RTL001 - Richard The Lion Heart - Rulebook
RTL001 - Richard The Lion Heart - Rulebook
RTL001 - Richard The Lion Heart - Rulebook
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Table of Contents
Introduction.......................................................... 2
Objective.................................................................. 2
Components............................................................ 4
Basic Concepts....................................................... 6
• England Board............................................ 6
• Crusade Board............................................. 7
• Cards .............................................................. 8
• Charcter Dashboard................................ 9
• Purchase Board.......................................... 9
Setup.......................................................................... 10
• Prepare Board.............................................. 10
• Prepare Charcters..................................... 10
• Prepare Cards.............................................. 10
• Final Steps..................................................... 11
• Setup Diagram............................................. 11
Phases of Play........................................................ 12
• 1. Reveal an Event Card.......................... 12
• 2. Travel and Perform Actions.............. 12
• Encounter............................................. 13
• 3. Purchase.................................................... 13
• 4. Contribute to the Crusade................ 14
• 5. Outcomes of the Crusade.................... 14
• 6. Resolve the Event Card....................... 15
• 7. Check for End-Game Conditions...... 15
Winning the Game............................................... 16
• Adding up Prestige Points....................... 17
Appendix: Location Actions............................. 18
Round Summary..................................................... 20
In Richard the Lionheart, you are a character sided with either King Richard or his brother, John Lackland. During
the game, you will travel throughout England to both influence the ongoing crusade in your faction's favor and earn
Prestige Points for yourself. It is imperative that you work alongside the other players aligned with your faction to
ensure your King ascends the throne! The winner is the player who not only collects the most Prestige Points, but
also belongs to the Winning Faction at the end of Richard's Crusade in the Holy Land. But beware! There may be a
Neutral character among you, backing neither Richard nor John, but instead drawing out the crusade towards their
own personal agenda. Regardless of faction, when the game ends, only one player will be victorious.
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Maid Robin Hood Little John Friar Tuck Bishop Isabella Prince Sheriff of
Marion of Ely John Nottingham
10 Character
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1 Crusade Board
1 Reserve
1 England Board
15 Edict Cards
(5 Edict of King Richard Cards, 5 Edict of King 18 Event of the
John Cards, 5 Neutral Edicts) Crusade Cards
7 Faction
Skill Tokens
(3 Richard,
3 John, 1 First 1 Game
1 Neutral) Player Round
Token Token
6 Ship
6 Player Aid Cards Tokens
1 Neutral
6 Horse
55 Blue Prestige 18 Brown Prestige Tokens
Point Tokens Point Tokens
60 Coins (1 Prestige Point) (3 Prestige Points)
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Basic Concepts
England Boar d Before starting to play, make sure the board is on the
correct side, according to the number of players in the game.
The central board in Richard the Lionheart is a map
of England. This is where your character will influence Each Location on the board supports either Richard
the course of the Crusade! On the map, there are 16 or John. You can tell this by the Location's border color
different Locations connected via Road and Water and Faction logo.
Segments. Each map Location has a unique action that
may provide you with a combination of Prestige Points, Bridgewater (with a red background) can only be
Coins, and Cards to influence the Crusade Tracks. activated by Richard's supporters. Grimsby (with a green
background) can only be activated by John's supporters.
You may travel through Locations where another
player is present, but you may not stop on an occupied During the game, Locations with a Red border may
Location. In games with 4 or more players, the Merchant provide advantages for the supporters of Richard. On
and Mercenary figures will be present on the England the other hand, Locations with a Green border may
Board and may provide you with additional bonuses. provide advantages for the supporters of John.
John's Special Location Player Count
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Basic Concepts
Crusade Boar d Return, and the King's Treasure. Movement on
these tracks is determined by actions on certain map
As you rally across England, the Crusade rages Locations and revealed cards from the Crusade Deck.
abroad! There are 4 separate tracks on the Crusade The game ends when 1 or more of the tracks reaches
Board representing the momentum of Richard's Holy the spaces with card icons on the right (10th, 10th,
War: Richard's Army, Saladin's Army, the King's 0th, and 0th spaces, respectively).
10th Space
0th Space
Game Round
Game Round
Upgrade Costs
Reserve Board
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Basic Concepts
Car ds
There are 3 types of cards in Richard the Lionheart.
Influence cards are the most important cards in
the game, and they are divided by color: Green (John's Faction Color
supporters) or Red (Richard's Supporters).
Influence cards make up the Crusade Deck, the
Provisions Deck, and the Reserve (revealed cards). The Influence
Crusade Deck dictates the Outcomes of the Crusade Symbol
at the end of each round, determining the winning
side at the end of the game.
Players collect Influence cards through Location
Edict cards are divided by Faction: King Richard,
King John, and Neutral. They may provide you with Faction Color
special bonus points to be scored at the end of the game.
End Game
Event cards provide scenarios in which special
scoring or actions may occur, provided you meet the Event Condition
& Action
conditions listed on the card. In games with 4+ players,
Event cards also indicate where the Merchant and
Mercenary figures move for the following round.
NOTE: Whenever a text refers to a Faction Card, Location
it means any card with the color of the Faction with which
a player is allied. Merchant
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Basic Concepts
R eserve Boar d
The Reserve Board is home to the Influence Cards.
This includes the revealed Reserve Cards (in their
respective places) and the Provisions Deck.
Character Dashboar d starts the game with, what their Special Ability is,
and – most importantly – which Faction they belong
Character Dashboards represent a player's role for to. Character Dashboards also have spaces to place the
the game. They indicate how many Coins each player player's Upgrades. (See Purchase Board, pag 7.)
Coins Ability
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Prepare Boar ds V. Each player takes their corresponding Character
Figure and their starting Coins (as noted on their
I. Place the England Board in the center of the table Character Dashboard). Place the remaining Character
with the side matching the number of players faceup. Dashboards and Character Figures in the game box.
(They will not be used for this game.)
II. Place the Crusade Board to the side of the
England Board. Place the Richard's Army and Saladin's VI. Place the remaining Coins to the side of the
Army figures on the 0th position of the Richard's England Board.
Army track and Saladin’s Army track, respectively.
Place the King's Treasure and King's Return figures Prepare Car ds
on the 10th position of the King's Treasure track and
King's Return track, respectively. VII. Prepare the Crusade Deck: shuffle 1 Influence
In the Purchase Area, place the Game Round Token card of each type/color (Richard's banner, Richard's
on the starting position of the round track. Place the chest, Richard's hourglass, Saladin's banner, John's
Horse, Ship, and Faction Skill tokens near the board. chest, John's hourglass: 6 cards total) and place the deck
close to the Crusade Board.
III. Place the Reserve Board next to the Crusade Board.
VIII. Prepare the Provisions Deck: shuffle 15
Prepare Character s Influence cards of each type (90 cards total) and place the
deck in the appropriate position on the Reserve Board.
IV. Provide each player with a Character Dashboard Place the other Influence cards, revealed, according to
(either randomly or by choice). In a game with an even their types, on the same board. This is the Reserve.
amount of players (2, 4, or 6), use an equal amount of
characters from Richard's and John's Factions. In a IX. Separate the Edict cards into 2 piles (Richard's
game with an odd amount of players (3 or 5), use an and John's) and shuffle them separately. Distribute 1 Edict
equal amount of characters from Richard's and John's card of the corresponding Faction to each player. Keep your
Factions, but add a specific Neutral character. Edict card secret from all other players. Place all remaining
Edict cards in small piles, to the side of the England Board.
Player # Richard John Neutral If playing with a Neutral character, shuffle the Neutral
Edict cards and distribute 1 to the Neutral player.
2 1 1 0
3 1 1 Leopold
4 2 2 0 Give 1 Edict of King Richard
5 2 2 Marie card to Robin Hood; give
6 3 3 0 1 Edict of King John card
to the Sheriff of Nottingham.
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Final Steps
XIII. If playing with 4 or more players, place the
XI. Distribute 7 cards randomly from the Provisions Merchant and Mercenary figures to the side of the
deck to each player. Neutral players receive 10 cards. England Board.
XII. Place the Prestige Point tokens to the side of XIV. Randomly assign the First Player Token to
the England Board. one of the players.
Crusade Reserve
Event and
Deck Merchant
Character Neutral
Figure Token
Starting Hand
(Neutral Player:
10 cards)
Edict Card
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Phases of Play
Richard the Lionheart is played over a series of 2. Travel
rounds. Each round goes through the following phases,
which are explained in detail on the following pages: Starting with the first player and proceeding clockwise,
each player moves their Character on the England board and
1. Reveal Event Card perform that Location's action, according to the following:
2. Traveling, Action, & Encounter
3. Purchasing ¾¾ During the first round, instead of moving their
4. Contribute to the Crusade figure on the gameboard, players place it on the
5. Outcomes of the Crusade gameboard on an empty Location of their choice.
6. Resolve Event Card
7. Check for End-Game Conditions ¾¾ Players may move freely up to 3 road segments.
If they have a Horse, they may move up to 4
1. R eveal an Event Car d, and road segments.
Neutral chooses Support ¾¾ Players may never pass through the same
Location twice in the same round.
The first player draws the top
card of the Event of the Crusade ¾¾ Players must move at least 1 space and cannot
deck and reads it aloud. The card's remain in the same Location they occupied
effect may impact subsequent during the previous round.
phases, or it may be resolved at
the end of the round. ¾¾ Only players who have a Ship may move
through water segments, treating them just
like road segments.
“Sergio has neither
Horse nor Ship.
He cannot start his
move going to Oxford,
as he would have to
use a water segment.
Also, the most he can
move is 3 segments.”
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Phases of Play
“Ruby has a Horse
and a Ship, so she
may move forward
a maximum of
4 spaces and she
may also use water
segments in addition
to road segments."
Once a player has moved, they may perform the action ¾¾ 1 Random Card from the Provisions deck for
of the Location they currently occupy (see page 18). 1 Coin;
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Phases of Play
4. Contribute to the Crusade I. Compare the Military Force (Red Banner) and
Conspiracy/Muslim Militia (Green Banner) cards.
Starting with the first player and proceeding
clockwise, each player must add 2 Influence cards, King Richard has won the battle!
facedown, from their hand to the Crusade deck.
If there are more Red Banner
¾¾ A player may pay 2 Coins to add a 3rd Influence cards, move the Richard's
card to the Crusade deck. Army figure a number of spaces on the Richard's
Army track equal to the difference between Red and
¾¾ If players don't want, or can't add 2 Influence Green Banner cards.
cards, they will lose 1 Prestige Point per card
not added.
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Phases of Play
Necessary Spending!
III. Compare the Full Chest (Red) and Empty If the end-game condition was not met, continue
Chest (Green) cards. with the following:
Increase the Royal Treasure! ¾¾ Return to the Reserve all the cards drawn
during the Outcomes of the Crusade phase,
> If there are more Red Full Chest
cards, the Treasure of the King
sorting them by type.
track does not move. ¾¾ Move the Game Round token 1 space forward
on the Game Round Track.
Empty the Royal Treasure!
¾¾ Pass the First Player token to the next player
< If there are more Green Empy
Chest cards, decrease the Treasure
in clockwise order and begin the next round.
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Winning the Game
To win the game, players must be supporters of victorious side, the player with the most prestige
the winning faction. Among those allied with the points is the winner.
¾¾ If the Richard's Army figure reaches the ¾ ¾ If the Saladin’s Army figure reaches the
10th space on its track, King Richard 10 space on its track, King Richard dies in
triumphantly wins the crusade and returns battle. The players allied with King John are
home. The players allied with King Richard the Winning Faction.
are the Winning Faction.
¾¾ If the King's Treasure figure has reached the
¾¾ If the King's Return figure has reached the 0 space on its track, King Richard has consumed
0th space on its track, King Richard returns the entirety of his wealth during the war and
home early with an army large enough to take has been overthrown. The players allied with
back his throne. The players allied with King John are the Winning Faction.
King Richard are the Winning Faction.
“Richard's Army has reached
the 10 space on its track,
meaning Richard is victorious
in the Holy Land. The
players allied with Richard
are the Winning Faction
and now count their prestige
points to see who won.”
“The Treasure of the King
has reached the 0 space on its
track, meaning Richard has
expended all of his wealth
and cannot continue fighting.
The players allied with John
are the Winning Faction
and now count their prestige
points to see who won.”
¾¾ If the Game Round token is on the 10th space The player with the most Prestige Points
on its track, all players score Prestige Points wins the game.
for their edict cards. In case there is a Neutral NOTE: If there isn’t a Neutral player, the player
player, they automatically score 3 additional with the most Prestige Points (counting edicts) is
Prestige Points. the winner of the game.
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Winning the Game
If, at the the end of a round, multiple tracks have Adding up Prestige Points
reached 10th/0th (or, if the Game Round Track,
reached 10), the track with the lowest value on the After determining the Winning Faction, players
Order of Resolution defines the winning faction. calculate any extra Prestige Points from their Edict
card. The player (allied with the Winning Faction) who
has the most Prestige Points is the winner! In the event
players tie in Coins, the players share their victory.
2 Army = 10
King John If, at the end of a round, none of these conditions
have been met, a new round begins.
3 Return = 0
King Richard
4 Treasure = 0
King John
5 Round = 10
Most Prestige Points
Game Design: Andrea Chiaversio Writing: Colin Young
Additional Development and Design: Fel Barros & Proofreading: Jared Miller, Jason Koepp,
Alexandru Olteanu & Colin Young
Development: Fabio Tola, Leo Almeida, Marco Portugal, Playtesting: Luca Grasso & Pietro Puglisi (District Games).
& Michael Shinall Bruno Meira, Caio da Quinta, Carolina Negrão, Daniel Caballero,
Production: Thiago Aranha, Thiago Gonçalves, Diego de Moraes, Eduardo Cunha Vilela, Fabio Iwace, Fabio
Guilherme Goulart, Isadora Leite, Sergio Roma, Tola, Flávio Oota, Fernando Bastos, Gabriel Perin, Isadora Leite,
& Renato Sasdelli João José Goes, Júlia Ferrari, Leo Almeida, Lucas Antonini,
Publisher: David Preti Lucas Martini, Luiz Kalagar, Luiz Martinez, Luiza Pirajá, Marco
Art & Illustration: Stefan Kopinski, Louise Combal, & Portugal, Paulo Shinji, Patricia Brotezzi, Pedro Oblizner, Renato
Nicolas Fructus Bardela, Ricardo Limonete, Rodrigo Sonesso, Rodrigo Esper, Rod
Graphic Design: Mathieu Harlaut & Fabio de Castro Mends & Sergio Roma.
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Appendix: Location Actions
(4-6p) If the player is sided with John, (4-6p) Return 2 Full Hourglass and
pay 1 Coin to the Reserve. They earn 2 Empty Chest cards to the Reserve.
1 Prestige Point and take 1 card of Earn 2 Prestige Points and take
their choice from the Reserve. Then, every other player sided 3 Coins from the Coin Reserve.
with John may take a card of their choice from the Reserve. If
the player is sided with Richard, nothing happens. (2-3p) Return 2 Full Hourglass
and 2 Empty Chest cards to the
(2-3p) Take 1 Coin from the Reserve, Reserve. Draw 3 cards from the
and draw 1 card from the Provisions Provisions Deck and take 3 Coins from the Coin Reserve.
deck. Then choose between taking 1
Red Banner card or 1 Green Banner card from the Reserve. CHESTER
BRISTOL (4-6p) Return 2 Red Banner cards
to the Reserve. Take 1 Green Flag
(4-6p) Return 4 cards of the same card and 1 Empty Chest card from
type to the Reserve. Earn 3 Prestige the Reserve, draw 2 cards from the Provisions Deck, and earn
Points, take 3 Coins from the Coin 1 Prestige Point.
Reserve, and draw 2 cards from the Provisions Deck.
(2-3p) Return 3 Red Banner cards to
(2-3p) Return 6 Coins to the Reserve the Reserve. Take 1 Green Banner
-1 and increase any Army Track 1 space. card and 1 Empty Chest card from
the Reserve, and draw 3 cards from the Provisions Deck.
Take 2 Coins from the Reserve and Take 1 Coin from the Coin Reserve,
draw 2 cards from the Provisions and draw 1 card from the Provisions
Deck. deck. Then, choose between taking
1 Red Banner or 1 Green Banner card from the Reserve
(4-6p) Return 2 Green Banner cards
to the Reserve. Take 1 Red Banner (4-6p) If the player is sided with
card and 1 Full Chest card from the Richard, pay 1 Coin to the Reserve.
Reserve, draw 2 cards from the Provisions Deck, and earn 1 They earn 1 Prestige Point and take
Prestige Point. 1 card of their choice from the Reserve. Then, every other
player sided with Richard may take a card of their choice from
(2-3p) Return 3 Green Banner cards the Reserve. If the player is sided with John, nothing happens.
to the Reserve. Take 1 Red Banner
card, 1 Full Chest card from the (2-3p) If the player chooses to return
Reserve, and draw 3 cards from the Provisions Deck. +1 3 Full Chest cards to the Reserve,
increase the Kings Treasure`s Track
1 space. If the player chooses to return 3 Full Hourglass cards
to the Reserve increase the King's Return Track 1 space.
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Appendix: Location Actions
The active player must return (4-6p) Return 1 card of each type
4 Coins to the Reserve. All players (1 Green Banner, 1 Red Banner, 1
of the same Faction MUST return Empty Hourglass, 1 Full Hourglass,
1 Coin to the Reserve, this ability does not work if your ally 1 Empty Chest, and 1 Full Chest) to the Reserve. Draw 2
doesn't have 1 coin. Increase either the King's Return Track or cards from the Provisions Deck, earn 3 Prestige Points, and
the King's Treasure Track by 1 space. take 3 Coins from the Coin Reserve.
(2-3p) Return 1 card of each type
-1 (1 Green Flag, 1 Red Flag, 1 Empty
(4-6p) Return 2 Empty Hourglass Hourglass, 1 Full Hourglass,
and 2 Full Chest cards to the 1 Empty Chest, and 1 Full Chest) to the Reserve. Reduce 1 of
Reserve. Earn 2 Prestige Points and the army tracks by 1 space.
take 3 Coins from the Coin Reserve.
(2-3p) Return 2 Empty Hourglass
and 2 Full Chest cards to the The active player must return
Reserve. Draw 3 cards from the -1 4 Coins to the Coin Reserve. All
Provisions Deck and take 3 Coins from the Coin Reserve. players of the same Faction MUST
return 1 Coin to the Reserve, this ability does not work if your
NOTTINGHAM ally doesn't have 1 coin. Reduce one of the army tracks by 1 space.
Edict Card King's Return Track
Take 1 Coin from the Coin Reserve,
and draw 1 card from the Provisions
deck. Then choose between taking Provision Deck Card King's Treasure Track
1 Full Chest card or 1 Empty Chest card from the Reserve,
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Round Summary
1. R eveal an Event Car d and 5. Outcomes of the Crusade
Neutral Player chooses Support The first player shuffles the Crusade Deck and draws as
many cards as double the number of players. Reveal all of
The first player draws the top card of the Event of the the cards drawn:
Crusade deck and reads it aloud.
The Neutral player, if any, announces their supporting Banner Cards:
Faction for the round.
2. Travel, Per form Location
Actions and Encounter =
Hourglass Cards:
In turn order, players move their Character Figure up to
3 spaces on the England board. If a player has a Ship, they
vs =
can use water segments. If a player has a Horse, they can
move up to 4 spaces. <
Once a player has moved, they may perform the action of
the Location they currently occupy.
Chest Cards: >
If either the Merchant or the Mercenary is present on a vs =
player's current Location, they receive their bonus.
3. Purchase an Upgrade or a Car d
6. R esolve the Event Car d
If not yet applied during a previous phase, apply the
printed effect of the Event card for this round.
¾¾ (4+ players): Place the Merchant and the Mercenary
on their new Locations as indicated on the active
Upgrades Specific Random Prestige Event card.
Card Card Point ¾¾ Discard the active Event card.
Each player may make 1 purchase. Costs are described 7. Check for End-Game Conditions
on the column below the icons, according to the Game
Round row. If any track has come to an end (pag 15), the game
Ends. Check Winning The Game (pag 16/17).
4. Contribute to the Crusade
If the game is not over, continue with the following:
Each player may add 2 facedown cards from their hand ¾¾ Return to the Reserve all the cards drawn during
to the Crusade deck. To add only 1 card, a player must lose 1 the Outcomes of the Crusade phase.
Prestige Point (if they have any). To add a 3rd card, a player ¾¾ Move the Game Round token 1 space forward on
must pay 2 Coins. the Game Round Track.
¾¾ Pass the First Player token to the next player in
clockwise order.