Garg, Kumkum - Mobile Computing - Pearson India
Garg, Kumkum - Mobile Computing - Pearson India
Garg, Kumkum - Mobile Computing - Pearson India
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Theory and Practice
Kumkum Garg
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
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ISBN 978-81-317-3166-6
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Published b y Dorling Kinder sley (India) Pvt. Ltd, licensees of P earson Education in South Asia.
Head Office: 7th Floor , Knowledge Boule vard, A-8(A), Sector – 62, Noida, UP 201309, India.
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Preface xiii
1 Introduction to Mobility 1
1.1 Process migration 1
1.2 Mobile computing 2
1.3 Mobile agents 3
1.4 Technical issues for mobility 4
1.5 Personal communication systems 4
1.6 Context-aware computing 5
1.7 Outline of the book 6
1.8 Summar y 7
Problems 7
Multiple-choice questions 8
Further reading 9
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vi Mobile Computing
3 Wireless Networ ks 25
3.1 The need for ne w wireless standards 26
3.2 IEEE 802.11 WLAN standard 27
3.2.1 Physical la yer 27
3.2.2 MAC layer 29
3.2.3 Frame str ucture 32
3.2.4 Ser vices 32
3.3 Bluetooth 33
3.3.1 Advantages of Bluetooth 35
3.3.2 Bluetooth applications 35
3.3.3 Bluetooth protocol stack 35
3.3.4 Bluetooth tracking ser vices 37
3.3.5 Bluetooth frame str ucture 38
3.4 Infrared systems 39
3.5 HiperLAN 40
3.6 The IEEE 802.16 WiMAX standard 41
3.7 Comparison of wireless technologies 42
3.8 Summar y 43
Problems 44
Multiple-choice questions 44
Further reading 45
Contents vii
5 Physical Mobility 57
5.1 The requirements for ph ysical mobility 57
5.1.1 Wireless communication 57
5.1.2 Mobility 58
5.1.3 Portability 59
5.2 Overview of IPv4 and IPv6 61
5.2.1 IPv4 61
5.2.2 IPv6 62
5.3 Mobile IP 62
5.3.1 Goals of mobile IP 62
5.3.2 Applicability 63
5.3.3 Mobility suppor t in IPv4 63
5.3.4 Mobility suppor t in IPv6 66
5.4 Cellular IP 67
5.4.1 The cellular IP access networ k 68
5.4.2 Routing and paging cache 69
5.5 TCP for mobility 69
5.5.1 Indirect TCP 70
5.5.2 Snooping TCP 71
5.5.3 Mobile TCP 72
5.6 Mobile databases 73
5.6.1 Design issues 73
5.6.2 Problems in mobile databases 74
5.6.3 Commercially a vailable systems 74
5.7 The COD A file system—A case study 74
5.7.1 Cache manager V enus 75
5.7.2 Venus states 75
5.7.3 Design criteria 77
5.8 Summar y 78
Problems 78
Multiple-choice questions 79
Further reading 80
Contents ix
x Mobile Computing
Contents xi
Index 213
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obile computing or computing-on-the-go is proving to be one of the most promising
technological advances in computer science and engineering to date. With the advent
and proliferation of portable, handheld hardware devices, equipped with wireless com-
munication interfaces and carrying innovative applications and systems software, computing
has now become truly ‘pervasive’ or ‘ubiquitous’. It is now commonplace to see people sitting in
airport and hotel lounges, meeting rooms and even open spaces, keying away at their PDAs or
laptops, checking e-mails and appointments, making to-do lists or just chatting with their
friends. We are also looking at ‘smart dust’, in which thousands of miniature processing devices
can be literally scattered in a battlefield or natural calamity areas to form a network and monitor
the various activities therein, like movement of the enemy, management of bushfires, relief sup-
plies and rehabilitation work, etc.
Technological advances create newer and more innovative applications everyday, which in
turn fuel the demand for new technology. This has become a not-so-vicious circle, keeping
researchers and developers on their toes all the time. The beneficiary is of course the layman on
the street, literally so in the case of mobile computing.
It is important to note that mobile computing is not just mobile or wireless communica-
tion, as some would believe. There is much more to mobile computing, and it is to remove this
confusion that this book has been written. Of course, provision of higher and more wireless
bandwidth is the driving force for mobile computing. But what is more important and challeng-
ing is the design of various application protocols and algorithms, the small-footprint operating
systems, efficient usage of the small-sized user interfaces and, above all, providing security of
systems and applications.
This book provides a focussed look at all the issues mentioned above and gives an insight
into the large number of technologies available in these areas to the user today. Apart from the
theory, which is presented in an easy-to-understand form, we have provided many examples and
suggestions for hands-on programming to help understand better the underlying technologies.
These have been actually undertaken by senior undergraduate and postgraduate students of com-
puter science at IIT Roorkee. To assist the reader in programming applications, an appendix has
been included which deals with some important aspects of Java network programming.
This book is intended for both professionals and students of senior undergraduate- and
postgraduate-level engineering courses in electrical, electronics and computer science who
have a background in computer networks and Java programming. It can be used for a one-semester
or a one-quarter course. It can also be adopted for short-term training courses for new employees or
trainees. To make the new concepts easy to understand, each chapter ends with multiple-choice
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review questions. Other research-oriented and programming-type questions which exercise the
readers’ mind are also included.
Book organization
This book has been organized into 12 chapters, covering the entire gamut of technologies rele-
vant to mobile computing. These include wireless and cellular communication, wireless local
area networks (WLANs), logical mobility consisting of process migration and mobile agents,
handheld devices and their operating systems, physical mobility, mobile ad hoc networks,
wireless sensor networks, wireless application protocol and the mobile Internet, security issues in
mobile applications, etc. The last chapter gives a brief idea of some design projects that can be
undertaken to better understand the theory. An appendix is also included for explaining the ba-
sics of Java network programming. The material is just right for a four-month, one-semester
For a short-term course for students who are familiar with the basics of wireless communica-
tion, Chapters 2, 4, 10 and 11, which deal with wireless communication, migrating processes,
mobile agents and security, respectively, can be omitted.
The concepts discussed in this book can also be used for research in this fast-growing field,
since most of the technologies that are used and are applicable today may not be relevant tomor-
row as requirements for newer applications arise.
Over the entire duration of the writing and compiling of this book, many people have helped
me; without them, this book would not have been possible.
First and foremost, I would like to thank the many experts who reviewed drafts of this book.
Their suggestions have certainly helped to improve the content and presentation of the book.
I am grateful to my Ph.D. student R.B. Patel, who first suggested that I introduce a course on
mobile computing at IIT Roorkee in 2003 in the postgraduate curriculum and write a book on
this important topic.
My heartfelt thanks to all my postgraduate and senior undergraduate students at IIT Roor-
kee, who designed and developed various projects related to mobile computing. These projects
provided the content for the last chapter of the book and helped tremendously in adding to the
‘practice’ part of the title of the book.
I also thank IIT Roorkee and MIT Manipal for providing the working environment that made
this book possible.
Last but not the least, I thank my family members and friends whose support and constant
encouragement during the three years of writing the book made this effort worthwhile and without
their support, this book could never have been finished.
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Introduction to Mobility 1
obility has been the hallmark of all animate and living entities in nature. Animals move
from place to place, migrating to find food and shelter. Similarly, early humans migrated
from their natural habitats in search for food. Today, humans move in search of better
employment, entertainment, travel, etc. Thus, mobility stems from a desire to move towards
resources and away from scarcity.
As in nature, so also in the field of computer science, mobility is becoming important and
necessary. Today, both physical and logical entities can move. Physical entities are small,
mobile computers that can change their actual location, unlike early systems, which were bulky
in size and therefore immobile. Logical entities may be either the running user applications
(processes) that migrate within a local cluster of computers or mobile agents, which are net-
work applications that migrate in a network and execute on behalf of their owners anywhere
in the Internet.
The concept of mobility in the field of computer science has thus been chronologically
provided in process migration since the 1970s, in mobile computers since the 1980s and in
mobile agents from the 1990s. In this chapter, we shall briefly discuss these concepts and their
benefits and challenges for deployment. We shall come back to visit them in detail in subse-
quent chapters.
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2 Mobile Computing
if a computer has a partial failure or is about to shut down, a running process can migrate to
another computer and continue execution there. The resulting flexibility and reliability are
important and necessary.
1. Weak connectivity: It is a well-known fact that wireless communication suffers from fre-
quent disconnection and slow speeds, as compared with wired communication. The challenge is
how a computer can operate when disconnected from the network or intermittently connected
or connected over very slow communication links. This issue has been taken up in the CODA file
system, which will be discussed in detail in Chapter 5.
2. Wireless connectivity: When a computer moves between cells in a wireless network or
from one computer network to another, it is required to continue operating without having to
re-register in the new location. In other words, the handoff should be smooth. This issue has
been dealt with admirably by the development of two protocols—mobile Internet protocol (IP)
and cellular IP, both of which are discussed in detail in Chapter 5.
3. Ubiquitous computing: This is the term coined by Mark Weiser and refers to the scenario
when computers are present everywhere around us but have been rendered so small and cheap
that they fade into the background. This is also called pervasive computing. Wireless sensor net-
works (WSNs) are examples of such ubiquitous or pervasive computing, and are discussed in de-
tail in Chapter 7.
Thus, mobility of physical devices can be viewed at three different levels of granularity.
These are as follows:
Whatever the type of mobility, the benefits of mobile computing are obvious, since there is
physical movement towards a desired resource. Here, both the owner and the computer move to
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Introduction to Mobility 3
provide both qualitative and quantitative benefits. Since it is possible to use computer resources
while moving, users can take the computer away from its usual workplace and still be productive.
Thus, mobile computing, like process migration, enables movement of the programming envi-
ronment and application. If a wireless phone cannot connect from a specific area, moving to a
new area can overcome natural obstacles.
A major benefit with mobile computing is that the use of computers is increased, not only
for computer professionals, but also for the lay person. This is very important, because in this
information age, having continuous access is imperative for everyone on the go.
1. Java as a language offers many concepts that are directly useful for mobile systems. For
example, remote method invocation (RMI), object serialization and mobile code are all very
useful for process migration and mobile agents.
2. Similarly, wireless technologies provide support for mobile computing, with the develop-
ment of many wireless protocols like Bluetooth, the Infrared Data Association (IrDA) stan-
dards, wireless access protocol (WAP), etc.
3. Infrastructure support for transparent movement of entities from one location to another
on the Internet and for issues of performance, scalability and reliability have been pro-
vided by the presence of numerous mobile agent systems that have been developed in re-
cent years.
4. Standardization has been provided in the form of CORBA (common object request broker
architecture) and the MASIF (mobile agent system interoperability facility) standard, which
allow for interoperable systems to be built and used worldwide.
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4 Mobile Computing
1. Security is the biggest challenge for mobility. Security includes user authentication, data
integrity and privacy, prevention of denial of service and non-repudiation. It may be appre-
ciated that it is easier to provide security for a stationary system as compared to a mobile
one, since the former can be guarded by intrusion detection systems and firewalls. The latter
provides more security holes that have to be plugged. These include problems like unautho-
rized access, data corruption, denial of access/service, spoofing, Trojan horses, replaying and
eavesdropping, among others.
The existing security infrastructure is designed only to protect stationary systems and
thus needs to be adapted or modified for use in mobile systems. Security of mobile systems
is the subject of Chapter 11.
2. Reliability, in terms of availability of resources, in the presence of disconnection, is also a
major issue for mobile systems. In fact, it is both a technical issue and a benefit for mobility.
Reliability can be improved by mobility but needs additional support in the form of caching
and loading of state. Similarly, replication and check-pointing, file-hoarding, message-
queuing and fault-tolerance tools need to be provided.
3. Naming and locating are common issues for all forms of mobility. Without locating a mobile
object, communication with it or its control is not possible. Communication channels must
be reconstructed after every movement. Naming is to be associated with authentication, and
all recycling is to be done with great care. Controlling a mobile entity is necessary to check
its status or to suspend, kill or recall it.
All three of the above issues and their implementation will be discussed in detail in sub-
sequent chapters.
1. They are based on a second-generation technology like GSM (global system for mobile
communication), IS-136 or IS-95.
2. Since they use the higher 1900-MHz band, an MS needs more power. This is because higher
frequencies have a shorter range than lower ones. Alternatively, it can be said that the BS and
the MS need to be closer to each other; that is, use smaller cell sizes.
3. They offer a whole spectrum of communication services ranging from an ordinary cell
phone, short message service (SMS), to cable TV and limited Internet access.
Introduction to Mobility 5
node node
Physical context: The context can be that of the physical environment. The parameters for
defining a physical context are service disconnection, light level, noise level and signal
strength. Assume a mobile phone is operating in a busy, congested area. If the device is
aware of the surrounding noises, it can raise the speaker volume. If there is intermittent loss
of connectivity during the conversation, the device can introduce background noises so that
the user does not feel discomfort due to intermittent periods of silence.
Computing context: Computing context is defined by interrelationships and conditions of
the network connectivity protocol in use. Examples of the latter could be Bluetooth, ZigBee,
GSM, general packet radio service (GPRS) or CDMA. Computing context may also be bandwidth
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6 Mobile Computing
and available resources. Examples of resources in a mobile device are keypad, display unit,
printer and device cradle.
User context: The user context is defined as user location, user profiles, and persons near the
user. It is based on the condition of the user, the primary intent of the systems and all other
elements that allow users and computing systems to communicate.
Temporal context: Temporal context defines the interrelation between time and the occur-
rence of an event or action. A group of interface components has an intrinsic or extrinsic
temporal context. For example, when a user presses a key to add a contact in his mobile
device, the device should prompt him to enter a number as an input.
Structural context: It defines a sequence and structure formed by the elements or records.
Graphical user interface (GUI) elements have structural context. Interrelation among the
GUI elements depends on the structural positions on the display screen. For example, in a
date, the hours are displayed on the left of the minutes.
Introduction to Mobility 7
Chapter 7 deals with WSNs. It shows how these are different from MANETs and gives their
characteristics, architecture and some popular routing techniques developed for them. Case stud-
ies of the Mica mote sensor node and the TinyOS operating system used for it are also presented.
Chapter 8 discusses the handheld devices like PDAs and pocket computers used in mobile
computing. It discusses the characteristics of various such devices, including Palm and HP devices.
The operating systems used with such devices have certain special features. These are presented
with respect to the Palm OS, the Windows CE and Windows Mobile operating systems.
Wide area mobile computing is the subject of Chapter 9, which presents what is now called
the mobile Internet and the WAP, used to access the Internet on the move. The traditional Web
programming model is compared with the wireless Web programming model. The WAP protocol
stack is introduced and the WAP Gateway is discussed in detail, together with its design.
Chapter 10 revisits logical mobility in the form of mobile agents, their characteristics and
architecture and highlights their differences with process migration, mobile codes and mobile
objects. The two earliest and basic mobile agent platforms, namely, Aglets and Agent Tcl, are pre-
sented in detail. PMADE, a mobile agent platform developed at IIT Roorkee, is also presented. A
discussion on the advantages of Java as a programming language for mobile agents is also given.
Chapter 11 discusses the most important and crucial issue of security in mobile computing
systems. It highlights the security threats present in wireless systems. The security mechanisms
present in IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth and WAP2.0 to take cognizance of and counter these threats
are also discussed in this chapter.
Since this book is about mobile computing practice, the last chapter, Chapter 12, presents in
detail as many as seven programming projects that can be designed and implemented by readers
in different aspects of mobile computing. It thus provides an opportunity to have hands-on
experience in designing and coding such systems.
The appendix gives some details of Java as a network programming language, and covers
topics like socket programming, remote procedure call (RPC) and the Java RMI. Some examples
are given to provide a clear understanding of these concepts.
1.8 Summar y
Mobility is the hallmark of all animate beings and represents the movement from scarcity to
resource-rich locations. In computing, mobility is characterized by logical or physical mobility
and is represented by process migration, mobile agents or handheld-device communication.
Mobile computing includes all these concepts, and it gives rises to a number of benefits, together
with many technical issues and challenges. These have been dealt with in various ways, as discussed
in this chapter, and the details are the subjects of the ensuing chapters.
In the next chapter, we shall concentrate on the various communication technologies that
facilitate mobile computing.
1. What are the most important challenges facing mobile computing today? Discuss each of
them in detail.
2. Distinguish mobile computing from distributed computing.
3. Go on to the Web and find about the state-of-the-art in mobile computing.
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8 Mobile Computing
4. Do you have a pocket computer or PDA? If so, list the facilities it provides that can be listed
under mobile computing applications.
5. The computer-networking architecture consists of seven layers, as given in the ISO OSI
reference model. In your opinion, in which layer(s) should mobility be incorporated
and why?
6. Recent conferences on mobile computing, such as ACM Mobicom and MobiSys, have pub-
lished many articles on the subject. Read them and identify some of the current research
challenges being addressed by researchers.
7. Do you think Java is suited for programming mobile computing systems? Explain your
answer. (Do not look ahead into the later chapters of the book!)
8. What is your idea of a ubiquitous computing scenario for the home? Elaborate on this.
9. Discuss why security concerns in traditional systems are simpler than those in mobile
systems. Give one example of a security threat that is present in the latter but not in the former.
10. Give one example where ‘disconnected operation’ may become imperative in a mobile com-
puting scenario.
Multiple-choice questions
1. Which one of the following is ‘computing that allows continuous access to remote resources
even with the physical mobility of small computing devices such as laptops’?
(a) Soft computing
(b) Mobile computing
(c) Remote computing
(d) Ubiquitous computing
2. Pervasive computing is also called by which one of the following names?
(a) Soft computing
(b) Mobile computing
(c) Remote computing
(d) Ubiquitous computing
3. Wireless sensor networks are examples of which one of the following?
(a) Soft computing
(b) Mobile computing
(c) Remote computing
(d) Ubiquitous computing
4. Which one of the following can be characterized as ‘mobility through a global network’?
(a) Macro-mobility
(b) Micro-mobility
(c) Ad hoc mobility
(d) None of the above
5. Mobility of a device in one single administrative domain of the global network is known as
which one of the following?
(a) Macro-mobility
(b) Micro-mobility
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Introduction to Mobility 9
Further reading
A.S. Tanenbaum (2005), Computer Networks, 4th ed. (Prentice Hall India).
A.T. Campbell (2000), ‘Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Cellular IP’, IEEE Personal
Communications, 7 (August): 42–49.
C. Perkins (1998), Mobile IP: Design Principles and Practice (Addison-Wesley Longman).
D. Kotz et al. (1997), ‘Agent Tcl: Targeting the Needs of Mobile Computing’, IEEE Internet Computing,
1(4): 58–67.
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10 Mobile Computing
D. Lange and M. Oshima (1998), ‘Mobile Agents with Java: The Aglet API’, World Wide
Web, 1(3).
D. Milojicic et al. (1998), ‘MASIF: The OMG Mobile Agent System Interoperability Facility’, in
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Mobile Agents (MA ’98), Stuttgart.
D. Milojicic, F. Douglis and R. Wheeler (eds) (2000), Mobility: Processes, Computers and Agents
D.B. Lange and M. Oshima (1998), Programming and Deploying Java Mobile Agents with Aglets
D.P. Agrawal and Q.A. Zeng (2003), Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems (Thomson).
D.R. Cheriton (1984), ‘The V-kernel: A Software Base for Distributed Systems’, IEEE Software, 1(2):
E. Pitoura and G. Samaras (1998), Data Management for Mobile Computing (Norwell, MA: Kluwer
Academic Publishers).
E.R. Zayas (1987), ‘Attacking the Process Migration Bottleneck’, in Proceedings of the 11th ACM
on Operating Systems Principles, pp. 13–24.
F. Adelstein et al. (eds) (2005), Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing (Tata McGraw-
J. Kistler and M. Satyanarayan (1992), ‘Disconnected Operation in the CODA Distributed
System’, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 10(1): 3–25.
M. Rozier and J.M. Legatheaux (1986), ‘The Chorus Distributed Operating System: Some Design
Issues’, Y. Parker et al (eds.), in Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on
Distributed Operating Systems: Theory and Practice, Springer-Verlag, New York, August
1986, pp. 261–289.
M. Weiser (1991), ‘The Computer of 21st Century’, Scientific American, 265(3): 94–104.
M.C. Powell and B.P. Miller (1983), ‘Process Migration in DEMOS/MP’, ACM SIGOPS OS Review,
17(5): 110–119.
M.J. Acetta et al. (1986), ‘Mach, a New Kernel Foundation for UNIX Development’, in Proceed-
ings of the Summer USENIX Conference, June 1986, pp. 93–113.
M.J. Litzkow, M. Livny, and M.W. Mutka (1988), ‘Condor—A Hunter of Idle Workstations’, in
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Distributed Systems, June 1988,
pp. 104–111.
R. Kamal (2007), Mobile Computing (Oxford University Press).
R.B. Patel (2002), ‘Manual of PMADE’ (Internal Report, Department of E&CE, IIT Roorkee,
Uttarakhand, India).
Reza B’Far (2005), Mobile Computing Principles: Designing and Developing Mobile Applications with
UML and XML (Cambridge University Press).
T. Imielinski and H.F. Korth (eds) (1996), Mobile Computing (Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic
U. Hausmann et al. (2003), Principles of Mobile Computing, 2nd ed. (Springer).
V. Kumar (2006), Mobile Database Systems (John Wiley).
W.R. Cockayne and M. Zyda (1998), Mobile Agents (Manning Publications).
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n this chapter, we will discuss the transmission technologies that form the basis of all mobile
computing. In particular, we study in detail mobile or wireless communication and the differ-
ent protocols that have been developed to physically or logically connect two mobile devices.
Thus, this chapter looks at the physical layer technologies used in mobile computing, using what
is called unguided media, as opposed to guided media, which consist of copper fibres, twisted
pairs and optical fibres, and which are used for wired communication. The basis for all wireless
transmission is the electromagnetic spectrum, in which lie the different frequency bands that are
used for wireless communication. We will discuss in detail the characteristics of each of these
frequency bands and the wireless and cellular communication systems enabled by them.
It is assumed here that the reader is familiar with the theoretical basis for data communica-
tion, that is, the terms frequency, wavelength, channel, speed of light, bandwidth, the maximum data
rate of a channel, etc., and the relation between them.
For the sake of completeness, and because it is an important and relevant relation for this
book, we must state here that the amount of information that a noisy channel can carry is gov-
erned by its bandwidth. According to Shannon, the maximum data rate of a noisy channel
whose bandwidth is H Hz and whose signal-to-noise ratio is S/N is given by
For example, a channel of 3,000 Hz bandwidth and signal-to-thermal noise ratio of 30 dB can
never transmit more than 30,000 bps.
For other related information, the uninitiated reader is referred to Tanenbaum (2003).
12 Mobile Computing
F(Hz) 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016
Coa Terrestrial
FM microwave
AM radio
Maritime radio
F(Hz) 100 102 104 106 108 1010 1012 1014 1016 1018 1020 1022 1024
2.1.2 Microwaves
Frequencies above 100 MHz are called microwaves. These have the advantage that they can be
narrowly focused because they travel in straight lines. Thus, by properly aligning the sending
and receiving antennae, they are able to give much higher signal-to-noise ratio. For the same rea-
son, they are affected by the curvature of the earth if long-distance communication is to be used,
making it necessary to build repeater towers for the transmitting antennae. Microwaves are less
expensive to use than optical fibres and are therefore popular in mountainous and urban areas.
Microwaves have the disadvantage that they suffer from multipath fading. This is because
they do not pass easily through buildings and obstacles and are refracted by the atmospheric
layer; some waves therefore arrive out-of-phase with the direct ones, resulting in cancellation of
the signal. The effect of this type of fading changes with weather and frequency.
Infrared communication has very little use on the desktop. For example, it can be used for
connecting notebook computers and printers, but is not used in computer-to-computer commu-
nication. The Infrared Data Association (IrDA) has defined a number of standards governing
infrared wireless communication. These include the IrDA-data and IrDA-control standards. These
will be discussed in detail in the next chapter.
2.1.4 Lightwaves
Unguided optical signalling has been around for many years. In recent years, coherent optical
signalling using lasers mounted on rooftops has been used to connect the local area networks
(LANs) in two buildings. The signals are inherently unidirectional, so each building requires a
laser and photodetector. This scheme is very inexpensive and offers very high bandwidth. It is
easy to install and does not require a license to operate. A major disadvantage is that laser beams
cannot penetrate rain or thick fog. However, they work well on sunny days and can be effectively
used for ‘wireless outdoors’.
Satellite-based systems
14 Mobile Computing
The major advantage of GEOS systems is that contiguous global coverage up to 75 degrees
latitude can be provided with just three satellites. Their main drawback is that they have a large
240–270 ms round-trip propagation delay and need higher radio frequency (RF) power. On the
other hand, LEOS require less power but frequent handoffs. We shall discuss the characteristics of
each of these in some detail below.
1 3 2 4
the ground does not need much power, and the round-trip delay is only a few milliseconds. The
examples are Iridium, Globalstar and Teledisc, of which only the last one is briefly discussed here.
Teledesic is targeted at bandwidth-hungry Internet users all over the world. The goal of the
Teledesic system is to provide millions of concurrent Internet users with an uplink of as much as
100 Mbps and a downlink of up to 720 Mbps using a small, fixed, VSAT-type antenna, com-
pletely bypassing the telephone systems. It uses 30 satellites with large footprints, using the
high-bandwidth Ka band, and packet-switching in space, with each satellite capable of routing
packets to its neighbours. Users who want to send packets request and get assigned bandwidth
dynamically, in about 50 ms.
16 Mobile Computing
division duplexing (FDD) divides the frequency used, and time division duplexing (TDD) divides
the same frequency by time.
There are three basic ways in which many channels can be allocated within a given band-
width. These are with respect to frequency, time and code division multiplexing, using three
multiple-access techniques. These are frequency division multiple access, (FDMA), time division
multiple access (TDMA) and code division multiple access (CDMA). FDMA mainly uses FDD,
while TDMA and CDMA systems use either FDD or TDD. We will discuss these three techniques
in this section along with their advantages and disadvantages.
A multiple-access technique is important in mobile cellular systems, so that an MS can
distinguish a signal from the serving BS, and also discriminate the signals from an adjacent BS.
Multiple-access techniques are based on the orthogonalization of signals.
An FDMA system is one which uses different carrier frequencies to transmit the signal
for each user. If a system uses distinct time to transmit the signal for different users, it is a
TDMA system. If a system uses different codes to transmit the signal for each user, it is a
CDMA system.
Many systems like IS-54, IS-136, GSM and digital European cordless telecommunications
(DECT) use TDMA with fixed allocation. For example, for the DECT cordless phone system, the
BS uses 1 out of 12 slots for the downlink, whereas the MS uses 1 out of 12 different slots for the
uplink. Uplink and downlink are separated in time. Up to 12 different MS can use the same fre-
quency without interference. Each connection is allotted its own uplink and downlink pair. The
pattern is repeated every 10 ms; that is, each slot has a duration of 417 µsec. This repetition guar-
antees access to the medium every 10 ms, independent of any other connection. A guard band is
also used at the beginning and end of each slot to avoid collisions due to drifts in receiver and
transmitter clock frequency or computational delays in placing the data in a slot.
Fixed access patterns are efficient for connections with a constant data rate, as in classical
voice transmission with 32 or 64 Kbps duplex. But they are inefficient for bursty data or asym-
metric connections, as in Web browsing, where no data transmission occurs while the page is
being read, whereas clicking on a hyperlink triggers data transfer from the MS to the BS, followed
by a large volume of data returned from the Web server. In such cases, demand-oriented TDMA
schemes are used. In demand-oriented TDMA, the allocation is traffic dependent, and the BS
can reserve time slots for an MS on demand.
An airport lounge has many pairs of people conversing. TDMA is comparable to all the people being in
the middle of the room but taking turns speaking. FDMA is comparable to the people being in widely
separated clumps, each clump holding its own conversation at the same time as, but still independent
of, the others. CDMA is comparable to everybody being in the middle of the room talking at once, but
with each pair in a different language. The French-speaking couple just hones in on the French, reject-
ing everything that is not French as noise.
In CDMA we extract only the desired signal and reject everything else as random noise.
Here, each bit time is subdivided into m short intervals called chips. There are normally 64 or
128 chips per bit or longer. Each station is assigned a unique m-bit code called a chip sequence.
Chip sequences in IS-95, for example, are 242 1 chips long, and the chipping sequence is
1228800 chips/s; that is, the code repeats after 41.425 days.
To transmit a 1 bit, a station sends its chip sequence. To transmit a 0 bit, it sends the 1-bit’s
complement of its chip sequence. No other patterns are permitted. Thus, for m 6, if station A
is assigned the chip sequence 010011, it sends a 1 bit by sending 010011 and a 0 bit by sending
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18 Mobile Computing
101100. For pedagogical purposes, it is more convenient to use a bipolar notation, with binary
0 being ⫺1 and binary 1 being ⫹1.
To synchronize the sender and the receiver, the sender transmits a long predefined chip
sequence so that the receiver can lock onto it. Transmissions that are not synchronized are treated
as noise. The longer the chip sequence, the higher the probability of detecting it correctly in the
presence of noise.
Implementation of the chip sequences and codes is complicated, and this is a major draw-
back with the CDMA scheme. But it is used for wireless mobile communication, as it operates in
a much higher (1.25 MHz) band than D-AMPS and GSM, where it can support many more users
than either of these systems.
For a good comparison of the above techniques, the reader is referred to Schiller (2006).
F5 F6 F4
F6 F4 F1
F1 F7 F3
F7 F3 F2
F2 F5
F6 F4
F7 F3
(a) (b)
Figure 2.4(a) Adjacent cells use different Figure 2.4(b) Microcells add more
frequencies users
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If the area is overloaded, the power is reduced and the overloaded cells are split into smaller
microcells. This allows for more frequency reuse and is shown in Figure 2.4b. At the centre of
each cell is a BS to which all the telephones in the cell transmit. In a small system, all the BSs are
connected to a single device which is called an MTSO (mobile telephone switching office) or
MSC (mobile switching centre). In a larger system, several MTSOs may be used in a hierarchical
Handoff: At any time instant, a mobile phone logically belongs to one cell and is under con-
trol of its BS. When it moves physically from the cell, the BS notices the phone’s fading signal
and finds out from other neighbouring BSs as to which one is getting the strongest signal. It then
transfers ownership of the mobile to the BS of that cell. If a call is in progress, the mobile is asked
to switch to the new channel used in that adjacent cell. This process is called handoff or handover.
A BS is only a radio relay; the channel assignment is done by the MTSO.
Handoffs can be either soft or hard. In a soft handoff, the mobile is acquired by the new BS
before the old one signs off. Thus, there is no loss of continuity. But it requires the mobile to be
able to tune to two frequencies at the same time. Neither first- nor second-generation devices can
do this. 3G CDMA systems provide soft handover, resulting in seamless connectivity to the
mobile. In a hard handoff, the old BS drops the mobile before the new one acquires it. The call
is disconnected abruptly if there is no available frequency with the new BS, or there is a call drop
till the new frequency is received. This is noticeable by the user but is typically of very short
duration of about 60 ms in GSM systems.
Different kinds of handover are possible when a mobile moves from one cell to another or when
traffic through a specific stage becomes very high. Readers are referred to (Kamal, 2007) for details.
The AMPS system uses 832 full-duplex channels, each consisting of a pair of simplex chan-
nels (824–849 MHz for transmission and 869–894 MHz for reception). The individual cells use
different frequencies, using a system referred to as FDMA. Here the maximum supported bit rate
is 19.2 Kb/s.
Although 1G communication provided a good start, its main disadvantage was low speed
due to low available frequencies, interference due to frequency reuse and poor security.
1. It is more robust as it displays resistance to noise and crosstalk and has efficient error correction.
2. It exhibits the intelligence of the digital network.
3. It is more flexible and can be integrated with the wired digital network.
4. Reduced RF transmission power is needed.
5. Encryption can be provided for communication privacy.
6. System complexity is reduced.
7. User capacity is increased.
There are two basic technologies for managing shared access in digital cellular systems,
which are further classified as shown in Figure 2.5.
The IS-54 standard is a North American standard based on TDMA. It contains the 30 KHz
spacing of AMPS to make the evolution from analog to digital easier. Each channel provides a
raw bit rate of 48.6 Kb/s.
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20 Mobile Computing
2G Technologies
The Pan-European GSM is based on TDMA with eight slots per radio channel. Each user
transmits periodically in each of the slots with duration of 0.57 seconds. In the present version,
GSM supports full-rate 22.8 Kb/s transmission.
In spite of many improvements over 1G, 2G still has many shortcomings. First, it still focuses
only on low data rate speech service. Second, the capacity still does not satisfy the ever-growing
demand, and finally multimedia service is still not provided.
• Support high mobile velocity (300–500 km/hour), compared with less than 100 km/hour in
• Support global wandering, as opposed to district and country in GSM.
• Support multimedia service, especially Internet service, 144 Kb/s (outdoor and higher velocity),
384 Kb/s (from outdoor to indoor, lower velocity), 2 Mb/s (indoor); speech with quality of
service (QoS) and other services 4–100–200 Kbs/s (GSM, lower velocity).
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Service targets for IMT-2000 are worldwide roaming, software radio and user identity mod-
ule (smart card). Various services for users include multirate multimedia, that is, voice, image and
high-speed data up to 2 Mbps.
22 Mobile Computing
multiplexing) technique in which frames (the largest unit of data) are composed of packets,
fragments and radio data units (RDUs).
• Broadband radio transmission: MMC transmission is located at the V band (from 40–75 GHz),
centred at 60 GHz. New techniques for measurements have been proposed and carried out.
The chosen modulation scheme is orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM), which
is specifically able to cope with the problems of the multipath reception.
However, 4G is still a distant dream, since as of today even 3.5G systems are yet to take off.
2.5 Summar y
The electromagnetic spectrum contains all the frequencies that can be used in wireless commu-
nication and is the basis of all mobile computing. The different portions of the spectrum com-
prise radio waves, microwaves, infrared, and lightwaves, and their characteristics determine the
data rates and applications in which each of these ‘unguided’ media can be used.
Communication satellites are an upcoming and useful long-range transmission system.
Depending on their height of deployment, these can classified as geostationary orbit, medium
earth orbit and low earth orbit and can be used in different applications.
Cellular communication has revolutionized the way mobile handhelds and phones are used.
These handhelds are currently being used more for voice communication, but soon they will find
widespread use for data. The first-generation systems were analog, and second-generation ones
were digital with many options, like GSM, FDMA, TDMA and CDMA. There is a lot of talk about
3G, 3.5G and 4G systems, all of which are yet to take shape in reality. Each generation has
improved on the capabilities of the older generation, with many new features added for broad-
band applications. Handover is an important aspect of all mobile systems and must be handled
with proper care to provide seamless connectivity to mobile devices.
In the next chapter, we discuss wireless LAN (WLAN) standards, which are based on the
short-range wireless communication technologies discussed in this chapter.
1. If a binary signal is sent over a 4 KHz channel whose signal-to-noise ratio is 20 dB, what is
the maximum data rate achievable?
2. In a tabular form, compare radiowaves, microwaves and infrared waves, with respect to their
data rates, transmission distance, interference and cost.
3. Repeat Question 2 by comparing the three satellite communication types, namely, GEOS,
4. Give typical applications for each of the three satellite systems.
5. Discuss how digital communication is better than analog communication.
6. Compare and contrast FDMA, TDMA and CDMA techniques.
7. Elaborate on the goals of IMT2000.
8. Identify the generation of your own mobile phone. Do you think it has the functionality
discussed in this chapter for the relevant generation?
9. Differentiate between the two types of handoffs.
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Multiple-choice questions
1. The higher frequencies, that is, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma rays, are normally not
used for wireless transmission, because of which one of the following reasons?
(a) They are difficult to produce and modulate
(b) Do not propagate well through buildings
(c) They are harmful to humans
(d) All of the above
2. Which of the following is false for microwaves?
(a) They travel in straight lines and are thus affected by the earth’s curvature
(b) They are relatively inexpensive to use
(c) They can propagate well through buildings
(d) They are preferred over optic fiber, especially in harsh terrain or urban areas
3. According to Shannon’s theorem, the maximum data rate D of a noisy channel whose band-
width is H Hz, and whose signal-to-noise ratio is S/N, is given by which one of the following
(a) D H log 2 (1 S/N)
(b) D H (1 log 2 S/N)
(c) D 2H log 2 (1 S/N)
(d) None of the above
4. Which of the following is the correct sequence of waves in increasing order of frequencies?
(a) Radio, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet light, X-rays, gamma rays
(b) Microwaves, radio, visible light, X-ray, ultraviolet light, gamma rays
(c) Radio, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet light, gamma rays, X-rays
(d) Microwaves, radio, infrared, visible light, X-rays, gamma rays
5. Which one of the following is not true for infrared waves?
(a) They are capable of traversing multiple paths without interferences
(b) They are less secure than radio
(c) They have reasonably high bandwidth
(d) No government license is required for their operation
6. Globalstar satellites, which are close to the earth, do not need much power, and their round-
trip delay is only a few milliseconds, are examples of which one of the following?
(a) Geostationary satellites (GEOS)
(b) Medium earth orbit satellites (MEOS)
(c) Low earth orbit satellites (LEOS)
(d) None of the above
7. To which one of the following generations does CDMA belong?
(a) First generation
(b) Second generation
(c) Third generation
(d) Fourth generation
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24 Mobile Computing
Further reading
A.S. Tanenbaum (2003), Computer Networks, 4th ed. (New Delhi, India: Pearson Education).
C. Shannon (1948), ‘A Mathematical Theory of Communication’, Bell System Technical Journal, 27
(July, October): 379–423, 623–656.
C.R. Casal, F. Schoute and R. Prasad, ‘A Novel Concept for Fourth Generation Mobile Multimedia
Communication’, (accessed November 2005)
———, ‘Evolution towards Fourth Generation Mobile Multimedia Communication’, www.ubicom. (accessed March 2005)
D.P. Agrawal and Q.A. Zeng (2003), Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems (Thomson, Singapore).
J.F. Huber, D. Weiler and H. Brand (2000), ‘UMTS, the Mobile Multimedia Vision for IMT-2000:
A Focus on Standardization’, IEEE Communications Magazine, 38 (September): 129–136.
J.H. Schiller (2006), Mobile Communications, 2nd ed. (Pearson Education, USA).
J.S. Lee and L.E. Miller (1998), CDMA Systems Engineering Handbook (London: Artech House).
R. Kamal (2007), Mobile Computing (Oxford University Press).
X. Zhou, ‘Overview of the Third Generation Mobile Communications’, www.meru.cecs.missouri.
edu/workshop/zxb_pres1.ppt. (accessed January 2005)
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Wireless Networ ks 3
ith the advent and recent proliferation of handheld devices, wireless local area net-
works (WLANs) have become very popular. One can see them in offices, campus build-
ings, airports, hotels, restaurants, etc., facilitating continuous access to the Internet,
through what has come to be known as the wireless indoors. Recently, the concept of the
wireless outdoors has also emerged, which is concerned with the so-called last mile technology
or wireless local loop (WLL) or fixed wireless access. To provide connectivity to millions of homes
and businesses one has to lay fibre, coax, or category 5 twisted pair, which is a very daunting and
costly affair. The provider uses a directed antenna and a transmitter of predefined power to ensure
stable reception of high-frequency signals within a limited coverage area, such as an individual
WLL can be narrowband or wideband. Broadband wireless or wireless metropolitan area
networks (WMANs) simply require erecting a big antenna on a hill just outside the town and
installing antennas directed at it on customers’ rooftops. We shall study both WLAN and WMAN
standards in this chapter.
WLANs can operate in two configurations—with base stations or access points that are con-
nected to the wired network, or without base stations, that is, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs).
MANETs are the subject of discussion in Chapter 6. Both configurations, however, use the short-
range radio-wave transmission discussed in Section 2.2. See Figure 3.1.
To wired network
Base station
(a) (b)
Figure 3.1 Wireless Networ ks (a) With Base Station (b) Without Base Station
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26 Mobile Computing
When wireless networks were first developed, there were many challenges that had to be
met. Some of them have been mentioned in Chapter 2. These challenges included finding an
available worldwide frequency band, dealing with the finite range of signals, maintaining user
privacy, taking limited battery life into account, understanding the implications of mobility,
making the system economically viable, etc. We shall be dealing with all these issues in the book.
1. Ethernet uses carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD). An
Ethernet station just waits until the ether is idle and starts transmitting. If it does not receive a
noise burst back within the first 64 bytes, it assumes that the frame has been delivered correctly.
But carrier sensing is not possible in the wireless environment. Also, not all stations are within
the radio range of each other. Transmissions going on in one part of a cell may not be received
elsewhere in the same cell. There are two problems encountered in this scenario—the problem of
the hidden station and the problem of the exposed station.
a. The hidden station problem: Shown in Figure 3.2 is a WLAN containing stations A, B
and C. C, which is not in the radio range of A, is transmitting to station B. If station A
senses the channel, it will not hear anything because it is hidden from C. It falsely con-
cludes that it may now start transmitting to B, resulting in a collision.
b. The exposed station problem: Consider the same WLAN, but now the scenario is as
shown in Figure 3.3. A is transmitting to some station D not shown in the diagram. B is
near A and can hear A sending. It falsely concludes that it cannot transmit to C, even
though it can do so simultaneously. Thus, because of B’s exposed location to A, it defers
its transmission even when it need not.
2. Multipath fading (interference). This is due to reflection of radio signals by solid objects,
which results in signals being received along multiple paths. This may cause interference, leading
to data becoming error-prone in the wireless environment.
Range of
C’s radio
C is transmitting
A wants to send
to B but cannot
hear that B is busy
Wireless Networ ks 27
Range of
A’s radio
A is transmitting
B wants to send to C
but mistakenly thinks the
transmission will fail
The above limitations of the standard Ethernet necessitated the development of a new stan-
dard for WLANs.
• 802.11: Infrared, which uses diffused transmission at 0.85 or 0.95 microns. Two speeds are
permitted, those of 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. The advantage of infrared transmission, as seen in
Chapter 2, is that infrared signals do not penetrate walls, so cells in adjacent rooms are well
insulated from each other. But it is not good in sunlight, as sunlight swamps infrared signals.
Further, bandwidth is limited.
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28 Mobile Computing
Transmitter Receiver
Spreading Despread
Hopping Hopping
pattern pattern
• 802.11: FHSS (frequency hopping spread spectrum), in which the transmitter hops from
frequency to frequency hundreds of times per second. It uses 79 channels, each 1 MHz wide,
starting at the low end of the 2.4 GHz ISM (industrial, scientific, medical applications) band.
A pseudorandom generator is used to produce the sequence of hopped frequencies. Figure 3.4
shows the concept of FHSS. Stations need to use the same seed for the pseudorandom gener-
ator and stay synchronized in time to hop to the same frequencies. The dwell time, which is
the amount of time spent at each frequency, is adjustable, but must be less than 400 msec.
Since the hopping sequence and dwell time are not known, FHSS provides security against
eavesdropping. It is resistant to multipath fading and is relatively insensitive to radio inter-
ference, which makes it popular for building-to-building links, that is, for wireless outdoors.
Its main disadvantage is its low bandwidth and low power.
• 802.11: DSSS (direct sequence spread spectrum) is like CDMA, but has some differences. It
is also restricted to 1 or 2 Mbps. Each bit is transmitted as 11 chips in what is called a Barker
sequence. Phase shift modulation is used at 1 or 2 Mbaud to transmit 1 or 2 bits per baud,
when operating at 1 or 2 Mbps, respectively. The concept of DSSS is shown in Figure 3.5.
Subsequently, these speeds were considered too slow, and in 1999, two new standards were
proposed. These are as follows:
• 802.11a: OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing), which uses the wider 5 GHz
ISM frequency band to deliver up to 54 Mbps. In OFDM, which is a form of spread spectrum,
but different from CDMA and FHSS, 52 different frequencies are used: four for synchroniza-
tion and 48 for data. Splitting the signal into many narrow bands offers key advantages like
better immunity to narrowband interference and the possibility of using non-contiguous
bands. It also has good spectrum efficiency in terms of bits/Hz and good immunity to multi-
path fading.
• 802.11b: HR-DSSS (high-rate DSSS) is another spread-spectrum technique, which uses
11 million chips/second to deliver data rates up to 11 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz band. Data rates
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Wireless Networ ks 29
Transmitter Receiver
Spreading Despread
Code Code
c(t) c(t)
supported are 1, 2, 5.5 and 11 Mbps. These rates may be dynamically adapted during opera-
tion to achieve the optimum speed possible under current conditions of load and noise.
Although it is incompatible with 802.11a and is much slower, its range is 7 times greater.
• 802.11g: This uses the modulation technique of 802.11a, that is, OFDM, and the frequency
band of 802.11b, so it theoretically delivers up to 54 Mbps data rates.
1. Distributed Coordination Function (DCF): As the name suggests, this mode does not use
any central control like the Ethernet. But it uses CSMA/CA, that is, CSMA with collision avoid-
ance, which itself supports two methods of operation.
Upper layers
Figure 3.6 The Lower Layers of the IEEE 802.11 Protocol Stack
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30 Mobile Computing
RTS Data
The first method uses physical channel sensing. When a station wants to transmit, it senses
the channel. If it is idle, it starts transmitting. It does not continue to sense the channel while
transmitting, but sends the complete frame, which may be destroyed at the receiver due to inter-
ference there. If a collision occurs, the colliding stations wait for a random time, using the Ether-
net binary exponential backoff (BEB) algorithm, and then try again later. If the receiver does not
send an acknowledgement, the transmitter knows that a collision has occurred. There is no colli-
sion detection at the transmitter.
The second method is based on multiple access with collision avoidance for wireless
(MACAW) and uses virtual channel sensing. It works as shown in Figure 3.7. Suppose there are
four stations A, B, C and D in a network, such that B and C are within the range of A. D is not
within A’s range but is within the range of B.
Suppose A decides to send data to B. The protocol works as follows:
Note that the signals shown in Figure 3.7 for C and D, called network allocation vector
(NAV), are not transmitted. They are internal reminders to indicate that no data can be transmit-
ted during that time. This is a kind of virtual channel busy signal, asserted by the stations them-
selves, using the NAV. The time for which they must wait can be calculated using the
information present in the RTS and CTS frames.
Because of the noisy, wireless channel, the probability of the frame reaching the destination
successfully decreases with frame length. For noisy channels, 802.11 allows frames to be frag-
mented into smaller pieces, each with its own checksum. Once the channel has been acquired
using RTS and CTS, multiple fragments can be sent in a row (see Figure 3.8). The sequence of
fragments is called a fragment burst. Fragmentation increases the throughput by allowing only
bad fragments to be retransmitted, not the whole frame.
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Wireless Networ ks 31
Fragment burst
2. Point Coordination Function (PCF): This mode of operation uses a central base station
which polls other stations, asking them if they have any frames to send. No collisions can occur
here. The base station broadcasts a beacon frame periodically, with the necessary system para-
meters, viz., hopping sequence, dwell times, clock synchronization, etc. It also invites new stations
to sign up for the polling service. During signing up, the station is guaranteed a certain fraction
of bandwidth to maintain quality of service (QoS). To save battery life, the base station can direct
a mobile station to go into sleep state until explicitly awakened by the base station or the user.
While the mobile station is asleep, the base station buffers any frames directed to it.
802.11 allows both PCF and DCF to coexist within one cell by carefully defining the inter-
frame time interval. After a frame has been sent, a certain amount of time is required before any
station may send another frame. Four different intervals are defined, each for a specific purpose.
These are shown in Figure 3.9.
1. SIFS (short interframe spacing) is used to allow the parties in a single dialog to go first.
This includes sending a CTS frame, ACK frame and fragment bursts.
2. PIFS (PCF interframe spacing) is used by exactly one station to respond after an SIFS
interval. If the station fails to make use of its chance and the time PIFS elapses, the base
station sends a beacon frame or poll frame.
3. DIFS (DCF interframe spacing) is the time after which the base station does not respond.
Then any station may attempt to acquire the channel to send a new frame. The usual
contention rules apply here.
4. EIFS (extended interframe spacing) is the time used by a station to report error if it has a
received a bad or unknown frame.
32 Mobile Computing
To From
Version Type Subtype MF Retry Pwr More W O
Bits 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Duration Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Seq. Address 4 Data Checksum
Bytes 2 2 6 6 6 2 6 0-2312 4
Wireless Networ ks 33
it needs PCF services (polling) and what its power requirements are. The base station may
accept or reject the mobile station. However, if it is accepted, the mobile station has to authen-
ticate itself.
2. Disassociation: This service is used when either the mobile station or the base station
wants to break the connection. The base station may do so for maintenance purposes or if
it wants to go down. The mobile station may disassociate when it is leaving or shutting
3. Re-association: This service is used when a mobile station wants to change the base station,
as when it moves from one cell to another.
4. Distribution: This service deals with routing of frames that are sent to the base station. If the
destination of the frame is local, it is sent directly over the air; else, it is forwarded over the
wired network.
5. Integration: This service is used if the frame has to be sent to a non-802.11 network. The
frame must be translated from the 802.11 format to the format of the destination network.
The station services are concerned with working within the same cell. They are used after a
mobile station has associated with a base station and are as follows:
1. Authentication: This service is used by the base station to check the identity of the mobile
station. Initially, the standard did not require the base station to prove its own identity to
the mobile station, but this defect in the standard is being corrected.
2. De-authentication: When a mobile station that has been authenticated wants to leave the
network, it is de-authenticated by the base station. After de-authentication, it cannot use the
network anymore.
3. Privacy: This service is used to ensure that the data in the wireless network is confidential.
Encryption is used for this purpose.
4. Data delivery: This service is the one used by mobile stations to send and receive data. It is
a reliable service requiring the higher layers to provide for error detection and correction.
3.3 Bluetooth
Bluetooth was developed in 1994 by a study interest group (SIG) consisting of IBM, Intel, Nokia
and Toshiba for connecting mobile phones or computing and communication devices without
the use of cables. In 2002 it was taken up by the IEEE wireless personal area network (WPAN)
Committee as the IEEE 802.15 standard, for the physical and data link layers.
It is a short-range, low-cost and power-efficient radio-frequency-based wireless technology
that supports both point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections. It connects one hand-
held device to another Bluetooth-enabled device(s) within a 30-foot or 10-meter radius, such as
mobile phones, laptops, printers and other accessories. It is like having a universal remote for the
kinds of devices one uses every day and is oriented towards the mobile consumer wanting to do
digital imaging and multimedia applications.
Bluetooth operates in the unlicensed ISM band, with slight locational variations. Its essen-
tial characteristics are summarized in Table 3.1. Bluetooth-enabled devices can automatically
locate each other, but user action is necessary to make connections with other devices and to
form networks.
Eight devices can be connected in a Bluetooth network, known as a piconet. One of them
acts as the master and the others are called slaves. A scatternet is formed when two or more
piconets connect via a bridge node. This is shown in Figure 3.11.
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34 Mobile Computing
Characteristics Description
In addition to the seven active slaves, there can be up to 255 parked nodes (in low power
state) in the net that can only respond to a beacon signal from the master. Slaves are dumb
devices, doing what the master tells them to do. The piconet is a TDM system, with the master
controlling the clock and determining which slave gets to communicate in which time slot. All
communication is between master and slave, not between slave and slave.
Piconet 3 Piconet 2
User B’s
mobile phone
User C’s PDA
User B’s PDA
Laptop C Laptop B
(Master of piconet 3) (Master of piconet 2)
Piconet 1
Wireless Networ ks 35
1. Non-cable connections: Bluetooth technology has replaced cables by wireless for many
short-range interconnections. These include mouse and keyboard computer connections; 12 Mbps
and 480 Mbps USB (USB 1.1 and 2.0); printers and modems, at 4 Mbps; and wireless headsets and
microphones for interfacing with PCs and mobile phones.
2. File sharing: File sharing between Bluetooth-enabled devices has become very simple,
enabling Bluetooth-compatible laptops to share files with each other or Bluetooth-compatible
mobile phones to act as wireless modems for laptops. Thus Bluetooth provides the laptop with
complete networking facilities without using an electrical interface for the same.
3. Wireless synchronization: Bluetooth-enabled devices can automatically synchronize
with each other wirelessly. This facilitates personal information present in address and appoint-
ment sheets to be transferred between PDAs, laptops, palmtops and mobile phones.
4. Wireless Internet connectivity: Since Bluetooth is supported by a variety of devices,
Internet connectivity is possible when these devices connect together and use each other’s cap-
abilities. Thus a laptop with a Bluetooth connection can request a mobile phone to establish a
dial-up connection and then access the Internet through that connection.
Bluetooth will soon be available in office appliances like PCs, faxes, printers and laptops;
communication devices like cell phones, handsets, pagers, and headsets; and home systems
like DVD players, cameras, refrigerators and microwave ovens. Many other exciting applica-
tions for Bluetooth include vending machines, banking and other electronic payment sys-
tems, wireless office and conference rooms, smart homes and in-vehicle communications and
36 Mobile Computing
Name Description
Bluetooth. Packet switching allows Bluetooth devices to send multiple data packets on the
same path.
It is to be noted that because both 802.11 and Bluetooth operate in the 2.4 GHz ISM band,
they interfere with each other, and since Bluetooth hops faster than 802.11, a Bluetooth is more
likely to ruin 802.11 transmissions, rather than the other way around.
The Bluetooth baseband layer is the link-level protocol that allows links to be estab-
lished between Bluetooth devices. It encapsulates the raw bit stream into frames. Many formats
are possible. In one format, the master provides TDM time slots of 625 µs. The master’s trans-
missions begin in the even slot and the slaves’ transmissions begin in the odd ones, giving the
master half the slots with all the slaves sharing the other half. Frames can be sized 1, 3, or 5
slots in length.
Other RF Service
comm discovery
Audio Control
Logical link control adaptation protocol
Link manager
Physical radio
Wireless Networ ks 37
A logical channel, called a link, is used to transfer data between the master and a slave. Two
kinds of links are possible:
1. The asynchronous connectionless (ACL) link is used for packet-switched data coming
from the L2CAP layer on the sending side and delivered to the L2CAP layer on the receiving side.
ACL traffic is a best-effort one, with no guarantees given; frames can be lost and may have to be
retransmitted. A slave can have only one ACL link with the master.
2. The synchronous connection-oriented (SCO) link is used for real-time data such as
telephony. In this, the channel is allocated a fixed slot in each direction. Due to the time-critical
nature of SCO links, frames are never retransmitted, and forward correction is used to provide
high reliability. A slave can have up to 3 SCO channels with its master, and each link can trans-
mit one 64 Kbps PCM audio channel.
The link manager protocol (LMP) is a data link layer protocol that communicates with its
peer in the target device. It defines the messages used by software in the master for polling the
client even when the master has no data to transport. Messages are exchanged between partici-
pating devices to set up and maintain links. LMP messages are transported in the payload data
field of a Bluetooth data packet.
These messages also control authentication and encryption. Authentication is carried out
using a challenge/response protocol between the verifier and claimant. After authentication, the
participating devices must agree on common encryption parameters including encryption type
and key.
The logical link control and adaptation protocol (L2CAP) is used by upper-layer protocols
for data transport. It can be thought of as an adapter between upper and lower layers. It provides
both connectionless and connection-oriented service. L2CAP messages are transported in the
payload data field of Bluetooth data packets just as LMP messages are. L2CAP is responsible for
upper-level protocol data segmentation and reassembly as well as transport of QoS information.
It can accept blocks of data up to 64 kB in length and will reliably transport them to its peer in
the target device using services provided by the baseband layer by creating a logical channel from
one device to the other.
The Bluetooth audio protocol belongs to the data link level. It is the only protocol to use
the SCO link for synchronous communication. An application can obtain synchronous services
simply by opening a voice data link.
The service discovery protocol (SDP) is used to find new services as they become avail-
able and to deregister services that become unavailable. It is optimized for a fast-changing
38 Mobile Computing
describing attributes like service class ID, provider name, icon URL, service ID, etc., is kept for each
service available on that device.
The Radio frequency communication interface (RFCOMM) provides an RS-232 serial port
emulation to the application or to higher-level protocols. It provides a common programming
interface for actual serially connected devices such as printers and modems as well as communi-
cation through a Bluetooth link. RFCOMM can support up to 60 concurrent connections.
The Bluetooth telephony control protocol specification—binary (TCS-BIN) defines the call-
control signals for establishing a voice connection between Bluetooth devices. It has three major
components. The call control component handles the establishment of a voice connection between
two devices. Group management provides support for signaling among groups of devices in a
piconet. The connectionless TCS component provides signaling for applications that do not require
a synchronous voice connection. The advanced telephony (AT) commands enable telephony con-
trol. These commands are generally used for modem control, but they also support FAX transfer.
The remaining protocols in the stack use the RFCOMM interface. An Internet protocol (IP)
stack including (user datagram protocol (UDP) and transmission control protocol (TCP) can be
implemented using point-to-point protocol (PPP) as an interface to RFCOMM. The IP stack can
be used to provide wireless access protocol (WAP) capability on Bluetooth devices. WAP provides
value-added services such as email delivery across wireless links. This can be useful when updat-
ing email on a laptop. The laptop would be connected to the mobile phone using Bluetooth. The
email would be transmitted to the mobile phone and from the phone to the laptop using WAP as
a transport protocol.
The object exchange protocol (OBEX) is used to exchange data objects. It provides a
session layer service for synchronization and file transfer applications. It can be implemented on
Bluetooth either through the TCP/IP stack or through the RFCOMM interface. It can be used for
calendar or email synchronization, generic file transfer or for pushing business card data from
one Bluetooth device to another.
• The access code identifies the master so that slaves within the radio range of two masters can
tell which traffic is for them.
• The 54-bit header contains an 18-bit header which is repeated 3 times for a total of 54 bits.
This allows a receiver to examine all three copies of each bit and reject the one which does
Addr Type F A S
Bits 3 4 1 1 1 8
Wireless Networ ks 39
not have a majority. Note that such high redundancy is required for reliable transmission
when using lower-power devices of 2.5 mW on a noisy channel.
• The Address field in the header identifies which of the eight devices the frame is intended
• The Type field identifies whether it is an ACL, SCO, poll or null frame type, the type of error
correction used in the data field and how many slots long the frame is.
• The Flow bit is used for a primitive type of flow control and is asserted by a slave when its
buffer is full and it cannot receive any more data.
• The ACK bit is used to piggyback an acknowledgement onto a frame.
• The sequence bit is used to number the frames to detect retransmissions in a stop-and-wait
• This is followed by the 8-bit checksum.
• The data field is up to 2744 bits in the case of a five-slot transmission and is 240 bits for a
single time slot.
Infrared Physical
40 Mobile Computing
Fixed Network
The infrared link management protocol (IrLMP) supports ad hoc connections with peer
devices. IrLMP multiplexes data from multiple applications over the single data link. It also sup-
ports applications that request exclusive link access.
The link management-information access service (IrLM-IAS) layer is responsible for
discovery. It determines which services another device has to offer by retrieving data from its
discovery database.
A number of high-level protocols like Tiny-TP, IrOBEX, IrComm, IrLAN, IrTRAN, and IrMC
provide services to the applications. These are beyond the scope of this book.
3.5 HiperLAN
The high-performance LAN (HiperLAN) is another wireless standard derived from traditional
LAN environments and can support multimedia and asynchronous data effectively at high data
rates of 23.5 Mbps. It is primarily a European standard and was published in 1995–96. It does not
necessarily require any type of access point infrastructure for its operation, although a LAN
extension via access points can be implemented. See Figure 3.15.
HiperLAN comes in two versions: the original HiperLAN/1, and HiperLAN/2, which was pub-
lished in 2000. We shall describe below the salient points of each. For details, the reader is
referred to the literature.
HiperLAN/1 employs 5.15 GHz and 17.1 GHz frequency bands and has a data rate of
23.5 Mbps, with coverage of 50 m and low mobility of ⬍10 m/s.
• It supports a packet-oriented structure, which can be used for networks with or without a
central control (base station-mobile station and ad hoc) and can support 25 audio connec-
tions at 32 Kbps with a maximum latency of 10 ms, 1 video connection of 2 Mbps with
100 ms latency and a data rate of 13.4 Mbps.
• It thus effectively supports Motion Pictures Expert Group (MPEG) or other state-of-the-art
real-time digital audio and video standards.
• Because of its 5 GHz band, there is no conflict with home microwave ovens, etc. It uses
CSMA/CA and per-session encryption.
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Wireless Networ ks 41
• HiperLAN/1 describes the standards for service and protocols of the two lowest layers of the
OSI model. Its MAC layer is compatible with the standard MAC service interface, enabling
support for existing applications to remain unchanged.
HiperLAN/2 has been specifically developed to have a wired infrastructure, providing short-
range wireless access to wired networks like IP and ATM. The two main differences between
HiperLAN types 1 and 2 are as follows:
1. Type 1 has a distributed MAC with QoS provisions, whereas type 2 has a centralized sched-
uled MAC.
2. Type 1 is based on GMSK (gaussian minimum shift keying) whereas type 2 is based on OFDM.
42 Mobile Computing
range, making the communication line-of-sight (LOS). It was later extended to near LOS and non-
LOS situations, by adding several other physical layer protocols using frequencies below 11 GHz.
A WiMAX base station uses multiple antennas pointed in different directions. The area cov-
ered by one antenna’s signal is called a sector. The upstream and downstream channels are shared
among the many subscriber stations in a given sector and also among the many WiMAX
connections that each subscriber can have with the base station. Unlike 802.11 and the Ethernet,
WiMAX is connection-oriented. This enables WiMAX to offer a variety of QoS guarantees with
respect to latency and jitter. Thus it supports bursty data and high-quality telephone and high-
volume multimedia.
Sharing of upstream and downstream channels is done by dividing them into equal-sized
slots. A WiMAX frame generally takes up multiple slots, different frames taking a different num-
ber of slots. The downstream channel (from base station to subscribers) is easy to subdivide into
connections since only the base station sends on that channel. The station simply sends frames,
one after the other. Each subscriber station in the sector receives all the frames, but ignores those
not addressed to one of its connections.
In the upstream direction, the connection is handled depending on its QoS parameters.
Some connections get slots at a fixed rate, and some are polled to determine how many slots they
need at any time, while others request slots whenever needed. Contention in the last category is
dealt with by placing requests in a limited number of upstream slots set aside for this purpose.
The exponential backoff algorithm is used to minimize the chance of a collision.
It is to be emphasized here that although both IEEE 802.11 and 802.16 operate in similar
environments having been designed to provide high-bandwidth wireless communications, they
differ in many ways. The main difference is that while 802.16 provides service to buildings which
are ‘fixed’, 802.11 deals with ‘mobile’ notebooks.
Wireless Networ ks 43
Power 802.11a
consumption Hyper LAN
802.11 WLAN
802.15.4 WPAN
Data rate
The wireless technologies discussed above can be interworked to create heterogeneous wire-
less networks. For example, WPANs and WLANs will enable an extension of 3G cellular systems
into devices without direct cellular access. Devices connected in a WPAN can utilize a combina-
tion of 3G access and WLAN by selecting whichever access is best at a given time. Thus, 3G,
WLAN and WPAN technologies are not competitive, but give a choice to the user to select the
best connectivity for his purpose.
Figure 3.16 shows the scope of the various standards discussed in this chapter.
3.8 Summar y
WLAN standards are now becoming common but have their own problems, like the hidden
terminal and exposed terminal problems. Since CSMA does not work, solutions like MACAW are
used with it to give CSMA/CA.
IEEE 802.11 has emerged as the dominant WLAN technology. Its physical layer allows five
different transmission modes, including infrared and various spread-spectrum schemes. It provides
nine types of services, for intracell and intercell management.
To provide for last-mile connectivity, a new standard called IEEE 802.16 or WiMAX, also
known as broadband wireless, has been introduced. This is used to connect subscribers in a build-
ing wirelessly, through a base station, in a kind of MAN system.
Bluetooth is also a wireless system, but with limited range and is currently used for connect-
ing headsets and other peripherals to computers, wirelessly. It has many similarities with 802.11
but its applications are different. It has an elaborate protocol stack, which allows for both text
and real-time data transmission.
The Infrared Data Association (IrDA) has given a standard for infrared systems, which can be
used in point-and-shoot applications, unlike Bluetooth, which is omnidirectional. However,
infrared systems have many limitations which restrict their use in mobile computing.
The HiperLAN is a European standard WLAN, and is available in two versions, with version 2
providing higher data rates and better QoS.
In the next chapter we shall look at logical mobility and migrating processes.
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44 Mobile Computing
1. Discuss the IEEE 802.11 frame structure, clearly indicating its various fields and their uses.
2. Compare and contrast IEEE 802.11 and Bluetooth technologies.
3. Explain clearly why the wired Ethernet cannot be used for WLANs.
4. Discuss the hidden terminal and exposed terminal problems and their effect on WLANs.
5. Discuss the advantages and limitations of Bluetooth as a wireless standard.
6. Suppose that an 11 Mbps 802.11b LAN is transmitting 64-byte frames back-to-back over a radio
channel with a bit error rate of 10⫺7. How many frames per second will be damaged on average?
7. Consider Figure 3.5. Which of the last two stations is closest to A and why?
8. A Bluetooth device can be in two piconets at the same time. Is there any reason why one
device cannot be master in both of them at the same time?
9. Several physical layer protocols are shown in Figure 3.4. Which of these is closest to the
Bluetooth physical layer protocol? What is the biggest difference between the two?
10. Bluetooth supports two types of links between a master and a slave. What are they and what
is each one used for?
11. What are the main differences between HiperLAN v1 and v2?
12. Discuss how the HiperLANs are different from the IEEE 802.11 standard.
13. Would you say the HiperLAN is closer to Bluetooth or to 802.11? Give reasons for your
Multiple-choice questions
1. Wireless LANs will operate in which one of the following configurations?
(a) With base stations only
(b) Without base stations only
(c) Either a or b
(d) None of the above
2. Which one of the following is the main standard for WLANs?
(a) IEEE 802.15
(b) IEEE 802.3
(c) IEEE 802.11
(d) IEEE 802.16
3. In the above figure, which one of the following gives the hidden station problem?
(a) When both B and C wants to transmit to station D
(b) When only B wants to transmit to A
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Wireless Networ ks 45
Further reading
A.S. Tanenbaum (2003), Computer Networks, 4th ed. (New Delhi: Pearson Education)
B.P. Crow, I. Widjaja, J.G. Kim and P.T. Sakai (1997), ‘IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks’,
IEEE Communications Magazine, 35 (September): 116–126.
C. Severance (1999), ‘IEEE 802.11: Wireless Is Coming Home’, Computer, 32 (November): 126–127.
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46 Mobile Computing
D.P. Agarwal and Q. Zeng (2003), Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems (Singapore: Thompson
ETSI, ‘High-performance radio local area network (HIPER-LAN) type 1; functional specification’,
J. Haartsen (2000), ‘The Bluetooth Radio System’, IEEE Personal Communications, 7 (February):
L.L. Peterson and B.S. Davie (2007), Computer Networks—A Systems Approach, 4th ed. (New Delhi:
M. Johnson, ‘HiperLAN/2—the broadband radio transmission technology operating in the 5 GHz
frequency band’, (accessed June 2006)
S. Kapp (2002), ‘802.11: Leaving the Wire Behind’, IEEE Internet Computing, 6 (January–February):
T. Karygiannis and L. Owens (2002), ‘Wireless Network Security, 802.11, Bluetooth & Handheld
Devices’, NIST Special Publication No. 800–48.
The Bluetooth Special Interest Group, ‘Baseband Specifications’, (accessed
May 2006)
The Infrared Data Association Web site,
U. Hausmann, L. Merck, M.S. Nicklous, and T. Stober (2003), Principles of Mobile Computing, 2nd ed.
(New Delhi: Springer).
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Logical Mobility I—
Migrating Processes 4
he concept of logical mobility was introduced in Chapter 1, where it was mentioned that
abstract entities like software processes and agents may be allowed to move or migrate from
their parent locations to other, maybe remote, locations for various reasons. In this chapter,
we shall discuss logical mobility, as represented by migrating processes. Mobile agents are the
subject of Chapter 7.
A process is a key concept in operating systems (OS). It is an active entity and is defined as a
program in execution. In a single-processor system, a process continues to execute on the only
processor in the system, but in a multiprocessing environment, like a cluster, many processes
execute simultaneously. Frequently, a process executing on one processor may be required to
migrate to another local processor, normally for purposes of load balancing or reliability.
In a mobile system or network, a process is frequently required to migrate to a remote loca-
tion for continuation of easy and fast access. This is termed ‘logical mobility’. There are many
design issues involved in process migration. Although most programming languages nowadays
provide the programmer with constructs and primitives to ease process migration, it is necessary
for a student of mobile computing to know the basics of process migration.
In this chapter, we study precisely these design issues and understand the nitty-gritty of
processes, their constituents and how process migration takes place. We also discuss the advan-
tages and applications of process migration. We conclude with a discussion on several available
alternatives to process migration.
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48 Mobile Computing
File system
1. A migration request is issued to a remote node. After negotiation, migration has been accepted.
2. A process is detached from its source node by suspending its execution, declaring it to be in a
migrating state, and temporarily redirecting communication, as described in the following step.
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Communicating node
50 Mobile Computing
Migration request
Kernel Kernel
Migration acceptance
Process Detached
X process
Kernel Kernel
Process Detached
X process
Kernel Kernel
3. Communication is redirected
Process Detached
X process
Kernel Kernel
Process Detached
X process
Kernel Kernel
Transfer state
Kernel (code, data, register, Kernel
Source node Destination node
52 Mobile Computing
Kernel Kernel
Kernel Kernel
1. Parallelizable applications can be started on certain nodes, and then migrated at the appli-
cation level or by a systemwide migration facility in response to factors like load balancing.
The parallel virtual machine (PVM) is an example of application-level support for parallel
invocation and interprocess communication. Migratory PVM (MPVM) extends PVM to allow
instances of a parallel application to migrate among nodes.
2. Long-running applications, which can run for days or even weeks, can suffer various inter-
ruptions. For example, there may be partial node failures or administrative shutdowns.
Process migration can relocate these applications transparently to prevent interruption.
3. Generic multiuser workloads can benefit greatly from process migration. For example, in
an undergraduate computer laboratory, as users come and go, the load on individual nodes
varies widely. Dynamic process migration can automatically spread processes across all
4. A pre-emptable application, such as that used in resource sharing, fault resilience, exploita-
tion of resource locality, accessing more processing power, system administration or mobile
computing, can either migrate itself or be migrated by another authority. This type of appli-
cation is most common in various systems such as MOSIX, Sprite, Mach and LSF (load sharing
5. Migration-aware applications are those that have been coded to explicitly take advantage
of process migration. These can be automatically redistributed if the load becomes uneven
on different nodes. This can happen if processes are dynamically created or if there are many
more processes than nodes.
6. Network and mobile computing applications are the most recent examples of the use of
migration, in the form of mobile agents and mobile objects.
1. Remote execution is the most frequently used alternative to process migration. Remote
execution can be as simple as the invocation of some code on a remote node, or it can
involve transferring the code to the remote node and inheriting some of the process
environment, such as variables and opened files. Remote execution is usually faster than
migration because it does not incur the cost of transferring a large process state (such as the
address space, which is created anew in the case of remote execution). For small address
spaces, the costs for remote execution and migration can be similar.
Allowing a process to run on the source node for some period of time has some advan-
tages. Thus short-lived processes that are not worth migrating are naturally filtered out. Also,
the longer a process runs, the more information about its behaviour is available, such as
whether and with whom it communicates. Based on this additional information, scheduling
policies can make more appropriate decisions. However, remote execution allows creation of
the remote instances only at the time of process creation, and process migration allows mov-
ing the process at an arbitrary time.
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54 Mobile Computing
2. Cloning of a process is useful in cases where the child process inherits state from the
parent process. Cloning is typically achieved using a remote fork mechanism. A remote
fork, followed by the termination of the parent, resembles process migration. The com-
plexity of cloning is similar to migration, because the same amount of the process state is
inherited (e.g. open files and address space). In migration, the parent is terminated. In
cloning, both parent and child may continue to access the same state, introducing a
distributed-shared state, which is complex and costly to maintain. Many systems use remote
3. Mobile agents are becoming increasingly popular. The mobility of agents on the Web em-
phasizes safety and security issues more than complexity, performance, transparency and
heterogeneity. Mobile agents are implemented on top of safe languages, such as Java, Tele-
script and Tcl/Tk. We discuss mobile agents later in the book.
Compared to process migration, mobile agents are less complex to implement, because
they do not have to support OS semantics. Performance requirements are also different,
owing to the wide-area network communication cost, which is the dominant factor. Hetero-
geneity is taken care of at the language level. The early results and the wide interest in the
area of mobile agents indicate that they have a bright future.
4. Object migration at the middleware level is also possible. Because of the increasing costs
of OS development and the lack of standard solutions for distributed systems and hetero-
geneity, middleware-level solutions have generated more interest.
4.7 Summar y
A process is a key concept in operating systems. Process migration consists of extracting the state
of a process at the source node and transferring it to the destination node. The DEMOS multi-
processor used the first instance of process migration and showed the way forward to implement
logical mobility for mobile systems. There are many advantages and applications of migrating
processes, especially in mobile computing. Alternatives to process migration include mobile
agents and process cloning.
In Chapter 5, we shall look at physical mobility as represented by mobile handheld systems.
1. What are the components of a process that need to be moved when a process is migrated?
2. Implement process migration using a suitable C/C⫹⫹ program, using the various steps
discussed in this chapter.
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Multiple-choice questions
1. Which one of the following is called a ‘process’?
(a) Program in execution
(b) Code
(c) State specific to underlying operating system
(d) Object
2. Which one of the following is not a component of the system process’s kernel in a distributed
operating system?
(a) Command interpreter
(b) Process manager
(c) Memory scheduler
(d) File manager
3. Which one of the following is an instance of a migrated process?
(a) Destination instance
(b) Remote instance
(c) Correspondent instance
(d) Source instance
4. Which one of the following is not a step in process migration?
(a) Process is detached from its source node
(b) State is transferred and imported into a new instance on the remote node
(c) Migration request is issued to a source node
(d) Destination process instance is created
5. Which one of the following is an advantage of process migration?
(a) Fault resilience
(b) Data sharing
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56 Mobile Computing
Further reading
F. Douglis and J. Ousterhout (1989), ‘Process Migration in Sprite: A Status Report’, IEEE TCOS
Newsletter, 3(1): 8–10.
J.M. Smith (2001), ‘A Survey of Progress Migration Mechanisms’, Technical Report TRCUCS-324-88,
CU, New York.
M.L. Powell and B.P. Miller (1983), ‘Process Migration in DEMOS/MP’, in Proceedings of the 9th
ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles, pp. 110–119.
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Physical Mobility 5
ecent advances in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) technology have enabled portable
computers to be built and equipped with wireless interfaces. This facility allows net-
worked communication to be possible even while being mobile and has given rise to the
new computing paradigm called mobile computing. Technological advances in wireless network-
ing have enhanced the utility of carrying a computing device and allowing versatile communica-
tion and fast notification of important events. Mobile computing is characterized by true
physical mobility, which permits continuous access to the services and resources of land-based
networks. It therefore gives much more flexibility than cellular phones or pagers.
The combination of networking and physical mobility gives rise to new applications and
services, some of which are as follows:
In this chapter, we shall dwell upon the problems associated with providing continuous Inter-
net access to mobile devices. We shall study some existing protocols and see how they are inade-
quate in supporting mobility. A few modified and enhanced protocols that support mobility will
be discussed, and finally we shall do a case study of a system that provides for such mobility.
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58 Mobile Computing
to a large concentration of mobile users, network capacity can become overloaded at conventions
and public events.
Disconnection is a major problem for mobile computing. If the network frequently discon-
nects, clients in a distributed file systems environment may block waiting for servers. Hence it
becomes necessary to make computing more autonomous and asynchronous in operation. The
asynchronous Remote Procedure Call paradigm can be used to hide round-trip latency and short
disconnections. It is also possible to allow pre-fetching and lazy write-back techniques to decou-
ple communication from computing, to mask network failures. This has been done in the CODA
file system, which uses on-board caches to hold whole files rather than blocks, and which will be
discussed in detail later in this chapter.
We have seen in Chapter 2 that wireless networks deliver much lower bandwidth than wired
ones. For example, the figure is 1 Mbps for infrared communication, 2 Mbps for radio communi-
cation and only 9–14 Kbps for cellular telephony. On the other hand, Ethernet provides speeds of
10 Mbps, fibre distributed data interface (FDDI) 100 Mbps and asynchronous transfer mode
(ATM) 155 Mbps.
Furthermore, network bandwidth is divided among users sharing a cell; hence, bandwidth
usable per user is important, not raw transmission bandwidth.
To improve network capacity, one can reduce transmission ranges to fit more cells. Certain
software techniques also help. For example, one can use compression and combining of short
requests into large ones, to improve throughput. Also, pre-fetching and lazy write-back techniques
can be used, together with scheduling communication intelligently.
Network quality also changes when moving from one wireless network to another, giving
rise to heterogeneous networks. For example, a meeting room has better wireless facilities than a
corridor. Secondly, multiple transceivers may be on different frequencies, and protocols on net-
works may be different. Finally, there may be a need to switch interfaces while moving outside
from inside since infrared does not work outside.
We have also mentioned earlier that because of easy and open connectivity on wireless links,
and because users are allowed to cross security domains, more complex security systems are
There is a need for using encryption in software or hardware and managing secret
encryption keys using automated software like Kerberos. But for authentication of mo-
bile users when roaming, Kerberos needs to be modified to allow authorization control and
5.1.2 Mobility
The ability to change locations while connected to a network increases the volatility of informa-
tion. Data considered static for a stationary computer becomes dynamic for mobile computing;
for example, a stationary computer can be configured statically to use the nearest server, but a
mobile computer needs some mechanism to determine which server to use.
The main problems introduced by mobility are as follows:
1. Address migration: As people move, their mobile computers will have to use different net-
work service access points (NSAPs). Thus, dynamically changing addresses are needed. But in
the Internet protocol (IP) protocol, host names are bound with network addresses, and mov-
ing to a new location means getting a new name. To communicate with a mobile computer,
messages must be sent to its most recent address. This is possible with mobile IP, as we shall
shortly see.
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Physical Mobility 59
2. Location-dependent information: The local name server, the available printer, the time
zone and real-world information, like ‘where is the nearest library’, are dynamically chang-
ing data that must be made available when the computer moves. The challenge is thus to
provide all these without violating privacy.
3. Migrating locality: Mobile computing gives rise to a new kind of locality that migrates as
users move. For example, a server that was found after great effort to be the nearest one at a
particular location may not be so after further movement. Also, physical distance between
two points does not necessarily reflect network distance. Hence, communication locality
becomes more important than load balancing.
5.1.3 Portability
Desktop computers are not designed to be carried, so their design is liberal in the use
of space, power, cabling and heat dissipation. On the other hand, handheld devices need to
have wristwatch properties—they need to be small, light weight and water resistant and have
long battery life. Concessions can be made to the user in the above characteristics, to increase
functionality, but only in a limited manner, to keep it mobile. Any added, specialized hard-
ware device, like a hardware encryption chip, should justify its consumption of power and
Design pressures caused by portability constraints are as follows:
1. Low power: Batteries are the largest single source of weight. But reducing battery size
compromises its use, because it leads to frequent recharging, the need for spare batteries, or
results in less use of the mobile computer.
P is the power consumption of the device
C is the interline capacitance of the VLSI processor chip in the device,
V is the voltage swing and
F is clock frequency of the processor chip.
Personal digital assistant (PDA) products use all three methods to conserve power. Also, effi-
cient operation can conserve power. For example, one must turn down screen lighting when
not in use. Table 5.1 shows typical power consumption values of the components of a
portable computer and its accessories, and Table 5.2 shows the power consumption break-
down, by subsystems, of the portable Compaq LTE 386 computer.
2. Risks to data: Portability increases the risk of physical damage, unauthorized access, loss
and theft and can lead to breach in privacy or total data loss. So it is necessary to minimize
the essential data on the device, encrypt the data on disks and removable memory cards or
use replicated file systems and make backup copies.
3. Small user interfaces: Current windowing techniques are not feasible when user area is
small. One cannot have too many windows open, or too many icons (buttons). Also, window
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60 Mobile Computing
Device in watts
PCMCIA modem 14.4 Kbps 1.365
9.6 Kbps 0.625
2.4 Kbps 0.565
Infrared networ k 0.250
Cellular telephone (active) 5.400
(passive) 0.300
PCMCIA hard drive 0.7–3.0
title bars and borders are difficult to operate with pointing devices. So it is necessary to use
handwriting or gestures or voice recognition analog devices.
In fact, speech production and recognition systems are ideal user interfaces for mobile
computers, as they allow hands-free and eye-free operation, but they may compromise on
disturbance, privacy and noisy environments.
System % power
Physical Mobility 61
The mouse cannot be used with handheld devices, so pens are the standard input
devices for PDAs. But problems like parallax and obscuring of the screen area by the hand
may have to be taken care of.
4. Small storage capacity: Disks cannot be used in PDAs as they consume more power and are
susceptible to volatility. Solutions include compressing file systems, accessing remote storage
over the network, sharing code libraries and compressing virtual memory pages. A novel ap-
proach to reduce program size is to interpret script languages instead of executing compiled
object code.
5.2.1 IPv4
IP version 4, or IP as it is better known, is the glue that holds the Internet together. Its basic func-
tion is to deliver data from a source to a destination, independent of the physical location of the
two. In this book, we shall not discuss the details of IP. Instead, we shall concentrate on its
addressing mechanism only, since this is where the real problem lies for mobility.
IP identifies each host on a network uniquely, using an IP address that designates its physi-
cal attachment to the Internet. IPv4 addresses are 32-bit long integers and are represented in a
dotted decimal format (e.g. for ease of use. In CIDR (classless inter-domain rout-
ing) addressing, every IPv4 address contains the network number and the host number.
For example, if we consider a machine with IP address, then 172.16 gives the
network number (decimal 11280) and 19.11 is the host number (decimal 4175).
All routers on the Internet have routing tables telling them which line to use to get to
network 172.16. Whenever a packet comes in with destination IP address of the form, it goes out on that line.
Every IP packet consists of an IP header and an IP payload. The header contains the IP
addresses of the sending node and the receiving node along with some other information. To
correctly deliver these packets, IP executes two major steps: packet routing and packet forward-
ing. Packet routing involves use of protocols like border gateway protocol (BGP), routing infor-
mation protocol (RIP) and open shortest path first (OSPF) to decide the route that each packet
has to travel.
The route is decided using a routing table having the 2-tuple pairs
at each router. Destination addresses are compared with a pair contained in the routing
table. Packet forwarding involves use of protocols like address resolution protocol (ARP), proxy
ARP, etc. to deliver the packet to the end node once it has arrived at the destination network.
This is typically done to discover the hardware address of the host corresponding to its IP
Suppose now this machine moves to some distant site. Then it will have to change its
address. But the packets destined for it will continue to be routed to its original (home) local area
network (LAN), and the user will no longer get e-mail, etc. Moreover, the higher-level protocols
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62 Mobile Computing
(TCP/UDP) require the IP address of a host to be fixed for identifying and maintaining existing
One solution to the above problem is to give a new IP address to the machine corresponding
to its new location. But this cannot be done every time, because a large number of people,
programs and databases would have to be informed of the change. In section 5.3, we shall discuss
mobile IP, which has become the standard protocol to facilitate physical mobility of hosts.
5.2.2 IPv6
IP version 6 or IPv6 was developed in 1993, mainly to take care of the rapidly increasing number
of machines connecting to the Internet. But it also provides other features, as given below:
The result is a lean network layer protocol, making it fast, flexible, secure and with large
addresses, all major requirements for mobile and pervasive computing. Most important, IPv6 has
support for mobility. This will be discussed later.
The mobile IP is an extension to the IP, proposed by the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF), and addresses the issue of mobility. We discuss it in the next section.
5.3 Mobile IP
The mobile IP protocol was proposed by Charles Perkins et al. in 2002, to provide mobility
support for IP networks. It allows transparent routing of IP datagrams to mobile nodes in the
Internet. In mobile IP, each mobile node is always identified by its home address, regardless
of its current point of attachment to the Internet. Every mobile node is associated with
a care-of address, which provides information about its current point of attachment to the
Physical Mobility 63
5.3.2 Applicability
Mobile IP enables nodes to move from one IP subnet to another. It is suitable for mobility across
homogeneous as well as heterogeneous media, that is, from one Ethernet segment to another, as
well as from an Ethernet segment to a wireless LAN. The only requirement is that the mobile
node’s IP address remains the same after such a movement.
To provide for mobility, additional protocol support is required at the application layer, for
automatic configuration, service discovery, link awareness and environment awareness. This
implies that computing activities should not be disrupted when the mobile device changes its
point of attachment. In other words, all needed reconnections must occur automatically and
without user interaction.
Mobile node: This is a host or router that changes its point of attachment from one net-
work or subnetwork to another. A mobile node (or host) may change its location without
changing its IP address.
Home agent: This is a router on a mobile node’s home network, which tunnels or redirects
datagrams for delivery to the mobile node, when it is away from home, and maintains the
current location information for the mobile node.
The home agent maintains the mobility binding in a mobility binding table where each
entry is identified by the 3-tuple
Foreign agent: This is a router on a mobile node’s visited network, which provides routing
services to the mobile node while it is registered there. The foreign agent (FA) detunnels
and delivers datagrams to the mobile node that were tunneled by the mobile node’s home
64 Mobile Computing
The FA maintains a visitor list which contains information about the mobile nodes cur-
rently visiting that network. Each entry in the visitor list is identified by the 4-tuple:
(permanent home address, home agent address, media address of the mobile node, association
Physical Mobility 65
Foreign network
AGENT 2. Registration
1. Registration request
Visitor list
4. Registration
3. Registration binding table
b. The home agent intercepts this packet and consults the mobility binding table to find out
if the mobile node is currently visiting any other network.
c. The home agent finds out the mobile node’s care-of address and constructs a new IP
header that contains the mobile node’s care-of address as the destination IP address. The
original IP packet is put into the payload of this IP packet. It then sends the packet. This
process of encapsulating one IP packet into the payload of another is known as
IP-within-IP encapsulation or tunnelling.
d. When the encapsulated packet reaches the mobile node’s current network, the FA decap-
sulates the packet and finds out the mobile node’s home address. It then consults the visi-
tor list to see if it has an entry for that mobile node.
e. If there is an entry for the mobile node on the visitor list, the FA retrieves the correspon-
ding media address and relays it to the mobile node.
f. When the mobile node wants to send a message to a CN, it forwards the packet to the FA,
which in turn relays the packet to the CN using normal IP routing. This is called triangular
routing. Triangular routing can be avoided and the routing optimized (optionally) in
Mobile IPv4 by having the CN send subsequent data packets directly to MH after getting
its COA from the home agent in the first data packet.
g. The FA continues serving the mobile node until the granted lifetime expires. If the mobile
node wants to continue the service, it has to reissue the registration request.
Figure 5.4 illustrates the tunneling operation.
4. Deregistration: If a mobile node wants to drop its care-of address, it has to deregister with
its home agent. It achieves this by sending a registration request with the lifetime set to zero.
There is no need for deregistering with the FA as registration automatically expires when life-
time becomes zero. However, if the mobile node visits a new network, the old foreign net-
work does not know the new care-of address of the mobile node. Thus, packets already
forwarded by the home agent to the old FA of the mobile node are lost.
1. Authentication: The home agent has to be certain that the registration was originated by
the mobile node and not by some malicious node. To ensure this, each mobile node and home
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66 Mobile Computing
Header Payload
Home agent
(HA) HA COA Original IP packet
Encapsulated IP packet
Foreign agent
Src Dest.
CN MN Payload
Mobile node Original IP packet
(MN) (decapsulated)
agent have to share a security association. This is done by using the Message Digest 5 (MD5) with
128 keys, which creates a secure digital signature for the registration requests.
2. To overcome replay attacks, each separate registration request is required to have unique
data. This is accomplished by having an ‘identification’ field which changes with every new reg-
istration. This could be a timestamp or a pseudorandom number (called a nonce).
• Route optimization is built as a fundamental part of mobile IPv6 unlike in mobile IPv4,
where it is an optional extension that may not be supported by all nodes. In IPv6, a CN is
allowed to have the latest binding, so that it can directly tunnel packets to the mobile node
without going via home agents. Binding updates to a CN are delivered directly from the
mobile node instead of from home agents. It is also possible for the CN not to use tunnelling
at all. Instead, it could use IPv6 routing headers, which are similar to the source routing
option in IPv4.
• Foreign agents are not needed in mobile IPv6. This is because IPv6 uses the concept of neigh-
bour discovery by the mobile node. Address auto-configuration is another feature used by
the mobile nodes to function in any location without the services of any special router in
that location.
• In mobile IPv4, when a mobile node communicates with a CN, it puts its home address as
the source address of the packet. ‘Ingress-filtering’ routers present in the network will filter
out such a packet, since it finds that the source address of the packet is different from the
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Physical Mobility 67
network from which the packet actually originated. This problem is tackled in mobile IPv6
by putting the care-of address as the source address, not the home address. There is also a
home address destination option, which allows the use of the care-of address to be transpar-
ent over the IP layer.
• Security is automatically provided in IPv6 nodes since they are expected to implement cryp-
tographic and strong authentication and encryption features.
• smooth handoff, which in IPv4, is specified only for the FA, as part of route optimization
• renumbering of home networks if the network addresses in the home network have changed
• automatic home agent discovery for the mobile node. Here, a home agent, who may want to
stop operations for reasons like overloading, etc., sends switch messages to the mobile node
to get a new home agent. This may also be done if the old home agent has changed or its
address has changed.
5.4 Cellular IP
In mobile IP, packets addressed to an MH are delivered using the regular IP routing mechanism,
to a temporary address assigned to the MH at its actual point of attachment. This approach
results in a simple and scalable scheme that offers global mobility. Mobile IP is not appropriate,
however, for seamless mobility. This is because after each migration, a local address must be
obtained and communicated to a possibly distant location directory or home agent. Support for
seamless mobility is needed in order to provide good service quality to mobile users, particularly
in pico-cellular environments, where the rate of handoff and associated signalling load grows
Thus, mobile IP is not suited to environments where mobility is frequent and restricted
to small cells (micro-mobility). With frequent handoff, micro-mobility protocols have been
proposed to handle local movement of MHs without interaction with the mobile-IP-enabled
Internet. This has the benefit of reducing delay and packet loss during handoff, and eliminating
registration between MHs and distant home agents when MHs remain inside their local coverage
Eliminating registration reduces the signalling load on the core network in support of mobil-
ity. Similarly, reducing signalling is necessary for the wireless Internet to scale to very large vol-
umes of wireless subscribers. With cellular IP (as in HAWAII and EMA), a visiting mobile device
can use the same care-of address in the whole domain.
As in the case of the cellular phones, wireless IP nodes do not actively communicate most of
the time. They are only switched on, ready for service and constantly reachable by the wireless
Internet. Hence, MHs are normally in an idle state but passively connected to the network infra-
structure. It is sufficient for the wireless Internet to know only the approximate location of its
idle users. Their exact location becomes important only when data need to be forwarded to
them. The network then should be able to efficiently search and find these users in a scalable and
timely manner. In cellular telephony systems, this process is called paging.
As the number of mobile subscribers grows, the need to provide efficient location tracking of
idle users and paging of active communications also grows. In order to achieve scalable location
management, the wireless Internet must handle the location tracking of active and idle MHs inde-
pendently. Support for passive connectivity balances a number of important design considerations.
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68 Mobile Computing
For example, only keeping the approximate location information of idle users requires significantly
less signalling. This not only reduces the load over the core network, but also preserves the battery
power of MHs.
Thus, cellular IP incorporates a number of important design features present in cellular net-
works, like mobility management, passive connectivity, paging and fast handoff control. But it
implements them around the IP paradigm. Its salient characteristic is simplicity and minimal use
of explicit signalling, enabling low-cost implementation of the protocol.
IP routing
IP tunneling
Cellular IP routing
Physical Mobility 69
In cellular IP, location management and handoff support are integrated with routing. To
minimize control messaging, regular data packets transmitted by MHs are used to establish host
location information. Uplink packets are routed from mobile to the gateway on a hop-by-hop
basis. The path taken by these packets is cached in BSs. To route downlink packets addressed to
an MH, the path used by recent packets transmitted by the host is reversed. When the MH has no
data to transmit, it periodically sends empty IP packets to the gateway to maintain its downlink
routing state. Following the principle of passive connectivity, MHs that have not received pack-
ets for a certain period of time allow their downlink soft-state routes to timeout.
70 Mobile Computing
in packets received by the receiver. However, the receiver got all packets up to the gap and is
actually receiving packets. Therefore, packet loss is not due to congestion, but is a simple
packet loss. So the sender must transmit the missing packet(s) before the timer expires. This
behavior is called fast transmit. The receipt of acknowledgements shows that there is no con-
gestion to justify a slow start. It must continue with the current congestion window. This is
called fast recovery.
Implications of mobility on TCP TCP assumes congestion if packets are dropped. This
assumption does not apply in wireless networks, where packet loss is due to transmission
errors. Furthermore, mobility itself can cause packet loss if, for example, a mobile node roams
from one access point (AP) (e.g. FA in mobile IP) to another while there are still packets in
transit, or to the wrong AP. If forwarding is not possible, the performance of an unchanged
TCP degrades severely.
However, TCP cannot be changed fundamentally owing to the large base of installation in
the fixed network. Enhancements to TCP for incorporating mobility have to remain compatible
with the basic TCP mechanisms in order to keep the whole Internet together. We now discuss
some classical enhancements that have been proposed to make TCP work in mobile networks
and environments.
Physical Mobility 71
link, the CN would not notice, as it is the FA that would retransmit it locally to maintain reliable
data transport.
If, on the other hand, the MH sends the packet, the FA acknowledges it and tries to forward
it to the CN. If the packet is lost on the wireless link, the MH notices this much faster due to the
lower round-trip-time and can directly retransmit the packet. Packet loss in the wired network is
again handled by the FA, using standard TCP.
In both cases, hosts in the fixed part of the network do not notice the characteristics of the
wireless part.
Using I-TCP has several advantages:
• No changes in the hosts on the fixed network are necessary. Similarly, no changes are
required for the hosts in a wireless network. All current optimizations to TCP still work
between the FA and the CN.
• Transmission errors, like lost packets on the wireless link, do not propagate into the fixed
network because of the strict partitioning into two connections.
• It is simple to provide any new optimizations to improve TCP performance on the fixed
network, as mobile TCP (M-TCP) is used only for one hop between, for example, the FA and
the MH.
• Therefore, a very fast retransmission of packets is possible, since there is a very short known
delay on the mobile hop. Any optimized TCP can use precise timeouts to guarantee retrans-
missions as fast as possible.
MH Access point CN
72 Mobile Computing
(locally) immediately by the MH or by the FA, respectively, from the buffer, performing a much
faster retransmission compared to the CN. The timeouts for acknowledgments can be much
shorter, because they consist of a one-hop delay and processing time.
Transparency is achieved in the following way. For data transfer to the MH, the FA buffers
data until it receives an acknowledgement (ACK) from the MH. Packet loss is detected by dupli-
cated ACKs or timeout. In this way, fast retransmission is possible, which is transparent to the
fixed network. For data transfer from the MH, the FA detects packet loss on the wireless link via
sequence numbers and answers directly with a negative acknowledgement (NACK) to the MH.
The MH can now retransmit data with only a very short delay.
Snooping TCP has the following advantages:
• Snooping TCP does not isolate the wireless link as well as I-TCP.
• It may need change to MH to handle NACKs.
• Snooping may become useless if end-to-end encryption schemes are applied between
CN and MH.
• It maintains TCP end-to-end semantics, since the SH does not send any ACK, but just forwards
the same from the MH.
• It supports disconnection, by avoiding useless retransmissions, slow starts or breaking
connections, by simply shrinking the sender’s window size.
• No buffering is done in the SH, only forwarding.
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Physical Mobility 73
• Since the SH does not act as a proxy as in I-TCP, packet loss on the wireless link is propagated
into the fixed network.
• Modifications are required in the MH protocol software and also on new network elements
like the bandwidth manager.
Many more modifications and enhancements have been suggested by researchers to opti-
mize TCP for wireless and mobile systems. A good discussion can be found in Schiller (2006).
• Communication costs play an important role in database query processing. The query
optimization process requires selecting the best method of query evaluation. Mobility results
in dynamically changing the communication costs, which complicate the optimization
process. This in turn complicates query processing, especially for cases where location plays
a key role, since it becomes difficult to determine the optimal location at which to send the
result of the query.
• User time is a highly valuable commodity in most business applications today and should
be taken into account while designing the mobile database. Database retrieval techniques
should be fast and efficient.
• Similarly, connection time is the unit of monetary charge in most cellular systems. Alterna-
tively, the number of bytes or packets transferred may be the unit of charge. Furthermore,
charges based on time of day may also apply, and these may vary, based on whether com-
munication occurs during peak or off-peak periods.
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74 Mobile Computing
• Energy consumption has to be limited, because battery power is a scarce resource in a hand-
held device and should be optimized. This also requires that the query be processed speedily.
Some of these and related issues are taken care of in the CODA system and have been discussed
in detail in the next section.
These databases work on palmtops and handheld devices (Windows CE devices) providing a
local data store for the relational data acquired from enterprise SQL databases. The main con-
straints for such databases relate to the size of the program as the handheld devices have RAM-
oriented constraints. These commercially available mobile database systems allow a wide variety
of platforms and data sources. They also allow users with handhelds to synchronize with open
database connectivity (ODBC) database content, personal information management data and
e-mail from Lotus Development’s Notes or Microsoft’s Exchange. They support either query-by-
example (QBE) or SQL statements.
Till now, we have discussed methods for taking care of user mobility. Next, we shall discuss
a system designed to take care of disconnected operation in wireless networks.
Physical Mobility 75
Mobile users need continuous connection, since they depend on remote resources like
a shared repository to continue working even when the resource is inaccessible. With CODA,
disconnected operation is possible and also efficient.
CODA uses data caching, a technique that is normally used for performance improvement.
Here it is used for enhancing availability and is successful for 4 to 5 hours of disconnection, with
a 100 MB local disk. Reconnection/updation takes just 1 minute.
The CODA environment consists of a large number of untrusted UNIX clients and a smaller
number of trusted UNIX file servers, typical in an academic or research environment. CODA runs
on IBM RTs, Decstation 3100s and 5000s, and 386-based laptops, and has been in use since April
1990. It had nearly 2 GB of triply replicated data at the end of 1992. Each CODA client has a local
disk and cache size of 100 MB and can communicate with servers over a high-bandwidth net-
work. Some clients may be portable, and may be temporarily unable to communicate with
servers, due to network or server failure.
1. Server replication allows volumes to have read-write replicas at more than one server, called
volume storage group (VSG). At each client, what is currently accessible is its accessible vol-
ume storage group (AVSG). Venus uses a cache coherence protocol to guarantee that the
latest copy of a file in the AVSG is available to each client, when opened. This guarantee is
provided by servers notifying clients when their cached copies are no longer valid. Modifica-
tions are propagated in parallel to all AVSG sites and missing VSG sites.
2. Disconnected operation takes effect when the AVSG becomes empty. While disconnected,
Venus services file system requests by relying only on the contents of the cache. But cache
misses cannot be serviced. When disconnection ends, Venus propagates modifications and
reverts to server replication. See Figure 5.8 for a typical scenario in CODA.
There are three servers, A, B and C as shown in Figure 5.8, which are connected through a
network. They have replicas of a volume containing a file x. This file is potentially of interest to
three clients, a, b and c. c is capable of wireless communication (indicated by the dotted line), as
well as regular network communication. Proceeding clockwise, the steps in Figure 5.8 (a to f)
show the value of x that is seen by each node as the connectivity of the system changes. Note
that in step d, c operates in a disconnected manner.
76 Mobile Computing
x ⫽ 12 x ⫽ 12 x ⫽ 12 x ⫽ 45 x ⫽ 87 x ⫽ 87 x ⫽ 33 x ⫽ 87 x ⫽ 87
x ⫽ 12 x ⫽ 12 x ⫽ 87
a c a c a c
x ⫽ 12 x ⫽ 87 x ⫽ 33
b b b
x ⫽ 33
(a) (b) (c)
x ⫽ 45 x ⫽ 45 x ⫽ 45 x ⫽ 45 x ⫽ 45 x ⫽ 45 x ⫽ 33 x ⫽ 87 x ⫽ 87
a c a c a c
x ⫽ 45 x ⫽ 45 x ⫽ 87 x ⫽ 45 x ⫽ 87
b b b
x ⫽ 45 x ⫽ 33
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 5.8(a–f) Stages of the COD A system for Disconnected Operation and Ser ver Replication
Lo nect
gic ion
Emulation Reintegration
Physical Mobility 77
Application Venus
Vnode interface
CODA minicache
Updates accepted by Venus must be revalidated for integrity and protection by the real servers,
because CODA trusts only servers, not clients.
Reintegration is a transitory state through which Venus passes from its pseudoserver role to
that of cache manager. In this state, Venus propagates changes made during emulation and up-
dates its cache to reflect current server state. Updation is performed a volume at a time, with all
update activity in the volume suspended until completion.
The client structure of CODA is given in Figure 5.10. Venus is designed as a user level, rather
than kernel-level process, because of its complexity and also to make it more portable and its
code easy to debug.
UNIX file system calls are intercepted by Venus through the Sun Vnode interface. CODA
uses a small in-kernel mini-cache, which filters out many Venus-kernel interactions and thus re-
duces overhead. However, the mini-cache does not support remote access, disconnected opera-
tion or server replications. These are therefore performed by Venus.
System calls on a CODA object are first forwarded for service to the mini-cache, if possible,
and control is returned to the application. If not, the mini-cache calls Venus to service the call,
by contacting the remote servers, if required. Control then returns to the application program
from Venus, via the mini-cache. The mini-cache state is also updated by Venus, if there are events
like callback breaks from CODA servers.
78 Mobile Computing
6. user assistance in augmenting the cache management policy for disconnected operation,
since the user is good at predicting future file needs, and
7. no distinction between involuntary or voluntary disconnections, as it has the same mecha-
nism for dealing with both.
5.8 Summar y
Physical mobility is characterized by user movement. Two aspects are important here—change of
network address and disconnected operation. To take care of the former, mobile IP has been
developed as an extension of IPv4, the Internet network layer protocol, to facilitate mobile com-
puting. In this, a care-of address is provided to the mobile user in the foreign network, so that a
correspondent node can continue to communicate with it. Three new entities, namely, foreign
agent, home agent and mobility binding are relevant here. IPv6 has certain built-in extensions
which facilitate mobile computing and provide route optimizations.
Many changes and enhancements have also been made to TCP to accommodate mobility.
These include indirect TCP, snooping TCP and mobile TCP. Each of these has its advantages and
disadvantages, with respect to latency, end-end semantics, etc.
Mobile databases are the need of the hour for ease of database querying by mobile users, who
may be disconnected for some time. The CODA file system was developed to facilitate discon-
nected operation. It uses off-the-shelf hardware and provides transparency; seamless integration
into the UNIX provides these data for use when it is disconnected.
In the next chapter, we shall study mobile ad hoc networks and look at some of the new
routing algorithms that have been designed for them.
1. What are the design issues to be considered in providing user mobility? Discuss.
2. Portability is a major issue with mobile users. What are the challenges introduced by porta-
bility in the hardware and software design of handheld computers?
3. All wireless systems are not necessarily mobile and vice versa. Name one example of a wireless
system that is not mobile and one mobile system that is not wireless.
4. Show clearly how IP-in-IP tunnelling is used in mobile IP.
5. Is it possible to optimize triangle routing? Discuss clearly how it can be done.
6. How does a correspondent node communicate with a mobile node when mobile IP is in
place in a network? Explain using a neat diagram.
7. Foreign agents are not required in mobile IPv6. Also automatic home agent discovery is
possible. Explain why home agents are still required in mobile IPv6.
8. Explain clearly why cellular IP cannot be used in place of mobile IP.
9. A person who lives in New Delhi travels to Agra taking her portable computer with her. She
finds that the LAN at her office in Agra is a wireless IP LAN, so she does not have to plug in.
Is it still necessary to go through the whole business with home agents and foreign agents to
make e-mail and other traffic arrive correctly?
10. Discuss, using a neat diagram, the different states of the CODA cache manager Venus.
11. What was the motivation for designing the CODA system? Discuss how it has been achieved.
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Physical Mobility 79
Multiple-choice questions
1. Which one of the following is the mobility requirement for physical mobility?
(a) Low power (b) Low bandwidth
(c) Small user interface (d) Address migration
2. Which of following is the problem associated with the portability requirement for physical
(a) Low power (b) Risk to data
(c) Small user interface (d) All of the above
3. Which of the following subsystems consume the highest amount of power in a portable
(a) Display edge light (b) Keyboard
(c) Hard disk (d) Display
4. Which one of the following is the problem in IPv4 addressing for physical mobility?
(a) It has 32-bit addresses
(b) It does not provide quality-of-service support
(c) Its routing and forwarding requires a fixed IP determined by network
(d) It has security issues
5. The mobility binding table in mobile IP is maintained by
(a) Mobile node (b) Home agent
(c) Foreign agent (d) All of the above
6. Which one of the following is one of the columns of the visitor list maintained by the
foreign agent?
(a) Home address (b) Media address
(c) Life time (d) All of the above
7. Why is mobile IP not suitable for seamless mobility?
(a) Route optimization is optional in mobile IP
(b) After each migration, local address must to obtained and communicated to home
(c) Mobile IP requires home and foreign agents
(d) All of the above
8. What is the major difference between the routing and paging caches in cellular IP?
(a) Paging cache is used to find an idle mobile if a packet is to be sent there, but there is no
entry in routing cache.
(b) Paging cache is related to mobile IP while routing cache is to cellular IP.
(c) The timeout interval of routing cache is larger than that of the paging cache.
(d) None of the above
9. Venus acts as psuedoserver in which of the following states in CODA?
(a) Hoarding (b) Reintegration
(c) Emulation (d) None of the above
10. Which of the following is NOT one of the main design rationales for CODA?
(a) Preserving transparency (b) Scalability
(c) Consistency (d) Low power
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80 Mobile Computing
Further reading
A. Bakre and B. Badrinath (1995), ‘I-TCP: Indirect TCP for Mobile Hosts’, in Proceedings of the
15th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, IDDCS, Vancouver,
A.G. Valko (1999), ‘Cellular IP: A New Approach to Internet Host Mobility’, ACM Computer
Communication Review, January 1999, 29(1): 50–65.
A.S. Tanenbaum (2005), Computer Networks, 4th ed. (Delhi, India: Prentice Hall India).
A.T. Campbell, J. Gomez, S. Kim, A.G. Valko, Chieh-Yih Wan, Z.R. Turanyi, et al (2000),
‘Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Cellular IP’, IEEE Personal Communication,
August 2000, 7(4): 42–49.
C. Perkins (1998), Mobile IP: Design Principles and Practice (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall).
D. Milojicic, F. Douglis and R. Wheeler (eds) (2000), Mobility: Processes, Computers and Agents, 2nd
print (Addison-Wesley USA).
H. Balakrishnan, S. Seshan and R.H. Katz (1995), ‘Improving Reliable Transport and Handoff
Performance in Cellular Wireless Networks’, Wireless Networks, 1(4): 469–481.
J. Kistler and M. Satyanarayan (1992), ‘Disconnected Operation in the CODA Distributed
System’, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 10(1): 3–25.
J.D. Solomon (1998), Mobile IP: The Internet Unplugged (Upper Saddle River, NJ: PTR Prentice Hall).
J.H. Schiller (2006), Mobile Communications, 2nd ed. (New Delhi, India: Pearson Education).
K. Brown and S. Singh (1997), ‘M-TCP: TCP for Mobile Cellular Networks’, ACM Computer
Communications Review, 5(5).
‘RFC 2002—IP Mobility Support’ (accessed October 1996).
‘RFC 2003—IP Encapsulation within IP’, (accessed October 1996).
‘RFC 2004 —Minimal Encapsulation within IP’, (accessed October
1996). accessed July 07. accessed July 07. accessed July 07.
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he pervasive computing paradigm has introduced a pivotal shift in the design of communi-
cation architectures, client devices and network applications. A recent but rapidly maturing
component of this paradigm is the design and use of wireless mobile ad hoc networks
(MANETs). Another common term for a MANET is WANET (wireless ad hoc network). But we
shall use the term MANET in this book.
MANETs, usually composed of small portable clients (or nodes), range in size from simple
piconets used for device synchronization and distributed portable gaming to large-scale networks
used for supporting military and emergency-response scenarios. Recently, perhaps the most pop-
ular WANET applications have been wireless sensor networks (WSNs), which are most often used
for remotely collecting environmental and contextual data. WSNs are the subject of the next
We have seen until now that in a mobile system, hosts are mobile, but the routers are
fixed. In the extreme case, as in MANETs, the routers themselves may be mobile. This is possi-
ble in a system consisting of military vehicles on a battlefield with no existing infrastructure,
a fleet of ships at sea, emergency workers at a disaster site where the infrastructure has been
destroyed, or a gathering of people with notebook computers in an area lacking the 802.11
Wi-Fi facility.
A MANET is a collection of wireless mobile hosts forming a temporary network, without the
aid of any centralized administration or standard support services that are regularly available on
the wide-area-network, to which the hosts may normally be connected. Figure 3.1(b) depicts an
ad hoc network.
In this chapter, we will take an in-depth look at MANET characteristics, their classification
and their advantages and also, most importantly, study the different routing techniques being
developed for them.
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82 Mobile Computing
is limited as the nodes are more vulnerable to eavesdropping, spoofing and denial of service
(DOS) attacks.
However, the advantages are numerous. Firstly, deployment is easy and speedy. Secondly,
because there is no dependence on infrastructure, the network is robust and low-cost. Finally,
MANETs form the basis of all pervasive and ubiquitous computing.
Typical applications of MANETs are in personal area networking (PAN) using cellphones or
laptops or wearable computers, as these can be easily deployed in meeting rooms, sports stadi-
ums, airports, aeroplanes and even boats. MANETs have useful application in military systems,
where they can be deployed on soldiers or in tanks. In intelligent transportation systems, they
provide easy vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Similarly, they can be used with ease in search-
and-rescue systems, policing and fire fighting.
84 Mobile Computing
number of updates required. The protocols converge very slowly and hence show poor adapta-
tion to rapid topology changes.
Firstly, the routing protocol should operate in a distributed manner and be multihop and
loop-free for best results. The primary cause for formation of routing loops in ad hoc net-
works is that nodes choose their next hops in a completely distributed fashion based on
information that can be stale and therefore incorrect. This effect is more pronounced in ad
hoc networks with high node mobility.
Secondly, the protocol should operate in a demand-based, that is, reactive or proactive mode
because of the possibility of rapid changes in topology.
Thirdly, since the MANET size may increase to thousands of nodes, the routing protocol
should be scalable.
Fourthly, since a node may not be in operating state most of the time, there should be provi-
sion for a ‘sleep’ period.
Fifthly, the protocol should support unidirectional links since transmission in both direc-
tions may not be same or possible.
Finally, security is a major concern here because of the ability for anyone to connect to the
ad hoc network.
The above are some qualitative requirements for MANET routing protocols. The metrics for
quantitative performance are concerned with, among other things, route acquisition time,
end-to-end data throughput and delay, percentage of out-of-order delivery and efficiency and
overheads of data transmission.
Thus, specific routing protocols for MANETs are desirable. Furthermore, there are two basic
parts to the routing protocols. These have to do with route discovery and route maintenance.
Route discovery is required to be done frequently because node mobility is high. To communicate
with another node, the source node must first discover the route by initiating a route discovery
procedure, using some kind of flooding. Route maintenance is to be done for the same reason,
and also because route changes can occur due to factors like noise, interference, link breakage, etc.
When the status of a link on a route changes, a mechanism is needed to modify the route infor-
mation at the affected nodes. This is usually done by using hop-by-hop acknowledgements.
In the next section, we shall discuss routing protocols for MANETs in detail.
Unicast Multicast
forwarded, the route is already known and can be used immediately. Reactive or source-initiated
on-demand routing protocols are those that invoke the route determination procedure only on
demand. If data traffic is not generated by the nodes, then routing activity is totally absent. The
hybrid class of routing protocols basically merges the features of proactive and reactive protocols.
In this chapter, we shall see one proactive and two reactive routing protocols for MANETs.
For information on the other protocols the reader is referred to Perkins (2001).
1. Route advertisements: Every mobile node in the network maintains a routing table in
which all the possible destinations within the network and the number of hops to each destina-
tion are recorded. Each entry is marked with a sequence number assigned by the destination
node. The sequence numbers enable the mobile nodes to distinguish stale routes from new ones,
and also avoid the formation of routing loops. These routing tables are broadcast to its current
neighbours periodically.
2. Routing table entry structure: The data broadcast by each mobile node contains the new
sequence number and the following information for each new route:
86 Mobile Computing
node to each of its current neighbours in the network. Updates are transmitted immediately
when significant new information is available.
Routing information is advertised by broadcasting or multicasting the packets which are
transmitted periodically and incrementally as topological changes are detected—for instance,
when nodes move within the network. Data is also kept about the length of time between arrival
of the first and the arrival of the best route for each destination. Based on this data, a decision
may be made to delay advertising routes which are about to change soon. This helps to damp the
fluctuations of the routing tables.
To help reduce the potentially large amount of network traffic that such updates can
generate, route updates can employ two possible types of packets—full dump packets and
incremental dump packets. Incremental dumps relay only that information which has
changed since the last full dump, and fit in one network protocol data unit (NPDU) only. Full
dumps carry all available routing information and can require multiple NPDUs. The mobile
nodes maintain an additional table where they store the data sent in the incremental routing
information packets.
4. Route selection criteria: When a mobile host receives new routing information, through
an incremental packet, it compares it to that already available from previous routing packets. A
route with a more recent sequence number is used. Routes with older sequence numbers are dis-
carded. A route with a sequence number equal to an existing route is chosen if it has a ‘better’
metric, say cost, and the existing route discarded, or stored as less preferable.
MH1 2 S400_MH 1
MH2 1 S120_MH 2
MH3 2 S500_MH 3
MH4 0 S700_MH 4
MH5 2 S390_MH 5
MH6 1 S070_MH 6
MH7 2 S120_MH 7
MH8 3 S040_MH 8
be advertised in subsequent incremental routing information updates until the next full dump
When MH1 moved near MH8 and MH7, it started an incremental routing information update
immediately and broadcast it to MH6, which in turn sent an immediate update with new informa-
tion for MH1. MH1, upon receiving this information, would broadcast it at intervals until the next
full information dump. The updated routing table advertised by MH4 is shown in Table 6.4.
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88 Mobile Computing
MH4 0 S820_MH 4
MH1 3 S500_MH 1
MH2 1 S230_MH 2
MH3 2 S670_MH 3
MH5 2 S510_MH 5
MH6 1 S180_MH 6
MH7 2 S230_MH 7
MH8 3 S170_MH 8
In this advertisement, the information for MH4 comes first, since it is doing the advertise-
ment. Information for MH1 is given next, because it is the only one which has significant route
changes that affect it.
It has been found that the DSDV approach has many advantages. Its memory requirement is
only O(n), which is good for the small handheld systems usually used in ad hoc networks. It
guarantees loop-free paths without requiring complex update protocols at nodes. Another useful
feature of DSDV is that it can be used at either the network layer (layer 3) or below the network
layer, but still above the MAC layer software in layer 2. In the latter case, certain additional infor-
mation needs to be included along with the routing tables for convenient and efficient opera-
tion. Finally, though the worst-case convergence behaviour of DSDV is non-optimal, in the
average case, convergence is expected to be quite rapid.
The main drawback of the DSDV protocol is that since it is a proactive protocol, routes tend
to get stale and hence are rendered useless, in high-mobility scenarios. This disadvantage is
removed in reactive routing protocols, which we will study next.
discuss only the DSR and AODV protocols in detail and give a comparison of the two. Both are
distant relatives of the Bellman Ford distance vector routing algorithm. For a discussion on
TORA, refer to Park and Corson (1997, 2001).
1. Before the source (S) sends a data packet to the destination (D), it broadcasts a route request
(RREQ) packet. RREQ contains the IDs of both S and D. In addition, it contains a route
record, in which is accumulated a record of the sequence of hops taken by the RREQ as it is
propagated through the network, and the sequence number of S, to identify a duplicate
RREQ from S. All duplicates are discarded.
2. Every intermediate node appends its own ID in RREQ and then rebroadcasts it to all its
3. If the intermediate node’s route cache contains a route record for the destination, it sends
the route reply (RREP) packet to S.
4. When D receives the first RREQ, it answers S with a RREP packet.
5. RREP goes back along the reverse of the route recorded in RREQ in case the links are bidirec-
tional, otherwise the node piggybacks the RREP on a new RREQ.
To illustrate DSR route discovery, consider the network given in Figure 6.4.
Consider that the source node S has to send data to destination node D. S does not have path
to D, so it initiates route discovery by sending RREQ to neighbours A and B. The procedure for
route discovery as given above is illustrated in Figures 6.5(a–e), where the route records for RREQ
are shown next to the nodes, as they build up at each hop (node). Figure 6.5a shows that A and B,
which are neighbours of S (i.e. they are in the radio range of S), have received the RREQ packet and
built their route records [S]. In Figure 6.5b, A and B have rebroadcast the RREQ packets to S, B,
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90 Mobile Computing
C and E and S, A and C, respectively, after appending their own IDs in the RREQ packet. In turn,
C and E have received these route records [S, A] and [S, B], respectively. This process goes on, as
shown in Figure 6.5d, where the destination node D has received the route record [S, B, C] and
[S, A, E, H]. D now chooses the shorter path given by [S, B, C] and answers with the RREP packet,
which goes back to S by the reverse route [C, B, S].
S A E S A E [S, A]
[S, B]
Flow of RREQ [X, Y, ....] Route Records (b)
B H [S, A, E] B H
C D [S, B, C] C D [S, B, C]
F [S, B, C] F
(c) (d)
S A E [S, A, E]
C D [S, B, C]
F [S, B, C]
Flow of RREP [X, Y, ....] Route Records
A B A B [A, B]
[A] C C
[A, D]
[A, D]
Figure 6.6(a) A does not ha ve a path Figure 6.6(b) B and D broadcast RREQ
to I, so it initiates route disco very by to their neighbour s. A discards B’ s and
sending RREQ to neighbour s D and B. D’s RREQ. D discards B’ s RREQ and B
discards D’ s RREQ.
[A, B, C]
F E [A, D, G] F E
[A, D, F]
[A, D, G] H I [A, D, G] H I [A, D, G]
Figure 6.6(c) RREQ reaches the Figure 6.6(d) I unicasts RREP to G which,
destination node I. in turn, forwards it to D . A receives RREP
from D and updates its routing table.
Discarded messages
Accepted messages
In Figures 6.6(a–d), another example of a network is taken to illustrate this procedure further.
1. If any node detects failure of a link along the route, a route error (RERR) packet is sent to S.
The RERR packet contains the addresses of the hosts at both ends of the link.
2. Intermediate nodes remove or truncate the invalid route to D on receipt of RERR.
3. Route discovery is reinitiated by S if it still wants to communicate with D.
92 Mobile Computing
3. Intermediate nodes can answer S with RREP if they have a valid route to D.
4. Every node records the source route contained in the data packet it overhears.
5. In response to a single-route discovery packet, as well as through routing information from
other packets overheard, a node may learn and cache multiple routes to any destination.
This support for multiple routes allows the reaction to routing changes to be much more
rapid, since a node with multiple routes to a destination can try another cached route if the one
it has been using fails.
However, there are some disadvantages of the route cache. These are as follows:
1. Caching can result in faster route repair, but faster does not necessarily mean correct.
2. An intermediate node may send RREP using a stale cached route, thus polluting other
3. If incorrect repairs occur often enough, caching performs poorly.
Hence, there is a need for a mechanism to determine when cached routes become stale.
Many optimizations to the basic operation of DSR have been developed, including the mecha-
nism mentioned above, but these are beyond the scope of this book. The interested reader is
referred to Johnson (1994) and Johnson et al. (2001) for details. This paper also provides the re-
sults of a packet-level simulation of DSR, which shows that even for high rates of host move-
ment, the overhead of the protocol is quite low, falling to just 1 percent of total data packets
1. Source S, who wants to send a data packet to destination D, first constructs and broadcasts
an RREQ packet. The format of the RREQ packet is shown below in Figure 6.7.
It contains the source and destination Internet protocol (IP) addresses, and a Request ID,
which is a local counter maintained separately by each node and incremented each time a
RREQ is broadcast. This is used to identify and discard duplicate RREQs. The source
sequence # is used as a clock which increments whenever a RREQ is sent, and is used to tell
new routes from old ones. The destination sequence # field shows the most recent value of
the destination’s sequence number that the source has seen, and helps to identify fresh
routes from stale ones. The final field, hop count, will keep track of how many loops the
packet has made. It is initialized to 0.
2. On receipt of RREQ, intermediate nodes inspect it to see if it is a duplicate, in which case it
is rejected. If not, the (source address, request ID) pair is entered into the local history table.
The destination is looked up in the routing table, and if a fresh route to it is known, an RREP
packet is sent back to S. If not, it increments the hop count and rebroadcasts the RREQ. They
also create a backward route towards S. This feature exists as an optimization technique in
DSR, but is mandatory in AODV. A timer is also started for the newly made backward route
entry. If it expires, the entry is deleted.
3. When D receives RREQ, it sends back (unicasts) an RREP to the node it got the RREQ from.
The format of RREP is shown in Figure 6.8.
Here, the source address, destination address and hop count are copied from the incom-
ing RREQ packet, but the destination sequence # is taken from its counter in memory. The
lifetime field controls how long the route is valid.
4. On receipt of RREP, intermediate nodes, on the way back, inspect the packet and enter into the
local routing table, to create a backward route towards D, if the following conditions are met:
a. No route to D is known.
b. The sequence number for D in RREP is greater than the value in the routing table.
c. The sequence numbers are equal, but the new route is shorter.
In this way, all nodes on the reverse route learn the route to D for free, as a by-product
of S’s route discovery.
5. Intermediate nodes that got the original RREQ packet but were not on the reverse path dis-
card the reverse route table entry when the associated timer expires.
1. For each entry in the routing table, every node maintains a list of its active neighbours.
2. A neighbour N of node X is considered active for a routing table entry, if N had replied to a ‘hello’
packet, within the interval called active-route-timeout that was forwarded using that entry.
3. When the next hop link in a routing table entry breaks, all active neighbours are informed.
4. Link failures are propagated by means of RERR packets, which also update destination
sequence numbers.
5. RERR packets are also generated when a node X is unable to forward packet P from node S to
node D on link (X, Y).
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94 Mobile Computing
One example of AODV routing is shown in Figures 6.9(a–e). Another example is shown in
Figures 6.10(a–d), to illustrate the procedure further.
S Source—S
A [S, S] E
S does not ha ve a path to D , so it initiates route disco very
by sending RREQ to neighbour s A and B.
A and B store the path to S in their routing table.
B [S, S]
Flow of RREQ
Figure 6.9(a)
[S, B]
Flow of RREP
Figure 6.9(b)
[S, E]
C D [S, C]
F [S, C]
Figure 6.9(c)
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C D [S, C]
Figure 6.9(d)
[S, S]
[D, C] C D [S, C]
[S, B]
[D, D]
Figure 6.9(e)
[A, A]
A B A B [A, B]
[A, A] C C
[A, D]
[A, D]
Figure 6.10(a) A does not ha ve a path to I, so Figure 6.10(b) B and D broadcast RREQ to
it initiates route disco very by sending RREQ to their neighbour s. A discards B’ s and D’ s RREQ.
neighbours D and B. D discards B’ s RREQ and B discards D’ s RREQ.
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96 Mobile Computing
[I, D]
D [I, G] D
[A, C] [I, I]
[A, F]
H I [A, G] H I
Figure 6.10(c) RREQ reaches the destination Figure 6.10(d) I unicasts RREP to G which, in
I. E receives C’ s RREQ fir st, so it accepts C’ s turn, forwards it to D . A receives RREP from D
RREQ and discards G’ s RREQ. and updates its routing table.
Discarded messages
Accepted messages
1. General: While DSR and AODV share the on-demand behaviour, many of their routing
mechanisms are very different.
a. DSR uses source routing, whereas AODV uses a table-driven routing framework and desti-
nation sequence numbers.
b. By virtue of source routing, DSR has access to a significantly greater amount of routing
information than AODV. For example, in DSR, by using a single request-reply cycle, the
source can learn routes to each intermediate node on the route in addition to the
intended destination.
c. DSR replies to all requests reaching a destination from a single request cycle. In AODV, on
the other hand, the destination replies only once to the request arriving first and ignores
the rest.
d. The route deletion activity using RERR is also conservative in AODV. By way of active
neighbour list, RERR packets reach all nodes using a failed link on its route to any destina-
tion. In DSR, however, an RERR simply backtracks the data packet that meets a failed link.
Nodes that are not on the upstream route of this data packet, but use the failed link, are
not notified promptly.
Table 6.5 below shows a comparison of the two protocols.
2. Routing overhead: DSR always demonstrates a lower routing overhead than AODV. The
major contribution to routing overhead in AODV is from RERRs, while RREPs constitute a
large fraction of routing overhead in DSR. AODV has more RERRs than DSR, and the con-
verse is true for RREPs.
3. Effect of mobility: Link failures can happen very frequently in MANETs. They trigger new
route discoveries in AODV, since it has at most one route per destination in its routing table.
However, route discovery is delayed in DSR until all cached routes fail. With high mobility,
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the chances of the caches becoming stale are quite high in DSR. Hence, cache staleness and
high overhead together result in significant degradation in performance for DSR in high-
mobility scenarios.
In Chapter 12, we shall see a case study of the simulation of DSDV and AODV protocols,
which throws more light on their comparative performance.
6.8 Summar y
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have gained popularity in recent years as they form the basis
for pervasive or ubiquitous computing. They differ from the IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs in that
they do not require any infrastructure (base station) for operation and can be easily deployed
anywhere and at least cost.
MANET routing is becoming an important research area since traditional routing protocols
cannot be used for MANETs because of their poor adaptation to rapidly changing topology and
the need to support unidirectional links.
There are two types of routing protocols for MANETs. These are reactive and proactive, and
both need the twin mechanisms of route discovery and route maintenance. However, in proac-
tive protocols, route discovery is done continuously even if no data is to be sent, whereas in re-
active protocols, it is done only when required, that is, just before data is to be sent. But route
maintenance is required in both, since routes tend to become stale and useless because of the
mobility of nodes.
Destination-sequenced distance vector (DSDV) is a proactive routing algorithm, whereas dy-
namic source routing (DSR) and adaptive on-demand vector (AODV) are reactive routing algo-
rithms. Performance analysis has shown that DSR has less routing overhead as compared with
AODV, but AODV works better in highly mobile environments.
In the next chapter, we shall study wireless sensor networks, which are like MANETs, because
they are formed by mobile nodes, but are different from them because of their larger size and
lower node mobility.
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98 Mobile Computing
1. Is it possible to use circuit switching in ad hoc networks? Explain your answer.
2. Compare and contrast proactive and reactive routing mechanisms in ad hoc networks.
3. Differentiate between wireless cellular networks and ad hoc networks.
4. Consider the network shown below:
3 12
4 11 16
5 7 14
6 15
10 13
Show how you can create a route from source node 6 to destination node 16, using the DSR
5. Repeat Question 4 for the AODV algorithm.
6. Consider Figure 6.7(a). Give the routing table for source node D, showing for each destina-
tion, the next hop, distance in hops to it, and the active neighbours. If node G now moves
away or is switched off, show how the routing table will change.
7. Indicate the purpose of ‘Echo’ and ‘Hello’ packets in routing.
8. Using a network simulator like NS2 or Qualnet, simulate the DSR and AODV routing algo-
rithms and do a performance comparison of both. (Do not look ahead to Chapter 12, which
gives details of this simulation.)
9. Mobile IP is also meant for mobile nodes. Can it be used to provide connectivity in ad hoc
networks? Explain your answer.
10. Compare and contrast the routing mechanisms in mobile IP and AODV.
Multiple-choice questions
1. The destination-sequenced distance vector (DSDV) protocol can be viewed as which one of
the following?
(a) Reactive routing protocol
(b) Proactive routing protocol
(c) Hybrid routing protocol
(d) Multicast routing protocol
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Further reading
A.S. Tanenbaum (2005), Computer Networks, 4th ed. (New Delhi, India: Prentice Hall).
C. Cheng, R. Riley, S.P.R. Kumar and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves (1989), ‘A Loop-free Bellman
Ford Routing Protocol without Bouncing Effect’, in Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM’89,
September, 224–237.
C.E. Perkins (ed) (2001), Ad Hoc Networking (Boston: Addison-Wesley).
C.E. Perkins, E.M. Royer and S.R. Das (2001), ‘Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing’, (accessed June 2007).
C.E. Perkins and P. Bhagwat (1994), ‘Highly Dynamic Destination Sequenced Distance Vector
Routing Protocol (DSDV) for Mobile Computers’, in Proceedings of the SIGCOMM’94 Con-
ference on Communications Architectures, Protocols and Applications, August, pp. 234–244.
D.B. Johnson (1994), ‘Routing in Ad Hoc Networks of Mobile Hosts’, in Proceedings of the IEEE
Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications.
D.B. Johnson, D.A. Maltz, Yih-Chun Hu and Jorjeta G. Jetcheva (2001), ‘The Dynamic Source
Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks’,
manet-dsr-05.txt (accessed June 2007).
D.P. Agarwal and Q. Zeng (2003), Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems (Singapore, Thompson
E. Royer and C.K. Toh (1999), ‘A Review of Current Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless
Networks’, IEEE Personal Communications, 7(4): 46–55.
M. Mauve, H. Fubler, J Widmer and T. Lang (2003), ‘Position-based Multicast Routing for Mobile
Ad Hoc Networks’, Technical Report TR03004, Department of Computer Science, University
of Mannheim, Germany.
S.J. Lee, W. Su and M. Gerla (2000), ‘On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks’,
IETF Internet Draft, MANET Working Group.
V.D. Park and M.S. Corson (1997), ‘A Highly Adaptive Distributed Routing Algorithm for Mobile
and Wireless Networks’, in Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM, 97, April, pp. 103–112.
V.D. Park and M.S. Corson (2001), ‘Temporally-Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) Version 1
Functional Specification’,
(accessed June 2007).
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dvances in silicon technology have led to the development of next-generation, low-cost,
low-power, multifunctional, sensor devices. These devices communicate wirelessly to
transmit their readings. They are called wireless sensors and present a new facet in the field
of communication and computer networks. Wireless sensors are compact devices that integrate
communication, computation and microelectrical mechanical (MEMS) devices into a single chip.
A sensor network is a collection of communicating sensing devices or nodes. A large number
of sensors can be spread across a geographical area and networked in many applications that
require unattended operations, hence producing a wireless sensor network (WSN). The power of
WSNs lies in the ability to deploy large numbers of such tiny sensor nodes. While the capability
of any single device is minimal, the composition of hundreds of devices offers a significant
opportunity for parallel, accurate and reliable data acquisition.
In 1999, Mark Weiser coined the term ‘ubiquitous or pervasive computing’ to denote the
kind of computing where computers become so small and so omnipresent that they fade into the
background. WSNs are the basis for all pervasive computing. Wearable computers and smart
dust are other synonyms for WSNs.
Unlike traditional wireless devices, wireless sensor nodes do not communicate directly with
a base station, but rather operate in a peer-to-peer manner. The base station is usually a high-
computing device, which aggregates data from multiple sensor nodes and processes them. All
nodes in the network do not necessarily communicate at any particular time, and each node can
only communicate with a few nearby nodes. Therefore, data collected by individual nodes is
routed between the thousands of tiny sensor nodes in a multihop fashion until they reach the
base station. See Figure 7.1 for a typical WSN connected to the Internet through a base station
and transit network. The network has a routing protocol to control the routing of data messages
between nodes. The routing protocol also attempts to get messages to the base station in an
energy-efficient manner. Thus, sensor nodes act as routers as well as data originators.
1. Military applications: Sensor nodes can be spread across a battlefield or enemy area and
be programmed to track and monitor enemy troop movements or movement of terrorists and can
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be used to locate their exact positions. They can also be used instead of mines to immediately
detect any movement, thus safeguarding human lives.
Sensor networks can also be used to detect the use of biological or chemical weapons, and
relay this information to commanders, so as to allow sufficient time for soldiers to take defensive
measures in the field.
Improved battlefield communication is another benefit of WSN for military applications.
Here, the soldier with a personal digital assistant (PDA) acquires an extended sense by interacting
with the surrounding WSN. Target field imaging, security and tactical surveillance, and intrusion
detection are other similar applications.
But military applications impose several special requirements on the WSN. Firstly, auto-
deployment and self-organization should be supported. Secondly, detection of a sensor node
should be difficult, otherwise an adversary may determine the location of sensor nodes easily,
and compromise them. In such a situation, information with the compromised node can be
stolen, or invalid information can be injected into the system.
Thus, secure communication is vital but may not be feasible in the form of large keys and
robust protocols because of the limited computation power available. This is a major challenge in
the deployment of WSN for military applications.
2. Environmental applications: Sensor networks are being increasingly used for environ-
mental concerns. Examples include tracking the nesting habits of seabirds by monitoring a large
geographic region with human presence, or attaching the sensors directly to large mammals to
monitor their behaviour.
Monitoring of river currents is another application of WSNs, to measure their water inflow
and mixture from various sources. Water-quality monitoring may also be useful to determine
contamination with bacteria or other harmful pollutants.
A major application in this category is the spread of sensor nodes across a forest to monitor
temperatures and give early warnings of fire outbreaks. Weather prediction, climate monitoring,
distributed computing, pollution tracking, seismic detection, detecting ambient conditions such
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as temperature, movement, sound, light, or the presence of certain objects, inventory control
and disaster management are other similar applications.
The major requirement of environment sensors is the need for rugged operation in hostile
surroundings and extended sleep periods to maximize the lifetime of the network.
3. Medical applications: WSNs can be used in medical applications by using the sensor
node as a device that can reside on or within the human body and perform tasks that are cur-
rently done by costly machines. These include glucose monitors for continuous reading of in-
sulin levels in diabetic patients; heart monitors for keeping track of the functioning of the heart,
especially for patients with irregular heartbeats or coronary diseases; and artificial retinal and
cortical implants to electronically transmit information to visually impaired persons.
Another example of the use of WSNs in medical applications is the vital statistics repository,
which takes the form of a smart card holding medical information on persons with severe aller-
gies to certain substances or medications.
Other medical applications include use in telemonitoring of human physiological data,
tracking and monitoring doctors and patients inside a hospital and insurance cards.
Medical applications using sensors also have special requirements. They must be safe and
biocompatible to merit continuous functioning inside the human body and not damage the
tissues. The sensors must be designed for long-term operation and have enough power so that
frequent surgery is avoided. This means that they must be highly fault-tolerant and provide
redundancy and graceful degradation in failure scenarios.
4. Industrial applications: For use in industrial applications, low-cost sensor nodes could be
attached to equipment to monitor performance. They could also be attached to parts as they
move through an assembly pipeline on the shop floor. Thus, inefficiencies in plant process flow
can be recognized quickly, rush orders could be expedited more easily and customer queries
could be answered faster and more accurately.
Radio frequency identity (RFID) tags are already being placed on items like gasoline and
other merchandise to allow fast and accurate scanning at checkout and for inventory tracking.
These tags could be replaced by wireless sensors at fixed locations and used for tracking.
The use of sensor nodes for industrial and commercial applications requires their cost to be
made very low so that they can be used in bulk. The protocols in use should, therefore, also be
highly scalable.
5. Urban applications: WSNs can be used for various urban applications like transportation
and traffic systems, auto-identification by driving license, parking availability, security monitors
in shopping malls, parking garages, city streets and home security.
1. The number of sensor nodes in a sensor network is much more than that in an ad hoc network.
Usually sensor networks consist of 1,000 to 10,000 sensor nodes covering the area.
2. Sensor nodes are generally static and cooperate together to transfer the sensed data.
3. In mobile ad hoc networks, the number of nodes is much less, but their mobility is very high.
4. Sensor nodes mainly use the broadcast communication paradigm, whereas most ad hoc
networks are based on point-to-point communication.
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5. Another difference between the two is that sensor nodes have a much lower power con-
sumption requirement, of the order of 0.75 mW.
• Low power consumption: Sensor nodes are equipped with a battery to provide them with
power. Therefore, protocols and algorithms designed for sensor networks should utilize min-
imal energy.
• Low cost: Most of the sensor networks applications require hundreds or thousands of nodes
to be deployed. To correspond to that volume of production, the cost of the network compo-
nents must be minimized.
• Security: Due to the wireless nature of transmission and the unattended nature of network, de-
ployment, it may be easy for an adversary to attack the network. At the same time, the security
features must be capable of implementation with inexpensive hardware and minimal resources.
• Data throughput: Sensor networks have limited data throughput that implies low communi-
cation efficiency, especially with any protocol overhead added to the packets. Therefore,
communication protocols for sensor networks must be kept as simple as possible.
Internet and D C B
Sink E A
Task manager
Base station
Simple node
1s t level cluster head
Clusters 2nd level cluster head
Power unit
Network layer
Physical layer
The power management plane manages how a sensor node uses its power across all layers,
since power efficiency is an essential constraint in WSNs. For example, a sensor node may turn
off its receiver after receiving a message.
In some applications, sensor nodes may be mobile. In such applications, the mobility man-
agement plane manages mobility of nodes by detecting and registering their movement, so that
a route back to the user is always maintained.
The task management plane balances and schedules the sensing tasks given to a specific
region, since not all sensor nodes in that region are required to perform the sensing task at the
same time.
1. Topological changes are localized, since each node needs to know only its single-hop
2. As compared to flooding, it reduces energy dissipation by a factor of 3.5.
3. Metadata negotiation results in almost halving the redundant data.
However, the disadvantage of SPIN is that its data advertisement mechanism cannot guaran-
tee delivery of data. If the nodes that are interested in the data are far away from the source node
and the nodes between source and destination are not interested in that data, such data will not
be delivered to the destination at all.
Therefore, SPIN cannot be used in applications such as intrusion detection, where reliable
delivery of data packets is required at regular intervals.
can begin sensing and transmitting data to their cluster head. The cluster heads aggregate data
from the nodes in their cluster before sending them to the base station.
LEACH achieves over a factor of 7 reduction in energy dissipation compared to direct com-
munication and a factor of 4–8 compared to the minimum transmission energy routing protocols.
The nodes die randomly, and dynamic clustering increases the lifetime of the system. LEACH is
completely distributed and requires no global knowledge of the network.
However, since it uses single-hop routing where each node can transmit directly to the cluster
head and the sink, it is not applicable to large networks. Furthermore, dynamic clustering brings
extra overhead, for example, head changes and advertisements, which reduce the gain in energy
consumption. For more details of LEACH, the reader is referred to Heinzelman, Chandrakasan
and Balakrishnan (2000). PEGASIS
Power-efficient gathering in sensor information system (PEGASIS) is an improvement on
LEACH. Instead of forming multiple clusters, PEGASIS forms chains from sensor nodes. Each
node transmits and receives data from a neighbour, and only one node is selected from that
chain to transmit to the base station (sink). Gathered data move from node to node, are aggre-
gated and are eventually sent to the base station. The chain construction is performed in a
greedy way.
Unlike LEACH, PEGASIS uses multihop routing by forming chains and by selecting only
one node to transmit to the base station, instead of using multiple nodes. PEGASIS has been
shown to outperform LEACH by about 100 per cent to 300 per cent for different network sizes
and topologies. This is due to the elimination of the overhead caused by dynamic cluster forma-
tion in LEACH and by decreasing the number of transmissions and reception by using data
However, PEGASIS introduces large delay for a far-off node in the chain. Also, the presence
of a single leader can become a bottleneck.
The Adaptive Threshold sensitive Energy Efficient sensor Network protocol (APTEEN) is an
extension to TEEN that captures periodic data collections and reacts to time-critical events.
Details may be seen in Manjeshwar and Agrawal (2002).
3. Three MTS310 sensor boards (acceleration, magnetic, light, temperature, acoustic and
4. Two MDA500, MICA2DOT prototype and data acquisition boards
5. One MIB510 programming board
6. Serial interface board
7. Mote-view and mote-test software
A typical Mica mote uses a processor and radio board (MPR300CB), which is based on the
Atmel Atmega 128L low-power microcontroller. Specifications of a typical Mica mote are given in
Table 7.1.
7.6.2 TinyOS
The Mica mote uses a special operating system developed at UC Berkeley for sensor networks,
called TinyOS. All software for the motes is developed on the TinyOS platform. TinyOS is an
efficient and modular embedded software platform designed explicitly for networked sensor
motes. It draws strongly from previous architectural work on lightweight thread support and
Speed 44 MHz
Flash 128 KB
Radio frequency 916–433 MHz (ISM band)
Data rate 40 Kbits/sec max.
Power 0.75 mW
Radio range 100 ft, programmable
Power source 2 ⫻ AA batteries
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efficient network interfaces. It has been developed on an open source software platform by UC
Berkeley, with active support from a large community of users.
TinyOS is a component-based runtime environment designed to provide support for deeply
embedded systems that require intensive concurrent operations while being constrained by mini-
mal hardware resources, like size, power and efficiency. The TinyOS system, libraries and applica-
tions are written in NesC (network embedded systems C) language. NesC has a C-like syntax and is
an extension to C designed to embody the structuring concepts and execution model of TinyOS.
Programs in NesC are built out of components, which are assembled (wired) to form whole pro-
grams. Components define two scopes, one for specification (containing the names of their
interface instances) and one for their implementation. Components have internal concurrency in
the form of tasks. Interfaces are bidirectional, that is, they specify a set of functions to be
implemented by the interface’s provider (commands) and a set to be implemented by the interface’s
user (events). This allows a single interface to represent a complex interaction between components
(e.g. registration of interest in some event, followed by a callback when that event happens).
The machine to which the MIB is connected will contain the TonyOS code, that is, the code
for the components. Application code is written using the component code that is already pres-
ent in TinyOS. The NesC compiler is used to compile the program, whose output exe file is used
to program the Mote’s flash.
TinyOS maintains a two-level scheduling structure, so a small amount of processing associ-
ated with hardware events can be performed immediately while long-running tasks are inter-
rupted. In TinyOS, each system module is designed to operate by continually responding to
incoming events. When an event arrives, it brings the required execution context with it. When
the event processing is completed, it is returned to the system.
7.8 Summar y
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of thousands of small computing nodes or motes
equipped with radio transceivers and sensors, and are the basis of pervasive and ubiquitous com-
puting. They can be quickly and easily deployed in many applications, ranging from military to
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environmental. They differ from MANETs in that the number of nodes is much larger and the
computing power is much lesser.
Many routing algorithms have been designed for WSNs. These can be divided into datacen-
tric protocols, hierarchical protocols and protocols based on location. The more important ones
among these are SPIN, LEACH, PEGASIS, TEEN and APTEEN.
The Mica mote kit was one of the earliest WSN nodes developed and has been usefully em-
ployed and tested for such diverse applications as aiding the movement of visually handicapped
persons and for sensing and reporting fires. TinyOS is an example of a real-time operating system
that has been specifically designed for such WSN nodes.
In the next chapter, we will discuss the handheld devices used in mobile computing, their
characteristics and their underlying operating systems.
1. Explain clearly the differences between WSNs and other types of ad hoc networks.
2. Many applications have been given in the chapter for WSNs. Choose any given application
and identify the design of the WSN for it.
3. For the above design, list the important security issues to be taken care of.
4. Compare and contrast the use and benefit of RFIDs vs. WSNs in a typical industrial environment.
5. Can the topology of a WSN change, even if there is no mobility? Discuss your answer.
6. Wireless sensor nodes are being increasingly deployed in the human body. What are the special
security requirements of such biomedical sensors?
7. The energy consumed by different functions in a sensor is not the same. List the typical
amounts of such consumption, for functions like aggregation, communication to cluster
head, cluster head to BS, sleeping mode, sensing mode, etc.
8. Draw a table to compare and contrast the various routing algorithms used in WSN. List the
items in terms of the parameters used for comparison.
9. Download the TinyOS or any other open source operating system available for WSN and
implement and test a simple protocol with it using a simulator.
10. Suppose that a nuclear plant building of size 20 ⫻ 20 sq. metres and height 10 metres is to be
fitted with wireless sensors. If the sensors have a transmit/receive range of 2 metres, what
would be an efficient arrangement of the sensors? Discuss.
Multiple-choice questions
1. Smart dust is a synonym for which of the following?
(a) Wireless sensor networks
(b) Mobile ad hoc networks
(c) Wearable computers
(d) Both (a) and (c)
2. The kind of computing where computers become so small and so omnipresent that they fade
into the background is known as
(a) Soft computing
(b) Pervasive computing
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10. The TinyOS system, libraries and applications are written in which one of the following
(a) NesC
(b) C++
(c) Java
(d) C
Further reading
A. Buczak and V. Jamalabad (1998), ‘Self-Organization of a Heterogeneous Sensor Network by
Genetic Algorithms’, in C.H. Dagli, S.R.T. Kumara and Y.C. Shin (eds), Intelligent Engineering
Systems through Artificial Neural Networks, vol. 8 (New York: ASME Press), pp. 259–264.
A. Manjeshwar and D.P. Agrawal (2002), ‘APTEEN: A Hybrid Protocol for Efficient Routing and
Comprehensive Information Retrieval in Wireless Sensor Networks’, in Proceedings of the
2nd International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Issues in Wireless Net-
works and Mobile Computing, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, April.
A. Perrig, R. Szewczyk, V. Wen, D. Culler and J.D. Tygar (2001), ‘SPINS: Security Protocols for Sensor
Networks’, in Proceedings of Mobile Networking and Computing 2001.
A. Wolisz, H. Karl and A. Willig (eds) (2004), ‘Wireless Sensor Networks’, in Proceedings of 1st
European Workshop, EWSN 2004, LNCS 2920 (Springer).
A.M. Mainwaring, D.E. Culler, J. polastre, R. Szewczyk and J. Anderson (2002), ‘Wireless Sensor
Networks for Habitat Monitoring’, in ACM International Workshop on WSNs and Applica-
tions (WSNA’02), pp. 88–97.
Articles on sensors at (accessed March 2007).
B.V. Prasad (2005), ‘Dynamic Keying in Tinysec—Security Architecture for WSNs’, M.Tech. thesis,
IIT Roorkee.
C.R. Lin and M. Gerla (1997), ‘Adaptive Clustering for Mobile Wireless Networks’, IEEE Journal on
Selected Areas in Communications, 15(7): 1265–1275.
F. Adelstein, S.K.S. Gupta, G.G. Richard III and L. Schwiebert (eds) (2005), Fundamentals of Mobile
and Pervasive Computing (New Delhi, India: Tata McGraw-Hill).
I. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam and E. Cayrici (2002), ‘A Survey on Sensor Networks’,
IEEE Communications Magazine, 40(8): 102 –105.
K. Akkaya and M. Younis (2005), ‘A Survey on Routing Protocols for WSNs’, Elsevier Ad Hoc Network,
3(3): 325–349.
L. Li and J.Y. Halpern (2001), ‘Minimum Energy Mobile Wireless Networks Revisited’, in Proceed-
ings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC01), Helsinki, Finland, June.
M. Bagli (2005), ‘Performance Evaluation of Energy Efficient Routing for WSNs’, M.Tech. thesis,
IIT Roorkee.
M. Tubaishat and S. Madria (2003), ‘Sensor Networks: An Overview’, IEEE Potentials, 22(2):
M. Weiser (1991), ‘The Computer for the Twenty-First Century’, Scientific American, 265(3):
94 –110.
M. Weiser (1993), ‘Hot Topics: Ubiquitous Computing’, IEEE Computer, (October): 71–73.
P. Gupta and A. Chaturvedi (2006), ‘Dhristi—Indoor Orientation for the Visually Impaired’,
B.Tech project report, IIT Roorkee.
M07_GARGxxxx_01_SE_C07.qxd 3/10/10 8:32 PM Page 116
Q. Jiang and D. Manivannan (2004), ‘Routing Protocols for Sensor Networks’, in IEEE Proceedings
on Computers.
S. Hedetniemi and A. Liestman (1988), ‘A Survey of Gossiping and Broadcasting in Communication
Networks’, Networks, 18(4): 319–349.
S. Lindsey and C.S. Raghavendra (1997), ‘PEGASIS: Power Efficient Gathering in Sensor Informa-
tion Systems’, in Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March.
TinyOS documentation at (accessed March 2006).
V. Rodoplu and T.H. Ming (1999), ‘Minimum Energy Mobile Wireless Networks’, IEEE Journal of
Selected Areas in Communications, 17(8): 1333–1344.
W. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakasan and H. Balakrishnan (2000), ‘Energy-efficient Communication
Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks’, in Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference
System Sciences, Hawaii, January.
W. Heinzelman, J. Kulik and H. Balakrishnan (1999), ‘Adaptive Protocols for Information
Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks’, in Proceedings of the 5th Annual ACM/IEEE
International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom99), Seattle,
WA, August. (accessed April 2006).
Y. Xu, J. Heidemann and D. Estrin (2001), ‘Geography-Informed Energy Conservation for Ad Hoc
Routing’, in Proceedings of the 7th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile
Computing and Networking (MobiCom01), Rome, Italy, July.
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oday, handheld devices or personal digital assistants (PDAs), also called palmtops or Pocket
PCs, which are all small-sized extensions of desktops, comprise the largest group of
Internet-connectable, pervasive devices available in the market. Their number is growing
by the day, and many vendors now supply a variety of these devices. These vendors include,
among others, Palm, Sony, Compaq, Dell, Toshiba, Motorola, Nokia, HP, Hyundai, etc. The market
trend is today shifting rapidly from low-end devices to those with some form of wireless connec-
tivity, whether for data or voice or both.
In this chapter, we shall dwell on the hardware aspects of mobile computing and discuss the
types and characteristics of various handheld devices. We shall also see how the operating sys-
tems for these devices are different from those of desktop and laptop computers, and typically
how the small available memory in them is managed.
8.1 Characteristics of PD As
All PDAs exhibit certain common characteristics, which make them small and lightweight, so that
they easily fit into pockets. All have a stylus that is used to tap on the screens to activate applica-
tions, and most are simple, expandable, connected, fast and mobile. As a result of fast-changing
technology and requirements, most PDAs in use tend to become obsolete very soon. Figure 8.1
shows a typical state-of-the-art PDA from Palm Inc.
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See Table 8.1 for a list of the comparative features of PDAs that have been in operation in the
past decade. We will discuss later in the chapter three of the latest and more popular PDAs, the
Palm TX, the HP ipaq rx 4240 and the Nokia 9210.
It is obvious from Table 8.1 that, because of their small size, PDAs have several limitations.
These are as follows:
1. ROM: The ROM is used for storage of the OS, built-in applications and default databases. On
most devices, the ROM is actually a Flash RAM that can be programmatically changed. The size
is mostly 2 MB, with 1 MB or more free memory, where custom applications can be inserted.
2. RAM: The RAM is divided into two separate fixed sized areas, a dynamic RAM that is used for
temporary store of data without the need for persistence and a storage RAM that is used for
permanent storage. Memory is allocated in chunks of maximum size of 64 KB. Relocatable
memory blocks are used to combat fragmentation. Execute-in-phase (XIP) technology is
used, so that the applications need not be transferred to a dynamic heap before execution.
3. Database: There is no traditional file system in PalmOS. Instead, a record database, which is
an ordered list of records that can be sorted and searched efficiently, is used for application
data. The resource database is an unordered list of records that is used to store application
codes. A database manager is present for managing the database.
4. Events and process management: In PalmOS, only one application can run at a time, since
there is no threading available. But it is possible to sublaunch other applications. For exam-
ple, a ‘search’ application can invoke other applications like queues on a database. Palm OS
is an event-driven operating system, where events can be user interface (UI) actions, like a
tap on the screen, or system notifications, like a timer alarm or application-specific events
like a database request.
5. User interface: The screen on the Palm devices is about 6 cm square and has a resolution of
up to 320 320. There is no keyboard or mouse for input. A stylus is provided and either a
M08_GARGxxxx_01_SE_C08.qxd 3/10/10 9:00 PM Page 122
Storage heap
Permanent storage used for:
RAM • User data
• Program code
RAM • Data used by system
Dynamic heap
RAM Main memory used for:
dynamic • Application stack
area • Application heap
• Global variables
• Operating system stack
• Operating system heap
Flash memory
(ROM) Permanent storage
containing operating
system code
graffiti area or an on-screen keyboard for entering text. Displaying the right information is
more important than fitting as much information on the screen as possible. However, a
graphical UI is provided, with support for check boxes, radio buttons, lists and scrollbars. It
is important to note that only one application uses the screen at a time.
1. Wi-Fi: The device quickly and automatically toggles Wi-Fi on and off as needed. This keeps
the Wi-Fi ‘on’ all the time, while not excessively draining the battery. After the connection is
idle for a certain period of time (or if the device is turned off), the Wi-Fi goes back to sleep. It
also stores network parameters on a case-by-case basis. Suppose that at home one has a Wi-Fi
network worked out with static Internet protocol (IP) addresses. At work, however, if the net-
work uses automatically assigned dynamic IPs, the TX remembers the individual settings. It
will use a static IP for the home network and a dynamic one for work.
2. Bluetooth: The interface provides the setup wizards for connecting to a mobile phone, PC, or
network and has Bluetooth, global positioning system (GPS) and serial ports. Two libraries are
provided to access the Internet through TCP/IP. These are the Net library and Internet library.
8.4 HP handhelds
Hewlett-Packard has taken mobile computing to new levels of compatibility and convenience.
Starting with the HP Jornada 820 or 820e handheld PC (H/PC) in 2002, their latest is the HP
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iPAQ rx 4240 Mobile device (2007), powered by the Microsoft Windows CE-based Windows
Mobile operating system. Salient features of its hardware are as follows:
The following are some of its technical features, including software available and applications:
We shall now discuss the Window CE operating system and then move on to the Windows
Mobile operating system, which is the latest offering from Microsoft.
8.5 Windows CE
Microsoft’s Windows CE is an open, scalable, 32-bit operating system, designed to support a wide
range of intelligent devices, from enterprise tools such as industrial controllers, communication
hubs and point-of-sale terminals to consumer products such as cameras, telephones and home
entertainment devices. There are four different versions of the Windows CE kernel for various
CPUs like the NEC MIPS and its variants, the Intel/AMD X86, Hitachi SH-3 and SH-4 and the
Intel StrongARM to handle different kinds of screens, keyboards, modems and peripheral
devices, unlike the single version of PalmOS.
Windows CE was developed from the ground up, as a small footprint, highly customizable
and modular operating system for embedded applications. Its kernel borrows from other
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Microsoft 32-bit operating systems, but eliminates or replaces those features that are not needed
for typical Windows CE applications. Hence, it is compact and customizable, and a version of the
kernel can reside in less than 200K of ROM.
8.5.4 Scheduling
The Windows CE .NET scheduler maintains a priority list of each process and thread in the OS.
Each process can contain multiple threads, and each of these threads composes a path of execu-
tion. The scheduler controls the order in which these different paths of execution are sequenced
and allows them to interact in a predictable fashion. When interrupts occur, the scheduler takes
them into account and reprioritizes threads accordingly. The scheduler can perform its work both
from the kernel and in a predefined scheduling mechanism. An application developer can create a
miniature custom scheduling system internally in a thread through the use of fibres in that thread.
For further details on the security subsystem, system calls, kernel enhancements, etc., of
Windows CE v3.0, the reader is referred to for Win-
dows CE OS.
• The current date, owner information, upcoming appointments, e-mail messages and tasks are
shown on the Today screen. Users can also select the other information they wish to display.
It also includes the notification bar which has icons to notify the status of Bluetooth, etc.
• The Taskbar shows the current time, the volume and the connectivity status. The Start Button
is designed like the Start Button on desktop versions of Windows. The Start Menu shows
recently opened programs at the top, nine customizable menu entries and links to the
program, settings, search and help.
• Mobile versions of Microsoft Office applications include Word Mobile and Excel Mobile. In
Windows Mobile 5.0, PowerPoint Mobile has been included. These versions include many
features which are used in desktop versions, but some others like inserting tables and images
have not been included in pre-5.0 versions. Desktop versions of files can be converted to
Office Mobile compatible versions.
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• Outlook mobile includes Microsoft Outlook for desktop versions. It is included in a value-
added CD-ROM with the Pocket PC hardware manufacturer.
• Windows Media Player is also included. All new Windows Mobile 6 devices have Version
10.2 of the player. In older devices, Version 10 is available for download for only specified
devices. The player supports .WMA, .WMV, .MP3, and .AVI files. Currently, MPEG files are
not supported, and WAV files are played in a separate player. Some versions are also capable
of playing .M4A audio files.
Figure 8.4 shows a typical screen of the Windows Mobile 6, which was released in early 2007.
It features three different versions—Windows Mobile 6 Standard for smart phones (phones with-
out touch screens), Windows Mobile 6 Professional for PDAs with phone functionality (Pocket
PC Phone Edition) and Windows Mobile 6 Classic for plain PDAs without cellular radios.
We give below a summary of its specifications:
Manufacturer Nokia
Screen 4096-colour 640 ⫻ 200 LCD screen
Exterior screen Mono
Memory Application 14 MB, user 2 MB
Memory card 16 MB multimedia card
Networks EGSM 900/1800 and HSCSD (43.2 Kbit/s)
Physical size 158 ⫻ 56 ⫻ 27 mm
Weight 244 g
• Nokia 9300—which is smaller (132 51 21 mm) and lighter (167 g) than Nokia 9210,
with similar features.
• Nokia 9500—which has additional features (Wi-Fi and camera) but the same size (148 57
24 mm) and weight (222 g).
Both new models include other improvements such as EDGE, colour 128 128 external dis-
play and Bluetooth. The Nokia 9290 is the American variant of the Europe-only Nokia 9210
Communicator phone.
8.7.2 Features
Some of the useful features present in the Nokia handheld are as follows:
• Use real video and Macromedia Flash on Nokia 9290 Communicator. Players are in-
cluded on the Nokia 9290 Communicator CD or download.
8.8.1 Design
Symbian OS has its roots in the Psion Software’s EPOC and is structured like many desktop operat-
ing systems with pre-emptive multitasking and memory protection. EPOC provides multitasking
with server-based asynchronous serialised access based on events.
Symbian OS was built to follow three design rules in order to support extended, always-on
For hardware, the OS is optimized for low-power battery-based devices and for ROM-based
systems. Applications and the OS follow an object-oriented design. Later, OS versions have a real-
time kernel and a platform security model in versions 8 and 9.
There is a strong emphasis on conserving resources, using Symbian-specific programming
features such as descriptors and a cleanup stack. All Symbian OS programming is event-based,
and the CPU is switched off when applications are not directly dealing with an event. This is
achieved through a programming feature called active objects. Similarly, the OS approach to
threads vs. processes is driven by reducing overheads.
Symbian OS supports sufficiently fast real-time response such that it is possible to build a
single-core phone around it, that is, a phone in which a single processor core executes both the
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user applications and the signalling stack. This is a feature which is not available in Linux. This
has allowed SymbianOS phones to become smaller, cheaper and more power efficient.
As of 2007, Symbian OS was the leading OS in the smart mobile device market with a 67 per
cent share of the smart mobile device market, with Microsoft having 13 per cent through Win-
dows CE and Windows Mobile and RIM having 10 per cent.
1. UI framework layer
2. Application services layer containing Java ME
3. OS services layer containing the following services:
a. Generic OS services
b. Communications services
c. Multimedia and graphics services
d. Connectivity services
4. Base services layer
5. Kernel services and hardware interface layer
The base services layer is the lowest-level reachable by user-side operations; it includes the
File Server and User Library, the Plug-In Framework which manages all plug-ins, Store, Central
Repository, data base management system (DBMS), and cryptographic services. It also includes
the Text Window Server and the Text Shell, the two basic services from which a completely func-
tional port can be created without the need for any higher-layer services.
Symbian OS has a microkernel architecture, which provides for robustness, availability and
responsiveness. It contains a scheduler, memory management and device drivers. Other services
like networking, telephony and filesystem support are present in the OS services layer or base
services layer. The inclusion of device drivers means the kernel is not a true microkernel, but a
nanokernel, containing only the most basic primitives and supporting an extended kernel to im-
plement any other abstractions.
Symbian OS is designed for compatibility with other devices, especially removable media
file systems. Earlier the FAT was used as the internal file system, but an object-oriented persist-
ence model has been placed over the underlying FAT, providing a POSIX-style interface and a
streaming model.
There is a large networking and communication subsystem, which has servers for EPOC
telephony, EPOC sockets and for serial communication. The subsystem also contains code for
short-range communication links, such as Bluetooth, IrDA and USB.
There is also a large volume of user interface (UI) code. Only the base classes and substruc-
ture are contained in Symbian OS. The actual user interfaces are maintained by third parties. The
OS also contains libraries for graphics, text layout and font rendering.
8.9 Summar y
Personal digital assistants (PDAs) are small extensions of notebook computers, and represent the
fastest-growing handheld systems that can be connected to the Internet today. They are charac-
terized by small size, small memory, small screen size and low battery power. But the features
provided and the functionality available in them are improving day by day.
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The operating systems used in these PDAs are characterized as being real-time and having a
small footprint. The most popular OS used with PDAs are the SymbianOS, PalmOS, the Windows
CE and the Windows Mobile. These operating systems exhibit many unique features, including
real-time and multitasking operation.
In the next chapter, we shall discuss the mobile Internet and the wireless Web to see how
these handheld devices can be used to access the Internet in a wireless manner and the protocols
available to facilitate the same.
1. Using the parameters given in Table 8.1, compare any commercially available PDA and note-
book computer.
2. Explain what is meant by ‘small footprint’, with respect to operating systems.
3. Discuss the parameters by which one can compare operating systems for handhelds.
4. Compare the PalmOS, Windows CE and SymbianOS using the parameters identified in
Problem 3.
5. Explain why it is better to have a real-time OS with PDAs.
6. Is Windows CE a real-time OS? Explain your answer.
7. Show how the Windows Mobile OS is superior to Windows CE.
8. Search the Internet and note down the specifications of the latest PDA available in the market.
Compare its features with the Windows Mobile 6 Professional.
9. Compare and contrast the specifications of a typical mobile phone with a typical palmtop
10. Windows CE is said to be a multitasking and multithreading OS. What is the meaning of this
statement? Discuss the difference between threads and processes.
Multiple-choice questions
1. Which one of the following vendors is considered the most secure?
(a) Palm (b) BlackBerry
(c) Windows Pocket PC (d) Handspring Visor family
2. How much memory of Palm Zire 71 is user accessible?
(a) 16 MB (b) 12 MB
(c) 14 MB (d) 20 MB
3. Which of the following wireless communication techniques is used in personal area net-
(a) Wi-Fi 802.11b (b) CDMA
(c) Bluetooth (d) AT&T Wireless
4. In which state is the Windows CE device not powered, so that all volatile RAM data and code
are lost?
(a) Suspended (b) Dead
(c) Blocked (d) Terminated
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Further reading
U. Hansmann, L. Merck, M.S. Nicklous and T Stober (2003), Principles of Mobile Computing, 2nd
ed. (New Delhi, India: Springer). for information on Hewlett-Packard handhelds. for an overview of Windows CE devices. for Pocket PC information. for Windows CE OS. for information on Motorola’s consumer products. for the Nokia homepage. for information and downloads for Palm OS computing devices. online magazine covering Palm OS-related topics. for EPOC-powered devices, Psion devices, free downloads, etc.
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raditionally, the Internet has been accessed via a 2 Mbps cable modem from the office or
home, and the content has been received on high-resolution screens via hypertext transfer
protocol (HTTP) in hypertext markup language (HTML) format. But with the advent of and
considerable interest in small portable devices and handhelds, capable of accessing the Web via
wireless links like GPRS or GSM, focus has shifted to tiny displays of 96 64 pixels to receive
content 24 7 365.
The wireless application protocol (WAP) is an open, global specification that empowers mobile
users with wireless devices to easily access e-mail and the Web, through information and services
instantly. The WAP Forum was initially set up as a consortium led by Nokia, Ericsson and Motorola
in 1997, as an Industry Group for the purpose of extending the existing Internet standards for
use with wireless communication. It was able to deliver services as early as 1999, through the
WAP standard 1.1, providing speeds of 9.6 Kbps. The WAP standard 2.0 came in 2002 and could
provide speeds of 384 Kbps. As of 2002, more than 500 companies from all parts of the industry,
including network operators, device manufacturers, service providers and software vendors, are
members of the WAP Forum.
In this chapter, we concentrate on the WAP and its gateway, but before we go into the details
of WAP, let us take a look at the traditional Web programming model and see how it compares
with the WAP programming model.
Request (URL)
browser Response (content) Content
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In this model, applications and content are presented in standard data formats and are
browsed by applications known as Web browsers. The Web browser is a networked application;
that is, it sends requests for named data objects to a network server, and the network server
responds with the data encoded using the standard formats. The WWW standards specify many
of the mechanisms necessary to build a general-purpose application environment, including the
1. Standard naming model: All servers and content on the WWW are named with an Internet
standard uniform resource locator (URL).
2. Content typing: All content on the WWW is given a specific type, thereby allowing Web
browsers to correctly process the content, based on its type.
3. Standard content formats: All Web browsers support a set of standard content formats.
These include the HTML, scripting languages like ECMAscript and Javascript, and a large
number of other formats.
4. Standard protocols: Standard networking protocols allow any Web browser to communicate
with any Web server. The most commonly used protocol on the WWW is the HTTP, operating
on top of the TCP/IP protocol suite.
This infrastructure allows users to easily reach a large number of third-party applications and
content services. It also allows application developers to easily create applications and content
services for a large community of clients.
Request (URL)
The classical request-response mechanism is commonly referred to as pull, where the client pulls
data from the server, in contrast with the push mechanism, where the server pushes data to
the client.
WAP content and applications are specified in a set of well-known content formats, based on
the familiar WWW content formats. Content is transported using a set of standard communication
protocols based on the WWW communication protocols. The WAP microbrowser in the wireless
terminal coordinates the user interface and is analogous to a standard Web browser. WAP defines
a set of standard components that enable communication between mobile terminals and network
servers, including the following:
1. Standard naming model: WWW standard URLs are used to identify WAP content on origin
servers. WWW standard uniform resource indicators (URIs) are used to identify local
resources in a device, for example, call control functions.
2. Content typing: All WAP content is given a specific type consistent with WWW typing,
thereby allowing WAP user agents to correctly process the content, based on its type.
3. Standard content formats: All WAP content formats are based on WWW technology and
include display markup, calendar information, electronic business card objects, images and
scripting languages, and a large number of formats.
4. Standard protocols: WAP communication protocols enable the communication of browser
requests from the mobile terminal to the Web server. The WAP content types and protocols
have been optimized for mass market, handheld wireless devices.
The session layer (WSP) supplies methods for the organized exchange of content in
client/server applications. It is similar to HTTP/1.1, but with some restrictions and extensions for
optimization purposes.
The transaction layer (WTP) provides different methods for performing transactions, to a
varying degree of reliability. It manages requests and responses, either reliably or unreliably.
The security layer (WTLS) is an optional layer that provides, when present, authentication,
privacy and secure connections between applications. WTLS is a subset of Netscape’s Secure
Socket Layer (SSL).
The transport layer (WDP) is the bottom layer of the WAP stack, which shelters the upper
layers from bearer services offered by the operator. It is essentially user datagram protocol (UDP).
The bearer layer supports all the existing mobile phone systems, including GSM, DAMPS and
CDMA. The WAP 1.1 data rate is 9,600 Bps.
WAP 1.1 is basically a circuit-switched system that can be used with a variety of different net-
works. But it comes with a high per-minute charge. Its other major drawback is that it does not
support HTML, and hence content available to the WAP device is limited. Another major draw-
back with WAP 1.1 is that it does not support Internet standard protocols. Hence, a gateway is
required to translate contents from the WAP environment to the Internet environment. This
poses a major security risk, which we will discuss in Chapter 11.
Various technical differences are also present between WAP 1.1 and 2.0. Firstly, WAP 2.0
continues to support the WAP 1.1 stack, but also supports the standard Internet stack with TCP
and HTTP/1.1. However, four minor but compatible changes to TCP were made to simplify
the code:
Secondly, WAP 2.0 supports XHTML Basic, a markup language intended for small wireless
devices like mobile phones, televisions, personal digital assistants (PDAs), vending machines,
pagers, cars, game machines, watches, etc. It therefore does not support style sheets, scripts or
frames, but most of the standard tags are there, which are defined in XML.
WAP 2.0 runs at 384 Kbps, which is still very slow, as compared to the 11 Mbps or 54 Mbps
data rates offered by IEEE Standard 802.11, which is giving it huge competition.
Bearer Bearer IP IP
To translate the traditional HTTP requests and replies to the coded forms, a mapping table is
required. The features provided by the WAP gateway are pull operation, push operation, on-the-fly
image conversion (GIF, JPEG to wireless bit map protocol [WBMP]), WML to WAP binary XML
(WBXML) (compressed format), access control, logging and cache service.
A WAP gateway does three tasks:
1. Header translation, which allows the client system to access the Internet via a different
2. Push operation, which allows the server to send the right information to the client, and
3. Content compilation, which allows compaction of the data for low-bandwidth support.
Wireless The
network internet
WSP response Protocol HTTP response WML
protocol (Binary WML) (WML)
conversion WML script
WAP Internet
protocols protocols
of which are given in WAP Forum (2001). The PPG uses the push over-the-air (OTA) protocol to
deliver the push content to the client. Push architecture is shown in Figure 9.7.
Push message types: Two push message content types are available. These are as follows:
a. Service indication: The service indication (SI) content type allows sending notifications
to end users in an asynchronous manner. These may be about new e-mails, changes in
stock price, news headlines, advertising, reminders, low prepaid balance, etc. This is
shown in Figure 9.8.
b. Service loading: The service loading (SL) content type causes a user agent on a mobile
client to load and execute a service that can be in the form of a WML deck. The
SL contains a URI indicating the service to be loaded by the user agent without user
• The PI (Web server or e-mail provider) instructs the WAP (push proxy) gateway to push
an SI to the mobile client using the PAP. The PI sends the SI message with an appropri-
ate header and an URI to the e-mail service.
• The push proxy/gateway sends the SI to the mobile client using the push OTA protocol.
• The mobile client receives the push containing the SI, and the message is presented to
the end user.
HTTP transport: To send push request to WAP gateway: HTTP POST request method is
used to transport the push request using PAP. The HTTP response always contains result code
202 (accepted for processing) when the HTTP transaction succeeds, although the response
PAP document may contain a PAP error.
SI SI Retrieve/
(textual) (binary) Postpone
1. A control entity: This is an XML document that contains delivery instructions for the PPG.
It must be the first entity in the multipurpose Internet mail extensions (MIME) multipart/
related message.
2. A content entity: This is a MIME body part containing the content to be sent to the wireless
device. It is included only in the push submission and not in any other operation request or
response. It must be the second entity in the MIME multipart/related message.
3. An optional capability entity.
Content-Type: multipart/related; type=application/xml;
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<push-message push-id="100">
<address address-value="WAPPUSH="/>
Content-Type: text/; charset=UTF-8
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<indication href="" si-id="111" action="signal-medium">
this is message
WAP gateway
(6) (2)
Mapping table
• Headers len field: It specifies the length of the content-type and headers fields combined.
• Content-type field: It contains the content type of the data.
• Headers field: It contains the push headers.
• Data field: It contains the data pushed from the server.
Sending SI to the mobile: The specified message is then sent to the mobile in an UDP
Packet, at port number 2948.
1. The user agent (mobile) sends a URL request to a WAP gateway using the WSP protocol.
2. The WAP gateway decodes the request message and translates the request line and request
header (in binary format) to HTTP format by a mapping table.
3. The WAP gateway creates a connection to the Web server and sends an HTTP request to it.
4. The HTTP request is processed by the Web server.
5. The Web server returns an HTTP reply message, which contains data.
6. The WAP gateway encodes the reply and translates the HTTP formatted reply line and reply
header into WSP binary format using the mapping table.
7. The WAP gateway creates a WSP response containing WML and returns it to the client system.
9.7 Summar y
The Internet today has become ‘mobile’, which implies that more and more mobile users are
accessing it using their small handheld devices. But various extensions and enhancements are
needed in the traditional Web programming model to match the characteristics and constraints
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of these devices. These extensions have been provided by the wireless application protocol (WAP)
programming model.
Two versions of the WAP are currently available, WAP 1.1 and WAP 2.0, with the latter
providing many more facilities, including higher speeds and ease of use. Both require the WAP
gateway, which translates Internet content for downloading on the small PDA.
In Japan, a radically different system called i-mode is used, which provides many services,
standardized by the Japanese NTTDoCoMo.
The WAP gateway provides both push and pull operations, unlike the traditional Web, by
the use of the push access protocol (PAP) and the over-the-air (OTA) protocols.
In the next chapter, we shall revisit logical mobility in the form of mobile agents and their
1. Identify the requirements for a wireless application protocol, and compare and contrast
WAP 1.1 with WAP 2.0, with respect to these requirements.
2. Indicate why the IEEE Standard 802.11 cannot be used in place of WAP 1.1. or WAP 2.0,
although it is much faster than both.
3. Show clearly why an http server cannot be used in place of a wireless gateway.
4. WAP 2.0 supports XHTML Basic, which is intended for small wireless devices. It does
not support scripts but most of the standard tags. Find out what these are and what their
functions are.
5. Look up the relevant book, to find out the services provided by I-Mode, and show how these
differ from WAP 1.1.
6. Compare and contrast XHTML and cHTML. Which is more user-friendly?
7. What are scripting languages, and how do they differ from normal programming languages?
8. Write a program in Javascript to accept a number and calculate its factorial. Indicate how
this program is different from a normal Java or C program.
9. Repeat the program given in Question 8 using PHP script. Which is a better program and
10. Devise a scheme for transmitting English text efficiently over a wireless link to a WAP
Multiple-choice questions
1. Which one of the following does WAP stand for?
(a) Wireless access protocol
(b) Web access protocol
(c) Web application protocol
(d) Wireless application protocol
2. Which one of the following is not a WAP programming model component?
(a) WAP microbrowser
(b) HTTP server
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3. Which one of the following are the enhancements that WAP has added to the Web program-
ming model?
(a) Push and telephony.
(b) Pop and telephony.
(c) Telephony support only
(d) Pop only
5. Which one of the following features does not belong to WAP 2.0?
(a) Pop
(b) Push as well as pop
(c) Multimedia messaging
(d) Interfaces to storage devices
Further reading
A.S. Tanenbaum (2005), Computer Networks, 4th ed. (New Delhi, India: Prentice Hall India).
H. Mei, Y.M. Wen and W.J. Lin (2000), ‘Turning an Http Server into a Wireless Internet Gateway’,
in Proceedings INET2000, Japan, July.
J.R. Vacca (2002), I-Mode Crash Course (New York: McGraw-Hill).
N. Frengle (2002), I-Mode: A Primer (New York: Hungry Minds).
WAP Forum (2001), ‘Wireless Application Protocol Architecture Specification’, WAP-210-
WAPArch-20010712-a, July 2001, (accessed July 2006).
WAP Forum (2001), ‘Wireless Application Protocol WAP 2.0 Technical White Paper’, August 2001, (accessed July 2006). (accessed November 2003). for information on the WAP Forum (accessed July 2006).
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n Chapter 4, we looked at the migrating process, which can be considered to provide mobility
in the logical domain. In this chapter, we revisit logical mobility by considering the mobile
agent, which is an extension of the migrating process.
An agent is a computer program whose execution is contingent upon events and data
conditions in its environment and which is not under continuous, direct control by a human
user. Agents make an interesting topic of study because they draw on and integrate so many
diverse disciplines of computer science, including objects and distributed object architectures,
adaptive learning systems, artificial intelligence (AI), expert systems, genetic algorithms,
distributed processing, distributed algorithms, collaborative online social environments and
Agent technology is also interesting for its potential to solve some nagging productivity
problems that pester almost all modern computer users. Many agents are used as intelligent elec-
tronic gophers or automated errand boys. If we want them, for example, to search the Internet
for information on a topic, or assemble and order a computer according to our desired specifica-
tions, they will do so and inform us when they have finished.
Agents are not a new paradigm, as they have been researched earlier in the area of distributed
AI as intelligent agents. In this sense, they can be said to be the successors of the ‘actors’ of
Hewitt. The Web and Java language have given agents a new impetus, in the form of agent-oriented
Some of the many ways in which agents are useful are as follows:
In this chapter, we will study mobile agent technology and see the characteristics and uses of
mobile agents, especially in relation to mobile computing. We shall see how agents are different
from other mechanisms like process migration, client/server architectures, etc. We shall visit
three mobile agent platforms and study their salient features. Finally, we shall discuss the merits
and demerits of Java language vis-à-vis design support for mobile agents.
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Agent migration
Host-A Host-B
Physical network
10.2.1 Architecture
A simple mobile agent architecture is shown in Figure 10.1. We have two agents, X and Y, origi-
nally on host A and host B, supported by agent servers 1 and 2, respectively, and connected
through a physical network. A server–server protocol exists between the two hosts to facilitate
movement of their agents. When agent X moves to host B and wants to communicate with agent
Y, the agent–agent communication protocol allows this to take place. Note that this is a basic
mobile agent architecture, which does not support any kind of security for agents and their
the application will perform. In fact, the architecture even allows for changes after the system is
built and in operation.
Agent architectures also solve the problems created by intermittent or unreliable network
connections. Agents can be built quite easily that work ‘offline’ and communicate their results
back when the application is ‘online’.
10.3.1 Portability
Mobile agent code itself must be portable; when an agent arrives at a server, the server needs to
be able to execute that agent. Commonly used computer languages such as C and C⫹⫹ are not
very portable. Compiled C code only works on the machine it was compiled for, and the source
form is notoriously unportable. Portability can be achieved by running computer programs
inside virtual machines interpreters, but overhead has limited the use of interpreted languages.
Most mobile agent systems under development now rely at least in part on virtual machines to
standardize the execution environment.
10.3.2 Ubiquity
In order for mobile agents to be successful, they need access to many different computer resources.
Servers for agents must be commonplace; there needs to be a widely accepted framework for
executing mobile agents deployed on many machines across the Internet. In practice, the
requirement of ubiquity means that the execution environment needs to have market accepta-
bility, be freely available and be unencumbered by restrictive intellectual property requirements.
10.4.1 Aglets
Aglets are a Java-based framework for mobile agents, designed by IBM. With aglets, one can
construct objects that can move from one host on the network to another; that is, an aglet that
executes on one host can suddenly halt execution, dispatch to a remote host and start execut-
ing again. When the aglet moves, it takes along its program code as well as the states of all the
objects it is carrying. The aglet framework has been developed by the IBM Tokyo Research Lab-
oratory, Japan.
Aglet Aglet
Aglet Aglet
proxy proxy
Aglet context
Aglet Aglet
Aglet Aglet
proxy proxy
Aglet context
Aglet Secondary
class storage
by aglets to collaborate and exchange information in a loosely coupled fashion. The message
manager allows for concurrency control of incoming messages.
An itinerary is an aglet’s travel plan. It provides a convenient abstraction for non-trivial
patterns and routing.
An identifier is bound to each aglet. This is globally unique and immutable throughout the
lifetime of the aglet.
The creation of an aglet takes place in a context. The new aglet is assigned an identifier,
inserted in the context, and initialized. The aglet starts executing as soon as it has successfully
been initialized.
The cloning of an aglet produces an almost identical copy of the original aglet in the same
context. The only differences are the assigned identifier, and that the execution restarts in the
new aglet. Notice that execution threads are not cloned.
Dispatching an aglet from one context to another will remove it from its current context
and insert it into the destination context, where it will restart execution (execution threads will
not migrate). We say that the aglet has been pushed to its new context.
The retraction of an aglet will pull (remove) it from its current context and insert it into the
context from which the retraction was requested.
The deactivation of an aglet is the ability to temporarily remove it from its current context
and store it in secondary storage. Activation of an aglet will restore it in a context.
The disposal of an aglet will halt its current execution and remove it from its current
Messaging between aglets involves sending, receiving and handling messages synchro-
nously as well as asynchronously.
A naming mechanism automatically assigns immutable identities to new aglets. These
identities should be guaranteed to be globally unique.
• Clone listener: Listens for cloning events. One can customize this listener to take specific
actions when an aglet is about to be cloned, when the clone is actually created, and after the
cloning has taken place.
• Mobility listener: Listens for mobility events. One can use this listener to take action when
an aglet is about to be dispatched to another context, when it is about to be retracted from a
context, and when it actually arrives in a new context.
• Persistence listener: Listens for persistence events. It allows the programmer to take action
when an aglet is about to be deactivated and after it has been activated.
Application: Aglets have been applied in various scenarios, including e-commerce, the e-market
place, air tickets and package tours.
1. Status: The server keeps track of the agents that are running on its machine and answers
queries about their status.
2. Migration: The server accepts each incoming agent, authenticates the identity of the owner
and passes the authenticated agent to the appropriate interpreter for execution.
RPC Network
TCP/IP E-mail nameserver monitor
Figure 10.4(a) Architecture of Agent Tcl Figure 10.4(b) Tcl Suppor t Agents
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Agents provide all services that are available within the system, whether mobile or station-
ary. At each Agent Tcl site, a server resides and handles the management of local agents and
incoming mobile agents. The server also provides mechanisms for enforcing security, providing a
hierarchical namespace in which agents can be referenced and allowing agents to address each
other locally.
Agents move between sites by issuing the mobility primitive agent_jump. This command
packages the program context of the agent and transfers it to a destination site where the server
restarts it at the instruction after the agent_jump command. The method in which the agent is
transported is determined by the transport system advocated by the local site server, for example,
TCP/IP, e-mail and so on.
An interpreter that is appropriate to the source language of the mobile agent handles agent
execution and provides an execution environment for the agents. Agents can be written in a lan-
guage that supports interpretation, but the authors indicate that compiled agents might be pos-
sible in a limited capacity. For example, an agent written and compiled in C might be able to
execute but not migrate due to its platform dependence.
In Agent Tcl, the interpreter of Tcl was extended to support three extra modules:
• A security module to prevent agents from performing malicious actions against the system.
• A server API module that allows communication with the server to facilitate migration,
communication and checkpointing. It contains mostly a C/C⫹⫹ library, that is shared
among all interpreters and also language-specific stubs.
• A state capture module to capture and restore the state component of an agent when it
wishes to migrate to a new location.
Agent Tcl uses pretty good privacy (PGP) to authenticate servers and protect agents and data
while in transport. However, since there is no automated procedure for distributing PGP public
keys, each server must possess the keys of all servers from which it might receive agents in
advance. Based upon this authentication, a resource manager assigns an agent an appropriate
set of access permissions in order to protect resources. Built-in resources are directly accessible
through the language primitives (such as the system clock, the CPU and such like), but indirect
resources are managed and protected through a third-party agent. Safe Tcl is used to protect
built-in resources and provide two interpreters for the language.
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A trusted interpreter is one in which all of the Tcl commands are made available to the
agent. An untrusted interpreter is one in which the more ‘dangerous’ commands are removed,
such as opening files, creating network connections and invoking the computer’s bell. However,
to prevent agents from being too restricted, agent Tcl uses a modified version of SafeTcl in which
dangerous commands are removed and replaced with a link to a secure version. The secure ver-
sion of each command either uses an access control list to determine whether or not the agent
can execute the command (matched against the agent’s access permissions) or severely restricts
the operation of the original command.
Agents use the agent_meet command to initiate a communication with another agent and
agent_accept to complete and synchronize the two agents. In addition, agents can communicate
in an asynchronous fashion using the agent_send and agent_receive primitives.
Agent-level support system This module provides high-level functionality to the agents. It is shown
in Figure 10.4(b).
Firstly, it allows navigation of agents between remote systems, by providing docking sta-
tions. Docking is shown in Figure 10.5. Here, mobile computers (laptops) are shown as pen-
tagons and permanently connected machines are shown as hexagons. The docking system is
used to pair each mobile computer with a permanently connected ‘dock’ machine. An agent
jumping to or from a laptop is shown in Figure 10.6. When a mobile agent is unable to migrate
to a laptop machine (1), it waits at its dock machine (2). When the laptop reconnects (3), it for-
wards its address to the ‘dock’ (4), which sends all waiting agents to it (5).
Laptop 1
Machine 1 Machine 3
Laptop 2 connected network
Machine 3
Laptop 3
D 5 D_dock S
Secondly, a high-level communication mechanism using remote procedure call (RPC) is pro-
vided, over and above the simple low-level messages and streams.
Thirdly, it also provides a resource management function which can be used, for example,
for accounting in commerce applications and control to prevent denial-of-service attacks. How-
ever, no protection is provided for agents from malicious machines.
10.4.3 PMADE
PMADE is a mobile agent platform designed and implemented as a research work by students. It
is a Java-based platform and has provision for agent–agent communication, agent itineraries,
and agent and host security, besides agent development and execution.
Beta (Home)
Mu Theta
The main blocks of PMADE are shown in Figure 10.8. Each node of the network has a server
called agent host (AH), which accepts and executes incoming agents, and a client called agent
submitter (AS), which submits the agent on behalf of the user to the AH. When a user wants to
perform a task, he/she submits the agent, designed to perform that task, to the AS on the user sys-
tem. The AS establishes a connection with the specified AH, where the user is registered, submits
the agent and goes offline.
The AH examines the nature of the agent and, if required, clones it and forwards it to other
active AHs in the network. It then goes on to execute one clone. The execution of the agent
depends on its nature and state. It can be transferred from one AH to another whenever required.
On completion of execution, it submits its results to the AH, which in turn stores the results, until
the AS receives them for the user. AS and AH are discussed in detail in the following sections.
The various components of AS are shown in Figure 10.9 and discussed below.
The result manager provides a means to transport agent results from a remote AH. It receives
results from an AH and stores them in the secondary storage device for future references by
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Agent host
Network manager Agent
address reply
manager manager
Signature Persistence
manager Host manager
Agent Security
manager manager
User Broker
manager Task manager
Agent submitter
Agent submitter
Result Security
manager manager
Secure mobile
agent store
Carrier Agent ⫹Security
agent dispatcher database⫹
the user. It uses the IP address of the last visited host, the agent name and version of the
agent and creates a file to store the result. When a user enquires about the result of its
dispatched agent, it calls the security manager to decrypt the result before displaying it. The
security manager is discussed later.
The carrier agent provides the basic functionality of a mini Web server specialized to load class
files from the file systems. It uses default host port 8081, which can be changed if required.
The agent dispatcher provides an interface for dispatching an agent on its mission. On
instruction from an AS/AH/agent, it first checks the status of the host where the agent has to
be transferred. If the host is active, the agent is transferred and an appropriate message is
returned. If the host is passive or some problem occurs during transfer, it receives information
about the next host from the itinerary. It maintains a copy of every agent it dispatches, that
is, its code, method, data, certificate, etc.
The watchdog helps an agent launcher to trace the agent if it does not report back in a speci-
fied period of time, so that it can be restarted by the AS. It maintains information about the
agents’ currently visited host and where it is migrating next. This information helps the AS
to identify the portion of the job the agent has completed at any time.
The agent submitter server is used if an agent has been tampered with. A fresh copy of the
tampered agent’s method is sent to the requesting host. It uses the agent’s stored informa-
tion to provide a runtime solution to the tampered agent; that is, it provides a sealed method
to the host from where request is generated. Thus, it maintains the integrity and confiden-
tiality of the agent.
The parallel agent dispatcher is used to identify groups of methods of similar tasks. Such a
group is considered to be one subagent. It identifies how many threads need to be started to
dispatch the subagents. Each thread calls the agent dispatcher to dispatch a subagent to the
first active host in their group. The thread stops when it has finished transferring the sub-
agent associated with it. These subagents follow their itineraries to perform their assigned
tasks on the network, submit their results to the result manager and die.
Network address manager This manager is called when an agent has to travel to other
AHs. It keeps track of the AHs to which it is supposed to communicate directly for the purpose of
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forwarding agent clones. It does this by using a database of IP addresses/URLs, which is maintained
by the administrator. A list of active AHs is also maintained to identify hosts on which AH services
are currently running. For this, it accesses the address database. It tries to contact those addresses
by calling the space status module of the resource account manager. If a connection is established,
an acknowledgement is received from the remote AH, and an entry is made in the list. A new list of
active AHs is prepared every time an agent wants to travel, and the old list is removed.
Agent reply manager This manager sends/receives results to/from an AH/AS. It keeps on polling
to establish a connection with the AS to whom the results are to be sent, if it is unreachable.
When an AS comes online, the agent reply manager ensures that results are delivered to it. For
this, it maintains a table of all the agent signatures for which it has to send a reply and a buffer
to store the results. It is also required to reinject those agents back into their itineraries that had
transferred themselves to it when other hosts were unreachable. It provides base server function-
ality to PMADE and executes special agent code to reroute the agent when a failure occurs in the
network. This manager works like a temporary shelter provider to agents.
Signature manager This manager waits in a loop for an agent to arrive. When the agent arrives, it
generates a suitable acknowledgement and sends it to the agent manager. It also does bookkeep-
ing for the AH and maintains records of signatures of all agents that have been accepted, so that
duplicates can be avoided.
Cloning manager This manager makes ‘clones’ of agents received from remote hosts and dis-
patches them by starting multiple threads. Each thread dispatches one clone to the hosts. When
the clones finish their assigned tasks, their results are stored in the result store, and the thread is
Resource account manager This manager is responsible for monitoring the resources used by
agents on the AH. It calculates the cost of resources used by an agent, on the basis of parameters
such as processor time consumed, bandwidth utilized and amount of primary and secondary
storage used. These parameters can be modelled to suit the specific needs of the consumer and
the service provider. It also performs distributed garbage collection for agents running on the AH.
The main components of this manager are as follows:
(a) Space status module: This module is activated when a request is received from the
remote/local AH that wants to forward an agent for execution. It indicates the status of avail-
ability of execution space and sends an appropriate acknowledgement to the AH, indicating
whether the request is granted or rejected.
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(b) Agent execution resource metering: This module actually receives an agent from the local
or remote AH and provides an execution environment to it. During agent execution, it meas-
ures its execution time, as also the amount of primary and secondary storage used by it. If
required by the application developer, it also authenticates clones against tampering.
(c) Garbage collection: This is an important function, since agents arrive and leave repeatedly.
When an agent arrives at an AH, it is registered; and if it does not get immediate charge of
the CPU and other required devices, it waits in a queue. The class file of the received agent is
maintained in secondary storage and its other attributes in a queue. Its signature is main-
tained in the Accidental Crash Database, and it is registered in the Registration domain
(directory). When the agent finishes its assigned task, its result is saved in the Result Store,
and all these entries are removed from the AH. Entries made in the primary memory are also
Broker manager Brokering is a major requirement in e-commerce applications and can benefit
vastly by the use of agents. There may be various static agents and applications running on an
AH, providing different services at a cost. The broker manager helps to guide an incoming agent
to the appropriate static agent on the host. It maintains a record of all these service agents, the
services offered and their charges, etc., and advertises these to broker managers on other hosts. It
also facilitates code on demand service to agents and AH.
10.5.1 Advantages of Ja va
1. Platform independence: Java is designed to operate in heterogeneous environments. To
enable a Java application to execute anywhere on the network, the computer generates architec-
ture neutral byte code as opposed to non-portable native code. For this code to be executed on a
given computer, the Java runtime system must be present. This allows us to create a mobile agent
without knowledge of the types of computers it will run on.
2. Dynamic class loading: This mechanism allows the virtual machine to load and define
classes at runtime. It provides a protective namespace for each agent, thus allowing agents to
execute safely and independently of each other. The class-loading mechanism is extensible and
enables classes to be loaded via the network.
3. Multithreaded programming: An agent is by definition autonomous and executes
independently of other agents residing within the same place. Allowing each agent to execute in
its own lightweight process, also called ‘thread execution’, is a way to enable agents to behave
autonomously. Fortunately, Java not only allows multithreaded programming, it also supports a
set of synchronization primitives that is built into the language and enables agent interaction.
4. Object serialization: A key feature of mobile agents is that they can be serialized and
deserialized. Java provides a built-in serialization mechanism that can represent the state of an
object in a serialized form, sufficiently detailed for the object to be reconstructed later. The seri-
alized form must be able to identify the Java class from which the object’s state was saved and to
restore the state in a new instance. Objects often refer to other objects. To maintain the object
structure, these other objects must be stored and retrieved at the same time. When an object is
stored, all the objects in the graph that are reachable from that object are also stored.
5. Reflection: Java code can discover information about the fields, methods and construc-
tors of loaded classes and can use reflected fields, methods and constructors to operate on their
underlying counterparts in objects, all within the security restrictions. Reflection accommodates
the need for agents to be smart about themselves and other agents.
6. Secure execution: The execution environment in the server should be designed so as to
make dangerous operations difficult or impossible. One of the approaches towards solving this
problem involves creating a Java-provided ‘sandbox’ for visiting agents. Once the agent is inside the
sandbox, it has restricted access to resources, as we saw in Chapter 2. Thus, disk writes are prevented,
and access to blocks of memory is limited. This results in host protection from malicious agents.
This concept does not, however, address the issue of protection of multiple agents from each other,
once they are in the sandbox. To circumvent this problem, we can have a separate ‘child sandbox’
for each incoming agent and one ‘parent sandbox’ that houses all these child sandboxes.
10.5.2 Shortcomings of Ja va
All the above features make Java a very useful language for designing mobile agents. However,
Java has a number of shortcomings also, as discussed below:
Measuring CPU bandwidth and memory usage in a Java interpreter is fairly simple,
although the problem becomes more difficult in compiled code. The thread scheduler is
probably the right place to add in the CPU accounting, the garbage collector can determine
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memory usage and the socket classes can track bandwidth usage. Implementing these sys-
tems efficiently will be challenging.
Java also currently has no explicit support for digital cash payments. The cryptographic
basics of these systems are possible in any language; preliminary Java implementations do
exist. A secondary issue is the actual distribution of digital cash. Is there an easy and secure
way to give an agent digital money to carry along with it as it executes? Efficiency of
handling payments is also a concern.
Java does not support preservation and resumption of full execution state. Information
such as status of PC and frame stack is forbidden territory for Java programs. Hence, for a
mobile agent to properly resume a computation on a remote host, it must rely on internal
attribute values and external events to direct it. An embedded automation can keep track of
the agent’s travels and ensure that computations are properly halted and resumed.
In spite of the above shortcomings, Java is still the best-known option for designing efficient
and secure mobile agents. Some details of network programming in Java are given in the appen-
dix at the end of this book.
10.6 Summar y
Mobile agents are becoming very popular for distributed, network and Web-based programming,
especially where heterogeneous systems are involved, since they are autonomous entities and work
on behalf of the owner. There are many advantages in using mobile agents, as compared to tradi-
tional client-server programming. However, mobile agent deployment also requires that the systems
they run on be secure and support a suitable environment for their creation, transport and storage.
A variety of today’s online applications are amenable to mobile agent-based implementa-
tions, including network management, e-commerce, information retrieval, software distribution
and system administration.
Many mobile agent platforms have been developed over the years, the more popular of them
being the aglets, the Agent Tcl and the PMADE system developed at IIT Roorkee by the author
and her research student. Many more agent systems are available today, but discussion about
these is beyond the scope of this book.
Java is very useful as a programming language for implementing mobile agents because of its
numerous characteristics like platform independence, object serialization, dynamic class loading,
multithreading and secure execution.
In the next chapter, we will discuss security issues for wireless and mobile systems.
1. Discuss how mobile agents are different from mobile code and mobile objects.
2. How is the mobile agent paradigm superior to the client-server paradigm? Explain.
3. Give the requirements for the design and deployment of mobile agent systems.
4. Discuss why Java language is suitable for programming mobile agents.
5. Download the aglet environment and API from the IBM site, and design and implement a
5-node network monitoring system using it. Include features such as finding out what
resources are available on a node and what its current CPU utilization is.
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6. Using aglets, design and implement an information retrieval system where an agent is sent
to various ecommerce/vendors sites to collect information about the price of a commodity.
7. Design and implement a software distribution system using mobile agents, which takes a
piece of software code and distributes it to various nodes in a network.
8. Repeat Question 5 using Agent Tcl.
9. Repeat Question 6 using Agent Tcl.
10. Compare and contrast the features of PMADE, aglets and Agent Tcl.
Multiple-choice questions
1. An agent is said to be reactive by which one of the following properties?
(a) Ability to respond to incoming messages
(b) Runs in its own thread of execution
(c) Autonomous
(d) Has inherent navigational autonomy
2. Which one of the following is not considered as a requirement for mobile agent systems?
(a) Portability
(b) Security
(c) Ubiquity
(d) Resource availability
3. Which one of the following features of Java enables agent interaction?
(a) Synchronization
(b) Reflection
(c) Multithreading
(d) Object serialization
4. The agent_accept command in Agent_Tcl is used for which one of the following functions?
(a) Initiate a communication
(b) Synchronize the two agents
(c) Start agent execution on remote machine
(d) Negotiate agent exchange
5. Which one of the following is considered as an end point of an incremental evolution of
mobile abstractions?
(a) Mobile code
(b) Mobile agent
(c) Mobile process
(d) Mobile object
6. Agent–agent communication allows an agent to do which one of the following actions?
(a) Transfer it to another host
(b) Communicate with other agent
(c) Bring it from another host
(d) Determine what messages it accepts
7. Which one of the following does an itinerary not provide to a mobile agent?
(a) Convenient abstraction for non-trivial patterns and routing
(b) A travel plan
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Further reading
A. Bieszczad, B. Pagurek and T. White (1998), ‘Mobile Agents for Network Management’, IEEE
Communications Surveys, 1(1): 2–9.
A. Carzaniga, G.P. Picco and G. Vigna (1997), ‘Designing Distributed Applications with Mobile
Code Paradigms’, 19th International Conference on Software Engineering, Boston, Massa-
chusetts, May 17–23.
C. Hewitt (1977), ‘Viewing Control Structures as Patterns of Passing Messages’, Artificial Intelligence,
8(3): 323–64.
D. Kotz, R. Gray, S. Nog, D. Rus, S. Chawla and G. Cybenko (1997), ‘Agent TCL: Targeting the
Needs of Mobile Computers’, IEEE Internet Computing, 1(4): 58–67.
D.B. Lange and M. Oshima (1998), Programming and Deploying Java Mobile Agents with Aglets
(Addison-Wesley, USA).
D. Lange and M. Oshuna (1998), ‘Mobile Agents with Java: The Aglet API’, World Wide Web, 1(3).
E.N. Elnozahy and Z.W. Manetho (1992), ‘Transparent Rollback-Recovery with Low Overhead,
Limited Rollback, and Fast Output Commit’, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Special Issue on
Fault-Tolerant Computing, 41(5): 526–531.
E.N. Elnozahy, A. Lorenzo and B.J. David (2002), ‘A Survey of Rollback-Recovery Protocols in
Message-Passing Systems’, ACM Computing Surveys, 34(3): 375–408.
E.R. Harold (2000), Java Network Programming (Cambridge: O’Reilly).
J. Nelson (1999), Programming Mobile Objects with Java (New York: Wiley).
L. Moreau (1999), ‘A Distributed Garbage Collector with Diffusion Tree Reorganization and Mobile
Objects’, ACM Sigplan Notices, 34(1): 204–215.
M. Feridun and J. Krause (2001), ‘A Framework for Distributed Management with Mobile Com-
ponents’, Computer Networks, 35: 25–38.
M. Hughes, M. Shoffner and D. Hammer (2001), Java Network Programming (Pune, India: Computer
M10_GARGxxxx_01_SE_C10.qxd 3/11/10 11:42 PM Page 165
M. Kasbekar, C. Narayanan and C.R. Das (1999), ‘Selective Checkpointing and Rollbacks in
Multithreaded Object-Oriented Environment’, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 48(4):
M. Shapiro, P. Dickman and D. PlainFossé (1992), ‘SSP Chains: Robust, Distributed References
Supporting Acyclic Garbage Collection’, Technical Report 1799, INRIA, Rocquencourt,
France, November.
N.M. Karnik and A.R. Tripathi (1998), ‘Design Issues in Mobile-Agent Programming Systems’,
IEEE Concurrency, 6(3): 52–61.
R.B. Patel (2002), ‘Manual of PMADE’, Internal Report, Department of E&CE, Indian Institute of
Technology, Roorkee, India, January.
R.B. Patel and K. Garg (2003), ‘A Security Framework for Mobile Agent Systems’, in Proceedings
of the 6th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2003), Colorado,
Spring, USA, June 4–6, pp. 49–56.
R.B. Patel (2004), ‘Development of a Platform for Mobile Agents Development and Execution’,
Ph. D. thesis, IIT Roorkee, India.
R.B. Patel and K. Garg (2005), ‘A Flexible Security Framework for Mobile Agent Systems’, Journal
of Control and Intelligent Systems, 33(2): 175–183.
T. Gschwind, M. Feridun and S. Pleisch (1999), ‘ADK—Building Mobile Agents for Network and
Systems Management from Reusable Components’, in Proceedings of 1st International Sym-
posium on Agent Systems and Applications, Palm Springs, California, October 3–6, pp. 13–21.
W.R. Cockayne and M. Zyda (1998), Mobile Agents (Manning Pubs, USA).
M10_GARGxxxx_01_SE_C10.qxd 3/11/10 5:39 PM Page 166
Security Issues
in Mobile Computing 11
o book on mobile computing can be considered complete without a discussion on security.
Since mobile computing systems are based on wireless networks and wireless communication
technologies, the security of such systems is a major concern. We have already mentioned ear-
lier that larger security challenges are present in wireless networks than in conventional wired net-
works. Security becomes mandatory in mobile systems due to the existence of hackers, viruses,
intruders and Internet-based attackers, who have easy access to such systems through the broadcast
nature of wireless channels. Much of the security problem in wireless networks can be traced to the
base stations or access points (APs), which operate without any security at all and can be easily taken
out and put into wired (Ethernet) nets, exposing the data on it to everyone within its radio range.
It is worth mentioning here that the dissimilarities between wired and wireless networks
make it difficult to implement the existing firewalls and other intrusion detection systems (IDS)
of wired networks in wireless networks. The most significant difference is that data in a wireless
network are transmitted over the broadcast medium, rendering it available to all nodes in the
vicinity. Another major difference lies in the communication link, which is slower and of lower
bandwidth. Limited battery constraints and higher costs are also major drawbacks in mobile,
portable systems, giving rise to frequent disconnections, as discussed in earlier chapters.
In spite of the above differences, network security in wireless systems can still be divided
roughly into the following four traditional, intertwined areas:
• Secrecy (or confidentiality or privacy): Keeping information out of the hands of unautho-
rized users.
• Authentication: Making sure that one is communicating with the intended person.
• Non-repudiation: Using signatures and ensuring that a person cannot go back on his/her
earlier communication.
• Integrity control: Ensuring that the received message was not tampered with.
We shall assume here that the reader is familiar with the basic concepts and techniques of
cryptography, which is the basis of most network security protocols. See Stallings (2000) for an
excellent discussion on public and private key cryptography. Furthermore, it is not our intention
in this book to discuss in detail security techniques like digital signatures, message digests, fire-
walls, Internet Protocol Security (IPSec), virtual private networks (VPNs) or authentication sys-
tems like Kerberos. These are assumed as prerequisites for understanding the discussion on
security in this book and can be found in detail in Tanenbaum (2003) and Stallings (2000).
In this chapter, we shall discuss the general security threats to wireless networks and see how
these have been addressed in the various wireless LAN/PAN standards discussed in earlier chapters.
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1. Accidental attack: This gives rise to exposure due to frequent failure of devices and compo-
nents, because of their small sizes and capabilities.
2. Passive attack: Here, the goal of the intruder is only to monitor or get information that is
being transmitted. Attacks may include releasing message content or traffic characteristics.
Since no data are altered, passive attacks are difficult to detect.
3. Active attack: In this type of attack, modification of data or false data transmission takes place,
(man-in-the-middle attack) giving rise to masquerade or replay. Denial of service (DoS) is
possible where there is either temporary prevention of communication facilities or disruption
of the entire network. This is done by flooding it with a large number of messages to degrade
the performance of the system.
4. Unauthorized usage: This attack takes place because of the growing use of the Internet,
which leaves the network vulnerable to hackers, viruses and intruders. It can be prevented
by using proper user authentication techniques.
5. Broadcast based: As mentioned earlier, an eavesdropper is able to tap the communication
into the wireless communication channels, by positioning itself within transmission range.
6. Device vulnerability: Mobile devices can be hijacked easily, and if secret IDs or codes are
embedded in the device, hackers may get access to private information stored on it and to
other network resources.
7. Heterogeneity: Mobile nodes need to adjust to potentially different physical communica-
tion protocols as they move to different locations.
8. Resource depletion/exhaustion: In mobile systems, resources like processing power and
battery life are very limited. Hence, techniques such as public key cryptography cannot be
used during normal operations to conserve power.
The device may also be left open to an attack that reduces the normal lifespan of the bat-
tery. A DoS attack may consume and waste all the power in the battery, leaving the unit unable
to function. In ad hoc networks, these attacks can cause routing nodes in the network to fail,
making the network partially unreachable.
9. Detectability: Mobile systems used in the military do not want to be detected. Even if
strong encryption is being used and the data cannot be deciphered, just detecting the signal
puts the mobile user at risk if its position can be located. The device can be jammed by local
radio frequency (RF) interference or the user attacked.
10. Theft of service: It is very easy to install wireless LANs by just taking them ‘out of the box’
and by plugging them into the network so that they work. In such systems, security settings
are either disabled by default or factory-set default passwords are commonly known. Unautho-
rized, nearby users, malicious or otherwise, can get a dynamically assigned Internet protocol
(IP) address and connect to the Internet.
11. War driving/walking: This is like the popular war game called war dialing, which was an
earlier technique for searching phone numbers with modems attached to them. As wireless
LANs gain popularity, hackers can find them by just taking a notebook computer or pocket
PC fitted with a wireless card and some detection software like netstumbler, kismet,
airsnort, etc., an optional global positioning system (GPS) and driving/walking round the
city. This information is then used to build a network from the identified APs.
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AP AP Authentication
When wireless users attempt to gain access to a wired network, they must first be validated to
make sure they are who they claim to be. This is called authentication. The IEEE 802.11 specifi-
cation provides for two types of authentication—open-system authentication and shared-key
authentication. The highlights of these are shown in Figure 11.2 as a taxonomy.
In Open System authentication, a client station exchanges messages with an access point
(AP). The AP sends a query as a ‘challenge’ to the station. If the station sends the correct
802.11 authentication
Wireless station
Authentication request
Generate challenge
Encrypt challenge
using RC4 Response
Decrypt response
Success verify challenges same
‘response’, i.e., the correct MAC address fields, it is considered authenticated. Note that there is
no cryptographic validation here. Hence open-system authentication is highly vulnerable to
unauthorized access and attack. The 802.11 specification only requires this type of ‘authentication’.
However, this technique cannot be really called authentication, as the AP accepts the mobile
station without verifying its identity.
In Shared key authentication, another basic ‘challenge-response’ technique is used which
is based on cryptography. In this scheme, shown in Figure 11.3, a random challenge (or nonce)
is generated by the AP and sent to the wireless client. The client uses a cryptographic key that is
shared with the AP to encrypt the challenge and returns the result to the AP. The AP decrypts this
result and if the decrypted value is the same as the random challenge it had sent, it allows access.
The 128-bit challenge text is generated using the RC4 symmetric key, stream cipher algorithm as
given in Tanenbaum (2002). Unlike open-key authentication, shared key authentication is optional
in the IEEE 802.11 specification.
Both the above authentication methods have limitations. Firstly, they do not provide
mutual authentication, i.e., the AP authenticates the wireless client, but the client does not
authenticate the AP. The mobile station must trust that it is communicating with a legitimate AP.
Secondly, the simple challenge-response schemes used in these techniques are known to be weak
and suffer from attacks like the ‘man-in-the-middle’ attack. Confidentiality
The aim of providing confidentiality, or privacy, is to prevent information being eavesdropped
during transfer, as is done in a wired network. Eavesdropping is a purely passive attack which
must be avoided.
The 802.11 standard for WEP also uses the RC4 symmetric key, stream cipher algorithm and
is shown in Figure 11.4. At the wireless station side, a pseudo-random data sequence, called a
‘keystream’, is obtained by concatenating a 24-bit Initialization Vector (IV) to a shared 40-bit key
and passing the same through the RC4 algorithm. Then the payload, which consists of the plain-
text, together with the CRC generated by the CRC generating algorithm, is X-ORed with the
keystream to generate the ciphertext. At the AP side, the procedure is performed in reverse to get
back the plaintext.
M11_GARGxxxx_01_SE_C11.qxd 3/15/10 2:31 PM Page 171
IV Generation Access
algorithm point
24 bits Initialization vector
In this way, data can be protected from eavesdropping, during transmission over the wireless
link using WEP. WEP is applied to all data above the 802.11 WLAN layers to protect Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), Internet Packet Exchange (IPX) and Hyper Text
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) traffic.
The 802.11 standard WEP supports only a 40-bit cryptographic keys size for the shared key,
but nonstandard extensions of WEP that support key lengths upto 104 bits are also prevalent. It
may be noted that increasing the key size increases the security of a cryptographic technique. Integrity
Another goal of WEP is to ensure that data/messages between the wireless clients and the AP are
not modified in transit in an active attack, i.e., their ‘integrity’ is not compromised. The IEEE
802.11 specification provides such a data integrity service so that an active adversary ‘in the mid-
dle’ can be thwarted. The same procedure that is used for providing confidentiality, as shown in
Figure 11.4, is used at the wireless client side, to provide such data integrity. At the receiving AP,
decryption is performed and the CRC is recomputed on the received message. This is compared
with the one computed with the original message. If the CRCs do not match, this indicates an
integrity violation and the packet is discarded.
Note that the simple CRC is not as cryptographically secure as a hash or message authentication
code (Tanenbaum, 2003). The IEEE 802.11 specification also does not provide for key management
mechanisms like generating, distributing, storing, loading, etc. of keys. Keys must either be pre-
loaded by the manufacturer or exchanged in advance over a wired backbone network. The base sta-
tion or the mobile station could also choose a random key and send it over the air, encrypted with
the other’s public key. Such keys generally remain stable for months or years.
The main drawback of the WEP algorithm is that the same key is shared by all wireless clients,
so there is no way to distinguish one from another. Also all users can read each others’ data.
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These drawbacks have resulted in many instances of attacks on WEP since its implementation.
These have exploited either the cryptographic weakness of RC4, or the fact that many of the keys
have the property that it is possible to derive some key bits from the keystream.
Bluetooth security
Bluetooth security
Hub Printer
Bluetooth security
• Authorization: The third goal of Bluetooth is to allow the control in the use of system
resources. This security service addresses the question, ‘Is this device authorized to use the
requested resource’?
Other security services such as audit and non-repudiation are provided in Bluetooth, and
they must be provided through other means, if necessary.
Bluetooth uses a frequency-hopping scheme with 1,600 hops/second combined with power
control at the radio link to limit the transmit range. These features provide Bluetooth with some
protection from eavesdropping and malicious access. The frequency-hopping scheme, which is a
technique to avoid interference, makes it difficult for an adversary to locate the Bluetooth trans-
mission. The power control feature makes it necessary for a potential adversary to be close to the
Bluetooth network to carry out an attack.
Three modes of security are provided in Bluetooth for implementing the above security serv-
ices. These are determined by the product or device manufacturer. These modes are as follows:
Devices and services also have different security levels. For devices, there are two levels—
trusted device and untrusted device. A trusted device, having been paired with one’s other device,
has unrestricted access to all services. Regarding services, three security levels are defined—services
that require authorization and authentication, services that require authentication only and serv-
ices that are open to all devices.
Bluetooth security starts when a newly arrived slave asks for a channel with the master. The
two devices have a shared secret key in advance, which may be hardwired by the manufacturer
(for a headset and mobile sold as a unit), or the headset may have a hardwired key and the
mobile user may have to enter it in the device as a decimal number. These shared keys are called
To establish the channel, the slave and the master each check to see if the other has the
passkey and then negotiate whether the channel will be encrypted or integrity will be controlled
or both. A random 128-bit session key is then selected. Encryption uses the E0 stream cipher
shown in Figure 11.6. The plaintext is XORed with the keystream to generate the ciphertext as
Key E Key
E Key
stream stream
The above mechanism has several weaknesses and is prone to attacks like the ‘man-in-the-
middle’ attack. A major security issue is that Bluetooth authenticates only devices and not users,
so theft of data is a real danger. However, Bluetooth also implements security in the upper layers,
so in the event of a breach of link level security, some security may still remain. This is especially
so for applications in which a PIN code is required to be entered from a keyboard to complete a
Details of IPSec are beyond the scope of this book and can be seen in Tanenbaum (2003).
In the transport layer, TCP connections can be protected by transport layer security (TLS),
which is an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard given in request for comment (RFC)
2246 and is an improvement over SSL. At the application layer, WAP 2.0 uses HTTP client authenti-
cation. Application layer crypto libraries provide for integrity control and non-repudiation.
Thus, WAP 2.0 security services can be considered to fare better than 802.11 and Bluetooth
11.5 Summar y
Larger security challenges are present in wireless networks than conventional wired networks.
These include active and passive attacks, device vulnerability, unauthorized usage, resource
depletion/exhaustion, detectability, war driving/chalking, etc.
For IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi networks, WEP provides security against authentication, integrity and
privacy. There are three modes of security for Bluetooth access between two devices—non-secure
mode, service-level enforced security mode and link-level enforced security mode. Furthermore,
Bluetooth authenticates only devices and not users, so theft is a real danger. However, Bluetooth
also implements security in the upper layers, so in the event of a breach of link-level security,
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some security may still remain. WAP 2.0 provides security at all the layers, and thus WAP 2.0
security services can be considered to fare better than 802.11 and Bluetooth security.
In the next chapter, we will discuss some design and programming projects that can be car-
ried out by readers in the area of mobile/wireless computing, to get a better insight into the topics
discussed in the book.
1. Many security threats are listed in this chapter. Discuss these in detail and show why some of
them are unique to wireless systems.
2. What is meant by ‘authentication’? Discuss how authentication is carried out in
(a) IEEE 802.11 WLANs
(b) Bluetooth networks
(c) WAP 2.0
3. What do you understand by the term ‘Confidentiality’? Show how confidentiality is main-
tained in each of the wireless networks mentioned above.
4. Repeat Q2 for Integrity.
5. Differentiate between the three modes of security in Bluetooth and indicate in which appli-
cation each may be used.
6. Compare and contrast the security features found in the three wireless standards discussed
in this chapter.
7. Study the ‘authentication header’ (AH) of the IPSec protocol mentioned in this chapter from
one of the references listed at the end of the chapter to find out how authentication is per-
formed between sender and receiver in IPSec.
8. Similarly, study how the encapsulating security payload (ESP) header works in IPSec and
then differentiate between AH and ESP.
9. The IPSec protocol uses private or symmetric key cryptography. In your opinion, why is this
more suitable than public or asymmetric key cryptography?
10. Some people confuse between authorization and authentication. Find out what the differ-
ence is and then indicate which is the more difficult problem to solve and why.
Multiple-choice questions
1. Which one of the following deals with signatures, and ensures that a person cannot go back
on his/her earlier communication?
(a) Secrecy
(b) Authentication
(c) Non-repudiation
(d) Integrity control
2. If the goal of the intruder is to monitor or obtain information that is being transmitted, then
this type of attack is known as
(a) Accidental attack
(b) Active attack
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10. Which of the following is not a mode of security for Bluetooth access between two devices?
(a) Non-secure
(b) Service-level enforced security.
(c) Link-level enforced security.
(d) User-level enforced security.
Further reading
A. Aziz and W. Diffie (1993), Privacy and Authentication for Wireless Local Area Networks (Sun
Microsystems Inc),
A.S. Tanenbaum (2003), Computer Networks, 4th ed. (New Delhi, India: Pearson Education).
D.P. Agarwal and Q. Zeng (2003), Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems (Singapore: Thompson
Asia Pvt Ltd.).
F. Adelstein, S.K.S. Gupta, G.G. Richard III and L. Schwiebert (eds) (2005), Fundamentals of Mobile
and Pervasive Computing (New Delhi, India: Tata McGraw-Hill).
IETF Working Group, ‘IP Security Protocol (IPSec)’,
(accessed December 2006).
M.J. Ranum (1996), Internet Attacks, (accessed April 2006).
N. Borisov, I. Goldberg and D. Wagner (2001), ‘Intercepting Mobile Communications: The Inse-
curity of 802.11’, 7th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking,
ACM, pp. 180–188.
S. Fluhrer, I. Mantin and A. Shamir (2001), ‘Weakness in the Key Scheduling Algorithm of RC4’,
in Proceedings of the 8th Annual Workshop on selected Areas in Cryptography.
S. Kent and R. Atkinson, ‘IP Authentication Header (RFC 2402)’,
(accessed May 2007).
S. Kent and R. Atkinson, ‘IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) (RFC 2406)’,
rfc2406.txt (accessed Jan. 2006).
S. Uskela (1997), Security in Wireless Local Area Networks’, Technical Report, Department of
Electrical and Communications Engineering, Helsinki University of Technology, 1997, www.
T. Dierks and C. Allen (1999), ‘The TLS Protocol, Version 1.0’, RFC 2246,
rfc2246.txt (accessed January 1999).
T. Karygiannis and L. Owens (2002), Wireless Network Security, 802.11, Bluetooth and Handheld
Devices (NIST Special Publication), pp. 800–848.
T. Karygiannis et al (2006), ‘Detecting Critical Nodes for IDS’, 2nd International Workshop on
Security in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, France.
V. Bharghavan (1994), ‘Secure Wireless LANs’, ACM Conference on Computers and Communica-
tions Security ‘94, University of California at Berkley,
W. Stallings (2000), Network Security and Cryptography (New Delhi, India: Prentice Hall of India).
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Design and
Programming Projects 12
n this chapter, we present some design projects that are based on the topics discussed in the
preceding chapters and which can be implemented by readers. These projects have been
designed and implemented by the final-year undergraduate and postgraduate students at
IIT Roorkee as part of the mobile computing course curriculum. These will help to provide the
necessary hands-on experience to students of a mobile computing course.
The following projects will be discussed briefly, with only some useful suggestions being pro-
vided for their design and implementation.
Note that only some aspects of the design and implementation of each project are included
in this chapter. The details are left as hands-on exercises for the readers. Some aspects are present
in the relevant Further Readings given at the end of the chapter.
1. Mobile node (MN): A host that may change its point of attachment from one network/
subnetwork to another through the Internet. It is preassigned a fixed home address on a
home network, which other correspondent hosts will use to address their packets to this
host, regardless of its current location.
2. Home agent (HA): A router that maintains a list of registered mobile nodes in a visitor list.
It is used to forward packets addressed to the MNs through the network when the MNs are
away from home. After checking with the current mobility bindings for a particular MN, it
encapsulates datagrams and sends it to the MN’s current temporary address.
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3. Foreign agent (FA): A router that assists a locally reachable MN that is away from its home
network. It delivers information between the MN and the HA.
4. Care-of address (COA): An address which identifies the MN’s current location. It can be
viewed as the end of a tunnel directed towards an MN. It can be either assigned dynamically
or associated with its FA.
5. Correspondent node (CN): A node that sends packets addressed to the MN.
6. Home address: A permanent IP address assigned to the MN. It remains unchanged regardless
of where the MN is attached to the Internet.
7. Mobility agent: An agent which supports mobility. It could be either an HA or an FA.
8. Tunnel: The path taken by encapsulated packets from the HA to the FA.
1. Agent discovery: HAs and FAs broadcast their availability on each link to where they can
provide service. A newly arrived MN can send a solicitation on the link to learn if any
prospective agents are present.
2. Registration: When the MN is away from Home, it registers its COA with its HA so that the
latter knows where to forward its packets. Depending on the network configuration, the MN
could register either directly with its HA or indirectly with the help of the FA.
3. Encapsulation: The process of enclosing an IP datagram inside another, with the outer IP
header containing the COA of the MN. The IP datagram itself remains intact and untouched
throughout the enclosing process.
4. Decapsulation: The process of stripping the outer IP header of the incoming packets so that
the enclosed datagram can be accessed and delivered to the proper destination.
Test environment
A platform is to be created to support the functions required in order to test the functionality of
mobile IP. Its characteristics are as follows:
Operating system: Redhat Linux v9.0 does not include all the features, called modules,
required for several network operations in the implementation. These are provided by the
distribution in source code format. Thus, it is necessary to compile a new kernel in order to
include these features.
1. Disabling the spoof protection feature so that MN’s packets are not rejected.
2. Activating IP forwarding so that HA and FA can forward their packets.
3. Activating proxy ARP (address resolution protocol) to enable HA to reply to ARP requests
sent by nodes seeking the MN at its Home network.
Three computers can be used with the following typical configuration:
Two Ethernet cards (eth0 and eth1) are used on one of these computers to provide access to
the Internet (through eth0, external network interface) and to create subnetworks for the client
computers connecting to eth1 (internal network interface) by using private/reusable IP addresses
of the form 192.168.x.x.
Foreign network
Network address:
Foreign agent
Interface: External-eth0
IP address:
Network address:
Default gateway:
Interface: Internal-eth1
IP address:
Network address:
Mobile node
Interface: eth0
IP address:
Network address:
Default gateway:
The network setup is shown in Figure 12.1. The student should implement this setup and get
the results.
1. End-to-end packet delivery ratio: This is the ratio of the number of packets received by the
destination node to the number of packets sent by the source node.
2. Routing overhead: This is the total number of routing packets transmitted during the
3. Path optimality: This is the difference between the number of hops a packet takes to reach
the destination node and the length of the shortest path.
4. Scalability: This is the ability of the protocol to adapt to the increase in the number of
nodes in the network.
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Home network
Software used
1. Network simulator (NS2.29)
2. Java programming language under Unix operating system
Simulation model: Discrete event simulation will be used in NS2.
Simulation parameters
Node transmission range: 250 m and 100 m
Simulation time: 900 s
Number of nodes: 6, 10, 20 and 30 nodes
Speed of node movement: 1, 10 and 20 m/s.
Area of node movement: 1500 m ⫻ 300 m
Traffic type: CBR, varied as 4, 10, 20 and 1,000 Kbps/node
Data packet size: 1024 bytes
Pause times: 5, 30 and 90 s.
1. The simulation module will contain the common functions for both AODV and DSR. Thus,
there will be modules for initializing the simulation parameters to create the topology with
the nodes, to configure each node with specified parameters, to provide mobility to the
nodes, to create sending and receiving agents for each node, to create specified traffic
between the nodes and to sequence the vents in the simulation.
2. Modules for simulating the DSR and AODV mechanisms.
3. The classes required for performance comparison will include the main performance class
and classes to keep track of simulation time elapsed, to place the events in accordance with
their time of occurrence, to provide the time for each event, to keep track of all statistical
details of the simulation, for providing user interfaces for AODV and DSR, to keep track of all
node movements, to deal with their RREQ, for timeout, to generate packets and to maintain
a route cache for DSR.
Note: In the above project, we have used the popular NS2 simulator. Another useful simulation
tool that is now available is the Qualnet version 4 from Scalable Network Technologies, USA.
This has been used by some graduating students of computer science. They have found it to be
very user friendly and especially suited for simulating wireless networks, as it has many support
libraries for the same. We give in Appendix B a comparison of the salient features of both NS2 and
Hardware required: A JABWT-capable device (such as the Nokia 6600 phone) that supports the
J2ME MIDP 1.0 profile
We shall call the application BChat. When BChat is launched, it will search and join any
existing chat room within the Bluetooth effective range, or create a new chat room if it is the
first active BChat in that range. We implement a virtual chat room formed by a network of
BChat applications. Users can start messaging with each other within the same virtual chat
room when there is more than one party connected to each other. If one user sends a message
over the air, all parties of the chat room will receive the message. Users can join and leave the
chat room at anytime.
Software required
J2ME wireless toolkit
Nokia SDK
The Java Community Process introduced the first standardized API specification for Blue-
tooth in 2000. This specification (JSR-82), Java API for Bluetooth wireless technology (JABWT),
establishes a common ground for rapid Bluetooth application development. Developers can write
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• Generic access profile: It provides the basic building blocks of a Bluetooth application,
such as local device, remote device, Bluetooth address and device discovery.
• Service discovery profile: It provides the ability to find available services to access remote
• Serial port profile: It provides a stream-based connectivity between Bluetooth applications.
• Generic object exchange (OBEX) profile: It provides support for OBEX protocol, which
allows applications to exchange simple objects such as business card data.
To simplify the programming model, two entities, the Bluetooth configuration centre (BCC)
and the service discovery database (SDDB), are abstracted from the Java API. BCC includes the
capabilities that globally configure the Bluetooth stack and prevent one application from adversely
affecting another. SDDB is an abstract database of service records, a collection of attributes that
describe Bluetooth services. Java applications interact with SDDB indirectly via the update and
retrieval of service records.
We make the following assumptions to simplify the application:
• There is only one chat room that exists within the effective Bluetooth range.
• There is no security imposed when joining a chat room.
• Users run one instance of BlueChat on a device at any given time.
JABWT provides a familiar API to J2ME developers for accessing Bluetooth facilities and is
integrated with the J2ME generic connection framework. Like many other network protocols,
the Bluetooth connection model employs client/server architecture. Our BlueChat application,
on the other hand, operates in a peer-to-peer manner. Each running instance of BlueChat (or a
node) can serve as a client and a server at the same time. It behaves as a client when BlueChat
starts up; it searches and connects to existing running BlueChat devices. Once connected, it
makes itself available for future clients to connect to. In such cases, it serves as a server for future
client connections.
Figure 12.2 shows the network relationship between three BlueChat applications. To logically
represent an active BlueChat node, we use the concept of endpoint to encapsulate all the con-
nectivity attributes of a node. An endpoint represents a unique message delivery destination and
source regardless of whether it is a server or a client.
Blue chat
Bluetooth NetLayer
Reader Sender
Incoming Outgoing
data data
A Bluetooth connection differs from a regular socket connection by its unique device and
service discovery processes. Bluetooth applications start the device discovery process to identify
connectable devices, followed by a service discovery process to obtain a reference (URL) to suitable
services. To hide these complexities from the graphical user interface (GUI) elements, a network
layer is introduced to serve as a façade to the Bluetooth API.
The GUI can access Bluetooth connectivity via a simplified interface, which does all the dis-
covery and connection establishment behind the scenes. This network layer also provides the
functionality to send messages to and receive messages from other endpoints. A call back inter-
face is in place to report any network activity back to the GUI. Figure 12.3 illustrates the relation-
ship between various layers and components in BlueChat.
The communication channel between each connected BlueChat endpoint is a structured
data stream connection. We put together a simple protocol to coordinate the activity between
each endpoint. This protocol includes the following features:
• Initial handshake: Each point must handshake with each other when the connection is
first established. This ensures that the connecting device is a BlueChat node rather than a
mistakenly connected application. During the handshake, we also exchange the screen
names of the users (see Figure 12.4).
• Delivery of text message: Each sent text message is delivered to all endpoints connected to
the BlueChat network.
• Termination handshake: If the user quits the chat room gracefully, a termination token is
sent to all the other endpoints to indicate its intention. We can clean up the necessary net-
work and runtime resources associated with the leaving endpoint upon receiving this token.
However, if the user walks away from effective range and becomes inaccessible, a termina-
tion token is not sent. Other active endpoints will discover that the leaving party is inacces-
sible when the connections are lost and will clean up the resources (see Figure 12.5).
The NetLayer class is to be implemented for the BlueChat networking layer. It does most of the
Bluetooth-related work and provides the following functionality:
User exits ( )
Exit application ( )
The BlueChat NetLayer’s initial work is to create and register a BlueChat service to a local
device. A Bluetooth service is an entry point for other Bluetooth clients to access available func-
tionalities. Since each BlueChat endpoint can act as a server, it must register its service in order to
make this server available to other BlueChat clients. JABWT utilizes the MIDP generic connection
framework to instantiate a server connection. A BlueChat application needs to instantiate a Serial
Port Profile connection, basically a stream-based connection that allows two BlueChat applications
to exchange data using Java input and output streams.
After a server connection is created, a corresponding ServiceRecord is created for this service.
A ServiceRecord is a collection of attributes that describes our service, and these attributes are
searchable by clients. We can use localDevice.getRecord (server) to retrieve the newly created
The server.acceptAndOpen( ) method notifies the Bluetooth implementation that the appli-
cation is ready to accept incoming connections and make the service available. This also
instructs the underlying implementation to store the ServiceRecord object in the SDDB, which
occurs when server.acceptAndOpen( ) is first invoked. Any subsequent change to the ServiceRecord
must be reflected in the SDDB by using localDevice.updateRecord( ).
Now our BlueChat application is ready to accept a connection. If there is an existing chat
room available, BlueChat should join the existing network by searching for other BlueChat services
on each individual device and by connecting to their services. Three steps must be taken to perform
this action.
The device discovery and service discovery processes are performed in an asynchronous
manner. A Bluetooth application must provide a callback object for the JABWT implementation
to notify when devices or services are found.
To logically represent all the parties in the chat room, we implement the class EndPoint.
From the application-level perspective, an endpoint encapsulates information for each actively
connected BlueChat user and device. BlueChat uses EndPoint to identify which user to send a
message to, and from which user a message is received.
When a user exits BlueChat, the application sends a termination token (SIGNAL_TERMI-
NATE) to all connected parties to signal that the endpoint is no longer active. All receiving parties
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receive ( )
• accept request coming
at port 9200
Decode ( )
• Read message coming at the socket.
• Parses the message
• Decodes message from binary form
to String form
getFromWebServer ( )
• Establishes connection with server
• Sends the decoded request to the Web server
• Receives message from Web Server
Encode ( )
• Parses the response and extracts type of
• Encodes response from Web Server according
to its type
SendReply ( ):
• Sends encoded reply to mobile client
• The gateway sends a result notification to inform the PI of the outcome of the push submis-
sion. This notification reports whether the push message was sent, delivered, expired, can-
celled or there occurred an error.
accept ( )
• accept request coming
at port 9002
getSI ( ):
• Read message coming at the socket
• Separate header, control, content entity
from the message
• Send response to the PI (PUSH Initiator)
parseSI ( ):
• Header fields are retrieved and coded using
• Contents are retrieved and encoded using
WMLencoder, WMLScompiler
sendSI ( ):
• Encoded message is sent through datagram
-Packet at the UDP port 2948 of mobile
also serves the purpose of managing legacy SNMP-based systems. The manager is given the flexi-
bility of deciding whether to use a sequential or parallel approach to monitor the network. In the
sequential approach, only one mobile agent is created with traverses through all the nodes; while
in the parallel approach, as many mobile agents are created, as there are clients, with a different
agent going to each client.
Environment used
We use the aglet API which is a Java package (aglet) consisting of classes and interfaces, most
notably Aglet, AgletProxy, AgletContext, and Message. It is shown in Figure 12.8.
The aglet class is the key class in the aglet API. This is the abstract class that the aglet devel-
oper uses as a base class when he or she creates customized aglets. The Aglet class defines meth-
ods for controlling its own life cycle, namely, methods for cloning, dispatching, deactivating,
and disposing of itself.
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Aglet API
Communication API
Communication Layer
ATP, CORBA, RMI, etc...
The AgletProxy interface acts as a handle of an aglet and provides a common way of
accessing the aglet behind it. Since an aglet class has several public methods that should not be
accessed directly from other aglets for security reasons, any aglet that wants to communicate
with other aglets has to first obtain the proxy, and then interact through this interface. In
other words, the aglet proxy acts as a shield object that protects an aglet from malicious
aglets. Another important role of the AgletProxy interface is to provide the aglet with loca-
tion transparency.
The AgletContext interface is used by an aglet to get information about its environment
and to send messages to the environment, including other aglets currently active in that envi-
ronment. It provides a means for maintaining and managing running aglets in an environment
where the host system is secured against malicious aglets.
Aglets communicate by exchanging objects of the Message class. A string field named ‘kind’
distinguishes messages. This field is set when the message is created. The second parameter of the
message constructor is an optional message argument.
IBM’s Aglets Workbench comes with a graphical user interface for the context. It is called
Tahiti server (aglets-2.0.2) and will be used for creating aglets. It performs the following tasks
and needs to be installed and configured.
(a) Sequential itinerary (hop by hop): In the sequential itinerary, the agent moves to the
clients given in the list given by the AdminGUIAglet, one by one. It instantiates a stationary
agent (StationaryAglet) over the client environment and communicates with it. It sends the
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Dispatch of
network aglet
Dispatch of
network aglet
Return of
the aglet
Network Stationary
aglet aglet
GetLocalInfo message to get the information regarding the client and synchronizes the date
and time of client with the server. If any client is unreachable, then the network aglet stores
this information and moves on to the next host in the list. The Class Diagram for the
Sequential Itinerary is shown in Figure 12.9.
(b) Parallel itinerary (single hop): For the Parallel Itinerary, the AdminGUIAglet creates as
many SimpleAglet agents as the number of clients in the list. Every simple agent moves to its
related client and instantiates a stationary agent (StationaryAglet) over there. It communicates
with the stationary agent via messages to get local info and to set date and time. After doing
so, it returns to the admin host where the gathered information is displayed. The class
diagram for the parallel itinerary is shown in Figure 12.10.
The various classes implemented in the application are shown in these class diagrams and
are self-explanatory.
M12_GARGxxxx_01_SE_C12.qxd 3/12/10 5:51 PM Page 194
ClientGUI ClientGUI
POE technology enables an AP to receive electrical power and data over the same cable. A
power-sourcing device, which connects directly to the power source and is situated between the
LAN switch and the AP, will detect the AP and inject the right amount of electrical current over
unused pairs in the Cat5 Ethernet cable. Besides, cost-savings POE allows flexible AP mounting
locations, easier deployment and better reliability because of a fewer number of cables.
We choose hub-based POE to support multiple (11) APs from a source signal using only one
power outlet.
In this section, we propose an example design. It would be appreciated that this is just one of
many possible solutions. Note that the design is based on the devices/equipment from a particu-
lar vendor.
The layout of the APs is shown in Figure 12.11. The 11 APs are connected to the distribution
switch through Cat5 cable. About 500 users can be supported with a maximum speed of 500 Kbps
30 m
60 m
of wireless access, which is sufficient for gaming, multimedia streaming, file sharing and voice
over Internet protocol (VOIP) applications.
The following devices/software will be used in the design:
1. WLAN security switch (2 numbers): Such a switch provides wireless threat protection and
defends against RF attacks. It provides multicast management and delivers high-quality
video and multimedia. It minimizes service disruption by providing self-healing and
resilient design. The topology is flexible in the sense that APs can connect to it at Layer 2 or 3.
2. WLAN APs (11 numbers): These will be used with the above switches. They have dual radios,
dual POE ETH ports, smoke detector, dual band diversity antennae and temperature control
3. 1-port 1000 Base GBIC (gigabit interface convertor) (4 numbers): This is used to convert elec-
tric signals to serial optical signals and vice versa. It also interfaces a fibre optic system with an
Ethernet system. It can be adapted for either optical or copper applications and hot-swappable,
and can be upgraded to electro-optical communication networks.
4. WLAN management software: It is an integrated tool for pre- and postdevelopment plan-
ning, systemwide configuration and upgrades, ongoing monitoring and reporting. It gener-
ates a detailed map showing calculated RF coverage and floor plan. It can calculate WLAN
topology, AP placement and configurations, including power level and channel settings.
5. Ethernet routing switch with 24 POE ports: This is an 8-rack unit high switch, supporting up
to 384 ports of Gigabit desktop connectivity and providing hardware-based Layer 3 routing
at wire speed.
(these are called passive motes or PM). Each of these devices has a unique identification number
and is in persistent connection with the base station or central server on which the application
runs; the VI also wears a Mica2 mote (called active mote or AM). This underlying network helps
to locate the VI’s present location.
2. Marking the destination: A wireless collar microphone and speech recognition
module is provided to the VI to mark his destination, by speaking into it. The speech is
converted into text using JAPI at the base station. The path-finding module is run next,
which takes the current location of the VI and destination name as inputs, operates on a data-
base containing the topology of the network, to give the best route using the shortest path
3. Information presentation: Information is presented to the VI in a fairly simple man-
ner. The database contains the distances between the choke points in terms of standard steps
(of size ⫽ 1.75 ft), so when the path has been calculated the VI gets auditory cues like ‘move
7 steps ahead’, ‘turn right’, ‘staircase ahead 10 steps,’ etc., using a Bluetooth headphone worn
by him.
4. Contextual information: While the VI is directed to the destination, it is to be ensured
that he is given the direction of the nearest choke point only. When he reaches there, he is informed
where he is, for example, ‘in front of the Head’s office’. From there, he gets the directions to the
next choke point and so on until the destination is reached.
Figure 12.12 shows the block diagram depicting the proposed orientation system. For details,
the reader is referred to Gupta and Chaturvedi (2006).
I: Initial
position of VI
Door Door
10 steps 5 steps Turn
D1 D2
ahead ahead right
Path: I D1 D2 F
5 steps
Central server
MIB510 board D3 left
into F
F: Destination
12.8 Summar y
No book on mobile computing can be considered complete without a provision for hands-on ex-
perience in the simulation, design and/or implementation of various areas/topics discussed in
the chapters in the book. Many hardware and software projects can be thought of in these areas
and need to be taken up to thoroughly understand the related topics. Some of these topics are
Mobile IP and its implementation; design of IEEE 802.11 LAN for buildings like hostels, restau-
rants, etc.; use of wireless sensor networks in environment sensing; simulation and comparison
of MANET protocols; chatting and other related applications using Bluetooth; gateway design for
WAP; mobile agent applications in network monitoring and information retrieval, etc. These are
only some examples of projects that can be carried out by students. Many variations and other
extension projects are possible to carry out, as mentioned in the problems given below, but de-
tails of these cannot be given here. Readers are advised to try implementing these by themselves.
1. Extensions for TCP in the wireless environment have been discussed in Chapter 5. Simulate
these using the Qualnet simulator.
2. Design Mobile IP by incorporating optimization in routing, that is, without triangular
3. Give a paper design for providing Wi-Fi in a small hotel, on the lines of the design for a
typical hostel as given in this chapter.
4. Many new protocols have been proposed recently for Manets, for example, TORA. Simulate
TORA on Qualnet and compare its performance with that of AODV.
5. JADE is a new, open source mobile agent platform in Java. Design and implement a software
distribution system using JADE mobile agents.
6. Design a two-player chess program to be played on handheld devices using Bluetooth.
7. Design a data compression application using TinyOS on a wireless sensor network of mica
8. Design a security system for Manets using the IP address of the nodes to generate the
symmetric keys for encryption/decryption.
9. JSim is another simulator available for wireless networks. Simulate the impact of routing
attacks in unicast and multicast routing protocols in Manets.
10. Design a Personal Information Manager on a typical PDA using an emulator.
Multiple-choice questions
1. Which one of the following is used by the mobile node for registration in Mobile IP?
(a) Solicitation
(b) Advertisement
(c) Visitor list
(d) Binding record
M12_GARGxxxx_01_SE_C12.qxd 3/18/10 8:11 PM Page 199
2. Which one of the following is used to ensure that packets form the mobile node are not
rejected in Mobile IP?
(a) IP forwarding
(b) IP masquerading
(c) Spoof protection
(d) Proxy ARP
3. Which one of the following parameters is normally used to simulate the traffic type in
Manet simulation?
(a) Constant bit rate
(b) Available bit rate
(c) Variable bit rate
(d) Real-time variable bit rate
4. Which one of the following is used for providing portable Java applications in Bluetooth?
(a) JABT
(c) JBT
(d) JABA
5. Which one of the following is the facility provided by the SDDB?
(a) Abstract database of records
(b) Collection of attributes for Bluetooth services
(c) Update and retrieval of service records
(d) All of the above
6. Which one of the following port numbers is used to create a server in the WAP Gateway
(a) 9000
(b) 9100
(c) 9200
(d) 9300
7. To determine whether a push message is valid, we use DTD. Which one of the following is
the full form of DTD?
(a) Database Type Definition
(b) Document Type Definition
(c) Database Type Data
(d) Document Type Data
8. Which one of the following is the function of the Tahiti Server in the IBM Workbench?
(a) Creating and loading aglets
(b) Despatching and retracting aglets
(c) Loading class files and invoking run()
(d) All of the above
9. Which one of the following standards is best for setting up a Wi-Fi system in a typical hostel?
(a) IEEE 80 1.a
(b) IEEE 801.b
(c) IEEE 801.g
(d) All of the above
M12_GARGxxxx_01_SE_C12.qxd 3/18/10 8:09 PM Page 200
10. Which one of the following is the function of Java Speech API (JASPI)?
(a) Converting speech to text
(b) Converting text to speech
(c) Neither of the above
(d) Both of the above
Further reading
A.M. Law and W.D. Kelton (1991), Simulation Modeling and Analysis (New York: McGraw-Hill).
A.S. Tanenbaum (2003), Computer Networks, 4th ed. (New Delhi, India: Prentice Hall India).
D. Horvat, D. Cvetkovic and V. Milutinovic, (2000), ‘Mobile Agents and Java Aglet Toolkits’, in
Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2000),
Hawaii, USA, January 2000, pp. 3090–3099.
D.B. Lange and M. Oshima (1998), Programming and Deploying Java Mobile Agents with Aglets
H. Schildt (2001), Java the Complete Reference, 4th ed. (McGraw-Hill).
J. Hsu, S. Bhatia, M. Takai and R. Bagrodia (2005), ‘Performance of Mobile Ad Hoc Networking
Routing Protocols in Realistic Scenarios’, Scalable Network Technologies Inc. report.
JavaTM APIs for Bluetooth (JSR-82), (accessed May 2005).
MIDP 1.0: Introduction to MIDlet Programming Forum Nokia, 2004,
(accessed May 2005).
P.K. Gupta and A. Chaturvedi (2006), ‘DRISHTI—Indoor orientation for visually impaired’,
B.Tech. project, IIT Roorkee.
Specification of the Bluetooth System, Version 1.1, Volume 1: Core,
(accessed July 2005).
Sun Blueprint, ‘Designing Wireless Clients for Enterprise Applications with Java’,
(accessed October 2006).
WAP Forum (2001), ‘Wireless Application Protocol Architecture Specification’,
(accessed July 2001). (accessed May 2006).
Z01_GARGxxxx_01_SE_APP1.qxd 4/5/10 4:58 PM Page 201
Appendix A
Java Networ k Programming
he basis of all mobile computing is distributed process communication. Software processes,
whether in the same system or remote to each other, must cooperate and communicate
with each other to complete any task. With the advent of networking, processes have
become more and more distant from each other, and there is a need to provide efficient commu-
nication between them. With fixed systems, this is not much of an issue these days, but as nodes
and their processes become mobile, initiation and continuance of such interprocess communica-
tion has become important. Security is also a major issue in mobile and wireless systems, hence
the dominance of Java language for programming such systems.
In this appendix, we present an introduction to Java as a network programming lan-
guage. We shall assume here that the reader is familiar with Java as an object-oriented program-
ming language similar to C⫹⫹ in its general syntax and semantics; also that the Java source code
is compiled into a standardized and platform-neutral byte code, which is interpreted and exe-
cuted on the fly by a Java runtime environment (JRE) in the operating system (OS). The byte
code interpreter is called a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and translates the generic instructions
into native commands of the specific OS or processor, the application is currently running on.
For a comprehensive introduction to Java programming, the reader is referred to Schildt (2002).
We shall see the ways and means in which the Java language is used for developing platform-
independent software and how it supports security in mobile systems. Also discussed are some of
the basic techniques of distributed process communication. These include sockets, remote proce-
dure call (RPC) and its Java incarnation, the remote method invocation (RMI). It is assumed that
the reader is already familiar with the concepts of client/server computing.
Z01_GARGxxxx_01_SE_APP1.qxd 4/5/10 4:58 PM Page 202
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class SimpleApplet extends Applet {
public void paint (Graphics g) {
g.drawstring ('A Simple Applet', 20,20);
Note that the abstract window toolkit (AWT) class shown above contains support for a window-
based, graphical interface and applets that interact with the user through the AWT, not through
the console-based I/O classes. The applet package contains the class applet, and every applet that
is created must be a subclass of applet.
For downloadable programs like applets to run successfully, two important problems associ-
ated with them have to be addressed—portability and security. The importance of Java lies in the
fact that it addresses both these problems efficiently and elegantly.
In this book, the emphasis has been on mobile objects and their secure communication. One
of the most important aspects of Java for mobile and distributed object computing is its security
properties. Java is inherently a type-safe language. It has strong typing, true arrays with bounds
checking and no pointers. These restrictions make it impossible for a Java program to construct a
pointer to read and write arbitrary memory locations.
Java security technology includes a large set of APIs, tools and implementations of com-
monly used security algorithms, mechanisms and protocols. The Java security APIs include
many areas, like cryptography, public key infrastructure, secure communication, authentica-
tion and access control. Java security technology provides the developer with a comprehensive
security framework for writing applications. It also provides the user or administrator with a
set of tools to securely manage applications. Underlying the Java security platform is a dy-
namic, extensible security architecture, which is standards-based and interoperable. Security
features like cryptography, authentication and authorization, public key infrastructure, etc.,
are built in.
The Java security model was originally based on a customizable ‘sandbox’ in which Java soft-
ware programs could run safely, without potential risk to systems or users, from malicious Java
code, like viruses and Trojan horses. This original Java sandbox model is shown in Figure A.1.
It provided a very restricted environment to run untrusted code. The basic idea was that
Remote code
downloaded code such as an applet could not be trusted and therefore should not access vital
resources such as the file system. Local code, however, was trusted and had full access to the
The J2SDK v1.4 has enhanced its security and provides a security model that is policy-based.
It is easily configurable and provides fine-grained access control. The policy guards a resource
and specifies which permissions are available. Unless permission is granted to access a protected
resource, the code cannot access it. This access control can be specified for all Java code such as
applications, beans and applets. See Figure A.2. The concept that all local code is trusted has been
The classes in the package form the basis for authenticating signed Java classes.
It is a complex application-programming interface (API) responsible for providing the security
provider interface, the message digests, the keys and certificates, the digital signatures and
encryption. The java.policy file in this package specifies the security policies. A particular policy
can be specified within one or more policy configuration files. These files contain a list of entries
that map the permissions allowed for code from specific sources. The policy configuration file
contains a keystore entry to look up the public keys of the signers in the entries.
Most mobile computing applications require security to be implemented. The above built-in
facilities in Java make it easier to write secure applications, as compared to code written in other
languages, where security features are afterthought add-ons only.
On the Internet, we refer to a TCP or a UDP socket (Java stream socket or datagram socket),
which is made up of an Internet protocol (IP) address concatenated with a port number. The IP
address may be a 32-bit IPv4 address or a 128-bit IPv6 address. A port is a 16-bit number local to
the host.
To obtain TCP service, a connection must be explicitly established between a socket on the
sending machine and a socket on the receiving machine. For example, a server waits for incom-
ing requests by listening to a specified port. When a request is received, the server accepts a con-
nection from the client socket to complete the connection.
Some specific or standard service servers have been defined, which listen to well-known
ports. All such ports are numbered below 1024. For example, the telnet port is 23, the file trans-
fer port (ftp) is 21, the Web (http) port is 80, the e-mail port is 25 and the time-of-day port is 13.
All user-defined or arbitrary ports have a number greater than 1024.
While writing a program for a typical client-server communicating through sockets, the follow-
ing two sockets must be created:
The server class creates a server-socket s and attaches it to port 8000 using the statement:
The server then starts to listen for connection requests using the statement:
The server waits until a client requests a connection. Once connected, it reads the data sent
from the client through an input stream, processes it as required and sends the result to the
client through the output stream.
The client uses the following statement to create a socket that will request a connection to
the server at port 8000.
While (true)
{ Socket connectToClient ⫽ s.accept( );
Thread t ⫽ new ThreadClass(connectYoClient);
The above server socket can have many connections. Each iteration of the while loop creates a
new connection. When the connection is established, a new thread is created to handle the com-
munication between the server and this new client, which allows multiple connections to run at
the same time.
For practice in programming with sockets, the reader is referred to Liang (1998), Schildt
(2002) and Horstmann and Cornell (2007).
Z01_GARGxxxx_01_SE_APP1.qxd 4/5/10 4:58 PM Page 205
Primitive Meaning
There are many socket primitives/calls that can be used. Sockets calls and their meanings
and functions are listed in Table A.1 above.
Procedure call
Assume that entity A needs the services of entity B in order to carry out its purpose, and B in turn
needs the services of entity C in order to fulfill its obligation to A.
The procedure call technique is fast and, because of its sequential nature, makes it easy to
follow a program’s flow of execution. However, it is also inherently synchronous and difficult to
parallelize. Java’s RMI system is based on the procedure call technique.
Callback technique
This scenario is similar to what we saw with the procedure call technique; however, instead of
asking and then waiting for something, entities A and B ask for something and then continue on
with their tasks. When entities B and C have done whatever they were asked to do, they call back
the original caller and give it what it asked for. The original caller must stop what it is doing and
deal with the callback.
2 3 2 3
Entity C Entity C
Entity B
2 3
Entity C
The callback technique is useful because it permits truly asynchronous processing. However,
it is also complicated, and makes the program’s flow of execution more difficult to follow. Java’s
GUI toolkits (AWT—Advanced Windowing Tool Kit and Swing—a package which provides plat-
form independent programming) are based on the callback technique.
Mailbox technique
Here, entity A asks entity B to do something and tells entity B to put the finished result in its
mailbox. Entity A then goes about its business, checking the mailbox periodically to see if entity
B is finished. Or entity A may simply stop and wait for entity B to finish its part, as in the proce-
dure call technique. Entities B and C interact in the same way.
The mailbox technique is more difficult to implement than either of the other two tech-
niques; however, it allows for asynchronous processing, while at the same time avoiding the
problem of the confusing flow of execution. These two factors turn out to be very important in
distributed systems.
However, when processes are remote to each other, as in a network, they use a remote pro-
cedure call (RPC) mechanism based on the message-passing primitives send and reply to com-
municate with each other. RPC message traffic takes the form of a request message from a client
to a server followed by a reply message from the server back to the client, very much like calling
a procedure. This is shown in Figure A.6.
1 Client Server 5
Client stub stub Server
2 4
Figure A.6 Remote procedure call mechanism
Z01_GARGxxxx_01_SE_APP1.qxd 4/5/10 4:58 PM Page 207
Here, 1 and 5 are procedure calls, 2 and 4 are procedure returns and 3 is a message.
RPC is a better mechanism for communication than sockets. It manages the channel better
in the sense that the application program can be written such that the location of the procedure,
whether local or remote, is transparent to the client and the server. It is also a higher-level com-
munication method when compared to sockets.
Local path
Server program Client program
Skeleton Stub
user’s input at client. To create this application, the first step is to define a remote interface
between the client and server objects, as follows:
Then, we develop the remote object and its interface. The server is a simple unicast remote server.
We create server by extending java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject as follows:
In the main method of the server object, the RMI security manager is created and installed. It
protects access to system resources from untrusted downloaded code.
System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
The server will use the java.rmi.Naming class to bind its name to the registry. We call it
Naming.rebind('DATE-SERVER', Server);
In the next step, we develop a client program ( In order for the client object
to invoke methods on the server, it must first look up the name of server in the registry. We use
the java.rmi.Naming class to lookup the server name.
The remote method is then invoked using the remote interface name (remoteObject) as
prefix and the remote method name (getTime) as suffix.
Once the implementation is complete, we need to generate the stub and skeleton code. The
RMI system provides an RMI compiler (rmic) that takes the generated interface class and
Z01_GARGxxxx_01_SE_APP1.qxd 4/5/10 4:58 PM Page 209
procedures stub code on itself. Here, we also have to include a simple file security.policy with
contents as follows:
grant {
Put all Java files inside a folder and execute the following commands from inside that folder.
start rmiregistry
rmic DateServerImpl
java⫽security.policy DateServerImpl
java⫽security.policy DateClient
One basic disadvantage with RMI is in not providing interoperability. Since RMI uses object
serialization for marshalling, it provides a Java-only solution. RMI cannot be used to communi-
cate between Java applications and those written in other languages like C⫹⫹. This disadvantage
is removed in CORBA (common object request broker architecture).
CORBA is a middleware that allows interoperability between the heterogeneous client and
server applications for communication. Together with OLE (object linking and embedding), it
provides a language-neutral, distributed object framework for network access. For example, a
C⫹⫹ program could use CORBA to access a database service written in COBOL. CORBA was
created and is managed by the Object Management Group (OMG), an open standards body with
more than 700 companies as members. For more information on CORBA, the reader is referred to
Orfali and Harkey (1998).
Further reading
A.S. Tanenbaum (2003), Computer Networks, 4th ed. (New Delhi, India: Prentice Hall India).
C.S. Horstmann and G. Cornell (2007), Core Java 2, Vol. 1—Fundamentals, 7th ed. (New Delhi,
India: Pearson Education).
C.S. Horstmann and G. Cornell (2007), Core Java 2, Vol. 2— Advanced Features, 7th ed. (New
Delhi, India: Pearson Education).
H. Schildt (2002), Java 2: The Complete Reference, 5th ed. (New Delhi, India: Tata McGraw-Hill). (accessed July 2007).
R. Helton and J. Helton (2002), Mastering Java Security: Cryptography, Algorithms and Architecture
(Wiley Dreamtech).
R. Orfali and D. Harkey (1998), Client-Server Programming with Java and CORBA (John Wiley &
S. Oaks (2001), Java Security (O’Reilly Publishers).
W.R. Stevens (1998), UNIX Network Programming (New Delhi, India: Prentice Hall India).
Y.D. Liang (1998), An Introduction to Java Programming (New Delhi, India: Prentice Hall India).
Z01_GARGxxxx_01_SE_APP1.qxd 4/5/10 4:58 PM Page 210
Appendix B
Comparison Betw een Qualnet
and NS2
n this appendix, we provide a comparison of the two simulators Qualnet and NS2 used in net-
working. While NS2 is a freely downloadable software, Qualnet is proprietary. The comparison
is given in Table B.1.
Qualnet NS2
1. Commercial simulator , based upon GloMoSim 1. Freely available for research and
simulator. educational pur poses.
2. Uses the parallel simulation en vironment for 2. Runs on a single machine, no parallel
complex systems (P ARSEC) for basic operations, execution suppor t in NS2.
hence can r un on distributed machines.
3. Mainly de veloped for wireless scenario 3. Mainly de veloped for wired networ ks,
simulations, but wired networ ks also suppor ted. but its CMU extension facilitates the
wireless networ k simulation.
4. Qualnet includes a graphical user interface 4. To create and simulate a model, we have
for creating the model and its specification. to specify all connections in a special
So, it is ver y easy to specify small to medium model file manually . Uses OTcl for model
networks by using the GUI. file specifications.
5. Since it uses primarily Ja va for the GUI, 5. It is designed for Unix systems but r uns
it is a vailable for Linux as w ell as for Windows. under Windows CygWin as w ell.
The simulator itself is the specified target
system optimized C program.
6. Faster simulation speeds and greater 6. Not as fast and scalable.
scalability are achie vable through smar t
architecture and optimized memor y
management of Qualnet.
7. Not used much in research as it is not freely 7. Widely used for research, hence large
available, hence lesser suppor t (code samples number of resources a vailable on W eb.
etc) available on W eb.
8. Simulation of wireless sensor networ ks is 8. No such suppor t available as of now .
suppor ted in Qualnet 4.5 (using ZigBee librar y).
Z02_GARGxxxx_01_SE_APP2.qxd 4/5/10 5:01 PM Page 212
Qualnet NS2
9. Simulation of GSM mobile networ ks also 9. GSM not suppor ted in NS2.
suppor ted.
10. Includes a variety of advanced libraries such as 10. These advanced libraries for wireless
mesh networ king, battery models, network suppor t are not a vailable in NS2.
security toolkit, and a large number of protocols
at different la yers.
11. Includes a 3D visualizer for better visualization 11. 2D animator (NAM) is used with NS2.
of a scenario.
12. Much easier for beginner s who w ant to 12. Requires knowledge of Tcl scripting
evaluate and test different existing routing before you can begin with NS2.
protocols, as it can be done with GUI, without
writing even a single line of code.
13. For implementing ne w protocols, Qualnet 13. NS2 also uses C++ for ne w protocol/
uses C/C++ and follows a procedural model de velopment, but it uses object-
paradigm. oriented paradigm (usage of different
classes) for programming .
Overall, in the current research on networks, NS2 is preferred as it is open source and freely
available. There are plenty of resources freely available for NS2 (in terms of protocol code, mobility
models, etc) on the Web, which have been developed by researchers. On the other hand, support
for Qualnet is available only from its official forums.
For wireless networks simulation, Qualnet seems to be a good choice due to its rich libraries
for wireless.
For those who just want to evaluate the performance of various existing protocols, Qualnet
is undoubtedly a better choice, due to its ease of usage and better visualization tools.
Further reading
J. Hsu, S. Bhatia, M. Takai and R. Bagrodia (2005), ‘Performance of Mobile Ad Hoc Networking
Routing Protocols in Realistic Scenarios’, Scalable Network Technologies Inc. report.
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Index 215
Index 217