Pedestrian Detection Based On Background Compensation With Block-Matching Algorithm
Pedestrian Detection Based On Background Compensation With Block-Matching Algorithm
Pedestrian Detection Based On Background Compensation With Block-Matching Algorithm
Abstract— The development of autonomous vehicle is an • Separate the object motion from the camera motion by
important and active research area. In the last few years, graph-cut optimization [3] or by solving the Markov
pedestrian detection methods for a moving camera have been random field problem with nonparametric belief
severely developed. This field presents many challenges in order propagation [4].
to avoid the camera motion and recognize the dynamic objects.
This paper proposes a background compensation method for • Compensate the camera movement to fit the previous
pedestrian detection with a moving Camera. This method relies image to the current image [5].
on motion compensation to transfer the background model from
the current frame to the previous frame in order to detect In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for pedestrian
dynamic obstacles. This motion compensation is carried out using detection applied to both infrared and visible database. The
different block matching algorithms and the gradient algorithm is based on motion compensation method in order to
information of the images to establish the background's model reduce the false detection and maintaining a real time
motion. The proposed method was evaluated on a public performance. Our main idea is to establish a background
benchmark system: the CVC14 and achieved promising results as motion model between adjacent frames with the use of block
shown in this article. matching algorithm then make the background compensation
to distinguish dynamic objects in dynamic environment.
Keywords— Pedestrian detection, motion estimation, ego-
motion compensation, Block matching algorithm. The remaining part of our work is organized as follows,
Section 2 describes the most contemporary techniques in
pedestrian detection and motion compensation. Section 3
I. INTRODUCTION explains our proposed algorithm; Section 4 reports some
When it comes to the development of autonomous, or self- experimental results; finally, Section 5 presents the conclusion
driving, vehicles, a warehouse full of technology -Software of the work with few prospect for further study.
and hardware- is taken to make it happen. In this context much
research focuses on technology that integrates the vehicle with II. LITERATURE REVIEW
its environment. Detecting pedestrian is one of the essential
issues for understanding environment and to achieve the The previous works on pedestrian detection fields are
automatic operation of autonomous vehicle. based on color images. However, color-based pedestrian
detection is not efficient in challenging environments
Although, several pedestrian detection algorithms have especially at night-time and poor weather. Owing to the
been proposed so far, but still there is a need for an automatic development of sensor technology, infrared (IR) and far
system that can detect the human from a moving camera that infrared (FIR) camera sensors, were used to fix the problems
are more challenging as compared to a fixed camera. of color based pedestrian detection. Thanks to their
In this problem, it is important to achieve a computational independence of light conditions, the FIR cameras can be
efficiency as well as detection accuracy. Background used in both day-time and night-time with no or little
subtraction algorithms have been proposed and shown good difference, reaching vision beyond the usual limitations of
performances in fixed cameras. However, in mobile camera, day-light cameras. Moreover, the absence of colors or textures
the existing methods became no more robust because eases the processing towards interpretation. In consequence,
background is also changed by the camera movement [1]. the IR field seems to be promising and explains deep
Depending on the literature, there are three based
approaches of the computer vision for a mobile camera: Based on the infrared properties, T. Kim et al. [6] proposed
a novel method to detect the remote pedestrian by generating
• Construct a panorama image using image registration regions of interest using transfer learning with convolutional
then applying a background subtraction algorithm neural network (CNN) feature, then following non-maximal
without any modification yet, many false detection are
remained present [2].
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2018 15th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD)
suppression (NMS) with strong aspect ratio limitation to I. Jegham et al. [13] proposed a new approach for the ego-
improve the detection performance. motion compensation based on the interest point detector
Recent works have shown that efficient and robust shape- SURF, dividing the images into multiple moving objects
based cues can be obtained from histogram of oriented which are then characterized using the Local Binary Pattern
gradient (HOG) in images [7]. In this case P. Area [8] (LBP) descriptor and classified via the Support Vector
developed a complete method for pedestrian detection applied Machine (SVM) into two categories: pedestrian and undefined
to infrared images by associating an image descriptor based on object.
histograms of oriented gradients (HOG), with a Support
Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. III. PROPOSED METHOD
Nevertheless, in a dynamic situation, the presence of After studying several works concerning pedestrian
background and camera motion add difficulties to pedestrian detection [12][13][14][15], non-static camera [5][16][17][18]
detection. Hence, an extra process is required to handle the [19] and the properties of infrared image [8][20][18], we opt
camera motion in order to build the background model and for combining different approaches to provide our proposed
detect moving objects. There are three fundamental techniques method. This latter as indicated in the schematic diagram
to detect moving object under moving background: the below in Figure.1 is composed of the following sequences of
background model method [9], inter-frame difference method steps:
[10] and the optical flow field method [10].
T. Ni et al. [11] synthesize the three target detection ways A. Data acquisition
above by extracting moving velocity of feature points in The camera position for the pedestrian detection system is
grayscale images then based on block matching algorithm. entirely important to obtain a good view of the road. Thus, the
They calculated the optical flow to establish a background camera must be fixed on the top of the windshield of a vehicle
model and compensate the movement to finish with detecting so that the captured images contains a significant part of the
the moving obstacle. background and the dynamic objects. This view insure a good
region of interest, then a good camera motion estimation.
J. Hariyono et al. [12] presented a method which consist
on segmenting the region that present the same optical flows
after compensating the ego-motion of the camera. Therefore, B. Extraction of region of interest
the conformed optical flows are extracted. At the end, the After observing many captured images, we have
detected regions will be recognized. noticed that the 40% of the top of the image is sufficient to
estimate the background movement. This part contains most of
the information that we need to build our background model.
The 60% rest of the frame doesn't add useful information as it
shown in the Figure.2.
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2018 15th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD)
FIR Visible
Set Variable
Day Night Day Night
Fig. 2. Region of interest
2232 1386 2232 1586
D. Motion estimation Training 1463 2004 1463 2004
We could classify the motion in a video frame with a Annoted
2769 2222 2672 2007
moving camera into: global motion and local motion. The one Frames 706 727 706 727
due to camera motion is called global motion, whereas the Testing Annoted
2433 1895 2302 1589
dynamic object in the scene result in local motion [16]. Pedestrians
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2018 15th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD)
Day Night
FIR Visible FIR Visible
72.76% 94% 75.75% 90.22%
time per
0.21 0.27 0.19 0.19
image per
Rate with 84.68% 93.61% 72.86% 90%
Average Fig. 4. Some results of segmentation process
run time
per image
0.11 0.13 0.12 0.12 After all, by referring to [13], The LBP features of
second the segmented images are extracted and then classified via the
with ROI SVM with RBF kernel.
TABLE. 3. presents the results of our proposed approach
Figure.3 explains the effect of the motion compensation on in terms of detection rate (DR) and Accuracy using LBP
the subtraction between two consecutive frames (Figure.3(a)); descriptor and linear SVM classifier.
the result without compensation Figure.3(b), the result with
compensation based on grayscale conservation Figure.3(c) and Comparing to the results obtained in the literature [13] and
the result with compensation based on gradient conservation [21], our approach yields significant performance
Figure.3(d). improvement. Citing the example of ARPS algorithm; for the
day activity with a FIR camera, we have reached a detection
rate of 84.8% with 52% accuracy versus detection rate
76.77% and 41% accuracy according to[13] . Moreover, in the
case of Night_FIR sequence, we have achieved a detection
rate of 91% and 60% accuracy, when in literature, they
obtained 84.57% as detection rate and 59% accuracy. More
detailed results of literature are displayed in TABLE. 4.
In this paper, we proposed a method for pedestrian
detection with a mobile camera. Our approach aims to
compensate the camera motion and get the candidate region of
pedestrian. The background model was generated by applying
Fig. 3. Results of background subtration
different search algorithms. The results shows a great
performance in term of speed and detection rate. In the future
For the four sequences, we fixed the parameters of seven work we suggest to concatinate two block matching
algorithms. Next step consists to segment dynamic objects. algorithms to abtain an hybrid one which works well for both
First, we have to give labels to the related components of the infrared and visible camera.
image. Second, we detect the different crops. Figure. 4. shows
an example of results.
Day Night
Algorithm Fir visible FIR Visible
DR Accuracy DR Accuracy DR Accuracy DR Accuracy
Exhaustive Search (ES) 71.5 67 93 43 95.73 52 90 51
Three Step Search (TSS) 73.47 63.9 94 50 90.9 52.8 90.08 52
New Three Step Search
88.79 57 93.75 48 90 50 89.39 50
Simple and Efficient TSS
95.31 52 93.9 47 90 50 90.08 47
Four Step Search (4SS) 73.9 62.7 93.75 47 83 56 89.66 46
Diamond Search (DS) 73.47 61 93.61 46 96 54 83.3 51
Adaptive Rood Pattern
84.88 52 93 40 91 60 89.66 49
Search (ARPS)
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2018 15th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD)
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