Module 3. Probable and Relative Errors-Introduction To Fundamentals of Surveying

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Module in CE 211-ENGINEERING SURVEYS Module No. 03

way, RP is also
TOPIC OUTLINE called relative efficiency.

B. Probable Error
C. Relative (Error)
The residual, which is
D. Weighted Observations sometimes referred to as the
E. Interrelationship of deviation, is defined as the
Errors difference between any measured
1. Summation of Errors value of quantity and its most
probable value or
2. Product of Errors
v = x -x . . . . . . . Eq. (1)

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Where v is the residual in any

measurement, x is a measurement
made of a particular quantity,
and x is the most probable
1. To be able to learn what is value of the quantity measured.
Residual. Residuals and errors are
theoretically identical. The
2. To be able to learn the only difference is that
concept of Probable Error. residuals can be calculated
whereas errors cannot because
3. To be able to learn what is there is no way of knowing true
Weighted Observations. values.
4. To be able to learn the Probable Error
Interrelationship of Errors.
The probable error is a
quantity which, when added to
OVERVIEW and subtracted from the most
probable value, defines a range
within which there is a 50
percent chance that the true
Probable error defines the value of the measured quantity
half-range of an interval about lies inside (or outside) the
a central point for the limits thus set.
distribution, such that half of The value of the probable
error is calculated with the
the values from the
use of the following formulae
distribution will lie within which are derived from the
the interval and half outside. method of least squares.
And relative precision in
sampling refers to the ratio of ∑𝑽
PEs = ± 0.6745 √𝒏−𝟏 .
. Eq. (2)
the error variances of two
different sample designs which
have the same sampling unit and PEm = ± 0.6745 √ . Eq. (3)
𝒏 (𝒏−𝟏)
sample size. When used in this

Module in CE 211-ENGINEERING SURVEYS Module No. 03

Where The problem often

PEs = probable error of encountered is how to combine
any single measurement of these measurements and
a series. determine the most probable
PEm = probable error of values. For such a situation it
the mean is necessary to estimate the
∑V2 = summation of the degree of reliability (or
squares of the residuals weight) for each of the
n = number of observations measurements before they are
combined, and the most probable
RELATIVE (ERROR) PRECISION values are determined.

The total amount of error in a INTERRELATIONSHIP OF ERRORS

given measurement should relate
to the magnitude of measured In some instances it is
quantity in order to indicate required to determine how the
the accuracy of a measurement. final result is affected when a
In surveying measurements, computation involves quantities
ratio of the error to the that are subject to accidental
measured quantity is used to errors. Two commonly applied
define the degree of refinement principles of the theory of
obtained. errors involve the summation of
Relative error, sometimes errors and the product of
called relative precision, is errors.
expressed by a fraction having
the magnitude of the error in 1. Summation of Errors. If
the numerator and the magnitude several measured
of a measured quantity in the quantities are added, each
denominator. It is necessary to of which is affected by
express both quantities in the accidental errors, the
same units, and the numerator probable error of the sum
is reduced to unity or 1 in is given by the square
order to provide any easy root of the sum of the
comparison with other squares of the separate
measurements. For example, if probable errors arising
for a particular measurement from the several sources
the probable error of the mean or
is 0.10m and the most probable
value of the measurement is PEs = ± √𝑃𝐸12 + 𝑃𝐸22 + ⋯ … . 𝑃𝐸𝑛2
235.50m, the relative precision
(RP) would be expressed as Where
0.10/235.50 or 1/2355, also PEs = probable error of
written as 1:2355. the sum
PE1, PE2, etc. = probable
WEIGHTED OBSERVATIONS error of measurement
n = number of values added
It is not always possible to
obtain measurements of equal 2. Product of Errors. For a
reliability under similar measured quantity which is
conditions. Many surveying determined as the product
measurements are made under of two other independently
different circumstances and measured quantities such
conditions and therefore have as Q1 and Q2 (with their
different degrees of corresponding probable
reliability. errors), the probable
error of the product is

Module in CE 211-ENGINEERING SURVEYS Module No. 03

given by the following v4=(X4-X) =1000.48-

equation. 1000.45= +0.03
v5=(X5-X) =1000.40-
PEp=± √(𝑄1𝑥𝑃𝐸1)2 + (𝑄2𝑥𝑃𝐸2)2 … …
1000.45= -0.05 v6=(X6-X)
=1000.46-1000.45= +0.01
PEp = probable error v12 = (+0.13)2 = 0.0169
of the product v22 = (-0.05)2 = 0.0025
Q1 & Q2 = measured v32 = (-0.07)2 = 0.0049
Quantities v42 = (+0.03)2 = 0.0009
PE1 and PE2 = v52 = (-0.05)2 = 0.0025
probable error v62 = (+0.01)2 = 0.0001
corresponding to each
quantity measured. ∑v2 = v12 + v22 + v32 + v42 + v52 + v62
ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM 0.0169+0.0025+0.0049+0.0009+0.0
Probable Error. The following = 0.0278
values were determined in the
series of tape measurements of
∑𝑉 2
a line: 1000.58, 1000.40, PEs = ± 0.6745 √𝑛−1
1000.38, 1000.48, 1000.40 and
1000.46 meters, Determine the = ± 0.6745 √ (6−1)
a. Most probable value of the = ±0.05m (probable error
measured length of a single measurement)
b. Probable error at single
measurement and probable PEm = ± 0.6745 √𝑛 (𝑛−1)
∑𝑉 2
error of the mean
c. Final expression for the 0.0278
= ± 0.6745 √6(6−1)
most probable length
d. Relative precision of the = ±0.02m (probable
measurement error of the mean)

Solution: c. Therefore the length of

the measured line may be
a. n=6 (number of expressed as 1000.45 m ±
observations) 0.02m. This means that
∑X=X1+ X2+ X3+ X4+ X5 there is a 50 percent
=1000.58+1000.40+1000.38+1 chance that the true
000.48+1000.40+1000.46 distance measured probably
= 6002.70m falls between 1000.43m and
1000.47m, and that its
mpv = ∑X/n most probable value is
mpv = 1000.45 (most 1000.45m. There is also,
probable value of the however: a 50 percent
measured length) chance that the true
distance lies outside this
b. v1=(X1-X) =1000.58- range.
1000.45= +0.13
v2=(X2-X) =1000.40- d. RPs = PEs/mpv
1000.45= -0.05
v3=(X3-X) =1000.38- = 0.05/1000.45
1000.45= -0.07

Module in CE 211-ENGINEERING SURVEYS Module No. 03

= 1/20,000 (RP of the coefficient of correlation

single measurement) obtained by giving two forms of
the test to the same group, or
e. RPm = PEm/mpv to use the probable error of
= 0.02/1000.45 estimate of score between the
= 1/50,000 (RP of two forms. The probable error
the mean) of measurement has the value of
stability, as is shown by the
fact that the same value will
LEARNING ACTIVITY be found for it whether a
single group or a composite
group is used. This is found to
be true neither with the
Weighted Measurements. Four coefficient of correlation as a
measurements of a distance were measure of reliability, nor
recorded as 284.18, 284.19, with the probable error of
284.22, and 284.20 meters and estimate.
given weights of 1, 3, 2, and
4, respectively. Determine the
weighted mean.
Measured Assigned P= X (W)
Length Weight
(X) (W) Elementary Surveying
284.18m 1 284.18 Alfeo La Putt
284.19m 3 852.57
284.22m 2 568.44
284.20m 4 1136.80
Sum ∑W=10 ∑P=2841.99 Prepared by:


Probable Error. The following Faculty, Civil Engineering
values were determined in the Department
series of tape measurements of College of Engineering and
a line: 950.56, 950.40, 950.18, Architecture
950.44, 950.11 and 950.64
meters, Determine the

a. Most probable value of the

measured length
b. Probable error at single
measurement and probable
error of the mean


The probable error of

measurement as the best
criterion of the reliability of
an educational test; the
alternate methods being to use

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