Learning Activity Sheet How Different Activities Affect The Quality and Availability of Water For Human Use
Learning Activity Sheet How Different Activities Affect The Quality and Availability of Water For Human Use
Learning Activity Sheet How Different Activities Affect The Quality and Availability of Water For Human Use
When not When not When not The plant will
managed managed managed store the water
properly, large properly, large properly, others till has to
amount of water amount of water may not be able to undergo
C will be wasted. will be wasted. drink any water. homeostasis.
The water gets Water gets When not done
tainted with The germs in tainted by the properly, may kill
S chemicals the plate may cells and the plant, leading
contained in go to the water. tissues in our to large amounts of
soaps. organ system water getting
2. In general, we greatly affect the quality and availability of water since its essential to
our improper management of it.
Guide Questions:
1. Conserve water by turning off the tap when running water is not necessary. This helps
prevent water shortages and reduces the amount of contaminated water that needs
treatment. Use environmentally household products, such as washing powder,
household cleaning agents and toiletries. Take great care not to overuse pesticides and
fertilizers. This will prevent runoffs of the material into nearby water sources. Don’t
throw litter into rivers, lakes or oceans. Help clean up any litter you see on beaches or
in rivers and lakes, make sure it is safe to collect the litter and put it in a nearby
2. Water quality is of vital importance given the many diverse uses for water in different
industries. For example, in terms of drinking water, quality is very important because
the water has to be clear of harmful contaminants in order to ensure that it's safe for
human consumption.
1. I learned that water quality is a measure of how clean or polluted water is. Whether it
will become beneficial or detrimental to life largely depends on its quality based on
physical, chemical, and biological characteristics.
2. I enjoyed most on Identifying how I used the water supple and the water quality in my
everyday lives.
3. I want to learn more about different types of pollutants, sources, and their effects.
Learning Activity Sheet
Human Activities that Affect the Soil
Activity 2: Human Activities that Affect the Quality and Quantity of the Soil
1. Agricultural Depletion
2. Overgrazing Animals
3. Deforestation
4. Mining
5. Development and Expansion
6. Recreational Activities, Like Driving Vehicles Off-Road or Hiking
7. Improper Waste Disposal
1. I learned that soil helps sustain life on Earth—including your life. You already know
that soil supports the growth of plants, which in turn supply food for animals,
including people. Therefore, soil provides you with nearly all the food you eat like
vegetables and fruits. But that’s not all.
1. I enjoyed most on Identifying human activities, such as farming, construction of
structures, and waste disposal that affect the quality and quantity of soil.
2. I want to learn more about ways of conserving and protecting the soil for future