The document provides a rubric to evaluate individual dance presentations. It assesses rhythm/tempo ability, preparedness, enthusiasm, participation, and creativity in choreography. For each category, it lists descriptors for performance at the developing, progressing, satisfactory, and excellent levels and assigns point values from 1 to 4.
The document provides a rubric to evaluate individual dance presentations. It assesses rhythm/tempo ability, preparedness, enthusiasm, participation, and creativity in choreography. For each category, it lists descriptors for performance at the developing, progressing, satisfactory, and excellent levels and assigns point values from 1 to 4.
The document provides a rubric to evaluate individual dance presentations. It assesses rhythm/tempo ability, preparedness, enthusiasm, participation, and creativity in choreography. For each category, it lists descriptors for performance at the developing, progressing, satisfactory, and excellent levels and assigns point values from 1 to 4.
The document provides a rubric to evaluate individual dance presentations. It assesses rhythm/tempo ability, preparedness, enthusiasm, participation, and creativity in choreography. For each category, it lists descriptors for performance at the developing, progressing, satisfactory, and excellent levels and assigns point values from 1 to 4.
The dancer The dancer shows a The dancer shows The dancer is Ability to stay in time attempts to keep good understanding great outstandingly with the music a rhythm, but of tempo and beat understanding of accurate in beat, often gets off beat but periodically gets tempo and beat by tempo, rhythms and speeds up or off beat or makes rarely getting off and dance falls behind. errors in rhythm. beat or making sequences. Doesn't follow errors in rhythm. beat in music.
Dancer is not Dancer is not Dancer is Dancer is The dance was well prepared to prepared and it is somewhat completely rehearsed. perform at all. clear that rehearsal prepared, but prepared and has was definitely could have used obviously lacking. Many more rehearsals. rehearsed. Dance dance moves are Some dance moves moves are sharp. unsure and many are unsure or are also get missed missed. entirely.
Did not Facial expressions Facial expressions Facial Involvement in the demonstrate an and body language and body language expressions and emotion or mood of interest in are sometimes used are often used to body language the dance. performance. to generate generate a strong are always used emotions. interest and to generate a enthusiasm. strong interest and enthusiasm.
Student does not Student displays Good effort from Evident that Student participated put any effort into minimal effort. The student. Came to student practiced in the dance dance. Student dance was done in all classes, but the dance at did not attend a disorganized way. participation was home. Student is previous classes Student came to minimal focused and on to practice the one class before task. Student dance assessment came to all classes
Creativity in Developing Progressing Satisfactory Excellent
Choreography No creativity The dancer did the The dancer added The dancer has basic dance moves one complex dance chosen many The dance moves move complex dance chosen display a moves and has certain level of embellished creativity. those moves in other parts of the dance