Rubric For Vlog: Name: Section: Group Number: Designated Task
Rubric For Vlog: Name: Section: Group Number: Designated Task
Rubric For Vlog: Name: Section: Group Number: Designated Task
Doesn’t explain the Explains only a general plan Shows the details of the Persuasively written;
The Pitch project focus or represent for the video project. project, including all addresses all necessary
the final outcome. requested components. components in detail.
Does not represent the Sketches are in a logical Includes sketches of each Demonstrates detailed
sequence of shots in the sequence, but do not give video scene and includes planning on the video shot
video. Storyboard adequate descriptions of the some planned sequence, scene
Storyboard descriptions are vague or video scenes, audio descriptions, audio notes, descriptions, audio and
incomplete. background, or dialogue effects notes, and dialog effects notes, and dialog
notes. for every scene. for every scene.
Includes more than 10 Includes 5 - 10 grammatical Includes 1 – 4 Grammar, spelling,
grammatical errors, errors, misspellings, grammatical errors, punctuation, capitalization
Script misspellings, punctuation punctuation errors, etc. misspellings, punctuation are correct. No errors in
errors, etc. errors, etc. the text.
Very minimal comments General comments on daily Thorough listing of daily Includes descriptive detail
Work Log about few activities on the activities. activities, but no and reflections on daily
work log. reflections. activities
Message is unclear. Message is vaguely Strong message. Covers
Message is clearly
Includes little essential communicated. Includes some topic completely and in
Overall Content information and one or two essential information with few
communicated. Includes
depth. Includes complete
essential information.
facts. facts. information.
Technical: Little or no enhancements Digital enhancements Any digital enhancements Digital enhancements are
add interest to the video, or accompany video, but there is that are used combine planned and purposeful,
Digital excessive use of random little sign of reinforcement. smoothly and effectively adding impact to the story
Some tendency toward with the video. line or focus.
Enhancements enhancements detracts from randomness with effects.
or Effectsthe video.
Works well with others. Works well with others.
Cannot work with Works with others, but has
Cooperative Takes part in most Assumes a clear role and
others. Cannot share difficulty sharing decisions
Group Work decisions and contributes related responsibilities.
decisions or responsibilities. and responsibilities.
fair share to group. Motivates others.
There are no citations or are Citations are given, but some Citations are given, sources Citations give proper credit.
no references to copyright multimedia sources are not of multimedia are Every photo, graphic or
Copyright information for photos, identified with references, and identified, but permission sound file is either original
graphics, and music created permission to reproduce is to reproduce is missing. or permission for its use by
by others. missing. the owner is documented.