Webber Tarjetas Fonológicas

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Phonology Cards
Tarjetas de
Pares Minimas
by Melanie Frederick, M.S., CCC-SLP
Illustrated by Marty Schwartz

Decks Include:
1. Oclusivización (Stopping)
2. Omisión de Consonantes Finales
(Final Consonant Deletion)
3. Sonorización Prevocálica (Prevocalic Voicing)
4. Frontalización (Fronting)
5. Reducción de Grupo Consonántico
(Cluster Reduction)
6. Errores de r y rr (Errors of r and rr)
7. Omisión de Consonantes Iniciales
(Initial Consonant Deletion)
8. Omisión de Sílabas Átonas
(Weak Syllable Deletion)
2 ©2005 Super Duper® Publications
Phonology Cards
Master List
Tarjetas de
Pares Minimas Decks 1-2

Webber ® 12 A/B sabe/cabe (he/she knows, it fits)

Spanish Phonology 13 A/B sola/cola (alone, tail)
Cards 14 A/B sopa/copa (soup, goblet or
stemmed glass)
Deck 1- Oclusivización (Stopping) 15 A/B plaza/placa (plaza, plaque)
28 sets (56 cards) 16 A/B cerro/perro (hill, dog)
17 A/B sala/pala (living room, shovel)
1 A/B sarta/tarta (string, tart) 18 A/B seso/peso (brain, weight)
2 A/B cinta/tinta (tape, ink) 19 A/B cosa/copa (thing, goblet or
3 A/B sierra/tierra (saw, Earth) stemmed glass)
4 A/B rosa/rota (rose, broken) 20 A/B taza/tapa (cup, lid)
5 A/B piso/pito (floor, whistle) 21 A/B casa/capa (house, cape)
6 A/B foso/foto (hole, photo) 22 A/B masa/mapa (mass or volume, map)
7 A/B paso/pato (step, duck) 23 A/B foca/poca (seal, little amount)
8 A/B plaza/plata (plaza, silver) 24 A/B fila/pila (row, sink)
9 A/B falsa/falta (false, mistake) 25 A/B fuente/puente (fountain, bridge)
10 A/B salsa/salta (sauce, jump) 26 A/B fiel/piel (loyal, fur)
11 A/B sesenta/setenta (60, 70) 27 A/B foro/toro (court, bull)
28 A/B gafas/gatas (glasses, female cats)
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Webber ® 12 A/B pitón/pito (python, whistle)

Spanish Phonology 13 A/B bajón/bajo (bassoon, under)
Cards 14 A/B bombón/bombo (bonbon, astounded)
15 A/B botón/boto (button, dull)
Deck 2 - Omisión de Consonantes
16 A/B buzón/buzo (mailbox, diver)
Finales (Final Consonant Deletion)
17 A/B canon/cano (canyon, gray-haired)
28 sets (56 cards)
18 A/B galán/gala (gallant, full dress)
1 A/B costar/costa (to cost, coast) 19 A/B limón/limo (lemon, mud)
2 A/B aguar/agua (to water, water) 20 A/B ratón/rato (mouse, time or while)
3 A/B sur/su (south, your) 21 A/B sedan/seda (sedan, silk)
4 A/B avenar/avena (to drain, oats) 22 A/B animal/anima (animal, he/she
5 A/B cejar/ceja (to back up, eyebrow) encourages)
6 A/B cercar/cerca (to fence in, close) 23 A/B batel/bate (small boat, baseball bat)
7 A/B mayor/mayo (older, May) 24 A/B ideal/idea (perfect, idea)
8 A/B salvar/salva (to rescue, salute) 25 A/B canal/cana (canal, gray hair)
9 A/B solar/sola (solar, alone) 26 A/B clavel/clave (carnation, clue)
10 A/B mes/me (month, me) 27 A/B mil/mi (1,000, my)
11 A/B capaz/capa (spacious, cape) 28 A/B piel/pie (fur, foot)
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Phonology Cards
Master List
Tarjetas de
Pares Minimas Decks 3-4

Webber ® 12 A/B tía/día (aunt, day)

Spanish Phonology 13 A/B tuna/duna (prickly pear, dune)
Cards 14 A/B tos/dos (cough, two)
15 A/B toma/doma (he/she takes, taming of
Deck 3 - Sonorización Prevocálica a horse)
(Prevocalic Voicing)
16 A/B té/dé (tea, give)
28 sets (56 cards) 17 A/B cama/gama (bed, doe)
1 A/B paja/baja (straw, he/she descends) 18 A/B cala/gala (calla lily, elegance)
2 A/B pase/base (pass, base) 19 A/B casa/gasa (house, gauze)
3 A/B pasta/basta (dough, rough) 20 A/B cata/gata (tasting, female cat)
4 A/B pata/bata (paw, smock) 21 A/B cayo/gallo (reef, rooster)
5 A/B parca/barca (frugal, small boat) 22 A/B col/gol (cabbage, goal)
6 A/B pez/vez (fish, time) 23 A/B coma/goma (comma, glue)
7 A/B pista/vista (track, view) 24 A/B cota/gota (coat of arms, drop)
8 A/B poca/boca (little amount, mouth) 25 A/B caseta/gaceta (small house, gazette)
9 A/B pelo/velo (hair, veil) 26 A/B cacho/gacho (piece, bent)
10 A/B panda/banda (panda, musical band) 27 A/B cola/gola (tail, throat)
11 A/B paso/vaso (step, glass) 28 A/B corro/gorro (group of talkers, cap)
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Webber ® 12 A/B casa/taza (house, cup)

Spanish Phonology 13 A/B canto/tanto (song, so much)
Cards 14 A/B capa/tapa (cape, lid)
15 A/B corre/torre (he/she runs, tower)
Deck 4 - Frontalización (Fronting)
16 A/B corta/torta (he/she cuts, cake)
28 sets (56 cards)
17 A/B cubo/tubo (bucket, tube)
1 A/B cara/para (face, for) 18 A/B cuna/tuna (cradle, prickly pear)
2 A/B queso/peso (cheese, weight) 19 A/B placa/plata (plaque, silver)
3 A/B caño/paño (tube, cloth) 20 A/B laca/lata (hair spray, tin can)
4 A/B casa/pasa (house, raisin) 21 A/B pico/pito (beak, whistle)
5 A/B concha/poncha (shell, lazy) 22 A/B boca/bota (mouth, boot)
6 A/B costa/posta (cost, piece) 23 A/B roca/rota (rock, broken)
7 A/B costura/postura (sewing, posture) 24 A/B gasa/basa (gauze, base of column)
8 A/B canal/panal (canal, honeycomb) 25 A/B gorra/borra (cap, he/she erases)
9 A/B can/pan (dog, bread) 26 A/B goma/doma (glue, taming of a horse)
10 A/B saco/sapo (sack, toad) 27 A/B gato/dato (cat, document)
11 A/B codo/todo (elbow, all) 28 A/B lago/lado (lake, side)

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4 ©2005 Super Duper® Publications

Phonology Cards
Master List
Tarjetas de
Pares Minimas Decks 5-6

Webber ®
12 A/B criada/riada (maid, flood)
Spanish Phonology
13 A/B cresta/resta (summit, subtraction)
14 A/B grana/rana (seed, frog)
Deck 5 - Reducción de Grupo 15 A/B grato/gato (pleasing, cat)
Consonántico (Cluster Reduction) 16 A/B plancha/lancha (iron, barge)
28 sets (56 cards) 17 A/B plana/lana (flat, wool)
18 A/B playa/laya (beach, spade)
1 A/B prestar/restar (to give, to subtract)
19 A/B plata/lata (silver, tin can)
2 A/B precio/recio (price, fast)
20 A/B plazo/lazo (payment, lasso)
3 A/B probar/robar (to prove, to rob)
21 A/B flaca/laca (thin, hair spray)
4 A/B prisa/risa (hurry, laugh)
22 A/B flote/lote (floating, lottery prize)
5 A/B prosa/rosa (poem, rose)
23 A/B flecha/fecha (arrow, date)
6 A/B frío/río (cold, river)
24 A/B flama/fama (flame, fame)
7 A/B fruta/ruta (fruit, route)
25 A/B clava/lava (club, he/she washes)
8 A/B freno/reno (brake, reindeer)
26 A/B clima/lima (climate, lime)
9 A/B tropa/ropa (troop, clothes)
27 A/B tecla/tela (piano key, cloth)
10 A/B trato/rato (deal, time or while)
28 A/B globo/lobo (balloon, wolf)
11 A/B drama/rama (play, branch)
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Webber ®
12 A/B raja/laja (crack, reef)
Spanish Phonology
13 A/B Roma/loma (Rome, knoll)
14 A/B serena/Selena (serene, girl’s name)
Deck 6 - Errores de r y rr 15 A/B muro/mulo (wall, mule)
(Errors of r and rr) 16 A/B para/pala (to or for, shovel)
28 sets (56 cards) 17 A/B vera/vela (edge, candle)
18 A/B barón/balón (baron, football)
1 A/B rana/lana (frog, wool)
19 A/B hora/ola (hour, wave)
2 A/B rama/lama (branch, mud)
20 A/B cara/cala (face, calla lily)
3 A/B raya/laya (line, spade)
21 A/B porte/pote (postage, pot)
4 A/B rata/lata (rat, tin can)
22 A/B mira/mía (he/she looks at, mine)
5 A/B rey/ley (king, law)
23 A/B cerda/seda (sow, silk)
6 A/B risa/lisa (laugh, smooth)
24 A/B mar/mal (ocean, bad)
7 A/B roca/loca (rock, crazy)
25 A/B ser/sé (to be, I know)
8 A/B rosa/losa (rose, slab)
26 A/B solar/sola (solar, alone)
9 A/B robo/lobo (robbery, wolf)
27 A/B perro/pelo (dog, hair)
10 A/B rima/lima (rhyme, lime)
28 A/B garra/gala (talon, elegance)
11 A/B rucio/lucio (gray, shiny)
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Phonology Cards
Master List
Tarjetas de
Pares Minimas
Decks 7-8

Webber ® 12 A/B faro/aro (lighthouse, hoop)

Spanish Phonology 13 A/B filo/hilo (edge, thread)
14 A/B fabril/abril (factory, April)
Deck 7 - Omisión de Consonantes 15 A/B zumo/humo (fruit juice, smoke)
Iniciales (Initial Consonant Deletion) 16 A/B saber/haber (to know, to have)
28 sets (56 cards) 17 A/B cielo/hielo (sky, ice)
1 A/B paz/haz (peace, you make) 18 A/B sala/ala (living room, wing)
2 A/B puerta/huerta (door, vegetable garden) 19 A/B tabla/habla (board, speech)
3 A/B pasta/asta (dough, spear) 20 A/B techo/hecho (roof, finished)
4 A/B boca/oca (mouth, goose) 21 A/B coro/oro (chorus, gold)
5 A/B bola/ola (ball, wave) 22 A/B cabe/ave (it fits, female bird or songbird)
6 A/B voy/hoy (I go, today) 23 A/B cuña/uña (wedge, nail)
7 A/B boda/oda (wedding, female poet) 24 A/B gato/hato (cat, flock)
8 A/B vida/ida (life, departure) 25 A/B nada/hada (none, fairy)
9 A/B bajo/ajo (under, garlic) 26 A/B lora/hora (female parrot, time)
10 A/B baño/año (bathroom, year) 27 A/B lleno/heno (full, hay)
11 A/B fonda/onda (inn, wave) 28 A/B rojo/ojo (red, eye)
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12 caminar/minar (to walk, to mine)

Webber ®
13 candado/dado (padlock, a die)
Spanish Phonology
14 corbata/bata (tie, robe)
15 cuarenta/renta (forty, rent)
Deck 8 - Omisión de Sílabas 16 gusano/sano (worm, healthy)
Átonas (Weak Syllable Deletion) 17 apoyo/pollo (support, chicken)
28 sets (56 cards) 18 avena/vena (oats, vein)
19 apero/pero (gear, but)
1 A/B paloma/loma (dove, knoll)
20 unido/nido (united, nest)
2 A/B vianda/anda (food, he/she walks)
21 hermano/mano (brother, hand)
3 A/B sirena/reina (mermaid, queen)
22 pantalones/talones (pants, heels)
4 A/B sistema/tema (system, topic)
23 descontento/contento (fussy, content)
5 A/B zapato/pato (shoe, duck)
24 descuidado/cuidado (careless, careful)
6 A/B solista/lista (musical soloist, list)
25 A/B
7 A/B talento/lento (talent, slow) (disconnected, connected)
8 A/B trofeo/feo (trophy, ugly) 26 A/B limonada/monada (lemonade,
9 A/B trabajo/bajo (work, under) funny face gesture)
10 A/B rebaño/baño (flock, bathroom) 27 A/B ensalada/salada (salad, salted)
11 A/B revista/vista (magazine, view) 28 A/B alcanzando/cansando (reaching,
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making something tired)
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6 ©2005 Super Duper® Publications

Game Ideas
Each deck in the Webber® Spanish Phonology set
contains 28 minimal pairs labeled as Card A and Card B.
Review all cards in the deck with your students prior to
playing. Present Card A and have the student name the
picture. Do the same with Card B. If the student gives the
same name on Card B for both cards, review Cards A and
B to demonstrate that each card in the pair is different.
Provide cues until the student says Card A correctly.
Continue with all card pairs.
If the student is using the process of Posteriorización
(Backing), you may use the Frontalización (Fronting) to
practice in therapy. For this activity, always present Card B
and then follow with Card A.
Webber® Spanish Phonology Cards also contain ¡Fiesta
de Fonología! cards, content cards, and game ideas. When
playing, hide a ¡Fiesta de Fonología! card under another
card and if the student finds it, he/she keeps the card or
takes another turn. To add more fun, try these games:

Fun ‘N’ Games: Use any open-ended game board to keep

your students motivated. Present a pair of cards to the
student and have the student say the word pair. Student
then rolls the die to determine how many tokens to place on
his/her game board. Play continues in turn. First player to
cover his/her entire board wins.
What’s the Story?: Place one to two cards face up in a row.
Therapist tells a story using the cards in that order.
Therapist then mixes up the cards and has the student put
them back in story order. Then, student retells the story or
fills in the word(s) as the therapist retells the story. Student
keeps all cards he/she says correctly. Play continues in
turn. Student with the most cards wins.

12 ©2005 Super Duper® Publications

Rhyme Time!: Place all cards face down on the table.
Student picks up the top card and says the word correctly.
Then, student says a word that rhymes with the picture card
that he/she has chosen. Student keeps all cards for which
he/she is able to give a rhyming word. Play continues in
turn. Student with the most cards wins.
Three Times the Fun: Place all Card A cards down on the
table. Student picks up the top card and says the word
correctly. Then, student will say three words that contain a
sound/process he/she is practicing. Student receives a
point for each word containing the practice sound/process.
Play continues in turn. Student with the most points wins.

Simon Says: Therapist places two to four card pairs face up

on the table. Say “Simon Says touch the _______” or
“Simon Says ________.” The student then touches and
names the appropriate card. Student keeps cards he/she
names correctly. Play continues in turn. Student with the
most cards wins.
What Am I Talking About?: Therapist places a card pair
face up on the table. Therapist describes a card. If the
student can correctly identify and pronounce the described
card, he/she gets card pair. Play continues in turn. Student
with the most cards wins.
To Be Silly or Not To Be Silly: Therapist places card pair
face up on the table and then makes a silly sentence using
both words. Have student change the statement to make
sense using both words. Give a point for each correct
sentence. Play continues in turn. Player with the most
points wins.
What’s on TV?: Therapist draws a picture of a TV on a
piece of paper, including an antenna and TV knobs.
Therapist presents a card pair and tells student to put one
card on the TV. Therapist then asks, “What’s on TV?”
Student responds with correct production of the word.
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