Webber Tarjetas Fonológicas
Webber Tarjetas Fonológicas
Webber Tarjetas Fonológicas
Phonology Cards
Tarjetas de
Pares Minimas
by Melanie Frederick, M.S., CCC-SLP
Illustrated by Marty Schwartz
Decks Include:
1. Oclusivización (Stopping)
2. Omisión de Consonantes Finales
(Final Consonant Deletion)
3. Sonorización Prevocálica (Prevocalic Voicing)
4. Frontalización (Fronting)
5. Reducción de Grupo Consonántico
(Cluster Reduction)
6. Errores de r y rr (Errors of r and rr)
7. Omisión de Consonantes Iniciales
(Initial Consonant Deletion)
8. Omisión de Sílabas Átonas
(Weak Syllable Deletion)
2 ©2005 Super Duper® Publications
Phonology Cards
Master List
Tarjetas de
Pares Minimas Decks 1-2
Webber ®
12 A/B criada/riada (maid, flood)
Spanish Phonology
13 A/B cresta/resta (summit, subtraction)
14 A/B grana/rana (seed, frog)
Deck 5 - Reducción de Grupo 15 A/B grato/gato (pleasing, cat)
Consonántico (Cluster Reduction) 16 A/B plancha/lancha (iron, barge)
28 sets (56 cards) 17 A/B plana/lana (flat, wool)
18 A/B playa/laya (beach, spade)
1 A/B prestar/restar (to give, to subtract)
19 A/B plata/lata (silver, tin can)
2 A/B precio/recio (price, fast)
20 A/B plazo/lazo (payment, lasso)
3 A/B probar/robar (to prove, to rob)
21 A/B flaca/laca (thin, hair spray)
4 A/B prisa/risa (hurry, laugh)
22 A/B flote/lote (floating, lottery prize)
5 A/B prosa/rosa (poem, rose)
23 A/B flecha/fecha (arrow, date)
6 A/B frío/río (cold, river)
24 A/B flama/fama (flame, fame)
7 A/B fruta/ruta (fruit, route)
25 A/B clava/lava (club, he/she washes)
8 A/B freno/reno (brake, reindeer)
26 A/B clima/lima (climate, lime)
9 A/B tropa/ropa (troop, clothes)
27 A/B tecla/tela (piano key, cloth)
10 A/B trato/rato (deal, time or while)
28 A/B globo/lobo (balloon, wolf)
11 A/B drama/rama (play, branch)
©2005 Super Duper® Publications
Call 1-800-277-8737 • Online! www.superduperinc.com ©2005 Super Duper® Publications
Webber ®
12 A/B raja/laja (crack, reef)
Spanish Phonology
13 A/B Roma/loma (Rome, knoll)
14 A/B serena/Selena (serene, girl’s name)
Deck 6 - Errores de r y rr 15 A/B muro/mulo (wall, mule)
(Errors of r and rr) 16 A/B para/pala (to or for, shovel)
28 sets (56 cards) 17 A/B vera/vela (edge, candle)
18 A/B barón/balón (baron, football)
1 A/B rana/lana (frog, wool)
19 A/B hora/ola (hour, wave)
2 A/B rama/lama (branch, mud)
20 A/B cara/cala (face, calla lily)
3 A/B raya/laya (line, spade)
21 A/B porte/pote (postage, pot)
4 A/B rata/lata (rat, tin can)
22 A/B mira/mía (he/she looks at, mine)
5 A/B rey/ley (king, law)
23 A/B cerda/seda (sow, silk)
6 A/B risa/lisa (laugh, smooth)
24 A/B mar/mal (ocean, bad)
7 A/B roca/loca (rock, crazy)
25 A/B ser/sé (to be, I know)
8 A/B rosa/losa (rose, slab)
26 A/B solar/sola (solar, alone)
9 A/B robo/lobo (robbery, wolf)
27 A/B perro/pelo (dog, hair)
10 A/B rima/lima (rhyme, lime)
28 A/B garra/gala (talon, elegance)
11 A/B rucio/lucio (gray, shiny)
©2005 Super Duper® Publications
Call 1-800-277-8737 • Online! www.superduperinc.com ©2005 Super Duper® Publications