Arfaoui - Et - Al - 2018 - An Optimal Multiscale Approach To Interpret Gravity Data
Arfaoui - Et - Al - 2018 - An Optimal Multiscale Approach To Interpret Gravity Data
Arfaoui - Et - Al - 2018 - An Optimal Multiscale Approach To Interpret Gravity Data
1. Introduction
Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy Vol. 48/2, 2018 (133–160)
The first two principal strategies concern themselves with resolving the
discontinuities and boundaries of geologic sources while the third is con-
cerned with source characterization. Numerous quantitative interpretations
of potential field anomalies are developed after calculation of simple source
effects by Nettleton (1942). Despite the complexity of the resolution pro-
cess caused by the nonlinearity, methods were developed to assess the source
parameters from the potential field anomalies as the Werner deconvolution
(Werner, 1953) and the Euler deconvolution (Thompson, 1982).
The latest application was developed by Reid et al. (1990) for the in-
terpretation of 2D data. Other applications of Euler deconvolution applied
to the analytic signal and the enhanced analytical signal are introduced by
Keating and Pilkington (2004) and Salem and Ravat (2003), respectively.
The source parameters imaging method (SPI) developed by Thurston and
Smith (1997) is also effective for the evaluation of source parameters of
potential field anomalies. The 2D forward modeling of density contrasts
at depth has occupied equally an important place in quantitative gravity
interpretation studies. The 2D modeling generates geometrical shape and
physical properties which provide the closest calculated anomaly to the ob-
served one (Talwani et al., 1959; Talwani and Ewing, 1960). However,
density contrasts with depth are generally determined using inversion tech-
niques (Last and Kubik, 1983; Mareschal, 1985; Murthy and Rao, 1993).
In this paper, we present a multiscale interpretive approach adopted for
the three gravity modeling techniques based on the successive decomposi-
tion of the Bouguer anomaly. This approach first determines discontinuities
and boundaries of sources at different depths in the first step. In the second
step, the imaging of density repartition at depth is resolved. This approach
was applied to gravity data from northwestern Tunisia with satisfactory
Potential field anomalies are dissociated into residual and regional anomalies
using a method of separation. Several pairs of regional and residual anoma-
lies can be obtained from each separation method by changing the director
parameter. However, it is possible to separate the Bouguer anomaly into
Arfaoui M. et al.: An optimal multiscale approach . . . (133–160)
Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy Vol. 48/2, 2018 (133–160)
The next steps consist to determining the gravity effects of the pseudo-
slice located between the pseudo-depths P i−1 and Pi−2 by the deduction
of the residual anomaly corresponding to the pseudo-depth P i−2 from the
residual anomaly associated to the pseudo-depth P i−1 . Thus, the successive
decomposition of the Bouguer anomaly using a given separation method,
leads to gravity anomalies of several pseudo-depth slices located between
the pseudo-depths Pi and Pi−1 , whose sum is equal to the Bouguer anomaly
(Fig. 1).
We decompose the gravity anomaly with a pseudo-depth slicing scheme
using the Gaussian filter as a separation method (Fig. 1). Spectral depth
analysis in the wavenumber domain (Spector and Grant, 1970; Negi et al.,
1986; Maus and Dimri, 1996; Bansal and Dimri, 2001) is then used for ap-
proximating pseudo-depths of pseudo-slice interfaces. We applied the spec-
tral depth analysis method to estimate depths of the causative sources of
anomalies in residual maps associated with standard deviation of Gaussian
filter equal 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05 and 0.02 cycle km −1 , which approximate
the pseudo-depths of pseudo-slice interfaces. The logarithm of the radial
average of the energy spectrum of each residual map was plotted versus the
radial frequency (Fig. 5). The half slope of each linear segment of the spec-
trum corresponds to the mean depth of the causative sources of anomalies
in the residual maps.
The total horizontal gradient operator is applied to the gravity of pseudo-
depth slices derived from the successive decomposition of the Bouguer ano-
maly to produce horizontal gradient maps at different pseudo-depths. The
maxima of this operator correspond to the abrupt density variation zones
associated to geological contacts and faults.
The apparent density operator is applied equally to the gravity of pseudo-
depth slices to establish apparent density maps at different pseudo-depths
from which we evaluate pseudo-density sections. The apparent density op-
erator is performed in the wavenumber domain which assumes that a hori-
zontal layer of fixed thickness and density variable could explain the gravity
signal. The operator determines the contrast of the apparent density in the
wavenumber domain as expressed in the equation (1) given by Gupta and
Grant (1985):
L(r) = (1 + e−tr )−1 , (1)
Arfaoui M. et al.: An optimal multiscale approach . . . (133–160)
The study area is located in the northwestern part of the Tunisian Atlas.
It extends from Kalaa El Kasba in the South to Jebel Hairech in the North
(Fig. 2).
The study area is located at the front of the nappe zone. It is charac-
terized by folding tectonic, Atlasic type deformation and salt structures. It
includes the western parts of three different geological domains: the Me-
jarda basin in the North, the diapir zone in the middle and the central
Tunisian Atlas in the South. Furthermore, the northern part of the study
area includes the Permo-Triassic, Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous struc-
tures, which generally constitute the Mejarda basin limits (Fig. 3). The
diapiric zone includes Triassic and Aptian anticlines, Early Eocene syn-
clines and Mio-Pliocene and Quaternary filled depressions. The most no-
table feature of the southern section is the Kalaa El Khasba through filled
with Mio-Plio-Quaternary deposits (Chihi, 1995) and the Aptian Recifal
limestone outcrops in the form of resistant structures that dominate the
relief (Mahjoubi, 1978; Smati, 1986). Northwest-southeast and northeast-
Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy Vol. 48/2, 2018 (133–160)
Arfaoui M. et al.: An optimal multiscale approach . . . (133–160)
Fig. 3. Geological map of the study region adapted from Sainfeld (1951), Gottis and
Sainfeld (1955), Burollet and Sainfeld (1956a and 1956b), Lehotsky (1979), Lehotsky and
Bujnowsky 1995, Ben Haj Ali (1997), Mahjoub (1997), Fakhraoui et al. (1998), Zaier
Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy Vol. 48/2, 2018 (133–160)
Arfaoui M. et al.: An optimal multiscale approach . . . (133–160)
Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy Vol. 48/2, 2018 (133–160)
cover (Fig. 4). The middle domain comprises the Ouargha- El Kef region
and its surroundings. It is characterized by short and medium wavelength
NE–SW and NW–SE anomalies. It is characterized by positive anomalies
coinciding with Quaternary deposits in El Kef and Zouarine plains. They
correspond to Cretaceous and/or Eocene structures. The southern domain
extends to the south of Tajerouine and is essentially defined by negative
Fig. 5. Radially averaged spectrum of residual maps. Sp Res Gaussian filter 0.3: radially
averaged spectrum of the residual map obtained by Residual/ Regional Gaussian filter
with standard deviation equal 0.3 cycle km−1 .
Arfaoui M. et al.: An optimal multiscale approach . . . (133–160)
NW–SE anomalies with amplitudes reaching –55 mGal. The most impor-
tant one is the Kalaa El Khasba Trough (Fig. 4).
The NW–SE and NE–SW trending gravity lineaments observed on the
Bouguer anomaly map correspond to outcropping structures (Kalaa Khasba
and El Kef troughs, salt Triassic structures of Jebel Debadib- Ben Gasseur...).
They present interruptions and spatial shifts and high gradients along cer-
tain anomalies which reflect faults and their effects. The Mio-Plio-Quaterna-
ry deposits are associated with two types of anomalies: negative anomalies
corresponding to low density material filling collapsed zones and positive
anomalies comparable to those observed in the Triassic and Cretaceous se-
ries. The positive anomalies are not related to Quaternary deposits but
rather support the presence of mass excess. These are attributed to the
Triassic and/or Cretaceous and Eocene dense rocks bordering the previ-
ously defined collapsed zones. Thus, the positive anomalies situated to the
southeast of Jebel Hairech and in the plains of Jendouba and El Kef which
coincide with quaternary units are actually caused by denser rocks under
the quaternary cover.
In the north, the Jebel Hairech Permo-Triassic and Kef Agueb Jurassic
structures belong to a NE–SW positive gravity anomaly which extends to
the NE and SW crossing Quaternary units. This confirms the continuity
of these structures under the Quaternary overburden. Moreover, the Jebel
Hairech structure is bordered by relatively high gradient zones indicating
the presence of significant faulting. They appear to have played an impor-
tant role in the evolution of this structure (Fig. 4). The anomaly amplitudes
associated with geological series of same age increase from south to north.
Generally the Bouguer anomaly map explains the majority of mapped
outcrops, but it also reveals uncorrelated anomalies, that are probably
caused by deeper structures. Resolving the Bouguer anomaly into residual
and regional components can resolve the near surface and deeper sources.
Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy Vol. 48/2, 2018 (133–160)
equal to 0.02 cycle km−1 , shows a general linear trend extending from NNW
to SSE. The northern zone is dominated by a general gravity high oriented
east-west while the southern zone is characterized by a gravity low oriented
NW–SE. Those zones are separated by a middle region characterized by an
arch shaped high gradient following the NE–SW direction (Fig. 6). The
analysis of the pseudo-depth sliced gravity shows an increase in the size of
the anomalies and an attenuation of certain anomalies with depth.
Arfaoui M. et al.: An optimal multiscale approach . . . (133–160)
Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy Vol. 48/2, 2018 (133–160)
anomalies on the Triassic outcrops of Jebel Aiate (Oued Bou Adila) and
Mellegue dam sector disappear at the pseudo slice 4, indicating a verti-
cal continuity of Triassic outcrop materials to a pseudo-depth equal to
1400 m. The negative anomaly associated with salt Triassic outcrops of
Jebel Ben Debadib- Gasseur disappears completely at the pseudo-depth
slice 5. This suggests that these outcrops are rooted to a pseudo-depth
of 2600 m.
– A progressive attenuation with depth of NW–SE negative anomalies asso-
ciated to El Marja, Oued Er Rmel and Zouarin basins. By pseudo-depth
slice 5 they are reduced to one single anomaly. A similar effect is ob-
served in the El Kef Plain, where the succession of positive and negative
anomalies associated with high and collapsed zones continue to pseudo-
depth slice 4; this succession is represent by a negative anomaly in the
gravity map of slice 5.
– Positive anomalies associated with dense structures under Mio-Plio-Qua-
ternary deposits attenuate with depth until they disappear entirely.
– The NW–SE anomalies of the middle domain are continuous with depth.
For pseudo- depth slices 1 through 4, the NE–SW trends have more
continuity and they truncate the NW–SE trends. But for depth slices 5
and 6, the NW–SE trend truncate the NE–SW anomalies.
Next, the total horizontal gradient filter is applied to the gravity anoma-
lies of pseudo-depth slices resulting from the successive decomposition of
Bouguer anomaly. This permits identification of abrupt density variation
zones with depth (Fig. 7). The total horizontal gradient of the gravity
anomaly of deeper slice (7) (regional anomaly determiner with the Gaussian
filter of standard deviation equal to 0.02 cycle km −1 ) shows discontinuities
of density for depths greater than 4550 m. It shows an important NW–SE
discontinuity which corresponds with the deep fault identified by Arfaoui et
al. (2015). This fault cuts a NE–SW fault to the east of El Kef. These are
the dominant structural directions at depth for this study area and show no
correlation with the Triassic outcrops at the surface. But for the pseudo-
depth slice 6 (2600 m) some of the surface faults begin to become apparent.
Arfaoui M. et al.: An optimal multiscale approach . . . (133–160)
Fig. 7. Multiscale discontinuities and boundaries derived from the total horizontal gradi-
ent. Triassic outcrops is indicate in red color.
For example, the border faults of El Kalaa Khasba trough, the north fault
oriented E–W that ties this trough to the Ouled Boughanem trough, the
two faults limiting the Jebel Hairech structure, and the faults constituting
the southern limit of the Mejarda basin all show some expression (Fig. 7).
Both areas of the high total horizontal gradient surround the Ben Gasseur
Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy Vol. 48/2, 2018 (133–160)
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– The E–W Faults limiting Jebel Hairech that are affected by NE–SW and
NW–SE faults.
– The E–W faults of Mejarda Basin.
– The faults bordering mini-basins of El Merja, Oued Er Rmel and Zouar-
– The faults of E–W branch depression linking the El Kalaa El Khasba and
Ouled Boughanem troughs.
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Fig. 11. Pseudo-section density of profile PIII, salt structure of Jebel Debadib.
Fig. 12. Pseudo-section density of profile PIV, successive basins El Marja, Oued Er Rmel
and Zouarine.
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5. Conclusion
The multiscale interpretive approach based on the pseudo-depth slice gravity
anomalies derived from the successive decomposition of Bouguer anomaly
generally provided acceptable results compared to structural geological mod-
els in the study area. The use of depth spectral analysis makes this inter-
pretive approach more capable of revealing the evolution of fault systems
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