Cbse X - Class General Science Mid-Term

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X - Class General Science CBSE Mid Term

2. For finding the focal length of a convex lens by obtaining the image of
a distance object, one should use as the object: [ ]
a) a well lit distance tree
b) window grill in the class room
c) any distance tree
d) a lighted candle kept at the other end of the table
MID TERM EXAMINATION 3. A concave mirror is placed on a horizontal table with its axis directed
Class : X Max.Marks : 40 vertically upwards. Let ‘O’ be the pole of the mirror and ‘C’ be its
Board : CBSE centre of curvature. A point object is placed at ‘C’ . Whose real image is
Subject : General Science Time: 90 Min
also formed at ‘C’. If the mirror is now filled with water, the image will
be [ ]
PART - A a) real and will remain at C
I. Choose the correct answer : 7×1=7 b) real and will be located above C
c) Virtual, and will be located below O
1. Which of the following ray diagram is correct for the ray of light incident d) real, and will be located between C and O
on a concave mirror as shown in Figure [ ] 4. A rainbow is always formed in a direction [ ]
a) Fig A b) Fig B c) Fig C d) Fig D a) Opposite to the sun b) Above the sun
c) Below the sun d) At a level of the sun
5. If a moist blue litmus paper is brought near CO2 gas [ ]
a) It will remain blue b) It will change to red
c) It will become colourless d) It will catch fire
6. The salt which will give a neutral solution on dissolving in water will
be [ ]
a) CH3COONa b) NH4Cl
c) KCl d) Na2CO3
7. Iron nails were dipped in a solution kept in a test tube. After half an
hour, it was observed that the colour of the solution had changed. The
solution in the test tube was that of [ ]
a) Zinc sulphate b) Copper sulphate
c) Iron sulphate d) Aluminium sulphate

No.1 School in India 1 Sri Chaitanya School

CBSE Mid Term X - Class General Science
II. Assertion and Reason type questions : 9×1=9 13. Assertion (A) : Light incident normally on transparent medium does
not under go refraction . [ ]
For question numbers 8 to 17, two statements are given- one labeled
Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R). Select the correct
Speed of light in vaccum
answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as Reason (R) : Refractive index =
given below. Speed of light in medium
a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of the assertion. 14. Assertion (A) : K to Fe displace H2 with steam without
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of the decreasing reactivity [ ]
assertion. Reason (R) : K very violently but Fe very slowly react with wa-
c) A is true but R is false. ter.
d) A is false but R is true.
15. Assertion (A) : Hydrongea, petunia, geranium flowers are natural
8. Assertion (A) : During daytime, CO2 generated during respiration indicators [ ]
is used up for photosynthesis. Reason (R) : They all works based on smell
Reason (R) : There is no CO2 release during day. [ ]
16. Assertion (A) : During chlor - alkali process H2 gas is liberated at
9. Assertion (A) : The left kidney is located slightly more superior than cathode instead of sodium
the right kidney. Reason (R) : The depositing ability of sodium is greater than
Reason (R) : Larger sized liver located on the right side of the Hydrogen [ ]
body. [ ]
10. Assertion (A) : Digestion breaks large complex molecules to simple 17. Read the following and answer the questions from (i) to (iv).
smaller molecules which can be easily absorbed. 4×1=4
Reason (R) : Digestion is necessary for the absorption of all Ramana experienced muscular cramps during
molecules. [ ]
the training session for his
11. Assertion (A) : When a light passes through centre of curvature of upcoming Football match.
concave mirror it reflects back along the same path. Mr. Raj, his coach advised him on a schedule
[ ] of some aerobic exercises
Reason (R) : The line joins centre of curvature and any point on to overcome his problem of muscular cramps.
the mirror will acts like a normal. Ramana followed his coach's advice and did not face the problem
12. Assertion (A) : Sun appears reddish in early in the morning of muscular cramps again during his match
Reason (R) : Red colour has longer wave length. [ ] i) Which life process is described by the above passage? [ ]
a) Respiration b) Digestion
c) Nutrition d) Excretion
Sri Chaitanya School 2 No.1 School in India
X - Class General Science CBSE Mid Term
ii) Lack of oxygen in muscles often leads to cramps due to [ ] 8. What are amphoteric oxide ? Give examples of two amphoteric oxides ?
a) Conversion of pyruvate to ethanol 9. What is a neutralisation reaction? Give two examples?
b) Conversion of glucose to pyruvate
c) Conversion of pyruvate to glucose II. Answer ANY FOUR of the following questions : 4×2=8
c) Conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid
10. Write the differences between:
iii) What exercises did Mr. Raj suggest to Ramana to overcome from
muscular cramps? a) Arteries and Veins
a) Aerobic exercises b) Anaerobic exercises [ ] b) Transport of water in xylem and Translocation of food in phloem
c) Both a and b d) none of the above
11. Name the structural and functional unit of excretory system and mention
iv) What symptoms do Ramana experience during his muscular cramps its functions.
[ ]
12. Find the focal length of a lens of power – 2.0 D. What type of lens is
a) Muscle spasms b) Twitching
c) Pain d) All of these
13. An object is placed at a distance of 10 cm from a convex mirror of focal
PART - B (20 Marks) length 15 cm. Find the position of image.
14. Equal lengths of Magnesium ribbons are taken in test tubes A and B.
I. Answer ANY SEVEN of the following questions : 7×1=7 Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is added to test tube A, while acetic acid is
added to test tube B. In which test tube will the fizzing occur more
1. What is the function of digestive enzymes ? vigorously and why?
2. Why is it necessary to separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in 15. Explain the formation of ionic compound CaO with electron dot
mammals and birds? structure. Atomic number of calcium and oxygen are 20 and 8
3. Define photolysis. respectively.

4. A ray of light travelling in air enters obliquely into water. Does the light III. Answer ANY ONE of the following questions : 1×5=5
ray bend towards the normal or away from the normal ? Why?
16. a) Draw a sectional view of the human heart and label on it - Aorta,
5. The refractive index of diamond is 2.42 what is the meaning of this Right Pulmonary veins. [3]
b) State the functions of the following components of transport
6. Why does the sky appear dark instead of blue to an astronaut ? system. [2]
7. Fresh Milk has PH of 6. When is changes to curd, will its PH Value i) Blood ii) Lymph
increase or decrease? Why?

No.1 School in India 3 Sri Chaitanya School

CBSE Mid Term X - Class General Science

17. a) Why do stars twinkle ? [2½]

b) Consider the following substances : [2½]
NaCl, Ca(OH)2, NaHCO3, NH3, Na2CO3, H2O, Cl2, CO2,
CaSO4, 2H2O, 2CaSO4, H2O, CaOCl2
i) Which two substances combine to form bleaching powder ?
ii) Which four substances are utilised in the production of
washing soda ?
iii) Which compound represents Plaster of Paris ?
iv) Which compound is a part of baking powder ?
v) Which compound is used as an antacid ?

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