AGR 516 Plant Breeding ASSIGNMENT 1 (POSTER) : Molecular Breeding of Ornamental Plant
AGR 516 Plant Breeding ASSIGNMENT 1 (POSTER) : Molecular Breeding of Ornamental Plant
AGR 516 Plant Breeding ASSIGNMENT 1 (POSTER) : Molecular Breeding of Ornamental Plant
1. This is an individual assignment.
2. Only journal article should be used as the sources of information.
3. All information must be properly cited [example: Tomato is rich in carotene (Baltz et
al., 1992).] and listed in the list of references (example: Baltz, R., Domon, C., Pillay,
D.T.N., Steinmetz, A. (1992) Characterization of a pollen‐specific cDNA from
sunflower encoding a zinc finger protein. Plant Journal, 2, 713-721).
4. Scientific name must be written in italic form and in correct format (example:
Arabidopsis thaliana).
5. The journal article must be submitted together with the poster.
6. Go to the link provided below and create a folder with your full name (example:
AMIRAH DAYANA RUSLI) in the assignment folder and upload your assignment in
the folder with your own name.
7. Complete assignment must be submitted by 5.00 PM on 16th July 2021 (week 14).
ASSIGNMENT 2 (TABLE): Comparison of Conventional Plant Breeding Method and
Genetic Engineering
Construct a table to compare conventional plant breeding method and genetic engineering.
Student should discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both methods. Provide detailed
information for both methods.
1. This is an individual assignment.
2. All information must be properly cited [example: Tomato is rich in carotene (Baltz et
al., 1992).] and listed in the list of references (example: Baltz, R., Domon, C., Pillay,
D.T.N., Steinmetz, A. (1992) Characterization of a pollen‐specific cDNA from
sunflower encoding a zinc finger protein. Plant Journal, 2, 713-721).
3. Scientific name must be written in italic form and in correct format (example:
Arabidopsis thaliana).
4. All of the journal articles used must be submitted together with the assignment as
5. Go to the link provided below and create a folder with your full name (example:
MOHAMAD AMIRUL MOHAMAD ZHAHIR) in the assignment folder and upload
your assignment in the folder with your own name.
6. Complete assignment must be submitted by 5.00 PM on 9th July 2021 (week 13).
7. This assignment must be prepared in the following format:
Page Size: A4,
Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12
Spacing: 1.0,
Number of pages: At least 2 (excluding cover page and references).
FINAL ASSESSMENT (VIDEO): Production of Hybrid Seeds
Produce a short video to demonstrate the correct technique and steps involved in the production
of hybrid seeds. The plant species chosen can be any ornamental, fruit and vegetable crops
available in your surrounding area. Length of the video should be about 5-6 min.
1. Go to the link provided below and create a folder with your full name (example: NUR
SYAFINA YUSOF) in the assignment folder and upload your assignment in the folder
with your own name.
2. The video must be submitted by 11.00 AM on 2nd August 2021.
week 11 (21 jun to 26 jun) isnin (2-4), selasa (2-4).