angle.
tracker Bearings
rotation areBearings
angle. installed are in two placesin
installed oftwo
rotating base to reduce the load on the tracker motor.
places of the rotating base to reduce the load on the tracker motor.

Figure 2.
Figure 2. The
The general
The general structure
general structure of aa single-axis
structure of single-axis solar
solar tracker.

the internal
Figure 3 shows the internal rotation
rotation mechanism
mechanism ofof the
the Sun
Sun tracking
tracking system. Here, (1) is the
system. Here,
support tube holding the solar panel; (2) is the gear wheel (worm wheel)
wheel) fixed to the support
support tube;
(3) is the worm
worm gear (worm and driveshaft) connected to the gear wheel (2); (4) is the DC motor
SV35-130/HP5BFN controlling the rotation of the worm gear. This mechanism is more reliable in
controlling the solar tracker, since the worm-rotating mechanism is more resistant to external
Energies 2020, 13, 5226 5 of 18

Energies 2020,
2020, 13, 5226 controlling the rotation of the worm gear. This mechanism is more reliable
13, 5226 ofin
Energies 55 of 18
controlling the solar tracker, since the worm-rotating mechanism is more resistant to external dynamic
dynamic (wind,
(wind, manualofrotation
manual the tracker).
rotation of theIn
of the this way,
tracker). Inthe
In thistracker
this turns
way, the
way, the only turns
tracker whenonly
turns the DC
only motor
when the
DC on
motor (rotates).
turns on
DC motor turns on (rotates).(rotates).

Figure 3.
Figure 3. Mechanism
Mechanism for
for rotating
rotating the
the tracker
tracker in
in aa horizontal
horizontal plane.

Figure showsthe
shows the
structureof the
structure of encoder
of the
the encoderfor determining
encoder for determining
for determining the azimuth angle of
the azimuth
the azimuth the solar
angle of the
of thetracker
tracker Here,
rotation. the main
Here, element
the main is a stationary
element is a single-turn
stationary potentiometer
single-turn (4) with
tracker rotation. Here, the main element is a stationary single-turn potentiometer (4) with resistance resistance
(4) with of 1 kOhm.
of 11 mechanical
kOhm. The Theangle of rotation
mechanical anglereaches 270◦ ,reaches
of rotation
rotation reaches 270
which is270 °° , which
quite enough for our
is quite
quite purposes.
enough Thepurposes.
for our
our installed
of kOhm. mechanical angle of , which is enough for
The (1) are the
The installed
installed same
gears (1)size.
(1) are One
are of thesize.
the same
the same gears
size. (3) of
One is
the gears
the theis
(3) istracker’s
attached to the
to tube andsupport
the tracker's
tracker's rotates
tube the
and solar panel.
rotates withAll
the these
panel. All are
these located in
components the same
are block
tube and rotates with the solar panel. All these components are located in the same block (2). (2).
in the same block (2).
The potentiometer
The potentiometer is
potentiometer is connected
is connected
connected to to the
the analog
analog input
input of of aa microcontroller
microcontroller with with aa ten-bit
ten-bit ADC.
◦°°corresponds approximately to 0.185 mV.
Accordingly, the
the angle
angle 11 corresponds approximately
Accordingly, the angle 1 corresponds approximately to 0.185 mV. to 0.185 mV.

Figure 4.
Figure 4. The
The structure
structure of
of the
the encoder.

3. Block Diagram
3. Block
3. Diagram of
Diagram of Electronic
of Electronic Control
Electronic Control Units
Units for
Control Units for Solar
for Solar Trackers
Solar Trackers
This section
This section will
section will cover
will coverthe
cover thecontrol
the controlunits
control unitsof
units ofthe
of thestudied
the studiedsolar
studied solartracking
solar trackingsystems.
tracking systems.
3.1. Solar
3.1. Solar Tracking
Solar Tracking SystemBased
3.1. System Based on Astronomical Calculations of the Sun’s Position
This method
methodis isbased
of theSun’s
Sun’strajectory relative
trajectory to the
relative Earth
to the
the in
This method is based on astronomical calculations the Sun’s trajectory relative to Earth
the horizontal
in the coordinate
the horizontal system
horizontal coordinate
coordinate system(2)
system (2)[22]:
(2) [22]:
sin−1 𝑠𝑖𝑛
δ==𝑠𝑖𝑛 sin(23.45◦ )sin 360( d𝑑 )
− 8181 (2)
𝛿 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑖𝑛
𝑠𝑖𝑛 23.45 𝑠𝑖𝑛 365 (2)
365 𝑑 81

where δδ is
where is the
the declination
declination angle
angle and
and dd is
is the
the ordinal
ordinal number
number of
of the
the current
current day
day of
of the
the year,
year, so
so for
January 1,
January 1, dd == 1.
1. The
The height
height of
of the
the Sun
Sun αα is
is calculated
calculated as:

𝛼𝛼 =
= 𝑠𝑖𝑛
𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝛿𝛿 𝑠𝑖𝑛
𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜑
𝜑 +
+ cos
cos 𝛿𝛿 𝑐𝑜𝑠
𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜑
𝜑 𝑐𝑜𝑠
𝑐𝑜𝑠 15 𝐿𝑆𝑇
15 𝐿𝑆𝑇 12
12 (3)
Energies 2020, 13, 5226 6 of 18

where δ is the declination angle and d is the ordinal number of the current day of the year, so for
1 January, d = 1. The height of the Sun α is calculated as:
Energies 2020, 13, 5226   6 of 18
α = sin−1 sin(δ)sin(ϕ) + cos(δ)cos(ϕ)cos(15◦ (LST − 12)) (3)
where ϕ is the latitude of the sun tracking system’s location and LST is the local solar time. Finally,
where ϕ is the latitude
the expression of the sun
for the azimuth γ:
angle, system’s location and LST is the local solar time. Finally,
the expression for the azimuth angle, γ:
𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝛿 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜑 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝛿 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜑 𝑐𝑜𝑠 15 𝐿𝑆𝑇 12
𝛾 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (4)
𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝛼
−1 sin(δ)sin(ϕ) + cos(δ)cos(ϕ)cos(15 (LST − 12))
◦ !
γ = sin (4)
Figure 5 shows the electronic unit of a single-axis ) tracking system for this method. The
5 showscircuit is powered
the electronic byofa a12single-axis
unit V batterysolar
(4). The circuit
tracking also has
system a 5 method.
for this V (6) andThe3.3entire
V (2)
voltage stabilizer, which are respectively connected to the Atmega 328p (1)
electronic circuit is powered by a 12 V battery (4). The circuit also has a 5 V (6) and 3.3 V (2) voltage and an SD card (3)
stabilizer, whichmicrocontroller.
are respectively The coordinates
connected to the of the Sun’s
Atmega 328pmovement
(1) and an SDare card
stored (3)in the SD card.
Using these data, as well as the DS1307 real-time clock (10), the microcontroller
microcontroller. The coordinates of the Sun’s movement are stored in the SD card. Using these turns the motordata,
at a
as angle
well as throughreal-time
the DS1307 the l298n driver
clock (10),(11), directing the photovoltaic
the microcontroller turns the motor panel
at a(13) towards
certain angle the Sun.
The rotation angle of the solar tracker is calculated through the encoder using
the l298n driver (11), directing the photovoltaic panel (13) towards the Sun. The rotation angle of the a variable resistor
(12). To
solar measure
tracker the voltage
is calculated on the
through thesolar battery,
encoder usinga voltage
a variablesensor is used,
resistor (12). which
To measureis a voltage divider
the voltage on
connected to the analog input of the microcontroller (8). To measure the current
the solar battery, a voltage sensor is used, which is a voltage divider connected to the analog input generated by the
of thebattery, a digital current
microcontroller sensor ACS712
(8). To measure (9) connected
the current generated toby
the solar panel is
a digital used.
A 750 W rheostat (5) with a 30 Ohm rating was used as the load. All data
sensor ACS712 (9) connected to the output of the solar panel is used. A 750 W rheostat (5) with a from the installed sensors
30 sentrating
to thewasdispatcher
used as the viaload.
a wireless
All datachannel
from theusing
LoRa E32-1W
are sent towireless modulevia
the dispatcher (7).
wireless channel using the LoRa E32-1W wireless module (7). Wireless modules with LoRa modulationa
Wireless modules with LoRa modulation (LongRange) have a high level of noise immunity and
relatively lowhave
(LongRange) levela of energy
high level consumption
of noise immunity [57]. and a relatively low level of energy consumption [57].

Figure 5. Functional
Figure 5. Functionaldiagram
electronic control
electronic unitunit
control of a of
single-axis Solar Solar
a single-axis tracking systemsystem
tracking based
on astronomical calculations.
based on astronomical calculations.
3.2. Solar Tracking System Based on Photosensitive Sensors
3.2. Solar Tracking System Based on Photosensitive Sensors
This method is based on the use of light-sensitive sensors, in our case, LDR. Figure 6 shows the
controlThis method
unit diagramis based on the use of
of a single-axis light-sensitive
solar sensors,
tracking system in our
based on case, LDR. Figure
photosensors. The6 shows
control unit diagram of a single-axis solar tracking system based on photosensors.
controlled using the Atmega 328P (1) programmable microcontroller. The entire system is powered The trackerbyis
acontrolled using
12 V battery (5).the Atmegathe
Therefore, 328P (1) programmable
microcontroller microcontroller.
is powered The entire
via the LM7805 system
stabilizer (12).isThe
by a 12 V battery (5). Therefore, the microcontroller is powered via the LM7805 stabilizer (12). The
upper part of the circuit (2) with the LM324 operational amplifier controls the rotation of the DC
motor. Two photoresistors (3) are installed here to determine the intensity of solar radiation. The
signals passing through the photoresistors are amplified by an operational amplifier to control the
transistors. They, in turn, act as a key for the motor. A relay (4) is installed between the motor and
Energies 2020, 13, 5226 7 of 18

part of the circuit (2) with the LM324 operational amplifier controls the rotation of the DC motor.
Two photoresistors (3) are installed here to determine the intensity of solar radiation. The signals
Energies through
13, 5226the photoresistors are amplified by an operational amplifier to control the transistors. 7 of 18
They, in turn, act as a key for the motor. A relay (4) is installed between the motor and the battery
to avoidsensor (8) andenergy
unnecessary a voltmeter (6). TheyThe
consumption. measure
system thealso
has anof the electric
ACS712 current
digital generated
current sensor by(8)
andsolar battery (6).
a voltmeter (9). They
The load for the
measure thesolar
power panel is aelectric
of the rheostat (11) with
current a resistance
generated by theof 30 Ohms
solar batteryand
load of
thewatts. To determine
solar panel the (11)
is a rheostat exact orientation
with of the
a resistance of 30photovoltaic
Ohms and a panel
powerto of
Sun, an
encoder (7) was also installed here, but it does not affect the operation of this
To determine the exact orientation of the photovoltaic panel to the Sun, an encoder (7) was also tracker. It is necessary
to compare
installed thebut
here, rotation
it doesangles of the
not affect the scheduled
operation ofsolar
this tracker
tracker. and
It is LDR solar to
necessary tracker.
compareAllthedata from
the sensors
angles of theare sent to the
scheduled microcontroller
solar tracker and LDR andsolar
are tracker.
sent to the dispatcher
All data using
from the the LoRa
sensors are sentE32-1W
to the
(10) wireless module.
microcontroller and are sent to the dispatcher using the LoRa E32-1W (10) wireless module.

Figure 6. Functional
Figure Functional diagram
diagramofofthe electronic
the control
electronic unitunit
control of aof
single-axis solar solar
a single-axis tracking systemsystem
tracking based
on photoresistors.
based on photoresistors.

4. Algorithms for Single-Axis Solar Tracking Systems

4. Algorithms for Single-Axis Solar Tracking Systems
This section will cover the algorithms of the manufactured trackers.
This section will cover the algorithms of the manufactured trackers.
4.1. Algorithm for a Single-Axis Solar Tracker Based on an Astronomical Date
4.1. Algorithm for a Single-Axis Solar Tracker Based on an Astronomical Date
Figure 7 shows a block diagram of the algorithm for a single-axis solar tracking system based on
Figure 7 shows a block diagram of the algorithm for a single-axis solar tracking system based
astronomical calculations. The system is autonomous. Using the built-in real-time sensor and SD card
on astronomical calculations. The system is autonomous. Using the built-in real-time sensor and SD
with the coordinates of the Sun’s movement, the system automatically sets the appropriate azimuth
card with the coordinates of the Sun’s movement, the system automatically sets the appropriate
angles depending on the date and time.
azimuth angles depending on the date and time.
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Figure Algorithmfor

turningthe thesystem
well as as
well SDSDcard data,
card the the
data, controller determines
controller determines the azimuth and and
the azimuth height of theof
the above the horizon.
Sun above If the Sun
the horizon. If thehas
yetthe system
risen, the remains in the initial
system remains position.
in the If the SunIf
initial position.
Sun hastherisen,
controller determines
the controller the azimuth
determines the angle γ ofangle
azimuth γ ofatthe
the Sun a given
Sun attime and time
a given startsand
the tracker
turning theto tracker
the desired
to theangle. The angle.
desired trackerThe
is rotated
trackeruntil the angle
is rotated untilfromthethe encoder
angle from isthe
equal to theis
equal to theangle of the Sunangle
azimuthal storedofon theSun
the flash drive.on
stored Once
theinstalled in theOnce
flash drive. desired position,
installed in the system
position, the
system (I) and voltage
measures (U) of the
the current (I) solar panel. Next,
and voltage (U) ofdata are sent
the solar to the
panel. dispatcher
Next, data arevia a
wireless channel using
to the dispatcher via athe LoRa wireless
wireless channel module.
using theThen,
LoRathe systemmodule.
wireless goes into sleepthe
Then, mode for agoes
system certain
sleep mode period forofatime. The adjustable
certain duty cycle isperiod
repeatedof until
duty cycle detects the sunset.
is repeated until the
microcontroller detects the sunset.
4.2. Algorithm for a Single-Axis Solar Tracker Based on Photosensors
4.2. Figure
Algorithm for a Single-Axis
8 shows Solar Tracker
a block diagram Basedtracking
of the solar on Photosensors
system algorithm based on photoresistors.
The microcontroller
Figure 8 showsstarts atheblock
only whenofthethe
detects the sunrise.
system Next, the controller
algorithm based on
switches on the relay for 1 min. At this time, the solar panel is oriented to the Sun. The tracker
photoresistors. The microcontroller starts the system only when the light sensor detects the sunrise. will
only stop when the light intensities are equal. After 1 min, the microcontroller switches off the
Next, the controller switches on the relay for 1 min. At this time, the solar panel is oriented to the relay.
Sun. The tracker will only stop when the light intensities are equal. After 1 min, the microcontroller
switches off the relay. When set to the desired position, the system measures the output current (I)
Energies 2020, 13, 5226 9 of 18

Energies 2020, 13, 5226 9 of 18

When set to the desired position, the system measures the output current (I) and voltage (U) of the
solar panel. The
and voltage (U) system
of the also
systemangle of the solar
also detects the tracker
azimuth using
encoder. Alltracker
the solar sensor
ansent to the All
encoder. control
datausing the LoRa
are sent to thewireless
control modules.
center usingThen,
thethe system
LoRa goes into
wireless sleep
mode for a certain adjustable period of time. The device has two tips (lock, button)
Then, the system goes into sleep mode for a certain adjustable period of time. The device has two to indicate the
maximum azimuth angle of sunrise and sunset. These azimuth values were chosen
tips (lock, button) to indicate the maximum azimuth angle of sunrise and sunset. These azimuth for the summer
and winter
values weresolstices
chosen on for22the
June and 21and
summer December. Azimuthal
winter solstices onangles of and
22 June sunrise and sunset for
21 December. Almaty
city on these days are 57 ◦ and 303◦ , respectively. ° °
angles of sunrise and sunset for Almaty city on these days are 57 and 303 , respectively.

Figure 8. Algorithm for a single-axis solar tracker based on photosensors.

5. Experimental Results
5. Experimental Results and
and Discussion
Experimental workworkwas wascarried outout
carried on the
on territory of theofal-Farabi
the territory KazNUKazNU
the al-Farabi University, Almaty,
Almaty, in order to compare the generated power of the single-axis solar trackers with (basedand
order to compare the generated power of the single-axis solar trackers with (based on schedule on
LDR) timeand
schedule andLDR)
time andmanagement.
photosensor management.
Figure 99shows
experimental installations of single-axis
installations solarsolar
of single-axis trackers. SAKOPOLY-60W
trackers. SAKOPOLY-60W with
output power 60 W was used as a solar panel. Solar panel specifications: maximum
with output power 60 W was used as a solar panel. Solar panel specifications: maximum power power current
mp —3.33 ImpA; maximum
—3.33 power voltage
A; maximum Vmp —18.2
power voltage V; openV;circuit
Vmp—18.2 open voltage Voc —22.7
circuit voltage V; shortV;circuit
Voc—22.7 short
current Isc —3.66 A. Here, (1) is a tracker that works with astronomical time; (2) is a tracker
circuit current Isc—3.66 A. Here, (1) is a tracker that works with astronomical time; (2) is a tracker that works
that works with a photosensitive sensor; (3) is a stationary photovoltaic installation; (4) is an
electronic control unit; (5) is a load for a solar panel; (6) is a power source for an electronic unit.
Energies 2020, 13, 5226 10 of 18

with a photosensitive sensor; (3) is a stationary photovoltaic installation; (4) is an electronic control
unit; (5)2020,
Energies is a13,
5226for a solar panel; (6) is a power source for an electronic unit. 10 of 18

Energies 2020, 13, 5226 10 of 18

Figure 9. Experimental installations.

The experiment was was conducted

conductedFigure over
Experimental various weather
installations. weather conditions.
conditions. Measurements
Measurements of
voltage and current were conducted using
of voltage and current were conducted using embedded ADC of MCU and embedded ADC of MCU and current sensor ACS712.
The experiment was conducted over five days, in various weather conditions. Measurements
Data from voltage
voltage and andcurrent
currentsensorssensorswere weredelivered
deliveredbyby LoRa
LoRa wireless
wireless channel
channel everyevery15 min during
15 minutes
of voltage and current were conducted using embedded ADC of MCU and current sensor ACS712.
the whole
during Data experimental
the whole day.
experimental Figure day. 10a–e
Figure show graphs of solar panel power generation over 5 days
from voltage and current sensors were10a–e show
delivered graphs
by LoRa of solar
wireless channel panel
everypower generation
15 minutes
in July
over 2020.
5 days
the dips
whole inSharp
the charts
experimental dips due
day. to charts
in Figure
the strong light
10a–edueshowto scattering correspond
graphs solar scattering
panel power to correspond
the appearance
generation of
to the
clouds in
appearance the5of
over sky.
days Itincan
clouds Julybe
in seen
2020. fromIt
Sharp the
dips caningraphs
be charts
the seenif the weather
due to the
strong conditions
graphs if theareweather
light scattering favorable,
correspond both
to thetrackers
conditions are
favorable, the same
both of clouds
trackers ofinenergy.
generate the sky. It
samecan be seen
amount the graphs
of energy. if the worsen
However, weather
when and conditions
weather are
worsen favorable,
or fog occur, both
and cloudiness, trackers
differences rain, appear generate
or infogthethe same
occur, amount of energy.
differences graphs.However,
in The when weather
tracker based
the generated energyconditions
on astronomical
graphs. The
worsen and cloudiness, rain, or fog occur, differences appear in the generated energy graphs. The
tracker based shows slightly better
on astronomical results. This
calculations is due
shows to the fact
slightly betterthat when This
results. the sun’s
is due raysto are
the scattered
fact that
tracker based on astronomical calculations shows slightly better results. This is due to the fact that
on clouds,
when the
the rays
sun's are
are not able
are scattered onon toclouds,
clouds,accurately determine
photosensors are
arenotnot position
of the
to accurately
to accurately
Sun; inthe
this case,
determine the
the solarposition
position panel
of may
the of
Sun;the be
Sun; directed
this case,
in this in
case, the opposite
the paneldirection
solarpanel may
may be from the
directed position
in in
thethe ofdirection
opposite the direction
Sun,fromwhich affects
the the
the generation of solar energy. Figure 11a–c show the rotation angles
position of the Sun, which affects the generation of solar energy. Figure 11a–c show the rotation
position of the Sun, which affects the generation of solar energy. of
Figure the
show panels
the under
rotation strong
angles angles
of the of the panels
solar solar panels
under under
using strong
strong encoders.scattering
scattering Theseconditions
conditions show
obtained using
encoders. graphsof
These solar
trackererroneous erroneous
rotation with azimuth
photosensors. angles of solar tracker rotation with photosensors.
show azimuth angles of solar tracker rotation with photosensors.

Figure 10. 10. Generation
Generation of energy
of energy on: (a)on: (a) 12020,
1 July July 2020, (b) 2 2020,
(b) 2 July July 2020, (c) 3 2020,
(c) 3 July July 2020,
(d) 8(d) 8 July
July 2020,2020,
(e) 9(e)
July 2020.
9 July 2020.

Figure 10. Generation of energy on: (a) 1 July 2020, (b) 2 July 2020, (c) 3 July 2020, (d) 8 July 2020, (e)
9 July 2020.
Energies 2020, 13, 5226 11 of 18
Energies 2020, 13, 5226 11 of 18

Figure 11.The
Figure11. Theazimuthal

determinethe efficiency
the of of
efficiency thethe
experimental installations,
experimental calculations
installations, werewere
calculations made for
the total energy generation during the day, which is shown in Table 2.
for the total energy generation during the day, which is shown in Table 2.Here, E —energy of the schedule
sc Here, Esc—energy of the
controlled solar tracker; ELDR —energy of solar tracker with LDR; Efix —energy
schedule controlled solar tracker; ELDR—energy of solar tracker with LDR; Efix—energy of fixed solar panel.
of fixed solar
Table 2. Total amount of power generated by day.

Date 2. TotalEamount
sc , W·h
of power
, W·h by
, W·h
July 2020 Esc372
, W·h 357
ELDR, W·h 270Efix, W·h
2 July
1 July 2020
2020 1220
372 1206357 785 270
3 July
2 July 20202020 1757
1220 17481206 1098 785
8 July
3 July 20202020 1775
1757 17761748 1111 1098
9 July 2020 1158 1145 725
8 July 2020 1775 1776 1111
Σ 6282 6232 3989
9 July 2020 1158 1145 725
Σ 6282 6232 3989
The efficiency of the tracker η can be estimated using the Equation (5): where ET is the energy
The efficiency
generated of the
by the solar tracker, EPV𝜂iscan
tracker thebeenergy
estimated using the
equivalent to aEquation (5): wherepanel
fixed photovoltaic ET is the energy
without a
tracker, andby
ECthe solar
is the tracker,
energy EPV is the energy
consumption equivalent
for the tracker to a fixed
mechanism photovoltaic panel without a
tracker, and EC is the energy consumption  for the trackermechanism [14,58]:
ET − (EPV + EC ) × 100
η𝜂== 𝐸 𝐸 +𝐸 100 (5)

To calculate the efficiency of solar trackers, it is also necessary to calculate the consumption of
the tracker motors. Table 3 shows the values used to determine the consumption.
Energies 2020, 13, 5226 12 of 18

To calculate the efficiency of solar trackers, it is also necessary to calculate the consumption of the
tracker motors. Table 3 shows the values used to determine the consumption.

Table 3. Power performance of motor.

U, V I, A; P, W t to Rotate to 1◦ , s E to Rotate to 1◦ , J/◦

12.3 0.33 4.059 0.203 0.823

The installation mechanism for turning the tracker by 1 degree consumes 0.823 joules. Table 4 shows
the motor consumption of a schedule solar tracker. Here, γs is the total azimuthal angle of the Sun from
sunrise to sunset; E—the energy required to rotate the tracker to the total azimuthal angle; tr —time to
turn the tracker on a total azimuth angle; Pr is the power consumed by the mechanism of the tracker.
The resulting energy values should be doubled since the tracker returns to its original position at the
end of each day.

Table 4. Power consumption of schedule solar tracker’s motor.

Date 1 July 2 July 3 July 8 July 9 July

γS , ◦ 245 244 244 243 242
tr , s 49.735 49.532 49.532 49.329 49.126
Pr , W 4.0542 4.0542 4.0542 4.0542 4.0542
E, J 201.635 200.812 200.812 199.989 199.166

The amount of energy consumed for 5 days of the experiment was 0.557 Wh, and the efficiency of
the tracker based on astronomical calculations was 57.4%, taking into account the energy consumption
for the rotation mechanism.
Next, two trackers are compared using expression (5). The efficiency of schedule ST compared
to LDR ST was 4.2% on cloudy and rainy days, and on days with variable cloud cover, it is 1.15%.
The consumption of the schedule ST motor is 60% less than that of the LDR ST motor due to errors in
determining the position of the Sun by photosensors.

7. Modeling the Performance of the Tracker Taking into Account the Weather Conditions during the Year
The climate in Almaty city is sharply continental—all four seasons are pronounced here,
with frequent clouds and rapid weather condition changes. As a result, the design of solar power plants
using single-axis trackers requires an assessment of their performance. To simulate the performance of
a schedule ST and LDR ST, it is necessary to estimate the change in radiation levels under different
weather conditions. In order to determine the solar radiation coming to the Earth’s surface during
the day, experiments were performed using an autonomous wireless installation with a pyranometer
for 5 days in August 2020. The obtained data were used to estimate the reduction in the radiation
power level in cloudy and rainy weather. To determine how much the performance of photovoltaic
systems decreases in various weather conditions, the model of solar radiation per square meter of
the horizontal surface during the year was used. The total radiation (G) coming from the Sun can be
calculated using the formula (6) [59]:

G= kηc I0 f (w) g(w)sinhs dndT (6)
0 7

where n is the ordinal number of the day in the year, T is the local time, and k is the correction factor
depending on climatic conditions [60]; ηc —correction factor for the distance from the Earth to the
Sun; I0 —constant solar radiation 1.37 kW/m2 ; f (w)—the influence of the angle of the panel; g(w)—the
influence of the azimuthal angle; hs —the height of Sun.
Energies 2020, 13, 5226 13 of 18

Figure 12 shows graphs of solar radiation received from the pyranometer as well as models
of radiation on the same days. The graph of the mathematical model of solar radiation from 18
to 24 August has no changes, while the graphs obtained using the pyranometer strongly depend
on weather conditions. Using experimental data and a mathematical model, the average degree of
decrease in solar radiation power ∆χ is calculated to predict incoming radiation under adverse weather
conditions. If it is represented as an array with i rows equal to the number of days under consideration
and j columns equal to the number of radiation measurements during the day, the matrix (7) is obtained:

 G11 G12 . . . G1 j 
 
Energies 2020, 13, 5226 13 of 18
 G21 G22 . . . G2 j 
 
Gexp =  . (7)
 
weather conditions. If it is represented as  an.. array... with. .i .rows... equal
 to the number of days under
 
consideration and j columns equal to the  number of radiation measurements during the day, the
Gi1 Gi2 . . . Gij

matrix (7) is obtained:
𝐺 the
In the same way, a matrix is constructed for 𝐺 power
… 𝐺values obtained from formula (6).
𝐺 𝐺 … 𝐺 ⎞
𝐺 = ⎛ (7)
⋮ G12 ⋱. . . ⋮ G1 j
⋮ 
 G11
 ⎝ 𝐺 𝐺 … 𝐺 ⎠
 G21 G22 . . . G2 j 

model = 
Gconstructed (8)
 
In the same way, a matrix is .. the..power
 for .. obtained
. . values  from formula (6).
 . . . . 
 𝐺 𝐺 … 𝐺
Gi1 Gi2 . . . Gij

𝐺 𝐺 … 𝐺 ⎞
=⎛ 𝐺 (8)
⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮
Therefore, the time intervals for the matrixes 𝐺(7) and (8) are the same. Next, a set of matrix
⎝𝐺 … 𝐺 ⎠
elements (7) in each row is selected, having a low level of solar radiation due to clouds gexp and
Therefore, the time intervals for the matrixes (7) and (8) are the same. Next, a set of matrix
obtaining an array with the number of elements n. The same elements are selected from the matrix (8)
elements (7) in each row is selected, having a low level of solar radiation due to clouds gexp and
gmodel array.
for theobtaining Then,
an array thethe
with average
numbershare of solarn.radiation
of elements The same in adverse
elements areconditions ∆χthe
selected from during the day
can be(8)
expressed as: array. Then, the average share
for the gmodel Pn of solar radiation in adverse conditions Δχ during
the day can be expressed as: 1 ( gmodel − gexp )
∆χ = k=P n (9)
∑ k=𝑔1 gmodel 𝑔
∆𝜒 = (9)
Here, ∆χ is the average coefficient for adverse ∑ weather
𝑔 conditions.
Here, ∆𝜒
As a result of is
thethecalculations, the following
average coefficient coefficient
for adverse values were obtained:
weather conditions.
As a result of the calculations, the following coefficient values were obtained:
• In rainy weather conditions, the solar radiation level is 0.2 of the calculated Gmodel value on a
● In rainy weather conditions, the solar radiation level is 0.2 of the calculated Gmodel value on a
corresponding day;
corresponding day;
• In● cloudy weather,
In cloudy thethe
weather, solar
radiation level
level is 0.45 of
is 0.45 of the
calculated Gmodel
Gmodel valuevalue
on a on a
corresponding day;
corresponding day;
• On● days withwith
On days variable cloud
variable cover,
cloud cover,the
solarradiation fluxreaches
radiation flux reaches 0.66
0.66 of of
thethe calculated
calculated GmodelGmodel
on a corresponding
on a corresponding day.day.

12. Radiation
FigureFigure values
12. Radiation of the
values experiment
of the experiment(the
specified dates from18
dates from 18toto24
August) and the
modelthe model
(the lower(the lower specified
specified dates 18
dates from from
to 18
24 August).

Using the obtained coefficients for various weather conditions, the radiation level was
calculated for the 2019 year. Weather conditions for the year were obtained from an internet
resource [61]. Figure 13 shows radiation graphs for the 2019 year under ideal conditions and taking
into account coefficients for various weather conditions.
Energies 2020, 13, 5226 14 of 18

Using the obtained coefficients for various weather conditions, the radiation level was calculated
for the 2019 year. Weather conditions for the year were obtained from an internet resource [61].
Figure 13 shows radiation graphs for the 2019 year under ideal conditions and taking into account
Energies 13, 5226
various weather conditions. 14of
14 of18

Figure 13.
Figure 13. Calculated
13.Calculated annual
Calculated solar
annual radiation
solar under
radiation idealconditions
under conditions
ideal and taking
conditions taking into
and into account
taking weather
into weather
weather conditions.

Using datafrom
data from
from annual
annual solar
solar radiation,
solar the amount
the amount
radiation, the of electrical
of electrical
of energy
energyenergy generated
generated by
by solarby
generated solar
trackers is
is calculated.
trackers calculated.
is calculated.
Figure 14
Figure 14 shows
14 shows dependence
shows dependence graphs
dependence graphs of
graphs of energy
of energy generated
energy generated by
generated by trackers
by trackers during
trackers during 2019,
during 2019, taking
2019, taking into
taking into
account coefficients
coefficients for
for various
various weather
weather conditions.
account coefficients for various weather conditions.

Figure Calculated annual
14. annual solar
solar radiation
solarradiation under
radiationunder ideal
underideal conditions
idealconditions and
conditionsand weather
andweather conditions.

Table555shows thethe
shows estimated amount
estimated of energy
amount generated
of energy
energy by solarby
generated trackers in variousin
solar trackers
trackers weather conditions.
various weather
Table shows the estimated amount of generated by solar in various weather
Table 5. Estimated amount of energy generated by solar trackers in various weather conditions.
Table 5.Estimated
Weather Number of Days Eschedule , kW·h ELDR , kW·h
Weather Number
142 of
Number ofDays
Days Eschedule
schedule, kW h
E , kW h EELDR
186.6 LDR, kW h
, kW h
Partly cloudy weather
Rainy/cloudy 142
59142 175.13 194.8
194.8 186.6
173.12 186.6
Partly cloudyClear
weather 16459
59 905.86175.13
175.13 905.86173.12
Clear 164
164 905.86
905.86 905.86

As can
As can be
be seen
seen from
from Table
Table 5,
5, the
the number
number of
of clear
clear days
days is
is slightly
slightly higher
higher than
than the
the number
number of
cloudy and rainy days. Consequently, the amount of energy produced by trackers
cloudy and rainy days. Consequently, the amount of energy produced by trackers on these days on these days
will differ.
will differ.
Energies 2020, 13, 5226 15 of 18

As can be seen from Table 5, the number of clear days is slightly higher than the number of cloudy
and rainy days. Consequently, the amount of energy produced by trackers on these days will differ.
The results obtained in this work can be used in the design of solar trackers in areas with variable
climatic conditions.

8. Conclusions
As a result of this work, it was found that the schedule-based solar tracking system is 4.2% more
efficient than LDR solar trackers in different weather conditions. The proposed tracker showed 57.4%
more efficiency compared with a fixed solar panel set to optimal tilt angle. Wrong determination of the
Sun’s position by the LDR tracker in cloudy or rainy weather leads to a decrease in the power of the
solar panel. In addition, as a result of this work, a mechanism was developed using an encoder for
accurate determination of the azimuth angle of the Sun. This mechanism is a trade-off between accuracy
and simplicity and the cost of necessary equipment. Based on the experimental data, the output power
of solar trackers was calculated during the year. The obtained results can be used in the design of solar
trackers in areas with a variable climate.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.K., A.S. and S.M.; methodology, N.K. and M.N.; software, D.T.;
validation, G.D. and Y.S.; investigation, N.K and M.N.; data curation, Y.S. and G.D.; writing—original draft
preparation, N.K.; visualization, A.M.; supervision, A.S. and S.M.; project administration, A.S. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work has been supported financially by the research project AP05132464 of the Ministry of
Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and was performed at Research Institute of Mathematics
and Mechanics in al-Farabi Kazakh National University, which is gratefully acknowledged by the authors.
Acknowledgments: We acknowledge the administration of Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics in
al-Farabi Kazakh National University for support and assistance.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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