DDAL00-04 - Winters Flame 1.02
DDAL00-04 - Winters Flame 1.02
DDAL00-04 - Winters Flame 1.02
This year’s Midwinter holiday efforts have been met with unusual obstacles: small
stockpiles rummaged through, foods spoiling, ale casks leaking, festive clothes torn up,
and crucial pembelon fruits missing. With schedules and deadlines rigid, any bigger
bumps in the road might result in disaster. Who would want to keep the people of Chult
from celebrating this long-revered holiday?
Ryan Wheaton
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Introduction appropriate for your group, you don’t have to make
Welcome to Winter’s Flame, a D&D Adventurers
League™ adventure, part of the official D&D
Adventurers League™ organized play system. Before Play at the Table
Although the adventure is set in Chult, it is not Before you start play, consider the following:
explicitly part of the Tomb of Annihilation
storyline season. • Read through the adventure, taking notes of
This adventure takes place entirely within the anything you’d like to highlight or remind yourself
walls of Port Nyanzaru, a beautiful city at the edge of while running the adventure, such as a way
of the Chultan Peninsula, full of exotic smells, you’d like to portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like
sounds, sights, and architecture unlike that found to use in a combat. Familiarize yourself with the
anywhere else in Faerûn. adventure’s appendices and handouts.
This adventure is designed for three to seven 1st- • Gather any resources you’d like to use to aid you
4th level characters and is optimized for five 3rd in running this adventure--such as notecards, a
level characters. Characters outside this level range DM screen, miniatures, and battlemaps.
cannot participate in this adventure. • Ask the players to provide you with relevant
This adventure should take approximately two character information, such as name, race, class,
hours to complete. However, if the players are and level; passive Wisdom (Perception), and
having a good time and you have the time to spare, anything specified as notable by the adventure
let them explore all that this holiday can offer! (such as backgrounds, traits, flaws, etc.)
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DDAL00-04 Winter’s Flame 2
Adventure Primer Adventure Overview
One kind word can warm three winter months. Winter’s Flame consists of three parts.
-- Japanese proverb Part 1. The characters arrive at Port Nyanzaru
and are introduced to the festivities. There are
Adventure Background decorations, food and drink, and, most importantly,
Midwinter games! During the fun, a crowd gathers;
In centuries past, the Midwinter Festival has, all over
Ouen Azemar and some of his festival security force,
Faerun, been a somber affair of reflection and
the Snowmen, are investigating another case of theft
observation. At the peak of the harshest season,
and vandalism.
observers of Midwinter remember battles hard
Part 2. The countdown to the climactic 12-hour
fought, incredible losses and travesties, all the lives
celebration is almost over, and after the characters
lost to senseless wars and the evils that brought it all
make their way to the Middle, disaster strikes: a 15-
about. It’s only in the last few decades that the
foot galeb duhr named Slab has emerged from a
usually depressive holiday has been a time of
cavern beneath the stage and is wreaking havoc.
seasonal celebration. And for the small island of
Part 3. After fighting Slab without success and
Chult, the news of Midwinter’s new look has only
witnessing his little coal minions gathering
recently arrived.
pembelons from nearby merchant carts and stores,
It’s that time of year once again and the denizens
it becomes clear that something else is afoot.
of the Chultan settlements of Port Nyanzaru and Fort
Looking in the hole that Slab climbed out of, the
Beluarian are on the final day of their week-long
characters see the real reason for Slab’s intrusion. As
road-reparative celebration of Reach. Long days of
Slab breaks down into the elemental equivalent of
work and all-too short nights of partying have
tears, the characters find out that the galeb duhr is
brought the road that connects the two cities back
only there to help his friend and pet fire snake, Smoll
into pristine condition. With the transitional
- and that all he needs is some pembelons.
tradition of Middle only a few hours away, the city-
joining merrymaking bash of Midwinter Festival has Story Beat: Midwinter Festival
almost arrived, but this year efforts have been met The Chultan Midwinter Festival is a regionally-unique take on
with unusual obstacles: small stockpiles rummaged the traditionally somber but recently celebratory holiday in
through, foods stolen, ale casks broken, festive which the citizens of Fort Beluarian and Port Nyanzaru come
clothes torn up, and crucial pembelon fruits missing. together in a week-long, labor-intensive tradition. The first 4
With schedules and deadlines rigid, any more bumps days is a preparatory tradition known as “Stocking the
in the road might result in disaster. If the past month Stores”, wherein the two settlements pool efforts to gather
of ever-escalating theft and vandalism is any all manner of supplies for the coming two day-long road-
indication of what’s to come, the Chultan revelers reparative celebration of Reach. Long days of work and all-
may be in danger. Or worse yet, the pembelons! too short nights of partying eventually peak just as the sun
goes down in a short, 30-minute decompressive firework-
Location and NPC Summary laden racket called, and located at, the “Middle”. Finally,
The following NPCs feature prominently in this adventure: everyone comes together on the tenth day for the 12-hour-
Port Nyanzaru bears the fitting moniker of “the Gateway long ally-joining bash of Midwinter Festival.
to Chult.” It is a beautiful, vibrant city full of exotic smells,
sounds, sights, and architecture unlike that found anywhere Adventure Hooks
else in Faerûn. Its beauty, however, belies the dangers that
lurk within and beyond its walls. Listed below are several potential adventure hooks
Ouen Azemar (OH-en ah-ZEE-mahr). Lieutenant (Flame) in that you can use to get your players involved in the
the Flaming Fists and captain of this year’s Midwinter adventure. Alternately, you can create your own
security force, the Snowmen. Capable combatant and uses using the details from the Story Beat: Midwinter
enchanted gems to bolster his fire magic. Festival sidebar or even drop this adventure into the
The Flaming Fist. Originally based in Baldur’s Gate, the middle of another session – such as when the
Flaming Fist now operates Fort Beluarian just outside of Port characters return from the jungle to Port Nyanzaru
Nyanzaru. so that they can restock.
The Snowmen. The newest recruits of the Flaming Fist
Returning Visitors: After recent visits to the area
(and sometimes including a few remedial personnel) are
during Tomb of Annihilation, the characters heard
assigned to the Snowmen during the Midwinter Festival in
Port Nyanzaru.
talks of Chult's unique approach to the Midwinter
Festival, and wanted to see it for themselves. Chult's
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DDAL00-04 Winter’s Flame 3
natural isolation, "winter" season weather, and
propensity for danger all add up to equal an unlikely
destination point for tourists, especially for a
celebration so focused on winter and all things cold.
Just in Case: Perhaps you have worked with them
or for them in previous adventures, or perhaps
they’ve just heard positive reviews of your prowess
but the Flaming Fist has asked for a favor. You’ve
been asked to attend the Midwinter Festival in Port
Nyanzaru - just in case, of course. Some weird stuff
has been going on and it would be best if there was a
tested group of adventurers in the crowd.
Say "Hi" to the Family: One or more, of the
characters has family either involved in or attending
the Midwinter Festival. You've blown them off time
and time again; if you don't check in and at least say
"Hello", you won't hear the end of it.
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DDAL00-04 Winter’s Flame 4
Part 1. Into the Festival! • Intelligence (History) DC 8. The Midwinter
Festival in its celebratory form is a new tradition.
Estimated Duration: 60 minutes
Historically, Midwinter was a time of observance
and remembrance - a time to reflect on the year
When the adventure opens, the characters find
and all the hardships you or your kin may have
themselves at the docks of Port Nyanzaru. It’s early
encountered in seasons past. Only in the past two
afternoon and the bulk of the festival’s partygoers
centuries has it become a time of peace and
are arriving. Ahead of them is a crowd gathering
community gathering.
around a festively dressed man on a small stage. He’s
• Intelligence (History) DC 12. Nearly 100 years
about to speak on the festival, detailing some of the
ago at the end of the Spellplague, an evil wizard by
history behind the Midwinter Festival and,
the name of Yutun fie Ghelzir had established a
specifically, Chult’s take on it. Past him is the
stronghold of magical ice amidst the Peaks of
entrance to the festival grounds. If the players decide
Flame, far to the south in Chult. After some time of
to stay and listen, read or paraphrase the following:
inaction, the wizard presumably died. With that,
the people of Chult now celebrate their unity by
The man grumbles to himself and wipes at his shoulders, a
utilizing some of the magics gleaned from the evil
scowl of irritability playing across on his face. As the snow is wizard to make their celebration more festive.
cast into the air, it vanishes. • Intelligence (History) DC 14. Yutun fie Ghelzir
He approaches the podium and clears his throat. "How's it was as brilliant as he was cruel and unfeeling. His
going, folks. Listen up; I'm not going to say this again. obsessions drove him to the Peaks of Flame where
Welcome to Port Nyanzaru and to the Midwinter Festival. I'm he studied and experimented with all things cold
going to read off a bit of information about today's festivities. and frozen. Some say that his fortress still stands
As you may or may not know, today is the final day of Reach. and that his vile, chilled essence permeates the
At sundown, we will transition to the, uh, climactic Middle coldest reaches of Chult – from the mountain tops
blowout, and finally, we'll get into the Midwinter Festival to the underground caverns where even the
celebration after sundown. My name is, uh, Ouen Azemar: dwarves fear to tread.
Lieutenant of the Flaming Fist and Captain of the Snowmen. " • Intelligence (Nature) DC 8. Pembelon, a fruit
native to Chult that naturally has a heating effect
on any creature that consumes it, can be changed
Roleplaying Ouen Azemar by cold magic to have a pleasant chilling effect
Ouen is cold and hardened, but dedicated to the job. He's instead. The fruit is important to the people of
efficient, forward, almost aggressively so, but the few closest Chult and worth a fair amount on the mainland.
to him know just how compassionate and young-at-heart he • Intelligence (Arcana) DC 14. Much of Ghelzir’s
truly is. Ordered to lead the incompetent, inexperienced magic was channeled into a binding crystal of
Snowmen, Ouen has taken up the mantle year after year enormous size. With this crystal housing
despite the ridicule, and still wears his uniform with pride. incredible amounts of cold magic, Ghelzir was able
As a young eldritch knight, he is a capable combatant and to influence and, in a small way, suppress the
bolsters his fire magic by channeling spells through gem
volcanic activity inside the Peak of Flames.
stones socketed into his armor. He is a Lieutenant (Flame) in
the Flaming Fists and Captain of the seasonally-assembled
Midwinter security force, the Snowmen. Development
With a permanent glower and gruff demeanor, he's not an When the characters are ready to head to the festival
easy man to know, but anyone that knows him can easily grounds, proceed to the next section.
express that he is a reputable and trustworthy soldier and
friend – once his crusty exterior is pierced.
Quote: “Our job is to protect and serve, and if we've got to
look festive doing it, so be it”
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DDAL00-04 Winter’s Flame 5
Festival Grounds Lights: white and silver, brilliant, multicolored, twinkling and
This section can be run in a fairly free-form fashion. flickering strands wrap every tree, booth, store, and street
Be aware of your available time, but encourage sign in sight. Radiantly polished brass light posts line every
everyone to interact with the games and edge, every path, and hold aloft enormous candles; their
environment. open flames quaver and twitch dripping hot wax onto red-
berried vines wrapped about their base. Music swings
As the characters pass through the gates of a large, festively through the air: melodies of plush strings and crystal horns
decorated obscuring wall, they enter a large area akin to a woven into a well-worn quilt loomed by the comforting
rounded courtyard. There are a few signs and directories nostalgia of age-old holiday carols. At the jungle’s edge,
spread around, what looks to be a crowded path that leads wrapping each lanky palm tree's trunk are silver and gold
into the main festival itself, three large, identical booths side garlands; the tree's green, fan-like fronds bend like bows
by side topped with signs reading "Token Exchange," a sizable beneath hung, hollowed fruits and roots, each with a candle
cottage spilling over with lights, music, and countless guests. inside revealing with warm light a smiling face or awkward
The billboard above it reads, "Prize Box." And off to the side festive shape carved into the surface.
are several glowing portals, a sign over head reads "To Fort Pathways peppered with families, all wrapped in heavy fur
Beluarian." coats, watch through windows as artisans fold pearlescent
colored sugars into hard candies, bakers cut shapes from
Depending on where the characters want to go, you table-length sheets of dough, and chocolatiers pour steaming
can read or paraphrase the following information: tawny silks into magnificent molds.
Signs and Directories. A wooden post, with The sounds, the music: the same gentle hymns float in the
arrows pointing in all different directions, stands background, but are now joined by the aural fullness of
near the edge of the festival grounds. In glittering cooking foods, pouring pints, the jingle of tiny bells, the near
gold calligraphy, the signs read: "To the Docks," "To and distant euphony of laughter, of happiness. The hiss of
the Reach," "Token Exchange," "Prize Box," "Portals." searing meats carried alongside its hunger-inducing aroma;
One arrow points straight down. It reads "You Are the calls of merchants, of vendors offering piping hot corn
Here." cobs, freshly popping and popped popcorns, still-warm and
Token Exchange. Inside, the token exchange hut is soft caramels. You catch a glimpse of a passerby sipping the
loud and hot. The clinking of metal coins, laughter
densest, overflowing cream-colored drink from a flagon so
and conversation, along with the faintest hum of
big she must carry it with two hands. There's so much here,
Midwinter music all mash together into a festive
cacophony that borders on "too much." There are so much to do, to eat, drink, enjoy, you're a bit overwhelmed
ten tellers dressed in colorful vests and light-up hats. and realize it's kind of hot outside. With all things winter, you
In front of them, marked by velvet ropes, are 10 forgot how tropical Chult really is.
lines. When approached, a teller greets any visitor
with “A Merry Midwinter Festival to you! How can I
It’s Game Time!
help you?" Ouen Azemar is investigating another case of theft
Prize Box. Inside the pulsing cottage, it's like a and vandalism. He is more than just the Master of
madhouse. The walls are filled with stuffed animals, Ceremonies for Midwinter Festival: this
toy weapons, goofy hats, and candies galore; there’s conversation introduces Ouen as an investigator and
truly anything and everything imaginable. There are officer of the Flaming Fist, and also provides some
20 tellers dressed in colorful vests and light-up hats. context for what’s going on. Read or paraphrase the
In front of them, marked by velvet ropes, are a mash following:
of people faintly resembling separate lines.
Once the characters have had a few moments to
Something down an alleyway catches your eye as you travel
familiarize themselves with these three elements,
the Port. Walking by, you overhear, “Let's keep moving, folks.
continue on to the festival grounds proper by
reading or summarizing the following: Please don't crowd around. There's nothing to see.” Another
voice from the crowd calls out, “What happened? Is someone
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DDAL00-04 Winter’s Flame 6
“No, sir. Everyone, listen. Please – for the love of...” The figures, the Snowmen have always been a part of
characters stop and peer over the heads of curious the festival and have never once been considered
onlookers. A young man in a powder blue sweater with a felt unnecessary. Ouen takes this as a point of pride
snowman on the front steps back and says, “Sorry, boss” and believes that the Snowmen will be his lasting
before falling in with a group of similarly dressed men and legacy for Port Nyanzaru and the Flaming Fist.
“People, listen up.” A hardened, scowling man in the same Ouen makes no effect to hide the array of glittering
kind of sweater says with his hands up. red gemstones that adorn his armor. If asked, he
“I'm going to say this once, so listen up,” he rumbles. The grunts in the affirmative and exclaims “Are you
mass of people is silent. “My name is Ouen Azemar and I am telling me that you have never seen fire gems
before? Channel my magic through them. Easier than
Captain of the Snowmen, okay? There is nothing here worth
chanting or reading out of some book. Why do you
your concern. End of story. Disperse or you will be removed
ask? You got something to say? Should I keep an eye
from the festival grounds.” Silence. Everyone is frozen.
on them while you’re around?”
“Now!” He roars. His words booming like thunder, the After a few moments of discussion, Ouen makes it
group scatters. abundantly clear that the investigation is ongoing.
“My troops will handle it; you should just focus on
Ouen can share the following information about the enjoying the Festival. It only comes once a year!”
Snowmen, or the characters can use Charisma
(Persuasion) checks (or another appropriate skill):
Adjusting this Encounter
As this encounter is essentially a set of role-playing moments
• DC 8. The Snowmen are comprised of the Flaming with some dice rolling built in, you are empowered and
Fist’s greenest privates and corporals, some encouraged to make this section inviting (making sure to
Flaming Fist-sanctioned members of Port observe the treasure guidance indicated in the DM
Nyanzaru’s shipping and dock regulatory Appendix). If you have a combat-heavy group, you may wish
commission, and a few volunteers. All of them are to trim this section short and adjust the combat in the next
inexperienced and generally more of a pain than section to compensate.
they’re worth. Alongside a wide-spread Excessively helpful groups may wish to assist in the
knowledge of the Snowmen’s shortcomings is the ongoing investigation. Should this prove to be the case, Ouen
will stress that if pembelons are the desired loot, dozens of
hilarity of their “uniforms”: a light-blue wool
crates are waiting inside the festival itself and could use
sweater with a felt snowman sewn to the front, a
another set of eyes to watch over them.
simplified jester’s cap replete with bells, curl-toed
boots, and a shining bronze star pinned to the Give the characters ample time to explore the games
chest that reads “Snowman”. of the Midwinter Festival once they part company
• DC 10. There have been 10 reported cases of theft with Ouen. Give them Handout. Midwinter Games
and nearly 20 reported cases of vandalism already and dive in to the festivities! Running the games
this year. The Snowmen are tasked with general should take the majority of the allotted time for this
security and investigate any disturbances or portion of the adventure.
conflicts that arise during the Midwinter Festival,
like theft and vandalism. The most recent theft Treasure
saw the perpetrators make off with almost a Each of the games can reward gold, with a purse
dozen cases of pembelons, an exotic fruit that is limit of 5 gp per character (the merchants and
central to the activities during the Festival. vendors just don’t have that much spare coin).
• DC 12. The alley where the last theft took place Remember that every skill check a character wishes
was covered in sooty marks, as if tiny fires had to try costs 1 ticket, and each ticket costs 1 sp.
been struck and quickly snuffed. A lingering scent
of coal was quickly identified, and the men that Development
witnessed the theft swear that the stones As the countdown to sundown nears its end, the
themselves stole the fruit. Upon investigation, no crowds begin to move toward the edges of the
tracks were found to leave the alley. grounds where a dozen conjurers open portals to the
• DC 14. Despite their overly festive attire, their Middle. When sundown occurs, or when the players
spotty reputation, their significant lack of indicate that they are ready to move on, proceed to
experience, and overall capabilities as authority the next section.
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DDAL00-04 Winter’s Flame 7
Part 2. Stuck in the Middle hold underneath it, and 12-15 boxes of pembelons
scattered around the space (about 25 feet from the
Estimated Duration: 30 minutes
stage) should only take a brief moment.
The lumps of coal skitter across the ground and
At sundown, regardless of if the characters have
attempt to bring crates of pembelons back to the
arrived at the Middle or not, the countdown
hole. Prior to exploding from the ground, Slab had
completes and horns, poppers, confetti, lights, and a
developed this plan so that the exotic fruits could be
few fireworks go off.
fed to the Smoll, who is currently quite ill and has
As the characters move to join the other
been contained in a cage.
celebrants, they are immediately aware of the
The 20 lumps of coal are in fact animated stones.
cheering and general positive feel of the crowd. After
Their statistics can be found on the same page as
a few moments, read or paraphrase:
Slab’s combat statistics.
The woman’s speech about community binding is suddenly
Tricks of the Trade
interrupted by a tremendous explosion! Debris is scattered Consider the following guidance:
far and wide, and from a gaping hole where the stage once
Asset Recovery. The lumps of coal seek to recover as many
stood a monolithic living stone rises.
crates of pembelons as they can. Once a lump slides
The ground quakes with each footfall, shaking the area so underneath a crate, it will attempt to return to the hole
violently that decorations are falling off nearby trees and where the stage used to be. This removes the lump and
sending people careening into their neighbors. It lets out a the crate from the combat.
ferocious, titanic roar as dozens of small, rotund creatures as Defend the Hole. If a character moves within ten feet of the
black as coal scramble out from the hole and stream into the hole, Slab takes immediate notice and bellows a challenge.
crowd. If a character travels adjacent to the hole, Slab can use its
reaction to move up to its speed and immediately shove
Ouen Azemar and several other Snowmen exit the portals
the character away from the hole. This movement does
right beside the ruined stage. The burly man sees you not provoke attacks of opportunity.
standing there and bellows out “I'm going to need a little Mischief Managed. As there are more lumps of coal than
help here!” crates of pembelons, several of the lumps will attempt to
get close to piles of debris and use their self-immolate
action. This is intended to mislead the characters and allow
As the characters enter the fray, Ouen and the
for other lumps to successfully retrieve the crates.
Snowmen move to get the festival-goers to safety Singularly Focused. Slab is intelligent but is entirely fixated
while the characters handle the galeb duhr. on his plan of acquiring the crates. He is unlikely to engage
Any character within 15 feet of the hole can see a in roleplaying with the characters at this time.
faint orange glow coming from deep down inside of
it. Should a character get to the edge of the hole, they
Adjusting this Encounter
can see a cage with a glowing fire snake inside. The
cage is twenty feet down, and the glow seems This adventure is light on combat, but if your players are
more combat-focused than roleplay-focused, consider using
unnaturally strong.
one or two of the following suggestions:
• Slab becomes enraged when it takes damage, and is
Combat Encounter automatically granted advantage when it makes its next
The living stone is actually a galeb duhr named Slab melee weapon attack.
that has developed a curious affection for a fire • Due to the freezing gem embedded in its torso, any
snake named Smoll. As combat progresses, Slab creature that strikes Slab with a melee weapon attack
refers to itself in the 3rd person (“Slab smash you!”, immediately takes 5 (2d4) cold damage.
“No one stronger than Slab!”, and so on), but • Contrary to the statblock suggestion, Slab can still animate
endeavors to keep the characters away from the hole boulders. It might begin the encounter with them active if
if at all possible. the party is very strong!
There is no tactical map for this encounter.
Instead, paint a vibrant picture with your words and Development
use theater of the mind to keep the characters Once the characters have reduced Slab to 15 or
motivated and involved! Alternately, a quick sketch fewer hit points, it immediately collapses to the
of a crowded festival space, a broken stage with a ground, surrenders, and begins to wail.
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DDAL00-04 Winter’s Flame 8
Alternately, if the characters enter the hole before
Slab surrenders, it shrieks in terror and surrenders.
It begs the characters to leave its friend in the cage
Finally, if ten or more crates of pembelons are
thrown into the hole, Slab roars in victory and
attempts to retreat. It roars out “Smoll! Slab have
fruits to help!” as it clambers into the pit.
Proceed to Part 3. Misunderstanding.
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DDAL00-04 Winter’s Flame 9
Part 3. We Need a Midwinter Miracle
Estimated Duration: 30 minutes Roleplaying Slab
A lonely and centuries-old galeb duhr, Slab is unique to his
Once combat ends, the galeb duhr collapses and any kind in that he's developed an empathetic and
remaining lumps of coal drop whatever they’re compassionate connection with a tiny, weak fire snake
carrying or doing with a squeak of alarm and named Smoll. Slab speaks in the first-person and has no
scamper back to the hole. As the billowing cloud of connection to pronouns, plural, or possessive words; he
dust beings to settle, the characters hear an odd understands them fine, but speaks otherwise. He's
sound. Once the air clears, they see the monster on intelligent, unusually kind, and is far gentler than others like
its backside, head dropped forward, face in its hands, him.
sobbing. Quote: “Slab do anything for Smoll: move mountain?
Story Beat: Roleplay or Combat?
In the event that your players are focused on combat, this Once the characters have had a moment to engage
section may take a dramatic turn. If they insist on killing Slab,
Slab in discussion, the galeb duhr reaches down into
the galeb duhr will continue to beg for aid for Smoll and to
the pit and retrieves a cage with narrow slits
profess his own innocence (“they’re for Smoll! Smoll hurt
bad!”). running the outside. Inside the cage can be seen an
You could have the characters discover Smoll once Slab is orange, wavering light. Slab opens the cage carefully
killed, but it will be upon you to weave a positive ending to and tell the characters to be quiet because “Smoll
this story. Perhaps Ouen recognizes what is happening to the sleep.”
fire snake or one of the characters may have a moment of Slab can communicate in Common, but its
divine inspiration! command of spoken language is halting at best.
In short, combat does not and should prevent the Allow the characters to engage it in some roleplaying
characters from reaching a desirable ending for this or Charisma-based skill checks. Slab can
adventure. Be flexible in your rulings and run the story that communicate the following points:
best fits your gamers!
• Slab was summoned by Master Yutun a long time
Slab is intelligent and wants to communicate. If ago. Master Yutun is dead now.
the characters attack, Slab will defend himself as • Master Yutun became very mean when he aged.
best he can and will use the dodge action while He was seeking a way to stop aging.
sobbing uncontrollably. If the characters address • The ice wizard experimented on many creatures
him, he’ll share basic information openly: including Slab (Slab points at the gem in its torso).
• His name is Slab. He attacked not because he He found some interesting results when fire
wanted to hurt anyone or anything, but because he snakes were subjected to cold magic and effects –
needed pembelons for his sick friend. those that did not die hatched, but without any
• His friend is Smoll, a tiny glowing fire snake inside aspect of fire about them. The hatchlings moved as
a stone cage the pit. if slowed in time and did not need to eat or drink.
• Smoll is struggling to generate heat, and Slab • Five years after being subjected to cold magic, the
knows that unless the snake’s situation can be few fire snakes that were still alive had barely
resolved it will be unlikely to survive much longer. grown or aged.
Any other information might take a bit of coaxing,
but the tests will be easy because Slab has been At this point, Slab is overcome with emotion and
alone for decades. He wants for conversation and finds it difficult to continue. By this time, festival-
friendship. goers are beginning to resurface. Some may be
frightened by Slab and panic. Depending on how
intense and dramatic the combat encounter with
Slab was, you may have one or more festival-goers
attempt to incite a panic. Decide the number of
festival-goers based on the difficulty of the combat
encounter, then roll Charisma (Performance),
Charisma (Deception), or Charisma (Intimidation)
against one or more of the characters to determine if
the individual festival-goers are successful.
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DDAL00-04 Winter’s Flame 10
If the festival-goers successfully initiate combat or determine that Slab is still infused with traces of cold
worse, a riot, Slab will attempt to retreat into the magic – and that this energy is harming Smoll and
hole and be more difficult to coax out. If because of the magical nature of the damage, the fire
catastrophically successful, Slab will attempt to snake is unlikely to recover unless subjected to
retreat and the characters will have to calm the constant magical flame or effect.
crowd before things get out of control. If the A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check
characters cannot get the festival-goers calmed confirms that the blue gem in Slab’s torso is not only
down within five rounds, Slab becomes enraged and the source of the cold magic, but is also the thing that
emerges from the hole, ready to attack. binds Slab to Faerun. If the blue gem is destroyed,
Once the crowd is placated or the issue is avoided Slab would likely return to the elemental planes and
all together, continue and read, or paraphrase the be forced to leave Smoll behind. If a character
following: exceeded the Arcana check by 2 or more, or another
character is successful with a DC 14 Intelligence
“One day, when Master angry, Master try kill other one fire (Arcana) check, they can piece together that Ouen’s
snake… Slab kill Master. It accident. Master old, weak. Slab fire gem would not only purge the remaining cold
push gentle, but Master fly far.” magic, but would simultaneously bind Slab to Ouen
The stony creature pauses and shudders.
as a loyal retainer and allow Slab to hold Smoll
without hurting the snake.
“Slab only try push Master, but Slab hit Master. Master fly
Depending upon how involved the characters are
across cave. Slam into wall. Then Master get up, Slab think
in the roleplaying portion of this adventure, allow
Master okay, but Master not see – not see!” them to piece together a plan on how to change the
gems out (rewarding creative thinking with a
To keep this part moving and vibrant for the success), or consider having Ouen make the
characters, feel free to include Ouen in the events. As suggestion. The Flaming Fist would not need much
a lieutenant of the Flaming Fist, he may seek to convincing to recognize how useful a galeb duhr
loudly object “to listening to a dumb brute!” – though would be in their ranks as a sentry!
if he does, Slab tosses several large stones in his If the characters are unable to determine how to
direction and rumbles out “QUIET! Smoll sleeping!” switch the gems out or are simply unwilling to do so,
Should this happen, Ouen quietly sits down on the Slab attempts to leave while at once apologizing for
ground, having been put in his place. the mess and thanking them for the fruit. How the
characters and the Flaming Fist handle this is up to
Slab continues, “Master get up, he okay, Slab thought. But you.
Master not see - Master not see lava pit. Master walk into it. However, if the characters choose to help Slab
Burn up.” switch out its gems, allow them to use whatever plan
Ouen slaps a hand over his mouth to seal the burst of
they come up with – the crazier and more magic-
infused, the better! Slab is willing to trust them in
laughter, a snort escapes, “Sorry, dust. The rock. Aller--
the hopes that this will also help Smoll recover.
allergies. Terrible thing, that. About the – the lava.”
“Yes. Sad. Master burn 100 year ago. Slab sad, but not very
Prying out the blue gemstone did not result in any immediate
sad. Slab need fruit for last fire snake.
reaction, but the insertion of the fire gem certainly does. A
Fruits make warm and Smoll cold. Smoll small, only need
blinding flash of light explodes from Slab’s body as the last
little fruit, but fruit sour fast in cave, so Slab and Smoll need
lingering vestiges of cold magic are ejected outwards and into
many fruit. But all fruit gone. Slab see people take it! Slab
the air. The air around Slab shimmers and crackles as the cold
worry about Smoll. Slab sorry. Slab want help Smoll.”
magic coagulates into a visible shroud of snow and slush,
then rockets skyward. A blaze of brilliant white erupts in the
When Slab touches Smoll, she squirms and squeals, sky and quickly dims to a glowing red glare. From Slab's chest
as if in pain. ruptures orange flames that spiderweb all over its body like
“Slab can’t touch Smoll, can’t hold Smoll.”
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DDAL00-04 Winter’s Flame 11
After a few moments, Smoll's little head appears between
Slab’s fingers curled over the top of her cage. She wriggles
out and scoots along Slab’s arm. Eventually she makes her
onto his shoulder, where she curls up. The flame of her tiny
body glows yellow and strong.
Turning his head slowly, Slab opens his eyes and sees her.
Turning back, he finds you and Ouen, and points excitedly to
Smoll. “Smoll sleeping!”
In the sky above, clouds form in rapid swirls and thunder
booms. Looking up, you see something odd.
“What's going on?” Voices in the crowd whisper to one
another as the people in the crowd stop and many point
upward. “What is that?!” the alarmed voices call out, but are
quickly silenced by cries of “Snow! It's SNOW!”
A heartbeat later the entire sky overhead is blurry with
falling snow: a wall of soft powder descends on Port
Nyanzaru. Though the snow only lasts a few minutes, you
know that this story will live forever in the hearts and minds
of those that witnessed it.
This is a roleplay-focused encounter. If the
characters choose to fight Slab, the galeb duhr no
longer defends itself but begs for the snake to be
If the characters participate in exceptional
roleplaying and can discover a method by which to
extract the gem from Slab without breaking it, it is
worth 200 gp. If it is broken, the shards are still
worth a combined 150 gp.
Regardless of the outcome, Ouen thanks the
characters by granting each of them a shining bronze
star that reads “Ally of the Snowmen”, nearly
identical to the badges that his troops use. These
trinkets are always cold to the touch and are worth
20 gp if the characters decide to sell them. He also
grants one of the characters his Flurried Furs.
If there is time remaining in your event, the
characters can return to the Midwinter Festival
games and earn their tokens. At your discretion, the
vendors may be impressed with them (and thus
lower the DCs of the checks)!
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DDAL00-04 Winter’s Flame 12
Rewards Flurried Furs (Smoldering Armor)
Armor (any light or medium), common
Make sure players note their rewards on their
adventure log sheets. Give your name and DCI As if from frigid clouds overhead, a light dusting of
number (if applicable) so players can record who illusory snow perpetually sprinkles down over the
ran the session. wearer. This item can be found in Xanathar’s Guide
to Everything.
Experience (Min/Max XP: 450/600 each)
Total up all combat experience earned for defeated
Player Rewards
foes, and divide by the number of characters present For completing this mission, the characters earn
in the combat. For non-combat experience, the downtime and renown as described in the D&D
rewards are listed per character. Adventurers League Dungeon Master’s Guide
Combat Awards
Name of Foe XP Per Foe
Galeb duhr 2,300 DM Reward
In exchange for running this adventure, you earn DM
Non-Combat Awards Rewards as described in the D&D Adventurers
Task or Accomplishment XP Per Character League Dungeon Master’s Guide (ALDMG).
Each game token earned 20
Keeping Slab alive 20
The characters receive the following treasure,
divided up amongst the party. Treasure is divided as
evenly as possible. Gold piece values listed for
sellable gear are calculated at their selling price, not
their purchase price.
Treasure Awards
Item Name GP Value
Game tokens (each) 1
Slab’s unbroken gem 200
Slab’s broken gem 150
Ouen’s badge trinket 20
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DDAL00-04 Winter’s Flame 13
Appendix. Monster/NPC Statistics Changes to Slab
Slab’s experiences leading up to this adventure introduce
some changes to its statistics. Please apply the following
Slab (Galeb Duhr) updates when you run this adventure:
Medium elemental, neutral • Slab cannot use its Animate Boulders ability. Instead, each
day at dawn Slab creates up to 20 tiny animated lumps of
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
coal; only 20 animated lumps of coal can exist at any given
Hit Points 85 (9d8 + 45) time.
Speed 15 ft. (30 ft. when rolling, 60 ft. rolling downhill) • Slab will not intentionally harm an unconscious creature.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA An animated lump of coal uses the following statistics:
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) • AC 12, HP 8, speed 20 ft.
• Size tiny.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and • Vulnerability to fire.
slashing from nonmagical attacks • Ranged attacks made against the lumps of coal are made
Damage Immunities poison at disadvantage due to their size.
Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, poisoned, • An animated lump of coal cannot attack.
petrified • As an action, the lump of coal can slide underneath a
Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., medium or smaller object. This allows the lump of coal to
passive Perception 11 carry that object with no penalty to movement.
Languages Terran • As an action, the lump of coal can self-immolate. If it does,
it is immediately destroyed and any flammable material
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
within two feet of it catches fire.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Animate Boulders (1/Day). The galeb duhr magically
animates up to two boulders it can see within 60 feet
of it. A boulder has statistics like those of a galeb duhr,
except it has Intelligence 1 and Charisma 1, it can’t be
charmed or frightened, and it lacks this action option.
A boulder remains animated as long as the galeb duhr
maintains concentration, up to 1 minute (as if
concentrating on a spell).
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DDAL00-04 Winter’s Flame 14
Appendix. Magic Items
The following magic items are available in this
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DDAL00-04 Winter’s Flame 15
Appendix. Midwinter Games (DM)
• Tickets cost 1 sp each. 1 ticket = 1 skill check.
The games offered during the Midwinter Festival are • Three successes in any given game rewards 1
intended to be tests of raw skill and ability. Using token.
magic items or spells (such as guidance) can be done • Once a character has earned a token in a game, the
– though a character that desires to do this should DC for that game when played by the same
take great care, as cheaters are not allowed to character goes up by +2.
participate in further games. • Each game vendor has 5 tokens per day to use as
Characters that create inventive and fun solutions rewards.
to these challenges are encouraged and should be • Each time a token is earned, the character that
rewarded! earned it is rewarded with 20 xp.
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DDAL00-04 Winter’s Flame 16
Appendix. Midwinter Games (DM, Continued)
Ring Toss Objective. Toss a ring around the dinosaur horn.
Key attributes. Wisdom, Dexterity Creating the DC. The DC starts at 10 and increases by +2 for each success (as
the rings become smaller), resetting on a failure.
If one of the player rolls exceeds the DC by 5 or more, the game offers a
challenge mode: for two tickets, the character can face a moving target.
increase the DC of the next roll by +4. If the character is successful, receive one
token immediately (in addition to any other prizes that they are eligible for).
Player options. Rings are improvised ranged weapons. A character can make
an attack roll against the DC listed above.
All the Pembelonade You Can Objective. Drink all three gallons of the pembelonade without falling ill.
Drink Creating the DC. The DC starts at 10 and increases by +2 for each success,
Key attribute. Constitution resetting on a success. If this character has also participated in the Spicy
Meatballs game, these checks are made at disadvantage but the payout is two
tokens instead of one.
Player options. This game requires three successful Constitution saving throws
from each participant. There is a limit of 7 attempts that a character can make
in this game, and failing a Constitution saving throw in this game by 5 or more
results in 1 level of exhaustion.
Spicy Meatballs Objective. Finish the plate of meatballs before the other contestants.
Key attribute. Constitution Creating the DC. The DC starts at 10 and increases by +2 for each success,
resetting on a success. If this character has also participated in the All the
Pembelonade You Can Drink game, these checks are made at disadvantage but
the payout is two tokens instead of one.
Player options. This game requires three successful Constitution saving throws
from each participant. There is a limit of 7 attempts that a character can make
in this game, and failing a Constitution saving throw in this game by 5 or more
results in 1 level of exhaustion.
Eye Spy Objective. Spot the key differences between two objects.
Key attribute. Wisdom Creating the DC. The DC starts at 10 and increases by +2 for each success,
resetting on a failure.
Player options. Perception is the key skill for this game. The first check is to
identify the differences between two pembelon fruits. The second is to count
the stripes on a zorbo as it shuffles between two bushes. The final challenge is
to count the number of teeth that a Batiri goblin has as it is fed a meat pie.
Jingle Jangle Objective. Successfully sing the Midwinter songs without the audience walking
Key attribute. Charisma away.
Creating the DC. The DC starts at 10 and increases by +2 for each success,
resetting on a failure.
Player options. This game only costs a single ticket. Performance is the key skill
for this game. If a character succeeds on all 3 Performance checks by a margin
of +5 or higher on each roll, they receive an extra token as payment. The
Snowmen and vendors treasure the moments when a visitor brings their
culture and customs to the Midwinter Festival, so if a player wants to ad-lib a
holiday themed song and actually sing it during your game they should
immediately receive a token.
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Handout. Midwinter Games
• Tickets cost 1 sp each. 1 ticket = 1 skill check.
The games offered during the Midwinter Festival are • Three consecutive successful skill checks in any
intended to be tests of raw skill and ability. Using given game rewards 1 token.
magic items or spells (such as guidance) is strongly • Each game vendor has a limited amount of
discouraged. rewards.
• The Festival has 1 Chultan Midwinter Candle
available to purchase for the price of 10 tokens.
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DDAL00-04 Winter’s Warm Glow 18