EVD B Outline 01292020
EVD B Outline 01292020
EVD B Outline 01292020
Threats to the
Systematic ways to rule out Group assignments
Counterfactual alternative explanations • Synchronous hour meeting
• Group case analysis
Tool: Central threats to the
Topic Content Assignments
Introduction to matching,
Study Designs difference-in-differences, regression Group assignments
discontinuity, and randomized • Synchronous hour meeting
control trials • Group case analysis
and Quantitative Group assignments
Methods Use of mixed methods for more • Synchronous hour meeting
rigorous understanding of a • Group case analysis
program or policy
Updating Your
Detection of unintended Group assignments
Priors consequences • Synchronous hour meeting
• Group peer consultations
Revisiting your theory of change
All course materials will be provided each week, including videos, readings, and assignment templates.
This course uses global examples from across sectors to help you develop your capacity for causal evidence.
Examples include global traffic congestion, US economic mobility, community health organizing in Tanzania and
Indonesia, Jamaican social programs, and many others.
You will not receive a letter grade in this course. Instead you will receive Pass or No Pass based on your performance.
A small percentage of exceptional performers are recognized with Pass with Distinction. Scoring weights:
35% - Individual assignments and quizzes 25% - Participation
35% - Group assignments 5% - Community credit
Course Policies
See onlinelearning.hks.harvard.edu for full FAQs.