Pemodelan Basis Data
Pemodelan Basis Data
Pemodelan Basis Data
Entity-Relationship model
Relational model
Other models:
➢object-oriented model
➢semi-structured data models
customer-id customer-city
The physical representation of data is visible only to the implementor of the object
Messages and responses provide the only external interface to an object.
The term message does not necessarily imply physical message passing. Messages can be
implemented as procedure invocations.
a record is a collection of fields, each of which contains only one data value.
The hierarchical model differs from the network model in that the records are organized
as collections of trees rather than as arbitrary graphs.
If the relationship depositor is one to one, then the link depositor has two arrows.
Only one-to-many and one-to-one relationships can be directly represented in the hierarchical mode
Create two tree-structure diagrams, T 1 , with the root customer, and T 2 , with the root account.
In T 1 , create depositor, a many -to-one link from account to customer.
In T 2 , create account -customer, a many-to-one link from customer to account.