Professional Persona Executive Summary Henry Pierzak

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Introduction Culture Map

In order to understand my communication style I have
completed a self-assessment, as well as administered an Self-assessment
evaluation for my peers to complete. The purpose The top two rated categories within my personal
behind this is to determine the difference between how I assessment were evaluating and trusting. A high score in
believe I am expressing myself, and how others actually evaluating infers that I take high consideration in
perceive me in a professional setting. However, once someone’s feelings when delivering bad news.
conducting the outside leadership communication Additionally, a high score in trusting infers that I build
evaluation, I have discovered that my extremely task- trust outside of the workplace. These characteristics
oriented persona has been detrimental to my align with my personal beliefs about myself, due to the
professional image. This document will discuss the fact that I enjoy building relationships with my peers.
results from my people’s style, culture map, core values, Peer-assessment
feedback, and steps for improvement.
My personal results compared to my peer’s results differ
greatly. My peers believe that I fall under the categories

People's Style of persuading and disagreeing. A high score in

persuading means that I like to provide examples in
decision making, and a high score in the disagreeing
category means that I am more likely to avoid
According to my self-assessment, I am an Expressive.
confrontation. These two characteristics align with the
Expressives tend to be more assertive and more
results of my self-assessment, especially because of how
responsive. However, I received a low score in
much I consider other people’s feelings within decision
assertiveness and responsiveness. My low score in
assertiveness reflects the fact that I am a strong listener.
Additionally, my low score in responsiveness shows that I
prefer to focus on work with minimal time for being
social. I believe that these scores are rather accurate,
based on my previous experience in group settings.
The evaluation survey that was sent to my peers
classified me as a driver. A driver tends to be more
assertive and less responsive. After reviewing this
response, I do agree with the results. In a group setting, I
tend to contemplate all alternative solutions when
regarding an issue. From there, once I have decided
what the best route is, I tend to assert myself into the
conversation to express my opinion. I can see how my
peers would categorize me as a driver, even though my
personal results show me as more expressive.
Core Values
Core values are a large factor when it comes to an
individual’s decision making. Positive values often result
in positive results, especially in the workplace. Being
bright and optimistic when facing a challenge will result
in the best possible outcomes. My core values align with
what my peers believe they are. They have identified that
my core values are loyalty, dependability, and respect. I
hold these values in very high regard when it comes to
anything that I do. In my experience they have helped
improve relationships, create efficient work
environments, and build trust among team members.

Feedback You have been able to
bring a sense of
A portion of the evaluation form provided a section for
my peers to give feedback regarding how I am perceived
in professional settings, and how to improve in those
areas. The key takeaway I have received from the
togetherness and trust to
responses is that I often appear as if I do not want to be
there, when in reality I am thinking about the problem at
the various teams that we
hand. I tend to be too quiet while I think of solutions to
whatever issue we are facing. In order to improve I need
have been a part of
to be speaking my opinion more often, even if I have not together. -Anonymous
quite formulated my thoughts for the problem at hand.

Next Steps
I have found my results and my peer's results to be very
accurate. It is interesting to see how my persona can
apply to many different characteristics in the workplace.
However, I need to improve my professional persona by
incorporating more of my personality into my

Key Takeaways expressions. I have always kept my work life and social
life very separate, and it has become detrimental to how
other perceive me in a professional setting. I believe that
The largest surprises that I received from this peer it will be a rather easy adjustment to make now that I
evaluation form were regarding my people’s style and am aware of the issue. Moving forward, I believe that
my feedback. Beginning with people’s style, I have incorporating traits from my personal life into my
always thought of myself to be more expressive professional life will positively influence the first
regarding the daily interactions that I have. It has come impression I have on my peers.
to my attention that I am not perceived this way within a
professional setting. Additionally, in regards to my
personal feedback, I was shocked when I read that some
of my peer’s initial thoughts were that I did not want to
be there. They did inform me that they realized that this
was not the case after multiple interactions, however
that is not something that I want people to think at first
glance. I have received plenty of valuable feedback throughout
the process of assignment. Starting with the people's

Others might perceive you style section, I found out that I come off as more of a
driver than I do an expressive. Secondly, my culture map
as not caring enough but results were high in persuading and disagreeing, in
contrast to my personal results of evaluating and
you demonstrate that you trusting. Regardless, results from both my peer and self-
evaluations have been accurate in describing my
do by doing your part. professional persona. My peer's responses perfectly

You might want to

aligned with my personal core values, which means that
I am accurately portraying myself in that regard.

interact more with others

However, my main piece of constructive feedback is that
I need to combine my social life characteristics with my

on a social level rather professional life characteristics. I tend to keep my social

and personal life separate, which has influenced people's

than only on an academic first impression of me. In order to fix this I will be more
cognizant of my interactions in the workplace, and make
level so that they know an effort to be more friendly in professional settings.
Nevertheless, the process of this assignment has been
you care about what you very beneficial in the development of my professional
persona and communication skills.
are doing and want to do
things well.-Anonymous

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