12 Humms PT 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division of Pasig City


Put an X Mark on the blank where appropriate

Integrative Written Works X Integrative Performance Tasks

Grade Level: 12 Quarter: 1 Date to be given/communicated to Time: 1 hour

the learner/parents/LSA: October
18, 2021

Date/ time to be submitted:

October 25
Assessment Criteria
Learning Areas Most Essential Learning Competencies: Competency Codes:
HOPE Recognizes the value of optimizing one’s PEH11FH-Id-t-14
health through participation in physical activity
Oral Communication Use various strategies in order to avoid EN11/12OCIa-6
communication breakdown: Various Strategies in
Different Situations to Avoid Communication
MIL Discuss responsible use of media and
Personal Development Discuss developmental tasks and challenges EsP-PD11/12DS-I
being experienced during adolescence

Filipino sa PL Nakapagsasagawa ng panimulang pananaliksik CS_FA11/12EP-0a-c-39

kaugnay ng kahulugan, kalikasan, at katangian ng
iba’t ibang anyo ng sulating akademiko
Creative Writing
Use selected elements of poetry in short 2c-f8

Community Engagement Solidarity Analyze functions of communities in terms of (HUMSS_CSC12-

and Citizenship (CESC) structures, dynamics, and processes IIIa-c-5)
Inquiries, Investigation &
Content Standard Performance Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of dance in The learner leads dance events with proficiency and
optimizing one’s health ; as a requisite for physical activity confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in
assessment performance, and as a career opportunity. influencing others positively.

Oral Communication Oral Communication

The learner recognizes that communicative competence The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative
requires understanding of speech context, speech style, strategy in a variety of speech situations.
speech act and communicative strategy.

The learner demonstrates understanding of media and The learners organizes a creative and interactive
information literacy (MIL) and MIL related concepts. symposium for the community focusing on being a media
Personal Development and information literate individual.

Personal Development Personal Development

The skills and tasks and challenges appropriate for middle Make a list of ways to become responsible adolescents
and late adolescence, and preparatory to early adulthood. prepared for adult life and manage the demands of teen

Filipino sa PL Filipino sa PL

Nauunawaan ang kalikasan, layunin at paraan ng pagsulat Nasusuri ang kahulugan at kalikasan ng pagsulat ng iba’t
ng iba’t ibang anyo ng sulating ginagamit sa pag-aaral sa ibang anyo ng sulatin.
iba’t ibang larangan.

Creative Writing Creative Writing

The learners have an understanding of poetry as a genre The learners shall be able to produce a short, well crafted
and how to analyze its elements and techniques poem

Community Engagement Solidarity and Citizenship Community Engagement Solidarity and Citizenship

The learners demonstrate an understanding of the The learners shall be able to synthesize the integrative
integration of social science perspective and community experience of implementing community-action initiatives
action initiatives applying social sciences’ ideas and methods
CATEGORY Excellent-5 Average-3 Poor-1

Theme Entire poem shows Poem shows some Poem is basic and
Development reflection and evidence of the author's shows very little
expression of a theme reflections toward the reflection of a theme.
(Personality “Staying Healthy During theme “Staying Healthy The poet's feelings
development, Pandemic. It gives real During Pandemic.” are not revealed.
HOPE) insight into the writer's Inquiries, Investigation
Parts of the poem may & Immersion
Inquiries, Investigation & Immersion character and point-of- be off topic, but most of
view. the poem expresses
some depth and insight.
Content Uses appropriate, Uses some appropriate, Ideas are repeated
(Personality relevant, and compelling relevant, and instead of developed,
Development, contents to illustrate on compelling contents to little understanding of
HOPE) how to become illustrate on how to the topic.
responsible adolescents become responsible
Overview of the Assessment Activity (Provide
prepared a clear and life
for adult concise description
your activity)
The activity is designed to challenge learner’s mindinand
specifically skills in writing
choosing and performing
for adult poetry individually which is
life specifically
focused on the theme “Staying Healthy the rightPandemic”
During nutrition in choosing the right
Creativity and The poem uses
Assessment Method/Methods (Put an X Mark on the blank where appropriate) The poem uses The poem does not
Poetic Format (CW) accurate form and accurate form and use accurate form.
X Observation X Tests contains a few creative There is little
X Analyses of learner’s products contains many creative X Talkingdetailsto Learners
and/or evidence of creativity
details and/or descriptions, but they in the poem. The
IV. Assessment Activity
descriptions that distract from the poem. author does not seem
contribute to the The author has tried to to have used much
You are a poet invited to perform a SPOKEN POETRY
reader's enjoyment. Thein a literary
use festival that will
his imagination. be watched by students, parents,
and members of the community. You are expected
author has reallyto write
usedand deliver your poems in your language of your choice.
Your composition must be focused on his theimagination.
theme “National Nutrition Month—Staying Healthy During the Pandemic”.
Your poem mustWord Choice (CW)
be performed Uses vivid
and presented in awords
video and Uses vivid
for 2-3 minutes only words
(whichand Uses words
is approximately 3-4 that
stanzas with
phrases that linger or phrases that linger
4 lines in each stanza.) Sounds, or instrumental background is allowed to complement the delivery. or communicate clearly,
draw draw but
pictures in the reader's pictures in the reader's the writing lacks
mind, and the choice mind, but occasionally variety,
and the punch, or flair.
Expected Output: placement of the words words are used
Spoken Word Poetry/ Poetry Performance seemsVideo
accurate, natural inaccurately
and not forced. or seem overdone.
Note: Audience Your poem mostly Your poem does not
Instruction and Awareness
mode of submission Yourwill bepoem speaks
communicated speaks
in the directly
Weekly to anLearning
Home speakPlandirectly to an the
Learner’s Modality directly to an audience. audience. Your audience. Your
(Creative Writing, The ideas are objective thoughts / ideas reflect thoughts / ideas are
Filipino sa PL) and consider the your target audience. not indicative of your
thoughts / ideas of your target audience.
POEM target audience.
WRITING Introduction /Close The poem does
RUBRIC The poem contains both The poem contains contain either an
(Creative Writing, an effective introduction either an effective effective introduction
Filipino sa PL) and a powerful close. introduction or a or close. Your ending
You effectively hook powerful close. You message is weak.
your audience and end effectively hook your
with a thought-provoking audience and end with
ending. a strong message.
Lines/Stanza All lines and stanzas are Lines and stanzas do
carefully chosen to Most Lines and stanzas not effectively
(Creative Writing, reinforce rhythm. The are carefully chosen to reinforce rhythm.
Filipino sa PL) poem is organized in a reinforce rhythm. The Most of the poem is
way that naturally lends poem is organized in a ineffectively
itself to spoken word. way that lends itself to organized.
the spoken word.

CATEGORY Excellent-5 Average-3 Poor-1

Purpose Clearly identifies the Clearly identifies the Identifies the purpose.
(Oral Communication) purpose, focuses the purpose of the Most of the communication
communication on the communication and is appropriate to the
purpose, and focuses work on the purpose.
demonstrates how the purpose
communication achieved
its purpose
Clarity/Organization (Oral Organized topics which Main idea clear. Examples Main idea clear, needs to
Communication) offer support for main topic follow logical order. improve logical order of
and effective introductions Follows expectation examples, and/or
and conclusions. Focuses appropriate to a specific relevance/quality of
on issues essential to discipline or task. evidence
communicating the central
idea using concrete
examples and evidence
organized in a logical
Voice Clarity and Perfect Articulation Clear articulation fairly Some lapses in articulation
intonation (Oral Engaging and varied tone appropriate tone with Monotonal
Communication) appropriate for content limited variation
Technology/Visual Demonstrates professional Uses technology to help Uses some technology or
Elements (MIL) use of technology and audience understand the visual elements to help
visual elements. All communication audience understand the
scenes add to the purpose communication.
and interest of
Video quality (MIL) Multimedia element is Multimedia element is Multimedia element is
clear. The video is somewhat clear unclear
can be seen and/ or
can be heard. It is easy to

Cultural sensitivity (CESC) Over-all, the product is Certain elements of the The product is not
sensitive to the limitations product may undermine culturally sensitive
defined by differences in the cultural orientations of
cultural orientations of some individuals
different individuals.
Promoting harmony Promotes constructive The product can promote No element of the product
(CESC) interactions between constructive interactions is capable of promoting
people in the community only within a certain group harmony within the
of people in the community


Recording Methods (Put an x mark on the blank where appropriate)

X Checklist X Marks
____ Class Grids ____ Anecdotal Record
X Grades X Self assessment records
X Comments on Learner’s work X Audio recording, photographs, video footages

Making Consistent Judgement (Put an x mark on the blank where appropriate)

X Rubric link to the assessment criteria ____Marks scheme link to assessment criteria
Feedback (Put an x mark on the blank where appropriate)
X Oral Feedback X Written Feedback

Prepared by:

Maria Criselda Reyes Cherry C. Carino Arnold Espinas Alfredo Villanueva

Creative Writing Filipino sa PL CESC HOPE

Jenorie San Agustin Lilia Cal Robert John RobasHarry James Pereye
Creative Writing Filipino sa PL III PERDEV

Kristine Bernadette Tan Cerina V. Galoy Segundino Marano

Oral Communication MIL CESC


Validated by:

Mark Glenn Victorino Ginalyn Bramaje

Master Teacher II Master Teacher II

Checked by:

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